Expert Tips Styling

10 of the best styling tips I’ve stolen from the professionals

Add a circle

I know I got this one from a Megan Morton workshop some years ago, and it’s simple and obvious when you think about it (but also, it’s only easy when you know how, right?). So, this tip is basically, to try and add a round shape to a room to break up all the right angles. Think about it: sofas, beds and most tables are squares and rectangles. Sometimes a circle is all you need to get a room just right. Think round rugs, round art, a round coffee or dining table. A few years ago, the ‘in’ way to do this was with a juju feather hat. Remember when they were everywhere?! They’re still lovely but not as common now.

Image source: Shannon Fricke

Hang art at eye height

Another one which seems obvious but I see people getting it wrong all the time. I’ve been told this by a multitude of stylists and interior designers and of course, it’s right. Try and ensure the middle of your artwork is at the average eye height. Simple. Of course there are always exceptions with gallery walls and the like.

Image source: Hunting for George

VIDEO: How to hang a gallery wall

Use books

We all have these lying around and super stylist Steve Cordony says: “When styling accessories, I always love to layer with books to give height to decorative items. Balance, whether it be asymmetrical or symmetrical, is key. Always stand back and look at what it is you’re creating – you will know if it feels right using your ‘design eye’!”

Steve Cordony displays colour-coded books in his former office, shot by Jacqui Turk for Interiors Addict

Rugs: bigger is always better

I can’t attribute this to anyone in particular because EVERY interior designer and stylist worth their salt will tell you to buy the biggest rug you can afford! It’s always better to have your furniture ON the rug, not AROUND the rug!

Styling by Julia Green & photography by Cricket Saleh for Prudence Caroline

Shop without buying anything and from within your own home

Melissa Penfold says: “Keep your eye in shape by window shopping. It’s free, keeps you up to date and inspired, and you’ll pick up stacks of great ideas that you will be able to imitate at home.” Don’t have time to window shop? Hit up Pinterest and your favourite design blogs.

Our favourite international design blogs.

The bed linen formula

Of course, every stylist and designer has their own favourite way to make a bed, but Block judge Darren Palmer says: “Transform your bed simply by styling the linen with some complementary or contrasting coloured sheets, an appropriately sized bed cover, two decorative cushions and two Euro cushions added to your everyday sleeping pillows.”

Image: Darren Palmer styles for King Living

Leave the colour scheme until last

This one I learned from the master, interior designer Greg Natale, when helping him write his book, The Tailored Interior. So often we start with the idea “I’m going to do X room blue and white” or “that bedroom’s going to be neutral” but this is actually one of the last decisions Greg makes when bringing a room together. Try and think about the other elements of the room first, before the colour scheme, and you may find it works better for you.

Greg Natale for Designer Rugs

Greg Natale on how to arrange cushions

Pull furniture away from the wall

I already knew this but had forgotten until recently when Briar Stanley from Sunday Collector was at our place styling a shoot for Pottery Barn. Try and give furniture room to breathe rather than automatically shoving it right up against the walls around the edge of a room. We have a huge living room so it was silly to have our sectional sofa right up against the back wall. Once Briar suggested moving it into the room a few feet, it looked so much better (thanks Briar!)! If you have space to do this, you could also have a sofa/console table behind yours, which is another great styling opportunity. Even if you don’t have a big living room, you may find that if you consider that the sofa doesn’t have to be against a wall, there are other surprising options for your furniture layout. Sofas in the middle of a space can also break up open plan areas really well.

Image Source: Kate La Vie

Look to your wardrobe for inspiration

This one’s from Shaynna Blaze of Selling Houses Australia and The Block, who warns not to get too caught up in trends when it comes to colour. “Look at your wardrobe and your accessories for inspiration, and determine what colours you’re most drawn to. This will help you settle on a colour scheme that suits you, and this is the hardest part! The fun bit is finding ways to bring this scheme into your home, whether it’s a bold feature wall or smaller accents of your favourite colour in furniture and accessories, complemented by a wall colour in a lighter shade of that colour.” (As some who has a 75% navy wardrobe, I find this works for my home too! Jen).

When you have kids, sometimes you have to just let it go!

One of our favourite stylists, Julia Green of Greenhouse Interiors, says: “I would love to tell you I live in a pristinely well styled home but I would be lying! There is crap everywhere! I just let it go these days. Life is too short and I would rather hang out with my kids in my mess than clean it all up and waste the chance to see them. They are precious, precious people. Just messy ones.”

Well, that last one sure makes me feel better. Phew!

Competitions Designers Homewares

Win Greg Natale cushions plus his book The Tailored Interior

He’s a busy man that Greg Natale, currently in the States for the US launches of his book, The Tailored Interior. A couple of weeks ago, I attended the launch of his cushion range in collaboration with One Duck Two and I’m delighted to announce we have a $250 voucher for one lucky reader to spend on their own collection, as well as a copy of the book.

The cushions are beautiful quality and I’m sure they’re going to be super popular. He’s already working on his next range too!

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For your chance to win, simply answer the question: how many cushions would Greg put on a three-seater sofa? Complete the form below by midnight Sydney time on Monday 21 September 2015. Hint: the answer can be found in this article!

Greg Natale
Greg Natale

The cushions are available now from national retailers including David Jones, Domo and Domayne.

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Designers Expert Tips

Greg Natale’s Newcastle book signing just in time for Mother’s Day

Greg Natale, two-time winner of Belle Coco Republic’s Interior Designer of the Year Award, will be appearing in Newcastle on 9 May to sign copies of his first book, The Tailored Interior (which Jen helped write!).

Greg and Jen
Greg and Jen

With a book signing running from 12-to-2pm at the insideout showroom, this will be his only book signing for the year in the region. And held the day before Mother’s Day, it’s also the perfect time to purchase any last-minute gifts!

Greg Natale

Full of bespoke styling that will inspire the established design professional and the home decorator, The Tailored Interior is both captivating in its content and generous with its advice.

The Tailored Interior1

Visit Greg at insideout: 192 Parry Street, Newcastle West, NSW 2302.

For more information.

Bedrooms Decorating 101 Designers Expert Tips House Tours

How to use wallpaper with wow by Greg Natale

As a teenager, I spent a whole summer holiday ripping down the bamboo wallpaper in my parents’ sitting room and repainting the walls pink, but as I point out in my book The Tailored Interior, the irony is that these days I’d be more likely to install the patterned wallpaper than rip it down!

That’s because I’ve come to absolutely love the magic that wallpaper can bring to a space. However I can still appreciate why some people are apprehensive about choosing wallpaper. They worry that it might make a room look smaller, that they’ll fall out of love with the pattern or that the look will date all too quickly. So they often default to the safer choice, paint.

IA wallpaper story Aquarius PP wallpaper

And while paint finishes are beautiful and classic, generally speaking they just don’t match the luxury and opulence that wallpaper can bring; patterns, materials and motifs that can actually touch emotions and the intellect simultaneously.

IA wallpaper story 2

So what’s the starting point? The first major factor is how much light there is in the room. For example, I’d never recommend using dark wallpaper in a space that’s not well lit, however dark walls, wallpaper and even ceilings can create a wonderfully dramatic space as long as there’s sufficient natural light. Textured wallpaper is another great visual treatment with the variable looks it takes on with different light and of course it also rewards your sense of touch with its natural fibres.

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I’m known for my bold use of colour and pattern and it’s true that I love big prints to really make a statement and set a mood, but I also appreciate the use of smaller prints in the way they can create a more subtle and textural backdrop to a room rather than becoming a focus. So there’s bold or subtle, but wallpaper can also be fun and I sometimes like using it to make a light-hearted reference to a room’s purpose, for example using book-motif wallpaper in a library.

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But whatever the design’s theme, I tend to prefer it applied across an entire room for a complete design statement rather than just as a feature wall, which I think can look a little disjointed and unresolved. You can even get adventurous and consider it for your ‘fifth wall’, the ceiling.

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Wallpaper can really make a room sing, so it does strike me as odd that likening something or someone to ‘wallpaper’ means that they’re bland, invisible, plain or boring. Because I think of wallpaper as anything but!


[contextly_sidebar id=”tjIQ76CGMw5R8oaNsUb4YgjPQ5RRJRxh”]Wallpaper is a truly creative expression of your style and has huge sensory impact when it’s applied effectively. So get creative and experiment with colour, pattern, texture and lustre. Who knows, you might even end up choosing a retro bamboo print like the one I ripped down all those years ago!

Find more winning ways with wallpaper in Greg’s book The Tailored Interior, available at all good bookstores or online at Bookworld. Greg Natale Collection II, his second wallpaper collection for Porter’s Paints, launched last week and features sophisticated geometrics, dynamic lines and comprehensive colour ranges.

Bathrooms Designers Homewares Kitchens

Greg Natale’s stunning tile range for Teranova

Interior designer Greg Natale’s new range of tiles for Teranova are jaw-droppingly beautiful, are they not?


Known for his use of tiles to add detail, warmth and drama, bringing rooms to life, it’s fitting that Greg now has his very own range. It is his first collaboration with Sydney-based Teranova, who produce a range of beautiful tiles and stones for indoor and outdoor spaces, in materials such as cement, ceramic, glass, stone, marble and timber.



The designs reflect Greg’s trademark bold use of pattern and colour, particularly his flair for repeated patterns, and this range of cement tiles epitomises that. “It’s a natural progression for me,” explains Greg, who was inspired by the Italian tiles of his heritage. “This range celebrates the resurgence of patterned tiles in interior design. Contemporary or classic, clean-lined or richly detailed, there’s something here for everyone.”

Greg Natale

There are four designs in the range:

  • Optical – warm, bold and intricate, with detailed graphic lines;
  • Triangle – sharp, bright and energetic, a proportional play on pattern;
  • Circle – clean, serene and simple, blending organics with graphics;
  • Hexagon – delicate, playful and light, a softer choice.

Triangle and Circle suit contemporary designs, and the individual tiles can be shifted for various effects. Optical and Hexagon suit more classic spaces. The current colourways are based on strong, appealing monochromes to work with most spaces, but custom colouring is also available.



No longer are tiles strictly for bathrooms or kitchens – from laid-back living areas to casual dining spaces, from entire floors to borders, walls and highlights, whole houses can be transformed and living spaces enlivened.

Winner of Interior Designer of the Year at the 2014 and 2011 Belle Coco Republic Interior Design Awards, Greg wrote his first book, The Tailored Interior, last year.

Decorating 101 Designers Expert Tips Homewares Styling

How to arrange cushions by Greg Natale

By Greg Natale

While some think of the humble cushion as an inexpensive and fairly inconsequential styling accessory, it has an honourable history as a substitute for chairs across the palaces and great houses of the early Middle Ages. Only the very wealthy could afford cushions thanks to the expensive dyes and fabrics of the day. As their intricate patterns were also painstakingly handcrafted using fine threads and complex knotting, cushions became pieces of art in their own right.

Historical cushion cover 1590 Interiors Addict
An English cushion cover circa 1590. Photo: Metropolitan Museum of Art

However these days, cushions are an easy and attractive way to add colour, pattern and contrast to any room and of course, they can also be replaced without fuss whenever you’re after a new look.

Cushions symmetry14 Interiors Addict

But cushions mean more to me than just that. As I point out in my new book, The Tailored Interior, they’re an important aspect of layering and styling that create cohesion and flow in a room. To be honest, I can’t even imagine a sofa without cushions – it simply doesn’t look finished! So here are a few suggestions to help you get your cushion size, shape and styling right:

Size. Over the years, I’ve found that 500mm (20 inch) square cushions work best for sofas and beds. Keep them the same size for a cohesive result. Look for feather and foam inserts for a lovely firm feel and covers with concealed zips for a seamless effect.

Cushions close up Interiors Addict

Quantity. I recommend four cushions for a two-seater sofa and six cushions for a three-seater. Divide them into two matching sets as visual bookends for a resolved and balanced look.

Cushions colour Interiors Addict

Positioning. Sit them on their flat side, placed one behind the other. Whatever you do, don’t position them on a point to form a diamond shape! Leave that look to the Travelodge!

Combinations. Consider other elements of your design and go from there – for example, a pop of colour works for an otherwise largely neutral base. I also like to mix organic and geometric patterns for a really dynamic arrangement.

Cushions neutral sofa Interiors Addict

Fabrics. Of course you can select more sumptuous fabrics for indoors, but remember to rely on hard-wearing ones to keep your outdoor cushions fresh. As a fan of detail, I also love a bit of piping or trim to add contrast and personality.

Cushion Piping detail Interiors Addict

Anyone who knows me well knows that as a child of the eighties, a lot of my early memories came from what I saw on our family’s television set. I was obsessed with the American series Dynasty and consider its set design instrumental in inspiring me to become an interior designer.

Alexis with cushions Interiors Addict

In the introduction to The Tailored Interior, I mention that I thought Alexis Carrington’s all-white apartment was the height of glamour. Fittingly, as it turns out, it’s the pops of pink in her cushions that really help make her apartment sing.

Alexis Carringtons apartment Interiors Addict

Like all soft furnishings, cushions can be minimal, frivolous, classic or elegant, but whatever your taste, they’re a wonderful low-investment, high-return styling accessory.

Cushions final image Interiors Addict

So have some fun with them. Play with colours, patterns and textures and dare I even say it … throw cushion to the wind!

– The Tailored Interior by Greg Natale, Belle Coco Republic’s Interior Designer of the Year 2014, is now available at all good bookstores or online at Bookworld. It reveals Greg’s secrets on how to achieve your dream design look with complete confidence as well as all the places Greg shops for his fabulous cushions.

All photography from The Tailored Interior by Anson Smart. See photos from our reader book signing with Greg.

Designers Expert Tips House Tours

Greg Natale on reinventing the modern man cave

By Greg Natale

The concept of the man cave isn’t new. The term’s been used for more than 20 years and the American TV programme Man Cave is now in its 14th season. In its earliest form, the man cave tended to be largely unused space, like a garage, basement or spare bedroom, which became an incubator for a man’s random collection of gadgets, ephemera and memorabilia, usually with little regard for aesthetics or cohesion.

However if my clients are anything to go by, there’s a new breed of Australian male with an altogether different brief for the modern man cave; one that comes from a more refined set of tastes, pastimes and pursuits and one that has more in common with a gentleman’s club than a sports club.

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A guide to choosing & arranging cushions by Greg Natale

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This means that I’m increasingly being asked to help redefine as well as redesign the sophisticated, contemporary man cave and I’m relishing the fresh and inspiring creative opportunities that now presents.

In the foreword of my new book, The Tailored Interior, the great US designer Jonathan Adler likens the rooms I design to a bespoke suit from Savile Row, in that each is clean, simple and always tailored to the occupant’s requirements. And how I approach the modern man cave is no different.


The starting point is always to find your inspiration. We’re sentimental creatures and most of us have at least one piece of furniture or a collectable that we’re not willing to part with. In the case of the man cave that’s often even more the case as a consequence of longstanding interests and hobbies. One of my clients is a horse lover, so his study’s concept incorporates layers of equine references, but in a way that’s as curated as it is created.

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Of course I’ve designed all sorts of beautiful sanctuaries for my clients. Some are intended simply as relaxing retreats, others dual purpose business/recreational dens and ones that are just for fun, like the very popular home cinema (think Gold Class!).


An increasing trend in man caves is to showcase the wine cellar. No longer tucked away from view down a set of rickety stairs, a wine collection is now often front and centre as a connected cellar with custom joinery.


After the concept’s defined, the next step is layering, which becomes the most fundamental component in decorating. For an environment that’s intended as a sanctuary, layering becomes particularly important because of the way it adds warmth, comfort and interest to an interior. It also stamps the client’s personality on a room with various elements working together to ‘tell the story of you’.


While each client brief is unique, men do often lean towards a darker, rich palette for walls, with opulent textures like suede, leather and timber. It is a luxurious cocoon of sorts, after all.


While the man cave has historically been the one room in the house that was pardoned from design principles and aesthetics, my male clients also appreciate that they can have an amazing space created for them that is uniquely theirs but one which remains a harmonious design continuum with the rest of the home. Which has got to be a win-win for everyone!


–Greg Natale is Belle Coco Republic Interior Designer of the Year 2014 and was recently named the inaugural recipient of the Editors’ Medal at (inside) Interior Design Review’s 2014 Interior Design Excellence Awards. His first book, The Tailored Interior, is available at all good bookstores or online via Bookworld.

Photography of Greg’s work by Anson Smart.

Interiors Addict

Photos: Reader event with Greg Natale at BoConcept

We had a great night at our Interiors Addict reader event with award-winning interior designer Greg Natale last week.

The crowd was captivated by Greg

The event was hosted by our friends at BoConcept in their new store at Supa Centa Moore Park. Guests enjoyed my live Q&A with Greg about his new book, The Tailored Interior, then patiently queued up to get their copy signed as he took the time to chat with each person.




We also had a live 7 Vignettes challenge with everyone allowed to arrange and rearrange whatever they liked in the store for their chance to win a side table from BoConcept. Lucky winner Lucy Lee was thrilled to take home the prize!

Vignette challenge winner Lucy Lee
Greg and I
Greg and I

BoConcept marketing manager Eliza Williams said: “We were thrilled to have the opportunity to host our third event with Interiors Addict, and excited to discover the guest host would be Greg Natale, a designer whom we have enjoyed working with and whose style and impact on the interior design industry we really admire. The best thing about these events is the relaxed atmosphere and the opportunity for guests to meet and chat with Greg and Jen and amongst each other, and for us to witness some pretty amazing styling talent from the guests in our showroom with the mini #7Vignettes competition!”





Huge thanks must go to Greg and BoConcept and our event partners The Wooden Whisk (we can’t get enough of their catering!), First Creek Wines, Bang & Olufsen and Supa Centa Moore Park for their support. Thanks also to our gift bag sponsors My Little Photo BookFeast Watson, Murchison Hume, White Glo, Belle  and Real Living magazines, Pukka tea and Babe Scrub.




There are a few spaces left at our next event with The Block’s Darren Palmer at West Elm next Wednesday. Read more and register here.


Designers Expert Tips Styling

7 Vignettes inspiration from Greg Natale as his book launches

Greg Natale’s wonderful book, The Tailored Interior, launches today, and we couldn’t be more excited! I’m a long time fan of Greg’s and he was one of the first interior designers I interviewed for this blog more than three years ago. I have come to know Greg and his award-winning work well so I was very honoured last year, when he asked if I’d help him with his first (of many, I’m sure) book. As a writer and an interiors addict, it was a bit of a dream come true, and to finally see this book in all its hard cover glory is such a thrill (it just wasn’t the same in Word doc and PDF format)! It’s out today and call me biased, but I thoroughly recommend you buy a copy!


It’s a given that this book is full of stunning imagery (by renowned interiors photographer, Anson Smart) but what’s really exciting is that almost all of it has never been published or seen anywhere before. I know keeping this work, which he is extremely proud of, under wraps, was a big challenge for Greg, but I think he made the right call. I expect people will be surprised and impressed by the way in which Greg’s work has evolved. While it’s still clearly his style, it really has moved on and I think it’s exciting and a real treat for readers.

It’s not just pretty pictures either, although we all love them! Having worked on the words with Greg, I learned so much, which I am now constantly applying to my own home! Whether it’s contrast, scale, colour and pattern, cohesion or even just the starting point that has you baffled, you can learn from Greg’s easy to follow advice, tips and tricks. There’s also a great directory of places to shop, both here in Australia, overseas and online. The foreword is by the fabulous Jonathan Adler.

To celebrate the book launch today (published by Hardie Grant and available in all good book shops), Greg has exclusively shared with us these seven images (above) from the book featuring styled vignettes, which he hopes will give you some inspiration for this month’s Instagram challenge, which also starts today. Thanks, Greg!

Some places you can buy The Tailored Interior online now: Angus & Robertson, Book Depository and Booktopia.


Meet Greg Natale at our next Interiors Addict reader event

I’m so delighted to announce the first Interiors Addict reader event since I returned from my travels and it’s a good one, if I don’t say so myself! This is your chance to meet Belle Coco Republic Interior Designer of the Year 2014 Greg Natale, listen to him in conversation with me and get a signed copy of his book, The Tailored Interior. Excitement plus! You’ll also get to meet other like-minded interiors addicts, take part in a fun and interactive live 7 Vignettes challenge with a prize and take home a gift bag.

Greg Natale
Greg Natale

Places are limited and we anticipate a wait list so don’t delay and register to attend today. The event is taking place thanks to the generous support of our friends at BoConcept at their brand new store at Supa Centa Moore Park in Sydney. The fun starts at 6.30pm on Friday 31 October and ends at 8.30pm. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, after which time a wait list will be established which you can request to go on.

You will be able to buy a copy of The Tailored Interior and get it signed by Greg at the event. Having worked with Greg on this book, I am really excited to be able to give my readers the  chance to see it. It really is a beautiful addition to your coffee table, with stunning images by Anson Smart, but it’s also full of fantastic, easy to follow advice. You’ll also be able to shop the store with a special discount on the night.

The Tailored Interior is published by Hardie Grant.

If you’d like to join us at the event, please sign up here.

Covet my coffee table Designers House Tours

Covet my coffee table: with interior designer of the year Greg Natale

This week’s Covet My Coffee Table is one I hope you’ll all be very excited about. It’s none other than Belle Coco Republic Interior Designer of the Year Greg Natale’s. Not only that, but this is an exclusive sneak peek at photos from Greg’s home, which you’ll be able to see more of in his forthcoming book, The Tailored Interior.


You’ll find plenty of tips on decorating your own home in the book. Isn’t Greg’s living room divine?

greg natale coffee table 1

So, what’s on his coffee table?

Clockwise from top left: Pink orchids from Grandiflora, Blue Hello Industry candle holders from Paul Smith (purchased in Paris), Fractured Marbled Box by Kelly Wearstler, Paul Smith for Stelton bowl from Space Furniture, Memphis box by Kelly Wearstler, Missoni dish from Spence and Lyda, and Little Black Jacket book by Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld underneath Andy Warhol Portraits by Phaidon. The coffee table itself is the Bond by Jonathan Adler.


Check out all our previous Covet My Coffee Tables here.


Competitions Designers Styling

You’ll never guess who won June 7 Vignettes…

A man, that’s who! I am so delighted to announce that, for the first time ever, a man has won 7 Vignettes. And not because he’s a man either. This isn’t one of those positive discrimination situations. @kraig_at_the_warehouse, from SA, won because his striking images really stood out for guest judge Greg Natale and I, and many others as well.

kraig 2

Greg picked Craig, whose wife Sarah is also a regular in 7 Vignettes, because he loved his images and the way they worked together so well as a series. Being an interior designer, Greg’s big on cohesion, you see!

Those dirty hands really stood out amongst all the much prettier vignettes, but Craig’s were no less creative or well put together.

kraig 7 vignettes

Craig wins a signed copy of Greg’s book, The Tailored Interior (that’s the first time I’ve been allowed to share the title with you!), which will be published by Hardie Grant later this year. You’ll be first to know when it’s available, readers!

Greg also decided to kindly give a second book to @brownpaperlemon as a runner up prize.

Brownpaperlemon's entries
Brownpaperlemon’s entries

A huge thanks to Greg, who spent a lot of time commenting on people’s entries and really getting involved. Until next month…