Competitions RENO ADDICT

Win $7k towards your reno via the Rapid Reno Mate app!

Renovation expert (and Interiors Addict fave) Naomi Findlay has renovated a whopping 114 properties and is also the creator of the free renovation app, Rapid Reno Mate, which this month is giving away $7,000 in prizes to renovators.

One of Naomi's kitchen renovations
One of Naomi’s kitchen renovations

The renovation expert and internationally renowned property stylist created the app to help renovators streamline the renovation process by keeping track of their time, budget, trades and more. Titled ‘New Year, New Home,’ the competition is open to users who download the app and the $7,000 worth of prizes will come from from Beaumont Tiles, Carpet Court, Hume Doors, Luxo Living, The Block Shop and STYLKEA.

Bedroom styling by Naomi
Bedroom styling by Naomi

“Australians love to renovate but a home remodel isn’t always as simple as it looks on TV! I wanted to give renovators a free tool so they can manage their renovations with ease from anywhere, any time” said Naomi, who has had huge success with her Rapid Renovation Formula.

App competition

The Rapid Renovation FormulaTM is one of the competition prizes, giving the lucky winner access to the key techniques and methods professional renovators use to add value to their homes.

To enter the competition, you need to download the Rapid Reno Mate app, register as a user and submit a 25-word reason why you need to update your home in 2019 to [email protected]. Entries close on 28 January, 2019.

Download the app | Naomi’s top door painting tips


Win a bar cart in August 7 Vignettes with Pottery Barn

The bar cart has never been so cool. Not only does it serve the obvious  purpose of storing all your favourite drinks and associated cocktail-making and wine-pouring glassware and tools, it also looks seriously chic. We love the retro vibe of the bar cart, harking back to a time when people really made an occasion of stopping for a good drink. And the best news? You have a chance to win one in next month’s 7 Vignettes challenge, sponsored by our friends at Pottery Barn.


The Tristan Bar Cart, worth more than $500, would work well in almost any interior. We particularly love its round shape and neat compact size. Oh, and it’s hand finished in an antique brass colour. We can’t get enough of gold accents in the home.

So, get prepping for 1 August, when the challenge starts on Instagram, with the following prompts/themes. If you don’t know how it works, go here to find out more. As they say, you gotta be in it to win it!


The main overall prize is the bar cart, worth $534, and one runner-up will receive a $50 Pottery Barn voucher. There’s also seven daily theme prizes in the form of a small Malta Brass Lantern.

The fun starts on 1 August for seven days. Please tag @interiorsaddict and @potterybarnaus and use the hashtag #7vignettes.

Good luck!

Pottery Barn has stores in Bondi and Chatswood in NSW, Perth in WA, Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley in QLD, Melbourne’s Chadstone in VIC and a Canberra outlet in the ACT. You can also shop online.


The (8) winners of January 7 Vignettes with King Living

This month was a big one for prizes thanks to our generous sponsors King Living! They offered an Uno Sofa for the overall winner and Bongo Storage Ottomans for each daily theme winner. And without further ado, the winners are…

Overall winner: @hookedoninteriors “We love how each image captured the theme whilst still maintaining a consistent overall look,” says King Living social media coordinator, Katie Glover.

Overall winner: @hookedoninteriors

Sleep theme: @lauren.storey “Naps are best shared with a furry friend.”

@lauren.storey #sleep

Sunset theme: @englishgirl14  “Sunset is the perfect time for cocktails.”

Sunset winner: @englishgirl14

Queen for a day theme:  @mistic_187  “The King Cloud II, a throne befitting a queen.”

Queen for a day winner" @mistic_187

Entertaining theme: @gathering.light “The perfect accompaniments for movie night.”

Entertaining winner: @gathering.light

Relax theme: @mylittleteacup “There’s nothing better than sitting back and relaxing with a good book.”

Relax winner: @mylittleteacup

Colour pop theme: @thecontentcreative “Love the mix of greens.”

Colour pop winner: @thecontentcreative

Home theme: @thevelvetcode “‘Wherever my family is, that’s my home.’ We love the sentiment.

Home winner: @thevelvetcode
Home winner: @thevelvetcode

There are some beautiful feeds here by our talented readers and we encourage you to follow the hyperlinks to follow them.

A huge thank you to King Living. Winners should contact us with their name, address and telephone number.

Interiors Addict

7 Vignettes May with Interiors Addict Shop

Next month’s vignette fest is fast approaching and we’re giving you the chance to win a great copper and white prize pack from our online store. The guest judge is Naomi Findlay, the stylist I’ve partnered with on Interiors Addict Shop and one of our resident experts on sister site Reno Addict. The winner will receive a set of geometric vases, a copper and white decorative bowl, a copper tealight holder and a set of two monochrome flower bowls!

Here are the themes:

7 vignettes may themes

And the prizes…

7 vignettes may prizes

The fun starts on 1 May 2015 for seven days. This month, you must tag @interiorsaddict and @naomifindlaydart and use the hashtag #7vignettes. Good luck!

Newbies can check out how it all works here.


February 7 Vignettes with OZ Design Furniture

This month’s 7 Vignettes round on Instagram was something special with loads of you starting the New Year by having a go for the first time and doing brilliantly! So we’re really looking forward to the February round, starting on Sunday and sponsored by our guest judges OZ Design Furniture. They have generously donated a $500 voucher for the overall winner but we’ll keep things interesting with daily $100 voucher prizes too! So even if you don’t do all seven, you could still win a daily prize! Here are the themes.

7 vignettes feb

Please feel free to share the above list image with your networks and get more people on board!

Iarni Harvey, OZ Design Furniture’s group marketing manager, says: “We love watching the creativity and sense of community on 7 Vignettes each month and were very keen to support it. We will be noting all our favourites for the daily and overall prizes and know how tough the judging is with so much great talent! Good luck to everyone and our advice is to just have a go, enjoy it and not over think it too much.” We couldn’t agree more!

January 2014 winner @picturedthoughts. Click for details
January 2014 winner @picturedthoughts. Click for details

This month, you must tag all your images #7vignettes and tag @interiorsaddict and @ozdesignfurniture.

For all the details of how to take part, go here, and please feel free to ask any questions in the comments below and we’ll get back to you. There are no silly questions! If you’re doubting yourself, read this post.

See you on Instagram!

Please note, only Australian reisdents can win prizes but everyone is welcome to take part just for fun!

Competitions Styling

Christmas 7 Vignettes with Domayne starts a week today

Who else is excited about Christmas?! Love it. This year, I’m going all out with a real tree and everything. Bring it on! So it’s just a week until our last 7 Vignettes for the year starts and I’m delighted to announce our sponsor, Domayne, who have come up with some fab festive themes. There’s also, in a first, going to be a prize every day so there’s an incentive to try consistently hard across the whole week! Oh, and an overall winner and prize too.

7 vignettes domayne interiors addict christmas december themes 2014
Feel free to share this list on Instagram or any other social media!

So you have a whole week to prepare now. You can take these themes as literally as you like. They don’t have to have a festive feel as well; that’s totally up to you. Each day, one winner, chosen by Domayne, will win a $50 Domayne voucher. And at the end of the week, one overall winner will be crowned and they’ll receive a $200 voucher.


If you haven’t played before, this is the perfect time to give it a go, even if just for fun and Christmas cheer! Experience our friendly Insta-community for yourself, it’s a warm and fuzzy place to be! Find out how it all works hereThis month, make sure you tag @domayne_australia and @interiorsaddict and use the hashtag #7vignettes.


If you have any questions, please comment below. Check out Domayne online.

Coming soon: News of an exciting new beautiful product to help you get organised with your vignette inspiration. Stay tuned!

Interiors Addict

Take the Taubmans decorating challenge and fall back in love with your home

Taubmans has uncovered that our nation is stuck deep in a home decorating rut. The vast majority of Australians (80%) would like to change their home’s appearance, and 57% don’t use certain rooms as much as they would like to as a result.

A before and after paint job
A before and after paint job

The study of 1,000 Australian homeowners found that a quarter (24%) of people try to hide rooms away behind closed doors when visitors arrive, and 31% claim that their spare room has become a useless dumping ground. It seems that our unsightly homes are dampening our mood, with more than two thirds (67%) confirming that having a room that needs redecorating has a negative impact on how they feel. The most common emotions dragging people down are frustration that they don’t use the room enough (40%) and embarrassment when guests see the offending space (23%).

To lift the nation out of this depressing rut, Taubmans and Shaynna Blaze are launching the Taubmans Endure Paint Challenge to encourage Australians to get off the couch and make the change they wish to see in their home. “Refreshing décor is a positive mood-lifter and gives people more pride in their home, as when it looks better, it inevitably feels better,” advises Shaynna, Taubmans’ creative director and brand ambassador.

“Redecorating can seem like a time-intensive and tedious task, but with just a lick of colourful paint you can quickly and easily give your home a much-needed facelift, without breaking the bank,” Shaynna adds.

The challenge aims to demystify home decoration and help Australians with the process of painting, from that initial spark of creativity to the final coat by providing everything they need – from inspiration and equipment, to fail safe colour palettes and expert tips.

Participation in the Taubmans Endure Paint Challenge involves a few simple steps:

  1. Register at to take part
  2. Buy a can of Taubmans Endure from Bunnings and keep your receipt
  3. Paint either an interior or exterior wall of your home, at least two square meters in size, using Taubmans Endure
  4. Upload a before and after photo of your painting project to complete your entry, by 26 April 2014.

As an added incentive to pick up the paint brush, there are over $150,000 in prizes to be won, including $500 Bunnings vouchers for the first 100 entries, major cash prizes of $12,500 each and a money-can’t-buy grand prize of a photoshoot and magazine spread, featuring the winning interior and exterior makeovers.

To find out more and for expert decorating tips and tricks, visit