Bedrooms Competitions

Win a $200 voucher to celebrate AURA’s new towel range

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an AURA by Tracie Ellis collection I didn’t LOVE and the latest offerings are no exception. What’s really exciting though, is that the brand has branched into towels, meaning the gorgeous looks that were previously reserved for your bedroom can now brighten up the often neglected bathroom too.


This is not the first time I’ve highlighted the very small range of fashionable towels on the Australian market so these are a very welcome addition. If you like what you see, you could win a $200 voucher to snap some up yourself. More on that later…


The latest AURA releases, including bed linen, cushions and table linen, are definitely nodding towards summer with their bright and happy hues. Those pictured are already available so if you’re fed up of the winter weather, no need to wait until the sunshine comes back to get things looking a little more summery in your home.

I’m a big believer in accessorising your bathroom to make it a more inviting and personalised space. You obviously don’t want to fill it with dust-attracting clutter, but towels are a necessity, right? So if they can double as decoration, you’re winning. And any excuse for an update!


For your chance to win the $200 AURA voucher, simply complete the form below by midnight on Tuesday 5 August 2014. Giveaway open to Australian residents only. Voucher can be spent on anything in stock on the AURA website.

Top tip: you can get 10% off your first order if you sign up for the AURA newsletter.

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By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

One reply on “Win a $200 voucher to celebrate AURA’s new towel range”

obsessed with this already, just purchased some bed linen and will be saving up for a gorgeous rug!

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