Interiors Addict

Behind the scenes of a cover photoshoot at my house!

Sponsored by AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair

I love it when Interiors Addict partners are open to fresh ideas and doing things differently and I recently had the pleasure of working with the Australian Gift & Homewares Association (AGHA) and my favourite photographer Jacqui Turk, when we shot the cover of their AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair catalogue at my house!

I thought styling fair exhibitors’ products in a real home would be a great way to showcase them, and, as the media partner of this year’s fair and a long time partner of AGHA, I thought why not do it at my house?! And that’s how the above picture came to be the cover of the catalogue which is making its way to many of you right now! You can browse it online too.

We had so much great product from exhibitors, we decided to do two separate looks; one in my living room and one in my kitchen, and although we always had high hopes, both turned out even better than expected! The living room shot though, with all its happy colour, just had to be the cover! But we also loved this kitchen shot, which probably features even more products than the other one.

The kitchen shot appears inside the catalogue and on the cover of the buyers guide

I had so much fun styling  a huge variety of things in my home and it was also quite the challenge as they were very varied and we had to make them work with what was already there too. Emma Brennan and Michiko Sukiswan from AGHA also pitched in with suggestions, styling help, much unpacking and packing and providing delicious biscuits which also doubled as great props!

There are a few things that I can tell you about photoshoots! They’re hard work and food and coffee are essential! The finished pictures look so neat and polished, but out of sight there are usually mountains of packgaing (and you’re trying to keep track of what came from which box and what has to be returned to who!). Also out of shot you’ll find lighting to make my living room look like it has the most beautiful natural light (sadly, it does not!) or people holding things up to block too much sun coming through the kitchen window (pesky shadows!). We don’t want to actually show you too much of that and spoil the magic, but you should know that as with most magazine shoots, there is a lot of smoke and mirrors at play!

That’s half the challenge though, and the reward you get from bringing together photos like these!

Are you coming to the Melbourne Gift Fair in under two weeks time? I’d love to see you there at my free Instagram masterclass (more info here). I’ll also be at the fair most of Saturday, chatting to exhibitors and sharing my favourite finds (on Instagram, where else?!).

I’ve seen for myself how many beautiful, on trend products will be available to browse and I’d really encourage to come along and meet the people behind them too.

AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre (Doors 9-19), 3-to-7 August 2019. Visit for more information.

The Block

Kathryn’s look inside the finished Block Glasshouse

Last week, we sent our resident Blockhead Kathryn Bamford to look around the finished Block apartments. She was a little bit excited…

So I went into The Block on Thursday night and when I say went to The Block I mean got a full blown tour of all the finished apartments. Dreams can come true, right? I guess this is what little kids feel like at Disneyland and can I tell you it was everything I expected and more. The Block is situated on bustling High Street, Prahran. The neighbouring houses are cute double-storey terraces and mid rise new apartment complexes, which is rather different when compared to the monstrosity of The Block. Yet for an old eighties office conversion that is huge, it’s surprisingly not too overpowering from the street front and I have to say they have done a grand job of converting it.

We were greeted with delicious canapés and champagne of course, and ushered upstairs. It was a lot bigger than I expected on the inside and there’s even a common area complete with a lift that all the homes open onto (which we haven’t been privy to on TV yet). The contestants were all lovely and I think a little relieved it was nearly all over. They were all getting along so surely not too much drama will unfold for the rest of this season? The lovely Shelley Craft talked us through the proceedings of the night and we were sworn to secrecy with no photos banned inside the apartments (if only I could share the mental pictures I took). We were divided into five groups of around 10 people and ushered around the apartments.

First up for my group was Max and Karstan’s apartment. Holy moly this place is huge. It feels massive! The kitchen looks great and even has a TV in it which is a great idea and very family friendly. There are four ovens and a huge butler’s pantry which overlooks a massive courtyard. We were even lucky enough to see inside ‘the secret room’ which is at the top of a tight spiral staircase off the courtyard. Then it was off across the common area to Darren and Dee’s. Ok, so I’m actually in love with Darren and Dee’s apartment. It’s smaller than the others but boy, do I love it! Those herringbone floors are killer and are almost throughout the whole place. The kitchen is noticeably smaller than the other apartments and has a small butler’s pantry but it is still nice nonetheless. After seeing Dee’s styling in the flesh, it’s just as good as on the screen. I’ve decided that she should be crowned the texture queen of The Block! The  master bedroom feels huge and has a balcony overlooking the courtyard which both have great city views. Their apartment is definitely the most consistent of the bunch so despite being the smallest, I wouldn’t rule them out of potentially taking it out.

Next up it was onto the boys’ apartment. Shannon and Simon have done a fabulous job and I can assure you the kitchen is not a disaster, it’s actually really nice. I love the dark benchtops and textured wood grain cupboards they went with. I love the fact that you can stand at your stove top cooking whilst looking out of the massive window onto bustling High Street. All I can say for now is that the boys’ master room robe is as good if not better than it looks on the big screen. It feels more like a luxurious parents’ retreat than a bedroom. Wait until you see their master en suite. IT IS OUT OF CONTROL! I walked in and actually had to take a moment to take it all in. It’s so different to what you would have ever seen before and it really works.

Our fourth stop was at Michael and Carlene’s apartment. The kitchen didn’t wow me but it was still really nice. Their living/dining area is large yet still feels really family friendly and homely. It opens onto a huge courtyard which is perfect for hosting large family events and overlooks High Street. I have a feeling that a family is going to want to buy their apartment. Last stop was Chris and Jenna’s house. I mean apartment. I’m hesitant to call Chris and Jenna’s an apartment as when you’re in there it feels like a house. It’s noticeably bigger than the others and has a gorgeous three-storey staircase going all the way up to the rooftop terrace. I loved Chris and Jenna’s main bathroom which received a perfect score and standing in it, you actually can’t fault it. Their kitchen is huge like the rest of their house and I love the fact the butler’s pantry is hidden behind normal kitchen doors so you can’t even tell it’s there. The copper sinks and black tapware look fantastic and all overlooking a huge courtyard. To be honest, I don’t know how they finished such a big apartment with the same budget everyone else had.

So I’m not even sure if I can share this but what the heck. The couples get to do a re-do room and I’m sure you will agree with which rooms they choose to re-do. The night ended with some Q&A with the contestants and producers and after that and I got to take home a signed copy of Darren Palmer’s new book Easy Luxury. It was a great night and a big thank you to The Good Guys Kitchens for inviting me along!

Interiors Addict

Video: Behind the scenes at Mark Tuckey

We’re loving this video which gives a great insight into how handcrafted local furniture comes to life, from one of our favourite Australian brands, Mark Tuckey.

Mark at work
Mark at work

“I wanted to be able to show people who don’t know what we do what Mark Tuckey does, and a picture is worth a thousand words,” Marks says. “A film is even better!” And he’s right…

Video by Shayne Allen.

Mark Tuckey is a bespoke timber furniture company on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. They make furniture from recycled timber and sustainably managed forestry sources. They aim to create furniture that has integrity, simplicity and strength.

Mark Tuckey furniture
Mark Tuckey furniture

Find out more about Mark Tuckey.

Interiors Addict

Video: Behind the scenes at Dinosaur Designs

Ever wondered how they make all those gorgeous vases, bowls, bangles and more at Dinosaur Designs? I’ve been lucky enough to see behind the scenes in person and the amount of work that goes into each truly individual piece, all by hand, is quite staggering. Take a look yourself in this new video featuring co-founders Louise Olsen and Stephen Ormandy at work.

Behind the Scenes at Dinosaur Designs from Dinosaur Designs on Vimeo.