Expert Tips

Kitchen reno budgeting: how to stay on track!

Where to start, how to plan and how to stay in budget according to ILVE’s Daniel Bertuccio.

Start with research
The most common thing that is often forgotten is research. With so much excitement that happens around renovating, people tend to walk into a store ready to start picking fixtures and fittings without deciding what they actually want and how the space will work. To avoid wasting time and blowing budgets, set a brief and list what you want to achieve. The average household will renovate their kitchen every 10-to-15 years and there are a lot of trends that will come and go in that time, so get an idea of what you want, first. Are you upgrading, are you making it bigger, are you changing the style, do you want a better cooking experience or do you want something open plan? Once you can answer a lot of those questions, you can start making concrete decisions.

Jen’s kitchen

Map out the space
We all would like a walk-in pantry but is that realistic? When planning to renovate the kitchen, know the space you are working with. For new homes, map out with spray paint the kitchen measurements on the floor, so you can visually see the space you are working with and the cost that comes with it. For renovating existing kitchens, map it out with string or a tape measure. It’s best to get a grasp on the size and location of various sections first.

Decide your budget
Be ambitious but stay in your lane. This lends itself to doing your research first and measuring out the space. Reason being, if you have searched everywhere for what you like the look of and what you want the size to be, it’s likely that you have figured out what is beyond your price point and what sits nicely within it. Keep a live document where you list your outgoings, track what is blowing and what is under so you know where you can splurge.

Find cost effective alternatives
A gold plated sink would be amazing, but will it break the budget? Probably. If you see something you love, there is most likely an alternative finish that will look very similar. There are a lot of styles, textures, finishes and ways to create a glamorous kitchen space that are not only cost effective but as durable as some of the more expensive finishes. Shop around and don’t commit till you know you’ve checked everywhere.

This gold sink bargain was from Bunnings

Essential big ticket items
Keeping within budget is the goal, a great way to do so is to plan out all the necessities or ‘big ticket items’ that you absolutely need. Be sure these are planned for at the beginning, as they will make or break your whole kitchen experience. Over-allocate funds to these bigger items and if you under spend, it can go to the extras you’d like to have.

A 90cm induction cooktop was a must-have for Jen

–Daniel Bertuccio is marketing manager for ILVE. Jen used ILVE appliances in her recent kitchen renovation.

Appliances Jen's reno RENO ADDICT

The lowdown on all the appliances in Jen’s new kitchen

Sponsored by ILVE

Much as I’d love to tell you renovations and interior design are all about aesthetics (and let’s face it, that’s the fun part!), there is a hell of a lot of practicality and functionality involved too. And the designs which combine the best of both worlds are always the most successful. Nowhere is practicality more important than in a kitchen. It can look as beautiful as a magazine spread but if it doesn’t work, well you’re soon going to get irritated with your expensive makeover!

When it came to appliances, I must admit, I was a bit overwhelmed, being my first kitchen reno. I’ve never been the one to choose the oven or cooktop, for example. So I had to get my practical head on. But I knew I needed these appliances to look great too, not just now but quite possibly in a decade’s time. I quickly settled on Italian brand ILVE (God bless those Europeans, they know a thing or two about good design!) as top of my wish list. Like all things handmade in Italy, these appliances are the best! One look around their Sydney showroom and I suddenly found myself more excited about kitchen appliances than I ever thought possible! Trust me, go and look!

The Sydney ILVE showroom: oven heaven!

If the kitchen is the heart of the home then the oven, surely, is the heart of the kitchen. This was the hardest decision for me, starting with gas or electric? I love a gas cooktop and we looked into getting our new home connected to mains gas but, to cut a long story short, this wasn’t possible. In some ways I was thankful as this cut down the plethora of choices!

I personally think of ILVE as being synonymous with beautiful free-standing ovens and for a long time, I decided this was the look I was going for. Their Majestic and Nostalgie models are beautifully traditional and a big part of me always leans towards a classic look. They’re also available in so many colours and with brass, chrome or bronze fittings. I had been lusting after a navy (blue) oven with brass hardware I’d seen in the showroom months before, but alas, I was not organised enough to give myself the waiting time required for many of the non-standard colours, so bear this in mind if you’re keen. Their Quadra series are more modern and industrial; they really remind me of serious chef’s ovens.

Ultimately though, the modern classic aesthetic I was going for in the new kitchen called for the oven to just blend in a little, rather than be the star of the show; I already had a lot going on with all the Caesarstone and the gold hardware, tap and sink. This eventually led me to the built-in 90cm oven with longevity in mind and the fact my family will (hopefully) one day be bigger than three. I chose knob controls over touch controls because I’m a bit old school like that (hello, paper diary!).

Once I’d made the very difficult oven decision (you just really feel like you need to get it right, and I was really grateful for the patience and knowledge of the lady I spoke to in the showroom), it was easy to choose the cooktop. As we couldn’t have gas, it had to be induction, and now I have induction I LOVE it! I’m kind of glad we were forced into this decision. It really had to be a 90cm cooktop to match the oven, which it sits above, and although I’ll rarely use all six burners, it sure doesn’t hurt to have options! As a mum, I find the safety of an induction system really appealing and comforting. There’s even a 90cm hybrid option which has induction plus a single gas wok burner. Best of both worlds!

If there are two things I didn’t want to make a feature of, they were the rangehood and the dishwasher. I really didn’t want my flight of overheard cabinets broken up by a big range hood so the quickest appliance decision I made was to go for the 90cm concealed rangehood. You just don’t know it’s there. I later decided not to put brass handles on those overhead cupboards either and I love the way they look so sleek and simple. You can choose to recirculate or duct and I opted to duct ours out through the roof as it just feels healthier to me. And it works a treat! We never have stale cooking smells in our house.

As for the dishwasher, it was always always going to be fully integrated. Luckily, ILVE keep it simple and only have one option, so that was an easy choice too! I love this dishwasher. It has a light inside, as well as a cutlery basket that pulls out above the one for cups and glasses (I’m embarrassed to admit it took me a while to realise it was there!). It’s really easy to program and I love that you can delay the start time by up to 24 hours. Another clever feature is the light which shines down onto the floor so you can see when it’s on (because everything is otherwise hidden by a cabinet front). It’s whisper quiet too, so this is quite necessary! It certainly beats our old, brown and beige museum-piece dishwasher which tripped the electrics most days!

Having actually lived with and used my new kitchen for a few months now, I am really happy with all my choices. The oven is a dream to use (and clean) and I love the size of it (it came into its own at Christmas!). It has nine modes including pizza, fan assisted and fan forced. And like the induction cooktop, the cool touch BIO-safe triple glazed glass door is another reassuring safety feature with a cheeky toddler around!

So, my top tips for picking appliances?

  • Take your time and start early as there’s more to it than you think!
  • Visit showrooms and speak to the experts. Don’t be afraid to ask the stupid questions!
  • Consider the look of your appliances in the scheme of your kitchen design as well as the practical side, before you plan your cabinetry.

For more information about ILVE or to find your nearest showroom/stockist.

Photography by Jacqui Turk.

Kitchens RENO ADDICT Shopping

Smeg release new range of on-trend white kitchen appliances

A hunger for change and a further blurring of the demarcation between living and food prep zones, has seen white take pole position in kitchen design. Paying homage to the beauty of white, Smeg has released its new Linear collection with a series of elegant white ovens in lustrous, light-reflective white glass and stainless steel.


The clever use of white creates a sense of seamless space – imagine a white induction cooktop on a white marble benchtop. Or a bank of sleek, minimalist ovens built into a white wall. The kitchen will recede into the overall living area, giving a sense of spaciousness and contemporary sophistication.


The new Linear collection comprises 60cm and 70cm ovens, together with compact ovens, coffee machine, warming drawer, induction hobs plus gas on glass cooktops in two widths – 72cm and 60cm.

Technology features prominently in the new Linear collection – Thermoseal oven technology ensures the perfect atmospheric balance required for optimum cooking conditions.smeg-sfa4140mcb_hrAdditional standard inclusions comprise soft close door, Ever Clean enamel, Cool Door Technology and the choice of Pyrolytic or Vapour Clean oven cleaning functions.

Other options, across the range, include SmartSense Plus – a foolproof, step-by-step guide to cooking via a TFT colour display and 50 guided cooking programmes plus the capacity to save 10 personal favourites.smeg-pva164cb_hrThe range of gas and induction cooktops is available nationally from appliance specialists, electrical retailers and some department stores. The entire range can be checked out online.

Interiors Addict

Not-a-mummy-blogger: the birth and breastfeeding

When I first started penning this post, it was called something like the reality of motherhood, one month on. That says it all really, as Sebastian is now nine weeks old and I just realised it still wasn’t finished! What I really wanted to share here were some warts and all thoughts on motherhood as a first time mum. Because it really isn’t all about cute baby pictures on Instagram. While having a baby is without doubt the most amazing thing my husband and I have ever done, we’ve never loved anyone more or felt more blessed (and that’s an overused word these days), having a baby is no bed of roses and the more people share honestly about it the better for all new and existing mums, I say!

Our Sebastian

If I’ve learnt one thing above all others it’s if you have a plan, bin it! Or at least make peace with the fact you will not have as much control over things as you’d like and you’d better learn to roll with it if you want to stay sane and not fall victim to feeling like you’re failing.

Let’s start with the birth. Damian and I attended Calmbirth classes because my OB suggested this was the best option if I was hoping for a drug free delivery. I wanted a drug free birth but was also open to the fact it might not go that way and I really had no idea what I was in for. That was my preference, not because I think drug-free is best or I’m a martyr; at its simplest I thought women have been doing this for a very long time, our bodies are designed for this and I’d prefer it to be as close to how nature intended as possible (while taking advantage of top 21st century medical care!).

I found Calmbirth useful, especially the science side of things, but being someone who struggles to sit still or switch off (meditation is my idea of hell and I sometimes find a one-hour massage too long), I did find it challenging! My friends call me the eye roller because I can be a bit of a cynic so it took all my self control to focus on the Calmbirth experience and to get the most I could from it, and it was useful. That said, when it came to the reality of having my baby, he decided he was quite comfortable and going to be fashionably late. I was booked in for an induction (the one thing I wanted to avoid and had been told to try and avoid) for the Monday when I would be 10 days overdue. But my OB was 90% sure I’d have him before then.

To cut a long story short, Monday came around and despite my best efforts to persuade him otherwise, Sebastian didn’t start labour (did you know it is the baby that actually starts labour? I know!). So off we went to the hospital at around 9pm. I was disappointed my labour was now going to be 100% in hospital as I’d really hoped to stay at home as long as possible, and I really didn’t want an intense, sped up process, but that’s what I got. To cut a long story (well actually, not long at all!) short, things happened very quickly and I had an intense three-hour labour. While I still tried to hang on to my ideas about no drugs, after almost drowning in the bath due to trying to inhale all of the gas and air, I opted for an epidural.

Even in intense pain the little voice at the back of my head was going “wow, that Calmbirth stuff went out the window fast!” The next hour or two is a bit of a blur but I was well aware of how loud I was and how embarrassed I was about that! But you really have no option but to give in to what is happening. The term wild animal does spring to mind!

Anyway, the epidural didn’t work properly because things were so far along but it did take the edge off, and on the plus side, it meant I was very aware of what was going on when the finish line came around. Yes, it hurt (I mean, how can it not, frankly?!) but I felt in control for the first time during all of it and was able to push at the right times and be very much in the moment. My OB arrived at the last minute and when he handed me Sebastian it was surreal and amazing but I didn’t bawl my eyes out as I’d imagined. I was too shocked and tired I think. I had skin to skin with him on my chest for an hour before he went anywhere and just lay there gazing at him, marvelling at how different he looked to what I’d expected. Damian and I watched the sunrise over Sydney from the birthing suite window and tried to catch our breath. After planning to “stay north,” my amazing husband had ended up being very involved in the labour, even holding one leg back while the midwife held the other when it came time to push. Full on! He found watching his son come into the world amazing and not at all gross or scary. So, it just goes to show, you can plan and plan, but when it comes to birth, you don’t have all that much say in what happens. And as my OB says, whoever invented the concept of a birth plan should be shot…

Did I forget all about the pain as soon as he was born? Not at all! Would I do it all again for the end result? Of course! Am I beating myself up about taking pain relief? No way!

breast milk

There is a lot of information out there about breastfeeding and even more opinions. Like the drug-free birth thing, it was my preference to breastfeed and I really hoped I’d be able to. I have no issue with people bottle feeding and I personally think mums are put under far too much pressure with the feeding thing. The midwives in hospital were just incredible when it came to trying to get us off on the best foot and Seb did seem to struggle a bit. I’ve never had my boobs held by so many people but you just go with it. Like everyone says, once you’ve had a baby there is no more dignity! Colostrum was collected in a syringe, he was given formula top ups (the horror!) for the first 48 hours because he couldn’t hold his blood sugar, and we persevered.

It got better, he was feeding, and by the time we left the hospital he was back to birth weight (high fives!) and we’d dropped the formula. When we got home, things seemed to be going pretty well and at his first nurse checkup at home he had continued to gain weight. But breastfeeding was never particularly easy, smooth or enjoyable. While it wasn’t painful, neither was it this blissful and peaceful bonding experience you’re led to imagine. Sebastian fussed on and off the breast crying and sometimes screaming. I called the Australian Breastfeeding Association hotline for advice and we talked about fast letdown and block feeding, tried Infacol for suspected wind and so on and so forth.

There was so much crying, not just while he was feeding but in general. But part of me thought he is just being a baby and babies cry, especially brand new ones. Suck it up because everyone tells you being a new mum is hard. But I kept remembering the offer to go back to our hospital and see the lactation consultants until he was six weeks old and I rang and made an appointment.

The midwife who helped us was amazing (someone else wants me to get my boobs out? Sure!). How great are midwives? I’ve never met one I didn’t love and most of them I’d like to adopt as my mum. His weigh in proved the last thing we had suspected: that he hadn’t been getting much milk in. He had gained only a small amount of weight over the previous two weeks. All that crying? Hunger, pure and simple. My heart sank but I was so glad I had asked for help when I did. To cut a long story short, after trying a few things, it turns out my darling little son just isn’t very good at latching. He just doesn’t get it!  Faced with two options: giving up or expressing my breast milk (of which there’s no shortage) and bottle feeding it to him, I went with the latter.

While there are definite advantages to this (his dad being able to feed him for one), it is sooooo time consuming! When I’m not hooked up to my “milking machine” (I’ve already upgraded to a double pump because time is precious), I’m washing and sterilising bottles or feeding him from them. But again, I’m not beating myself up about it and I’m just getting on with it and trying to make the best of it. Because that’s all you can do as a mum: your best. I’m grateful I’m able to breastfeed my son, if indirectly!

There is milk bloody everywhere. I swear I need more changes of clothes than Seb due to milk splashes. Oh, the glamour! As one of my followers rightly pointed out recently, whoever said don’t cry over spilt milk was clearly not talking about breast milk! There have almost been tears but mainly just swear words.

I’m happy to report that Sebastian is fattening up like a good’un and got top marks at his recent paediatrician visit! And what else matters really?

Perhaps the biggest lesson from this tale is to not be ashamed to ask for help.

Well, I think that’s enough TMI (too much information) warts and all for now. I have so much more to share with you on babies, great products I’ve discovered, cool presents he’s been sent etc, etc, but I’ll save it for another day as I have a baby to feed!

Appliances Kitchens

Smeg’s SmartSense induction cooktops the fastest yet

Being the fastest and most energy-efficient form of stovetop cooking, Smeg’s fifth generation SmartSense induction cooktops include full surface cooking technology, automatic zone recognition and double booster power surge.

Smeg Black Linear with SAI95 induction interiors addict

Delivering up to 3700W of power, a litre of water can be boiled in a mere two minutes, compared to the six minutes of radiant ceramic and the eight minutes of gas. Another benefit of induction cooking is that temperature changes, via the slider touch control, are reflected immediately and not gradually as with other forms of fuel.

A further comparison with more traditional forms of stove top cooking is energy-efficiency – 85 to 90 per cent with induction as opposed to about 65 per cent with radiant coil, 58 per cent with halogen and 40 to 45 per cent with gas.

Smeg SAI90MB-90cm interiors addict
Coming in both black and white in three sizes: 600, 700 and 900mm widths, the cooktops are incredibly intuitive. Each of the cooktops features multizone technology whereby multiple pans can be used simultaneously anywhere on the surface – there are no dead areas. Place a pan anywhere on the cooktop’s surface and the corresponding control will automatically recognise where it has been placed and light up instantly.

Each touch slide control has nine temperature levels, a boost and a super boost function plus a timer. With all zones able to be used simultaneously.

The Smeg collection of new generation SmartSense induction cooktops is available nationally from appliance specialists, electrical retailers and some department stores. Visit their website for more details.

Appliances Kitchens

Aussie Thermomix alternative weighs in on Choice scandal

It has not been a good month for Thermomix! Whoever knew such emotion could be attached to a kitchen appliance! Mind you, it’s a very expensive and reportedly life-changing one! The brand was subject to not only a product recall, but was also handed a Choice Shonky Award for ”shredding the public’s trust”. And in the process, it broke the record for public nominations.


The people behind the recently launched competitor, MyCook Premium, want to remind people there is a viable alternative. Designed and manufactured in Europe by the Taurus Group, it works by induction, meaning it transmits heat through the air and by contact with resistors. As a result, they claim the cooking and cooling process is faster, with greater temperature control and a cooking temperature that reaches a high-heat of up to 120 degrees.

Hamish Ingham, head chef and owner of Bar H in Surry Hills and winner of the prestigious Josephine Pignolet Young Chef of the Year in 2004, has been trialling the MyCook Premium. He said: “The induction heating is far better than any competitor models I have tried. It’s much faster and more accurate. And the steam feature is also far superior to similar machines.”

Like the cult Thermomix, it’s not cheap, at $1,890. Also like Thermomix, it’s only available through ambassadors via in-home demonstrations. There’s a special introductory price of $1,650 until the end of October.

Do you have a Thermomix? Do you love it? Would you try this equally expensive but lesser known rival?

For more information.

Appliances Kitchens

Interiors Addict’s Guide to Designing a Modern Kitchen

Brought to you by Fisher & Paykel


Image: Fisher & Paykel
Image: Fisher & Paykel

A kitchen design is certainly one thing that you need to get right because once it is in, for most of us, we are stuck with it for a long time.” That’s the advice from one half of The Block Sky High’s “kitchen queens” Alisa Fraser. “Spend the time planning and don’t feel pressured into making any decisions that you are not comfortable with. Look at products that are sustainable and will serve you well in years to come. You really need to picture yourself working and living in the space and make a list of things that don’t work in your current space and apply them to your new design.”

Block kitchen queens Alisa and Lysandra Fraser
Block kitchen queens Alisa and Lysandra Fraser

I couldn’t have put it better myself. Although I personally have never designed a kitchen (the one house I bought had a kitchen I loved just as it was and since I’ve been in Australia I’ve been renting), I’ve certainly pinned enough ‘Dream Home’ photos to Pinterest and given my opinion when asked by numerous friends about theirs. I also happen to hang out with a fair few people in the interiors business (understatement!), so I like to think I have an idea of what makes a good design and what’s in.

Alisa and her twin sister Lysandra won the title of the kitchen queens on the hit renovating show, impressing the judges and the public on both the Sky High and Fans vs. Favourites series. “I think we are good at visualising a space,” Alisa says. We are very conscious of not just choosing a product because it is the latest trend, as we all know that trends come and go so quickly these days. I remember Neale Whitaker commenting on our Fans vs. Favs kitchen and saying that it would still look good in 30 years. And that is the trick! Kitchens are expensive so you don’t want to be changing them every five or so years. It’s also about making the most of a space and utilising every part of it. But most of all, a kitchen needs to be functional and practical.”


Image: Fisher & Paykel
Image: Fisher & Paykel

Not everyone has the vision of Alisa and Lysandra. My advice would be to call in a professional, even if you think you know what you want. The reason for this is they do this stuff day in, day out and may well think of things you’d never have thought of. Chances are you’ve gotten very used to living with your space, which can make it hard to visualise it any other way. Most kitchen companies offer free consultations and can whip you up a CAD model of your future kitchen. Seeing it on paper in 3D will really help. They’ll also know about the latest appliances and clever storage options you might not be familiar with. I’m talking pull out pantries, dishwashers or refrigerators in drawers and combination induction and gas cooktops here!

If you feel uncomfortable about having someone in your kitchen or feel like you’ll be given the hard sell, head to your local showroom armed with a simple drawing of your kitchen with measurements. Also mark on it the location of doors, windows, plumbing and anything that can’t be moved.


I’m sure you’ve heard of the theory of the work triangle; that is that your stove, fridge and sink should be laid out in a triangle for optimum ergonomics and use of space in the kitchen. Is it relevant in 2014? Probably not. There are many reasons for this, not least that today’s kitchens tend to be open plan, larger and used for many more things. They’re so often the heart of the home. People eat in them, cook in them, do homework in them, and so it goes on.

While it used to be taken as Gospel, Fisher & Paykel reject the traditional notion of the work triangle. Their head of industrial design, Mark Elmore, says: “There are many more advantages to be gained through the use of distributed appliances. Consumers can choose to position modular appliances or combinations of appliances wherever they think they’ll be most useful in the kitchen, entertaining and living spaces.”

Fisher & Paykel's head of industrial design, Mark Elmore
Fisher & Paykel’s head of industrial design, Mark Elmore

The work triangle came about off the back of time and motion studies. But today’s kitchens are both individual and more social, says Mark. “Today’s layouts suit a more social, usually open-plan kitchen. And layouts are more ergonomic – ovens are higher in walls and dishwashers and fridges can be distributed to suit your patterns of usage or positioned higher to minimise bending. This concept sees modular appliances, such as Fisher & Paykel’s DishDrawer™ or CoolDrawer™ positioned around the kitchen – or beyond – to suit the way people live.”

Image: Fisher & Paykel
Image: Fisher & Paykel

Consideration should be given to which and what style of appliances you’re after at the very beginning of your design process. “When it’s stripped back to its elements, a kitchen is space plus functionality,” Mark says. “How you and your family use your kitchen should determine not just the position of appliances, but also the features you look for.”


It’s a good idea to set one early. So many people go into a kitchen store and for some bizarre reason, are afraid to disclose what they’re willing to spend. Quite frankly, it’s a little ridiculous. These people can help you much better if they understand the sort of money they’re working with. Don’t feel embarrassed that your budget is too low because you can only afford what you can afford. And there is no point quoting more than you intend to spend either. My advice is to be honest with the professionals. They’ll tell you what’s possible within your budget and if you then decide you can find extra money for the marble benchtop or built-in coffee machine you really can’t live without, then so be it. Not being open or honest about your budget is just going to waste everyone’s time.

Mark says, in general, people spend between a quarter and a third of their budget on appliances. “Passionate foodies who demand top performance from their appliances daily, might spend more.” An important point Mark raises is that a new kitchen gives you the opportunity to consider your whole life and design a functional space that responds to your needs.


The basic appliances every home needs are an oven, cooktop, rangehood, microwave, dishwasher and fridge-freezer. Yet the appliances you select will depend on how you cook,” Mark says. “People who love to bake or cook several meals simultaneously might go for a double oven or an extra large 90cm wide oven. Many people get a premium built-in oven and then supplement it with a combination microwave or steam oven that can be used for a different purpose.”


Styling has become increasingly important as the trend of open-plan kitchens continues to grow,” says Mark. “Contemporary styling which works with living spaces is in high demand and if your kitchen is one of the increasing number that extends into your living area, then the look of your appliances will be more important.”

Image: Fisher & Paykel
Image: Fisher & Paykel

Fisher & Paykel’s range of cooking appliances are designed to match each other – in finishes, proportions and details. Rather than having a clashing array of styles and brands, you can buy a complete suite of appliances with a cohesive, consistent look.

While integration is popular, Mark says not to discount the ‘wow’ factor of a big statement piece such as a robust, freestanding 90cm cooker or a sleek line-up of built-in appliances from their Companion range such as a coffee maker, combination microwave oven or steam oven.


There is of course, always some new gadget to add the wow factor. Alisa says there are so many new appliances hitting the market every day, it is sometimes hard to keep up. “From built-in coffee machines, to steamers and instant hot and cold Zip taps, innovative appliances are what make kitchens stand out from each other.

Appliances are not only essential and practical, but nowadays they are sexy and make a statement of their own. The right appliances in a kitchen say a lot about the people cooking in it. You can add your own personality with the many types of models now available. Choosing appliances has never been as exciting as it is today.

We all want and expect more from kitchens now, so in your standard kitchen 10 years ago, a dishwasher was a luxury. Now, it’s just expected. Not only that, but now there are so many products available to us, when it comes to selecting appliances – cabinetry, benchtop finishes – reaching a final decision is so much harder.”

To create more flexible options, Fisher & Paykel have designed innovative appliances in drawers – the DishDrawer dishwasher and CoolDrawer™ multi-temperature refrigerator – plus a range of modular cooktops available in up to five burners or zones. Instead of having a traditional dishwasher next to the sink, you can put a single DishDrawer™ beside the sink and another closer to cupboards where glasses and crockery are stored. Putting appliances in the kitchen island is also a great option for open-plan kitchens.

Image: Fisher & Paykel
Image: Fisher & Paykel


One area you can save money is on your splashbacks, says Alisa. “Glass splashbacks can be quite expensive, so head to your local tile store and see what is on special. A tiled splashback, done right, can certainly create impact. If you are really looking to save money on your kitchen renovation then as nice as it is to have soft closing drawers, they are not an essential. Another money-saving tip is to go out and source your own handles. Generally kitchen places offer the top of the range kitchen hardware, but it is amazing what specials you can pick up at your local hardware store.”

So, where should you splurge? “I certainly think quality appliances are always going to serve you well,” says Alisa. “They should last you a long time and it will save you the effort and hassle of having to replace any faulty appliances down the track. I also feel that investing in some kind of stone bench top is well worth it. Even though there are some pretty amazing laminates out there, I still feel nothing screams class as much as the real thing.”

When it comes to deciding whether to replace your appliances, bear in mind that old ones can consume more energy leading to increased costs. “Fridges are often the worst offenders,” Mark notes. “It’s really not a good idea to put your old fridge in the garage either because it can cost the price of a basic new fridge simply in running costs!”

When it comes to the cost of a benchtop, Caesarstone offer the following advice: “There are many factors to consider beyond the actual cost of the material itself. The cost to fabricate a benchtop can vary widely but it’s important to keep in mind that cheaper isn’t always necessarily better. Another simple cost-cutting measure is to factor the size of the raw material into your kitchen design – a small change in the length of your kitchen island for example, could be all the difference between needing two or three slabs of stone, which will make a big difference to the bottom line.”


When it comes to the biggest kitchen trends of the moment, Alisa highlights the comeback of the butler’s pantry and even the addition of a laundry within the kitchen to optimise space. “People are becoming more creative when it comes to storage solutions. Now they can be discreet and practical.”

View to the bulter's pantry in Carlene and Michael's kitchen in the current series of The Block Glasshouse
View to the butler’s pantry in Carlene and Michael’s kitchen in the current series of The Block Glasshouse

Another trend is the use of slab splashbacks. “They are predominately used in open kitchens that have the advantage of working with space. Slabs with marble veins can create a focal point and in essence, become a piece of art. I am loving the use of timbers throughout kitchens this season. Whether used subtly or throughout the entire kitchen, there is something sexy and inviting about timber. It is clean, contemporary and always looks amazing with white clean lines.”

Like the twins’ kitchen in Fans vs. Favourites, which Alisa calls her dream kitchen, she is seeing a lot of designs take advantage of the space-saving and entertaining benefits of having a dining table integrated with the kitchen benchtop. “When done well, this can make your kitchen look bigger and creates dimension in the room.” When it comes to layout, Alisa doesn’t believe there is a set rule. “Each space is unique and every person has different wants and requirements.”

In fact, if you had to highlight one consistent trend in kitchens at the moment, it’s for customisation in all areas. “People who want very high temperature burners or wok cooking often select one or two gas burners and put them together with an induction cooktop,” says Mark. “Fisher & Paykel caters to this customisation as people make their own cooktop combinations. Each of the gas and induction variants are designed to match, in the same easy-to-clean, reflective black Stopsol glass and unifying polished metal strip.”

Image: Fisher & Paykel
Image: Fisher & Paykel

When it comes to benchtops, due to improvements in technology, Caesarstone are seeing a trend back toward more natural looking surfaces with their marble-inspired Supernatural designs and colours in high demand. “As the modern industrial look becomes increasingly popular, we are also seeing a growing trend toward concrete-look benchtop surfaces being incorporated into mainstream kitchen designs, as more affordable and practical alternatives such as our Sleek Concrete become available,” says Caesarstone’s George Skentzos.


Benchtops seem to be one of those things people um and ah over for a really long time, trying to get just right. At the end of the day, the look, colour and quality of your choice will have a big effect on the aesthetics of your kitchen. Then again, there are so many practical considerations as benchtops get a bit of a battering and you want them to last. Marble, in my opinion, looks amazing, but you wouldn’t catch me installing it as a benchtop even if I was made of money, due to its bad relationship with water!

George says: “Like the icing on a cake, a benchtop is the finishing touch for any kitchen – a personal signature which can dramatically transform the overall look of your kitchen. When selecting your benchtop, it’s important to ask yourself what overall look you want to achieve and whether you want the surface to become a focal point or blend in with the décor.”

Caesarstone's online visualiser showing a kitchen with Sleek Concrete and Calacatta Nuvo benchtops
Caesarstone’s online visualiser showing a kitchen with Sleek Concrete and Calacatta Nuvo benchtops

Designing a modern kitchen that will stand the test of time is a balancing act between incorporating current style trends with classic design elements to create an overall look that feels both modern and timeless. “Often, people make the mistake of designing their kitchen to be more clinical than contemporary, so my advice would be to incorporate natural materials like stone and timber over a neutral foundation which will always be on trend, then introduce a contemporary twist with fixtures like taps, feature lighting and splashbacks, which can be updated easily and affordably over time to keep the kitchen looking fresh.”


So, if you’re about to design your kitchen, listen up to the following advice from Alisa: “There are two places where people go wrong when designing a kitchen. Firstly, they don’t think about the functionality and layout. This is a huge mistake as once a kitchen is in, the layout is extremely difficult and expensive to change. The other mistake is that people design their kitchen around what is on trend right now, but come the next season, the trend will have changed. There are simple ways you can add trending products into your kitchen that can easily be changed, like pendant lights, stools, tea towels and vases. These are affordable items that can easily be removed and changed.”


I hope you’ve enjoyed this guide to designing your modern kitchen. While trends come and go, I hope we’ve offered you some great advice on how to budget, what to consider, where to invest and where you can make some clever savings. We know a kitchen reno is a huge and sometimes daunting task to embark on, but don’t put it in the too-hard basket anymore. Armed with the right information and having done your homework, you can have a dream kitchen that you’ll use and love for many years to come. Good luck!


If you’re planning to renovate, you can find out more about the latest Fisher & Paykel offers here. For more design ideas you can explore the inspirational case studies here or check out Interiors Addict’s Kitchens & Bathroom section.


Woll make first high heat non-stick pans, also suitable for the oven

German cookware specialists Woll have introduced the world’s first high heat non-stick cookware and it’s available in Australia. The pans can withstand temperatures up to 450 ̊C and can be used for both cooktop and oven use.

woll saphir lite

Along with a lifetime warranty against scratching or abrading, Woll listened to customer feedback on its previous range and added a fixed handle option. The Woll Saphir Lite has the same hardwearing, high performance qualities of the original Diamond Plus (with detachable handle) but with a fixed handle that will withstand oven temperatures up to 260 ̊C. Unlike its predecessor though, this pan is available to buy online.

Appliances Kitchens

One sleek induction cooktop for multiple pans

I don’t know about you but it’s the sleekest looking cooktop I’ve seen. This month, Siemens will unveil its most innovative creation yet, the freeInduction. Unlike other induction cooktops that are restricted by predefined cooking zones, the freeInduction cooktop offers unlimited freedom when it comes to pot size, shape and position.

Siemens freeInduction

48 heat micro-conductors operate below the glass to form one continuous cooking surface. Placing a pot anywhere on the ceramic surface activates a cluster of inductor modules that can be controlled as one entity.

The intelligent hob automatically detects and heats up to four pots or pans at a time, whilst accommodating the size, shape and position of each individual piece of cookware. If a pot is moved, pan sensors immediately detect and transfer the selected heat settings to the new cooking position. Pretty clever huh?