Interiors Addict

In defence of bloggers making money

Another week, another person taking issue with bloggers making a business out of doing what they love. This time, the offensive comment was directed at Holly Becker of Decor8, someone whose blog, and business sense, I admire. Reading Holly’s post really got my back up and made me feel for her. I would encourage you to read it. I say that because sadly, this attitude is one bloggers come across a lot and this gives a very good insight into how it can make them feel. I’m fortunate not to get this directed at me often but sometimes I get hints of it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if people are thinking or saying it behind my back. But I live in hope that they’re not! I digress…

Here is the comment Holly received on her blog:

(Excuse me while I bite my tongue!)

As Holly rightly questions in her post today, is it really so bad for someone to make a commercial success of what they do? For them to do what they love? Are they expected to do so for free because the job is enjoyable and they get to be their own boss? Or to work another job and spend all their free time blogging as a public service? Creating a blog that makes enough money for it to be your job is hard work. It is great and so rewarding but it is hard. Even if it wasn’t hard, so what?! I actually hate that every time someone slags off bloggers we feel we have to justify how hard are jobs are. That may well be the case, but we shouldn’t have to justify ourselves to anyone. Other professions don’t.

Sadly, I read people on blogging forums all the time suggesting that accepting advertising is selling out and that it is a given that content will become all salesy and treat readers as if they are idiots. It simply isn’t true. Not all bloggers get it right. I hate it as much as the next person when bloggers write about things they’re paid to and they hide the fact a post is sponsored (maybe putting it at the end, after you’ve read a post and not had the opportunity to choose not to read what is effectively advertorial), but bloggers like Holly and I are transparent. You can’t tar everyone with the same brush. Other bloggers don’t make any money and their content is rubbish. So what? Don’t read it and leave them to it!

The best part of Holly’s post is the eloquent reply her husband wrote to this comment. Thorsten is a journalist, as I have always been, and rightly points out that if journalists were asked to work for free (sadly, they often are!) there would be (is) outrage. So, what’s the difference? He also makes a good point, which I hadn’t really considered, that male full-time bloggers don’t seem to get the same amount of stick.

I know for sure that my blog has only got better since I’ve concentrated on it full-time. It gets more of my time and energy, I treat it as a business with high standards, my readers get more and better content. I don’t ask them to pay to read it. The same can be said for many other blogs. I just wish people would stop being so damn bitter about bloggers making money. I feel a lot of it stems from envy and that makes me sad. What happened to women supporting women?

I know all too well how much an anonymous online comment can hurt your feelings, even though you know it shouldn’t, so I wanted to have my say and add my support to Holly.

Interiors Addict

Sharing my story on

I must admit I slightly FREAKED OUT on seeing my mug on the homepage of earlier today, but I’m delighted and honoured to be sharing my story with their readers.


You can read the article, which is all about how I’m travelling the world with Damian while running my business, here. A big thank you to everyone who has sent me lovely, supportive messages. I hope I can inspire more people to follow their dream. If I can do it…

Interiors Addict

How I make money and why I won’t apologise for making a job out of blogging

This post has been brewing for some time now. Today’s the day I’ve decided to get it off my chest.

Being a full-time blogger is brilliant. I count myself as seriously lucky to write about what I love every day, to be my own boss, to meet fascinating and really nice people on a regular basis who I wouldn’t come into contact with without being in this position.

The thing is though, I often feel like I have to apologise for my job; that being a blogger isn’t a proper profession. Or that making money from it is somehow wrong or dishonest. I’ll level with you readers, this has started to get my back up! More on this later…


Since being back in the UK, I’ve had a lot of friends and acquaintances ask me about blogging. For my friends in Sydney, who see me often and have watched Interiors Addict go from hobby Tumblr to full-time, three-posts-per-day, commercially successful online publication, perhaps the idea of me doing this as a job is kind of normal. Sure, it is unusual to be a full-time blogger in most people’s books (including mine!), but my Australian friends don’t seem that stumped by it.

In England however, nobody seems to be able to get their head around it. Which perhaps suggests we are more advanced in the blogging world in Australia? Or perhaps people just haven’t seen me since I’ve been doing this full-time or they’re wondering how I can afford to travel and work part-time for six months (savings and continuing to work while away, incidentally). Maybe all of the above.

Last week, for example, I caught up with an old colleague I hadn’t seen in six years. After our hello hug, about the very first thing he said was : “I have to ask, how do you make money?” It threw me a bit and when I reflected on it later, it made me wonder how many other people are wondering the same and not being so blatant about asking (and also if there shouldn’t have been other, more important things to ask!). So I’ll tell you!

It isn’t rocket science. I sell advertising. Or rather, because I’m not very good at that stuff and would rather concentrate on what I’m good at (being a trained journalist) and enjoy, I have an agency sell my advertising for me, on commission. You’ll see these ads on the blog and in the newsletter. And occasionally I’ll send an email to my database on behalf of an advertiser. I only accept advertising from companies whose products and services I believe to be relevant to my readers.

So, that’s how I make the majority of my money. When you have tens of thousands of readers and are a lean operation with few overheads, it can certainly earn you decent money. I’m actually better off than I’ve ever been.

The only jobs I’ve ever had since leaving school have been in journalism and publishing so I can safely tell you this is how almost all commercial publications make most of their money too: advertising. So for me, the fact my own publication, which just happens to be a blog, makes money this way too, is pretty straightforward. But perhaps for those of you who haven’t worked in media, it isn’t that obvious. So now you know. Cool?

I also publish sponsored posts from advertisers who want to get their message across in words rather than banner ads. I always disclose if they’re sponsored right at the top because I believe you should know a message is paid for and decide if you want to read it anyway. Hiding the fact that a message is paid for until the end, when you’ve already read it without realising as much, doesn’t sit well with me, but some bloggers do it and that’s their call. If it doesn’t say it’s paid for, you can take it as read that I’ve written about something because I like it or think my readers will like it. Simple as that. Transparency is important to me. More on that later too…

So, now I’ve covered how I make money, which seems to be the question everyone wants answered (and don’t get me wrong, I can see why you’d be intrigued and that’s fine by me), I’ll continue with my original point about feeling I have to justify/apologise for being a full-time time blogger and making money from it. Deep breath.

I suppose one of the ‘problems’ with blogging is that many people do it for the love of it or as a hobby and don’t make money, so it’s easy to see why it’s not seen as necessarily commercial, professional or indeed hard work. Many people post every now and again for pure enjoyment and I love that everyone has the freedom to do that on a variety of free platforms. No two blogs are the same and it’s hard to talk about blogs in a general sense. I myself blogged for fun and for the love of it for the first 18 months.

Just because many people blog because they enjoy it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with making money from it though. If you have a big enough readership that people want to pay for a piece of it, and you do so with integrity and professionalism, good for you! I recently saw a post in a blogger forum asking whether people were blogging for the love of it or money, the suggestion being these things are mutually exclusive. I very much got the impression some people felt it was wrong, or had an impact on their integrity if they dared make some money out of their hobby. I simply don’t agree. And I don’t think people should feel ashamed of making money from something they enjoy. It’s the best thing ever!

Now, I’m probably right at the other end of the spectrum from the hobby bloggers and not your typical example. I’m an ex-journalist turned full-time blogger, working (without doubt) more than full-time on turning this into a sustainable business and doing pretty well at it (I’m constantly learning and trying to improve things though and business owners are almost always working on their next big idea to make theirs bigger and better!). As I mentioned earlier, I trained as a journalist and I’ve always been paid to write and edit and help make publications (print and online) more commercially viable, so I see absolutely no reason why now, when I do this for myself and my own publication, I shouldn’t get paid for it too. Is that very unreasonable?

A good friend of mine told me recently that his brother scoffed when he told him I was working as a full-time blogger these days. Now, nobody ever disrespected what I did for a living when I worked as a journalist for other people or when the publication didn’t fall into the sometimes controversial blog category, so why should that be the case now?

There’s definitely a large group of people who turn their noses up at blogs. My fellow journalists can be the worst for this! So much so, I’ll admit I often skirt around calling Interiors Addict a blog and prefer to say website or online publication. And some would say, what it has evolved into, with three posts a day and being very news-based, isn’t what many would consider a blog anymore (but I like to think the personal touch means it still is).

People definitely have an issue with people making money out of their passion too and a lot of that is an unfortunate trait of human nature, in my personal opinion.

People online can be very opinionated and say things they probaby wouldn’t to your face. A few weeks ago, in reply to one of my advertiser emails, a newsletter subscriber sent me a rather blunt email saying something along the lines of “Are you an advertising medium for “insert advertiser name here” now? How very dull.”

Well, um, actually, yes, I am, there’s nothing covert about it. If I’m to do this for my job I need to get paid for it and that’s how it works. Is it really that awful of me?

There was a time I did this for the love of it only, on top of a full-time job and it was really really hard work. With what was akin to two full-time jobs, a relationship, family and friends to divide my attention between, something had to give. Luckily for me (in hindsight), I was retrenched from my job and managed to turn blogging into a job, and I can tell you very confidently that the blog is a LOT better these days as a result. I also know my readers really enjoy and appreciate my blog and I doubt many of them have an issue with me being paid for providing them with a resource they love and find useful.

Last month, I received a lovely email from a reader in response to my third blog-birthday post, saying she got the impression I felt bad about making money from blogging (I hadn’t said as much or thought I was saying as much, but it obviously came across). She said: “As a reader I’m happy that you make money. It doesn’t cost me anything and it makes me feel like I am able to give you something back as you give me so much with the fantastic content you provide to me for free. Also I trust you and I know that you are not going to recommend something just to make a small commission.” That’s what it’s all about, eh?

I work hard (I’m no martyr, I love what I do and I get paid for it), I have high standards, I try my best to provide a great resource and I try to do so  with transparency, professionalism and integrity. I don’t think I should feel bad about it, and you know what, I don’t, but it’s a constant battle! I’ve decided it ends now. No more feeling ashamed or dirty about being paid for my hard work and many hours of it. There are much bigger things to worry about in the world!

I hope this post will change a few people’s perceptions of blogs, or just give a little insight into how it all works! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the topic!


Thoughts on turning three and a $2,000 birthday giveaway

This blog turned three last week. I can’t believe it! For fun, I thought I’d take you back to the Interiors Addict that was, back in 2011, on Tumblr. This was when I didn’t even call it a blog! My first ever post was about displaying single stems of flowers and this shot was taken three apartments ago. Ah, the memories…

I like to think I had good taste from the start however and could spot a rising star. Here’s one of my first interviews with Darren Palmer, way before he became the big TV star (and I’m glad to say friend of mine) he is today.

After more than a decade of working as a journalist, mostly in print (and initially resistant to going online, can you believe it?!), I remain fascinated, excited and obsessed with the immediacy and potential of online publishing.

Here are  few of my blogging highlights this year:

So, three years on, Interiors Addict is on its third new look, it has more readers than ever (around 80,000 each month), continues to grow month on month and I’m making more money than I ever have, doing something I ADORE. Although I’m delighted, I’m still very much on the journey and not ready to rest on my laurels any time soon! The next year, like the last one, will be all about growth and improvement.

Although I’ve of course just listed all the good bits, it’s definitely not all glamour and I mainly share the edited highlights on Facebook and Instagram! You won’t see many pics of me with no makeup and working in my PJs at home, but that happens a lot! I have the same stresses at tax and BAS time as the next person, I’m rubbish with numbers, I sometimes worry WAY TOO MUCH about work stuff, I also worry too much about what other people think (but I’m getting better at it), and I really should switch off from social media a little more often.

If I’ve learned anything about creating a successful blog and business, it is realising just that, that it is a business. It requires a level of professionalism and setting yourself high standards, being organised, doing things properly, thinking like a business owner, constantly diversifying, improving and looking to grow and be sustainable. While yes it’s all very well going to fancy parties, getting goody bags and PR and being featured in magazines and the like, this is not what pays the bills and gets you a following big enough to be able to charge money for ads and sponsored content that enables you to make a living.

I’d love to do this for free but frankly, I can’t! And the fact that it’s a business makes me strive to keep improving all the time. And I always make sure I think about you, the readers (customers, if you will), and what you want to read about. I still get that buzz when I discover something I know you’re going to LOVE or I finish a great interview which I know will inspire and motivate some of you to follow your dreams and get into the design industry.

My ultimate business advice is, and always has been, work hard and be nice! Simple!

I am full of gratitude and thanks and still full of passion for this blog, and its readers, and making it even better, even more than ever. I won’t single people out for thanks because I like to think I appreciate them all year round and I don’t want to miss anyone! You know you are!

So please follow your dreams. I certainly never EVER thought I’d end up doing this for a living!

To celebrate turning three, I’m giving one of you the chance to win a massive $2,000 online homewares shopping spree! Find out all the details on the blog tomorrow!

Interiors Addict

It’s never too late to start your dream job. And I should know!

Sponsored by Nuffnang

I’m grateful for many things in life (great husband, supportive friends, healthy family) but the thing that makes me pinch myself on a regular basis is doing what I really, truly love, and that is writing this blog. For me, this is not just a hobby but a full-time job, my small business, my hopes and dreams for the future and hopefully something I can one day work around having a family.

Until you do what you love, you don’t realise how unfulfilled you were in your previous jobs or what a rare privilege it is to be in such a position. So often, people tell me they’d love to be doing something else but for whatever reason (age, family commitments, mortgage, what other people would think or the feeling of obligation to look after other people first) they think they’ve left it too late. I have become quite evangelical about telling people it’s never too late.


Exciting news: Interiors Addict is off to Europe for 6 months!

I wanted to share some exciting news with you. In just under 2 months, my husband and I will be taking off to Europe for 6 whole months! Before you panic, first things first, the blogging will continue as usual! Interiors Addict will still be your one stop shop for everything about Australian interiors, homewares and personalities. But, in addition to this, I’ll be bringing you inspiration and finds from all over Europe, and especially the UK, too.

paris 2010

As most of you know, I recently married Damian and I’m originally from the UK. Before we settle into domestic bliss, a mortgage and parenthood, we’ve decided (after much deliberation) that now is our last chance to do something just for us and get the travel bug out of our system while it’s easy (of course you can travel with kids but it’s definitely easier and cheaper when it’s just you!). Added to this the fact that I can technically work from anywhere with a good internet connection, and it seems to be a no-brainer! I’ve employed my new assistant Olivia Shead to be my eyes and ears here in Sydney though, just to cover all bases!

Interiors Addict

My new partnership with Bloggerati by Nuffnang

It’s been just over a year of full-time blogging and I’ve never been happier! In what’s a very nice way to end 2013, I’m very excited to have just signed with Bloggerati by Nuffnang.

Bloggerati is the talent agency division of Nuffnang Australia. They work with the top bloggers from their community of thousands, and closely manage their successful brand partnerships, media relations and professional development. I’m flattered to be in great company alongside some of the country’s most established bloggers.

HS3 Media will continue to look after my advertising sales.

Here’s to my second year of full-time blogging! I really never ever thought I’d be saying that! Thanks, as ever, for all your support and for reading.

Interiors Addict

Celebrating my first year of full-time blogging

This week marks a year since I was made redundant from my magazine job and decided to give blogging a go as a job. I’ll be honest with you; I wasn’t confident it would work out and be sustainable long-term but I knew I had to give it a go. It was a now or never moment. All the usual clichés, like at least I could say I tried, even if it didn’t work out. I think having a wedding to pay for (which was on Saturday and was the best day of my life so far WITHOUT A DOUBT) spurred me on, as did my usual steely determination and my supportive fiance (now husband), friends and family. It has been hard work but boy, has it been enjoyable and a brilliant, challenging, rewarding learning curve. Today I am so proud of how well Interiors Addict is doing as a one-year-old business and I want to thank you all, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, for reading it, because without you I’d be nowhere!

Here’s to many more years of full-time blogging!

Jen x

Interiors Addict

Please vote for me in The Blogster Awards: closes Wednesday!

Lovely readers, I am flattered to be a finalist in the lifestyle category of this year’s Pedestrian.TV Ultrabook Blogster Awards and I would LOVE your vote! What’s more, it’s super easy. Just go here, click the Facebook like button next to the little YEAH BLOG icon and you’re done! Easy! Voting closes this Wednesday 25 September so please don’t hang around! A big thank you in advance. I couldn’t do any of this without you guys!



Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict is a finalist in the 2013 Blogster Awards, Please vote for me?

I’m very flattered to be a finalist in the lifestyle category of this year’s Ultrabook Pedestrian Blogster Awards. The only way to win now is to get the most votes, so this is where you guys come in! I would love you to please vote for me. Winning would certainly top off my first year of full-time blogging, the anniversary of which is, conveniently, next month!


All you have to do is go here and click on the Facebook like button next to where it says YEAH BLOG! (I’m not sure it’s very obvious, hence spelling it out!) I would really appreciate your vote and, even better, if you can share it on your social media pages that would be awesome. Thanks so much in advance.

Jen x

Interiors Addict

How I got my dream job (that’s this one)

Sonia at Life Love & Hiccups blog asked me to share my story with her readers today. If you’re interested, you can read about how I came to be a full-time blogger and why I absolutely LOVE it here. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all glamour (come to think of it, hardly any of it is!) and it’s bloody hard work (more on that in the post) but I have never enjoyed a “job” more, warts and all!

Happy long weekend, lovely readers! Jen x

Interiors Addict

Introducing my new blog, Appliance Addict


I’ve been (annoyingly) hinting at it for a little while and today I’m delighted to reveal that my new blog is all about home appliances. A sister site to this one, for those of you who are also interested in the latest gadgetry for your lifestyle (and to save annoying those who aren’t by keeping it separate), you now have Appliance Addict too. We have a great launch competition to win a Bodum BISTRO stand mixer in a colour of your choice.

I’ve been wanting to launch a new site for some time, it just took a little while to work out the perfect little sister for Interiors Addict (exteriors definitely aren’t my forté!). That’s the beauty of the online world and indeed self-employment; if you have an idea you can just go for it and move quickly. I’ve had some wonderful support from my friends and my web developer behind the scenes, for which I’d like to thank them. They know who they are. When you work on your own it’s great to have people to bounce ideas off and to get excited with you.

Interiors Addict

Off Topic Tuesday a day late: ugly self doubt

Whoops, it’s Wednesday. I forgot to post Off-Topic Tuesday yesterday and the alliteration has such a nice ring to it! Ah well, I’m here anyway!

Today’s off-topic post is about doubt and about worrying too much about what other people think about what you’re doing. At the weekend, I was asked to speak about blogging at the Kidspot Voices of 2013 masterclass. A real honour. One of the questions to the panel (with the fab Viv from Ish & Chi and Rebecca from Wee Birdy, moderated by the fabulous Pip from Meet Me At Mikes) was do you ever doubt yourself? Now, it may seem from my blog and even from meeting me in real life, that I’m a super confident person who knows their stuff. Let me let you into a little secret: I am as self-doubting as the next person. I worry about what people think about me and might be saying about me behind my back. ALL THE TIME. I live in constant fear of being found out. What for, I’m not sure!

Interiors Addict

Join me at the launch of Blog Society as part of Vivid 2013

My talented friend Jaclyn Carlson (of the Little Paper Trees blog) is launching a cool new concept called Blog Society and I was flattered when she asked me to speak on a panel at its launch. Even more exciting, this is happening as part of  the fabulous Vivid Sydney festival (the one with the amazing light shows and fab events).

Jaclyn describes Blog Society as “a long awaited community for Australian bloggers, creatives and the endlessly curious to connect, collaborate and share.” The launch also includes an afternoon workshop, where you’re invited to join an ever growing community of Australian lifestyle/design bloggers to learn from and inspire one another.

BLOG_SOCIETYMyself and Vivian Mansour of Ish & Chi blog, will be sharing our blogging stories before breaking into smaller groups to explore the art of digital storytelling. Then there’s a hands-on, informal styling and photography workshop by Natalie Hayllar from Eat Read Love blog, photographer Madeline Johnson from Mr & Mrs Johnson and photographer Emma Scamell.

Interiors Addict

BabyMac’s Beth knows there’s no place like home

Beth MacDonald (aka BabyMac) is a super popular mummy blogger who moved to the country and created the most cosy looking home for her family. Here she shares a look inside and explains juggling motherhood with being a neat freak.

Baby Mac house 1

This Southern Highlands house has a huge open plan living space, plenty of lovely natural light, a colourful mix of old and new furniture and a wonderful fire, perfect for snuggling up by with a glass of red. Jealous.

Baby Mac house exterior

“Home is so important to me,” says Beth. “It’s everything. While it’s not all about ‘stuff’ or an exact place, it’s about being totally comfortable and at peace and happy. It’s being with people that you love, and who love you. It’s about pottering about and doing things that make you happy and it’s where all my very favourite things in the world happen: the first sip of a hot coffee, the crackling start of the fire being lit, a champagne bottle popping with friends over, serving a meal to people that I love and care for, reading a quiet magazine, gardening or watching the sunset out on the verandah with a drink in hand and (husband) Rob by my side.”

Interiors Addict

My interview on

Thanks to for featuring me on their site today.

You can read the interview here.

Interiors Addict

Just another end of year musings blog post!

I don’t think I’ve had such a big year since 2005. That was the year I made the very difficult decision to leave a long term relationship that just about everyone else imagined was perfect. It was probably the biggest leap out of my comfort zone ever so when later that year, aged 26, I decided to move from London to Sydney (where I knew two people and had never been before) and everyone said I was brave, I really couldn’t see it. Moving to Australia was easy. And exciting.

I was only supposed to stay for a year but, after about four months, I knew I was never going home for good. That was almost five years ago and this year has been a major biggy to beat even that!

At the beginning of the year I started the long and drawn out process of applying for permanent residency. Around April, when this blog turned one, I seriously started thinking about its future, spurred on by the encouragement of my fiancé, friends, colleagues and industry heavyweights. The prospect of turning Interiors Addict into an actual job seemed too exciting to really believe. Nevertheless, I started making plans to eventually go part time,  putting in place a succession plan at my magazine job.

In June, my now fiancé popped the question underneath the Harbour Bridge. I started planning our wedding. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I know, I know, this is starting to sound like a bad novel.

Interiors Addict

Weekend inspiration from decor8’s Holly Becker

Today I’m inspired by this honest and inspiring post by fellow blogger Holly Becker of decor8, whose blog makes mine look TEENY tiny! Whether you’re a blogger or not, you can take something from this post about chasing your dreams and it never being too late to make changes in your life if you believe in yourself.

PS. Imagine Kelly Hoppen asking you to write for her blog! Imagine having two books to your name and 48,000 readers a day! Massive respect, Holly!