
Bespoke Balloonery launch kits to make your own giant decorations

The stylish among you will probably have long admired the work of Heidi Moore Gill and Bespoke Balloonery. Their trademark giant balloons with beautiful embellishments can be seen at some of Sydney’s coolest events and even my wedding last year…

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I’m sure many more people would love these creations than they have time to cater for and let’s face it, we don’t all have the budget. But now you can DIY and at a fraction of the price of commissioning Bespoke Balloonery to look after your event. Got a kids party coming up? Your wedding perhaps? I foresee giant balloons all over the land…

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From $40 each, you can buy a variety of balloon and tassel kits and even the beautiful tulle wrapped balloons, online. Everything you need arrives flatpacked, ready for simple assembly. Then you just add imagination, creativity and style!

Bespoke Balloonery’s work at my wedding last year

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Shop online at Bespoke Balloonery.

Interiors Addict

10 things I learned from planning our wedding

1. A wedding planner or on-the-day co-ordinator can be a lifesaver! We used the lovely Katie Moore from Piccadilly Events. I was all over every detail of our wedding. I had spreadsheets and lists; LOTS of lists. So I wasn’t sure I really needed someone to help on the day (as well as my many generous friends who got stuck in) because I thought I’d already organised everything. Wrong! When there’s a wedding there is ALWAYS something else that needs doing! Katie was our wedding angel. So many guests commented on how fabulous she was.

That's Katie behind the flowers!
That’s Katie behind the flowers!

As well as the million things she probably did that I knew nothing about, she took the flowers from the church to the reception, made sure everyone knew where they should be and when and made sure my dad had a torch to read his speech with (he was seriously nervous that his eyesight was going to let him down, although I was of course oblivious!). When I arrived at the church, she produced a small tin of M&Ms, offered them to me and said: “Sugar hit?” Brilliant! Katie came to our rehearsal too so she knew the plan for the day as well as I did (we merged our respective run sheets!) and who all the key players were. I thoroughly recommend having someone like Katie as a go-to girl on the day. I told everyone that if they had any issues at all they should go and speak to the girl in the yellow dress (yes, she even told me what she’d be wearing in advance).

And she did all of this IN HEELS.

2. While we’re on the subject of extra pairs of hands, the next thing I learned (after a while) is that it’s okay to ask for help.