Interiors Addict

The 1000th post giveaway with a $2000 prize pack for one lucky interiors addict!

Can you believe I’ve posted 1000 times (well, a few more than now, actually!)? I would say I can’t, but it’s not all that surprising to me! Nonetheless, I thought what a great excuse for the best giveaway I’ve ever done, and one that’s full of amazing prizes I know interiors addict readers will love! One lucky reader will win EVERYTHING and all you have to do is answer one question. The best answer will be judged by Belle magazine’s interior design editor Steve Cordony and interior designer Darren Palmer. So here’s what’s up for grabs, in no particular order (it keeps going and going)…

An A0-size limited edition signed print of Andrew O’Brien’s Pink, Turquoise on Ultramarine Ground, as seen on the cover of a recent Real Living magazine

 A timber outdoor setting from Freedom

A multi-coloured ikat canvas from Urban Road

A $100 voucher from Xavier & Me, which you might spend on their new cushions

Interiors Addict

Freedom’s new outdoor range launches today

There’s 15% off for a limited time only so get in early before Spring finally arrives properly! This is the Resort range and, as outdoor sofas go, I think they’re very stylish. See the website for more.

Interiors Addict

15% off at Freedom, until Sunday

From today until Sunday inclusive, there’s 15% off everything full price at Freedom, PLUS their spend $1000 and get a $100 voucher promotion. This means you too, readers. Just go here and print off the voucher. Easy.


Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict’s big Freedom giveaway!

Doesn’t this winter weather just make you want to stay home all cosy with cashmere throws, gorgeous rugs and moody lighting? Perfect weather for nesting! And thanks to Freedom I have two awesome prizes for your home to give away this week. Yay!

First prize is this amazing giant ikat canvas print which is one of my favourites from their current collection. Not all of us have a spare few grand hanging around to buy art (one day, when I grow up!) but we still want something great on our walls to add interest and colour and make a statement. This one’s BIG and at $599 it’s affordable. But you’d rather have it for free, right?


New winter furniture and homewares from Freedom

Freedom’s new winter 2012 collection launched today and I’m impressed. What do you think? Whether you’re after this season’s grey or a more colourful, eclectic look, there really is something for everyone with some great prices too. As always, there are some great finds within the homewares department and the best thing is you can order them online. I have my eye on the chunky grey hand knitted throw and I’ll be stocking up on the great value velvet cushions ($29.95).

Interiors Addict

20% off full price at Freedom from today until Sunday!

Simply print off the voucher. Could be the perfect time to invest in a new lounge…

Interiors Addict

Freedom has brought out a special limited edition festive version of its popular threadneedle armcha

Freedom has brought out a special limited edition festive version of its popular threadneedle armcha
Interiors Addict

Bringing the outdoors indoors (or was that the indoors outdoors?). Oh, never mind…

I picked up soooo many tips from Vanessa Colyer Tay at last week’s Freedom Style Council and I’ve been feeling guilty about them sitting in my notebook not being shared with you all, so I’m back! VCT is the style editor for Inside Out magazine and she shared her insights into the life of an interior stylist (the bit I was more interested in), which I then shared here last week.

Now, I wasn’t expecting to be all that interested in this indoor/outdoor living stuff. No offence but I live in a two-bedroom apartment with a modest balcony which I’ve had dreams (but no inclination) to turn into a cosy nook for summer, be that with a book and cup of tea in the daytime or a glass of wine and my boyfriend in the evenings. But after VCT’s tips I’m a whole new level of inspired! Look out, balcony!

So, here are her top tips for creating outdoor/indoor harmony:

  • Make the journey between the two spaces (indoor and outdoor) as seamless as possible.
  • Use indoor-like furniture that feels grounded and permanent, outdoors.
  • Link colours between inside and outside, through plants, furniture or accessories.
  • Decorate indoors with materials reminiscent of outdoor surfaces, like rattan and wood.
  • Natural accessories are the little black dress of decorating. They always look good. Even though styles change over the years, they’ll always find a home. (This is so true! IA)
  • Be brave with accessories. Move them around. Nature is wild and unpredictable. Your decor can be too!
  • Display botanical prints, art or silhouettes of nature. A large statement piece of floral art may be all you require.
  • Bring one or two plants inside your doorway for a seamless journey.
  • Use mirrors to reflect outdoor spaces.
  • Plant greenery outside your window.
  • Use no window treatment at all or simple window treatments which are light on the eye.
  • Use plants in styled displays. Look out for interesting vessels and mix unusual plants together. (Add a ribbon to a jam jar to make a striking, cheap vase!).

Ready to tackle your own balcony, yard or garden now? It’s not long until you’ll be using it!

The new issue of Inside Out magazine is on news stands today. I’ve had a sneak peek at the cover and it’s all kind of fluro and pastel gorgeous!

Expert Tips Styling

Freedom Style Council with Vanessa Colyer Tay from Inside Out

I had a great time at the third and final Freedom Style Council event at Freedom’s Belrose store on Tuesday night. The delightful Vanessa Colyer Tay, renowned stylist and Inside Out style editor, shared some great insight on the role of a magazine stylist and I thought I’d share it with you. If you’ve ever wondered how they choose the homes to feature in the magazine or how the shoots come together so beautifully, read on.

“Houses come to the magazine through all sorts of channels,” Vanessa said. “Sometimes from an architect, sometimes a proud home decorator and sometimes we seek them out ourselves. Before we start a shoot we like to have a really good idea of what we’re embarking on. We might visit the home and take some rough photos. If it’s a cosy little home it might be better for a winter issue and if it’s a coastal home it might work better in summer. We attend with a photographer and work together to capture the home’s personality. We focus on what works and remove what doesn’t.”

While stylists work with what’s in the home and belongs to the owner, they’ll usually take a box of props with them too. Vanessa said a trick for tying all the shots of different rooms together (which can equally be applied to improving the flow of your own home) was to repeat a splash of the same colour in every room. “It doesn’t have to look like a really colorful home either, it doesn’t have to overwhelm you,” she added. “On the shoots we just add a few little extra things. We want the shots to reflect the owner’s personality.”


“Even in an eclectic home it’s important to offer a bit of breathing space.”

“Try mixing a cluster of smaller items with one big solid item.”

As well as shoots in homes, sometimes the stylists start with a completely blank canvas in a studio.  “This allows us to create a little bit of fantasy,” said Vanessa. And then there are the time-consuming location shoots. “This is where we take everything to a beautiful location and shoot it there. This ties into an emotive response. They’re a big labour of love!”

So how does the story development process work? Briefly:

  1. Develop a good understanding of the brief or concept
  2. Create a colourscheme
  3. Source the products
  4. Develop composition and ideas through sketching.

When starting to create the colourscheme it’s best to start with a visual reference. “You start with a mood board, pull out colours and consider the overall style,” Vanessa said. “When sourcing products they should reflect the colourscheme and overall style of the mood board. Then you sketch out composition ideas.

“The hardest part is always making decisions!”

Later this week, Vanessa’s tips on creating indoor/outdoor living in your own home.

Stylists Arent & Pyke and Jason Grant spoke at the previous Freedom Style Council events this year. Vanessa collaborated with Inside Out style director Glen Proebstel with him doing the shoot and her giving the talk.

Photograph by Sam McAdam

Interiors Addict

15% off full priced goods at Freedom from tomorrow until Sunday. Follow this link, print the voucher

15% off full priced goods at Freedom from tomorrow until Sunday. Follow this link, print the voucher, take it to your local store. Too easy!