Architecture RENO ADDICT

Ask an Architect: the great online resource for renovators

Home renovations can be hugely daunting. However, you only need to watch an episode of The Block, read one of our amazing real renos or talk to a friend, to realise that there’s really more good renovation stories than bad!


But where do you start if you’ve decided to renovate your home? One of the best places is Ask An Architect, a website developed by the Australian Institute of Architects. Designed to demystify the renovation process and make architecture something everybody can easily access, they offer sound and affordable advice.


An unbiased voice of reason, an expert architect can work with you to take the mystery out of what might seem an incredibly complex process. No matter how big or small the renovation, the site will help you balance what’s possible against what’s desired, establish the project budget, offer advice to secure development approvals, help with your selection of builders, look at any issues with quality control and construction, assist with the design and more.


Some of the most useful features include the detailed Cost Guide to help you budget, the ArchiAdvice and ArchiDesign Pre-Purchase Packages – which offer you a direct line to a qualified architect at competitive prices, a handy online question and answer service, relevant upcoming events, the Find an Architect directory of professional architects, a gallery for inspiration and Pinterest tools to help you start scrapbooking ideas.

Visit Ask an Architect.

House Rules Interviews RENO ADDICT

House Rules’ winner Adam Dovile on his new role on Better Homes and Gardens

Ever since watching House Rules last year, I’ve been a big fan of Adam Dovile, one half of the winning Victorian couple, Adam and Lisa. With his happy-go-lucky attitude, broad grin and roaring laugh he has a personality that seems made for TV. So it comes as no surprise he’s now back on our screens, this time as the resident builder on Better Homes and Gardens.

Adam Dovile interiors addict

“I was working back in Melbourne when I got a phone call asking if I’d like to join the team for 2015. I actually said to them are you sure you want me? I was absolutely blown away. So now Lisa and I have moved to Sydney. It was a big decision, but we just thought you only live once you, have to give it a shot!”

The move to Sydney meant Adam had to put his building business on hold, Lisa quit her job and they both had to leave their newly renovated House Rules’ home. However for Adam it’s all been worth it, being able to share his love of building and DIY with the rest of the country. “As the resident builder and carpenter for the show, I’m basically there to show people the DIY tricks they can do around their home and also the big projects both indoors and out. We’ve been doing bathroom and kitchen renovations, so people will be able to get ideas and tips on all the processes that are involved in renovating. There’s a lot of steps people aren’t aware of.”

Adam Dovile interiors addict 1
Adam on set

While the building and DIY jobs have come naturally, Adam does admit that the biggest challenge has been talking to the camera! “In House Rules it was completely different. That was reality TV and the camera basically just captured Lisa and I doing work. But as a presenter, you have to talk to the camera like it’s a person and that feels a little weird!”

However, what has made the process easier is getting to just be himself (as he says: “If I can’t do that, there’s something wrong with me!”). With no script or teleprompter in sight, instead he just speaks his mind. “When I got offered the role I said to them, yes I’m a builder and I understand all the processes, but I’ve never presented in my life. But they said they just wanted me to be myself and I didn’t need to read anything. That took a lot of the pressure off.”

Adam with presenters Johanna Griggs and Demi Harman
Adam with presenters Johanna Griggs and Demi Harman

Having had a whirlwind 2014 after taking home the House Rules’ grand prize of getting his mortgage paid off, Adam is ready for an equally big year. “Winning was amazing! Not having all that money taken out of our account each month (for the mortgage) has been great. It’s opened up a lot of new opportunities and I’m very excited for what this year holds.”

Better Homes and Gardens starts Friday 6 February at 7pm on Channel Seven.

Designers House Rules RENO ADDICT

New series of House Rules starts tonight on 7

For those suffering from The Block withdrawals, fear not. The second series of last year’s hit reality renovating show House Rules, starts tonight (Wednesday 30 April) on 7.

Architect and House Rules judge Joe Snell
Architect and House Rules judge Joe Snell

Get ready to see six new teams from around Australia go on a ride of a lifetime, putting their homes on the line and skills to the test, as they battle it out to become mortgage free. Together, they’ll travel the country, hand over the keys to their homes and leave their competition rivals to transform every room in their house.

With host Johanna Griggs at the helm again this year, six brave teams will gamble with the most important possession in their lives. Designer Carolyn Burns-McCrave and build supervisor Chester Drife will be overseeing the teams, who have just a week to completely transform each home. Guided by just five House Rules, the teams will each be given a designated zone in the house to work on and they must draw on all their creative talents, determination and strategy to achieve the most stunning transformations.

Two expert judges – architect Joe Snell and Home Beautiful magazine editor Wendy Moore – will score each team’s renovation. But the last word will go to the homeowners. Without knowing who was responsible for each zone, they will score them all. Will they love or loathe what they see?

Scores will be revealed at Homebase, where eliminations will also take place. And in the final, the last two teams will face off for the chance to walk away with their entire mortgage paid off in full.

I only got into the show at the end of the last series but wish I’d watched more of it as I found the concept really interesting. Will you be watching?

More info.

Interiors Addict

Pinterest meets online directory with new Oneflare Scrapbooks

Sponsored by Oneflare 

Imagine your Pinterest ‘dream home’ board combined with an online directory of qualified professionals to make that dream a reality. No need to: Oneflare Scrapbooks exists!

oneflare scrapbooks

If you’re looking to build your dream home, or to renovate, a new, Australian-first design tool could help. Oneflare Scrapbooks helps you find and collect inspiring photos of your favourite home designs and ideas, then find the right people to do the work for you, all on one website. Clever, huh?

It’s essentially like a Pinterest for home design, but powered by almost 40,000 qualified Australian home service businesses (like interior designers and builders), all guaranteed by Oneflare. And just like finding a local service on Oneflare, it’s simple to use, and totally free.

Interiors Addict

Who to speak to first about your reno or new build: architect or builder?

By Robert Harwood

I have to confess, I’m often puzzled by people who start out on their project thinking that the first person they need to contact is a builder. Sure, you should speak to a builder if you’re going to fix a roof, build a wardrobe or re-lay a timber floor. But if you’re wanting to extend or reconfigure your existing house to better suit the way you want to live, or build a new home, that’s another project entirely. The way I see it, approaching a builder first is a clear case of putting the cart before the horse.

A house My Architect worked on
A house My Architect worked on


Well, essentially, builders are specialists in building from the plans and documents that you should provide to them. Architects are specialists in the key upfront decisions that will define your project, such as: