Interiors Addict

Alisa and Lysandra launch their online homewares store

The winning twins from The Block Sky High, now due to appear on The Blocks Fans vs. Favourites, have finally launched their online homewares store.

It’s still in soft launch stage, with a small but carefully curated range of cushions, throws, lighting and more.

Interiors Addict

Decluttering and styling with budget queen Michelle from House Rules

By Michelle Ball

I’ve loved decluttering and styling since I can remember, so I thought I’d share my top tips on these 2 topics. I hope they help you!

House Rules contestants Michelle and Steve
House Rules contestants Michelle and Steve


I am not, and have never been a hoarder. I believe in the principal of letting go of excess, and as you do, even more beautiful things come into your home. In saying this, when we had to let go of all our belongings as part of the competition on House Rules and give them all to the Salvation Army, it was difficult for me. We boxed up all our photo albums and personal belongings, then any furniture in the house, including rugs, went.


3 top renovating tips with The Block Sky High’s winning twin, Alisa Fraser

I’m delighted the twins are joining Interiors Addict to guest post and share their renovating and interiors expertise over the next few weeks. Today, Alisa sums up her best renovating advice.

Alisa the block

As I sit down to write my very first blog, I asked myself what advice could I give the home renovator/decorator? Here are my 3 top tips to a successful renovation.

The Block

The Block second chance re-do rooms

Alisa and Lysandra’s bedroom looked so much better second time around, impressing the judges. It was my favourite of the re-do rooms. Darren Palmer called it “a gazillion times better than before'” and Shaynna said their apartment was one of the most saleable homes she’d seen in a long time.

Couples Finished Room 8 in Melbourne

Love their look? Pick up the Emma Cleine Lumiere Art + Co print, bedside lamp, pendant light and more online from The Block Shop. I’m a big fan of that pendant ($335)!

The Block

Applications open for The Block 2014. Go!

Are you glued to your TV every Sunday night for room reveal? Are you a Blockhead? Do you think you could do better than most of the contestants? Might be time to put your money where your mouth is and apply for next year’s show!

Applications are now open for The Block 2014. Teams of 2 must be aged 18 to 25 and available for 10 weeks of filming between November (2013) and January. The location is yet to be revealed but applications are being taken from across Australia.

Guidelines and requirements

  • Couples must be aged between 18-65, energetic and with a sense of humour.
  • First round couples will be reduced to final participants in the first week of filming.
  • Successful couples must be available for a 10-week shoot period November 2013 to January 2014. Exact dates to be confirmed closer to filming.
  • Location of The Block 2014 is to be confirmed.

Interviews The Block

The Block’s Gav and Waz, 10 years on

Contestants on the very first series of The Block a decade ago, Gavin Atkins and Warren Sonin, otherwise known as Gav and Waz (and The Designer Boys), have come a long way. And despite moving to Byron to enjoy a simpler life, they’ve never been busier.

Designer boys Gav and Waz and their dog Charlie
Designer boys Gav and Waz and their dog Charlie

Still working as interior designers for private clients, in the last 4 years, it is their wholesale art business, Designer Boys Collections, that has really taken off.

‘’We had always been successful at buying, renovating and selling properties together in Sydney and then we were selected for The Block in 2003 and it literally changed our lives forever,” said Gavin “The executive producers obviously realised that we had a talent for interior decorating and renovation and that we had (and still have) a very solid relationship.’’

Realising the opportunity to capitalise on their popularity, the first same-sex couple to appear on Australian reality TV started their business, Designer Boys, as soon as the show wrapped up. Initially, they focused on styling properties for sale, racking up more than 750 properties in less than 3 years! “The hands-on experience we garnered was just what we needed to take the business to the next level, where we focused largely on interior design and decoration for commercial and private projects.’’

Interviews The Block

The Block’s Amity on life after winning, mezzanines, motherhood and musicals

In the run-up to The Block, Amity Dry was on Interiors Addict every night, doing her research. Now that’s what I like to hear! I was delighted to get the opportunity to interview one half of my favourite All Stars couple this week and here’s what she had to say…

Life hasn't calmed down much for All Stars winners Amity and Phil since leaving the Block
Life hasn’t calmed down much for All Stars winners Amity and Phil since leaving the Block

Amity Dry doesn’t do things by halves. She had just two days off between arriving home from The Block auction and starting rehearsals for her musical Mother, Wife and the Complicated Life, which she produces as well as stars in. “My workload is pretty massive and it’s a lot to juggle at the moment, but I’m so passionate about the show that’s it’s worth it. We’ll be taking a holiday in June, that’s for sure!”

Their winning Block house
Their winning Block house

The show, coming to Melbourne and Sydney this month, is a musical comedy about marriage, motherhood and the way women juggle relationships, work kids and friendship. “It’s very funny, but it’s also really emotional in parts, as we explore topics like post natal depression, the breakdown of a marriage and the pressure to do it all,” she says. “The ultimate message of the show is that marriage and motherhood can be wonderful and the most rewarding things you’ll ever do, but they’re also really hard work and it’s ok to say that and laugh about those tough moments. 

The Block

The Block & Better Homes & Gardens win Logies

Two homes shows won in tonight’s Logies. The Block (not the most recent All Stars but the 2012 season) took out most popular reality series and Better Homes And Gardens, most popular lifestyle show.

As well as being part of the winning The Block team, Shaynna Blaze, who looked stunning in a Charlie Brown dress, also presented the Logie for most popular factual program, which went to Bondi Rescue.

Interiors Addict

Shaynna Blaze gets her own show, Blank Canvas

The pilot for her first interiors show of her very own airs on The Lifestyle Channel in a couple of weeks and Shaynna Blaze is hoping you’ll watch so she gets to do a whole series!

Shaynna Blaze Blank Canvas

No stranger to reality TV, it will be the first time the star of Selling Houses Australia and The Block won’t have co-hosts or judges. “I am totally over the moon, nervous and excited,” she told me. “This is the first show where I carry it on my own so there is a certain fear and responsibility that comes with that but the opportunity to do a show purely about interiors is so incredible. I have been looking at my own show for a while and after talking with Taubmans and The LifeStyle Channel, they saw a gap in the market and this is the result.”

Shaynna says the show is purely about design and decoration for people stuck on where to go next because they’re either scared or lost on where to start in their renovation. “This is a show for people who want to do up their home to live in it, and working on ideas and styles that suit our Australian lifestyle and environment.”

Interiors Addict

Shaynna’s own show. Want to be on it?

The fabulous Shaynna Blaze from Selling Houses Australia and The Block (does she ever stop?!) is getting her own show. Hoorah! And you could be on it!

Are you ready to update your tired kitchen or loungeroom but don’t know where to start? Let Shaynna help tap into your inner renovator. She’s looking for shabby kitchen and living areas in desperate need of help and owners willing to project manage under her guidance. So you actually get to learn too, not just have someone else do it all for you. Sounds great, no?

The Block

The Block All Stars read Interiors Addict!

Well, Amity does anyway! Yesterday I was very excited to be invited to have a look around the partially renovated The Block All Star terraces in Bondi. What a treat! Four couples who didn’t win their series (but perhaps should have) are back for this special version of the show, which will be aired on Nine after Christmas.

I wish I could tell you more about what I saw inside!

I met all but one of the contestants yesterday, shook a lot of dusty hands and had a look inside their homes, four weeks in. They’ve completed two bedrooms and a bathroom and are onto their lounge rooms this week. Never have I seen such contrast between the untouched rooms in the run down heritage homes and the brand new restored and renovated. And I was really impressed with what I saw. The bathrooms in particular were really great and made me bemoan the fact I don’t have a bath even more than usual…

Interiors Addict

Channel 7 seeks expert renovator for TV show

Do you buy, renovate and sell Aussie homes for a living? Channel 7 is looking for expert renovators to join an on-camera team for a new program. The right person must have an extensive background in residential property renovations. If you consider yourself a ‘flipper’ then this could be right for you.

You should be able to explain concepts easily to a broad audience and be willing to share your knowledge. If you are selected to be part of the team you must be comfortable on camera and confident sharing your opinions on what work/changes/renovations will help a property’s value and what traps there are when renovating.

The Block

The Block All Stars is filming in Bondi

Word on the street is that The Block All Stars has started filming the next series in Sydney’s Bondi. Have you spotted them yet? According to previous reports, heritage cottages in Tasman Street have been earmarked for renovation. This week, the Block All Stars lineup was announced.

I’m very excited to have the show on NSW ground again!

Interiors Addict

New TV show will pay to renovate your home

A new show on one of the major networks (which I can’t tell you or I’d have to kill you) is looking for people who own their home but don’t have the cash to renovate it and need a helping hand.

“We’re looking for people who own a home that’s in dire need of renovation (essentially a renovator’s delight) who also have the desire to roll their sleeves up and do the renovating themselves,” said a spokesperson. “If they get selected for the show, we’ll cover the renovation costs and there’s a big cash prize up for grabs. We’re not looking for experts – just vibrant personalities with a little know-how and a strong idea on how they want their dream home.”

What’s not to like?!

Interiors Addict

Selling Houses Australia is looking for homes to make over for the next series

The Lifestyle Channel’s popular Selling Houses Australia is looking for problem homes to make over in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Darwin.

They’re about to start work on the 6th series of  the award-winning show, which focuses on homes that have been on the market for some time and are in dire need of a cosmetic makeover.  They’ll take on and renovate homes with all sorts of structural (or situational) issues like termites or damp, dodgy renos or asbestos. They”ll fix up business/home combos that just won’t shift, historic homes under strict regulations or homes with sub-division potential but clouded with boundary disputes.

If you’re interested, call Bec Pullman on 02 9437 2172.


Designers Interviews

Stacey Kouros: From Greg Natale’s protégé to respected interior designer in her own right

Stacey Kouros says it’s a huge compliment to be described as Greg Natale’s protégé. But despite this great start and exposure on reality TV show homeMADE, this young designer has really gone on to carve out her own style and prove her talent, running her own design practice.

I worked for Greg for more than five years and it was such an incredible experience,” she says. “I started working with him when his business was fairly fresh, so I really got to grow with him. Seeing him go from an emerging designer to one of Australia’s best and being a part of that was invaluable. When I started with Greg I was in my last few months of uni (she studied Interior Architecture at UNSW) so I was pretty green. Having him as a mentor and friend really shaped who I am as a designer and just as importantly, taught me key lessons in running a small business.”


Darren Palmer on The Block again on Sunday

How stylish are this trio? Three of my favourite industry people: Belle editor in chief Neale Whitaker and interior designers Shaynna Blaze and Darren Palmer. Darren’s standing in again for third judge John McGrath on Sunday so make sure you tune in. The Sunday room reveals are my favourite.

Are you enjoying this series? Personally, I can’t get enough of the episodes where they show the couples doing the work and the room reveals are great (as is the watching the dynamics of all their relationships!) but I’m still really disappointed in all the irrelevant challenges. Boring! The judges, however, are doing a fantastic job and I particularly like what Shaynna is adding to the mix.

Interiors Addict

Darren Palmer makes an appearance on tonight’s episode of The Block

Interior designer Darren Palmer, who himself shot to fame on a reality TV show, appears on tonight’s The Block. Interiors Addict had a quick Q&A with him about his thoughts on this season.

Photo L-R: Block judges Neale Whitaker and Shaynna Blaze with Darren Palmer.