Interiors Addict

New Haymes Paint collection celebrates colourful neutrals

Like us, when it comes to paint, you’re probably tired of seeing the usual suspects – variants of grey and white. But if we’re honest, these ‘safe’ colours can be rather uninteresting and even more so when you consider that the colour wheel offers so many other choices. We get it though, neutrals allow you to mix things up in a way that stronger colours often don’t which is where the latest Haymes Paint release comes in.

Wall painted in ‘Siesta,’ floor painted in ‘Shell Pink’ and sofa upholstered in the fabric equivalent of the Haymes Paint ‘Gem’

Titled ‘Blended Neutrals’ (Volume 9 in their colour library series), the collection is comprised of peachy, fleshy tones combined with warm blues that prove that neutrals don’t have to be bland. “I’ve developed this palette of nine neutrals to inspire, influence and engage consumers to use more colour in their homes. It’s a palette that contains hints of pink, peach and blue, which contrast well with the greys, injecting life and soul to interior spaces,” says Haymes Paint colour and concept manager Wendy Rennie who explains that the range was inspired by a recent trip to Milan.

Haymes Paint in ‘Sun Dew,’ a warm powder blue

Challenging the accepted definition of what constitutes a neutral, the washed-out tones are super versatile. “This more playful and relaxed approach to neutrals provides an opportunity for people to shift their approach from always using greys and whites to seeing how colour can be translated into making spaces warm, balanced and liveable,” says Wendy.

Wall painted in ‘Siesta’ and floor painted in ‘Shell Pink’

“What I love about this palette is that it creates a wonderful conversation around the definition of neutrals and how we can use them in our homes to create playful, unique and relaxed spaces,” says Wendy.

Wall painted in ‘Sun Dew’ and chair on left upholstered in the fabric equivalent of the Haymes Paint ‘Gem’

The hero colour of the palette, Siesta, is a soft peachy tone that perfectly illustrates the way in which subtle colour is as utterly versatile as a traditional neutral. “Siesta can be used to create a relaxed and comfortable vibe in a bedroom, open plan living space or even a bathroom,” says Wendy. We’re sold!

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Interiors Addict

Bandhini’s new collection: a riot of colourful cushions inspired by American glamour

It’s a big change from Bandhini Homewear Design’s usual mix of neutrals and textures but this latest collection is no less beautiful. I saw the cushions for myself last month and they really are stunning.

bhd yellow

Designer Tai Schaffler admits she was nervous about the change. “But it was time for us to get out there and positively surprise our clients. We still have some beautiful classic black and beiges this year (we wouldn’t be Bandhini if we didn’t). The response so far has been incredible. There has been a lot of love for our yellow and velvet cushions.”

bhd blue

The collection, which was shot at the Mary McDonald-designed LUXE Hotel in LA, has been inspired by the cultural differences between America, where the products have been sold since 2010, Australia, where everything is designed, and India, where it is made.