Interiors Addict

Instagram announces web profiles

I wondered how long it’d be before this happened! Instagram is no longer limited to your phone. You can now share your gorgeous pictures on the web with the launch of web profiles. They’re much larger for a start and the layout’s very nice. Very Facebook. Check mine out here.

Interiors Addict

Things I Love Instagram challenge winner

Sorry it’s taken so long but there were HUNDREDS of photos to go through and so many of them were beautiful so it was really really hard! But I have finally declared the winner of the book signed by Megan Morton as Mariana Garcia-Katz from VIC. Here are some of her photos.

Interiors Addict

Megan Morton’s Things I Love book signing launch and instagram competition winners

A pineapple piñata, extra large confetti on the floor, walls full of instagram photos and lots of smiling faces: it could only be Megan Morton’s fun book signing celebration party at The School in Sydney.

Remember the #thingsilove seven-day Instgram challenge Megan and I teamed up on last month? MM and her team (including the lovely ‘Sophie the stylist’ who I met for the first time last night!) created two walls full of participants’ most gorgeous photos. It was so much fun checking out the huge collages! Prizes were also given out for the best photos for each day and even special mention rosettes!

Interiors Addict

Win a signed copy of Megan Morton’s new book Things I Love in our Instagram mini challenge!

Stylist Megan Morton, author of the best selling Home Love, has a new book launching next week called Things I Love. I’ve seen it already and it is SUPER GORGEOUS. MM has given me a signed copy to give away to one lucky reader. All you have to do is join in our 7-day Insta-challenge, starting tomorrow!

How to play

You’re probably all over photo challenges by now, but in case you’re not, here’s how it works.

Interiors Addict

Interiors Photo Month is back for September!

Can you believe it’s almost September already? Following the success of my July interiors photo a day challenge, it’s back for September, starting on Saturday. Here’s the list so you can start having a think about what you’ll photograph!

If you don’t know what I’m on about, read up here. I hope to see your interiors photos on Instagram soon! The hashtag is #interiorsphotomonth and my Instagram handle is jenbishop_interiorsaddict

Interiors Addict

Interiors Photo Month, or should I say #interiorsphotomonth, on Instagram

If you’ve been living under a rock you may have missed the fact that I launched Interiors Photo Month on Instagram this month and we’re all having so much fun with it! Here’s the list and details of how to join in can be found here. Don’t worry about coming to the party late, you don’t have to play catch up. After all, it’s just for fun!

Interiors Addict

Interiors photo month on Instagram. Wanna play? Here’s how…

Who is on Instagram? Who knows about #photoaday? Who wants to have some fun and be creative with their phone and interiors-inspired photos? If you read this blog, you know you do!

Fellow blogger Fat Mum Slim came up with the super fun idea that is Photo a Day on Instagram and I thought it would be cool to start a specifically interiors version. Before doing this, I asked her permission rather than just ripping it off. We have manners here in the blogosphere. Thankfully she said yes. Thanks, Chantelle!


Darren Palmer and I share our secrets to PR and social media at decoration + design international industry seminar series

I’m delighted to announce that Darren Palmer and I will be sharing the secrets of using PR and social media to grow your design business as part of the international industry seminar series at Melbourne’s decoration + design in July.

I’ll be sharing my experience, both as a journalist and magazine editor and as a blogger. If you have questions on how to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest to boost your design business and grow your brand, I’m your woman! I can also give you tips on how to spark the interest of a magazine editor or blogger.

Darren, who first shot to fame on reality TV shows homeMADE and The Block, is a regular in all the homes magazines as well as GQ. He’ll share his secrets to getting your work featured in the media and how that exposure has helped him grow his business and become one of Sydney’s most talked about up and coming designers.

You can find out more details and book your ticket here. I hope to see you there!

Darren Palmer

Interiors Addict

More design ‘insta-ration’

Following on from last week’s Instagram post, I’ve got some more design folk for you to follow today!

First up Bondi jewellery designer Samantha Wills (samanthawills), who now lives in Manhattan. Not only does she design gorgeous costume jewellery, she also loves fresh flowers and she’s a bit of a wannabe interiors stylist on the side. Sneak peeks of her coffee table displays leave me just knowing her apartment is divine! I’ve been bugging her to let me feature her home on Interiors Addict for like, ever 😉

Next up Louise Bell from super successful online homewares store Table Tonic (tabletonic). She also has a beautiful home which she’s renovating, gorgeous children and a good dose of healthy living salad and juice inspiration!

Then check out UK interiors blogger and stylist Will Taylor at Bright Bazaar (brightbazaar). You’ll soon work out why he has almost 2,000 followers!

And last but not least Dinosaur Designs co-founder Louise Olsen (sweetlouie) for behind the scenes glimpses of their amazing homewares and jewellery and much more.