Interiors Addict

What I have learned in my first fortnight as a full-time blogger

Wow, that went quickly! Everyone keeps asking me how it’s going so I thought I would share what I’ve learned in my first fortnight of self-employment.

1. The ATO doesn’t know what blogging means, which Is probably why it took almost a month and two calls from my accountant (she’s awesome) to finally get my ABN.

2. Self-employment doesn’t mean daytime TV and sleep-ins. In fact I haven’t had a sleep-in since I left the day job, despite promising myself an entire week off. Ah well, a busy self-employed person is a happy one, surely?!

Interiors Addict

Today marks new beginnings as a full-time interiors addict!

Yesterday I left my day job and ventured out into the world of blogging and self-employment! It’s a little bit scary but very exciting!

It’s going to be amazing to have so much more head space (and TIME) to devote to Interiors Addict. It really will be a luxury. As ever, I want to know what you like, what you want, who you are! Feel free to comment below, introduce yourself, tell me who you are, what you do, what you like (and don’t) about the blog. I’d love to ‘meet’ you!

And can I ask a favour? If you have friends who you think might like Interiors Addict too, spread the word via your social networks? We’re on Facebook, TwitterPinterest and Instagram (jenbishop_interiorsaddict)!

Interiors Addict

Jen talks blogging and social media in Furnishing International magazine

I was delighted to be interviewed by the editor of Furnishing International for the magazine’s Spring issue. You can read the two-page interview online here from page 38 or pick up a copy.

Interiors Addict

My blogging article in Giftrap magazine

If you were at the Home & Giving Fair in Melbourne at the weekend, you may have picked up a copy of Giftrap, the magazine of the Australian Gift & Homewares Association (AGHA). I wrote an article in there about why brands should connect with bloggers.

In it I interviewed The Happy Home blogger Belinda Graham, Priyanka Rao from flatpack furniture startup Evolvex, Sam Cannell from online homewares store SE10 Gallery and Alexandra Campbell-Kentmann from Freedom.

If you’re a member of AGHA, you should have a free copy of the magazine sent to you.

Interiors Addict

My first blogging conference. Squeal!

This weekend I’ll be attending Nuffnang Blogopolis 2012 in Sydney and I’m so excited to spend an entire day talking about blogging, learning about blogging, listening to and being inspired by bloggers and just well, soaking it all up!

It has taken me a very long to time to actually think of myself as a blogger (like I had to pass some kind of test, make a certain amount of money out of it or have a certain number of unique visitors) but I’m there now. It’s been 14 months but it feels like I’ve been blogging forever (in a good way)!

Interiors Addict

Sharing the design love

It’s been a good week for sharing the interior design love. I’m going to be guest blogging for Life InStyle’s new look blog and I also shared some of my favourite design blogs (including Kelly Wearstler, Anna Spiro, Mr Jason Grant and decor8) with decoration+design. Will you be attending these great trade shows in Melbourne?

Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict a finalist in Best Australian Blogs 2012

What a delightful surprise to learn today that Interiors Addict is a finalist in the personal/lifestyle category of the Best Australian Blogs Competition 2012 run by Sydney Writers’ Centre. I am so happy! The blog only turned one last week and I feel it has come so far already. I am really honoured to be one of eight finalists in the category. More than 1,000 blogs entered! Wowsers!

A big congratulations to my fellow lifestyle finalists All Consuming, Edenland, In Search of a Life Less Ordinary, Magento Bold too!, Not Quite Nigella, Taste Explorer and Tune into Radio Carly. They’re all so talented I’ve got no chance!

The finalists were chosen by the judges but public voting is still open in the People’s Choice category and I would love you to vote for me. Just click on the big blue and yellow button on the right or click here. It really does only take a few seconds. Thanks in advance for your support, Jen x

Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict featured on Bloggers to Watch

My recent interview for Bloggers To Watch was published today. I was really flattered to be asked for my insights because I’m certainly not a blogging pro and I’m still learning the ropes. Which I think was probably the main point of the interview. Have a read for yourself. I hope you find it interesting. Interiors Addict turns one next week. It’s been a great journey so far!