House Tours The Block

Josh & Charlotte win last night’s Block living/dining reveals

I’ve got to say, they were all pretty impressive room reveals last night, don’t you think? There was a fair amount of controversy though with changes to architect’s plans, and Dee and Darren not presenting finished rooms. I was really happy for Charlotte and Josh to win though as they definitely needed a cash injection! I much preferred this week’s reveals to last week’s. I just couldn’t get excited about those utilitarian rooms! Give me soft furnishings any day!

Onto the judging…

Charlotte & Josh: WINNERS for the first time!

The Block in Melbourne

It was a great first impression in the dining room with the smell of the real timber floor and the leather. Darren said the floor gave an extra level of rarity. Neale said it had a beautiful sense of simplicity. Shaynna said the dining room isn’t dead and this could be used for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They all loved the dining chairs and when Neale took a seat he said it passed his dinner party test (i.e. was comfortable!).  Eagle eye Darren was first to spot the dodgy paintwork but none of the judges could let it slide. Overall, they thought the dining room was great though; understated but luxurious.

The Block in Melbourne

In the living room, they loved the easy-to-use automation from the iPad and the movie mode and surround sound in particular. Neale said the room lacked a bit of personality though. While he liked the furniture he felt it needed another layer. Darren said it was missing a wow factor but Shaynna disagreed. She loved the simplicity and harmony. She loved the zen, sanctuary feel. Neale was still just slightly underwhelmed though. Ultimately, all three loved it but wanted a little bit more to push it to the next level.


Our pick to buy: Dining table.

Tim & Anastasia: third place.


The Block in Melbourne

That bulkhead for the air con did NOT go down well in the dining room. Neale said the room felt small and wrong. Shaynna wanted to walk out straight away, Neale didn’t want to be there. Darren said it needed a big mirror. Neale loved the brass pendants and said he’d take them with him. But without them, he said the rest felt a little generic. Shaynna didn’t like the fabric chairs or the styling. Neale said they were working with a style that wasn’t their own. Ouch!

Onto the living room and Neale said it also looked like a showroom and lacked soul. He said the matching art was a mistake. Shaynna said it made Megan Weston’s work, which she loves, look pedestrian. She also spotted that there was nowhere for the DVD player etc and there’d be wires everywhere. She sad she couldn’t picture how you’d actually live in and use the room. Darren didn’t like the pink in the art, cushions and curtains and said it needed another colour to break it all up. Shaynna said it was too matchy-matchy with everything in pairs (like Noah’s ark, said Neale!).

Our pick to buy: Prism credenza.

Ayden & Jess: second place.

The Block in Melbourne

Neale liked the dining room and thought it worked beautifully. Darren said the chairs perfectly complemented the table. Shaynna said it had a lot of character in a simple way and Neale loved the pendants. Shaynna loved the LED ceiling treatment. Neale said it felt very well finessed and gelled together well. Shaynna and Neale said time would tell if moving the plans around had been a good call. Darren said he was crossing his fingers!

The Block in Melbourne

Onto the living room, Neale and Shaynna loved the light. Shaynna thought there was far too much going on and it made the room feel smaller. Neale agreed it needed to lose a few elements. Darren was relieved there was no couch facing the TV and said it was a more friendly, conversational layout than the one Jess originally planned. He would have preferred a lounge room flowing onto the terrace though. Neale agreed, you change the architect’s plans at your peril. Much as he liked what they’d done, he thinks it would have been better with a different room layout.

Our pick to buy: Mark Tuckey zinc dining table.

Dee & Daz: Last place.


Shaynna was first to criticise their decision to change the plans around. They all agreed the kitchen should have stayed where it was. Darren said it was a very avoidable issue and the architect knew best. The more they saw, the more unimpressed they were.  Shaynna said nobody needed a kitchen that big and Neale called it a total tragedy, because what had been delivered was beautiful. Shaynna said the couple thought they knew better and Neale agreed, saying they were now falling on their own sword. On the plus side, Shaynna said the artwork, furniture and styling were perfect.

The Block in Melbourne

In the lounge room, Darren loved the floorboards and the fireplace. Neale said it was exactly what he expected to see and he loved it, that the minimalism was clever. Shaynna said the styling was great but would have liked a window treatment. Neale said it appealed to a certain type of buyer that liked simple sophistication. He wasn’t convinced they’d made the right choices and thought Dee had been hotheaded and thought she knew better than the architect. Shaynna concluded she wasn’t wowed and the apartment didn’t currently comply with building codes. The judges hoped it was all part of a master plan that would work in the future.

Our pick to buy: Photographic prints by Trevor Mein and Susan Knight from Otomys.

So, did you agree with the judges?

Next week: en suites!

The Block

Episode one of The Block Triple Threat last night

The Block Triple Threat’s first episode certainly got off to an action-packed, edge-of-your-seat, shouting-at-the-TV start last night! Or was that just me shouting and sighing?! Love it!

It was our first chance to get to know the six new couples who will become three before we know it. I don’t feel like I want to get too attached but I’m already starting to form opinions and decide who I might grow to like and who might become annoying! Cousins Brooke and Aimee for example; they’re so clueless yet optimistic, it’s hugely entertaining. I’m still chuckling at the comment that their knowledge of tools was limited to having dated a lot of them! They’re fun but seem worryingly laid back and I’ll be surprised if they make ti though, but I’m prepared to be proven wrong!

WA brother and sister duo (The Block’s first) Luke and Ebony, a carpenter and an interior designer, are also really likeable as are down to earth Queensland couple Ayden and Jess (although it’s clear Jess is the one who will keep things on track!).

Ebony & Luke
Ebony & Luke

I’m not getting strong vibes about the other couples yet which makes me wonder if the editing is showing us more of those who will get through, but it’s such early days, who knows?

Ayden & Jess
Ayden & Jess

They’re not in the Block proper yet, but a rather grotty apartment block with teeny tiny rooms to makeover as their first challenges. Tonight, in episode two, we will see the six room reveals after each couple completes (we hope) their first in 24 hours and with a budget of $10,000. With the lack of progress seen in some of them last night, I don’t hold out much hope! And one couple will be eliminated before the night is out.

block triple threat

[contextly_sidebar id=”gQJOO8bx0FYEiIGnybh9pu5mmV3oAcsy”]New crew member Dan Reilly, previously of Dan and Dani, was introduced as Keith’s righthand man helper ‘foreboy’. Read our interview with Dan.

Once six become five tonight, the next challenge will be a living/dining area each in just 48 hours. Then five will become four and they’ll have 72 hours to complete a bathroom each (let’s hope they’re working a bit faster by this point, eh?). Clearly, the new couples don’t yet know anything about being joined by three previous couples Matt and Kim, Darren and Dee and Bec and George. The producers wouldn’t be smart if they didn’t drag that surprise (for them) out a little longer.

If you missed last night’s episode, you can watch/record the encore on Channel 9 at 1.30pm today.

The Block

What to expect from The Block 2015: Triple Threat?

We can’t wait for it to be back and, judging by how many of you read our Block roundups and how many new readers we acquire when it’s on, you do too! Love it or hate it, you tune in, right?! The Block is great for Interiors Addict and we can’t help getting hooked, even when we get a little over the challenges and the drama at times. You can’t beat those room reveals. Bring back Sunday nights and judging controversy, I say!

So, what do we know about the next series, coming early next year, so far? It’s in Melbourne again (boo!) and it’s called Triple Threat. That’s because the new couples will be up against three pairs of former contestants: Bec and George, Matt and Kim and Dee and Darren (can I get a pantomine-style boooooooooooo?!). The public’s reaction to the choice of former contestants making a comeback has been mixed to say the least, especially with Dee and her less then friendly comments (remember when she called Shaynna a bogan?!) fresh in viewers’ minds! But this is reality TV, let’s not forget that. If everyone got on swimmingly that would probably be very dull, despite everyone’s comments to the contrary. I’d put money on many of those I’ve seen commenting on The Block Facebook Page that they will be boycotting the show because of the Double Ds’ return will secretly be tuning in and getting their knickers in a twist!

We haven’t heard much from Matt and Kim recently, although they did appear on their own Domestic Blitz show, Matt and Kim to the Rescue recently and Matt tells me they have lots of exciting things in the pipeline this year. We’ll be sharing one of their most recent design projects on the blog later this week, in fact, so stay tuned! Bec of Bec and George launched her own blog  at the end of 2013 and the popular pair have been busy with their own renovations. Bec also recently announced a style consultant role for Nostra Homes. Of course, both these couples went head to head on The Block Sky High. As for Dee and Darren, they’ve barely had a chance to recharge their batteries since losing Glass House to lovable Shannon and Simon in October.

They’ve started introducing the new couples too. Ayden and Jess are parents of two and he’s a big Scotty fan.


Ebony and Luke are the first ever brother and sister sibling duo on The Block. About time really!


We’ll bring you more as and when we hear it! In other Block news, former contestants Dale and Sophie have had a baby boy called Van and judge Shaynna Blaze totally rocked it with a singing performance at Melbourne’s Carols by Candlelight, looking amazing.

Pic: Daily Mail
Pic: Daily Mail

Find all The Block latest here.

The Block

Darren and Dee are back in The Block Triple Threat!

So, did you see the big news? We’re privy to a bit of Block gossip around these parts and I’ve been hearing things about returning contestants for months, but none of it quite added up. Then tonight it was revealed that controversial Darren and Dee from the last series are back, alongside Matt and Kim from Sky High and Bec and George from the 2013 main series. Interesting choices… I’m not at all surprised at the choice to bring back ‘the Double Ds’ for a bit of drama as let’s face it, it’s reality TV and everyone loves to hate (I’m not sure I’ve forgiven bad loser Dee for calling Shaynna a bogan, but still). Bec and George were very popular contestants and Matt and Kim, well, who could forget that Jackson Pollock-inspired “crime scene” room?!


Only one of the three couples will get to play against the new couples, who have yet to be announced, though. I wonder how they’ll pick? I smell a challenge…

The hate talk about Darren and Dee has already started on the official Block Facebook Page (gosh, it’s a nasty, nasty place and if I were a judge or contestant I would never look at what the general public have to say!) with many saying they’ll refuse to watch. I don’t buy it though. Like I said, people love to hate…

I’ll be watching, of course — I always do — and bringing you the latest each and every week. Good job my sidekick (and serious Block fan) Olivia Shead will be back from her travels soon to help me!

The next series, currently filming in Melbourne, is expected to start airing early in the New Year, Let’s hope it’s not too far away.