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Upcycling how-to: the retro revamp of a sideboard

Sponsored by Feast Watson

Check out this beautiful retro buffet by Alicia Parsons, isn’t it stunning? Here’s how she created it.



  • Feast Watson Clear Varnish (Satin)
  • Feast Watson Timber Primer
  • Feast Watson Prooftint (Walnut)
  • Intergrain Woodblend (Teak/Blackwood)
  • Dulux One-Step
  • Wood glue
Before and after
Before and after


  1. Choose a sturdy, well-made piece. Look for interesting details such as an unusual shape or distinctive hardware.


  1. Prepare the timber by removing anything foreign, such as drawer lining and bits of sticky tape. Also remove the glass doors and shelf.
  2. Flatten any raised veneer with wood glue and place bricks (or something heavy and flat) on top until dry.
  3. Fill any larger holes with the Woodblend putty.
  4. Use a sheet sander to smooth out the surface, firstly with a coarse grit then a fine grit. Wipe it clean.


Achieving your vision:

  1. Apply a few coats of Feast Watson Timber Primer mixed with Prooftint, slowly building up the colour with each coat.
  2. Lightly sand and clean.
  3. Apply two coats of Feast Watson Clear Varnish (Satin) for a lustrous finish.
  4. Paint the inside centre panel with Dulux One-Step. Once dry, cut the wallpaper to size, wet it with a sprayer bottle and adhere it to the back panel and the inside of the drawers.
  5. Finally, clean the glass doors and shelf and fix back into place


“When it comes to upcycling be patient – wait until you find a piece you fall in love with. Also look for a piece that is well made and has great character.” – Alicia Parsons

NB: Always test the colour on an off-cut or inconspicuous area of your piece prior to coating the whole to ensure you’re happy with the colour.

To find out more about Feast Watson products and their application, visit their website and for inspiration, check out the Feast Watson Instagram.

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