Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

4 reasons to consider pavers for your garden reno

If you’re in the process of updating or completely renovating your garden or outdoor area, you’re probably considering your options. From turf to tiles, decking to concrete, there’s a lot of choices to consider.

For a low maintenance space that can be used year round, you really can’t go past paving. Paving is the perfect way to freshen up the backyard and create a multi-function area that can be enjoyed by the whole family. With the right design and good lighting, it can be used day and night throughout the whole year.

Landscape expert and Adbri Masonry brand ambassador, Jason Hodges, is a big fan of pavers for a backyard reno. “Whether you’re looking to create a feature zone for dining or entertaining, complete a poolside area or build a garden path, pavers are a clever and effective way to make the best use of any space and they’re a lot easier to lay than many people think,” explains Jason. “Time-poor home owners are looking for practical ways to bring the family together, while showcasing their individuality and personal style and DIY pavers fit this bill perfectly.”

Here are our top 4 reasons why you should consider pavers for your garden reno.

reasons to consider pavers for your garden renoImage source: Inside Out

4 reasons to consider pavers for your garden reno

1. Pavers are DIY – While certain landscaping methods require a professional touch, paving is a job that you can DIY. Jason recommends Euro classic, traditional 400x400mm large format pavers and Havenbrick traditional brick pavers for a DIY job. Bunnings also has this handy guide to walk you through the process.

2. Pavers are low maintenance and easy to repair – For the renovators who want all the style with minimal upkeep, pavers are a great choice. Available in a wide range of colours, materials and even textures, once they’re laid, you’re pretty much done. Yes, you might need to give them a hose down or twice yearly pressure wash but compared to maintaining a lawn, you’re way ahead of the game.

3. Pavers provide good drainage – Drainage in your backyard or entertaining area is something not to be underestimated! Good drainage can prevent a myriad of problems from occurring down the track. When installed properly, pavers are self draining meaning no pesky water build up.

4. Pavers are cost effective – Thanks to the wide variety of options available, pavers are a relatively cost effective, long term solution for the majority of outdoor areas.


Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

How to create the perfect outdoor room

With access to nature on our doorsteps, it’s no surprise that Australians love spending time outside and with a growing trend to enjoy outdoor living at home, now is the time to invest in your backyard escape and enjoy the long-term benefits. According to the 2017 Adbri Masonry Great Australian Backyard Survey1, there has been a 41 per cent increase on the previous year of Australian homeowners planning to invest in their backyard. No other space in your home can be so multi-functional whilst offering a variety of benefits that provide a long-term contribution to your investment and lifestyle.

The most notable display of this trend is how we are using our outdoor rooms as an extension of our interior spaces, complete with furniture, patios, comfortable seating areas, gardens and even themed spaces that further personalise the space. While the desire for seamless transition from indoors to out may seem an easy goal, there are many important factors to consider, specifically that indoor products like tiles, furniture and décor items are not designed to withstand the often harsh weather, rain and UV exposure.

Here, Jason Hodges, brand ambassador for Adbri Masonry, Australia’s leading masonry manufacturer provides some helpful tips on making the most of your outdoor space.

How to create the perfect outdoor roomImage source: Eco Design

How to create the perfect outdoor room

1. Create a space for family time

Escape the hustle of everyday life and try creating your own private oasis whilst enjoying the therapeutic advantages of being outside. Creative outdoor rooms provide time-poor parents with a fun environment for children to play safely, away from technology. If you plan it right, this new space will become the favourite area for the family to reconnect. “Your outdoor space is a blank canvas and you need to start somewhere. I suggest installing a paved courtyard that leads into a turfed area so the area can be used in all weather conditions. Look for concrete pavers that are designed for use outside, they will be slip resistant so safe when wet and can live up to the elements.

2. Create a healthy outdoor room

Make use of unused space and create an outdoor sanctuary, perfect for growing an edible landscape. Growing and preserving your own produce including herbs and vegetables can be wholesale family fun along with a number of health benefits on offer. Raised garden beds are a great way to start your growing adventure as they provide an opportunity to bring in premium and organic soils rather than digging into the ground.

How to create the perfect outdoor room

3. Create your own home office

According to Planet Ark research, there are significant health and environmental benefits to incorporating nature into your daily routine. 86 per cent of Australians who have a close connection to nature are significantly happier with just 10 minutes spent outside helping to improve mental health and wellbeing. With the number of people working from home on the rise, so too is the popularity of the outdoor office. Create a workspace that will allow you to be inspired, focused and help to promote a low carbon lifestyle. After a solid foundation is paved, use easy to maintain garden beds, vertical green walls, and water features to transform the yard into a relaxing yet functional space.

4. Create a social hub

Homeowners are looking to make better use of their outdoor space, primarily, as a place to entertain and enjoy our incredible climate. You will also need to consider how people get from the indoors out – match your outdoor space to that of your indoor style to ensure seamless transition with bi-fold doors that make a statement while maximising the potential of your outdoor space.

“My top tip for maximising the enjoyment factor of the outdoor environment is to think about how often the space will be used and by how many people. I regularly see people clutter their precious outdoor space with oversized dining settings that dominate the area. I suggest furniture selection to suit how the space will be most often used. If you’re looking for a true feature point for entertaining, consider a concrete block fire pit such as the AB Courtyard fire pit which will become the number one place for socialising for homeowners that can spare the space”, explains Jason Hodges.

How to create the perfect outdoor room


For more information on how to make the most of your outdoor room, visit

Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

Mark Tuckey’s Top Tips for Deck Care All Year Round

Winter may be coming but that doesn’t mean that your outdoor areas should be neglected. We’ve quizzed Aussie furniture maker and Feast Watson ambassador Mark Tuckey for his top tips for caring for your deck all year round.

Mark Tuckey’s Top Tips for Deck Care All Year Round

Mark Tuckey’s Top Tips for Deck Care All Year Round

1. Keep an eye on your timber – The best way to maintain you timber furniture and deck is through regular maintenance inspections. It’s difficult to state an exact timeframe for how often timber decks and outdoor furniture should be recoated because it is dependent on so many factors; quality of the coating, amount of foot traffic, degree of exposure to UV radiation and the weather. As a rule of thumb, Feast Watson suggest annual maintenance coats, however you should always test to see if water is beading on the surface of the timber first. If water is beading on your timber, it is protected, and there is no need to coat. When you notice water soaking into the surface, then it’s time to prepare and re-coat.

2. Clean your deck – Before recoating your deck, clean it thoroughly with Feast Watson Woodclean. By eliminating the impurities and surface contaminants, you ensure a smooth finish when you apply your chosen decking oil and ensure your timber lasts for years to come. Gently scrub the timber with Feast Watson Woodclean then wash off with the lowest setting on your high pressure hose, you don’t want to raise the timber grain with too harsh a blast of water

3. Recoat – Don’t wait too long when it comes to re-coating your timber! It’s easier to maintain the coating before it becomes too worn and the timber underneath starts to degrade. Once you’ve cleaned and prepped your timber, it’s time to add protection. Apply your chosen Feast Watson decking oil such as Feast Watson Matt Look Deck according to spread rate on the can to the entire length of the timber board using a good quality lambswool applicator or specialist decking brush to ensure there are no streaks, lines or blend marks. This is to be applied approximately 2-3 boards at a time. Check the can for drying time between coats, and then repeat the process.

4. Air Flow – Make sure air is circulating under your deck by removing any debris, which might be blocking air flow and damaging your timber.

5. Enjoy – Make sure you enjoy your deck by spending lots of time out there!

For more information about Feast Watson’s range of decking care products visit

Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

How To: Repurpose under-utilised areas in the backyard

Make the most of the backyard by transforming forgotten areas into useful spaces. Build a veggie garden in an unused corner, convert the soggy side of your home into a beautiful feature path or bring the family together by transforming a bland backyard with a lively fire pit. There are many simple and quick fixes that any homeowner can implement to turn a forgotten backyard area into a space worth spending time in.

“It’s a waste to leave side gardens and backyard corners sitting gathering weeds – you paid good money for your land and there are clever ways to ensure you use all of it,” says Adbri Masonry brand ambassador and expert landscaper, Jason Hodges. “Areas in the backyard that are under-utilised, eye sores or those that haven’t been maintained present the opportunity to create spaces that can be used for relaxing or entertaining with friends.”

Here Jason Hodges shares some top tips on how to transform under-utilised areas:

1. Side yard pathway – There is a shady side to every house. Typically these areas receive very little sunlight and are prone to dampness. This inhibits grass from growing and means the area can turn into a mud pit every time it rains. A feature stepping stone path will not only inject aesthetic appeal but it will also ensure muddy laundries are a thing of the past. This is a great project for DIY’ers and I recommend using large format pavers to get the designer look. For added ‘wow’ factor, lay the pavers offset in a stretcher bond pattern and fill the voids with decorative stones or greenery.

How To: Repurpose under-utilised areas in the backyardImage source: Houzz

2. Fire Pit – Backyard fire pits are a great way to bring family and friends together to keep warm during the colder months. Once built, fire pits serve as an immediate feature and gathering point for your entertaining evenings. For year round functionality, use dry stack blocks like AB Courtyard which are not glued together meaning they are mobile and can be easily constructed and deconstructed as the season calls for. Or when the weather heats up, fill your fire pit with soil and start a veggie garden. These projects are so versatile.

How To: Repurpose under-utilised areas in the backyardImage source: HGTV

3. Herb and vegetable gardens – Outdoor spaces often have large walls or lengths of the boundary fence that are barren and in desperate need of revitalising. Raised garden beds in front of a fence or in the corner of a yard will create dimension and can be achieved using retaining wall blocks like Natural Impressions. Vertical gardens are also a great way to cover up large wall areas and living green walls are a trend that’s here to stay.

How To: Repurpose under-utilised areas in the backyardImage source: Nifty Homestead

4. Water Feature – Water features are a simple way to make the most of an under-utilised area. There are so many different designs and options that are perfect for small or large gardens areas so pick a style that compliments your garden. Water features add movement and a calming sound to your yard, and are the perfect finish to your outdoor retreat. Ponds are a low maintenance feature that can serve as a natural decoration and blend in nicely with garden foliage. For a smaller space opt for a bird bath, small classic fountain or a serene Asian inspired water feature. The options are endless.

How To: Repurpose under-utilised areas in the backyardImage source: Country Living

For more information on backyard DIY projects, visit

Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

Top tips to resurrect an unloved garden

By the Phillip Withers Landscape Design Team

Take a look outside and be honest. Is your backyard overgrown and a bit of a mess? Is that outdoor entertaining area still only half finished? Or, like so many of us, maybe the garden is just not your thing so you’ve never really bothered in the first place. It doesn’t matter either way because it’s never too late to resurrect an unloved garden. To help get you started Landscape Designer Phillip Withers has come up with some top tips to help you resurrect your unloved garden.

resurrect an unloved gardenImage source: Phillip Withers Landscape Design

Top tips to resurrect an unloved garden

1. Grass – Aerate your lawn every spring with a roller/garden fork and spread lawn fertiliser all over your garden. Trim any surrounding tress that are preventing sunlight exposure to your garden and finally cut your grass approximately 2.5cm in length. This routine will put you in good stead to have beautiful, lush green grass year upon year.

2. Soil and Plants – Save any organic waste from your house and leave it in the composter for at least six months. This free compost will provide your soil with fantastic nutrients that attract earthworms, which help keep it fertilised. Focus on cultivating plants that attract birds and bees to ensure their pollination, establish weed control and those that will spread the plants seeds around the garden.

3. Herbs – Twice a year plant herbs in little pot plants or even in the edges pf the garden to make it part of the system. Not only are they a great way to help you live a healthier life, they look great and can provide great coverage and texture in many cases.

resurrect an unloved garden

4. Water Storage – If at all possible, invest in a water tank. If you don’t have access to a bore, stream or river, rainwater (collected in the most part over the winter), is the best source of much needed water for your garden to flourish all year round,

5. Establish a routine – Your garden routine should run like clockwork, You should know what time of day you are going to: water the plants, pull out weeds, harvest any veg etc. Work hard in your garden because the more time you put in, the more you will get out. Establish a system and get the foundations right it will become a leisurely activity! Also remember that you don’t have to make it hard, using timers and modern techniques such as wicking beds can make life easier.

6. Choose a range of plants – Consider texture, shape, sound and smell, (not only aesthetic) when choosing your plants, to stimulate your senses as much as possible. Eg. Ornamental grasses move in the wind to create wonderful sounds and provide a point of interest for the eye. Incorporating food also will create the addition of an environment you can pick and eat and bring life to the whole family to learn and indulge in.

resurrect an unloved gardenImage source: Phillip Withers

7. Lighting – In winter, your stark garden can be rejuvenated with a few strategically placed lighting elements. Place them beneath a tree or a taller plant to create an interesting and illuminating display that allows you to see your plants in a new way. This can also help to bring in the rule of a garden working from the inside just as much as the outside. Its so important to think of your garden this way if you want to green and calm in your home.

Visit the Phillip Withers Landscape Design team and garden ‘I SEE WILD’ at the 2017 Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, Garden A76. March 29th – April 2nd 2017. For more information, visit

Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

Expert tips for making the most of your outdoor space

The Australian love affair with entertaining and outdoor living is showing no signs of waning, with 63 per cent of Aussie homeowners planning to either make improvements or undertake new projects in their outdoor space this year, according to the annual Adbri Masonry Great Australian Backyard Survey. And with our climate, it’s really no wonder that making the most of your outdoor space is a priority for Aussies everywhere.

making the most of your outdoor spaceImage source: Home BNC

Jason Hodges, landscaping expert and Adbri Masonry brand ambassador summed it up. “Aussies love spending time outdoors, whether it is relaxing, gardening or entertaining friends and family,” says Jason. “Almost a quarter of us spend more than seven hours a week in our backyards and gardens and it is no surprise the lifestyle benefits that come with that. This increase we are seeing in backyard makeovers is a result of increased consumer confidence and recognition that outdoor renovation projects can add value to the home financially.”

For many, investing in an outdoor space is also about adding value to the home. The Great Australian Backyard Survey revealed that behind a kitchen renovation (47 per cent), 32 per cent of homeowners believe renovations to the garden landscape and outdoor entertaining area added the most financial value to the home. “Outdoor investments are definitely getting the greater share of the wallet when it comes to home renovations,” explains Mick Conway, owner of Conway Landscaping. “The beauty of the outdoor space is that you can continue to add to it over time, increasing its value, whereas with a kitchen, it is not as easy to make those gradual changes or improvements.”

The key to maintaining an outdoor area and garden that holds and adds value? Maintenance and staying on top of the upkeep.  “Generally, outdoor renovations and design can stay current for a long period but the key is maintenance,” says Jason.

What should Aussie home owners be looking to improve? Jason recommends adding the following to your ‘to-do’ list.

Expert tips for making the most of your outdoor space

 – The front yard/driveway – You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. This rings especially true when it comes to your home, its saleability and appeal to potential buyers. “Homeowners should never underestimate the value in street appeal because buyers never do,” explains Jason. A great place to start is at the beginning, that is, the front yard. Minor improvements can make a massive difference to the way people view your place. In many homes, the dominant feature out the front is the driveway. It takes up a lot of surface area and serves an important function, but too often it’s overlooked. In the Great Australian Backyard Survey, the driveway was voted third as the outdoor project to deliver the most value to the home. “Driveways are a great place to stand out from the crowd,” says Jason. With some creativity, you can leave the ‘Joneses’ in your rear view mirror by creating a paved driveway that uses colours, patterns and different paver sizes to build a stunning starting point for your home.


making the most of your outdoor spaceImage source: Pinterest 

 – Ongoing maintenance and upkeep – Gardening closely follows relaxation as the number two reason Aussies spend time in their outdoor spaces. 62 per cent of respondents like to garden in their outdoor space, but with that comes maintenance. Maintenance was voted the number one consideration when embarking on a landscaping project. Mick Conway shares his thoughts on low maintenance projects and plants that can transform an outdoor space. “Engaging a landscape designer with the right knowledge and experience is the best option for homeowners wanting to create a low maintenance landscape. Things like having the right plant stock and turf, irrigation and hard surfaces such as a paved courtyard are just some of the features homeowners should consider for a low maintenance landscape,” explains Mick.

making the most of your outdoor spaceImage source: CHC Homes

Awareness of emerging trends – With entertaining friends and family and cooking in the top five things Australians use there outdoor spaces for, it is no surprise the outdoor kitchen is expanding to not just include the faithful barbeque. “Generally speaking it is about extending the outdoor living component. Australians are interested in having great outdoor spaces, being able to cook and entertain family and friends. Within that topic there are trends popping up. If you are talking about kitchens, pizza ovens are becoming more popular, whereas five years ago it was just the barbeque. The barbeque is still there, but now there are alternative cooking spaces,” says  Dean Herald, principal landscape designer of Rolling Stone Landscapes, “The different cultures we have in Australia are fantastic because you have all these different cooking experiences. You have families requesting things like tandoor ovens, so we learn a lot about different cultures, what they like to cook and what different cooking methods they like to use.” Another emerging trend has seen homeowners move away from building a common deck to looking at how they can zone their backyard instead. Fifty-nine per cent of respondents believe the patio/entertaining area adds the most financial value to their home hence the focus on making it a cornerstone of the outdoor living space. “Decks are on the way out. Our clients are looking for that point of difference that allows them to get the most of their backyard and are choosing more terrace and courtyard options for alfresco dining,” says Conway.

making the most of your outdoor spaceImage source: OK design interior

For more information about the Great Australian Backyard Survey or to find out how Adbri Masonry can help create your ultimate outdoor space,

Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

3 DIY projects to spice up your backyard

Summer may well be finished but that doesn’t mean that outdoor entertaining is over for the year. Far from it in fact! Thanks to the climate we enjoy here in Australia, our backyards get a workout almost all year round. Maximise the entertaining potential of your outdoor space with these top tips to spice up your backyard from landscape expert and Adbri Masonry ambassador, Jason Hodges.

We often think that a backyard upgrade is out of reach, cost wise, but Jason assures us that that isn’t the case. “Upgrading the backyard doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming,” he says. “It’s simply a matter of thinking about how you want to use your property, then incorporating beauty and utility into your design. You also don’t need to pull on the tool belt and bunker down for a full reno. “You don’t need to undertake a full renovation to get the most out of your space this entertaining season,’ says Jason.”

3 DIY projects to spice up your backyard

1. It’s all about the base – A paved base is the perfect foundation for your outdoor furniture and barbeque, which can also help bring together an indoor and outdoor area such as a pergola. DIY paving is one of the best things you can do to enhance your backyard space and it will also become the main focal point of your entertaining area. Things to consider include what colour, texture and size paver to choose from depending on the look you want to achieve. You will find a step-by-step guide on how to lay pavers here

3 DIY projects to spice up your backyard

2. Go vertical to create new space –  If you don’t have lots of square footage in your backyard, you can always build up. Create something out of nothing by framing your entertaining area with a freestanding, double-sided wall using blocks. This DIY project will define your backyard, while doubling as informal bench seating for unexpected guests. The beauty of using blocks such as the AB Courtyard is that there is no need to excavate to build on an existing base. However, when building directly atop an existing paved or concrete surface, ensure the area is flat. You do not need to glue blocks to the existing surface, the weight of the blocks will hold the wall in place, though if you want extra support, you can use a landscape grade adhesive to secure units onto the existing flat surface.

3 DIY projects to spice up your backyard

3. Take it one step at a time – In times gone by, pathways have been a forced consideration providing a stable thoroughfare to get from one side of the backyard to the other. In today’s backyards they have more purpose. A designer stepping stone path is a great complement to any home, and there are countless options for dressing it, including pebbles and Mondo Grass. Other benefits include price and water drainage. A stepping stone path uses less material than a solid path and is a great option for those narrow areas down the side of a house. Solid paths in narrow areas may encourage water to run up the side of your house causing rot and damage.

3 DIY projects to spice up your backyard

For more information on backyard DIY projects for this summer, visit

Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

How to: rejuvenate tired timber furniture

If your timber outdoor furniture is looking a little less than lovely, it may be time for a bit of TLC. Timber is a popular pick for outdoor furniture and entertaining spaces but it does require some upkeep. Plenty of us start out with good intentions but end up conveniently forgetting our poor old deck chairs until we realise just how weathered they’ve become.

Wind, rain and the harsh Aussie sun is all to blame for the quick weathering process that often befalls timber outdoor furniture. Fortunately, there is now an easy way to rejuvenate tired timber furniture and restore it to its former glory, no scrubbing brush required!

rejuvenate tired timber furniture

Image source: Harvey Norman

How to: rejuvenate tired timber furniture

Previously, the only way to rejuvenate tired timber furniture was with a scrubbing brush and plenty of elbow grease. Fortunately, there’s a nifty new product on the market that takes the effort out of cleaning up. Sikkens Cetol BL Garden Furniture Cleaner is a quick acting, no-drip gel formulation that draws out dirt, grime and the grey from weathered timber. With instant results, the gel leaves timber looking fresh and natural within 15-20 minutes of application, no scrubbing required!

When timber is dry and ready for a a new look, you can follow up with Sikkens Cetol BLX-Pro water-based finish which features a high quality, transparent finish that accentuates the natural characteristics and colour of the timber and can be re-coated within two hours compared to oil-based stains that need up to 24 hours. Available in five ready mixed stains, it will make anything old look new again.

rejuvenate tired timber furniture

Before using Sikkens products and the end result after using the furniture cleaner and stain

For more information on Sikkens products, visit


Expert Tips Outdoor & Exteriors

How to install a safe yet good-looking pool fence

By Matt Leacy

With more than 1.2 million Australians owning a pool and council laws across the nation requiring many property owners to have pool fences – even if retrospectively installed – the balance between legal compliance and great landscape design is becoming increasingly difficult to strike.


And it’s important to get it right. As well as the obvious safety concerns (highlighted by a spate of recent drownings in NSW), we can potentially lose thousands of dollars in property value if we install a pool fence that ruins our outdoor aesthetic. With this in mind, here are my top tips for installing a pool fence without ruining the look and feel of your outdoor space.

The issue

One of the key problems is that retroactive laws are requiring many Australians to install or change pool fences in backyard spaces that weren’t initially designed to accommodate a pool fence in that way– the layout, the gardens, the surrounds have all been designed without regard for the rules that exist today.

Because property owners are in a rush to comply and minimise installation costs, they bring a certifier in and get the job done quickly without properly considering how the fence is going to affect the look and landscape of their backyard – and the overall value of their property.

If you get it wrong and the fence looks terrible, you’ve potentially taken thousands of dollars off your sale or accumulative rental price – aside from the horror of looking at your backyard in a bad state. We all love our backyards and the wrong pool fence can look like an eyesore.


The key is in collaboration

One of the best ways to ensure you get the fence installation right is to get a landscape designer involved from the start of the process to ensure that proper design considerations are factored into the installation plan.

A landscape designer is going to look at things from a different angle and can help you explore avenues that may not seem open to you if you’re solely speaking to the council.

There’s more than one way to install a pool fence while still meeting legislative requirements, but if you don’t know what you’re options are and what to look for, you’re likely going to just do the basics, which can yield a result that may not look as easy on the eye as it could.

The optimal scenario is to have a meeting with your certifier and landscape designer at the same time. That way you can have an open conversation and throw around ideas to try to get to your preferred outcome – while also being sure that your pool fence will meet council laws.

What materials look the best?

In terms of what pool fence materials look the best, it always depends on the individual property, but glass is usually a pretty safe bet.

There’s plenty of different materials – glass-finish, powder-coated aluminium and timber. Glass is the most seamless and can disappear into a landscape more than other materials, but it will cost you more in relation to a standard aluminium fence.

If you’ve got a large area to do and don’t want to incur too much expense installing the whole area with glass, you might consider using glass for the main visual of the fence to keep them open and visible – and then turn to a black-top aluminium fence that can be hidden in the garden and disappear around plants and the like.

If you choose a powder-coated aluminium, go for a black colour as it disappears more than green if it’s up against plants. And whatever you do, steer clear of creams, reds and lighter colours because they stand out and often ruin the aesthetic of the backyard.


What materials last the longest?

Durability is also an important consideration, with glass also being a top contender when it comes to low-maintenance and repairs.

Most people automatically assume that aluminium fences will require the least maintenance, but when it comes down to it, glass is super strong and often held in place by really high quality stainless steel and reinforced concrete,

There’s rarely any issues with glass fences coming loose and when things go wrong with glass it is very obvious, whereas sometimes the screws and fittings on aluminium fences come loose and go unseen for some time. I rarely see a glass fence that’s moved or failing because they’ve usually got the right foundations.

Glass is also, in essence, more difficult to climb than other materials because it’s just a slippery front-faced surface.

Compliance and design can be friends

From a compliance perspective, it’s important to understand what the pool fence laws are in your state and to seek professional advice to ensure that you don’t install a fence which doesn’t meet the requirements.

Installing a pool fence isn’t cheap, so you want to make sure that you get it right the first time around. If your pool area backs up to one of the boundary fences, then you need to ensure the boundary fence is also compliant.

Regardless of what material you use, it’s most important to make sure that you have a certified product, whether you’re a homeowner residing in your own property or an investor leasing it out.

And while it might cost you a bit more up front to ensure that compliance and design both come out on top, the initial outlay is often worth it in the long term.

Safety is the number one priority as we don’t want any accidents. Second to that is aesthetics. If you install a fence that ruins the overall look and feel of your backyard, your property value is more than likely going to suffer. The potential loss you stand to incur in property value terms far likely outweighs what you’d pay a landscape designer to make sure the fence looks great.

–Co-founder of the award-winning Landart Landscapes, Matt Leacy, has 20 years’ experience in design, construction and maintenance services across landscaping and pool installation for both residential and commercial properties. Matt is a qualified horticulturalist and the current President of the LNA Master Landscapers Association.

Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

How to: Select the right decking timber

Spring renovation season has arrived and many homeowners are turning their attention to revitalising outdoor areas ahead of summer entertaining. Installing a timber deck can add an attracting and practical backdrop for days spent alfresco.


With a number of decking options to choose from, Leon Travis, national sales and distribution manager at Boral Timber, offers some tips for choosing decking timbers.

Selecting decking timber

Choosing decking timber largely comes down to personal preference. Australian hardwood species, such as Blackbutt, Spotted Gum or River Reds are a durable option for outdoor spaces and offer high density, toughness, colour spect rum and natural beauty. A species’ Janka rating is used to identify its hardness – the higher the rating, the greater the hardness. It is important to consider a timber species durability rating for outdoor applications.

Timber is rated for in-ground durability and above-ground durability, from Class 1 (the most durable) to Class 4 (the least durable). This provides guidelines as to which species to choose for the area where decking will be installed. For example, a fully exposed area with high moisture (such as in a wet or tropical climate) may require a Class 1 (above ground) timber such as Ironbark, Tallowwood, Spotted Gum or Blackbutt.

Blackbutt and Spotted Gum species have fire resisting properties, making them suitable for homes in bushfire prone areas. Commercial decking products are ideal for those who want to achieve a more industrial look. Boral’s range of commercial 135 x 32mm decking boards boast a greater load capacity than standard decking, offering a strong and durable option for outdoor living and entertaining spaces. The boards can be fixed with large stainless steel bugle screws, which complement the size and strength of the decking and are consistent with the look and feel of a contemporary commercial space.


Building a deck 

When it comes to building a deck, it’s best to leave it to a professional. Consulting a licensed builder, architect or engineer can help to ensure all building codes and Australian Standards are adhered to. In addition, depending on the scope of the deck, detailed plans and building approvals may be required.

Those constructing a deck in bush-fire prone areas should consult Australian Standard AS3959: Construction of Buildings in Bush Fire Prone Areas. Local councils will be able to assist with information on the relevant regulations.

Maintaining a timber deck

Homeowners can help to preserve the colour and improve the life of a deck by regularly cleaning and maintaining it. If applying specialised cleaning products, loose dirt or garden residue should be swept away before. By simply sanding and coating exposed surfaces with a decking finish, homeowners can help to restore the existing deck to its original appearance.

For more information click here.

Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT Shopping

Irrigation gets water-wise with intelligent skydrop system

Reece Irrigation have launched Skydrop, the very latest in intelligent, smart controlled watering systems. Using intuitive, cutting edge technology, Skydrop will save you money on your water bill by cutting your water usage by 50 per cent, while keeping your lawn and garden in top condition.skydrop-controller_australian_web-copySkydrop operates via WiFi and allows you to easily set up zones and manage sprinklers from a computer or smartphone. Using the intuitive, smart watering system you can control up to sixteen zones at any one time, with settings for soil type, plant type and sprinkler type, plus shade, slope angle and more.

“It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the choice of irrigation products available on the market. Our team at Reece is experienced in selecting the best, most effective irrigation systems out there and Skydrop really does represent the very latest in smart, intuitive, water-wise watering technology,” said Reece Irrigation Business Manager, Rob Nadebaum.


The system allows you to customise your watering settings by zone, adjusting watering frequency and duration to respond to each zone’s specific conditions. Real-time data, drawn directly from up to 2000 weather stations across Australia, helps to intelligently forecast exactly when to water.

Expertly developed to do the complex calculations for you, Skydrop’s watering algorithms (patent pending) use zone settings and weather data to determine which zones should be watered, and when. And, by watering each zone separately and only when required, the system ensures your water use is significantly reduced.

“Skydrop is ideal for those areas in Australia where there are water restrictions in place, so you can simply enter what days and times you’re allowed to water and Skydrop will adjust your water schedule automatically,” said Mr Nadebaum.

Image courtesy of LMC Embark

Skydrop has been launched in conjunction with Smart Irrigation Month, a Reece initiative that encourages better outdoor water use in Australia.

Everyone can do their part to save water by following four simple tips.

  1. Watering first thing in the morning and in the evening will reduce water loss from evaporation.
  2. Avoid watering your garden on windy days as you’ll also lose water to evaporation.
  3. Fix dripping taps and leaking sprinklers immediately to save thousands of litres of water wasted every year.
  4. Set mower blades one notch higher as longer grass equals less evaporation.

For more information on Skydrop, visit your nearest Reece Irrigation store or head online.

Before & Afters House Tours Kitchens Real Renos RENO ADDICT

Real Reno: Sweeping view inspires $400,000 Yarra Valley reno

A Victorian family has completely overhauled a brick veneer home, turning it into a luxury four-bedroom abode in nine months.

“The potential I saw was in the view. We look out over green rolling hills and see hot air balloons flying over the Yarra Valley. For me, that is priceless,” said owner Kelly Berghella who estimates the extensive renovation has doubled the Wonga Park home’s value. “People thought we were a bit crazy to take on such an ambitious renovation as owner builders. A lot of people questioned why we didn’t simply demolish the whole house.”

Original house
Original house
Demolition gets underway

The roof frame and half of the original home was torn down and demolished, while the remaining half was stripped back and walls repositioned. “A lower level garage and theatre room with bathroom was constructed, while continuing on the upper level, a new kitchen, family room, alfresco area and study were built. The whole house had new double glazed windows installed. Externally, all old existing brickwork was removed and the whole house was re-plastered, along with new floor coverings and cabinetry,” said Kelly.


Kelly and her husband Claude, a concreter, completed all the demolition work, poured the concrete footings and slab and landscaped the acre block, painstakingly moving each boulder into place with a bobcat over two years. “I’ll be happy if I never hear a bob cat again!” said Kelly, who warns others considering such a big landscaping job that “an acre is expensive and time consuming to landscape, it’s like seven ‘normal sized’ backyards!”


But the biggest challenge of all was project managing the build with a newborn, while sticking to a deadline and running a full-time business. “Don’t take on a job this big when you have to be out of your rental in nine months while becoming first-time parents. It’s very stressful!”

The beautiful view from the open plan living space
The beautiful view

That said, Kelly, who has now renovated three homes with her husband, says perhaps stupidly, she would do it all again and her favourite part of the renovation is the new living space which they love to spend time in as a family. “Reconfiguring the floor plan to allow for an open kitchen and living area, really capitalises on the view,” said Kelly.


As for advice for would-be renovators, Kelly says “use reliable trades which have come from trusted recommendations and get friendly with your bank manager!”

You can contact Claude here or via Instagram. To see more before and after images, follow Kelly on Instagram.

Before & Afters DIY House Tours Real Renos RENO ADDICT

Real Reno: Budget exterior makeover transforms Sydney terrace

Located in Sydney’s Paddington, the exterior of this two-storey terrace was overhauled on a tight budget, with some very impressive results.

“Painting the front façade in a much more bright, clean and modern colour scheme has made a huge difference to the street appeal of the home,” said owner Chanel White who purchased the property in late 2015. “When I bought the house, the front was a drab, dirty beige colour with black trim. The front garden had a large shrub obscuring much of the light coming into the front window and some plastic bamboo fencing and shrubbery. It was quite bizarre!”


The front facade and backyard makeover happened on impulse. When Chanel called in damp proofers to fix the bubbling walls, she made a last minute decision to “bite the bullet and paint the outside at the same time.”

The drab beige was replaced with a blue-grey and the black trims painted a bright white. “Deciding to change all the trim, fencing, woodwork and shutters from black to white was a big job, with the shutters requiring two-three coats of paint sprayed on them to eliminate the black (still much cheaper than replacing them altogether though!),” said Chanel.

But the standout is undoubtedly the front door, Chanel’s favourite feature. “I love the front door! I spent a while deciding on the front door colour, tossing up between aqua and an aubergine colour but I really like the bright, lime green that I ended up with. It’s a nice colour pop and works well with all the succulents in the front garden,” she said.


While the painting was underway, Chanel got to work pulling out the fake bamboo and large shrub in the front yard. “Then I rented a van and headed to Flower Power to stock up on soil, pebbles, pots and a heap of plants for the front and back garden. The next stop was Bunnings for some more plants and pots, and Ikea for some outdoor furniture. One very long weekend later and the front and back garden pots were done!” she said.



The makeover took four weeks and of all the bargain buys, Chanel’s pick is the outdoor furniture. “I’m actually pretty pleased with the Ikea outdoor furniture especially as compared to the thousands of dollars you would normally need to spend to get a similar look. I think using the grey cushions from a different range helped coordinate with the paint colour and adding some nicer cushions keeps it from feeling too much like an Ikea brochure! The hanging pots from Bunnings are another favourite.”



As for advice for others considering a renovation Chanel says, “work with nice people who you are happy having in your home first thing after waking up! And everyone works better after a coffee break.”

Chanel is the designer and owner of Amelia Lane Paper.

Bathrooms Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT Shopping

How to: Let nature in with an outdoor shower

Australia’s temperate climate means we can live a beautiful life both outdoors and in. With the launch of the Milli Inox outdoor shower range from Reece, you can now create a stunning outdoor shower zone in your very own backyard.

Milli Inox Overhead Shower

The perfect way to relax, rejuvenate and get back in touch with nature, the Milli Inox Overhead Shower with a WELS 3 Star rating offers a luxurious, guilt-free rainshower sensation. The slimline hand shower and flexible shower hose is perfect for effortless focused washing.

“Outdoor showers are a fantastic way to make you feel grounded and connected to nature. This really helps to ground your energy and calm your mind,” said Lyndall Mitchell, founder of urban day spa Aurora Spa Retreat.

Inox Freestanding Twin Rail shower

The Inox Freestanding Twin Rail shower is perfect for making a sensational statement. Or fit your shower to your space with Wall Mounted Twin Rail and single Rail Shower options. Add an optional Foot Wash tap for sandy feet and ankles.

Crafted from 316 marine-grade stainless steel, Inox outdoor showers are made to withstand the harshest of weather conditions, ensuring longevity in both looks and functionality.


When designing an outdoor shower zone for your home, landscaper Darren Franklin says there’s a few important things to consider. “It’s important to think about plant option — whether you want to include water features for additional zen, and where to position your bathroom zone in the garden. You also need to consider plumbing points, surrounding materials such as a decking or paving, and screening for privacy,” he said.

Find out more about the range here.

Bathrooms Before & Afters DIY Kitchens Outdoor & Exteriors Real Renos RENO ADDICT

Real reno: Neglected semi overhauled in just eight weeks with stunning results

A rundown two-bedroom semi in Sydney’s inner west has been transformed from ugly duckling to swan in just two months by a seasoned renovator with a budget of $100,000.

“It literally felt like a real life The Block with all the tears, laughter and successes but without the cameras,” says owner Judith Treanor who completed the overhaul while running her interior design business.

“The home was in desperate need of tender loving care and in original condition. Ceilings were cracked, windows were rotting, kitchen was falling apart, bathroom was tiny and impractical, wiring was exposed, garden had been neglected with uneven concrete. It was possible to see the potential however.”

BEFORE exterior
BEFORE exterior
AFTER exterior
AFTER exterior

A first-time flipper, Judith made a $54,000 profit on the renovation which included a new bathroom, bamboo floors, fresh coat of paint and opening up the kitchen and laundry to give buyers direct access to the backyard. “The all white L-shaped contemporary kitchen including breakfast bench and in-built laundry cupboard brightened up the formerly drab living area immensely and brought the house bang up to date,” she said.

BEFORE kitchen
BEFORE kitchen
AFTER kitchen
AFTER kitchen

The backyard is now unrecognisable. “It’s a real oasis in the city,” says Judith who completed the landscaping, including laying the pavers and installing planter boxes herself with help from family and friends. “If you’re able to get involved in some of the work where feasible, do – not only does this save you money but it gives you a great sense of pride and achievement.”

BEFORE backyard
BEFORE backyard
AFTER backyard
AFTER backyard

Renovation hiccups included uneven floors in the kitchen and damage to the drainage system and electrical circuitry. “I love to create beautiful spaces. However if I was to flip a property again I would stick to one requiring only aesthetic changes not structural. When renovating a house of this age and condition you need to have a big buffer in the budget for unforeseen circumstances,” said Judith.

Unexpected costs aside, as an interior designer the biggest challenge she faced was resisting the urge to splurge. “I wanted this to be a stunning showcase for the business whilst simultaneously keeping to a strict budget as the plan was to sell for profit.

“It almost goes without saying but renovating a home for profit is vastly different to renovating a home to live in. It’s hard to not want to go with your heart and create a design masterpiece but you need to appeal to the market. However I’d also say that doesn’t mean going completely neutral as you risk your property being forgotten alongside all the other homes a buyer may have inspected on the same Saturday.”

AFTER bedroom
AFTER bedroom

As for advice for other would-be renovators, Judith says “when choosing a builder don’t make the mistake of going with the one who quotes low to get you to sign the contract. This so often ends up becoming the most expensive as they will create variations at every turn. Make sure the scope of works from each trade is very through and detailed.”

Visit Judith’s online store.

Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

How to: choose the right landscaper

Choosing the right landscaper is vital to ensure your dreams of an aspirational outdoor space becoming a beautiful reality. Get it wrong and your vision of a tranquil, backyard retreat might end up resembling a sandy hole from your local ‘pitch n putt’ golf course.

A good landscaper is integral to your project’s success. They need to be able to visualise your goals and ideas before breathing life into your plans. Hopefully you’ll be spoilt for choice in your area and if so, how can you pinpoint the right landscaper for you?


Large or small companies? Both have their merits

A large design firm may tempt you with its renowned nationwide reputation, whereas a smaller family-owned company could have specific local knowledge which may place it ahead of the game. Certain landscapers will also specialise in individual fields of landscaping.

If your concept is focused on ‘softscaping’ you’ll need to make sure your chosen landscaper has green fingers. If they’re a maestro in paving, that’s great, but it won’t be an asset to you if you have big plans to reshape your lovingly manicured lawn.

Personal qualities

A garden can often become a reflection of your personality and a good landscaper will understand that. They should be tuned in to your way of thinking and present a high level of attention to detail in their planning approach.

Don’t lose sight of the fact that you are the customer and should feel in control of the process. The right landscaper will see themselves as the vessel through which your outside space must travel to reach its full potential.


Qualifications and reputation

Experience is crucial in landscape gardening. Mistakes can be expensive to rectify in terms of time and materials so ensure that your chosen firm has the expertise required. Ask to see a portfolio of previous projects which they’ve recently undertaken, preferably including ‘before and after’ photos.

Make sure the company is licensed and certified for the work you require. Degrees and diplomas in landscaping vary in their worthiness so a bit of background research in that area won’t do any harm.

In case things go wrong

Ask if the company provides a guarantee for the work they intend to undertake, and don’t be afraid to request details such as duration and warranty for any repairs, should they be needed in the future. Also make sure they have public liability insurance which at least covers the value of your home.

This may sound extreme but keep in mind that landscaping work can result in costly mistakes such as the cutting of a gas line or a tree falling on your house or apartment block. It’s the worst case scenario but you’ll be safe in the knowledge that you won’t be paying for any blunders.

Environmental impact

Landscaping can have adverse effects on the local environment if not undertaken correctly. Water conservation and avoidance of chemicals during your work may well be important to you, so seek assurances from your landscaper of their methods in advance.

–Owen Fulda is a content marketer at, Australia’s number one site to hire tradies and the perfect place to get quotes for your landscaping project.

Before & Afters Design Outdoor & Exteriors Real Renos RENO ADDICT

Sydney backyard transformed into much more useable space

Like many people, the owners of this Sydney family home desired an outdoor space that was inviting, functional and could be used for entertaining throughout the entire year. The couple also have two young children, so space to run was vital.


Backyard BEFORE


Backyard AFTER

“The original space was very clunky, impractical and bland. A large pool took up most of the backyard, leaving a small uneven grassed area and a paved area with no pergola that became so hot in summer that sitting outside was almost unbearable,” says Natalie Roodenburg of Sand & Stone Landscapes.

The first stage of the process was to remove the existing pool and retaining walls and level out the backyard. “Once this was done, we worked with the owners to sketch out the finer details of the new space, including where the new pool was to be situated,” says Natalie.

An 8 metre x 3 metre pool sits neatly along the side of the property, surrounded by grey granite tiles that are complemented by a raised Spotted Gum deck at the back of the pool for lounging in the sun. A dry, stacked sandstone wall lines one side of pool, which then carries on around the perimeter of the backyard.


Backyard AFTER

“We used weeping bamboo along the pool area and Elaeocarpus eumundi which will grow to give the owners privacy from neighboring properties. A Japanese maple sits as a beautiful feature tree at the back of the garden with two floating bench seats either side which is a perfect spot to relax and enjoy the space,” says Natalie.

“We installed a large pergola with built in lights, fan and speakers as well as an outdoor kitchen complete with barbecue, fridge and sink. The granite tiles used in the pool area flow through to the entertaining space also,” says Natalie. A small decking area off the house makes for a great spot for the owners to sit and watch their girls play in their cubby house too.


Backyard AFTER

But the real feature of this backyard are the old recycled telegraph posts that hold the pergola roof in place. “We also used them as part of the pool fence to break up the glass panels surrounding the pool area,” says Natalie.

See here for more.



Five quick-fix renos to boost your property price

Need to sell your property, fast? If you only have a couple of weeks until open inspection, these reno ideas will make a big difference to the sale price.

Describing a property as a ‘renovator’s delight’ no longer has the romantic overtones it once did. If you need to sell your place quickly, hiring a property stylist who can highlight areas of interest for buyers with well-chosen, well-placed furniture and accessories, as well as good lighting is the best value for money.

But if you have a fortnight up your sleeve before open home and want to make some changes, here are five quick renovations you can make if you don’t have time for a full upgrade.


Image source: Pinterest

  1. Paint

A fresh coat of paint can liven up a property and even help to highlight some of its features. But a paint job isn’t just a matter of making the walls and ceiling look new, it should also be used to neutralise the look of the property as that helps the stylist add value.

Buyers want to see themselves in the place and you’re more likely to attract them if you give them a blank canvas for their vision rather than keeping that bright purple in the bedroom, funky as it may have been at the time it was painted.

Time required: Depends on the size of the property, how many coats and whether you want to do it yourself or hire professionals, but anywhere from 1-2 days to 1-2 weeks.


Image source: Pinterest

  1. Replace, don’t renovate

Even a quick kitchen and bathroom renovation can take up to eight weeks so if you only have two weeks to play with, what should you do? Identify what looks the most dated and seek to replace parts and resurface fixtures rather than do a complete renovation.

Instead of gutting the kitchen, this might mean spray painting a tired looking splashback. In the bathroom, spraying tiles and resurfacing the bath or shower recess can make a huge difference.

In both places, replacing old tap fittings can instantly make sinks look newer, and while you’re doing the changeover you can also fix any minor leaks. Also consider replacing the handles to pantry cupboards, cutlery drawers and vanity compartments.

Time required: A few hours to a couple of days.


Image source: Pinterest

  1. A grand entrance

Make a great first impression by focusing your efforts on the entrance to your home. Clean and tidy the entrance by removing debris, fixing the wobbly step and giving it a lick of paint. If you have greenery leading up to the house, landscape it.

Time required: A few hours to a day.


  1. Opening doors

Speaking of entrances, doors can make a big impact so make sure they open and shut smoothly, without creaking, and the surfaces are free from scratches and dents.

Consider replacing the doors completely if they look dated, shabby or cheap. For the cost of a few quality doors you can transform your property significantly.

Time required: If you have the replacement doors ready, a day.

  1. Floor them

Worn, stained or wonky floors are highly noticeable, ruining the look of the property. You might be able to get away with a rug or a floor runner but if you can’t and need to replace the carpet or add floating floor boards, do it before your open home to make the place fresh from the ground up.

Time required: Professionals can replace the floors of a two-bedder in around 1-2 days. It’ll take longer for bigger properties or if you want to DIY.

Renovations don’t need to be big time-consuming projects. There are always little things that can make a big difference to the sales price of a property if you’re short on time.

Mark Foy is one of our resident experts and a director of Belle Property Surry Hills in Sydney.

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