House Tours RENO ADDICT The Block

Caro & Kingi’s real reno week 5: we have no backyard!

By Caroline Tahana

When buying an older property it always comes with that bit of history that I love! What has happened in this house? And how many families have grown up and made many memories here? This house has so much to tell us, but of course these walls can’t speak so it’s up to us to find that bit of history along the way.

This property has no back yard. Yep that’s right, no backyard, and we love it! Believe it or not it’s great! It has a small front yard which we are planning to eventually put a small pool in but other than that no yard. Like most families, we are pretty busy and don’t really have that much time to maintain a full on garden. We used to own a 1,300 sqm block and it was just so much to look after and we spent our weekends always maintaining it and mowing! That’s not living! So when planning the gardens with this property, low maintenance was the most important element on our list!

Green Valvet Boxwood is a great low maintenance evergreen plant that we will be using for the side of the house. Echeveria is one of the prettiest succulent plants because of the bloom-like shape it grows in. There are many varieties and colours, so you can easily find the right one to go with a specific colour scheme of your house. But just make sure if you have pets that the plants you are selecting are pet friendly as we wouldn’t want our fur babies getting sick. We used a lot of succulents on The Block as they last and don’t need that much attention at all. They are great for dry conditions and last on limited watering! My type of plants!

Green Valvet
Green Valvet

We have one neighbour on the right, a caravan sales and repair shop behind us and a massive park to the left. Even though we are only one street away from a busy main road, it’s very quiet and a little hidden treasure!


Speaking about hidden treasure, we have a massive cyclone bunker which is now being turned into Kingi’s workshop. Eventually we would love to build on top of it and make it an office or granny flat but at the moment it’s Kingi’s man shed. We cleaned out the bunker, carried out some rendering (of course) and found a safe! This is the slice of history that I love! The safe has seized and locked, so the question is, to crack it open or not? What could possibly be inside? This house was built in 1970, that’s over 46 years old so it’s hard not to wonder what’s inside!


But until we crack it open, happy renovating!

Caro x


Caro & Kingi’s real reno week 4: indoor or outdoor laundry?

By Caroline Tahana

We won our laundry week on The Block so the expectations for our own home laundry will be pretty high! I love to clean and to be organised. I hate to cook believe it or not, Kingi is the cook in our household so when kitchen week comes around, I might get him to blog for us!

Caro & Kingi's winning laundry on The Block
Caro & Kingi’s winning laundry on The Block

In the last two properties we have owned as a family, the laundries were outside. Growing up in my family home, our laundry was always inside. So the great debate begins! Kingi likes the outside laundry whereas I prefer one inside. I think having an outside laundry actually creates more dirt on the clothes and can damage them, whereas Kingi thinks an outside laundry is great for ventilation and less noise. But again I ask…who does the laundry in your house anyway? My point exactly! ME! So after months of arguing I finally won this round! Inside laundry it is!

This laundry had to go!
This laundry had to go!

Now when planning the new position of the laundry, where do you put it? Near the bedrooms so you can access the rooms quickly to put clothes away? Or will that be too noisy? These are the questions you need to discuss when renovating your family home. We want to position it somewhere that’s going to be close to the outside clothes line and also in an area that isn’t wasting space.

When planning a laundry just like I did on The Block, my main goal was to be practical. Think about what you need to do in a laundry. What do you want to store? Will you have a washer and a dryer? In our new renovation, we won’t be having a dryer as we live in North Queensland so that’s our dryer! But we will be having two washing machines. With Kingi’s uniforms always being covered in render, I knew from the start of these renovations that we would be having two!

Kingi gets to work
Kingi gets to work

I want to make sure that there is enough storage for everything: brooms, mops and buckets! This space is purely practical. It isn’t a space the whole family will be spending a lot of time in so don’t overdo it. The laundry shouldn’t take a big chunk out of your budget either. Pick some cheaper tiles than what you would use in your bathroom. Your guests won’t be using your laundry so you don’t need to impress anyone here! But the one component I would spend a bit more money on would be your cabinetry. I would recommend storage with doors, you want to hide all those cleaning bottles! Our laundry will also include a massive sink. We got big points for this on The Block! You need to be able to wash a small dog in there and to be able to soak any sheets (mums, I know you hear me on this one!)

If you’re about to tackle some renovations at home, I would always suggest starting in the laundry. It’s a great area to learn and make any little mistakes in. No one will really see this area too much so if you make a bad choice then it’s really not going to affect the whole house. Doing a laundry first will also teach you the process of what’s involved in a “wet area” and this will be a great learning experience before you tackle your bathrooms!

Caro and Kingi’s top tips this week:

  1. Plan your storage solutions – Think about what you have in your laundry now and how you want to store it better.
  2. Pick cheaper tiles – I would recommend neutral colours as they are normally cheaper.
  3. Research online – you can save heaps when buying online! We recommend

Check out Caro & Kingi’s website | Follow them on Facebook or Instagram

Interiors Addict

Caro & Kingi’s real reno week 3: stripping windows!

By Caroline Tahana

When we first inspected this house, I instantly fell in love with the massive double hung windows that feature throughout. The heritage and character they bring to this house is just so rare these days. A lot of people would just replace them with new modern windows. It is easier and sometimes cheaper to replace them than it is to strip them and restore them. But not with this house…


We have slowly started to strip these windows down any spare weekend we get! There are nine windows in total we have to restore! And that’s not just on the outside, that’s the inside too!

We first started to strip them using paint thinners, this was just too messy and dangerous as paint thinners burn skin! Lesson learnt with this one!

I got some quotes on acid dipping them but the quote was absolutely too expensive, especially since it’s something that we can do ourselves and doesn’t require a trade or skill. A bit of elbow grease was the only option left for us, one window at a time!

After the messy lesson with the paint thinners I hopped on Google to find my answer, as Google always knows what to do! My answer: the heat gun! This thing is amazing! It just strips the paint straight off! You have to be very careful not to let the heat stay in one spot for too long as it can burn and then actually make it harder to take off. But once you let it bubble up, just scrape it straight off. It’s amazing to see the different layers of paint and colours this house has taken on over the last 40 years. White, grey and even an ugly brown were the colours that unfolded strip by strip!


Our idea is to repaint these windows a black satin finish rather than gloss as gloss will show every dint from the past 40 years. Gloss is ok if you are painting new frames as the timber is normally perfectly cut and finished but because our frames are old and full of character, we will use the satin finish so the dints aren’t highlighted after all that hard work. We think the black colour will tie in nicely with our industrial style. Satin is also easy to clean and will help hide the outside dirt unlike the white colour they are at the moment.

Caro x

Check out Caro & Kingi’s website | Follow them on Facebook or Instagram


Life after Block: Caro & Kingi’s real reno, part 2: the style

By Caroline Tahana

Industrial but with a hint of Hamptons. How can we make this work?!

When it comes to our own home renovations the first question a lot of people have asked us is will the famous “Scandustrial” style be making an appearance in our own home? Will we have a graffiti bath? Well the answer is yes. And no!


Kingi loves the industrial style and so do I, but I’m also draw to the Hamptons style which I think will suit our 1970s home.

Industrial style can be sometimes come across as cold and hard but my aim is to work my magic and soften the whole feel and look of the house. I love the rawness of industrial but I love the warmth of that Hamptons/Country style brings to any family home.

Being married to a super talented man like Kingi you can be assured we will definitely be having his signature rendering work throughout our home, and why wouldn’t we? He’s amazing at what he does! (Insert proud wife here). Render doesn’t have to look hard or rough and what Kingi can do with Marrakesh and his Venetian plaster range will showcase in our home without a doubt.


Our colour palette for the new home will consist of greys, blacks, whites, warm timber floors and of course rendering. I love the texture and feel faux leather furniture brings to any living area, but with children I also love how easy it is to clean!

We want to create a style which has neutral colours as its bones so we can change the décor as the trends change over the next 15 years or so without it costing too much! I’m in love with the soft Scandinavian pastels at the moment so our bedrooms will have the lavenders and violet colours without being too feminine. The industrial element will even this out and make our master bedroom perfect for the both of us.


When we designed our Block apartment, we took in the location and what was around it. With the famous Chapel Street just 600m down the road, we knew we had to style it to suit the area. But now with our own home it’s a bit different. This will be our forever home; where we will grow our family, were the kids will go to school down the road. I won’t be making quick decisions with this renovation, that’s for sure! I think agreeing on the design and style of our own home might test us a little bit more than The Block did! Until next week…happy renovating!

Caro x

Check out Caro & Kingi’s website | Follow them on Facebook or Instagram

Bathrooms Design RENO ADDICT

Incredible tile-less bathrooms: add luxe using an ancient Moroccan decorative finish

It’s been around for centuries but Aussie bathroom renovators and designers are now being let in on an industry secret that delivers a minimalist and completely seamless bathroom without using a single tile.

Originating in Morocco, Tadelakt is a lime based render product which is naturally waterproof, can be tinted to just about any colour imaginable and creates an exquisite finish to any bathroom or wet area.

Thanks to renovation shows like The Block and House Rules, Australians have been introduced to the wonder of Tadelakt bathrooms as the housemates look for that special something to wow judges.

Caro & Kingi’s bathroom

On the recent series of Channel 9’s The Block, contestants, Caro and Kingi used this finish extensively in their apartment, earning praise from the judges week after week.

Caro & Kingi’s bedroom

Melbourne based natural materials artisan, Gorni Cahani from Render it Oz, is happy Tadelakt is becoming more widely known, seeing an increase in enquiry as renovators and designers choose the Moroccan finish for their bathroom projects. “I think some of the biggest surprises for most people who enquire about Tadelakt is how durable it is, how little maintenance is required and how green and natural it is.”

On the design front, the most sought after colour at the moment is a light grey, concrete colour because of its industrial look. It also goes really well with recycled timber bathroom furniture and accessories. Pearl white with blue LED bathroom lights, understated beige tones and even dark and moody black bathrooms are very popular too.

Aside from its aesthetic beauty, Takelakt is 100% natural and has no artificial materials meaning it is not a burden to the environment like its competitors, tiles and other cement based finishes. Tadelakt is also extremely low maintenance. “It is resistant to mould, moisture and humidity,” says Gorni. “And it is easily cleaned by wiping the surface with a cloth and a bit of black soap.”


Fast facts – Tadelakt

What is Tadelakt?

In its original Arabic form, Tadelakt translates to ‘rub in’ or ‘massage’ which is still relevant today as the artisan who applies the product by hand uses special trowels to create the burnt look. Finally, the artisan uses a stone to rub the product which compresses it, brings moisture to the surface then finishes the surface with a special wax and/or olive soap depending on the type of sheen required.

How it is applied?

Originally, Morrocan artisans passed down the application methods to apprentices over the years. Today, artisans usually come from a plastering or rendering background and train over time perfecting the Tadelakt application method.

Surface preparation

Tadelakt can be applied over blue board, villa board, brick walls or just about any substrate you find in bathrooms or wet areas. It can also be used in kitchens, laundries or as a unique feature wall.

Colours and finish types

Tadelakt can be tinted to a range of colours to suit any bathroom or wet room. Being hand applied, no two finishes will ever be the same so you can expect a bespoke, one of a kind design.

Finishes range from:

  • High Gloss – highly reflective or mirror finish
  • Lustre – slight sheen or glow that can reflect soft light
  • Smooth – a matte velvety finish with a rustic look

How much does it cost?

Extremely affordable and comparative to some tiling finishes, Tadelakt is extremely cost efficient, environmentally friendly, low maintenance and durable.

— Melanie Cahani is an artisan at Render it Oz, the experts in a range of decorative finishes including Tadelakt, Venetian Plaster and cement rendering. 


The winners, emotions (and editing) from Block auction night

Going into last night’s auction I wasn’t sure how to think. The series before, Triple Threat, was a huge success. And I mean huge, with The Block giving away $3 million. However, the auction before, well that’s arguably best left alone in the history books! So how was The Blocktagon going to fare? Turns out, very well.

Let’s begin!

the block auction channel 9 3

The episode started with the contestants finding out their reserves. This was interrupted by Suzi apologising to the contestants (for those who stay away from any and all tabloid drama, let’s say she’s been having a few issues of late). I thought it was really good of her to confront it head on and give an eloquent “I’m sorry.” Well done! So, once that was done, onto the reserves? Ah, well nearly. We had to sit through a hugely time-consuming, overt sponsorship-package of virtual glasses, which saw the contestants put them on to try find the keys to the briefcases that held their reserves. What a waste of time! Many minutes later, they’d found the keys. “That’s 10 minutes I won’t get back,” said Scotty. You and me both, buddy!

So with the keys retrieved, they opened their briefcases to find their reserves. I can’t say there were any surprises, with the prices going up consecutively from apartment one-to-five. Ranging from Caro and Kingi on $1.33 million (they got to deduct $10,000 as a result of their challenge apartment win) and Shay and Dean on $1.645 (who got to deduct $15,000). In my mind, it was always between these two, and now it was time for the apartments to go under the hammer.

Caro and Kingi
Caro and Kingi

First up were Caro and Kingi with apartment one. Now there’s quite a dramatic tale behind the auction order and them scoring position number one. Initially, in a previous episode, they had gotten number five and Luke and Ebony had received one. However, in probably the noblest move I’ve ever seen on reality TV, the second-chance siblings swapped positions after they all agreed Caro and Kingi would struggle to sell (being the lowest level apartment) if they were last. What good eggs!

So Caro and Kingi’s reserve was set at $1.33 million and it was time to start bidding. First bid? $150,000 above reserve. And from there it just kept going! Suddenly the profit was at $320k. “Did you pay off your mortgage?” said Scotty. “Yes, just then!” said Kingi. This is why I love The Block. It started slowing down and the bids were rising by $5,000 for ages. Finally there was last call and the couple ended up with a final bid of $1.735 million and a profit of $405,000. Fabulous job.

Vonni and Suzi
Vonni and Suzi

Next up was apartment three with Vonni and Suzi and a reserve of $1.48 million. Now, we’ve always known their apartment was looking for a very specific buyer. My hope, was that buyer was actually at the auction. Waiting for the bids to start Scotty had a chat with the best friends about how they went on the show for their kids. “When I felt like giving up, that’s who I thought of,” said Vonni. Oh, the emotion. And that’s not sarcasm, I actually find this stuff very moving (don’t judge). Ok, let’s get on with it.

Opening bid went straight over reserve by $30,000. Then $120,000. Two serious bidders were in play but by the time it got to a profit of $280,000 it seemed like it could all be over. Which, obviously is great money. But the fact they had to split it down the middle and it was significantly off Caro and Kingi’s winnings, I wanted them to get more. And more they did. After what felt like pulling teeth, the girls walked away with a final bid of $1.829 million and a profit of $349,000. I know they were an extremely polarising team, but there’s no doubt they deserved it.

Shay and Dean
Shay and Dean

Now it was Shay and Dean’s turn. Let’s admit it, they were the favourites from the get go. Having tried out for The Block countless times they were finally at auction day and my oh my, did I have high hopes. Their penthouse’s reserve was set at $1.645 million and their apartment (thanks to previous wins) came with a car and $10,000 in cash! To take out the show, they needed to sell for over $2 million!

The first bid went $5,000 over reserve and then it started moving fast. Very fast. Even Scotty, who seems to have God-like mathematical skills, was struggling to keep up. In no time at all they were closing in on $2 million and were $345,000 over reserve. And then the bids passed $2 million, then $2.1 and $2.2, and finally the closing bid was $2.3 million with a profit of $655,000. Wow. Just wow. What crazy money.

the block auction channel 9 2
Andy and Whitney

Next it was Andy and Whitney with apartment two and a reserve of $1.4 million. We immediately hit awkward territory when they sat down with Scotty as a result of him bringing up that they were no longer together (another story that’s been going tabloid crazy!). I must admit I deal horrendously with cringeworthy television and when Scotty started talking about them dating other people I nearly threw my phone at the TV to make it stop. But luckily, Scotty stopped himself, and with Andy and Whitney agreeing to split the profits equally, it was time for the auction to start.

The first bid started at $60,000 over reserve. It jumped up quickly and not long after they were $200,000 over reserve. The bids were pretty slow from there on. Whitney said she wanted to pay off her parents’ mortgage which was very sweet, I just hope she gets some to keep. We got up to $360,000 over reserve and then the bids started getting into silly territory. Jumping up by just $2,500. At the end, the final bid was $1.79 million, scoring a profit of $390,000. Not a bad effort from the underdogs.

Luke and Ebony
Luke and Ebony

Lucky last was Luke and Ebony. I must say it’s taken me to the final episode, but Luke is my favourite. How excited he’s been throughout all the auctions and how much encouragement he’s been shouting, he clearly wants everyone to do well. So Luke (and Ebony) I hope the same goes for you. Oh wait, why are ex-contestants Ayden and Jess here? Literally, what is the point? They’ve just randomly popped in to say good luck to the siblings. It’s time-wasting rubbish like this that drives me insane. The virtual glasses, then this. Really?! Get on with it!

With a reserve of $1.56 million, the first bid came in at $50,000 over reserve. And then. Well then nothing. It went quiet. Depressing music started playing in the background, and there were close-ups of faces. So many close-ups. I could tell what the producers were doing and I was not loving it. For minutes it sat at the same bid. And after Luke and Ebony had graciously swapped positions with Caro and Kingi, they had to get more money. They had to! And… ad break. Typical.

We’re back and obviously we have to replay the sadness. Goodness this would be a crap end to the season. And then. What! Suddenly it jumped to $170,000 over reserve and then $340,000 over reserve. This makes no sense. I feel like I’ve just got played by the producers. There’s no way that happened like that in real life. No way. Heavy editing at play.

Now the bids were going super fast and in no time at all, Luke and Ebony had made over half a million in profit. Were they going to beat Shay and Dean? Close, but not quite, coming in with a final bid of $2.2 million and a profit of $640,000. Over $300,000 each! So there you have it, being selfless pays off. A lesson for all the kids out there!

the block channel 9

With Shay and Dean coming out on top they took home an extra $100,000, taking their grand total to $755,000. Amazing! In the end everyone did so well, and they’re always the best auctions to watch… until next year!

Photo credit: Channel 9

Read all our Block coverage.

Dining House Tours The Block

The Block week 8 dining room and foyer reveals

Well, that was a frustrating night of room reveals! It was definitely not a case of the best room winning if you ask me. In fact, the best two rooms (Dean and Shay’s and Luke and Ebony’s) came last and second from last on account of being unfinished. And I suppose the judges do have to judge on what they see on the night rather than the room’s potential but still! Frustration plus! What did you think?

Nevertheless, in my humble opinion, there were two fantastic (unfinished) rooms and three so-so ones. But the good moments were great!

CARO & KINGI (a close second, 25.5 points)

Shaynna loved the Melbourne wallpaper in the foyer and Neale liked the pale grey palette and the art. They didn’t like the LEDs on the floor. As Darren pointed out, they can look night clubby and cheap. And well, they kind of did! They also, as Shaynna pointed out, highlighted the dust and dirt.


Into the dining room and Neale loved the glass table, saying it preserved the sense of space. Darren thought the chairs were beautiful but sitting on them proved they weren’t comfortable!


Shaynna liked that the table was low and simple, which would draw attention to the terrace later. Darren said it showed being on level one was no disadvantage and the view was still spectacular. Shaynna wasn’t sold on the styling, which was too obviously industrial recycled. And the barnacle urn wasn’t winning any fans!

Sorry guys, I just wasn’t vibing this room, especially the table. And I didn’t like the mirror or the urn either. I just didn’t get it!

Our pick to buy: Melbourne wallpaper

WHITNEY & ANDY (first place, 26 points)

The real timber floors wowed all the judges who could see how much work had gone into them. From then on it was up and down! Shaynna said the placement of the art was too low, the lighting too harsh and that if they were going to use a poster as art they were better off having no art at all!

whitney andy 1

Into the dining room and Darren thought the ceiling was phenomenal, the star. He said the room felt really graphic and elegant and Neale said the table was cool. Shaynna said the table was engaging and Neale thought it was genius. He hated the “styling” though, saying he’d rather see nothing. Similarly, Darren liked the table but hated everything on it!

whitney andy 2

On the plus side, the judges thought they did get all the basics right this week and Shaynna said it was amazing that they finished everything. Personally, I couldn’t get too excited about this space.

Our pick to buy: Ingrain Designs dining table

SUZI & VONNI (last place, 16 points)

Oh dear. These were the first words we heard from the judges. Not the best start! Shaynna was stunned that the girls had gone for marble skirting boards (“What is that?!”) Neale and Darren couldn’t get over the poor finishes, saying they assumed they were aiming for luxury but it had been “shockingly badly done”. The judges weren’t mincing their words last night! Shaynna said the finishes were awful and that the mirror only magnified the lift door.

suzi vonni 2

The judges were perplexed by the orientation of dining table, leaving half the guests with their back to the view. But maybe that didn’t matter being that the huge and low pendant light was blocking most of it anyway!  Shaynna said the poor treatment of  the ceiling, the light fitting and the curtains all shut down the view.

Neale said that with every week, the apartment was feeling more disappointing. “I don’t think this apartment knows what it is anymore.”

suzi vonni 1

They were also underwhelmed by the other styling choices with the metal artwork causing Shaynna to ask for the second time: “What is that?!”

Neale added: “There’s absolutely no subtlety in this apartment. The styling hits you between the eyes, the light is too much and heavy. It feels like they’ve gone out of their way to hide view.”

Oh dear. Thank goodness for that Christian Cole table they won in the challenge! I just didn’t like this room. Sorry girls!

Our pick to buy: Christian Cole dining table

LUKE & EBONY (fourth place, 19 points)

The unpainted Gyprock wall was a bad start and the unfinished paintwork was disappointing. It became even more disappointing when the judges turned the corner into the dining room and saw what had been achieved.

luke ebony 1

“Oh my goodness, it’s magnificent in here,” Neale said. He added it was palatial and every time he walked into this apartment he felt like he was in the penthouse with its luxury of space due to the change in floorplan. “Removing those walls has completely auction-proofed the apartment,” said Darren. Neale said any potential buyer would walk out of the lift and be blown away.

luke ebony 2

Shaynna loved the oval dining table. Neale said that if only they’d finished they would have been team to beat (until they saw Dean and Shay’s apartment next, that is!). He said they were still in really strong position in the competition overall. How far the second chance siblings have come!

I loved the art, the styling and the light and I’m so happy to see these guys getting deservedly great feedback after their dodgy start.

Our pick to buy: Nicky Kriss art print | Black Franklin console (from the foyer)

DEAN & SHAY (third place, 21 points)

This was my favourite without a doubt, let’s forget about whether it was finished or not! This pair had awful luck with the rain delaying their spectacular floor and you had to feel for them.

shay dean 1

In the foyer, Neale absolutely loved the Silestone, timber and metal combo and Darren said it was a bit like the feel Suzi and Vonni had been (unsuccessfully) aiming for. Shaynna didn’t like it at all though! Neale and Darren loved the art choices.

Darren then rightly pointed out that the reason things weren’t finished was the “amazing” floor, which was absolutely beautiful, and they all loved the under floor heating.

Into the dining room and Darren said the styling on the table was totally over the top, theatrical, totally crazy and fantastic! Shaynna couldn’t hold her excitement in saying she loved it and it was the sexiest apartment she’d seen so far. Neale said it had a humour about it too. “I love it.” Shaynna meanwhile was still grinning from ear to ear: “I feel like I’m having a sugar high and my insides are going ‘wow’!” I hear you Shaynna, it was pretty special!

shay dean 2

Neale said it was feeling like the penthouse, they’d kept true to their slightly Scandi look but turned the dial up on the glamour. But he couldn’t ignore the fact that the foyer behind them was, sadly, a disaster.

Our pick to buy: Ben Tovin Design pendant light | Autumn leaves artwork | Pink concrete platter

So which was your favourite? Do you agree with me that the two unfinished rooms were the best? Is it fair that they were scored so low?


House Tours RENO ADDICT The Block

The Block room reveals week 2: guest bedroom and en suite

I loved the variety in last night’s room reveals. Whether good, bad or ugly, they were all pretty unique. There wasn’t much shock factor in the judging though, with the same couples coming first and last as last week! While Dean and Shay took home a sweet 10 grand again (got to pay for that 40 grand bathroom somehow!), poor Luke and Ebony were in fifth place yet again. I’m really feeling for the second chance siblings and really hope they can  get some confidence in their ability and personal style and take things up a notch next week. Fingers crossed.

Kingi and Caro: 26.5, 2nd place

I think these two are really likeable, don’t you? They’re doing so well and must be frustrating (if encouraging!) to be so close behind Dean and Shay and their $10,000 wins!


This pair stayed consistent with last week’s room, using a vinyl wrap on the en suite door like they did on last week’s showstopping bath tub. And there was more of Kingi’s lovely rendering on the bedroom feature wall and in the en suite vanity top, to great effect. Their raw industrial aesthetic is very obvious and they seem confident of their personal style.


The judges, as hoped, all touched the rendered wall as soon as they came in and all loved the dark, rich colour. Neale loved the bedside table and light combination and Darren said he could really see the vibe they were going for: edgy, urban and a little bit industrial. He said the bedhead was the right choice as it softened the texture of render and the tram graphic on the en suite door worked a treat. Shaynna said it was sensational and that the door handle spelled luxury and money.

Shaynna also complimented the labour and the way they had worked with angles of the room. Neale said they’d made the most of the space and it felt big. They all slammed the styling though and said the cushions were ordinary.


The en suite got positive feedback too with Shaynna noting it felt a lot bigger than it was and she loved the custom concrete top, the taps, basin and bench space. Darren said they’d squeezed more storage into the tiny bathroom than they’d seen in many main bathrooms and that it was a very successful room.

–Our pick to buy: Basic Habitat slate tray | Beacon Lighting adjustable floor lamp | Linen & Moore grey throw | Bedsides

Whitney & Andy: 18.5, 4th place

I loved the exposed whitewashed brick and the copper pendants in this room. The less said about the rest of it the better but I can’t not mention that rug?! Gah!



On entering, Neale said “wow” and Shaynna said “oooh” but not necessarily for the right reasons! Darren immediately said it was a guest bedroom because there was no way there was enough hanging space for a ‘real’ bedroom. Shaynna went so far as to say the choice to install a hanging stick rather than a wardrobe was ludicrous and while that would usually seem over the top, I have to agree! Neale said it was a big mistake and Darren said he wouldn’t try to sell the place without a wardrobe.

On the plus side, the room felt very spacious (that’ll be the lack of wardrobe!) and Shaynna liked the bulkhead all the way round, saying it showed the thought process was great. Darren liked the bedhead but said the rug was very wrong. Again, agreed! Neale said it was a very confused room. “I don’t know if I’m in an old motel or  a luxury apartment.” Shaynna went one further and called it a mishmash.


When it came to the en suite they were pleasantly surprised although the lack of doors would surely lead to flooding the first time the shower was used. Darren said it felt a little eighties.

Overall, the judges’ advice was to put this week’s rooms behind them and refocus. Owch.

–Our pick to buy: Curious Grace bedside tables | artwork | navy quilt cover set

Suzi & Vonni: 23, 3rd place

Despite all manner of tradie troubles, the Gold Coast girls finished their room as they’d hoped this week, with its polarising glass panels covered in a photographic park scene. It was a brave move which was never going to be popular with everyone! I wasn’t a fan myself but you know what, at least it was original!


First up with his view was Neale, who said the other half of the room was 10 out of 10 but the glass panels freaked him out. Shaynna said the provincial look of the room didn’t go with the glass mural at all, likening it to a corporate mural in a reception centre. Eek! She also hated the plastic timber on the wall, the carpet and the mismatched handles.


Darren however really loved all of it. “I think it’s cool, as a guest bedroom it’s interesting.” He said the girls’ apartment would definitely be the Palazzo Versace of the building!

Neale said the en suite was lacking in impact but he was relieved! Darren said it was very understated and they all loved the tapware and the layout. Darren was really surprised and disappointed about the unflattering lighting.


Shaynna, to be fair, said she enjoyed how brave this pair are but they they needed to really rein it in a bit.

–Our pick to buy: The Monocle Guide to Better Living book | studded bedhead | round black concrete tray

Luke and Ebony: 18, last place

Last place last week and last place again this week. My interview with Ebony from before the series started is now starting to make a lot of sense. Despite reining in her plans for an entire feature wall of plum coloured pressed tin (what was she thinking?!) to two small panels, it still didn’t quite work out. Ok, that’s an understatement. I felt so sad for Ebony at the end after the scores were revealed. She’s so nice!


Shaynna’s face! said it all. Darren simply said: “I don’t like it,” while Neale commented: “Pressed tin: haven’t seen that for a while!” Oh dear…


Neale said he couldn’t imagine why anyone would choose to use that material and while he loved the reading corner in the room, it didn’t go with anything else. Shaynna loved the bedside tables but I fear she may have been grasping at straws.

It didn’t get all that much better in the en suite. It started well with Shaynna praising the layout and Darren, the lighting, underfloor heating and storage. Neale loved the black tapware and said the execution was excellent.


But they all agreed the tile choices felt dated (I happened to love that floor if not the wall tiles!). Shaynna said the siblings were not bringing out their best at the moment and Neale didn’t hold back, saying he didn’t think the room would appeal to anyone.

–Our pick to buy: Oui and Non cushion covers | Hugo armchair | Single drawer black bedside table

Dean & Shay: 27.5, first place

These two lived up to their penthouse again this week, winning $10,000 for the second time in a row! It must be really hard for the other couples to keep liking them at this point, even though they do genuinely all seem quite friendly!


Despite their plan for a Megan Morton x Incy Interiors black four-poster bed bein replaced with a backup ensemble, they still killed it! Neale said it felt really fresh and Darren loved it, pointing out the bed dressing, saying it wasn’t easy and they’d got it perfect. Neale said the colour palette was beautiful; a young style delivered in grown up way.

deanshay other side

The only issue was the large (tick!) wardrobe which was hard to open.


The en suite got plenty of ticks too, for the storage, spacious feeling, attention to detail and consistency with last week’s bathroom. Shaynna said they were proving they were the right couple to get the penthouse.


–Our pick to buy: Rainy Sunday flower jars | Curious Grace bedsides | Scent of Home brass candle | Lumiere Art + Co Jessa print (last two bought from Cranmore Home)


Did you agree with the judges this week? Which was your favourite?

Last week’s bathroom reveals.