House Tours The Block

The Block Glasshouse: Apartment six final reveals

Once again, I think the judges made the right call on picking Michael and Carlene’s laundry as the winner last night. The fact that a laundry is such a hard room to impress with made their gorgeous space even more worthy, don’t you think? And yes, Max and Karstan’s terrace was fabulous, but let’s be fair, they paid the experts to pull that off for them. While it’s not against the rules, there would have been some serious bad feeling if they’d won, right?!

Here’s that lovely laundry (and powder room) from Michael and Carlene. Pretty and practical:

The Block in Melbourne

(Read our tips on how to turn your laundry into a beautiful, multi-purpose hub)

The Block in Melbourne

Chris and Jenna’s living room: I didn’t like this one. Sorry guys! Too much TV, too much black, and I’m not a massive fan of yellow.

Apt 6 R2 CJ LivingDining EA 06

Dee and Darren’s kitchen: This was not a patch on the kitchen in their own apartment but still very nice. Couldn’t really knock anything about it but thought it lacked a bit of personality. Loved the timber pendants.

Apt 6 R2 DD Kitchen EA 11

Max and Karstan’s terrace: Gorgeous! And works so well with the inside I think. But, as mentioned before, the pair can’t take much credit for this one. Maybe we should be applauding their smart decision to outsource though?

The Block in Melbourne

Shannon and Simon’s terrace: LOVED the fire pit and thought this space really worked well in general. Nice and neutral with timber for warmth. A cosy space I’d love to curl up and have a drink in!

The Block in Melbourne

Buy what you loved from these rooms in The Block Shop.

Auctions on Sunday! Eeeek! Who do you think is going to win?!

Read all our Block coverage.

Bathrooms House Tours The Block

Dee and Darren knock $20k off their reserve with en suite

So, did you tune in to last night’s room reveals from the surprise sixth apartment? I did and I must say it just didn’t feel anywhere near as exciting as previous weeks. I guess the couples just aren’t going to be as invested in an apartment that isn’t ‘theirs’ but that said, the stakes were high. The results this week and next could make a huge difference to the final outcome.

In first place, winning $20k off their reserve, were Dee and Darren and I think they really deserved it for this en suite. Did you? Loved the tiles, the just the right amount of timber and the perfect (as ever) styling. I just wish Dee would stop making so many mean comments about everyone else!

Apt 6 R1 DD Ensuite EA 1

In second place, winning $15k off their reserve, were Max and Karstan with this bedroom. I couldn’t get all that excited about it if I’m honest but then I’m never that excited by the bedrooms. It’s not a room I put a lot of decorating effort into personally, preferring to keep things simple, uncluttered and calm. I save all my imagination for the living and dining areas but that’s just me!

The Block in Melbourne

In third place, winning $10k off their reserve despite not quite finishing the job, were Simon and Shannon with their bathroom. I think the judges had a really tough job this week as how can you really compare a bathroom with a bedroom?

The Block in Melbourne

Apt 6 R1 SS Bathroom EA 31

Then sadly, last and least, were Chris and Jenna and Michael and Carlene who got a big fat ZERO off their reserves. Ah well, there’s always next week guys!

Chris and Jenna’s bedroom:

Apt 6 R1 CJ Bedroom EA 56

Michael and Carlene’s bedroom:

Apt 6 R1 CM Bedroom EA _12

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Bedrooms House Tours The Block

Get the look: the Block Glasshouse master bedroom room reveals

Surely I wasn’t the only one surprised about last night’s room reveal winner, eh? It was another week of double room reveals for the Blockheads and I liked what I saw.

H1 Rm4 C&M Master MP 6275

Get Michael and Carlene’s look (above): Artwork, Tom Dixon short pendant, Tom Dixon tall pendanthallway prints.

Michael and Carlene really lifted their styling game this week. I loved their master bedroom! Neale’s first words were “Wow! Very cool!” and I have to agree. It may or may not have to do with the fact I love all the finishes they’ve used. The sheers were gorgeous and those pendants! Tom Dixon, need I say more? Shaynna loved the artwork in the entrance and described the room as sexy with a simple colour palette and lots of texture. Neale loved the natural linen look bedspread and thought the overall room was very contemporary but also very neutral; a very sophisticated blank canvas. To be perfectly honest, I felt it seemed smaller than the other bedrooms, but I loved it nonetheless.

H1 Rm4 C&M Master MP 2836

I’m all for dark wooden finishes in a wardrobe, it’s just classy, it seemed to be a consistent theme cross the wardrobes and Neale also loved the dark wood. Shaynna was a fan of the storage (surprise, surprise), but there was no wow factor or anything to get the buyers excited in their wardrobe.

H2 Rm4 C&J Master Mp 2905

Get Chris & Jenna’s look (above): Rug, bedside table, bed, pendants.

Did you see that copper wall? How’s that for a statement? I’m all for copper; that and gold are my current obsessions. But as much as I love it, I think it’s too much for a bedroom. That would have cost an absolute mint. Do you think it was worth it? Darren and Neale were truly wowed and Shaynna said it was insane! It was definitely a million dollar wall, however Neale said it leaves him completely cold and if you walk into this room and don’t like it, it’s all over. The judges agreed that to pull off the wall they needed to up the other finishes and I tend to agree. I loved that they used every inch of space in the wardrobe and thought the kickboard drawerss were a great idea.

H2 Rm4 C&J Master Mp 2910

Get Chris & Jenna’s look (above): Aura quilt cover, pillow cases, Pop & Scott pot.

H3 Rm4 M&K Master MP2850

Get Max and Karstan’s look (above): Chair, side table, pendant, artwork, bedside tables.

Neale said now that is what he called a master bedroom. All the judges loved the colour scheme but personally I thought just a tad too much orange, however it did feel bigger than the first two rooms and I liked that they kept it relatively simple. Darren loved the bedhead, the high quality linen and that big bronze mirror; he said bronze mirror was one of his favourite things ever.

H3 Rm4 M&K Master MP6315

I liked the natural light coming through the wardrobe with the dark wood. The jewellery draws were a nice touch and Darren thought it was hot. Storage queen Shaynna was so excited about the laundry chute, and so was I! (it’s the little things, right?). Neale loved how they interpreted luxury and was really impressed.

H4 Rm4 S&S Master MP 2866

Get Simon and Shannon’s look (above): Bedhead, artwork, bedside table, bed, chairs, coffee table.

The bedroom kings are back! The boys’ master bedroom felt huge — more like a master suite than a master bedroom. I absolutely loved it and it was hands down my favourite this week. The boys absolutely nailed it (from my armchair anyway!). Shaynna walked in and commented that it was huge and she loved the lounge space they created within the room. Darren liked that you could sit in the window and take the sun in and I have to agree. He loved the textures and said the boys have good style and taste and make good decisions. I loved the bedhead, those copper pendants and that throw (ok, let’s be honest, I loved it all). I also love that the boys know how to create a sense of scale within each of their rooms. Neale loved the splashes of colour and said he’d never seen a bedhead like that before (obviously not reading Interiors Addict often enough, Neale!).

The Block in Melbourne

Wow, wow, wow! That wardrobe is huge and I want it. Simon and Shannon’s wardrobe definitely felt substantially bigger than the other couples’ and I loved the sense of open space in it. The judges weren’t too keen on the exposed LED lights, however overall, were impressed.

H5 Rm4 D&D Master MP 2891

Get Darren and Deanne’s look (above): Artwork, table lamp, chair, small pendant, large pendant, side table.

It was kind of the Blockheads to style Darren and Deanne’s room in their absence attending to family matters. Shaynna did not expect the fireplace and all the judges were impressed with it. I think buyers will love the idea of a fireplace in the bedroom, especially during those freezing Melbourne nights. Neale said they are really really good and Shaynna said it suited the apartment they have created. I definitely think Darren and Deanne have the most consistent apartment so far. I thought the panelling behind the bedhead was amazing but think it would be a nightmare to keep clean. Their wardrobe was humongous and took full advantage of the ceiling height. It will be interesting to see how close the Blockheads got the styling and whether it have looked completely different had the couple done it. What do you think? Did they do Deanne proud?

It was a close call again with but Max and Karstan took out the win by half a point (to my surprise) with 28. Michael and Carlene came in a close second with 27.5 and bedroom kings Simon and Shannon came in third with 27.

I thought the boys would have had it in the bag! What were your thoughts? Did you agree with the judges’ scoring?

Kathryn is our girl on the ground in Melbourne and Block correspondent while Jen and Olivia are overseas (the globetrotters!). You can follow her design adventures on Instagram @thedesignrookie.

The Block

Get the look: Last night’s Block bedroom and study reveals

What a week on the Block! Double room reveals always seem to send the Blockheads a little bonkers! However, they pulled through and there were some seriously gorgeous reveals last night.

H1 Rm3 C&M Bed Study EA 72

Get Michael and Carlene’s bedroom look: Armchair, side table, artwork (we featured artist Belynda Henry on the blog recently).

Michael and Carlene delivered two great rooms. The judges loved the exposed brick and strip lighting in the bedroom, as did I. Despite looking amazing, it’s on trend and being local to the area, I think they really hit the nail on the head with what buyers will be wanting. Neale loved the pendants and finishes and being a gold girl myself, I also gave them extra points for this.

H1 Rm3 C&M Bed Study EA 75

Get Michael and Carlene’s study look: Light, paperweights, artwork, desk chair.

Shaynna loved the light and I think it truly is the perfect light for the space they have created. The judges enjoyed the brass finishes and said the styling was spot on. However it didn’t pass the all-important working test. Neale looked like a little kid trying to sit with the adults when he sat in the chosen desk chair. Mind you, still a very strong effort this week if the only questionable thing was the practicality of the desk chair.

H2 Rm3 C&J Bed Study MP 4777

Get Chris & Jenna’s bedroom look: Pendants, armchair, ottoman, bedside tables, artwork, stone vase.

What happened?! I’m sorry, I’m still trying to get my head around how someone goes from delivering an unbelievably amazing bathroom last week which scored perfectly to this this week (lucky for them, bathrooms sell houses)! Neale said he immediately felt squeezed in the room and he couldn’t believe it was from the same couple who delivered that magnificent bathroom last week. The judges thought the shelving wall was ugly and were confused if they were in a bedroom or a garden centre. Shaynna couldn’t believe how many plants were in there and thought they made expensive timber look cheap (in reference to that bedhead). On a more positive note, the judges liked the linen cupboard, and I for one am glad they are continuing those amazing black steel beams throughout the rooms.

H2 Rm3 C&J Bed Study MP 4792

I am a fan of storage and think the attic will be a good value add for buyers. Let’s be honest, it’s not the prettiest room on The Block but hey, who actually spends too much time in an attic?! Darren thought Albert (the hideous deer head) was the ugliest thing he had ever seen in his life. But points to Chris and Jenna for hiding it in the attic, seeing as they had to use it in one of their rooms this week. The judges were concerned they were missing a study though.

H3 Rm3 M&K Bed Study MP 4753

Get Max and Karstan’s bedroom look: Bedhead, wall lights, artwork.

Shaynna said the art was gorgeous, which the other judges agreed with. Neale said it was the first instance of personality he had seen in the apartment; however the rest of the room left him cold. Neale is worried they are trying to leave a blank canvas to appeal to the buyer but they are leaving it too blank and I couldn’t have said it better myself! I love the whole minimal look but this takes minimal to a whole new level. I do however like their choices of finishes and cabinetry. Shaynna felt it needed an amazing light and I have to agree it would definitely make it look less bare.

H3 Rm3 M&K Bed Study MP 0953

Get Max and Karstan’s study look: floor lamp, arm chair.

Darren thought the study looked sleek and cool, however I don’t think the others were as convinced. Neale thought it was very functional but felt dated. All the judges were fans of the floor though, and thought it was a great choice, and storage queen Shaynna was a fan of all the storage in the hallway.

H4 Rm3 S&S Bed Study EA 6

Get Simon and Shannon’s bedroom look: arm chair, pendants, paradise artwork, XO prints, bed, floor lamp.

The boys are back in town! I was impressed with the boys’ effort this week on both rooms. Neale said they are going to be the ‘bedroom kings’. Darren thought the tangerine bedspread and leopard towels really worked. All three judges loved the recess for the curtains and the storage in the wardrobe. I loved the off centre bedhead and those prints (told you I was a gold girl)!

H4 Rm3 S&S Bed Study MP 1186

Get Simon and Shannon’s study look: desk chair, love club wall flag.

There was a trademark cactus from the boys in their study this week and Darren liked how they played with the ceiling heights, believing it will create interest with the buyers. All the judges thought the study was really well done, cosy but not claustrophobic.

H5 Rm3 D&D Bed Study EA 2

Get Darren and Deanne’s bedroom look: Side table, artwork, grey throw, indigo cushion.

I was a little concerned all week with the whole canopy idea and what not, but didn’t they pull off it off? Shaynna said this is their signature style and everyone needs to take notice of what they are doing. This couple certainly know textures and how to layer and I’m with Shaynna: they are ones to watch!


Get Darren and Deanne’s study look: tree photograph.

All the judges thought it was a very sophisticated and contemporary space. Darren said he loved the herringbone floor. Shaynna liked the study and said they did a small space very well but she wanted to see a cavity slider hidden in the bulkhead for the storage. I for one think buyers are going to be too busy going gaga over the floor to be pay attention to cavity sliders! Neale said this couple was exciting him as they are showing him things he hasn’t seen before on The Block and I have to agree, I am loving their style! Considering Dee was complaining about their apartment being smaller in size, they certainly know how to plan as it felt bigger than the others’ spaces. I would have to say this was definitely my favourite space this week!

It was a close call but Darren and Deanne came out on top with Michael and Carlene and Simon and Shannon following closely behind. Do you agree with who won this week? I know I sure do!

Kathryn is our girl on the ground in Melbourne and Block correspondent while Jen and Olivia are overseas (the globetrotters!). You can follow her design adventures on Instagram @thedesignrookie.

Bathrooms The Block

Get the look: last night’s Block main bathroom reveals

I must admit I didn’t watch The Block room reveals last night as I’m “overseas” in New Zealand for a friend’s wedding. When I got these photos through, there was a clear favourite for me: Kyal and Kara. So I was delighted they not only won, but won with a perfect 30 out of 30 from the judges — the first this season. Well deserved! Here’s why…

Kyal and Kara

Kyal and Kara 3

Those tiles! And that tub! You all know I’m a bath over a shower girl any day so this one won me over. I also loved the added warmth from the timber (and the use of it across part of the ceiling) and thought the basin was perfect and elegant and the styling, just right.

Kyal and Kara 4

I love absolutely everything about this bathroom!

Kyl and Kara 2

BUY WHAT THEY USED: Clearwater Formoso feeestanding bath

GET THE LOOK WITH SIMILAR PRODUCTS: Todao Point Top concrete pendant | Milli Axon floor mounted bath outlet | Alape counter basin

Brad and Dale

I loved the tile choices in this room, and the use of timber. Seems this is becoming a trend this season. The lack of bath was disappointing of course, but the boys revealed they had plans for another bath elsewhere in the house. It sounds like this room got mixed reviews from the judges.

Brad Dale bathroom 1

I loved this useful little storage nook with the mosaic tiles. I really hate those hanging shower caddies so eliminating the need for them is a big win!

Brad and Dale mosaic

Another great basin but I find the assorted towels a bit too much and the large gold Uashama bag a bit random.

Brad and Dale 2

BUY WHAT THEY USED: Malmo wooden pendant | Reece Mizu Bliss extended basin mixer | Reece Mizu Drift overhead shower 300mm |

GET THE LOOK WITH SIMILAR PRODUCTS: Planet Luxe handwash | Ziporah Flamingo hand towel 

Alisa & Lysandra

The twins weren’t happy with their low scores so I’m definitely going to have to watch a rerun when I get back to Australia to what drama went down. Shaynna Blaze called it try-hard, Darren Palmer wasn’t keen on the moss feature and Neale said the room was uncomfortable, with Shaynna adding it was too harsh with too many straight lines and no curves.

Alisa Lysandra 1

I have to say the rectangular bath didn’t appeal to me and I didn’t like the moss either, but I thought a lot of the bathroom looked sleek and expensive.

Alisa Lysandra detail

Alisa Lysandra basin

And how good is that bath tap?

Alisa Lysandra bath

BUY WHAT THEY USED: A&L Collections set of towels | Milli Glance shower mixer | Milli Glance wall basin and mixer set | Kado Lux freestanding bath

GET THE LOOK WITH SIMILAR PRODUCTS: Cityforest Greenwall Pockets

Chantelle & Steve

The fans weren’t too impressed with their lower than expected judges’ scores this week either, especially as they got some great comments. Neale said their tiles were the most beautiful he’d ever seen on The Block and Darren said the planning was great.

Chantelle steve 3

Neale thought the tub though, was an old-fashioned choice and wasn’t crazy for the black sink.

Chantelle Steve 2

I’m just not quite sure about this room and whether I like it or not. I’ll reserve judgement until I can watch the episode myself.

Chantelle Steve 1

BUY WHAT THEY USED: Milli Axon Rove Hook | Milli Axon wall mounted soap dispenser | Milli Axon loop toilet roll holder | Milli Axon towel bar | Mizu Soaker bath


If you’d like to know where to get your hands on something not referenced above, please drop me a line in the comments and I’ll do my best to find out for you!


The Block

Shop their looks: the first Block bathroom reveals

Brad and Dale won by a long shot in last night’s first bathroom reveals on The Block and I thought they did a gorgeous job. Personally, I found it hard to choose a favourite between their work and Alisa and Lysandra’s. If you want to get the look of any of the four couples, read on.

The Block in Melbourne
Brad and Dale’s bathroom

The Block in Melbourne

Get Brad & Dale’s look