Living Room Shopping The Block

The Block 2021: Living and dining reveals

It was a close one last night with Tanya and Vito’s quirky sunken lounge and Ronnie and Georgia’s broad appeal grey, white and gold room tying first place. But only after Ronnie and Georgia played their gnome point to prevent their sworn enemies from winning!

It often feels like these living/dining spaces should be quite straightforward and all about furniture choices, but in reality the open plan and often vast spaces can be hard work to get right from a layout perspective. And it was certainly a mixed bag last night.

Read on for what the judges had to say, the scores and how to shop the look.

Ronnie & Georgia: joint first (after playing their gnome)

Score: 28.5/30
Spent: $47,001

“Now everything makes sense!” said Darren. The judges loved all the textures. Neale said it was classic, contemporary and luxury. Darren said it delivered, delivered and delivered! He was completely in love with the dining chairs and the way they played with the artwork. The styling was perfect and the steel framed door gave a nice acoustic barrier. Darren said they’d made it broad appeal without being generic.

Flipping the usual flow, with lounge and dining rooms before the kitchen somehow just worked for the judges, creating a dining and living area where each room supports the other and all pull towards the central space. A perfectly placed television and fireplace, bar area adjacent to the dining area with lowered ceiling for intimacy and all taking advantage of the soaring roofline of the living area combined for an area that felt spacious but still an intimate enough to be used every day.

Shop the look: Slab coffee table | Natadora Morocco Speckle sofa | Cohen dining chairs

Mark & Mitch: fourth place

Score: 24.5/30
Spent: $37,691

With striking rows of skylights flooding the huge living and dining area with natural light, this is the wow factor the judges were looking for. “What an incredible ceiling!” said Shaynna.

“It’s one of those spaces that you walk in and look up and see the light and the tree, and then when you start analysing the way the space has been used, you sort of think ‘why would you do that?’” Neale said, quickly bringing down the mood! Darren loved the table and vase in the entrance foyer but felt there was a lot of dead space around it. “There are so many things to love about it but a lot of it is wrong.”

The beautifully styled dining table got top marks: “It looks like a party about to begin!” Neale said. But he said it all felt unfinished. It was like a series of vignettes but wasn’t meshing together as a home. Darren said the TV was too high because it was above the fireplace. “I feel like I’m sitting in a waiting room. I don’t feel comfortable,” said Neale.

Shaynna said she knew Mitch and Mark gave it their all but that the space felt like two separate houses. “I’m glad I’m not in the room when Scotty gives our feedback. But they need to hear it because buyers will feel it.”

Shop the look: Bailey dining chairs | Brighton pendant light

Tanya & Vito: joint first place

Score: 29.5/30
Spent: $49,618

Perfectly matched to the overall 1950s feel of this home was Tanya and Vito’s sunken lounge – and the judges fell in love – and into the couches – immediately. “Fun, playful, cool and retro!” gushed Darren, jumping in to see how the living area fit perfectly between the original front feature window with full length sheers and newly installed double-sided fireplace. “There’s nothing more conducive to people being together,” Neale added. “It’s just been so well thought through.”

Next over was the generous dining area, just perfect for a family dinner. And over it all, the “work of art” of five round Velux skylights. “You guys have nailed it!” Shaynna said. “I absolutely would not change a thing. I am pretty much in heaven.

“It’s so bright, light and white and happy. Quirky and saleable are usually mutually exclusive but you guys have pulled it off.”

Shop the look: Frameless gas fireplace | Benjamin Ripple Oval Dining Table | Harold dining chair

Josh & Luke: last place

Score: 22.5/30
Spent: $37,367

If it’s space the judges were after, they’d come to the right place, with Josh and Luke’s huge dining and living area.

“They’ve chosen an a amazing table and an amazing artwork,” said Darren, who also said he had imagined they’d lay the space out completely differently. Shaynna said the table was so beautiful but they hadn’t made the best of it and it made her sad for Christian Cole, who was an artisan. “Even the chairs don’t complement it,” she added. And the living room rug was way too small.

“They have a huge task in front of them and it sometimes overwhelms them,” said Darren. Shaynna agreed.

The judges then ran through exactly what they needed to do to save the space, including flipping the living and dining areas. “Get this space right and it certainly will reward you on auction day.”

Shop the look: Christian Cole American oak dining table | Scribe lounge chair

Kirsty & Jesse: third place

Score: 29/30
Spent: $47,864

“Honey I’m home,” said Neale. “It’s just so warm and welcoming.” Darren said it wasn’t a huge lounge room but the gigantic sofa made it feel generous. Shaynna said it felt like the perfect cosy, homely, family space. “I love the way it all works together,” said Neale. “It’s like a little symphony in white.”

Darren loved the dining area and its own private area with a view to the outside. “This is a really proper dining space.”

Neale said Kirsty and Jesse had got better and better with each passing week.

Shaynna loved the blue striped wallpaper nook, even though their trades had said it looked “too Greek”!.

Shop the look: Paxton Pompadour reclaimed elm dining table | Watercolour stripes wallpaper | Noosa modular sofa

Design Expert Tips Styling

Living room layout: a space for TV and conversation!

Today on the blog, reno queen Naomi Findlay shares her tips for laying out your living room furniture.

One of the questions I often get asked is, “How do I lay out my living room?”

It’s funny because we used to centre our sofa around the TV, add a coffee table and think ‘done!’ But nowadays, the living room is a space for conversation and entertaining friends and family, and as such, it needs to be beautiful, functional and act as both a formal and informal space.

With that in mind, I styled this living room in a way that invited conversation while also still feeling cosy and comfortable for those family movie nights.

Using furniture to create defined areas can get you back on track to making the most of the room. That’s why, instead of making the focal point of this space the giant flatscreen TV, I organised it in a way that you can talk to the person sitting opposite you!

With the big pieces of furniture in, it’s time to focus on styling – a crucial step that should never be an afterthought.

Lighting, greenery and texture are key to creating a gorgeous and vibrant living space. You can use cushions (matchy-matchy is out), wool throws and baskets to bring in warmth.

I love using real plants that don’t require much sunlight and incorporating natural materials like timber and stone into my vignettes.

Add a gorgeous lamp and a candle for different levels of lighting and you are ready to relax and entertain at will!

VIDEO: 4 ways to style your living room with Naomi Findlay

Jen finally gets her own living room right!

Bedrooms Competitions Designers Styling

The country’s 50 most jaw-dropping rooms

I have a confession: I am addicted to house porn… and don’t worry it’s not as X-rated as it sounds. Rather, it’s the act of checking out the most lust-worthy, jaw-dropping residences and dreaming of winning the lottery so you can call them home!

Designed by Adelaide Bragg

The 2017 House & Garden Top 50 Rooms is perfect for fellow addicts. Now in its 19th year, the competition celebrates the crème de la crème of Australian residential design. Whittled down from hundreds of entries, the rooms are as diverse as they are stunning with beautifully functional kitchens to ingenious living spaces and dreamy bedrooms.

Designed by Lisa Burdus

This year’s overall winner is a luxurious sunken living room, designed by Melbourne architect, Dina Malathounis of Junctions90. Blending a neutral palette with a spectacular open fire, it has oversized glass windows that lead to the backyard.

Designed by Dina Malathounis

With an esteemed judging panel including Australian House & Garden‘s editor in chief Lisa Green, interior designer Dana Tomic-Hughes of Yellowtrace and colour expert Lucy Sutherland; the categories range from Best Kitchen to Best Use of Colour and Best Use of Materials.

Designed by Louise Walsh

Designed by Splinter Society

Six states are represented in the Top 50, with a blind judging process guaranteeing an unbiased result. As Room of the Year designer, Dina receives a trip for two to Paris for the Maison & Objet fair in January 2018. We are jealous!

For more information | Inside the country’s most enviable homes

House Tours The Block

Last night’s Block living room reveals

Last night’s was an altogether calmer episode of The Block and we got to the room reveal action quickly, which is always good! The poor remaining contestants were so worn out, they tried to get away with sitting down for judging but Scotty was having none of it! Luke and Ebony reckon they’d only had about six hours’ sleep in more than 50 hours. Ouch. Onto the judging…

Tim and Anastasia. Came 4th and stayed in by the skin of their teeth.


Shaynna Blaze, who was absent from last week’s judging, said it was beautiful, a knockout and an incredible start. Seriously, will the judges stop being so damn nice?! Neale Whitaker was wowed at what had been achieved in 48 hours and both judges said the attention to detail was great. Neale said we’d never seen anything like this in an elimination round and it felt really lovely.


There was criticism though: using a nest of occasional tables as the main coffee table, a wonky pelmet and no TV. The paper pendant light was a hit but Shaynna said there wasn’t enough lighting for the evening overall.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Kooper pedants.

Ayden and Jess. Came 2nd.


Cabinet maker Ayden took a risk making his own table in limited time but it paid off. Neale said the couple had a great sense of fun, a bit of edge and cool. Both judges thought the styling was simple and fun. The couch was a good size, the lighting choices were spot on and it had a Miami feeling. In fact, they struggled to find anything wrong.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Meridian console mirror (so handy!).

Aimee and Brooke came last and were sent home.


I really liked this ditsy pair last week, but this week found them a bit too cocky and didn’t like the snide comments they made about Ebony and Luke’s pink wall. Neale said their look was consistent with last week’s bedroom and he liked the couch and artwork. Shaynna had a good first impression but on closer inspection thought the furniture’s proportions were all wrong with the too-chunky entertainment unit and too-small lounge. I’d have to agree.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Solid oak round coffee table (similar to theirs).

Ebony and Luke. Came 3rd.


This brother and sister are growing on me all the time. They just seem like decent people who aren’t too full of themselves, even though they do seem to have a really good idea and more of a clue than some of the others. They came fourth last time so this was an improvement! Their calamine lotion pink wall was a risky move but personally I loved the overall look and how it worked with the Katie McKinnon art (which they also used in their bedroom).  Shaynna said it was a very dividing colour but they more than pulled it off. Neale added: “The return of pink. Wow.” There were tiny criticisms like a few drips of paint on the wall and the underneath of the pelmet being unfinished.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Katie McKinnon artwork (of course!).

Charlotte and Josh. Came 1st, second reveal in a row!


Again, another risk that paid off, these two decided to exposed their brick wall. Even though it was a weird mustard colour, they recovered from it by painting it white and still making a real impact. You know Neale really likes something when you see a big grin rather than his more usual half-smile and this is what we saw last night. “Wow. Unbelievable. Stunning,” he said. I think we knew they were going to win! Shaynna said it was a whole different look to the other rooms and  Neale agreed they’d taken a box of a room and given it soul, a “stroke of genius”. I didn’t like their artwork or the rug at an angle, which of course Shaynna couldn’t go past either!

OUR PICK TO BUY: Bone inlay coffee table.

So, what did you think? Love or hate the pink wall? Agree with the cousins going home? Who is your favourite couple at this early stage? 

Interiors Addict