Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

How to make a great first impression with your driveway

The humble driveway. It’s an often overlooked part of your reno or overall sale package when putting your house on the market but that really shouldn’t be the case. The driveway is often the main entrance to the home and one of the first noticed features given it takes up a large portion of your front yard, the first thing most people will see and as first impressions count, the driveway can also add value to the home.

How to make a great first impression with your drivewayImage source: Bricks, Blocks, Pavers Online

How to make a great first impression with your driveway

Survey respondents in the 2017 Adbri Masonry Great Australian Backyard Survey,voted the driveway third as the outdoor project that delivers the most value to the home. “The driveway has an incredibly large footprint at the front of your home so it is important to get it right in order to make a strong impression and add value to the home,” explains Jason Hodges, landscaping expert and Adbri Masonry brand ambassador.

Make a great first impression

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. This rings especially true when it comes to your home, its saleability and appeal to potential buyers. “Homeowners should never underestimate the value in street appeal because buyers never do,” says Hodges. “When considering outdoor projects, people always ask, ‘where do I start?’ I think a great place is at the beginning, that is, the front yard. Minor improvements can make a massive difference to the way people view your place. In many homes, the dominant feature out the front is the driveway. It takes up a lot of surface area and serves an important function, but too often it’s overlooked.” “Driveways are also a great place to stand out from the crowd. Today, every second house looks the same, but yours doesn’t have to. With some creativity, you can leave the ‘Joneses’ in your rear view mirror by creating a paved driveway that uses colours, patterns and different paver sizes to build a stunning starting point for your home.”

Go green with permeable paving

More than just a paver, permeable pavements are the visible starting point to a simple, environmentally effective, water saving system beneath the surface. When a permeable pavement system is installed, the series of drainage holes in the pavement surface allow water to filtrate through the surface layers, minimising stormwater run off, downstream flooding and pollution problems, with the added benefit of reducing the need for costly underground retention systems. As driveways are traditionally, large impervious surfaces that water cannot penetrate, driveway oils and pollution tends to run directly from the driveway into stormwater. Permeable driveways can change that! “Permeable paving is an essential choice if your driveway runs down to your house. In major downpours it allows the water to infiltrate through the pavement surface and be redistributed to the water table underground, versus the alternative which could see the water rushing down the slope of the driveway, filling the drain too quickly and flooding your garage, there’s also environmental advantages for other driveway projects” explains Hodges. Expert Tip: Some councils will credit permeable pavements as a percentage of the soft landscape area on your parcel of land.

Simple Maintenance

The great benefits of using pavers is the low maintenance involved as pavers expand and contract within the seasons and are less likely to crack like some other pavement types. Regular preventative maintenance includes sealing sweeping, paving gap sand filling, water blasting and general upkeep, which will help to extend the lifespan of your driveway. If your driveway does start to show some lineal cracking, you can easily repair it inexpensively by simply lifting and replacing the damaged pavers when laid on a flexible base.

For more information, visit

Design DIY Kitchens RENO ADDICT

Blockheads Kyal and Kara’s 8 mini makeover ideas for summer

The summer entertaining season is fast approaching and while it’s great to fling open the doors to welcome family and loved ones – those unfinished renovation jobs are on stark display!

Kyal and Kara
Kyal and Kara

Renovating is not just about the big-ticket bathroom and kitchen facelifts. You can have some nip and tucks along the way to keep your space fresh and create a visual distraction from the less attractive areas of your home.

The Block and Reno Rumble favourites Kyal and Kara have got some great ideas on how to deflect away from the unfinished work and turn your home into a sparkling entertaining oasis. Below are their top eight mini makeover ideas for summer:

  • Give your tiles a clean. Generally, a solution of vinegar and water should do the trick. If there is a build-up of soap scum, a heavy-duty tile and grout cleaner will assist to strip it off but avoid abrasive cleaners. To clean tile grout, mix a 1:1 solution of vinegar and water and gently scrub grout with an old toothbrush. For deeper cleaning, mix a paste of baking soda and water and work into the grout. Spray the vinegar and water solution over the area. It will bubble up and work away scrum. Rinse with warm water. Repeat.
  • Freshen up your home’s front entry. Make an instant statement by sweeping and dusting cobwebs from all those nooks and crannies. Paint the front door a contrasting and bright colour – like an orange, yellow or light blue! Place an exotic plant at the entrance to complement your new door for an eye-catching impact.


  • Update your home’s facade. Contrasting materials on facades are trending. You can tile a section to add or highlight an architectural feature and update the look of your house.
  • Simplify your space. Spaces that are free of clutter are more calming so reduce the clutter in your central rooms. Use the three box system: one box for items that belong in another room, one box for charity and one box for sales. If you need extra storage build some shelving brackets and use ply wood in a wardrobe or in the garage.


  • Create a feature wall. There are many ways to create an arty feature to draw the eyes. Shaped or textured tiles are on trend with patterned tiles a great alternative to wallpaper. With the right adhesive and original tiles in reasonable shape, they can be tiled straight over for a quick tiling job
  • Create a herb planter. Make sure you always have the herbs you need for those delicious summer feasts – the smell is also divine! Use recycled hardwood fence palings or crates and create your own. Place it somewhere in view and get your guests to pick some herbs for you as a great distraction for wondering eyes.
  • Turn heads with your luxurious driveway. Concrete driveways or paths can be tiled over for an instant luxurious look to add value to your home and outdoor entertaining areas.


  • Freshen up the kitchen with a new splashback. A new splashback is an extravagant quick fix. Try a dramatic statement with mosaic tiles. In a stark kitchen use loads of colours and in a busy one, go simple. Whatever colour you choose for your splashback bring it through the room with cushions or a beautiful vase.

For more information, visit Beaumont Tiles.

Design Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT Styling

5 tips to help you get going on your outdoor design

Regardless of how big or small your outdoor space is, maximising what you have is essential in adding value to your property and creating your own private retreat.


Whilst the front yard of your home is perfect for showcasing your landscape innovations, the backyard space is where you can really let those creative juices flow. With entertaining, relaxation, play and safety in mind, you can turn your outdoor space into a stunning oasis that meets the needs of you, your family and your budget. Here’s a few tips to get started on your outdoor design.

1. Make your outdoor space an extension of your home

With outdoor living becoming more of a priority, making your space an extension of your home is absolutely essential. To do this seamlessly, you’ll want to carefully match the colour scheme of the outdoor space with your home’s current facade. If the existing colour scheme is neutral, you can use pops of bright colours in accessories and feature points to brighten up the space. Never underestimate the value of a fresh coat of paint on the outside of your home too.

Pay as much attention to the outdoor styling as you have indoors, so the same style flows throughout. By implementing certain colours from your interior design plan to the landscape architecture, the two spaces will join together flawlessly. So the outdoor area is a true extension of your home you’ll want to create a space for entertaining and living in too. Outdoor kitchens or a designated bar and seating area by the deck can provide an ideal spot for outdoor summer dinning. Make sure you incorporate a covered area so you can use the space all year round.

2. Create kerb appeal

Kerb appeal is vital in boosting the value of your home so use this space to let your home shine. If it’s got architectural character, utilise it by enhancing certain features to spark visual attention. Keep the colour scheme as neutral as possible, as this will make it easier to sell come resale time. Add colour to the landscape design, or consider painting your front door or letterbox with something bright and bold to draw attention.

3. Invest in driveway gates and fencing

An important part of kerb appeal is to invest in driveway gates and stylish fencing. This will enhance the overall look and feel of your home’s design, whilst maintaining a high level of security and privacy. Driveways gates and fencing can create another level of charm to your home’s exterior or a modern appeal to dress up a tired looking house.

To determine what fencing and gate solution will work with your home; consider the current style of your home’s architecture, how you and your guests enter the property and whether you want to complement or contrast. You’ll also want to consider the level of security and privacy your home will need and what plants to use along the fence.

4. Stunning landscape architecture

Photo credit: Houzz

Great landscape design combines creativity with nature to give you results that not only push the limits of aesthetics but dazzle your mind. From flexible low-maintenance gardens, to a well-set up irrigation system and custom lighting, the right landscape architecture can turn your outdoor space from a backyard to your personal tropical retreat.

Use lush greens and brightly coloured shrubs and plants at various heights with different perfumes for an exquisite design and incorporate a water feature for relaxing sounds; this will boost the look and feel of your outdoor space significantly. If space is lacking, opt for vertical gardens which can help with privacy issues or make use of hanging baskets filled with lush greenery. A timber deck with warm tones and a pool or spa will encourage entertaining and relaxation all day everyday.

5. The finishing touches

Deck your new space out with the right outdoor furniture that reflects your taste, a fire pit table to keep you warm in the cooler months and smartly placed LED lighting to accent the area. If you have a pool, you can incorporate LED lighting in and around the pool for safety considerations and add to the landscape architecture with semi-frameless glass pool fencing,

— Jayde Ferguson writes for Fencemakers, Western Australia’s leading provider of quality fencing and gates installed by skilled fencing contractors.