
Stunning results from Julia Green’s latest masterclass

Renowned Melbourne stylist Julia Green recently opened her own home to a group of eager students and the impressive results speak for themselves! Budding stylists, including recent The Block contestant Hannah Amos, left inspired and motivated after what some called a life-changing experience!

If Julia had a dollar for every time she has been asked for advice on establishing a career in the interior styling world, she could very likely pack up her props and trade them in for a life of luxury. So the founder of Greenhouse Interiors decided to share her knowledge with those looking to establish themselves in this popular and highly competitive field. Throwing open the doors to her Barwon Heads home for a second weekend-long workshop, six aspiring stylists were given the opportunity to learn what it takes to turn a passion for interior styling into a career. And they came up with these amazing photographs for their portfolios.


The workshop covered all aspects of the industry, from understanding personal style to working with photographers and other suppliers, as well as how to win business. Guest speaker Samantha Firestone also shared her knowledge of the importance of digital strategy, social media and marketing. A morning yoga session and an evening glass or two of bubbles offered a perfect contrast to the otherwise fast-paced schedule. Sounds good to us!

The workshop culminated in a professional photo shoot where participants brought to life their interior concepts using a new range of artworks by Greenhouse Interiors artists Brent Rosenberg, Morgan Jamieson, Prudence Caroline and Kimmy Hogan.

“As an aspiring stylist with dreams but unsure how to reach them, this retreat was life-changing,” Julia said. “We had such a group of amazing women, all with different end goals but on the same path, brainstorming and making plans.”

Participant Alexandra Carter said: “It was a truly life altering weekend and one that I will never forget. I have assisted on a few shoots before, but actually having a say in the direction of the shoot (along with the team) was so incredibly satisfying when all the shots came to life!” Ex-Blockhead Hannah added: “We were taught not only to surround ourselves with positive and creative like-minded people but not to be afraid to pursue our passion that sets our heart on fire. This was a money-can’t-buy experience and I have left feeling more determined than ever to chase my goals and start hatching plans.”

Sally Humphries said: “I feel like I’ve learnt a lot, but not just about making a room look beautiful. The weekend was a hell of a lot more in depth than that on a personal and business level. Only a very special person can bring that sort of honesty out of people and so quickly.”

“Bright futures, and a solid game plan now await this group of creatives armed with the passion and know how,” said Julia.

Find out more about Julia’s future interior styling workshops.

Stylists: Hannah Amos, Chelsea Ellis, Alexandra Carter, Sally Humphries, Jen Harrison and Aisha Chaudhry.

Photography: Stephanie Rooney

Art Interviews

Brent Rosenberg’s digital artworks inspired by street culture

With a dream to start his own fashion line, Brent Rosenberg spent his early 20s learning how to create technical drawings and in turn, digitise them. And while the fashion dream didn’t reach fruition, it did lead to a new path of becoming a graphic designer and now, a full-time artist.

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[contextly_sidebar id=”hOAxl2OqiegCskAY8JCzW6nnvBTt482w”]Despite creating digital artworks, Brent often begins by hand sketching to get the formation and perspective, before spending hour upon hour designing on his computer. Ending with contemporary artworks that combine geometric shapes with contrasting colours, his latest collection is very visually impactful. “I like the impact artworks can make. It doesn’t have to be deep and meaningful, it can just be a reaction, a simple ‘oh that’s cool,’ would make me happy enough to put my work out there.”

brent rosenberg

Influenced by the world around us, indigenous and generational culture and nature, his work has an underlying street art edge. “I love street art, not so much hood rat graffiti but more creative street art, whether that be paste ups, installations or pieces on massive walls. That urban street world has really influenced my latest works and I hope I can evolve it more and more.”

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Having made art his career for the last three years, Brent is 100% self-taught, as he says: “You could say YouTube gave me my degree!” His proudest moment thus far was when Simon and Shannon Vos used his artwork in their Block Glasshouse apartment, an experience that was pretty darn cool and surprisingly unexpected. “The proudest moment was when I bumped into judge Darren Palmer and his praise was pretty flattering. I never take life too seriously but that moment I definitely felt like I found my place.”

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While Brent isn’t one to ever look too far into the future, he is hoping to spend many more years creating art. “I see myself still being me, doing what I love, surrounded by my family and friends. I’d love to travel lots more and just enjoy the experience which is life.”

To purchase Brent’s signed and numbered artworks you can visit his online shop or Greenhouse Interiors.