Designers Expert Tips RENO ADDICT Reno Trends

The return of the feature wall? 2022 interior design trends

Tayla Hampson and Courtney Pellegrino of Studio Cult, the interior architects of WA builder BGC Group, share the top five home design trends we can expect to see in 2022.

Tayla and Courtney of Studio Cult

The events of the past 24 months have created new trends in the home building sector. Over the past two years, people have spent more time at home and as a result, the design priorities in their home builds have changed.

We are seeing more people seek space, functionality and connection to nature within their home, which is incorporated in many different ways. Western Australia is known for its outdoor-focussed culture and our way of life is very much centred around the environment. Now, the desire to be connected to nature is becoming an even greater priority for buyers.

We are seeing prospective homebuyers looking for new ways to bring the outdoors into their home. Biophilic design is an ever-growing building trend, with more people not just incorporating ‘natural’ elements in their homes but now putting nature at the forefront in their design, through features such as indoor greenhouses, expansive trees or skylights.

While earthy tones and natural colour palettes have always been a popular design choice, we are noticing the reason behind this doesn’t necessarily have to do with the buyer’s personal aesthetic.

Research has shown that colour can have a mental and emotional effect on different people, and natural colour schemes have been found to have a calming impact on people. Similarly, organic materials and textures such as wood, rattan, stone or bamboo help to create a more soothing, natural feeling within the home, aligning with current and emerging buyer priorities.

Multi-purpose spaces became a necessity in 2020 and 2021, when people had to work from home due to the lockdowns and restrictions. We expect this trend to continue into the new year, as people opt for flexible working schedules and require highly functional, multi-purpose spaces that can accommodate both work and leisure activities.

The past two years have seen restriction in our day-to-day lives, and as a result, we are seeing a trend of ‘rebellion’ across a variety of sectors – including home design. Feature walls are making a comeback, with people wanting to make a bold statement within their homes. We’re not only seeing feature walls created with paint or wallpaper, but many buyers are also using textured materials to create a statement wall.

Since the pandemic, there has been a great movement towards buying locally and we’re seeing this trend throughout the entire home building process. Many people are favouring locally sourced and manufactured materials, as this has become a more convenient and transparent option that also supports local businesses. This can be seen in the materials chosen to build homes, right through to the décor used in the completed home.

BCG Housing Group is WA’s largest and one of its most awarded home builders.


6 feature walls that can work in virtually any interior

By Cherie Barber

In any interior, lashings of colour can be overpowering, but a striking feature wall can add real va va voom. The trick is to choose a highlight that blends into whatever interior style you have chosen, whether it’s retro chic or highly contemporary. Here are six feature walls that stand out for all the right reasons and can be easily used in virtually any interior.

Timber feature walls

The warm tones of timber have a calming effect on any interior, and not just as flooring. They’re perfect as cladding for walls, whether it’s rugged or smooth – or a combination of both, as I’ve used below. The same ironbark floorboards have been used for the fireplace, which I’ve then contrasted with red-toned timber panels. The modular panels are made from reclaimed Australian hardwoods fixed to a ply backing board.

Pressed metal wallpaper

For this apartment in an old converted Sydney warehouse I chose wallpaper that mimics the look of an old pressed metal ceiling; it blends perfectly with the exposed timber ceiling.

Panelled wall

This panelled wall, the standout feature of the master bedroom, was fashioned out of slats of MDF architrave, painted white and then glued onto the wall. It was done for under $200!

Blue wallpaper

This is one of my rental properties in Sydney’s west. It’s really light and bright and open plan, so can cope with a good smack of personality. This Lines wallpaper from Annandale Wallpapers was just the ticket!

Painted brick wall

Before you go rushing to clad or render an old internal brick wall, why not make a feature of it instead? In this sunroom I’ve used Taubmans Coalmine paint, framed by a crisp white.

Retro wallpaper

In this retro themed apartment I was looking for a wallpaper that would pay homage to the seventies – but not lairy 70s! I wanted a subtle backdrop for the furnishings and pendant lights, so opted for the vintage highlights of Orla Kiely Scribble wallpaper.

— Cherie Barber is the director of Renovating for Profit, a company that teaches everyday people how to buy and renovate properties for a profit.

Our top 10 names in Australian wallpaper


How to prepare your wall for painting: expert advice

By Naomi Findlay

Repainting a wall, or painting a new wall for the first time, is a great way to add elements of newness, freshness and crispness into a space. Painting a wall a new colour can symbolise the start of something new, such as moving into a new property, start of a new stage in life, such as going from childhood to adulthood, or it can even symbolise the start of a new colour obsession.

Image source: DesignLoveFest

The idea of painting a space can seem like a daunting task to many people, but in reality it is an exciting time that will allow you to redesign your space.

Making painting a space as stress-free, fun and exciting as possible is all about the preparation you do. There are a bunch of remedies out there for how to get the perfect paintwork at home, but these don’t last as long as some others. I have created the perfect method of prepping and painting a wall through years of trial and error.

So, what will you need?

You will need a soapy solution of detergent and water as this is the most affordable method of washing your walls prior to painting. You will also need pre-mixed filler so you can create an even painting surface, sandpaper at either 180 or 240 grade and finally, masking tape.

Once you are ready with your equipment it is time to start preparing your wall. How long this will take can vary from wall to wall as it is totally dependent on how many bumps and issues the wall has.

To start, you will need to take down anything and everything that is on the wall. Once you have done this it is time to wash the walls with your soapy solution. This is to remove any dust from the wall so the paint will stick to the wall, not the dust.

Image source:

Next, you must check the walls to see if there is any surface damage, use your hands for this as the light can play tricks and make it appear that there are lumps where there isn’t! Make sure the wall is completely dry then begin checking for mould. If you find any mould, clean the location with bleach and again, wait for the wall to dry.

Once the wall is completely dry, place masking take around the skirting boards, light switches or any other items that can’t be removed, such as an air conditioner. If you notice that any areas of the wall are flaking paint, sand back the spot to allow to an even coat to paint to be applied. Similarly, if there are any holes or dints in the wall, use nail filler to patch the area up. Once the filler is set, sand the area down again. It is also important to prime the filled areas with a high quality spot prime such as Taubmans 3 in 1 Sealer Primer Undercoat. This can also be applied to the whole wall to create an even finish.

Then you’re good to go!

Naomi Findlay is Australia’s Rapid Renovation Expert and a resident expert at our sister site, Reno Addict.

Design Expert Tips RENO ADDICT Styling

How to: Use walls to add texture to a room

From wallpaper to speckled paint, exposed brick and the living green variety, there are myriad ways for walls to bring texture to a room.

Image courtesy of HGTV
Image courtesy of HGTV


When it comes to texture, wallpaper can always be relied upon to bring this to a room. Whether subtle or dramatic, wallpaper will change the feel in the room making it perfect for creating an overall vibe.


Textured paint is a great way to add texture to any space whether you purchase a ready-made one or make your own (texture can be added to paint with the use of joint compound). As an added bonus it conceals uneven or chipped walls too.

Image courtesy of Somhome
Image courtesy of Somhome

Water colour

Painting a wall in a water colour design is a great way to add unique texture to a space, and it also has a lovely painterly quality. Any colours can be used to create this look, however it is best to use hues that complement one another – a trio of purple, blue and pink is one such alternative.

Speckled paint

Adding paint speckles to a wall is a great way to add texture to a space, depending on what colours are used. In a child’s bedroom, speckling bright coloured paint on a neutral toned wall is a great way to add texture and create a unique space that is unlike any other. Speckling paint can also be achieved through flicking the paint on the paintbrush onto the wall.

Image courtesy of Inside Out magazine
Image courtesy of Inside Out magazine


Much like painting brick, painting timber is great for an injection of texture. If the timber isn’t smooth, painting over it will create a unique, rustic design in the room. Similarly, leaving timber exposed and unpainted will also retain texture in a space.


With the industrial aesthetic trending, exposed brick has experienced a resurgence in popularity over the last few years. Leaving bricks exposed, or roughly painting over brick to give it a faux worn look adds fabulous texture to a space. Much like wallpaper, exposed brick allows any space to have a unique texture and feeling.

Image courtesy of Atlas Concorde
Image courtesy of Atlas Concorde

Three dimensional tiles

Three dimensional tiles, or tiles that appear that way, are a great way to add something different to a space and will usually make it feel larger too. Three dimensional tiles are easy to clean and maintain, however it’s worth considering that they don’t age that well.


Exposed metal, or pressed metal is a great way to incorporate an industrial feeling into a space. Metal works better as a feature on a wall – don’t cover the entire thing as it can be overwhelming. Exposed metal tends to look more rustic the older it gets – its unique patina only improves with age.

Image courtesy of Home Desogning
Image courtesy of Home Designing

Green walls

Green walls are a great way to add texture and they provide a host of other benefits too. While they can be difficult to construct and maintain they can help improve air quality, focus and productivity. In purely aesthetic terms, filling a wall full of greenery will leave a lasting impact whenever you walk in to the space. When paired with neutral soft and hard furnishings, the greenery will pop all the more.

Naomi Findlay is one of our resident experts, principal of Silk Home and founder of the International Institute of Home Staging

Read all her articles for Reno Addict.

Bedrooms Homewares

New timber mosaics are as easy as peel and stick

With the current natural food craze, we knew it was only a matter of time before we went organic with our houses too! Tile Mega Mart have released the next great statement product to spice up your wall: timber mosaics. The Geppetto collection captures the natural beauty of timber, making it easy to create striking geometric patterns and 3D profiles in your home.


The collection features six designs – available in a choice of hues, each one vastly different from the next. You’ll find finishes ranging from deep cocoa-black (Mos Nero Rigati) to a soft limewash effect (Bardot Mos Tropezzienne). Those loving the Scandinavian look will be happy with the pale hue of Scaletta! Environmentalists can rest easy as each mosaic is crafted from sustainably produced Pinus Teada trees and handmade by timber artisans.

Marita Blaschka, Tile Mega Mart’s design director, is proud to say that the collection is just as easy as it is beautiful! “The timber pieces have been precisely placed on a small panel, creating a mosaic sheet measuring about 280mm, which has a self-adhesive backing. So no glues or grouting are required.”


The unique pieces inspire a number of installation options – from full walls to feature areas, such as in place of a bedhead or adding an extra layer to a display shelf.


With designs that range from the stunning herringbone display of Mosaico Spina to the concave shape of Arco Acustico and the stacked effect of Mos Nero Rigati, the Geppetto collection is sure to be the centre of attention at your next gathering.

The Geppetto handmade timber mosaic collection is available exclusively from Tile Mega Mart. Find it here.

Design DIY Kitchens RENO ADDICT

Blockheads Kyal and Kara’s 8 mini makeover ideas for summer

The summer entertaining season is fast approaching and while it’s great to fling open the doors to welcome family and loved ones – those unfinished renovation jobs are on stark display!

Kyal and Kara
Kyal and Kara

Renovating is not just about the big-ticket bathroom and kitchen facelifts. You can have some nip and tucks along the way to keep your space fresh and create a visual distraction from the less attractive areas of your home.

The Block and Reno Rumble favourites Kyal and Kara have got some great ideas on how to deflect away from the unfinished work and turn your home into a sparkling entertaining oasis. Below are their top eight mini makeover ideas for summer:

  • Give your tiles a clean. Generally, a solution of vinegar and water should do the trick. If there is a build-up of soap scum, a heavy-duty tile and grout cleaner will assist to strip it off but avoid abrasive cleaners. To clean tile grout, mix a 1:1 solution of vinegar and water and gently scrub grout with an old toothbrush. For deeper cleaning, mix a paste of baking soda and water and work into the grout. Spray the vinegar and water solution over the area. It will bubble up and work away scrum. Rinse with warm water. Repeat.
  • Freshen up your home’s front entry. Make an instant statement by sweeping and dusting cobwebs from all those nooks and crannies. Paint the front door a contrasting and bright colour – like an orange, yellow or light blue! Place an exotic plant at the entrance to complement your new door for an eye-catching impact.


  • Update your home’s facade. Contrasting materials on facades are trending. You can tile a section to add or highlight an architectural feature and update the look of your house.
  • Simplify your space. Spaces that are free of clutter are more calming so reduce the clutter in your central rooms. Use the three box system: one box for items that belong in another room, one box for charity and one box for sales. If you need extra storage build some shelving brackets and use ply wood in a wardrobe or in the garage.


  • Create a feature wall. There are many ways to create an arty feature to draw the eyes. Shaped or textured tiles are on trend with patterned tiles a great alternative to wallpaper. With the right adhesive and original tiles in reasonable shape, they can be tiled straight over for a quick tiling job
  • Create a herb planter. Make sure you always have the herbs you need for those delicious summer feasts – the smell is also divine! Use recycled hardwood fence palings or crates and create your own. Place it somewhere in view and get your guests to pick some herbs for you as a great distraction for wondering eyes.
  • Turn heads with your luxurious driveway. Concrete driveways or paths can be tiled over for an instant luxurious look to add value to your home and outdoor entertaining areas.


  • Freshen up the kitchen with a new splashback. A new splashback is an extravagant quick fix. Try a dramatic statement with mosaic tiles. In a stark kitchen use loads of colours and in a busy one, go simple. Whatever colour you choose for your splashback bring it through the room with cushions or a beautiful vase.

For more information, visit Beaumont Tiles.

Interiors Addict

Top 10 feature wall ideas

By Kristie Castagna

There has been some debate lately about the use of ‘feature walls’ and if we should be considering treating the entire room to the feature and not just one lonely wall. A bit of a designer “go hard or go home” type attitude or what I like to call full design commitment.

Personally, as a designer I have always used features as a way of giving clients a little bit of a gentle shove into those design ideas they never thought they would have previously considered. So I am not sure I could let go of the single feature wall for my clients’ sake, as many of them, like many of you, are still to dip their toes in the wallpaper, bright colour or alternative wall covering type options.

With all that being said, I thought I would bring to you my top 10 favorite feature wall ideas:

Interiors Addict

Like a wallpaper feature wall for free?

If you live in Sydney and you’d love a feature wall in your home, wallpapered for free, you could just be in luck. Boutique wallpaper brand Moore & Moore would like to do the honours, in return for photographing the room for marketing purposes.

Moore and Moore Flannel-Flower-Demask

You must live in Sydney and the wall must be papered in the Flannel Flower Damask design shown here, BUT it must be in the white on sage colourway as shown below.

Moore and Moore wallpaper Damask-white-on-sage

If you would like to be considered to have a feature wall hung for free, please email a photo of your room to [email protected] by Friday 12 April. Good luck!