Interiors Addict

Behind the scenes of a cover photoshoot at my house!

Sponsored by AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair

I love it when Interiors Addict partners are open to fresh ideas and doing things differently and I recently had the pleasure of working with the Australian Gift & Homewares Association (AGHA) and my favourite photographer Jacqui Turk, when we shot the cover of their AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair catalogue at my house!

I thought styling fair exhibitors’ products in a real home would be a great way to showcase them, and, as the media partner of this year’s fair and a long time partner of AGHA, I thought why not do it at my house?! And that’s how the above picture came to be the cover of the catalogue which is making its way to many of you right now! You can browse it online too.

We had so much great product from exhibitors, we decided to do two separate looks; one in my living room and one in my kitchen, and although we always had high hopes, both turned out even better than expected! The living room shot though, with all its happy colour, just had to be the cover! But we also loved this kitchen shot, which probably features even more products than the other one.

The kitchen shot appears inside the catalogue and on the cover of the buyers guide

I had so much fun styling  a huge variety of things in my home and it was also quite the challenge as they were very varied and we had to make them work with what was already there too. Emma Brennan and Michiko Sukiswan from AGHA also pitched in with suggestions, styling help, much unpacking and packing and providing delicious biscuits which also doubled as great props!

There are a few things that I can tell you about photoshoots! They’re hard work and food and coffee are essential! The finished pictures look so neat and polished, but out of sight there are usually mountains of packgaing (and you’re trying to keep track of what came from which box and what has to be returned to who!). Also out of shot you’ll find lighting to make my living room look like it has the most beautiful natural light (sadly, it does not!) or people holding things up to block too much sun coming through the kitchen window (pesky shadows!). We don’t want to actually show you too much of that and spoil the magic, but you should know that as with most magazine shoots, there is a lot of smoke and mirrors at play!

That’s half the challenge though, and the reward you get from bringing together photos like these!

Are you coming to the Melbourne Gift Fair in under two weeks time? I’d love to see you there at my free Instagram masterclass (more info here). I’ll also be at the fair most of Saturday, chatting to exhibitors and sharing my favourite finds (on Instagram, where else?!).

I’ve seen for myself how many beautiful, on trend products will be available to browse and I’d really encourage to come along and meet the people behind them too.

AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre (Doors 9-19), 3-to-7 August 2019. Visit for more information.


Stunning results from Julia Green’s latest masterclass

Renowned Melbourne stylist Julia Green recently opened her own home to a group of eager students and the impressive results speak for themselves! Budding stylists, including recent The Block contestant Hannah Amos, left inspired and motivated after what some called a life-changing experience!

If Julia had a dollar for every time she has been asked for advice on establishing a career in the interior styling world, she could very likely pack up her props and trade them in for a life of luxury. So the founder of Greenhouse Interiors decided to share her knowledge with those looking to establish themselves in this popular and highly competitive field. Throwing open the doors to her Barwon Heads home for a second weekend-long workshop, six aspiring stylists were given the opportunity to learn what it takes to turn a passion for interior styling into a career. And they came up with these amazing photographs for their portfolios.


The workshop covered all aspects of the industry, from understanding personal style to working with photographers and other suppliers, as well as how to win business. Guest speaker Samantha Firestone also shared her knowledge of the importance of digital strategy, social media and marketing. A morning yoga session and an evening glass or two of bubbles offered a perfect contrast to the otherwise fast-paced schedule. Sounds good to us!

The workshop culminated in a professional photo shoot where participants brought to life their interior concepts using a new range of artworks by Greenhouse Interiors artists Brent Rosenberg, Morgan Jamieson, Prudence Caroline and Kimmy Hogan.

“As an aspiring stylist with dreams but unsure how to reach them, this retreat was life-changing,” Julia said. “We had such a group of amazing women, all with different end goals but on the same path, brainstorming and making plans.”

Participant Alexandra Carter said: “It was a truly life altering weekend and one that I will never forget. I have assisted on a few shoots before, but actually having a say in the direction of the shoot (along with the team) was so incredibly satisfying when all the shots came to life!” Ex-Blockhead Hannah added: “We were taught not only to surround ourselves with positive and creative like-minded people but not to be afraid to pursue our passion that sets our heart on fire. This was a money-can’t-buy experience and I have left feeling more determined than ever to chase my goals and start hatching plans.”

Sally Humphries said: “I feel like I’ve learnt a lot, but not just about making a room look beautiful. The weekend was a hell of a lot more in depth than that on a personal and business level. Only a very special person can bring that sort of honesty out of people and so quickly.”

“Bright futures, and a solid game plan now await this group of creatives armed with the passion and know how,” said Julia.

Find out more about Julia’s future interior styling workshops.

Stylists: Hannah Amos, Chelsea Ellis, Alexandra Carter, Sally Humphries, Jen Harrison and Aisha Chaudhry.

Photography: Stephanie Rooney

Styling The Block

Stylist Erin Michael creates birth announcement app

When stylist Erin Michael wanted to announce her baby, Jagger, to the world, she didn’t send the usual SMS or personalised photo card, she created this super cool birth announcement.

Jagger Original BA

It went viral, was pinned all over town and much imitated. Now clever Erin has seen the potential to turn her idea into an app and I think it’s genius!

It is so simple and easy to use. Rather than recreate your own photoshoot (as someone who recently gave birth, I can say that would definitely be at the bottom of my priority list!), you can introduce your baby in style to your friends and family virtually the minute they are born with Birth Announcement App.


All you need to do is choose a template, enter the baby’s birth details, take a photo or use one from your camera roll et voila, you are ready to share the exciting news of your baby in a unique and stylish way. Share instantly on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, send an SMS, email, or save to camera roll to print later. Erin, who was a contestant on The Block in 2010, printed her birth announcement photo and wrote thank you messages on the back of them to her loved ones.

App screenshot1

“No newborn? Don’t worry, you are not missing out! You can retrospectively upload any photo from your camera roll and enter the birth details of your older children. Or maybe create one to pop in a frame as a gift for a friend who has just had a baby. They are also great for photo memory books, so you have a cute little reminder of all the important details to cherish forever,” Erin says.

App screenshot3

Birth Announcement app is available to download free from the Apple App store, with in-app purchases. One gender neutral template based on the original is free to use and other templates cost $4.99 each.

An Android version (yay!) and many more templates are planned for the coming months.

What do you think? I think this is going to go OFF! Download for free.

Interiors Addict

New Find A Creative website for anyone pulling together photo shoots

Find A Creative is a brand new resource for the stills photographic industry for print and digital media. Co-founder Jenni Booth says: “It is a directory of people who specialise in this industry, a place where creatives can be found by clients, and where creatives can be found by other creatives!”

She adds: “Unlike other connection sites such as LinkedIn or The Loop, Find A Creative is simply a little black book of useful people relating solely to our industry. Whether you are a client looking to pull together a team for a stills photo shoot, a photographer looking for a digi operator or assistant, or a stylist looking for props or a set builder, Find A Creative lists them all!”

Jenni says many brands are now producing their own photo shoots to save money. “This website will provide an invaluable source of contacts for them to do this, right down to the delivery driver and caterers. We even provide contacts for the post-production too, if you need a graphic designer or web builder.”


My winter warmer picks for The Home and a stunning country photoshoot

I was delighted when The Home asked me to pick some of my favourite products for a special winter warmer sale (starting today) and to join them on a photoshoot on location to bring them to life. Isn’t the end result stunning? I’m so in love with this clever photo!

the home winter warmer interiors addict 1

I headed straight to some of my favourite places, like Cadrys rugs and Have You Met Miss Jones to pick some cosy and colourful items. I’ve always loved the look of layered rugs but never tried this in my own home so it was fun to pick several to work together. I think this shoot goes to show that mix and match can totally work, and it’s all about contrast and texture. And how about that lamp? I’m buying one of those babies for myself!

the home winter warmer interiors addict

As for these beautiful images, a LOT of hard work and talent went into them behind the scenes, which I got to watch, but cannot take any credit for (apart from putting the flowers in the vase and making the tea for the cup on the tray…)! Joining me at the gorgeous property in the Hunter Valley were The Home’s stylist Marj Silva, photographer Lisa Zhou and buyer Emma Blomfield (also stylist at Nest Designs). They made that picture happen, and no, it really isn’t glamorous! Unless of course you count climbing on scaffolding and holding boards up on the other side of windows to stop pesky sun rays coming through and spoiling the shot glamorous!