
Stunning results from Julia Green’s latest masterclass

Renowned Melbourne stylist Julia Green recently opened her own home to a group of eager students and the impressive results speak for themselves! Budding stylists, including recent The Block contestant Hannah Amos, left inspired and motivated after what some called a life-changing experience!

If Julia had a dollar for every time she has been asked for advice on establishing a career in the interior styling world, she could very likely pack up her props and trade them in for a life of luxury. So the founder of Greenhouse Interiors decided to share her knowledge with those looking to establish themselves in this popular and highly competitive field. Throwing open the doors to her Barwon Heads home for a second weekend-long workshop, six aspiring stylists were given the opportunity to learn what it takes to turn a passion for interior styling into a career. And they came up with these amazing photographs for their portfolios.


The workshop covered all aspects of the industry, from understanding personal style to working with photographers and other suppliers, as well as how to win business. Guest speaker Samantha Firestone also shared her knowledge of the importance of digital strategy, social media and marketing. A morning yoga session and an evening glass or two of bubbles offered a perfect contrast to the otherwise fast-paced schedule. Sounds good to us!

The workshop culminated in a professional photo shoot where participants brought to life their interior concepts using a new range of artworks by Greenhouse Interiors artists Brent Rosenberg, Morgan Jamieson, Prudence Caroline and Kimmy Hogan.

“As an aspiring stylist with dreams but unsure how to reach them, this retreat was life-changing,” Julia said. “We had such a group of amazing women, all with different end goals but on the same path, brainstorming and making plans.”

Participant Alexandra Carter said: “It was a truly life altering weekend and one that I will never forget. I have assisted on a few shoots before, but actually having a say in the direction of the shoot (along with the team) was so incredibly satisfying when all the shots came to life!” Ex-Blockhead Hannah added: “We were taught not only to surround ourselves with positive and creative like-minded people but not to be afraid to pursue our passion that sets our heart on fire. This was a money-can’t-buy experience and I have left feeling more determined than ever to chase my goals and start hatching plans.”

Sally Humphries said: “I feel like I’ve learnt a lot, but not just about making a room look beautiful. The weekend was a hell of a lot more in depth than that on a personal and business level. Only a very special person can bring that sort of honesty out of people and so quickly.”

“Bright futures, and a solid game plan now await this group of creatives armed with the passion and know how,” said Julia.

Find out more about Julia’s future interior styling workshops.

Stylists: Hannah Amos, Chelsea Ellis, Alexandra Carter, Sally Humphries, Jen Harrison and Aisha Chaudhry.

Photography: Stephanie Rooney

Bedrooms Designers Homewares

8 cushions worth splurging on

Cushion shopping can be overwhelming to say the least. From monochromes and brights to linens and velvets, the options are endless. So, we are here to help. And while at Interiors Addict we love a bargain, some luxuries are worth spending those few extra dollars on! Introducing our pick of 8 cushions worth splurging on.

Le Marc’s Aubusson Cushion: Hand-stitched intricate patterns give this cushion a distressed look. I can just imagine it in the boudoir of an ancient palace, alongside tapestries and fine china. A botanical theme and soft tones on a hand-dyed cotton blend brings the Aubusson Cushion into this century. It is available in three colours, for $295 with a feather insert.

Le Marc’s Aubusson Cushion

Sage and Clare’s Laurel Fringe Cushion: Woven on a hand loom, the playful multicolour fringing defines this textural chevron cushion. Featuring a hand printed sunflower reverse and a feather insert, the Laurel Fringe Cushion is $149.

Sage and Clare’s Laurel Fringe Cushion

MJG’s Easy Leather Round Cushion: With tan leather on one side and canvas on the other, this soft and decorative cushion could fit effortlessly into any home (Jen has one in hers). Also available in square and rectangle variations, it retails for $139 with insert.

MJG’s Easy Leather Round Cushion

Greg Natale’s Le Marais Dusty Pink Cushion: Let’s face it, you can’t have a cushion wrap without a shout out to Greg Natale! The Le Marais Cushion is reversible, with one side featuring a hand-embroidered pattern on cotton and the other a linen print. Colourful but sophisticated, it is $109.95 with a feather blend insert.

Greg Natale’s Le Marais Dusty Pink Cushion (left)

Fazeek’s Hands Off Oatmeal Cushion:  Make your mark with Hands Off, a striking design hand-printed in Melbourne. Available in three colourways, the 100% linen cover with insert retails for $120. Plus if you love the design, you can get matching tea towels, throws and more!

Fazeek’s Hands Off Oatmeal Cushion

Prudence Caroline’s Shortbread Cushion: If you can’t afford the colourful, abstract artworks of Prudence Caroline, a digitally printed cushion is the next best thing! With her art on one side and a baby pink velvet on the reverse, it measurers 40x100cm, perfect for a statement piece on your bed. It retails for $179 with insert.

Prudence Caroline’s Shortbread Cushion

Oon Home’s Buneko Cushion in Marble: It takes several hours to create just one piece! Made via traditional techniques in Nepal, it brings to life beautiful textures, natural patterns and some serious wool goodness. Functioning as a floor cushion or chair pad, it is available in four colourways for $199 (but half price on sale last time we looked!).

Oon Home’s Buneko Cushion in Marble (front)

Ink & Spindle’s Kookaburra & Bracken Cushion: Paying homage to Australia, the linen cushion features a hand printed kookaburra design on one side and a bracken design on the other. Made from meterage, every cushion features a different section of the design, giving each piece its own unique look. It retails for $112 with an ethical feather insert.

Ink & Spindle’s Kookaburra & Bracken Cushion

We hope you liked the list. Let us know what you would add!

Can’t get enough? Get your homewares fix here.

Art Homewares Interviews Styling

Interview: How 2 mums opened homewares store after 7 kids

After long corporate careers, friends Sophie Croft and Julie Markovic decided to depart that world and open their gorgeous retail store Feathered Arbour in Melbourne’s Carlton North. An inspiring interiors emporium, the store stocks brands such as Rachel Castle, Zakkia, Pop & Scott, Kip & Co, Kate and Kate and Armadillo&Co. We caught up with the duo recently to find out how it all began.


“I spent 20 years working for Myer with my last job being general manager of merchandise,” says Sophie, while Julie spent her corporate life crunching numbers in the IT business. Like so many before them, both women found motherhood was the impetus for opening their own small business. “I was lucky enough to be involved in one of Australia’s largest corporate sales when Myer was sold by Coles Myer to private equity. This was an amazing experience but at the end of this process I was done and pregnant with my second daughter. So I took a bit of a hiatus to just be a mum. I didn’t feel I could be the mum I wanted to be when my children were young if I had of stayed in the corporate world,” says Sophie, who soon found herself lost in the world of interiors and constantly returning to the idea of opening a retail space. “I wanted a balance in my life that I’m not sure I could have achieved staying in corporate and I secretly wanted to fulfil a childhood dream of owning my own shop.”

Julie came to the decision to depart the corporate world after having two children. “I realised I didn’t have the same passion for working in a large corporation. I packed up my Excel spreadsheet and went on to have two more children and spend some quality time at home watching them grow. Once my eldest started school I again had the desire to get involved in some projects, to keep my mind active, but knew the corporate world wouldn’t allow me to be the mother I wanted to be to my brood. I wanted to see the results of my hard work, rather than it being just fed up the line,” says Julie.

Rather fittingly, the pair met through their local primary school. “Both of us thrive on been busy and founds ourselves running the school fete together. We worked really well together and after doing this for a few years and with four of our combined seven children at school, we were both starting to look for something more,” says Sophie who, desperate to open a retail space and with her eye on an ideal location, shared her plans with Julie. “Within 24 hours, she asked whether I had thought of a business partner – the moon and stars really lined up at this point. We work really well together, we have really different but complementary skills and there is a deep respect for what each of us brings to the table. We speak 100 times a day, laugh lots and we love what we do. We have become amazing friends and so have our families – it just works!” says Sophie.


While the store stocks an enviable line-up of brands, the product they are most passionate about is their collection of Australian art. “The talent that exists in Australia is incredible. Artwork is probably one of our favourite categories, working with people like Emma Cleine of Lumiere, Prudence Caroline, Lisa Lapointe and Armelle Habib, is really inspiring. Bonnie and Neil are a real favourite and popping into their studio on a regular basis is awesome as you can watch the product being created in front of your eyes,” says Sophie.


Photography: Armelle Habib | Styling: Julia Green

To go in the running to win a $500 voucher to spend in store, complete the form below by midnight Sydney time on Friday 10 June 2016.

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Take 5 with Julia Green of Greenhouse Interiors

Each week we shine the spotlight on some of Australia’s best designers, artists and stylists and have them share with us what’s making them tick; anything from the best gift they’ve ever received to their favourite holiday destination. Today we chat to Julia Green, stylist extraordinaire and founder of Greenhouse Interiors.

julia green 1

1. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?

Pardon the cliché, but without a shadow of a doubt my children. They bring me more happiness (and admittedly grief!) than any object. They make me feel better about everything, they reflect all of my values and they are my best buddies. Just one hug in their arms and I go to jelly. Babies don’t fall off trees (as I found out the hard way) and I feel very blessed to have helped make two healthy little souls — that’s a lot to be grateful for. So thanks hubby for the part you played too. They are the best gift I could ever ask for.

2. What three people would be at your perfect dinner party?

My mum, for her hilarity and gregarious non-judging ways. She is a hoot, and someone I am completely at ease with. If Patrick (from Offspring) was still alive, I would have invited him just to look at… but he’s dead. So perhaps Nina could come instead (in character because she was funny). And don’t ask me why, but I think I want to meet Guy Sebastian. Is that just random? He seems so lovely, and Mum and I could crank out some good karaoke with him, as we are partial to a bit of that after a few vinos together (she does the harmony).

3. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

I have been handed some pearls of wisdom over the years, that’s for sure. But my mother taught me from a young age to back myself, trust my gut feeling and to never give up. I now pass those values onto my own kiddliwinks.

4. What is your favorite shop?

Well funny you should ask as I just launched my own Greenhouse Interiors online store, so I am going to unashamedly say my own. I have had the honour of representing a group of insanely clever artists here in Australia for over five years and their talent has always blown me away. My own home is a shrine to their work, so I can say hand on heart, a store that supports them and their genius creativity is a place I would personally want to shop day and night!

5. What is your favourite piece of furniture you own? 

Oh that’s like asking me to choose a favourite child… impossible! I love my Jardan bed and just wish I could spend more time in it. I treasure a host of beautiful original artworks from Belynda Henry, Ali McNabney-Stevens, Prudence Caroline and Armelle Habib, but my latest love is Rabbit Girl, a green resin sculpture from Gilli and Marc that sits atop my concrete hearth in the lounge room. Oh, and I adore my new black and white awning on my deck and my vertical garden. And I could keep going!