
Join Jen at the 2019 National Home Staging Symposium!

There’s no doubt that property staging has come a long way in terms of credibility and popularity. The concept wasn’t even that widely accepted a decade ago and now, I don’t think many people could imagine selling a home without it! And whether you’re a property stylist, run your own home staging business or just love property and real estate, Sydney’s upcoming National Home Staging Symposium could be just thing for you. And if you needed another reason to attend, our very own Jen will be presenting!

“If you really want to take your home staging career to another level, then this is the ideal next step. Remember, not only will it get you access to brand new content and speakers and an awesome network of likeminded people, but it will also give you the momentum you need to achieve significant progress in your home staging career,” says its organiser, our resident expert Naomi Finday. The event presents an opportunity to learn from some of Australia’s most successful property stylists alongside business and marketing experts.

Naomi Findlay
Naomi Findlay

“You can learn from online businesses, marketing and finance people, interior designers, mindset experts and take action in our interactive workshops and connect with our likeminded tribe. It’s an experience you just can’t get anywhere else!” says Naomi.

And while there’s plenty on the weekend’s agenda, here’s just a taste of the things you can expect to learn:

  • How to stage for the Australian real estate market as well as how to develop relationships with real estate agents.
  • How to successfully run an online business as part of a bricks and mortar one, as well as how to expand your client base.
  • How to establish your target market.
  • How to build your own team of stylists, labourers, real estate agents and trades.
  • Social media: Which sites you should be using to directly reach your audience.
  • Styling trends: Which ones to use and which ones to avoid.

National Home Staging Symposium
15 and 16 June 2019
Rydges World Square

VIP event tickets have already sold out but it’s not too late to secure an early bird price (before April 20, 2019). Find out all about it and get your tickets here.


Expert Tips Furniture Homewares Interviews Styling

A Coco Republic stylist reveals her top three styling secrets

Located in the well-heeled Sydney suburb of Rose Bay, this home was sold recently with help from the Coco Republic property styling team. While it obviously has beautiful features, it needed the finishing touches that home staging provides, to present it in its best light.

Kitchen & dining

“The client’s home combined classic architectural features of a grand scale, with contemporary design and layout.  The styling was inspired by the clients’ dynamic style, love of colour and unique art pieces from their personal collection and our styling art range,” says Charmain Coombes, Coco Republic senior property stylist.

And while Charmain has many clever tricks up her sleeve, she let us in on the three key ingredients that went into polishing up this gem for sale.

Colour pop
A tried and tested formula, a splash of bold colour will lift even the most lacklustre space. “In the formal living room, we utilised a bright pop of citrus with the upholstered occasional chairs and gold metallic accents to complement the wood grain and marble finishes of the built-in accent joinery, satin gold wall pendants and pansy artwork,” says Charmain.

Formal living room

“A bright pop of colour creates interest and gives the room personality and the metallic styling elements create a luxurious feel. The citrus yellow colour elements are a common thread throughout the entire styling scheme,” says Charmain.

I love that graphic print!

Bringing the outside in is another trusted home styling technique. Providing colour, movement and texture, natural elements inject the much-needed warmth that is often lacking in modern homes. “It’s important to always try and bring in some natural elements into a space, so we utilised a large potted fig, timber trunk side table and the casual timber framed armchairs,” says Charmain of the natural accents that punctuate the open plan living room.

Living room: This otherwise neutral space benefits greatly from the addition of wood and greenery

The power of white
From furniture to bed linen, white will always freshen up a space – just be careful not to rely on it too much or the effect can be a little clinical. “The bedrooms were styled to showcase the individuality of their owners. A luxurious master suite was created in the large parents’ retreat, with statement bedside lamps enhancing the elegant room and the other pieces chosen were simple and classic.  The best styling investment in a bedroom is crisp white linen,” says Charmain.

Master suite: The white linen and bedhead pop against the charcoal wall behind

“We utilised crisp white furniture and blue tones in the scatter cushions to contrast and complement the terracotta tiles and large swimming pool,” says Charmain of the home’s beautiful outdoor space. 

Outdoor entertaining

Shop Coco Republic online


Expert Tips Styling

Home staging: is it really worth it?

By Naomi Findlay

You’ve no doubt heard the phrase ‘home staging’ being thrown around the real estate industry recently. For those unfamiliar with the concept, it’s essentially styling (or staging) a home for sale. No doubt you’ve got a couple of questions. Is it worth it? Does it get results? And why exactly should you spend more money on a property you are trying to sell?

Money well spent

A staged property will present in a way that makes it more visually appealing which often will result in more people coming to the open houses, a higher selling price and a shorter sale period.

Data collected and analysed by the International Institute of Home Staging showed that in 2016, a staged property yields an average increase in sale price of between 10% and 15%. This means that a property that was originally valued at $500,000 has the potential of selling for $575,000 after it has been staged by a professional home stager.

Hire a professional

A home stager isn’t just anyone. So many people see the work home stagers do and think ‘I could do that,’ and they aren’t wrong. While they could create beautiful spaces repeatedly, they don’t always have the knowledge, skill or time it takes to become an expert home stager and get professional-level results. Many people assume home stagers are house fluffers or interior designers but a true professional must have extensive knowledge of the real estate market on national, state and local levels. They must know what price properties sell at in specific areas and why they sell at the price they do. Also, they must know about current design trends and the enduring, evergreen ones that show off the best aspects of a property for every possible target market. Professional home stagers should also know how to minimise a property’s low lights.

Is it worth the investment?

A quality home staging project can be an investment. Like many areas in life, if you want an amazing experience with amazing results you are going to have to make an investment. However, as of 2016, the average investment on home staging was between 0.4%-0.75% of the estimated property value. So, you are investing less than 1% of the minimum price your property will sell at to have it sell for more money! It’s a no-brainer really. *

In 2016, on average, for every $1 spent on home staging, the property owner received a return of $20. That means that if you spend $4,000 on a home staging project you could receive a return of $80,000. That is $80,000 that you didn’t have before and can put towards another property investment or into some amazing new furnishings in your new property. *

The market reality

Home staging has changed the real estate market and has changed the standard a property must be presented at to get a high return on your investment. Investing in a professional home stager takes away the stress of having to present your property for sale yourself and gives yourself the highest chance of selling for the highest possible price in the shortest timeframe.

* Data from Silk Home  and International Institute of Home Staging

Naomi Findlay is Australia’s rapid renovation expert, founder of Silk Home and the International Institute of Home Staging.

Photos of staging by Naomi and the Silk Home team.


Take 5 with stylist and property expert Naomi Findlay

Each week we shine the spotlight on some of Australia’s best designers, artists and stylists and have them share with us what’s making them tick; anything from the best gift they’ve ever received to their favourite holiday destination. Today we chat to Naomi Findlay, owner of design business Silk Home and the International Institute of Home Staging, and resident expert on our sister site Reno Addict

naomi findlay

1. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? 

My first travel journal before I took off around the world for four years. It helped me find the joy in story and travel, creating memories that now, as a mum of four, I cherish reading.

2. What’s your favourite book?

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom and The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch are my faves. They are full of simple and grounding reminders on the key things that are important: trust, respect and love.

3. What’s your go-to recipe?

San Choy Bow. It is so simple to make, so fresh and bursting with flavours. But the best part is, it is super quick and the whole family gets to get messy eating it with our hands.

4. What’s your favourite shop?

Surprisingly I am not a shopper at all. I am generally forced to buy clothes, shoes and jewellery by those close to me (Jen included!). But I do have a small weakness driven by necessity for good boots from Wittner.

5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Nothing is unachievable if your really want it, so just believe and you will thrive! This has and still does apply to anything I do in life. It is generally ourselves that get in our own way, so once you believe you can then you can!

Expert Tips

Five ways to spruce your home up before it goes on the market

Many people selling their home underestimate the importance of making necessary improvements and adjustments before listing it on the market. However, what may seem like minor aesthetics can make a real difference to the number of people that read or click on your listing and attend the inspections. Many sellers write this process off as too expensive or too time consuming, but making a few repairs and improvements is sure to boost the selling price on your home.

Back to basics

Below are five simple and inexpensive ways to spruce your home up before it goes on the market:

  1. Back to basics

When buyers look at your home, they will instinctively imagine what their own furniture and items would look like in it. Bold colours and styles can be off putting and have the power to quickly eliminate potential buyers. Make it easy for buyers to picture themselves living in your home by sticking with neutral colours and styles. Consider repainting the walls a tone of magnolia/white, or having bright patterned couches or cushions recovered with a plain fabric. If spending this money or effort doesn’t seem worth your while, there are a number of adjustments you can make that won’t cost a thing. For example, remove table cloths to showcase plain surfaces, replace personal ornaments with a vase full of flowers or a fruit bowl, or swap family photos for a simple artwork.

  1. Cull the clutter

Clutter or an overload of personal bits and pieces can also make it tricky for buyers to imagine themselves living in your home. Go through the items on display and only leave out the ones that complement the look and feel of your home. Pack away overly personal items or those that take attention away from the room itself. Do the same with your furniture — clutter is off putting and taking out excess pieces will make rooms look more spacious and inviting. Pack the items away in a storage area or hire storage space if necessary. Avoid packing them away in the cupboard or drawer of a room that buyers will be passing through, as they are bound to want to look at the storage space available.

  1. Focus on the front

Sellers often get caught up on fixing up the rooms or the backyard of their home and neglect the front of the house. However, the front section should be your priority. Potential buyers, particularly those driving past the ‘for sale’ sign, will inevitably judge your home by what it looks like from street view. A good way of testing first impressions of your home is to put yourself in the shoes of the buyer and to see what needs to be improved or removed. It’s easy to get attached to your home and look beyond its flaws, so ask a friend or your agent for a second opinion. While it may seem pricey at the time, consider having the outside repainted, particularly if you think the colour has the potential to put people off. Make sure the lawn is mowed at all times and any weeds are removed. In the same way as the rooms, clear the front entrance of unnecessary items and invest in decor that will make it look more inviting, such as pot plants or a new front door mat.

  1. Clean and repair

Failing to do a proper clean of your home before holding inspections will jeopardise your chances of a quick sale. The property market is far too competitive to skimp on this part of the process, so make sure you spend the necessary time to give it a thorough clean top to toe and pay extra attention to the kitchen and bathroom. Consider hiring a professional cleaner before you take people through your home to ensure it will look its best and touch up on it daily so that you’re prepared for any last minute inspections.

In the same way, failing to get around to repairs before the inspections will decrease your chances of selling your home. The last thing that buyers want to worry about is costly repairs and while the jobs may seem avoidable, they only give buyers another reason to walk away. Make sure you take care of all obvious repairs — a broken doorbell or loose floorboard — and look out for any you’re not aware of — door handles, light fittings, cracks in the walls or ceiling, dripping taps and leaks, or broken fly screens/ windows.

  1. Go green

Making the most of your home’s outdoor areas will work wonders for your home and will make it far more inviting for buyers. Along with mowing the lawn and eliminating weeds, consider rearranging any outdoor furniture or items to make the garden look as spacious as possible. If you don’t have any outdoor furniture, it may be worth investing in a small table and chairs or a hammock, to make it look more enticing. If your home doesn’t have a garden, consider investing in pot plants or hanging plants for the entrance or balcony and buy flowers on inspection days to place in vases in the main living areas. This will give your home a natural and airy feel and will inject some colour into the space.

Go green


Consider taking these five tips on board to spruce your home up and make it look its best for buyers. Make your efforts worthwhile by spending the necessary cost to hire a good photographer for your property listings. This stage of the selling process is not worth skimping on;  it’s key to drawing a crowd to your inspections. Any investment in time or money you make here is certain to pay off in the long run.

–Zoe Pointon is the co-founder of real estate ranking and review startup OpenAgent.


VIDEO: Diary of a Reno part 2

Firstly folks, my huge apologies for keeping you waiting so long for part 2 of our video series. I blame me moving overseas and Naomi getting married. Nothing major! On the upside, if you didn’t catch part 1, you can now watch them both in succession!

In this episode, Naomi talks about the importance of budget and how to get the best out of your tradespeople.

“It is essential to have a plan of what you are going to do and a budget with a tightly connected timeline,” Naomi says. “But with these old houses you really have no idea what you will find until you start ripping things apart. In this video I face just that with storm water issues, floor height issues, and I even found a false ceiling that I was not expecting and walls that were so out of plumb they were 50mm out!

“All these finds mean decisions about where to shift your budget to reallocate time and funds. But it is essential to always keep in mind your end buyer and the level of the market that the property sits at. Knowing the expectations of the likely buyer means you can meet them without overspending.

“Above all, be on site and listen to your trades. Don’t leave them hanging or decisions will be made that cost money to change if you change your mind!”

NSW-based Naomi is owner of Silk Home Staging & Styling and the International Institute of Home Staging, which provides online courses on how to style properties for sale.

If you have any questions for Naomi about this video, please comment on this post.

Expert Tips Styling

Styling your home for summer

Today, stylist Naomi Findlay of SILK Home Staging & Styling and the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS), shares some great tips on styling your home for the summer months.


Summer is well and truly here and we are increasingly looking for easy ways to enjoy it at home. Here are some quick tips for creating your ultimate summer-friendly environment:

Merge the outdoors and indoors

With the longer days and increased entertaining, now is the time to create indoor-outdoor living spaces.


Iva’s bedroom makeover impresses Shaynna Blaze

Earlier this month we ran a competition to win a course at the new International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) and asked readers to send in their own room makeovers aimed at helping sell a home.

We asked our friend Shaynna Blaze, star of The Block and Selling Houses Australia, to judge. Who better?! She chose this unisex toddler bedroom entry from Iva Izman.

Iva 1

This room is a work of art in itself. All decorations are DIY from salvaged items and recycled materials. From the wall art down to the cushion details and baby mobile, it was all handmade by me,” said Iva in her entry.

Interiors Addict

Impress Shaynna and win a course at the International Institute of Home Staging

Are you a first-time first renovator, a flipper, a property developer or simply a would-be stylist who’d like to start their own business? The International Institute of Home Staging, which launched this week, could be just what you’re looking for! Luckily for one reader, we’re giving away a course worth $497 to whoever impresses our judge, Shaynna Blaze, the most.

The International Institute of Home Staging's Naomi Findlay
The International Institute of Home Staging’s Naomi Findlay

The International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS), which offers the first and only interactive online home staging and property styling courses in Australia, launched this week to help budding designers learn the art and business of making homes attractive to buyers. The demand for staging professionals has reached an all-time high in Australia, as real estate agents and vendors alike realise how much it can impact final sale prices.

Founder Naomi Findlay says: “The courses offered are put together by a fantastic array of Australian design, styling and business mentors that provide great insight into what is a growing industry. It’s designed to teach other people how they can make money on their own property sales or start their own property styling and home staging business.”

Interiors Addict

Colourful, practical home for first time buyers

Anna Williams of Ethos Design furnished this display home for a Queensland builder targeting first time buyers.

“I mixed affordable contemporary furniture from local chain stores with Mid Century styles to create a home that feels perfectly suited to a busy family lifestyle, all complemented with quirky accessories and colourful artwork,” she says. “My aim was to create a comfortable family home that felt practical, colourful and stylish.”

“The focal point for the dining room had to be the gorgeous abstracts by a local artist. To keep them centre stage, I kept the furniture simple. A round table allowed a better flow of traffic in the small space, while Louis Ghost style chairs are a practical option for a young family.”

Interiors Addict

My article on staging in Hills Lifestyle magazine

Hills Lifestyle asked me to write an article for the magazine on the growing popularity of home staging in Australia and I interviewed Naomi Findlay from SILK Home Staging & Styling.

You can read it here on page 35.