Before & Afters Decorating 101 Design DIY Expert Tips

Expert advice: how to plan your next interior design project

Starting an interior design project can be both an exciting and an overwhelming venture. You have an array of ideas and want your design to come together, and you risk jumping in head first before you even have a plan.

To help Aussies looking to transform a space, Luke Davidson, interior designer and co-founder of online interior design platform Inscene, shares his top tips to translate your design dreams into reality.

1. Discover your personal style

The process of interior design is deeply personal. Not all design styles will work for everyone, so it is up to you to decide how you want the space to feel. One way to help figure this out is to look at your closet. You can spot the colours and patterns that work best for you, giving you an indicator as to what you should look for when designing.

2. Determine what you don’t like

It may go without saying, but another tip to help you find out what styles you like is to eradicate everything you don’t like! This can narrow your options considerably, giving you a smaller pool of design styles to choose from and keep you from being paralysed by having too many choices.

3. Understand your needs

Be sure to focus on the practicality of each space of your home. You’ll want to consider the location and surroundings of your property. This will help you figure out the appropriate styles and materials for your interior design. Additionally, accurate room measurements are vital to ensuring that what you buy fits in your space. Measuring each room ahead of time will prevent purchases being disproportionate to your design or the room itself.

4. Create a mood board and sample everything

Crafting a mood board can help you visualise what your space will look like and is a valuable resource in planning that can help you avoid costly design mistakes. It is also best to sample materials such as paint, flooring, and surfaces. Observing the paint in natural light both in the morning and at night can help you determine how the paint makes you feel when it’s on your walls and not on a little swatch. The same can be said for flooring and surface samples.

5. Quality doesn’t always mean expensive

Quality is always essential, especially when it comes to building materials. Skimping out by going with the cheapest option may save you money upfront, but it will cost you more in the long run when you need to redo or replace it. In saying this, though, quality doesn’t always translate to the most expensive. You can find durable materials that mimic the aesthetic of more expensive ones at a fraction of the cost. Don’t be afraid to mix high and low-price points, either. Filling the space with affordable and practical pieces can allow you to splurge on one or two hero items that will stand out even more. 

6. Plan rooms one at a time

Breaking down your interior design process by planning one room at a time can help a larger project become more manageable. This can also help you focus on the individual room and its unique needs. For those worried about the final design not being cohesive or rooms clashing, don’t be. If you have a plan, you can keep on top of this. For those with an interior stylist, they will ensure everything looks seamless when the project is finished.

7. Hire a professional

We all appreciate input from our family and friends, but too many opinions can be overwhelming and confusing. By hiring a professional, you get the expert opinion and help of one qualified individual. You can avoid common interior design mistakes and be confident that the end result will match your original design dream, if not better.

For more information.

Designers Expert Tips

Colin & Justin share design tips as they visit Australia

I absolutely LOVE Colin & Justin and I’m really excited the TV stars and interior designers recently landed in Australia! They’ve shared these top design tips exclusively with Interiors Addict.

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  1. To increase the feeling of space, use cool colours and paint all aspects of the room – including skirting boards etc — the same shade. Painting a low ceiling two or three shades lighter than the walls will increase the feeling of height while dark flooring and light walls will have a dramatic effect on the feeling of floor space.
  2. If the proportions of your room feel like a corridor then you can ‘square’ things off by painting the two end walls in a slightly darker shade. Doing this will make them appear to come forward and will help balance the overall perspective.
  3. Choice of colour is an extremely personal thing so look at shades you’re already attracted to in clothing, for example, or in your car etc. before making those all important decisions.
  4. Before you splash out on all your paint requirements, buy some testers and use the whole pot to paint a sizeable section of card that you can move about the room to mimic how the wall colour would look close to and away from natural light sources. Basing your decisions around a patch the size of a postage stamp never works. Look at the colour and carefully consider it at all times of day when lighting is different. If you are still undecided and want to try out several shades, avoid striping the walls by painting onto sections of lining paper and tacking them around your room.
  5. To increase space and light you must allow natural light to flood through windows without obstruction. As such, it’s goodbye to clusters of windowsill ornaments and heavy curtains and hello to clear surfaces with smart blinds or simple drapes. Use mirrors to reflect and intensify the amount of natural daylight and place them opposite windows for maximum effect.
  6. Transform a dark dingy room into a bright and fresh space by keeping conflicting patterns to a minimum. If you just have to have patterned elements then try sticking to one style – stripes for example — and use them sparingly on perhaps one wall or an accent area. Easier still (and far simpler to change at a later date) use pattern on window dressings, cushions, rugs and throws.
  7. Lighting should be used to create atmosphere so opt for something more versatile than a single pendent hanging from the centre of the ceiling. A spread of spotlights can add a modern touch to the dowdiest of rooms and should be installed with a dimmer switch to alter the mood from flood lit to cosy cool. Lighting can also be used to highlight architectural features, paintings and furniture to dramatic effect.
  8. If you’re a dedicated follower of home fashion but balk at the thought of ripping out and starting again every time you change your mind, then choose larger elements, such as flooring or sofas, in a neutral colour. Changing the mood further down the line will be far easier and will involve minimum fuss and expenditure: all you’ll need to do to ring the changes is alter the colour of walls and accessories as and when your mood dictates.
  9. Finishing touches make all the difference so splash out on uniform door handles throughout and attractive electrical switches. Like gold buttons on a Chanel suit, quality additions add an understated air of elegance and individuality.
  10. Any works carried out to your home must conducted to a high standard or else they’re simply not worth doing. Botched DIY jobs create irritation rather than appreciation and could even damage the value of your property. Remember that while it’s good to have an eye on profit for a later date, the biggest return you can get from your home should be on a daily basis.

Colin and Justin will shortly be appearing on two episodes of Ten’s The Living Room.

The popular pair will be appearing at Life Instyle and Reed Gift Fairs in Sydney this month and are the MCs at this year’s Life Instyle GALA Awards. Purchase tickets to the GALA awards (I was a judge!) online.

Bathrooms Designers Expert Tips

Top 10 design tips for a really great bathroom

From using epoxy grout to avoid mould, to not having a freestanding bath unless you really have space, to embracing shallow basins and making good use of lighting, Darren Genner knows a thing or two about creating stunning bathrooms, and he shares his tips with us today.

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1. Find a designer you like/love, employee them to design and create a plan and then stick with it. It is not as expensive as you may think. Remember, designers have the experience as they do it day in, day out.