Expert Tips

Make your own natural household cleaners

By Cybele Masterman

Nothing sweeps away the cobwebs quite like a good old spring clean. It marks the emergence out of hibernation and prepares for the frivolity of summer. I like to think of it as a deep cleanse that injects life back into the home by clearing away all the gunk that has accumulated while I’ve been tucked up next to the heater with the windows and doors closed.


The task is a lot more pleasant with nice smelling, non-toxic cleaning goodies. Fortunately, it’s really easy to make your own and they’re a lot cheaper too! The trick is to label all the containers with the contents and write the recipe on there too, so they’re easier to make next time.

Interiors Addict

New York (and Hamptons!) state of mind with Shaynna Blaze

By Shaynna Blaze

Travelling the world via the web – trawling blogs, pinning images on Pinterest and saving endless images to style folders – is one way that I like to draw inspiration, but it’s my actual visits to far flung destinations that really ignite my senses and get my creative juices flowing. Recently I was lucky enough to travel to some notoriously stylish American destinations: New York City and its nearby beach town, The Hamptons.

Taking in the visual style of New York City I saw that light greys, raw concrete, battered timbers, contrasting black and whites and industrial lighting are indicative of the city’s décor palette. The overall lack of vibrant colour was noticeable throughout the borough of Manhattan and it became apparent that NYC tends to stay true to its traditional blend of raw material and simple white-on-white colour scheme.

taubmans Image One
Picture by Shaynna at Restoration Hardware

Interiors Addict

Decluttering and styling with budget queen Michelle from House Rules

By Michelle Ball

I’ve loved decluttering and styling since I can remember, so I thought I’d share my top tips on these 2 topics. I hope they help you!

House Rules contestants Michelle and Steve
House Rules contestants Michelle and Steve


I am not, and have never been a hoarder. I believe in the principal of letting go of excess, and as you do, even more beautiful things come into your home. In saying this, when we had to let go of all our belongings as part of the competition on House Rules and give them all to the Salvation Army, it was difficult for me. We boxed up all our photo albums and personal belongings, then any furniture in the house, including rugs, went.

Interiors Addict

3 real rooms with heart

By Meghan McTavish

Home styling is much like fashion, in the sense that it’s not really healthy to fall all over yourself trying to emulate every picture perfect look featured within the pages of the glossy mags. Mags do envy-inducing escapism oh so well but we love blogs like Interiors Addict for Jen’s personal tips. It’s like getting advice from a friend – which we know is sometimes the best place to go if you’re in a bind.

There’s also gold to be found in real homes and we think there’s really nowhere that sums up a person’s personality more than in their living room. Here are 3 difference spaces that we’ve shot for Citizens of the World that have proved to be some of our most inspirational.

Jewellery designer Alex Smyth-Kirk of Vera Xane


Alex seems to feel very comfortable with colour, which is always fun to shoot. We love how her couch and chair are very muted but make an excellent base for all her incredible art and bright cushions.

Interiors Addict

How to choose the right white paint for you

By Wendy Rennie

The neverending conundrum for the home renovator is how to choose the best white for a room or space?

Walls in Haymes Interior Expressions Pale Mushroom 3
Walls in Haymes Interior Expressions Pale Mushroom 3

It seems there are more and more to choose from and picking the right one can seem overwhelming. But this process can be simplified in a few easy steps.

Interiors Addict

How to pick the right paint colours for your home

By Wendy Rennie

The best way to begin to work with colour in your home is to enjoy the experience and be prepared to take a risk.

Walls in Haymes Interior Expressions Free Range
Walls in Haymes Interior Expressions Free Range

A folder of imagery you like is a really good way to start to find what you naturally gravitate to and then you can begin to make colour schemes around your style aesthetic and your colour preferences.

Expert Tips Homewares

Top tips for starting your own online homewares store from those who’ve been there and done it

By Natasha Voudouris

Our journey into the online world began less than 2 years ago, when my mum Debbie and I had the idea of creating a website for her interior styling business. At the time, Mum had just completed a new interior design course and was ready to put her excitement and passion into practice. Up until that point, she had been flying solo as an interior stylist for over 10 years. I found myself drawn to her assignments and our shared love for beautiful furniture and homewares grew deeper.

Natasha and Debbie
Natasha and Debbie

While we were pouring out ideas for mum’s new website, we talked about one day having an online store. Talking and dreaming soon became planning and organising. Within a few weeks we had our name, Zohi Interiors, a domain and a logo, and chose a web development company. Within a few months, we began importing from India, Morocco and beyond.


We often get comments that our online store appears polished and looks like it is run by a team of 20, not a team of 2 who have never had any web or retail experience! The truth is, creating an online brand isn’t easy, we are constantly growing and learning to keep improving our business. We would love to share a few tips for anyone who is considering launching their business online.