Appliances House Tours The Block

The Block’s week 7 kitchen reveals

I always love kitchen week on The Block! I’ve got to say I didn’t fall in love with any of the kitchens overall, rather I liked elements of each of them. I’m sure I’ve been much more impressed in previous series. Do you agree?

Winning by half a point were the eminently likeable Caro and Kingi with 29. Yay! Shay and Dean were clearly disappointed to have taken a gamble on swapping their floorplan and overcoming so many hurdles and not taken home the prize with 28.5. Last week’s winners Luke and Ebony continued to up their game, coming third with 27. Then it was fourth place and 25.5 for Whitney and Andy and a disappointing last place and 25 for Suzi and Vonni. Looks like Whitney and Andy being rather unhelpful to the Gold Coast girls during the week may have just worked out for them!

Kingi & Caro


Their touchscreen splashback certainly impressed with Romy Alwill (replacing Darren Palmer this week) saying she’d love one and Shaynna agreeing “that’s hot.”

When the second dishwasher and sink were revealed in the butler’s pantry, Neale declared they really had thought of everything.


Shaynna and Neale disagreed over the popup powerpoint on the benchtop, but overall it was good news, with Romy calling it the perfect modern apartment kitchen and Neale saying it felt like the hero of the apartment.

Shaynna sealed the deal, saying it was hot, sexy, sophisticated and very hard to beat. And, as it turns out, she was right, eh?!

Our pick to buy: marble pinch pots | marble serving board | touchscreen splashback

Whitney & Andy


There were positives and negatives for this one. It started well with the judges loving its fresh look and Shaynna saying it had the sophistication level they were going for in the master bedroom. Neale thought the exposed brick behind glass looked great. After that however, it all went a bit downhill.

Romy picked up the inconsistency with details, like the retro stove jarring with the other more modern appliances. Shaynna didn’t like the dead space “dancefloor” and Romy was perplexed by the dead spaces either side of the bench.


Neale agreed it was visually quite negative and felt like it was waiting for something to be installed. And Shaynna found the herb garden a bit something and nothing. Neale did conclude however that it was their strongest room to date and if they brought the others up to this standard they would do really well.

Our pick to buy: Velletri stools | pendant lights

Suzi & Vonni


These two were clearly very confident about their kitchen but ended up coming last. Their statement teppanyaki bench however got mixed reviews from the judges. Their tight budget saw them swap Christian Cole stools for replica Tolix from Aldi but nobody seemed too bothered!

First impressions were good. Shaynna loved it and said it was a great entertainer’s kitchen. She loved the idea of cooking in the centre with people sitting around. Romy agreed and said it had better proportions than the other kitchens.


Romy didn’t like the two rangehoods though and Neale started to realise he wasn’t a fan of all the black. “A lot of people will walk in and think this is an amazing kitchen, but for me it’s about the connect emotionally and I don’t want to sit in this one. It’s not warm and appealing, it’s relentlessly black. Nothing makes me feel particularly good about being in here.”

Our pick to buy: Aspar handwashcandle

Luke & Ebony


After their first win last week, things were looking up for the second chance siblings and this week brought more positive comments. Shaynna said the kitchen felt bright, light and good. Neale said the brother and sister had really hit their stride and he liked it a lot.

Romy said the detail was beautiful, giving it the soul missing in Suzi and Vonni’s kitchen.


Shaynna was “disturbed” by the sink and thought it took up valuable bench space. And nobody really got the second small sink and its disproportionately huge tap!

Neale did say thought that it was going to be the most liveable and luxurious space.

Our pick to buy: Brass flowerpot | wooden butter knife

Shay & Dean


After their huge gamble of swapping the living room and kitchen, you couldn’t help but feel bad for these two when they came second by just half a point! The view from the window was indeed a showstopper and all the judges loved it and agreed they’d made a great decision, especially when they saw the pantry they had achieved by cutting into their study space.

Shaynna called it a knockout and said the bench seating against the window was the star. Neale said it really deserved the term wow factor. “I actually really love it in this position,” Shaynna said. “People will instantly see themselves living in this space.” Neale said people were sure to fall in love with it and that the styling was superb.

shay dean 2

It wasn’t all praise though and Shaynna thought the massive dead space could have been filled with a much bigger bench. Shockingly, the storage queen also said the overhead cupboard were surplus to requirements and she would have brought the mirrored splashback up to the ceiling instead.

Our pick to buy: brass plant mister | vertical garden | large copper pitcher

Which was your favourite?








Designers Interviews The Block

Ebony tells all about her second chance on The Block with Luke

The Block starts again this Sunday and I can’t wait! Adding to my usual excitement about a new series is the fact that WA siblings Ebony and Luke, my early favourites from the last series, are back for a second chance. I couldn’t wait to chat to Ebony Haythornthwaite about keeping this huge secret for the last few months and what we can expect from the Block-togon!

Luke and Ebony on last series
Luke and Ebony on last series

The pair found out they were getting a second chance on the show when they attended the auctions for Triple Threat. “We had become really great mates with the contestants we met during the eliminations, in particular Jess and Ayden. They invited us over to be a part of the celebrations and whilst we were there we are asked to take part in a short interview. We were under the impression it was regarding the auction results and Luke and I didn’t think much of it. We opened the door and were met with Scotty and Darren Palmer! They then proceeded to tell us to go home and pack our bags as we were on The Block!”

To say they were shocked would be an understatement. “We were both hesitant as we both doubt ourselves and our own abilities, but poor Luke had also booked a trip to Europe. It was all paid for and he would be leaving right in the middle of filming. There was definitely a moment of hesitation, but we both realised that this was an opportunity of a lifetime and we felt so grateful that we could not pass up the opportunity,” Ebony said.


Apart from some close friends and family, nobody else was allowed to know, with Ebony telling her other friends and colleagues that she had been offered an internship in Melbourne for three to four months! “They were so excited and I felt so terrible I couldn’t share the truth! But now that it’s out they are so thrilled and completely understand why I had to bend the truth a little.”

Despite the easy assumptions, Ebony says her and her brother aren’t really at much of advantage at all, having not even made it onto the Block ‘proper’ last series. “We’ve done a week of the show whereas the others haven’t and we knew a few crew members and had a taste of the camera and the pressure you’re under. But we also have never been on The Block – we were in an apartment complex for one week. The actual Block site and the running of the site are very different. But I understand the question of having an advantage; I would be thinking the same thing if I was a contestant and they brought someone else back. But as you’ll see, first or second time around makes no difference – you can still make huge mistakes either way!”

Humble Ebony also can’t help feeling a little guilty to get another shot at the experience when so many apply every year and miss out. “I’ve read comment after comment in the past of viewers being annoyed that others have had two opportunities to have a go. I do completely understand if people feel that way. Luke and I honestly believed that we had had our chance last time and we were not good enough to be involved. We had put it down to a great experience and had moved on. That’s why it was such a genuine surprise to be asked back and there was no way we could have said no to the opportunity. It’s something that people will either have a problem with or they won’t. Ultimately it was an unexpected delight to be asked back and we’re extremely grateful.”

Luke and Ebony
Luke and Ebony

If Ebony has any regrets it’s not backing herself enough. “Viewers will be very surprised with our apartment and choices we make – it comes down to my lack of confidence in my own ability. Luke was great and constantly boosted me up, but in hindsight I did make a lot of mistakes; not trusting my gut and doing my natural style from the beginning is the biggest mistake I made.”

That said, now the apartment is finished, they love it: “It took some time getting there, there are changes that we made along the way. But ultimately, we love our apartment and hopefully the buyers will too!”

Something viewers often grumble about is too much bitching and drama and not enough design but Ebony says we can expect a great sense of teamwork amongst the contestants this time. “Yes, we are all very different and there is still frustration, conflict and disagreement, but generally I believe we all got on extremely well and helped each other a lot. There are hours upon hours of footage which has to get cut down to a 45-minute episode. I hope that viewers see the many, many laughs we all had together. Each contestant is brilliantly hilarious and completely insane in their own way – it’s fabulous!”

But working on a building site for 12 weeks, alongside eight strangers and a crew you’re getting to know with very little sleep, there is always going to be drama. “This show is about capturing the moments as they unfold, and that means capturing the drama. If the show censored the drama and focused solely on the design, viewers wouldn’t be seeing the experience for what it really is; plus that’s not reality. I think this series will show a good balance of design and drama. Let’s not forget a lot of the drama comes from the design sometimes!”

Working on The Block was the hardest, most gruelling and challenging thing Ebony’s ever done but she also calls but it the most rewarding, hilarious and craziest thing she’s done. “I hope they show all the tears, the tantrums and the laughs, because then viewers can see what an emotional rollercoaster The Block really is. It’s not all laughs and fun, but it’s not all doom and gloom either – like I said, total rollercoaster!”

Having grown up in a close family, Ebony and Luke have been taught to trust one another and be open about things. “To be honest, I was shocked that Luke and I got along so well last time but I figured it was just because we had only spent a week together! After hearing that we were back on, I was worried about how we’d go. But in all seriousness, I am so proud of how we worked as a team. We had each other’s back from day one. We had arguments and disagreements, but it never lasted long and we never screamed at each other.”

The series has now finished filming, but open for inspection day and of course, the the auctions, are still looming. Ebony’s keeping her future options open but is definitely set on a design career and more study. “I thought I had a lot to learn before, now I know I have a lot to learn! But it’s exciting. Last time the show was right as I finished my brief study, this time it feels like the prequel to furthering my study and starting my career. I have a few different options at the moment, but I just need to seek advice as to what’s the best option for me, whether it is studying in Melbourne, studying overseas, taking some time to travel or perhaps another opportunity will arise. All I know at the moment is I don’t really want to see stairs, paintbrushes or ready-made dinners for quite some time!”

The Block starts with bathroom week on Sunday night at 7pm on Nine.

Bathrooms Interviews The Block

Interview: Ebony and Luke on life after The Block elimination

I don’t think we were the only ones who fell for The Block’s first brother and sister duo Ebony and Luke with their down to earth attitude, sense of fun and that brave pink wall choice. So it was a shame to see them eliminated last week after a bathroom nightmare. But Ebony Haythornthwaite, who happens to be an Interiors Addict fan, says she doesn’t regret a thing.

Luke and Ebony
Luke and Ebony

Like thousands of others, Ebony and big brother Luke had always watched The Block and wondered if they could do it. This was before Luke was a qualified carpenter and long before Ebony had made a decision to study interior design. “Two years ago, after continuous encouragement from friends and family, we applied,” says Ebony. “We got to the interview process, but sadly, we missed out. So we tried again in 2014 and we were successful!”

Although the bathroom, for which they got eliminated, was a bit of a disaster from start to finish, Ebony says she doesn’t regret going on the show. “You brush that off because it’s about the experience, not just the result. And the experience was phenomenal. I don’t think anyone can fully understand unless they’ve been in the same situation. The Block is obviously physically exhausting; however it is more of a mental challenge than anything else. Getting your head around the constant cameras, the lack of food and sleep, plus the pressure of room reveals and looming deadlines; it is all pretty intense. I wish that the audience got to see all of the laughs and jokes which went on with the teams. We honestly all got on so well.”

The pair’s second room, the living/dining, was well received by the judges and viewers, despite the somewhat controversial peachy-pink wall colour choice. “I am so proud of what Luke and I achieved,” Ebony says. “We knew that everyone would either love it or hate it, but we took the risk. Plus, it gave us a chance for the judges to see our style.”

The pair’s popular living/dining room

Their bathroom however: not so good! “Unfortunately there are times when nothing goes according to plan; this was one of those times! Luke and I struggled to nail down our trades at the beginning, then we had difficulties with our products being delivered and we had to change pivotal fittings due to restrictions that we weren’t aware of. But more importantly, in the wee hours of the morning of reveal, we realised that we had been supplied with incorrect products. But the only way to deal with it was to see what we could purchase quickly and try to at least finish. This meant buying a cheap vanity unit from Mitre 10. Let’s just say it didn’t quite go with the large tap I had purchased for the original vanity.”

THAT tap and vanity combo!

[contextly_sidebar id=”Ec8teCdm0f0gKWvt511mu96erKGKmTMP”]Ebony describes the other contestants as hilarious and genuine which bodes well for the rest of the series. They certainly don’t seen a particularly bitchy crowd but who knows what will happen this week when more people are thrown into the mix! “They enjoy a laugh and more importantly, all have the ability to laugh at themselves,” Ebony said. “I thoroughly enjoyed meeting them.” The only judge she got to meet was Neale Whitaker, and not under ideal circumstances. “It was prior to the living and dining room judging. I was taking the only two minutes spare you get on The Block and brushing my teeth. Unfortunately, it was behind a sofa in the parking lot. Neale saw me and thought it was hilarious. I was mortified! Neale Whitaker had just seen me brushing my teeth behind a dirty old sofa!”

Yet if the opportunity came up, Ebony would be involved in The Block again. “Now I know a little more about the mental strength it takes to deal with the pressure, but it would still definitely be challenging.” As fleeting as their 15 minutes of fame was, Ebony is pleased it highlighted hers and Luke’s skills in a positive light. He’s gone back to his job as a carpenter for Landscapes WA in Perth and since being on the show, she’s moved from her hometown of Busselton to the WA capital and started working for herself (you can find her business on Facebook).

“I am really proud that we were the first brother/sister duo to be on The Block. I think it brought a totally different dynamic to the show. Experiencing this with Luke was really great. He’s my big brother who I’ve always looked up to since we were little. I guess I knew that if I went on the show with him, I’d be pushing myself every day. My biggest fear would be letting Luke down.”

Naw, bless! We wish Luke and Ebony every future success.

The Block

Episode one of The Block Triple Threat last night

The Block Triple Threat’s first episode certainly got off to an action-packed, edge-of-your-seat, shouting-at-the-TV start last night! Or was that just me shouting and sighing?! Love it!

It was our first chance to get to know the six new couples who will become three before we know it. I don’t feel like I want to get too attached but I’m already starting to form opinions and decide who I might grow to like and who might become annoying! Cousins Brooke and Aimee for example; they’re so clueless yet optimistic, it’s hugely entertaining. I’m still chuckling at the comment that their knowledge of tools was limited to having dated a lot of them! They’re fun but seem worryingly laid back and I’ll be surprised if they make ti though, but I’m prepared to be proven wrong!

WA brother and sister duo (The Block’s first) Luke and Ebony, a carpenter and an interior designer, are also really likeable as are down to earth Queensland couple Ayden and Jess (although it’s clear Jess is the one who will keep things on track!).

Ebony & Luke
Ebony & Luke

I’m not getting strong vibes about the other couples yet which makes me wonder if the editing is showing us more of those who will get through, but it’s such early days, who knows?

Ayden & Jess
Ayden & Jess

They’re not in the Block proper yet, but a rather grotty apartment block with teeny tiny rooms to makeover as their first challenges. Tonight, in episode two, we will see the six room reveals after each couple completes (we hope) their first in 24 hours and with a budget of $10,000. With the lack of progress seen in some of them last night, I don’t hold out much hope! And one couple will be eliminated before the night is out.

block triple threat

[contextly_sidebar id=”gQJOO8bx0FYEiIGnybh9pu5mmV3oAcsy”]New crew member Dan Reilly, previously of Dan and Dani, was introduced as Keith’s righthand man helper ‘foreboy’. Read our interview with Dan.

Once six become five tonight, the next challenge will be a living/dining area each in just 48 hours. Then five will become four and they’ll have 72 hours to complete a bathroom each (let’s hope they’re working a bit faster by this point, eh?). Clearly, the new couples don’t yet know anything about being joined by three previous couples Matt and Kim, Darren and Dee and Bec and George. The producers wouldn’t be smart if they didn’t drag that surprise (for them) out a little longer.

If you missed last night’s episode, you can watch/record the encore on Channel 9 at 1.30pm today.

The Block

What to expect from The Block 2015: Triple Threat?

We can’t wait for it to be back and, judging by how many of you read our Block roundups and how many new readers we acquire when it’s on, you do too! Love it or hate it, you tune in, right?! The Block is great for Interiors Addict and we can’t help getting hooked, even when we get a little over the challenges and the drama at times. You can’t beat those room reveals. Bring back Sunday nights and judging controversy, I say!

So, what do we know about the next series, coming early next year, so far? It’s in Melbourne again (boo!) and it’s called Triple Threat. That’s because the new couples will be up against three pairs of former contestants: Bec and George, Matt and Kim and Dee and Darren (can I get a pantomine-style boooooooooooo?!). The public’s reaction to the choice of former contestants making a comeback has been mixed to say the least, especially with Dee and her less then friendly comments (remember when she called Shaynna a bogan?!) fresh in viewers’ minds! But this is reality TV, let’s not forget that. If everyone got on swimmingly that would probably be very dull, despite everyone’s comments to the contrary. I’d put money on many of those I’ve seen commenting on The Block Facebook Page that they will be boycotting the show because of the Double Ds’ return will secretly be tuning in and getting their knickers in a twist!

We haven’t heard much from Matt and Kim recently, although they did appear on their own Domestic Blitz show, Matt and Kim to the Rescue recently and Matt tells me they have lots of exciting things in the pipeline this year. We’ll be sharing one of their most recent design projects on the blog later this week, in fact, so stay tuned! Bec of Bec and George launched her own blog  at the end of 2013 and the popular pair have been busy with their own renovations. Bec also recently announced a style consultant role for Nostra Homes. Of course, both these couples went head to head on The Block Sky High. As for Dee and Darren, they’ve barely had a chance to recharge their batteries since losing Glass House to lovable Shannon and Simon in October.

They’ve started introducing the new couples too. Ayden and Jess are parents of two and he’s a big Scotty fan.


Ebony and Luke are the first ever brother and sister sibling duo on The Block. About time really!


We’ll bring you more as and when we hear it! In other Block news, former contestants Dale and Sophie have had a baby boy called Van and judge Shaynna Blaze totally rocked it with a singing performance at Melbourne’s Carols by Candlelight, looking amazing.

Pic: Daily Mail
Pic: Daily Mail

Find all The Block latest here.