Interiors Addict

Launch day! Mr Jason’s Grant’s Murobond colours & Sibella Court’s new book, Nomad

What an exciting day out for Interiors Addict! Not only was it the launch of Mr Jason’s Grant’s new colours for Murobond, it was also our first meeting IN REAL LIFE. Very exciting and he was as delightful as I expected! I went along to the launch at Murobond in Artarmon with my friend Emma […]

Interiors Addict

Mr Jason Grant’s new colour range for Murobond is inspired by summer

Bondi boy Mr Jason Grant loves summer and the beach and his second paint collection with Murobond consists of faded fun colours. Titled Road Trip, the collection is all about a summer getaway. These photos were shot on location in Avalon NSW with a super cute kombi van, one of Jason’s dream cars. “I LOVE colour so have […]

Interiors Addict

How adorable is this super stylish caravan? The gorgeous Carrie is an Australian 1950s Castle carava

How adorable is this super stylish caravan? The gorgeous Carrie is an Australian 1950s Castle caravan bought on eBay by stylist Jane Frosh and collected from beachside Wollongong. She now lives in Jane’s garden in Wentworth Falls NSW, providing both a handy guestroom and a photoshoot prop. “We totally gutted and refitted her,” says Jane. […]

Interiors Addict

Tips on layering from the legendary Abigail Ahern

Top British interior designer Abigail Ahern ran a style surgery via her Facebook page a few days ago where we were invited to send in our design dilemmas and she would give her advice. First in, best dressed, so I dashed off an email and was delighted to get a reply. This professional advice has […]

Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict goes to Colour School!

  Earlier this month, I attended the day-long Colour For Interiors Masterclass at Coco Republic Design School in Sydney and I had a ball! I learnt so much more than I expected to and it really got my creative juices flowing and made me look at everything interiors in a new light (or should I […]


Reality TV was a huge learning curve for Darren Palmer but one he will never regret

Now running the successful Darren Palmer Interiors, with his work published in respected magazines, a regular interiors column in GQ and teaching at Coco Republic Design School, he’s come a long way since growing up in country Queensland and just quietly, we think he could be the next big thing. At 27, after working in […]

Designers Interviews

Move over celebrity chefs, it’s interior designers’ turn, says Greg Natale

Being named Belle Coco Republic Designer of the Year was a great start to 2011 for Greg Natale and it’s turning into a pretty huge year for him as he celebrates a decade of running his own business. Known for his decorative style and use of pattern, Greg’s look is very different to the laid […]

Interiors Addict

Sibella’s Styling Tips

As promised, a few tips and words of wisdom from last night’s Emotive Interiors workshop with Sibella Court in Sydney. What you should have in your styling toolkit: A staple gun Push pins Hot glue gun Spirit level 3M hooks of all sizes 3M Blue Painter’s Tape Blu Tack Paint brushes Tape measure A list […]


Sibella Court, the darling of Sydney styling

She’s probably the best known interior stylist in Australia. Sibella Court owns the shop The Society Inc, she’s written two hugely popular books (Etcetera in 2010 and The Stylist’s Guide to NYC in May this year) and she’s about to release a third. Her life is something of a whirlwind and she’s reached a sort of celebrity […]

Interviews Styling

Stylist Kirsten Bookallil says inspiration is everywhere and her home is her haven

Whether you know it or not I can pretty much guarantee if you have even a passing interest in interiors you will have admired Kirsten Bookallil’s work at some point or other. It’s been published in editorials everywhere from Vogue Living, Belle and Real Living to Harper’s Bazaar and Gourmet Traveller. Her clients include huge […]


Meet Shaynna Blaze from Selling Houses Australia

Shaynna Blaze is the well loved female face of LifeStyle Channel’s most popular show, Selling Houses Australia. Not bad for her first TV gig. She recently ran a colour masterclass on Ten’s The Renovators. As she points out, free to air TV has been slow to catch on to what has been a hugely popular […]


Jason Grant, living his dream

Jason Grant left his prestigious role as style director for Real Living magazine last year and hasn’t stopped working since. It’s a good job he loves his work so much it feels like play. One of the most positive and passionate people I’ve interviewed, while he may insist he’s been given a lot of ‘lucky breaks’ there’s no […]

Interiors Addict

A great idea for renters

Readers of this blog know I love coming across great ideas for renters who want a fabulously stylish space but can’t commit to things homeowners have the luxury of playing around with. Like paint, wallpaper, nails in walls… you catch my drift. This week I came across wallstudio, which is fantastic for renters and fickle […]

Interiors Addict

REAL HOME: Anne-Maree Bowen, Victorian terrace in Sydney’s Inner West Anne-Maree Bowen renovat

REAL HOME: Anne-Maree Bowen, Victorian terrace in Sydney’s Inner West Anne-Maree Bowen renovated this Victorian terrace in Sydney’s Inner West with her husband, toddler, baby and Burmese cat! “When we bought the house it needed a lot of work but we loved the beautiful heritage features,” she says. “Most of all we loved the back […]

Interiors Addict

Ready for a challenge? Create your own feature wall

I hope you’ve enjoyed the previous 9 interior styling tips we’ve brought you from Martina Hrubes at Ruby in Design. You still haven’t had enough? Well then here’s the 10th and final installment. You’re ready to take it to the next step! This is where it all comes together! TASK A feature wall should always be […]

Interiors Addict
Interiors Addict

Styling tip 7: Creating mood with lighting

Successful lighting schemes are based on a balance between natural and artificial light, coupled with the interaction of function and design. This might seem like an algebraic formula, but if you can understand the primary role of lighting, this will give you a strong direction on how to optimise certain areas with light.   TIPS […]

Interiors Addict

  Bedroom before and after I love a good before and after! Monique Sartor of Sartorial Interiors cre

  Bedroom before and after I love a good before and after! Monique Sartor of Sartorial Interiors created this lovely bedroom for her client. “The client wanted the large bedroom to have a few bigger and contemporary, quality pieces and for the overall feel to be of a tranquil santuary,” said Monique. “We used divine […]