Interiors Addict

What The Story of Us want for Christmas

This husband and wife pair, Kate and Graeme from The Story of Us, are more than a bit awesome, they’re a creative force to be reckoned with!

Story of Us_sparkler_webjpg

Kate reached the status of one of my favourite people of 2013 after designing my wedding invites and editing our amazing, much talked about wedding video (I know, enough about the wedding already!). Here’s what they’d like from Santa this year…

1. Kip & Co reversible quilt cover, from $209.

kip and co

2. Salt and pepper glass pots with silver spoons, $36 from Dunlin Home.

Interiors Addict

10 things I learned from planning our wedding

1. A wedding planner or on-the-day co-ordinator can be a lifesaver! We used the lovely Katie Moore from Piccadilly Events. I was all over every detail of our wedding. I had spreadsheets and lists; LOTS of lists. So I wasn’t sure I really needed someone to help on the day (as well as my many generous friends who got stuck in) because I thought I’d already organised everything. Wrong! When there’s a wedding there is ALWAYS something else that needs doing! Katie was our wedding angel. So many guests commented on how fabulous she was.

That's Katie behind the flowers!
That’s Katie behind the flowers!

As well as the million things she probably did that I knew nothing about, she took the flowers from the church to the reception, made sure everyone knew where they should be and when and made sure my dad had a torch to read his speech with (he was seriously nervous that his eyesight was going to let him down, although I was of course oblivious!). When I arrived at the church, she produced a small tin of M&Ms, offered them to me and said: “Sugar hit?” Brilliant! Katie came to our rehearsal too so she knew the plan for the day as well as I did (we merged our respective run sheets!) and who all the key players were. I thoroughly recommend having someone like Katie as a go-to girl on the day. I told everyone that if they had any issues at all they should go and speak to the girl in the yellow dress (yes, she even told me what she’d be wearing in advance).

And she did all of this IN HEELS.

2. While we’re on the subject of extra pairs of hands, the next thing I learned (after a while) is that it’s okay to ask for help.

Interiors Addict

Our incredible wedding video by The Story of Us

We’re a little bit in love with our wedding video and very happy to share it as so many of you have sent well wishes and asked about our day.

Jen + Damian from The Story of Us on Vimeo.

We had a beautiful day, full of love and smiles. We honestly wouldn’t change a thing. So many times we looked around and said to each other: “Can this really be our wedding?!”

Tom and Kate (who also designed our invites) from The Story of Us captured and edited our day so well. We are thrilled! We almost didn’t get a videographer but we are so glad we squeezed it into our budget, especially as my sister wasn’t able to come from the UK. I remember asking lots of married friends in the run-up if they had any regrets about their own wedding (in case I’d missed something important!). Time and again they told me they wished they’d worn a veil and they wish they’d had a videographer. I’m so glad I had both! As much as we love our photos too, the film is such a lovely keepsake and one day we hope to show it to our kids!