Bathrooms Interviews The Block

Interview: Ebony and Luke on life after The Block elimination

I don’t think we were the only ones who fell for The Block’s first brother and sister duo Ebony and Luke with their down to earth attitude, sense of fun and that brave pink wall choice. So it was a shame to see them eliminated last week after a bathroom nightmare. But Ebony Haythornthwaite, who happens to be an Interiors Addict fan, says she doesn’t regret a thing.

Luke and Ebony
Luke and Ebony

Like thousands of others, Ebony and big brother Luke had always watched The Block and wondered if they could do it. This was before Luke was a qualified carpenter and long before Ebony had made a decision to study interior design. “Two years ago, after continuous encouragement from friends and family, we applied,” says Ebony. “We got to the interview process, but sadly, we missed out. So we tried again in 2014 and we were successful!”

Although the bathroom, for which they got eliminated, was a bit of a disaster from start to finish, Ebony says she doesn’t regret going on the show. “You brush that off because it’s about the experience, not just the result. And the experience was phenomenal. I don’t think anyone can fully understand unless they’ve been in the same situation. The Block is obviously physically exhausting; however it is more of a mental challenge than anything else. Getting your head around the constant cameras, the lack of food and sleep, plus the pressure of room reveals and looming deadlines; it is all pretty intense. I wish that the audience got to see all of the laughs and jokes which went on with the teams. We honestly all got on so well.”

The pair’s second room, the living/dining, was well received by the judges and viewers, despite the somewhat controversial peachy-pink wall colour choice. “I am so proud of what Luke and I achieved,” Ebony says. “We knew that everyone would either love it or hate it, but we took the risk. Plus, it gave us a chance for the judges to see our style.”

The pair’s popular living/dining room

Their bathroom however: not so good! “Unfortunately there are times when nothing goes according to plan; this was one of those times! Luke and I struggled to nail down our trades at the beginning, then we had difficulties with our products being delivered and we had to change pivotal fittings due to restrictions that we weren’t aware of. But more importantly, in the wee hours of the morning of reveal, we realised that we had been supplied with incorrect products. But the only way to deal with it was to see what we could purchase quickly and try to at least finish. This meant buying a cheap vanity unit from Mitre 10. Let’s just say it didn’t quite go with the large tap I had purchased for the original vanity.”

THAT tap and vanity combo!

[contextly_sidebar id=”Ec8teCdm0f0gKWvt511mu96erKGKmTMP”]Ebony describes the other contestants as hilarious and genuine which bodes well for the rest of the series. They certainly don’t seen a particularly bitchy crowd but who knows what will happen this week when more people are thrown into the mix! “They enjoy a laugh and more importantly, all have the ability to laugh at themselves,” Ebony said. “I thoroughly enjoyed meeting them.” The only judge she got to meet was Neale Whitaker, and not under ideal circumstances. “It was prior to the living and dining room judging. I was taking the only two minutes spare you get on The Block and brushing my teeth. Unfortunately, it was behind a sofa in the parking lot. Neale saw me and thought it was hilarious. I was mortified! Neale Whitaker had just seen me brushing my teeth behind a dirty old sofa!”

Yet if the opportunity came up, Ebony would be involved in The Block again. “Now I know a little more about the mental strength it takes to deal with the pressure, but it would still definitely be challenging.” As fleeting as their 15 minutes of fame was, Ebony is pleased it highlighted hers and Luke’s skills in a positive light. He’s gone back to his job as a carpenter for Landscapes WA in Perth and since being on the show, she’s moved from her hometown of Busselton to the WA capital and started working for herself (you can find her business on Facebook).

“I am really proud that we were the first brother/sister duo to be on The Block. I think it brought a totally different dynamic to the show. Experiencing this with Luke was really great. He’s my big brother who I’ve always looked up to since we were little. I guess I knew that if I went on the show with him, I’d be pushing myself every day. My biggest fear would be letting Luke down.”

Naw, bless! We wish Luke and Ebony every future success.

House Tours The Block

Last night’s Block living room reveals

Last night’s was an altogether calmer episode of The Block and we got to the room reveal action quickly, which is always good! The poor remaining contestants were so worn out, they tried to get away with sitting down for judging but Scotty was having none of it! Luke and Ebony reckon they’d only had about six hours’ sleep in more than 50 hours. Ouch. Onto the judging…

Tim and Anastasia. Came 4th and stayed in by the skin of their teeth.


Shaynna Blaze, who was absent from last week’s judging, said it was beautiful, a knockout and an incredible start. Seriously, will the judges stop being so damn nice?! Neale Whitaker was wowed at what had been achieved in 48 hours and both judges said the attention to detail was great. Neale said we’d never seen anything like this in an elimination round and it felt really lovely.


There was criticism though: using a nest of occasional tables as the main coffee table, a wonky pelmet and no TV. The paper pendant light was a hit but Shaynna said there wasn’t enough lighting for the evening overall.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Kooper pedants.

Ayden and Jess. Came 2nd.


Cabinet maker Ayden took a risk making his own table in limited time but it paid off. Neale said the couple had a great sense of fun, a bit of edge and cool. Both judges thought the styling was simple and fun. The couch was a good size, the lighting choices were spot on and it had a Miami feeling. In fact, they struggled to find anything wrong.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Meridian console mirror (so handy!).

Aimee and Brooke came last and were sent home.


I really liked this ditsy pair last week, but this week found them a bit too cocky and didn’t like the snide comments they made about Ebony and Luke’s pink wall. Neale said their look was consistent with last week’s bedroom and he liked the couch and artwork. Shaynna had a good first impression but on closer inspection thought the furniture’s proportions were all wrong with the too-chunky entertainment unit and too-small lounge. I’d have to agree.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Solid oak round coffee table (similar to theirs).

Ebony and Luke. Came 3rd.


This brother and sister are growing on me all the time. They just seem like decent people who aren’t too full of themselves, even though they do seem to have a really good idea and more of a clue than some of the others. They came fourth last time so this was an improvement! Their calamine lotion pink wall was a risky move but personally I loved the overall look and how it worked with the Katie McKinnon art (which they also used in their bedroom).  Shaynna said it was a very dividing colour but they more than pulled it off. Neale added: “The return of pink. Wow.” There were tiny criticisms like a few drips of paint on the wall and the underneath of the pelmet being unfinished.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Katie McKinnon artwork (of course!).

Charlotte and Josh. Came 1st, second reveal in a row!


Again, another risk that paid off, these two decided to exposed their brick wall. Even though it was a weird mustard colour, they recovered from it by painting it white and still making a real impact. You know Neale really likes something when you see a big grin rather than his more usual half-smile and this is what we saw last night. “Wow. Unbelievable. Stunning,” he said. I think we knew they were going to win! Shaynna said it was a whole different look to the other rooms and  Neale agreed they’d taken a box of a room and given it soul, a “stroke of genius”. I didn’t like their artwork or the rug at an angle, which of course Shaynna couldn’t go past either!

OUR PICK TO BUY: Bone inlay coffee table.

So, what did you think? Love or hate the pink wall? Agree with the cousins going home? Who is your favourite couple at this early stage? 

Bedrooms House Tours The Block

The Block’s first elimination and all the room reveal pictures

Last night’s episode drove me a little bonkers. HURRY UP! I wanted to shout! Seemed like most of the contestants were on a go-slow and nobody seemed to care enough. And when you consider how many people must want to get on the show (I am definitely not one of them, unless they’re offering a guest judge spot!) that’s a little frustrating.

So I was the last person to expect Neale Whitaker to be saying it was a tough call when six rooms of a high standard had been delivered. That’s clever TV editing for you I guess! And I have to say, when it came to the end results, despite some dodgy finishes, I was eating-my-words surprised! I think most of the viewing public expected the ditsy cousins Brooke and Aimee to be a dead cert to be eliminated but oh, how wrong we were! They ended up in second place. So, all in all, it was a good episode!

So, in order of judging…

Tim & Anastasia. Came 5th and stayed in the competition by the skin of their teeth (half a point!):

Tim & Anastasia's room
Tim & Anastasia’s room

Darren and Neale said completing this room in 24 hours was mind-boggling, but then at this point, they had nobody else’s to compare it to. Neale said the artwork was a bold, good choice and set the tone for the whole room. Both loved the timber walls but the dodgy finishing where they met the ceiling didn’t escape Darren’s beady eye. The powerpoint and TV aerial socket in the middle of the wall were also clangers. But Neale said overall it was a pretty strong start.

OUR PICK: Tufted bedhead by Forty Winks.

Ayden  and Jess. Came 3rd:

Ayden and Jess's room
Ayden and Jess’s room

Pre-judging, Ayden described the room as “us on a platter,” and said they wouldn’t change a thing. I liked his confidence! The judges said it was very fresh and inviting. Darren loved the linen (I have the same on my bed from Aura as it happens), cushion and art choices. Neale said it was young, cool and sophisticated. They both raved about the open-shelved wardrobe but Darren said the paint work and plaster work were a dog’s breakfast! And those curtains certainly needed ironing!

OUR PICK: Ali McNabney Stevens print.

Mark & JJ came last and were eliminated. I bet she’s glad she doesn’t have to be called JJ anymore:

ELIM 1_EP02_BEDROOM_JM_02 copy

It was clear from Darren and Neale’s comments, by the end of the judging, that these two were heading home. Neale said it was hard to know where to look first. Although the wallpaper was very brave and very well done and the mix of retro and contemporary was good, there were too many styles going on and nothing tied together well. And the deal was sealed with terms like “chaos” and “panic styling”. Bye bye, guys!

OUR PICK: Sebastian pendant by Thomas Gannan.

Brooke & Aimee. Came 2nd despite looking like they wouldn’t even finish:

Brooke and Aimee's room
Brooke and Aimee’s room

And their door didn’t shut either! But Neale really liked it, coining the term ‘industrial country’ and both judges loved the vintage style, mint green bed. they even said the wardrobe was an extraordinary achievement in the timeframe. But nobody could ignore that black curtain rod, drooping in the middle!

OUR PICK: Pony Rider cushion.

Ebony & Luke came 4th and were visibly shocked to still be in the game:

Luke & Ebony's room
Luke & Ebony’s room

The blue wall went down a treat and the judges noted the rest of the room was subtle and restrained. Darren was not happy with the chest of drawers as the only storage option, or the poorly finished skirting and bedhead. And no window dressing despite a pelmet! Darren said though, that it was a well designed room with good choices, just bad finishes. Neale found it frustrating that some bits were so right and others so wrong.

OUR PICK: Katie McKinnon artwork.

Charlotte & Josh took out the top spot and came 1st with their subtle scheme:

Josh & Charlotte's winning subtle room
Josh & Charlotte’s winning subtle room

Josh was confident too, saying before the judging that he thought they’d get through to the next stage. On entering the room, Neale and Darren both said wow and they were even more impressed when they realised the timber wall was real and not wallpaper. Neale loved the pared back glamour and called it ‘industrial glam beach house’! There’s a new one! And Darren said the wall was magnificent for so many reasons. Neale rounded the compliments off with “superb”! The only downsides were the lack of window dressing and the seam of the lampshade facing out to the room.

OUR PICK: It had to be the copper sideboard, right?!

Nice one, winners!
Nice one, winners!