
The winners, emotions (and editing) from Block auction night

Going into last night’s auction I wasn’t sure how to think. The series before, Triple Threat, was a huge success. And I mean huge, with The Block giving away $3 million. However, the auction before, well that’s arguably best left alone in the history books! So how was The Blocktagon going to fare? Turns out, very well.

Let’s begin!

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The episode started with the contestants finding out their reserves. This was interrupted by Suzi apologising to the contestants (for those who stay away from any and all tabloid drama, let’s say she’s been having a few issues of late). I thought it was really good of her to confront it head on and give an eloquent “I’m sorry.” Well done! So, once that was done, onto the reserves? Ah, well nearly. We had to sit through a hugely time-consuming, overt sponsorship-package of virtual glasses, which saw the contestants put them on to try find the keys to the briefcases that held their reserves. What a waste of time! Many minutes later, they’d found the keys. “That’s 10 minutes I won’t get back,” said Scotty. You and me both, buddy!

So with the keys retrieved, they opened their briefcases to find their reserves. I can’t say there were any surprises, with the prices going up consecutively from apartment one-to-five. Ranging from Caro and Kingi on $1.33 million (they got to deduct $10,000 as a result of their challenge apartment win) and Shay and Dean on $1.645 (who got to deduct $15,000). In my mind, it was always between these two, and now it was time for the apartments to go under the hammer.

Caro and Kingi
Caro and Kingi

First up were Caro and Kingi with apartment one. Now there’s quite a dramatic tale behind the auction order and them scoring position number one. Initially, in a previous episode, they had gotten number five and Luke and Ebony had received one. However, in probably the noblest move I’ve ever seen on reality TV, the second-chance siblings swapped positions after they all agreed Caro and Kingi would struggle to sell (being the lowest level apartment) if they were last. What good eggs!

So Caro and Kingi’s reserve was set at $1.33 million and it was time to start bidding. First bid? $150,000 above reserve. And from there it just kept going! Suddenly the profit was at $320k. “Did you pay off your mortgage?” said Scotty. “Yes, just then!” said Kingi. This is why I love The Block. It started slowing down and the bids were rising by $5,000 for ages. Finally there was last call and the couple ended up with a final bid of $1.735 million and a profit of $405,000. Fabulous job.

Vonni and Suzi
Vonni and Suzi

Next up was apartment three with Vonni and Suzi and a reserve of $1.48 million. Now, we’ve always known their apartment was looking for a very specific buyer. My hope, was that buyer was actually at the auction. Waiting for the bids to start Scotty had a chat with the best friends about how they went on the show for their kids. “When I felt like giving up, that’s who I thought of,” said Vonni. Oh, the emotion. And that’s not sarcasm, I actually find this stuff very moving (don’t judge). Ok, let’s get on with it.

Opening bid went straight over reserve by $30,000. Then $120,000. Two serious bidders were in play but by the time it got to a profit of $280,000 it seemed like it could all be over. Which, obviously is great money. But the fact they had to split it down the middle and it was significantly off Caro and Kingi’s winnings, I wanted them to get more. And more they did. After what felt like pulling teeth, the girls walked away with a final bid of $1.829 million and a profit of $349,000. I know they were an extremely polarising team, but there’s no doubt they deserved it.

Shay and Dean
Shay and Dean

Now it was Shay and Dean’s turn. Let’s admit it, they were the favourites from the get go. Having tried out for The Block countless times they were finally at auction day and my oh my, did I have high hopes. Their penthouse’s reserve was set at $1.645 million and their apartment (thanks to previous wins) came with a car and $10,000 in cash! To take out the show, they needed to sell for over $2 million!

The first bid went $5,000 over reserve and then it started moving fast. Very fast. Even Scotty, who seems to have God-like mathematical skills, was struggling to keep up. In no time at all they were closing in on $2 million and were $345,000 over reserve. And then the bids passed $2 million, then $2.1 and $2.2, and finally the closing bid was $2.3 million with a profit of $655,000. Wow. Just wow. What crazy money.

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Andy and Whitney

Next it was Andy and Whitney with apartment two and a reserve of $1.4 million. We immediately hit awkward territory when they sat down with Scotty as a result of him bringing up that they were no longer together (another story that’s been going tabloid crazy!). I must admit I deal horrendously with cringeworthy television and when Scotty started talking about them dating other people I nearly threw my phone at the TV to make it stop. But luckily, Scotty stopped himself, and with Andy and Whitney agreeing to split the profits equally, it was time for the auction to start.

The first bid started at $60,000 over reserve. It jumped up quickly and not long after they were $200,000 over reserve. The bids were pretty slow from there on. Whitney said she wanted to pay off her parents’ mortgage which was very sweet, I just hope she gets some to keep. We got up to $360,000 over reserve and then the bids started getting into silly territory. Jumping up by just $2,500. At the end, the final bid was $1.79 million, scoring a profit of $390,000. Not a bad effort from the underdogs.

Luke and Ebony
Luke and Ebony

Lucky last was Luke and Ebony. I must say it’s taken me to the final episode, but Luke is my favourite. How excited he’s been throughout all the auctions and how much encouragement he’s been shouting, he clearly wants everyone to do well. So Luke (and Ebony) I hope the same goes for you. Oh wait, why are ex-contestants Ayden and Jess here? Literally, what is the point? They’ve just randomly popped in to say good luck to the siblings. It’s time-wasting rubbish like this that drives me insane. The virtual glasses, then this. Really?! Get on with it!

With a reserve of $1.56 million, the first bid came in at $50,000 over reserve. And then. Well then nothing. It went quiet. Depressing music started playing in the background, and there were close-ups of faces. So many close-ups. I could tell what the producers were doing and I was not loving it. For minutes it sat at the same bid. And after Luke and Ebony had graciously swapped positions with Caro and Kingi, they had to get more money. They had to! And… ad break. Typical.

We’re back and obviously we have to replay the sadness. Goodness this would be a crap end to the season. And then. What! Suddenly it jumped to $170,000 over reserve and then $340,000 over reserve. This makes no sense. I feel like I’ve just got played by the producers. There’s no way that happened like that in real life. No way. Heavy editing at play.

Now the bids were going super fast and in no time at all, Luke and Ebony had made over half a million in profit. Were they going to beat Shay and Dean? Close, but not quite, coming in with a final bid of $2.2 million and a profit of $640,000. Over $300,000 each! So there you have it, being selfless pays off. A lesson for all the kids out there!

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With Shay and Dean coming out on top they took home an extra $100,000, taking their grand total to $755,000. Amazing! In the end everyone did so well, and they’re always the best auctions to watch… until next year!

Photo credit: Channel 9

Read all our Block coverage.

Appliances House Tours The Block

The Block’s week 7 kitchen reveals

I always love kitchen week on The Block! I’ve got to say I didn’t fall in love with any of the kitchens overall, rather I liked elements of each of them. I’m sure I’ve been much more impressed in previous series. Do you agree?

Winning by half a point were the eminently likeable Caro and Kingi with 29. Yay! Shay and Dean were clearly disappointed to have taken a gamble on swapping their floorplan and overcoming so many hurdles and not taken home the prize with 28.5. Last week’s winners Luke and Ebony continued to up their game, coming third with 27. Then it was fourth place and 25.5 for Whitney and Andy and a disappointing last place and 25 for Suzi and Vonni. Looks like Whitney and Andy being rather unhelpful to the Gold Coast girls during the week may have just worked out for them!

Kingi & Caro


Their touchscreen splashback certainly impressed with Romy Alwill (replacing Darren Palmer this week) saying she’d love one and Shaynna agreeing “that’s hot.”

When the second dishwasher and sink were revealed in the butler’s pantry, Neale declared they really had thought of everything.


Shaynna and Neale disagreed over the popup powerpoint on the benchtop, but overall it was good news, with Romy calling it the perfect modern apartment kitchen and Neale saying it felt like the hero of the apartment.

Shaynna sealed the deal, saying it was hot, sexy, sophisticated and very hard to beat. And, as it turns out, she was right, eh?!

Our pick to buy: marble pinch pots | marble serving board | touchscreen splashback

Whitney & Andy


There were positives and negatives for this one. It started well with the judges loving its fresh look and Shaynna saying it had the sophistication level they were going for in the master bedroom. Neale thought the exposed brick behind glass looked great. After that however, it all went a bit downhill.

Romy picked up the inconsistency with details, like the retro stove jarring with the other more modern appliances. Shaynna didn’t like the dead space “dancefloor” and Romy was perplexed by the dead spaces either side of the bench.


Neale agreed it was visually quite negative and felt like it was waiting for something to be installed. And Shaynna found the herb garden a bit something and nothing. Neale did conclude however that it was their strongest room to date and if they brought the others up to this standard they would do really well.

Our pick to buy: Velletri stools | pendant lights

Suzi & Vonni


These two were clearly very confident about their kitchen but ended up coming last. Their statement teppanyaki bench however got mixed reviews from the judges. Their tight budget saw them swap Christian Cole stools for replica Tolix from Aldi but nobody seemed too bothered!

First impressions were good. Shaynna loved it and said it was a great entertainer’s kitchen. She loved the idea of cooking in the centre with people sitting around. Romy agreed and said it had better proportions than the other kitchens.


Romy didn’t like the two rangehoods though and Neale started to realise he wasn’t a fan of all the black. “A lot of people will walk in and think this is an amazing kitchen, but for me it’s about the connect emotionally and I don’t want to sit in this one. It’s not warm and appealing, it’s relentlessly black. Nothing makes me feel particularly good about being in here.”

Our pick to buy: Aspar handwashcandle

Luke & Ebony


After their first win last week, things were looking up for the second chance siblings and this week brought more positive comments. Shaynna said the kitchen felt bright, light and good. Neale said the brother and sister had really hit their stride and he liked it a lot.

Romy said the detail was beautiful, giving it the soul missing in Suzi and Vonni’s kitchen.


Shaynna was “disturbed” by the sink and thought it took up valuable bench space. And nobody really got the second small sink and its disproportionately huge tap!

Neale did say thought that it was going to be the most liveable and luxurious space.

Our pick to buy: Brass flowerpot | wooden butter knife

Shay & Dean


After their huge gamble of swapping the living room and kitchen, you couldn’t help but feel bad for these two when they came second by just half a point! The view from the window was indeed a showstopper and all the judges loved it and agreed they’d made a great decision, especially when they saw the pantry they had achieved by cutting into their study space.

Shaynna called it a knockout and said the bench seating against the window was the star. Neale said it really deserved the term wow factor. “I actually really love it in this position,” Shaynna said. “People will instantly see themselves living in this space.” Neale said people were sure to fall in love with it and that the styling was superb.

shay dean 2

It wasn’t all praise though and Shaynna thought the massive dead space could have been filled with a much bigger bench. Shockingly, the storage queen also said the overhead cupboard were surplus to requirements and she would have brought the mirrored splashback up to the ceiling instead.

Our pick to buy: brass plant mister | vertical garden | large copper pitcher

Which was your favourite?








Expert Tips The Block

How to paint exposed brick for your own Block look

If you liked last week’s exposed brick look in Whitney and Andy’s guest bedroom on The Block, you might be inspired to do something similar in your home. Taubmans’ technical customer service officer Wayne Heaver tells us how…


Painting the walls in your home is an effective and inexpensive way to refresh and update any room, no matter what the surface of your walls may be. If you have an exposed brick wall in your home, don’t let that stop you from adding some colour and transforming the room to the look and style you want. Here are my top three tips for painting exposed brick walls in your home.

  1. Preparation is key

A wise man once said ‘preparation is the key to success’ and I couldn’t agree more – especially when painting your home! Your walls act as the canvas for your artistic vision of the room you’d like to create in your home. A properly prepared wall will ensure you make your job easier and help you to achieve a vibrant, long-lasting finish.

Start by thoroughly washing your brick wall with a mild soap solution of household detergent and water to remove all dust, dirt and other contaminants. Once it’s clean, give it a rinse and ensure it’s completely dry before you continue.

  1. Prime before you paint

When painting exposed brick, it’s important to prime your surface first. Use a high performance primer, like Taubmans 3-in-1 on the bricks and leave to dry thoroughly before painting. If you’re looking to dramatically change the colour of the bricks from dark to light, I’d suggest a second coat of primer to reduce how much of the dark brick will show through your lighter paint colour.

  1. Add an extra coat

Typically homeowners who are looking to paint over exposed brick walls are doing so to give their room a lighter colour scheme. To ensure you get the best finish from your paint job, it’s important to do a minimum of two to three coats, allowing the walls to thoroughly dry between coats, so you can assess the colour adhesion.

When painting any rough surface, especially bricks that can be quite porous, you’ll need to use more paint than you would on an ordinary wall to ensure you cover all the nooks and crannies. It’s important to take this into account when calculating how much paint you’ll need for the job. I’d suggested adding an extra litre or two to be safe.

Keep in mind that you can only paint over conventional, masonry house bricks and not glazed or glass bricks.

For more tips and tricks for painting your home, visit

Bathrooms House Tours The Block

The Block-togon first room reveals: bathroom

Well, look at that, here we are again with another series of The Block, sharing Sunday night’s reveals with you, the judges’ comments and where to buy what you saw on TV. Remember to check in with us every Monday for our famous roundups!

I must say, they were all very impressive bathrooms considering how early we are in the competition, the lack of experience of some of the contestants and the difficult (and that’s putting it mildly) building. Not to mention setback after setback with the usual construction site issues! Come reveal, I’d say there were five really good bathrooms but one was clearly head and shoulders above the rest and, not surprisingly, Shay and Dean took out the $10,000 win. Good job too considering they spent a whopping $40,000 on their first penthouse room, a third of the total budget for all 10. Luckily their risky spend paid off!

Onto the reveals, what judges Neale Whitaker, Shaynna Blaze and Darren Palmer had to say about them and what I thought too, plus where to buy our favourite items…

CARO & KINGI (2nd place)

caro kingi 1

The Townsville couple made a very brave move with their feature graffiti bath. I personally hated it (not my style) BUT I thought it worked and was memorable and you can’t argue that it suits an edgy Melbourne home. I thought Kingi’s hand rendered wall on the other hand, was fantastic. And the vanities and lighting were just right. Good on them for making such a brave choice on week one (and happily that graffiti design is removable!).

caro kingi 2

What the judges thought: Shaynna said the bath was exciting and she loved it, while Neale loved the rendered wall, Darren adding that Kingi had nailed it! The judges said they’d created something memorable which would be noticed by potential buyers. On the downside, Darren thought the towel choice was unsophisticated and Shaynna thought the blinds blocked out too much natural light. Neale finished off by saying he loved that they’d taken a risk this early on.

caro kingi 3

Where to buy: Voyager candle (my favourites!) | timber soap dish | CLU. Living candle in brown jar


WHITNEY & ANDY (3rd place)

After their challenge room being called the worst EVER by the judges last week, this pair had something to prove! And they tried really hard and with lovely results. They took out their wardrobe to make the room bigger and made lovely use of timber in my opinion, for a warm and relaxing feeling bathroom. While I really liked this bathroom and agreed it was a vast improvement on last week, nothing about it excited me that much.

whitney andy 1

whitney andy 2

What the judges thought: Neale said they’d gone from zero to hero in one week (was this really the same couple who gave us plastic gerberas?!) and Darren said it was a cracker! Shaynna loved the custom vanities and matching timber shelf and said the lighting plan was perfect. She added that while last week had been a disaster, this week the couple had proven they had talent and a great eye. There weren’t many downsides but Neale said the styling left a bit to be desired and the pendant over the bath was too small.

whitney andy 3

Where to buy: Hilda side table | bespoke ash vanity | Christian Lacroix candle | organic handwash


SUZI & VONNI (4th place)

It would be easy to underestimate these two former bikini models from the Gold Coast and that’s of course exactly what the TV producers would have you do (and then later be proven wrong!). BUT, I think we’re actually dealing with two rather nice, hardworking single mums who just happen to wear a lot of makeup, show a lot of cleavage and have a penchant for the more blingy things in life! While it wasn’t my personal taste (too much black and bling and I didn’t like the tiles although I think they were a brave and unique choice and good on them for doing something different), I thought the girls did a great job this week, despite setbacks. And I loved how you could walk all the way around the tub. I think this pair have realised their look may be a little too Gold Coast and I hope they’ll tone it down a bit going forward so as not to alienate potential buyers.

suzi vonni 2

suzi vonni 1

What the judges said: Neale said it was sexy and Shaynna loved the tiles while Darren stood back and saw the negatives, like the fact the window onto the shower wasn’t frosted and you couldn’t keep your privates private (hehe!) while the pendant in front of the mirror was too glitzy and not necessary. Shaynna noted the functional storage wasn’t good and while she found the LED strip light magical, Darren said it looked like a giant barcode (I’m with you on this one, DP!). Neale said they’d hooked him though and overall the judges were impressed.

suzi vonni 3

Where to buy: Strip lighting | pendant light | handwash and lotion


LUKE & EBONY (last place)

It’s the comeback kids! After last series’ bathroom fail, my favourite brother and sister couple had much to prove too and sadly, they didn’t quite cut it, coming last. I really felt for them when they were hit by a series of delays. The navy blue high gloss tiles were unique and on the face of it, really nice, but I just can’t go past those odd taps and the tiny basins, and I agreed with Neale that the LED lit alcove wasn’t right. And while I loved that bath, I’m not sure a black bath was the best match for the blue tiles? It has the potential to be fixed up pretty easily though, I think, into something much better. I feel bad, I love these two! But I have every faith they’ll impress more as the competition goes on (please be right, Jen!).

luke and ebony 2

luke and ebony 3

What the judges said: First impressions were great. Shaynna loved the layout, the lighting, the separate toilet. Neale said it felt small after they made the call to square off the angular room. He really wanted to like it but didn’t like the niche in the wall with the LED lighting and found the basins too small. Shaynna added the taps were also too big and none of them liked the mix of chrome and black tapware. Neale said a lot of things in the room jarred. Shaynna said they’d made great choices individually but when put together they almost cancelled each other out. It was, however, very well finished.

luke and ebony 1

Where to buy: Rachael Swift vase | wooden stool | silver decorative object | Palm Beach Collection candle


DEAN & SHAY (first place)

While I don’t think these photos do this $40,000 penthouse bathroom justice, I do think it was the clear winner and absolutely loved its black and gold accents and stunning herringbone tiles. I just didn’t like the towel choices and felt the timber lights didn’t work in the scheme. But overall: WOWSERS. Loved it.

dean shay 4

dean shay 3

What the judges said: As Shay mentioned countless times, this is the penthouse and expectations would be high! The judges were not disappointed. “Um, this is HOT,” said Darren, adding that everything was just so. Neale said it was a level of sophistication not seen in any of the other bathrooms, despite them being very good. He went on to call it mindblowing while Darren said he was losing his mind! Mission definitely accomplished by the Newcastle couple! Shaynna loved the tiles and how they’d been used and said they were hot (that’s two hots now!) and the only thing Neale didn’t like was the pendants (we’ve seen them before and they’ve been overused). The execution though, was faultless. Neale said that while they won last week’s challenge, it was as the best of a bad bunch; this week they had seriously raised the bar!

dean and shay 1

Where to buy: Bondi Wash handwash | timber and brass showerhead | concrete loo brush | matte black toilet paper | ceramic bowl | timber pendants


Overall, a fantastic week one! Which was your favourite? Did the best room win?

Did you read Darren Palmer’s beautifully written piece about his marriage in yesterday’s Sunday Style in the Daily Telegraph? If not, you should absolutely read it!