Competitions Styling

The winner of January 2015 7 Vignettes with Kip and Co

The winner, as chosen by the lovely ladies at Kip and Co, Kate, Alex and Hayley, is Jessie Brakenridge, a graphic designer from Adelaide. Congratulations @jessiebrakenridge, you win a $500 Kip and Co voucher which we’re sure will add some style, colour and fun to your bedroom!

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Kate said: “Her images are really stunning and the colour in each is balanced beautifully. Cute use of all these amazing treasures! And like here at Kip where we try to use colours in fun ways, Jessie has nailed it! Really ace job and obviously a very talented still life stylist!”

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As usual, the guest judges were bowled over by the number of great entries and found it hard to pick just one winner. The girls have kindly decided to give two runner-up prizes of $50 vouchers to @design_salt and @pastelpeppermint. “We love @pastelpeppermint for how she has combined colour with something she loves — her two gorgeous cats Tortilla and Pinto. What ace names and great pics!

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“And @design_salt because her very stylish photos were just really beautiful and how could we go past a jelly banana with chia on the ends? Genius!”

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Here’s my thoughts on why you should get involved with 7 Vignettes next month if you haven’t before! Did you hear? We passed 50,000 images on the #7vignettes hashtag this month! How cool is that?!

Winners, please contact me so we can pass your email address into Kip and Co. Thanks to our gorgeous guest judges and sponsors, we couldn’t think of a better brand to support our colourful themes this month!

Interiors Addict

The winner of December 7 Vignettes with Domayne

Oh, what a week!  So many of you took part in the last 7 Vignettes of the year sponsored by Domayne. A huge congratulations to our winner @mintandfizz, we loved your festive images!

Domayne were a great sponsor, really getting involved, judging the winners, coming up with fab themes and generously giving us $50 daily voucher prizes as well as a $200 voucher for our overall winner. Now if that isn’t getting into the festive spirit, I don’t know what is!

I really enjoyed checking in from Dubai and seeing all your images from home!

If you didn’t get around to joining in this time, make it your New Year resolution to start next month, eh?!

Competitions Styling

The winner of 7 Vignettes July 2014

I am never (I repeat never) judging 7 Vignettes again. It is too hard and I get too emotionally involved! I want everyone to win. Well, not everyone, but several very worthy participants! Trying to pick a winner this week has been making me so anxious and it’s time to rip off the bandaid. The winner is…

Angela Steyn (@angelasteynandco). Some might find it easy to look past the subtlety of Angela’s pics, but it’s their softness and simplicity which appeals to me, month after month, but especially this month.

Angela's entry for Canada

Canada was not an easy theme but I loved Angela’s entry (above).

This is a woman who knows how to make things — any things — look good. Great, in fact. There’s often some lovely personal stories behind her images too. Like her Grandma’s lipstick (top) and this entry for the ‘home’ theme.

For me, these pictures are the perfect compromise between styled and real. Effortlessly. Or so it appears!

Angela's entry for coffee
Angela’s entry for coffee

There’s no runner-up prize this month, but I have to give notable mentions to…





… because you ladies made it so hard to pick! There were more I loved, but I have to stop somewhere right?!

Go follow these creative types if you know what’s good for you!

I really loved judging, hard as it was when it came to the choosing part. It was even more special because it was my birthday week and I self indulgently made the themes all about the things I love, like lipstick, coffee and bathtime. Why not, eh?! It was so fun looking through the feed and I felt like you were all celebrating with me. Talk about feel good factor!

On the subject of the warm and fuzzies, I must say again just how heartwarming it is, when looking through the pictures, to see all your supportive, encouraging, kind (and sometimes downright funny) comments on each other’s efforts. This lovely, positive community, doesn’t get old and it doesn’t lose its sparkle; if anything, it gets better with age! I am so grateful that this little monthly Instagram challenge still brings so much joy. Thank you to Shani (aka @rarepearstudio) for blogging about it this month. If you blog about your 7 Vignettes experience, please send me the link so I don’t miss it!

I would say that it is really helpful when everyone puts their week’s efforts together in collage format when it comes to judging. I looked at everyone’s entries, whether they did or not, but I’d suggest you all do to give yourself the best chance of standing out to the guest judges.

Until next month (when we are likely to hit 40k images on the hashtag!),


Competitions Designers Styling

You’ll never guess who won June 7 Vignettes…

A man, that’s who! I am so delighted to announce that, for the first time ever, a man has won 7 Vignettes. And not because he’s a man either. This isn’t one of those positive discrimination situations. @kraig_at_the_warehouse, from SA, won because his striking images really stood out for guest judge Greg Natale and I, and many others as well.

kraig 2

Greg picked Craig, whose wife Sarah is also a regular in 7 Vignettes, because he loved his images and the way they worked together so well as a series. Being an interior designer, Greg’s big on cohesion, you see!

Those dirty hands really stood out amongst all the much prettier vignettes, but Craig’s were no less creative or well put together.

kraig 7 vignettes

Craig wins a signed copy of Greg’s book, The Tailored Interior (that’s the first time I’ve been allowed to share the title with you!), which will be published by Hardie Grant later this year. You’ll be first to know when it’s available, readers!

Greg also decided to kindly give a second book to @brownpaperlemon as a runner up prize.

Brownpaperlemon's entries
Brownpaperlemon’s entries

A huge thanks to Greg, who spent a lot of time commenting on people’s entries and really getting involved. Until next month…


Greg Natale crowned interior designer of the year at tonight’s Belle Coco Republic Interior Design Awards 2014

Hot off the press, friend of Interiors Addict, the supremely talented Greg Natale, has just taken out the top prize at tonight’s Belle Coco Republic Interior Design Awards 2014 in Sydney. We are so happy for and proud of you, Greg!

Here’s a reminder of why his work is award-winning!

More on the other award winners later this week.


The winner of May 7 Vignettes

The winner of 7 Vignettes May 2014, as chosen by guest judge and our editorial assistant, Olivia Shead, is @vintagefox_, who took part for the full week for the first time. Beginner’s luck? Beautiful photos and a great choice by Olivia, don’t you agree?

7 vignettes may 2014

Olivia said: “Teneille’s collection was extremely impressive, especially considering it was her first time completing a full 7 Vignettes. I loved the vintage feel and how she wasn’t afraid to use some colour. Simple but beautiful.”

Teneille (Eldering) admitted on instagram she found the challenge quite daunting but loved the support from the community. She wins a Silk Express e-styling service from Silk Home Staging & Styling for a room in her home. Please contact us to claim your prize.


The winner of 7 Vignettes February 2014

Congratulations, Heidi O’Rourke (otherwise known — on Instagram — as @mozsas)! Her vignettes were judged as the best by Williams Sonoma Inc’s director of visual merchandising, Paul Giannangeli.

Day 7: hearts
Day 7: hearts

He said: “I really enjoyed the vignettes by @mozsas – each photo was able to stand on its own and was strongly tied in to each day’s theme, and yet they all evoked the same warmth.”

My personal favourite of hers was the day 7 entry for ‘hearts’ (above) which looks like it belongs on the pages of a recipe book, don’t you think?

Interiors Addict

Better late than never: the 7 Vignettes October winner is…

Apologies for the late announcement but I was getting married at the weekend (yes, it was magic, and yes, I’ll be sharing photos on here!). For the first time, the winner of this month’s 7 Vignettes is a previous winner! Eatlivelaugh, otherwise known as Shantel Ross, was also our winner in June. But as you’ll see from her images, she is very deserving of a second pat on the back!

eatlivelaughFlawless if you ask me!

Shantel wins a room makeover courtesy of our sponsor, Paint Place. Guest judge, their marketing manager Jennifer Cameron, said: “We loved the whimsical nature of her vignettes, her images were stylish and the subjects she chose to photograph were a little alternative. We liked her interesting take on each of the themes and that each of her vignettes also worked together as a collection of 7.”

Interiors Addict

WINNER UPDATE: So glad to have such a happy winner of the last Interiors Addict competition! Well do

WINNER UPDATE: So glad to have such a happy winner of the last Interiors Addict competition! Well done Tara! x


With all thanks going to Jen Bishop over at Interiors Addict, today I received my Flux chair that I won through one of her brilliant little competitions.

This masterpiece took over ten minutes to assemble. Damn those clever Dutch people, making it look so easy!

I am in love with this chair. I am also incredibly happy and proud to own a piece that won such a prestigious design award; very deservedly, might I add.

Thank you Flux and thank you Jen!