Interiors Addict

Sunday Snippets: The best of the week in interiors

  •  I am a big fan of stylist Jane Frosh and this week I featured her Blue Mountains home, which is up for sale. It was recently on the cover of Country Style and it is AMAZING. Check it out.

It’s been a fantastic week for PR, with a double-pager in Ivy & Piper magazine and a feature in The West Australian’s Habitat section. I’m always really grateful for and excited by press coverage. I love getting the Interiors Addict message out far and wide so I was particularly please to be in a WA newspaper.

This coming week my apartment is being photographed for Northside magazine’s ‘At home with’ feature. I’m a little nervous, I must admit!

I’m looking forward to speaking at decoration + design in Melbourne on Friday. I’ll be there on Thursday too. If you’re exhibiting or coming to my talk with Darren Palmer, please let me know and I’ll try and make time to say hi! I’m making a weekend of it and can’t wait to stay at The Blackman, one of the art series hotels. The interiors look stunning and I can’t wait to check it out.

In totally unrelated news, this week I took the diamond my fiancé proposed with to the jeweller to be made into my engagement ring. VERY exciting and still floating on a post-engagement cloud…

I’m off to watch Downton Abbey. Have a fantastic week ahead and I hope to meet lots of you at decoration + design!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.