
Bespoke Balloonery launch kits to make your own giant decorations

The stylish among you will probably have long admired the work of Heidi Moore Gill and Bespoke Balloonery. Their trademark giant balloons with beautiful embellishments can be seen at some of Sydney’s coolest events and even my wedding last year…

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I’m sure many more people would love these creations than they have time to cater for and let’s face it, we don’t all have the budget. But now you can DIY and at a fraction of the price of commissioning Bespoke Balloonery to look after your event. Got a kids party coming up? Your wedding perhaps? I foresee giant balloons all over the land…

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From $40 each, you can buy a variety of balloon and tassel kits and even the beautiful tulle wrapped balloons, online. Everything you need arrives flatpacked, ready for simple assembly. Then you just add imagination, creativity and style!

Bespoke Balloonery’s work at my wedding last year

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Shop online at Bespoke Balloonery.

Interiors Addict

Get the look: the Interiors Addict guide to wedding styling

Today it’s 2 months since I married my love. How times flies when you’re honeymooning, moving house and enjoying married life! Before I completely let go of being a recent bride and get on with being a wife, I thought I’d share one last wedding post with you, this time about the styling aspect.

interiors addict wedding styling

It will come as no surprise that I was more interested in what my wedding would look like than what I’d look like! I don’t DO dresses. I do however, do decor! So I had a lot of fun with this part of wedding planning. Here are some highlights and details of all my suppliers.

Perhaps the most talked about things at my wedding were: the dress, the flowers and the vintage caravan which I had arranged to serve tea and biscuits (I know, how English) as a fun and pretty time-killer after church and before the reception. That Vintage Caravan were brilliant. I’d seen their pink caravan (Sweet Jane’s Travelling Teahouse) at events before but when I found out they had a new addition, Spencer, who was not only very handsome but also navy and therefore on colour scheme, it was just meant to be!


Suffice to say none of my guests had ever been to a wedding where they served tea from a caravan parked on the street outside the church before and everyone said it was “very Jen”. The priest, in his wisdom, didn’t hesitate to give us the go ahead. Kelly Holcroft and her team did a top job of styling the grassy area around Spencer too, which suited the relaxed, pretty vibe we were going for. Total event professionals!