
The (8) winners of January 7 Vignettes with King Living

This month was a big one for prizes thanks to our generous sponsors King Living! They offered an Uno Sofa for the overall winner and Bongo Storage Ottomans for each daily theme winner. And without further ado, the winners are…

Overall winner: @hookedoninteriors “We love how each image captured the theme whilst still maintaining a consistent overall look,” says King Living social media coordinator, Katie Glover.

Overall winner: @hookedoninteriors

Sleep theme: @lauren.storey “Naps are best shared with a furry friend.”

@lauren.storey #sleep

Sunset theme: @englishgirl14  “Sunset is the perfect time for cocktails.”

Sunset winner: @englishgirl14

Queen for a day theme:  @mistic_187  “The King Cloud II, a throne befitting a queen.”

Queen for a day winner" @mistic_187

Entertaining theme: @gathering.light “The perfect accompaniments for movie night.”

Entertaining winner: @gathering.light

Relax theme: @mylittleteacup “There’s nothing better than sitting back and relaxing with a good book.”

Relax winner: @mylittleteacup

Colour pop theme: @thecontentcreative “Love the mix of greens.”

Colour pop winner: @thecontentcreative

Home theme: @thevelvetcode “‘Wherever my family is, that’s my home.’ We love the sentiment.

Home winner: @thevelvetcode
Home winner: @thevelvetcode

There are some beautiful feeds here by our talented readers and we encourage you to follow the hyperlinks to follow them.

A huge thank you to King Living. Winners should contact us with their name, address and telephone number.

Competitions Styling

The winner of January 2015 7 Vignettes with Kip and Co

The winner, as chosen by the lovely ladies at Kip and Co, Kate, Alex and Hayley, is Jessie Brakenridge, a graphic designer from Adelaide. Congratulations @jessiebrakenridge, you win a $500 Kip and Co voucher which we’re sure will add some style, colour and fun to your bedroom!

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Kate said: “Her images are really stunning and the colour in each is balanced beautifully. Cute use of all these amazing treasures! And like here at Kip where we try to use colours in fun ways, Jessie has nailed it! Really ace job and obviously a very talented still life stylist!”

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As usual, the guest judges were bowled over by the number of great entries and found it hard to pick just one winner. The girls have kindly decided to give two runner-up prizes of $50 vouchers to @design_salt and @pastelpeppermint. “We love @pastelpeppermint for how she has combined colour with something she loves — her two gorgeous cats Tortilla and Pinto. What ace names and great pics!

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“And @design_salt because her very stylish photos were just really beautiful and how could we go past a jelly banana with chia on the ends? Genius!”

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Here’s my thoughts on why you should get involved with 7 Vignettes next month if you haven’t before! Did you hear? We passed 50,000 images on the #7vignettes hashtag this month! How cool is that?!

Winners, please contact me so we can pass your email address into Kip and Co. Thanks to our gorgeous guest judges and sponsors, we couldn’t think of a better brand to support our colourful themes this month!

Competitions Styling

7 Vignettes tops 50,000 photos!

Something really cool happened this week, in the middle of 7 Vignettes’ January challenge. We passed the magic 50k mark on the #7vignettes hashtag. Quite the milestone! It comes two years after I started the Instagram photo challenge. Seems bonkers to think it has been 24 months. And it’s still going as strong as ever if not stronger. I am so happy!


Now, I have always been a big fan of social media and the positives it can bring. I have met some of my now closest friends via Twitter and my husband and I first starting chatting on Facebook after being introduced by a mutual friend! 7 Vignettes is one of those social media things that keeps on giving, month after month, year after year!

Something special happened this month, other than reaching the big 50k. There’s always a great feeling of friendship and positivity around the challenge but this month, probably partly because of it being New Year and partly because I made a concerted effort to encourage newbies to give it a go, we had a lot of first-timers on board and boy, did they love it! And I loved seeing them loving it.

I even wrote this blog post yesterday to try and encourage more people to stop being scared and just have a go and have fun and stop being self-doubters. I hope it may encourage you too!

The January challenge finished yesterday (I’ll be announcing the winner tomorrow) and I always feel a little sad when I wake up the next morning and there’s no new pix (for another three weeks anyway!). See you all on 1 February, I hope! Make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter to get sent the themes first!

Still asking yourself what is 7 Vignettes?! Read all about it here with a fun video interview with The Block’s Darren Palmer on why it’s awesome.

Competitions Styling

7 Vignettes, starts New Year’s Day! Win a $500 voucher from Kip and Co

I can’t think of a better New Year’s creative resolution than to have a go at your first 7 Vignettes challenge! Or if you’re a regular already, there’s no better way to kick off 1 January than by getting your stylist on via Instagram, right? If you needed further incentive, I’m hoping the chance to win a $500 Kip and Co voucher and completely make over your bedroom for 2015 might be good enough!

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Kip and Co linen

To keep things simple, as we hope lots of newbies will take part, the themes are all colour-based. Sparkle and rainbow are of course legitimate colours!

7 vignettes january 2015 interiors addict
Feel free to share this list with your networks

We’re also throwing in a 7 Vignettes Gather Journal for the winner and two runners up.

Photo: Nikki Hernan
Photo: Nikki Hernan

The challenge starts on 1 January 2015 and you must tag @interiorsaddict and @kipandco and use the hashtag #7vignettes. All the instructions can be found here if you’re new to it, and if you have questions, please pop them in the comments below and we will get back to you straight away!

Good luck and, more importantly, have fun!