Bedrooms The Block

Block room reveals 2018: disappointing master bedrooms

So, did you watch last night’s Block master bedroom reveals? Or, as I like to call it, a really good ad for Kinsman wardrobes! I spent a lot of it with a sort of grimace on my face like Wallace from Wallace and Gromit. You know the one?! There’s an emoticon for it… I do try to be kind and not harp on like some mean know it all because let’s face it I’m a) not an expert and b) it’s bloody hard being on that show. But last night’s bedrooms were so underwhelming on the whole I felt annoyed. And then Hayden and Sara, who threatened to walk last week on account of always coming last, came first. What a surprise! Coincidence? Perhaps, but still!

None of those rooms were particularly different or inspiring. And the fact that words like ‘cute’ and ‘nice’ were used to describe the winning room, said it all really! That and the fact the judges liked all the walk-ins better than the actual rooms.

The worst for me though was Courtney and Hans’ room, by a long way. It was so huge (yet empty) and full of expensive pieces but ultimately looked cheap and wasn’t in the slightest cohesive. All I could see was bloody carpet, carpet, carpet! Speaking of which, what does everyone have against rugs this season?! Where are they?! And, while I’m ranting, enough with the velvet bedheads! I love velvet bedheads. I have one in my own master, but they’re not the only bedhead out there and they certainly aren’t the only way to give a luxury look. Ok, I’ve got that off my chest now! Let’s see something a little different, could we?

There were a few redeeming features for me, namely Jess and Norm’s killer gold LED wall lamps, Bianca and Carla’s timber besides, the wardrobes in general, the herringbone floors and the girls’ Samsung Frame TV (they’re very cool, I want!) that doubles as artwork. I’ve linked to my favourites from each room below.

So, here you go if you missed it: the judges’ comments, what the couples did and how they scored…


Just a bit blah

Kerrie and Spence used luxurious velvets and a soft, romantic colour palette in their main bedroom, which featured dark drapes, a custom-built bedhead with seafoam fabric inlay, and huge, dark ‘his-and-hers’ walk-in robes.

But it failed to get the judges excited. Neale said: “We’re in the master bedroom of a luxury apartment. I’m sorry, I want a bit of va-va-voom. It’s a white room.” Shaynna thought the problem was scale. The bed was perfect but the bedhead too short, the artwork and pendants were in the wrong spot. Diplomatic Darren said the light fittings are not as impactful as they could have been. Shaynna said they were ridculous! “It feels a bit hospital.”

Had to agree with Shaynna on those lights and the bedhead behind the bedhead reminded me of a bad hotel one (sorry Spence!)

Neale said they were playing it too safe. “It feels like they had a great idea and then they pressed pause because they got scared.” Shaynna said it was very forgettable.

But they all loved the huge walk-in robe. Shaynna said it was amazing. Darren thought it was what buyers would remember. And Shaynna said they could easily restyle the entire thing to make it a penthouse master.

Our pick to buy: Gold tray set by Ziporah Lifestyle 


Courtney and Hans’ main bedroom featured a pink bedhead, a large statement fan, a round mirror, two dark pink velvet chairs and a gold coffee table as a seating area, and THAT controversial artwork. Their deluxe walk-in robes featured a last minute marble stone bench.

This room is killing me. I don’t even know where to start.

The judges were blown away by the sheer size and couldn’t believe it had its own hallway! Darren said: “These spaces are massive!” Darren and Shaynna loved the bed, its styling and the colour palette. They said the lighting was well planned.

But that was where the good news ended.

Neale said he must have been in a slightly different room. “There is nothing in here that’s going to make me want to buy this apartment. It feels like an exercise in wasted space. The hallway serves no purpose. And that’s the worst piece of art I’ve ever seen.” Eek!

Yes Neale, you were right about the art! And what’s going on with that fan in the context of this room?!

He continued: “I know I’m sounding over the top but the choice of art dictates the emotion you feel when you walk into the room. There are elements that are nice but they don’t come together.” He thinks they should have made a bigger deal of the sheer size with a rug, couch, ottoman or floor-to-ceiling mirrors.

They all noticed the finishes weren’t up to standard either. But, once again, the robe was nicer than room itself! Neale said it was one of the most impressive walk-ins he’d ever seen on The Block. Shaynna agreed it was beautiful.

Our pick to buy: GlobeWest carved gold coffee table (I had this in my last home and it is amazing!)

1st (26.5/30) SARA AND HAYDEN

Sara and Hayden finally broke their three-week losing streak, presenting a Deco-inspired main bedroom. They achieved their look by painting a blue-grey charcoal feature wall, including an Art Deco-inspired upholstered bedhead with gold stud details, a pink fur throw and a contemporary artwork in shades of blue and pink.

Nice perhaps, but not setting the world on fire

The judges all felt something grand greeted them. Darren loved the coffered ceiling and the way it covered the curtains. Neale said it was cute. Shaynna felt a sense of relief. “The restraint they’ve shown is great.”

All the judges thought it had really worked. Darren liked the bedhead and the blue wall behind it. Shaynna said it was the right balance of Deco and contemporary but the artwork wasn’t hitting the sweet spot. “It feels everyday.” Neale said it was a little generic.

This is pleasant

They all agreed the air con vent was very well considered and planned. And they also all noticed the unfinished painting!

It was another popular walk-in. Shaynna said there was so much storage it wasn’t funny and raved about the sensor lights. Neale and Darren said the mirror wall was very clever. Darren said it had a look of finesse with all the LED strip lighting.

Shame about that cheap looking laundry hamper

Shaynna finished though by very rightly saying that last week’s en suite definitely didn’t match the room and the walk-in.

Our pick to buy: west elm balloon glass table lamps 

Joint 3rd (22.5/30) JESS AND NORM

They might have only had a small space to work with, but Jess and Norm dialed up the luxe with their extra cash from challenges, presenting a room that featured marble, parquetry, bespoke neon lights and a walk-in robe space that had all three judges singing its praises.

The bed styling and light situation is nice. Just don’t look at the TV wall!

It certainly made a good first impression. Darren said he loved everything, especially the layering of the bed, the colours and the lights.

Neale and Shyanna however, were a little less enthusiastic! Neale asked if it was a bedroom or a gold class cinema seat? “It’s all about the TV.” There was way too much going on. “If ever a room cried out for a little bit of less is more, it’s this one. Wow, what an overload. This room is giving me indigestion!”

Loving this

Shaynna was overwhelmed. “I feel so claustrophobic. Scale has got the better of them. This room needed to feel very elegant and simple but they went and filled it with too many distractions. The year 2000 wants its niches back!” Oh, how I laughed!

Those niches were the worst!

Neale said a lot of people would call it their idea of heaven but it wasn’t the master suite the apartment needed.

They all loved the walk-in (again!), calling it excellent and beautiful.

Loving this situation

Our pick to buy: Those gold LED wall lamps (fabulous!)

Joint 3rd (22.5/30) BIANCA AND CARLA

Bianca and Carla continued to impress with their subtle, moody monochrome master, but it didn’t get the great feedback of last week. The girls used a dark timber feature wall, dark drapes, custom wooden side tables, parquetry floor, charcoal-coloured linen on the bed, and a timber cabinet under their state-of-the-art (pardon the pun) Frame TV by Samsung.

50 shades of grey and I’m not loving them. Don’t go off track please, girls!
That lamp. Oh dear oh dear.

Neale said the girls certainly knew how to surprise them each week. Darren thought they’d delivered a different kind of luxury. “That charcoal tonal, monochromatic look is very tactile. For a neutral palette to be so visually interesting is tricky.” Neale agreed.

Shaynna loved the signature bedsides. They all loved the Samsung Frame TV, cleverly disguised as an artwork. Neale didn’t love the ball light and found it a little bit cold. He thought the bedsides were too small. He wanted to love the wall but was struggling. “I don’t think these girls are thinking how we actually live. It’s style over substance.”

Ingrain Designs save the day with these timber bedsides

Foreman Dan Reilly had raised the issue about them presenting their reveal without including the air con vents. The judges thought it was a bit arrogant to leave them out while everyone else was wrestling to make theirs work.

They all had issues with the execution of the feature wall which was badly painted and didn’t all match up.

Shaynna said it was so heavily masculine that there was very little that would instantly appeal to a female buyer. Neale said he really like the girls’ ideas but I do want them to spend more time thinking about functionality.

They loved the walk-in but agreed it felt half the size of the others.

Our pick to buy: Timber bedside tables by Ingrain Designs 

So, what did you think this week? Were you as underwhelmed and irritated as me or is it my pregnancy hormones?!

Bathrooms Expert Tips The Block

Tradies weigh in on Sunday’s Block tiling stuff up

By Mark Menegatti

The Block can make a tradie’s job look easy by smashing out big jobs in just a week. As a builder with 14 years’ experience, I can vouch that a real tradie’s life means starting before dawn and coming home after dark without any TV cameras around.

Bostik Boys, tradies Mark Menegatti (AKA Spaghetti) on the right and Adrian Franchina

On Sunday, we saw Spence from apartment 1, who is a full-time building contractor, struggle with tiling the main bathroom, which landed his wife Kerrie and himself in fourth place. On behalf of tradies everywhere, our poor bloke Spence and Kerrie deserve some slack.

Tradies and DIYers can both learn from Spence’s mistake. Working on The Block is not an easy task, especially with the short the timeframes. With the help of Bostik, I wanted to set the record straight on why tiling issues like these can happen and how to best avoid them.

Planning out your job in advance

Spence and Kerrie’s finished bathroom is modern, light and airy, while being deemed functional with judge Shaynna claiming it was done by perfectionists. Righto!

From a tradie’s point of view, I would agree with the judges. Spence did a great job with the tiling, with the exception of the grout lines not lining up between the walls and flooring.

The real error was that Spence and Kerrie simply took on too much and were overwhelmed by the scope of work.

Tradies’ solution:

  • Prepare the base sub floor and wall using a laser which would have given an accurate guide for tile placement.
  • Have a professionally waterproofed area
  • Determine tile layout on walls and floor prior to applying adhesive.
  • Chalk out tiles on floor to match wall tiles.
  • Place all full tiles and then cut in where required.
  • Finish off with grout and caulking.

Spence could have alleviated pressure by listening to builder Norm’s solution to use “rapid glue for tiling” and applying Bostik ASA Superglue tile adhesive. This would have seen the tile adhesive cure quickly, while speeding up down time for other works to be completed.

Stick to jobs you are good at

Even the most skilled tradies will call a mate or professional to do certain jobs they are not comfortable or don’t have time to do.

Given the large load and short timeframe, Spence’s time would be better spent doing tasks more familiar to him like framing and cabinetry installation, applying mirrors and shelving, and styling to complement professionally finished tiling.

Tradies’ solution:

For tiling a bathroom, when it comes to sand and cement screeds on the floor, this should always be done by a professional. If the screed mix isn’t the correct ratio, it does not bond to the subfloor and becomes drummy.

This means it will crumble and not provide a solid base to lay the tiling. Waterproofing should also always be done by a professional.

If completed incorrectly this can make the area susceptible to leaks, leading to longterm structural damage and rotting of structures.

Credit where credit is due

I give Spence credit for trying to do his own tiling for the main bathroom. On a show like The Block, his clients are the viewers. Therefore, he is trying to leave a good first impression to the client by displaying his workmanship and quality control.

With such a small amount of time, even the most skilled tradies can stuff up.

As a tradie, I would recommend anyone who is looking to renovate to stick to what you know and do it well, use the right products and focus on staying within budget. If you listen to these tips, you are more likely to achieve the results you want within the desired timeframe.

–Bostik Boy Mark Menegatti is owner of MRM construction. Bostik is a key supplier of The Block this season, to give contestants with the right products to finish their apartments.

Bathrooms The Block

The Block room reveals: season 14 main bathrooms

How good was it to be watching the first proper room reveal last night? Loved it! Loads of renovating to watch, just enough drama and rookie errors, and some pretty impressive rooms (although there were things about most of them I’d personally change). But for so early on in the competition? Well done, I say!

BIANCA AND CARLA: Second place

My favourite! That timber ceiling! Loved it! That feature wall! OK, it fell down a little on storage but they should have won, right?! They only lost by half a point mind you.

The judges loved the feature wall. “This is heaven,” said Darren. “Holy cow, that’s two big slabs of natural stone. That’s a massive decision.” He said he was seeing big risks that had paid off in spades.

The frosted window offended Neale. “Peel that decal off ASAP because it’s really spoiling this beautiful bathroom!” Agreed!

Shaynna said they were going for a corporate St Kilda market and they were onto a winner. The timber vanity was beautiful. And Darren spotted the speakers inside it.

They all agreed there wasn’t enough storage and no face level storage (why hasn’t everyone learned this from previous seasons?!).

Darren said he couldn’t wait to see the rest of the apartment if it continued in this direction.

My pick to buy: The Northcliffe vanity by my friends at Ingrain Design who did the vanities for my old apartment bathroom. I’m still mourning them… And their Jersey timber stool.


OK, OK, it was a nice faux terrazzo floor and there wasn’t much to fault but did it really deserve first place?! Even my husband was saying “come on, where’s the contrast?!” The judges however, obviously thought differently!

Darren said “Well, that’s more like it!” All three loved the terrazzo-style floor tiles. Darren liked that it was faux terrazzo which made it much more practical. Neale said the floor choice was exactly the thing to elevate the room. “They’re doing a contemporary take on the original heritage of the building.”

Shaynna said it was incredibly functional and the bath and vanity were inexpensive but didn’t feel cheap. Darren liked the double vanity. He said the perimiter-lit dropped ceiling was a real success. And I have to agree, that was fab.

Shaynna liked the touch of personality from the quirky pot (jury’s out there for me!) and the hanging plant which stopped it being a big, white, clinical box.

Neale said whatever happened to them last week they hadn’t let get to them and they had delivered to a high level this week.

My pick to buy: Terrazzo soap by Fazeek and Rokha stool. We’re still waiting on the tile details…


That green wall! I hated it! Eeesh. But I loved a lot about it. I’d have to remove that green wall though. And I wasn’t alone in that view!

Neale walked in and said: “I’m not liking anything I’m seeing in here. I feel like this bathroom is not big enough. This thing (the green wall) behind me feels like two other people. It feels so over the top. It’s just an ugly choice.”

Shaynna said it was very weird styling. Neale said it was not high end and he found it quite dated. Shaynna said there were too many heroes (brass, tiles, green wall).

Darren said  he was feeling concerned looking at the very heritage feel of the lights and cornicing. Did they choose this apartment because the top floor was too modern for their plans?

Neale said you’ve got to know what your style is and who your buyer is. “I was expecting great things today and I’m disappointed.”

My pick to buy: Scala tumbled brass tapware


Spence took on the lion’s share of the building work this week, almost having a nervous breakdown in the process! They pulled off a great room (tiling aside) but maybe get a little help next week, eh?!

I loved the open and airy layout and feel of the apartment but the tiles and fittings weren’t my favourite. It was all a bit too… basic? Well executed, very functional and practical; inoffensive but just a bit meh. The judges were on the same page.

Shaynna thought the quality of the room was amazing with “absolute knockout execution”. It didn’t feel hurried and was clearly done by perfectionists. Oh, the irony!

Neale said it was light, bright, spacious and functional, but very polite. He said he’d like to see them take a little bit of risk every now and again.

Shaynna and Darren loved the ample storage. Shaynna was also first to notice the floor and wall tile lines being out, saying it would drive her insane. Neale said he wished she hadn’t pointed it out because now he couldn’t stop seeing it!

(Tradies weigh in on the tiling stuff up)

Darren said it wasn’t memorable enough and he would like to see them up the luxe factor.

My pick to buy: Erroll curve rectangle mirror 

NORM AND JESS: Third place

Darren loved it, asking how could you not choose this apartment?! “Norm and Jess came second last last week but they’ve got the best apartment here!”

Neale said the bathroom had the luxury of extreme height. Darren said the Japanese maple was his favourite tree ever and Neale thought it looked stunning.

Shaynna loved the backlit marble in the niches and the simple styling; just the right amount. Neale said the level of sophistication was just next level.

Take that, any of you doubting the Queenslanders!

Darren realised the bath was plastic (which they hadn’t! Seriously, how?!) but said: “It looks a million dollars.” Shaynna said you’d never know. “It was a very clever and smart solution.”

Oh, you’ve got to laugh!

She said they’d got the visual impact 100% but there were some functionality issues. The towel rail was too close to the vanity and there wasn’t enough storage.

Overall, the judges said they’d thought about their buyer and that buyer would definitely want their bathroom.

My pick to buy: Concrete mirror by Nood Co.

Get the look with this grey terrazzo stone (this one’s the real deal!) bath.

What did you think? Did the right couple win? Are you enjoying this season so far?

Read all our Block coverage.

Can you really use timber in a bathroom?

The best-looking pump hand soaps for your bathroom

House Tours The Block

The Block week 6 master suite reveals

Oh my goodness! Last week I said I’d disregard the drama in my room reveal write-up but that wasn’t really possible this week, being that Jason and Sarah didn’t finish their room and got zeros across the board. And when I say didn’t finish, I mean barely got started. The judges and Scotty were not impressed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Mr Nice Guy Scotty so serious! And don’t get me wrong, I absolutely sympathise with how stressed, skint and hopeless the couple must have been feeling, but to just totally down tools and give up? I just can’t get behind that.

It was a very awkward judging session, with Scotty telling the couple: “You are here on this series because you said ‘we have an attitude of never give up,’ and that’s exactly what you did this week.”

When the judges saw the room (if you can call it that) they were horrified and disappointed. “Something’s gone terribly wrong,” said Neale. Darren summed it up with a great big “WTF?”. Shaynna asked what on earth have they done for a week? “They could have at least put some furniture in to show us what it was going to look like.” Darren said it was a bit of a slap in the face. Neale said: “They’ve been given a life-changing opportunity. To curl it up in a ball and throw it over your shoulder is an insult. People try so hard to get on this show and they have blown it.”

Scotty said he wholeheartedly agreed with everything the judges said and told them that they must finish the master suite and next week’s room in the next week or they’ll be sent home. Non-negotiable. No pressure!

Hannah and Clint: 25 points and third place

Hooray! They finished! This was a nice room which I don’t feel looks as good in these photos as it did on TV. Shaynna said it was very pretty. Darren loved the elongated bedhead and said the colours were on trend. Shyanna and Neale loved the floral wallpaper, with Neale saying it created a sense of romance. Shaynna was disappointed they’d left the top half of the windows uncovered (no good for sleep ins!) and Darren said the chandelier was absolutely spectacular but didn’t tie in with the rest of the room. The poor paintwork on the ceiling did not go unnoticed either.

Darren loved the walkin robe, saying he dreamed of having a central island full of drawers for accessories. “I love love love love love it!” Neale thought it was just okay, not being a fan of exposed wardrobes.

There were mixed reactions to the en suite. Darren said the vanity and mirrors were absolutely amazing. Neale hated that they’d gone with chrome tapware over brass or black.

Our picks to buy: Holly Graham Peonies Wallpaper from Grafico, Bailey velvet bedhead by Heatherly Design Bedheads, Moselle chandelier from Beacon Lighting.

Ronnie and Georgia: 28 points and second place

The judges loved the hallway with its art and Neale said it was like being in a hotel. Shaynna said it was absolutely beautiful. Darren added: “It’s hot, I love it.” The TV which pulled out of the wall went down very well (I want one!) but the lack of powerpoints by the bed lost them points and, ultimately, the win.

Shaynna said the built in rocked her world and the en suite impressed them all with its bath, double shower and double vanity. “It’s beyond luxurious,” said Shaynna. “It’s exactly the bathroom that goes with that bedroom.”

Our picks to buy: Velvet quilt cover and pillowcases from west elm, Grace bench leather ottoman from Freedom,

Sticks and Wombat: 24 points and last place

Poor old Wombat was left to crack on alone as Sticks headed home to wait for the imminent arrival of his second child, who still hadn’t arrived when judging came around. Typical! Then their blinds were measured wrong so couldn’t go up. Lucky Jason and Sarah had plenty of time on their hands to help out…

Neale said the styling was ordinary and Shaynna said it felt a bit casual, like a guest bedroom. Darren noted that the execution was better than some of the other houses though and it was the best paintwork they’d seen so far.

Things got better in the built-in. The judges said it was elegant, glamorous, and the door handles were magic. “The boys are frustrating because they do little bits of rooms really well,” said Neale.

They loved the en suite too, especially the beam across the double shower and the long towel rail. Neale said it was a generous and well thought through room. Shaynna said they just needed to re-style the bedroom and they’d be onto a winner. Sadly, as it was, they came last!

Our picks to buy: Dylan mirror in black from Freedom, Big Ass Fan, braided jute rug from west elm.

Josh and Elyse: 28.5 and first place

Now, I get to see the photos of the rooms before the show airs and I would have bet a lot of money that these two would win, and they sure did, if only by half a point!

Darren said it was amazing, Shaynna, gorgeous. But they noted the room felt grand and massive because there was no privacy and no door, and strongly recommended they try to fix that before auction day. Shaynna loved the render, the double curtains, the colour palette and the look. Darren loved the bedhead.

Shaynna didn’t like that the lounges and seating area were all about the TV but Darren and Neale weren’t bothered!

The art  (although nice) was all wrong though, eh?!

They said the wardrobe was excellent, a great size and very functional.

When it came to the en suite they were pretty much speechless and I can see why. “It’s va va voom,” said Darren. The judges praised the tile choices and Neale said if he had to choose one bathroom to have a bath in, it would be that one. I have to agree, it’s my favourite bathroom of the series so far. It just works!

Our picks to buy: Kensington bedhead by Heatherly Design Bedheads (who else?!), black wooden beaded chandelier from Fenton and Fenton, New Hampton daybeds from Freedom, sconces from west elm.

More on The Block.

The Block

The Block challenge apartment first room reveals

We don’t have time (or the inclination, frankly) to write about all the bitching and drama, so let’s just stick to last night’s room reveals shall we?!

Kim and Chris won with their outdoor area and 28.5 points, taking $20k off their reserve. Dan and Carleen’s bathroom got them 27.5 points, second place and $15k off their reserve. Then the boys, Andy and Ben, came third with their master en suite, 26 points and $10k off their reserve. Sadly for Will and Karlie (fourth) and Julia and Sasha (last) they got nada!

What the judges said…

Andy and Ben’s master en suite


The judges, especially gadget fiend Darren, loved the voice activated features to turn on the lights and shower. Very cool. These were seen throughout the ‘house of the future’.

They loved the restored terrazzo incorporated into the room, it was a beautiful feature and Shaynna said it warmed her heart they’d used it. Darren liked the layout while Neale said it was elegant and simple, and Deco. Shaynna liked the black edge strip, which worked with the Art Deco vibe.

While the vanity was beautiful, Shaynna said it didn’t have enough storage. Darren said his cosmetics alone would fill it!

Overall, the judges thought it was very well planed with great lighting and good inclusions and was very desirable and modern.

Our pick: LEDlux Strix LED pendant

Dan and Carleen’s main bathroom


Neale gave it a real wow. Shaynna loved the way they’d used subway tiles and black grout to great effect on a budget as well as the amazing Zuster vanity from Reece “It’s the perfect piece for the room.”

Neale loved the gold wall lights and guessed (incorrectly!) that the room had been done by Will and Karlie!

Our pick: Brass wall lights

Karlie and Will’s guest bedroom


Neale said the room had a real sense of the Deco period due to the height of the ceiling, panelling and window, but the styling really let it down with the pendant lights not working.

Shaynna said the pendants, style and size aside, were way too high, the bedsides weren’t really bedsides and the chair was too small and belonged in a kid’s room.

Neale said there was so much more they could made of it and Darren said it was probably budget which had stopped them.

Our pick: Art Deco silver leaf wall art

Julia and Sasha’s kid’s room


Well this one didn’t go down too well at all and I suppose I’d have to agree that this is the least favourite room so far by my favourites Julia and Sasha. Neale said he had never seen such a miserable kid’s room and that it shouldn’t have been grey! “It needs all the help it can get.”

Shaynna loved the wallpaper and the reading area but the judges all hated the steel house frame bed, saying it was an accident waiting to happen with someone hitting their head. And while Shaynna loved the hanging chair she said this too was impractical.

Our pick: Cloud rug

Kim and Chris’s outdoor area



After seeing the magnificent concrete table and the rendered wall, the judges knew who had done this room straight away.

Darren loved the statement pendant lights saying they worked really nicely. In fact he said everything above the floor (which was marked with paint spills and footprints) was beautiful.

When they realised there was a projector too for movie nights, the judges were sold!

Our pick: Fandango pendants

More challenge apartment room reveals coming next week…

Appliances The Block

Behind the scenes: our tour of Julia and Sasha’s Block kitchen

Definitely my personal favourite of all the kitchens, I loved this video tour and chat with Julia and Sasha  by our reporter Lauren Ellis. Watch the video to find out every little detail you might be after, as well as the couple’s top design tips! I’m loving all the gold touches, especially that Oliveri sink and tap!

And as well as all the glamorous, classic details, the luxurious Gaggenau appliances (worth $110,000 no less, which they won!) are enough to impress even the most serious chef!

As Neale Whitaker said, from the kitchens he sees in magazines, this one ticks all the boxes!

Read our roundup of all Sunday night’s kitchens.

Watch our videos with Karlie and Will and Dan and Carleen.

Feeling inspired? Download the Freedom Kitchens catalogue.

Kitchens The Block

The Block week 8 room reveals: kitchens

There were some pretty stunning results in last night’s kitchen reveals with two 30 out of 30 perfect scores for both Will and Karlie and Dan and Carleen. Considering they only had a week for such an involved and large room, all the couples did amazingly well. Here are the pix, the scores and the judges’ comments. If I had to pick a favourite personally, mine would be Julia and Sasha’s. How about you?

Check back here later this afternoon for our video tours with the top scoring couples and their kitchens!

KARLIE & WILL: 30/30, joint winners

The judges could barely contain their excitement. Darren said it was gigantic, the polished concrete flooring was absolutely spectacular and the colours worked brilliantly. Shaynna said the palette was divine and worked well with the other rooms. Darren was blown away by the benchtop, beautiful tapware and the sink. Shaynna thought it was superbly planned. Darren thought you felt you stood in the space and felt totally in control of the whole apartment. Neale said it was the nerve centre of the whole apartment.


Although Neale said the bar area felt unresolved, this was about the only criticism between them. Once they got into the butler’s pantry, Shaynna got really excited. Neale went as far as saying: “this is genius” and like a separate self-contained kitchen. As it turned out, the same could be said about all the couples’ pantries. “Visually it absolutely stunning, sleek and glamorous,” said Neale, adding that black is the new white in kitchens.

Shaynna said the kitchen did justice to the building and the rest of their apartment.



Get the look:

Freedom Kitchens cabinetry and other details

Neff coffee centre

Russell Hobbs Sienna Black Diamond toaster

DAN & CARLEEN: 30/30, joint winners

It started very well with Darren saying: “wow, I love that cabinetry.” The judges said the whole space sang! Neale said it felt incredibly spacious, beautifully understated and sophisticated. Shaynna said the benchtop was so massive it needed its own postcode! Darren called it the cherry on top. Shaynna loved the light fitting, even though it wouldn’t work in many kitchens and she also thought the styling was superb. Neale loved being able to see into the butler’s pantry too.


Again, there was little to criticise, apart from the lack of drawers picked up by Darren.  Neale thought it was their best room yet and Shaynna said it was a very high end European kitchen.



Get the look:

Hensley crystal pendant

Freedom Kitchens cabinetry and other details

Morphy Richards copper colour kettle


ANDY & BEN: 29/30, second place

Considering the boys’ serious lack of funds (which will really affect them this week it seems) they did well to pull off second place! Although it was a shame they wasted their bonus point as it turns out it wouldn’t have been enough to get them a win and the $10,000 they desperately needed.

Neale said felt very modern but referenced the Deco era. Shaynna loved the different colours. Another huge benchtop and luxury butler’s pantry, and the judges were still very happy!


Shaynna said the styling let it down and she’d like to see them remove a lot of the items and keep it simple. But overall it was magnificent and the party kitchen of the block. She said even though they’d kept a fun aspect from day one, they’d got more and more sophisticated.


Get the look:

Timber door handles

Freedom Kitchens cabinetry and other details

Siemens integrated rangehood

JULIA & SASHA: 28/30, third place

I loved this kitchen and thought it was very feminine and elegant. Darren was right when he said it was pretty and that Sasha and Julia had walked the line of a really simple palette, adding all the luxury touches you’d want.

Shaynna said the lighting was exactly right but the benchtop size felt a little mean especially with the oversized cooktop. Darren hugged the fridge and was like a kid at Christmas with all the high end appliances, especially the pop-up rangehood! The steam oven was too high though and an accident waiting to happen.

Neale said compared to the kitchens he sees in magazines, this ticked all the boxes and someone was going to walk in and be blown away.




Get the look:

Solid brass handles

Gold bar stools

Freedom Kitchens cabinetry and other details

KIM & CHRIS: 24/30, last place

All the judges loved the timber breakfast bar but Shaynna was concerned about how well the stone and the timber went together because they were both heroes. Neale felt it was a little bit clumsy and didn’t have the same flow as the other kitchens. “Everything slightly clashes.” Shaynna said it felt very top heavy and she would have preferred smokey glass to the mirrored splash back.


On the plus side, they thought the layout was fantastic and very functional. Darren liked the bench space on either side and the double swing doorway into the butler’s pantry. They were all amazed at the scale of the pantry and storage wise and design wise, Darren said it was really fantastic. They all thought Kim and Chris had produced an excellent kitchen but it just didn’t move them to the same level of emotion as some of the others. Shaynna said she couldn’t see two buyers fighting over the room.


Get the look:

LED lighting system

Siemens 90cm gas cooktop

Freedom Kitchens cabinetry and other details

–Our part-time Reno Addict features writer, Channel Nine journalist Lauren Ellis, has been at The Block for us, getting a better look around all the kitchens. We’ll be sharing the video footage here all week so make sure to check back in The Block section of the site!

Bedrooms The Block

The Block week 6 room reveals: master bedrooms

I think I actually shed a tear when underdogs Kim and Chris took out the master bedroom (sorry, suite) win last night because oh my goodness, didn’t they deserve it?! It was divine! And massive. And absolutely nothing like the previous week’s confused country-style living/dining. It was amazing to see such a change and such progress. I felt so proud of them!

Chris and Kim’s winning master suite. The pictures don’t do it justice in my opinion.

So, the results were:

  • First place: Kim and Chris
  • Second place: Julia and Sasha
  • Third place: Will and Karlie
  • Fourth place: Dan and Carleen
  • Last place: Ben and Andy

And here’s what the judges had to say…

Karlie and Will

All three judges were wowed by the timber feature wall and rightly so. Wasn’t it gorgeous and so much work involved! I always love it when Darren Palmer comes out with comments like “holy moley!” He also said it showed extraordinary workmanship. Neale Whitaker agreed it was absolutely stunning and obviously the big idea they’d been working up to. “It just works.”


The black double doors also got lots of praise. Neale said: “It’s a very contemporary bedroom, I love it.”

They found the wardrobe, although it great storage plus powerpoints, a bit of a letdown, and said it felt like an afterthought.

We loved the dimmable LED pendants lights.

Dan and Carleen

Darren said the room was so calming and tranquil and Neale was in love with the original deco pendant lights (from the vault).  The judges said they’d got the balance just right; contemporary but with well thought through references to deco. There was lots of pattern but it worked because it had been subtly done.



The wardrobe however clearly lost them a lot of points when it was revealed the top section was not deep enough to hang a jacket or shirt in. The judges said it was a big letdown on functionality.

I liked this room but it didn’t wow me. The curtains were gorgeous though as were the West Elm bedsides.

Andy and Ben

Although the boys lost half of their wardrobe to their en suite, Darren said you could hardly notice and it didn’t feel any smaller. Winning!


While Neale said it had a nice, fresh feel, Shaynna was underwhelmed and said it was a bit impersonal, and a bit of a bachelor pad.  Darren agreed, although he said he could see the boys had given it a really good shot, but it needed an extra layer of luxury. And Neale said the styling was a bit off!


Things got more positive in the walk-in, where the bench seat, dressing table and shoe carousel went down a storm!

I loved the Jessica Skye Baker resin artwork! Buy similar.

Julia and Sasha

The judges loved the smart technology and the mega bedhead (me too) by Heatherly Design in this room. Neale said it felt like they’d really raised their game this week and hit it spot on. Personally, I don’t like it half as much as some of their other rooms and just felt it wasn’t very cohesive. Shaynna loved it too though, saying it was luxurious and the artwork was very clever and incredibly art deco.


Neale said the walk-in (which was amazing!) felt like an extremely high end boutique. “It’s really quite beautiful. Darren loved everything about it; the  lighting, the handles and the gloss.

I preferred the wardrobe to the room!

Kim and Chris

Well, well, well, this is where it got really good with Kim and Chris’s huge suite, which Neale said was bigger than his house (which just sold at the weekend)!

Again, I don’t think the photos do it justice.






Shaynna said “ridiculous,” Darren said “insane,” and Neale said “absolutely magnificent”. Darren was totally in love with the bed and said the furniture all tied beautifully together.

Neale said it was penthouse living and they’d found a level of luxury he didn’t think they were capable of finding. “Luxury in spades.”

Darren said it lifted the calibre of the whole apartment, he just would have loved to see a door to the bathroom.

Neale, who loved seeing old fashioned doors on the wardrobes for once, put it out there, saying: “I think this is the most glam bedroom I’ve ever seen on The Block.”

We liked the pendant lights too.

The Block

The Block week 5 room reveals: lounge/dining room

Here we go with all the pictures, judges’ comments, scoring, my thoughts and where to buy from last night’s room reveals!

Will and Karlie: last with 20.5 points


First impressions seemed to be good but the judges’ comments soon turned to criticism, mainly about the use of space and having too much in it!

Neale said he felt hemmed in and he didn’t know why they would choose to make the column bigger by cladding it with timber.

Shaynna said they’d made the room feel half as big as it was.

My thoughts? Wasn’t keen on the timber cladding or the large artwork and agreed about it being too busy but it was still a nice room. Loved the West Elm rug.


Dan and Carleen: won with 26.5 points


Lucky these two chose to use their bonus point from last week as it ended up making all the difference. Until that point (literally!) they’d been tied with Julia and Sasha, who were then pushed into second place.

Shaynna said the space felt open and twice the size of Karlie and Will’s. Neale said it had a different vibe to the rest of their apartment; quite luxe and glamorous. “They’ve taken the Deco theme and turned up the dial.”

Darren loved the feature TV wall, saying it felt like it was from a high end furniture store.


Neale said a young, design savvy buyer would appreciate what had been done and that they’d upped their styling game.

Shaynna thought the dining table and chairs were beautiful but Darren questioned why they’d picked tiles for the floor and then not used underfloor heating. In often-chilly Melbourne!

Neale concluded they’d really grown in the last few weeks and that the room felt expensive.

My thoughts? A great room but I preferred the girls’ and thought it should have won. In here, I loved the Pottery Barn gold coffee table and side table.

Ben and Andy: third with 22 points


Shaynna said the artwork real was a real signature for the boys now but Neale said they were in danger of overdoing the big artworks referencing the building’s history. Enough now!

Neale liked the feel and palette but Shaynna said the dining area and couches weren’t high end enough. Darren agreed, saying it felt like a display suite. Oh, and the couches were too far from the coffee table and the TV, too high!


Shaynna concluded the boys had come a long way and if they took advice on board it would be great. Neale said the room had enough visual interest to keep them in the game.

My thoughts? Not a patch on some of their other rooms and didn’t feel cohesive at all. Needed a much bigger rug too! I agree with Neale that the they’re in danger of overdoing the wall mural art. I hope they’ll be back on top form next week because they can do so much better!

Julia and Sasha: second with 25.5 points


Shaynna and Neale LOVED the new window and the city views. If only they knew the trouble it had caused them with Chris and Kim! The judges said it was well worth whatever they’d paid.


Darren and Shaynna were wowed by the “amazing” artwork and Neale said it looked like a magazine cover! “This is the modern take on Deco. Absolutely right. So now.”

They also loved their use of the paneling they’d last seen in challenge week.

My thoughts? IN LOVE with so much in this room! The art (buy a cheaper limited edition Megan Weston print here), the dining chairs (swoon), those blush velvet West Elm chairs! Great choices! The girls were robbed! Although I really think they need some rugs to zone the space and anchor the furniture more.


Chris and Kim: fourth with 21 points


Poor Chris and Kim came in for some criticism again this week. Neale said he didn’t know where to look because it felt like they’d thrown everything but the kitchen sink into this room.

Shaynna loved some of choices and the colour palette but said she felt like her head was going to explode.


Darren loved the fireplace but again the TV was way too high for comfortable viewing. Shaynna feared it felt like a country house; a country house interior in the penthouse, Darren  added.

My thoughts? I thought the judges were perhaps a little harsh but agreed the look was too country for a Port Melbourne penthouse. It was so cosy though! The exposed brick didn’t work here like it has in Karlie and Will’s rooms. I always feel bad for these guys because they try so hard and they’re so nice!

Take tours of all the rooms at The Block Shop


Reno Rumble week 3 reveals where kitchens & bathrooms shone

Week three and the amateur renovators produced some hits and misses once again! The standouts for me were Dane and Leanne’s kitchen and Lisa and John’s main bathroom and master bedroom. What did you think?

Here are all the pictures and judges’ comments and scores…


Lisa and John’s master bedroom


Justin said they’d come such a long way from last week and every part of the bedroom screamed well planned and comfortable. On the downside, the artwork above the bed wasn’t big enough.

Colin gave it an 8 and Justin, an 8

Get the look with this grey sheepskin

Sarah and Renee’s bedroom


]Justin loved the rug and the chevron gold headboards (until one fell off the bed during judging, revealing the shoddy workmanship behind! Oops!).

Colin gave it a 6 and Justin, a 7

Scott and Nadia’s bedroom


Justin was concerned about the position of the desk and Colin said the shelving was bare and the room was lacking a layer and personality. Justin also said it needed layering further and it lacked design and feel good factor.

Colin and Justin both gave it a 5

Lisa and John’s main bathroom


This one certainly made an impression! Colin said it looked like suddenly someone was serious about the competition. “Come on!” Colin said it was so of the moment, very contemporary and restful, beautiful design, well executed, perfection! Justin said it wouldn’t look out of place on the pages of a glossy magazine.

Colin gave it a 10 and Justin, a 9

Get the timber vanity cover

Sarah and Renee’s living room


Colin loved the extra ceiling height and skylights. Justin liked the overall feel and atmosphere but the laser cut paneling let it down with its rough, saw-cut edges!

Colin and Justin gave it 7 each

Scott and Nadia’s kitchen



Colin said the kitchen had it all. Justin said teal made him squeal. In a good way! He loved the way the colour scheme worked with the living room. But 13 chairs around the dining table and kitchen island were way too many! Otherwise, he thought it was very professional.

Colin and Justin both gave it an 8.

Buy the dining chairs

The blue house got 88 points in total, winning.


Dane and Leanne’s master bedroom


Justin said there was lots of nice elements in the room but they didn’t work together. He said it had been put together like a crazy dyslexic jigsaw puzzle?

Colin  and Justin both gave it 6

Buy the butterfly art

Hayley and Jim’s bedroom


Justin really like the mural but Colin said it was very dominant and lonely. While the mural was great, the rest of the room was devoid of personality and it needed Tara’s guitars on the wall!

Colin  and Justin both gave it 6

Hayley and Jim’s bathroom


Justin said it had a sense of theatre, purpose and joy. Colin didn’t love the colours and said it felt a bit dowdy. Justin said it was still well thought through and felt like a sumptuous spa.

Colin gave it a 7 and Justin, an 8

Get the look with this marble toothbrush holder

Dane and Leanne’s guest bedroom


Colin thought it was simple but elegant and Justin said it felt like a cosy, great little space.

Colin and Justin gave it 8 each

Get the look with this flamingo art

Dane and Leanne’s kitchen


Get the look with these black wire dining chairs


Colin said a lot of work had gone into it and it sang to him! Justin said they nailed it and loved the combination of the grey Caesarstone with the black cabinetry and three gorgeous pendant lights.

Colin gave it 9 and Justin, 10

Get the look with this dreamcatcher print

Hayley and Jim’s living room


Justin said while he loved brown leather sofas, having two of them paired with a hard edged coffee table and metal chair felt overpowering. And he pointed out the sofas were so low because they hadn’t realised they hadn’t put the legs on! And all that trouble cutting down the coffee table to size was unnecessary! Colin said it lacked continuity and had suffered because the kitchen was so brilliant. Ouch!

Colin  and Justin both gave it 6

Buy the cowhide rug

The house got a total of 86 which saw lowest scorers Hayley and Jim sent home.

Next week: semi finals already!

Tune in tomorrow for a closer look at this week’s impressive kitchen in our video interviews.


(The all new) Reno Rumble: week 1 room reveals

There was a lot of last minute panic, there were tears and of course bitching, but the results of last night’s first Reno Rumble reveals were nothing short of impressive for two teams of amateurs. Two entire homes in Melbourne were transformed in just one week. Wow. And the fact they were for deserving couples definitely added to the enjoyment of the show. One belonged to cancer survivor Sarah and the other to her best friend, Maddy, who raised huge amounts of money to find her treatment. Sarah is now in remission.

It was refreshing to see the teams renovating real, modest homes rather than exclusive apartments. New judges Colin and Justin delivering their verdicts in person was both entertaining and actually useful. Where they didn’t like what had been done they said why and could suggest what they should have done instead. I’m sure this can only lead to the contestants, and the viewing public, learning more from this newly tweaked show. Reno Rumble’s been renovated and I like it!

There was drama and inter-team bitching of course, but we don’t have time to repeat all that when there are so many rooms to look at!

So here’s what the teams did and how they scored, plus our picks of what to buy.

BLUE TEAM: Maddy and David’s home

Exterior and hallway: team effort

Reno Rumble S2

Reno Rumble S2

While Colin and Justin loved the exposed brickwork they thought the painted finish on the MDF barn-style doors let it down.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 7

Scott and Nadia’s master bedroom 

Our pick: White quilt cover set

Reno Rumble S2

Colin was expecting something more masterful and labelled it less of a reno rumble and more of a reno mumble. He added that it lacked a layer of luxury. Justin said the small floor floor area and high ceilings felt disproportionate, certainly not helped by hanging a tall, thin mirror vertically above the bed!

The hydraulic pop-up TV they were so proud of didn’t go down well either! Colin said it sounded great in theory but in practice it was a rickety old thing! Justin was a little kinder, saying  overall it was a really lovely room.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 7

Lisa and John’s guest bedroom

Our pick: Quilted cushion

Reno Rumble S2

Justin said they’d been really clever with the built-in storage either side of bed and it was a good mix of closed and open storage. Colin said the bed was well dressed but the lack of a rug took away from the feeling of luxury.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7

Scott and Nadia’s bathroom

Reno Rumble S2

Justin really like the brickwork and the long subway tile but neither of them were fans of the “weird modesty wall” around toilet. “It’s not a huge room and it’s working working against the space,” Justin said.

Colin loved how the skylights flooded the room with natural light and the double, wall-mounted vanity. The frameless shower felt modern and larger, but he hated the way they’d created “the largest cistern concealer in Australia!” which was unnecessary!

SCORES: Justin: 6, Colin: 5.

Reno Rumble S2

Sarah and Renee’s kitchen/dining 

Our pick: Black marble serving board


Colin said the kitchen was miraculous and the standard of work in a short period of time was amazing.

Justin said it would be hard not to like it but wished the fridge had been integrated.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7.



Judged separately, Justin said the girls really let the side down with dining and the too-small table.

SCORES: Colin: 5, Justin: 4.

Lisa and John’s living room

Our pick: Electric skylight

Reno Rumble S2

They both loved the light and the integrated TV. Justin said the rug was much too small (an “Elastoplast on the belly of a whale” to be specific!).

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7.

The blue team’s final overall house score was 88, coming last. As the lowest scoring pair on the lowest scoring team, Sarah and Renee escaped being sent home this week when Scotty revealed there would be no elimination. There definitely will be next week though!

RED TEAM: Sarah and Gavin’s home

Exterior and hallway: team effort



Colin said what had been the creepy house on the street had been totally turned around and had its fortunes changed. Justin said it now felt as if it had a bit of architectural presence.

In the hallway, Justin loved all the light and Colin said it had a new house feel but they had kept some traditional touches.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 8.

Hayley and Jim’s master bedroom 

Our pick: Antique fob mirror, get the look: geometric art print


Justin said it was a real sanctuary and Colin said while the colour scheme was gentle, the bed felt a bit teenage and the windows could have done with something more. It was only half good.

SCORES: Colin:5, Justin: 5.

Leanne and Dane’s guest room

Get the look: Tibetan wool cushion, marble side table


Justin much preferred it to the master bedroom before with its layers and quirky, mismatched bedsides. Colin loved how the timber warmed it up and the texture on the bed. Justin said the chandelier light was like something out of Game of Thrones, was far too high and should be over a dining table!

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin 6.

Steve and Holly’s study

Our pick: Floating timber shelf


Justin said they played it far too safe and it felt like a pale painted room with some office furniture. He needed to see more drama and layers. Colin said: “must try harder.”

SCORES: Justin: 4, Colin: 5.

Holly and Steve’s bathroom


This one went down well! Justin said it had been a massive amount of work, was really well appointed, gorgeous and joyous. He couldn’t believe the same couple were responsible for the boring study! Colin said everything felt really considered and it had a layer of design and sophistication as well as a  sense of tranquility.


SCORES: Colin: 8, Justin: 8.

Leanne and Dane’s kitchen

Our pick: Ledlux ribbon lights


Justin said it was well planned but there should have been three pendant lights, not two. Colin said it was really well executed and felt cavernous.

SCORES: Justin: 7, Colin: 8.

Hayley and Jim’s living/dining

Let the look: Coffee table


Justin had issues with the visible TV wall-mounting bracket and cables which could have been hidden, but overall, they both liked the space.

SCORES: Justin: 6, Colin: 8.

The red team’s overall house score was 91, coming first. As the captains of the winning team, Dane and Leanne have immunity next week. Considering their popularity (or not) with their team mates, this should be interesting!


So, what did you all make of the new format and judges? Please share your comments below!

Get a closer look at both teams’ kitchens in our video tour this afternoon.

House Tours The Block

The week 11 challenge apartment final Block room reveals

Can it have really been the last lot of room reveals of the series?! I feel like it’s gone really quickly! What about you? Have you enjoyed this season?

Last night, the judges scored the contestants’ challenge apartment efforts and once again, with a different room each, I think it made for more interesting viewing than when they’re all doing the same rooms, although it’s much harder to compare apples with pears, as they say!

It was a great night for favourites Shay and Dean, who got a full marks 30 for their living room, which was indeed beautiful. Whitney and Andy got just half a point less, 29.5, for their dining. It was a very close call all round with Suzi and Vonni taking third place and 29 points for their bedroom, Luke and Ebony 28 for their kitchen and Caro and Kingi 27 for their home office, powder room and laundry (surely the toughest gig?). I felt like all the scores were a bit on the generous side but maybe the judges wanted to go out on a positive note!

Suzi & Vonni’s bedroom

suzi vonni 1

suzi vonni 2

Neale loved the timber walls and Darren, still not knowing whose room it was, said they’d finally worked out how to do bedrooms. Although while Shaynna and Neale loved the cushions on the bed and the styling with a tray of breakfast at the end of it, Darren thought there were too many cushions and the tray arrangement was a little twee. I have to agree with Darren on that one! On spotting the pine cones, Darren was sure it was Suzi and Vonni’s room!

Neale said if it was indeed the girls’ work, he had to applaud them for  their restraint and sophistication. The judges said the execution throughout was excellent and that they’d nailed it this week.

Caro & Kingi’s study, powder room and laundry

caro kingi office

caro kingi powder room

caro kingi laundry

I’m sure having to contend with this trio as well as Caro doing the budgeting for everyone was a case of drawing the seriously short straw and this pair ended up coming last. Coincidence?

Darren said the office was really fun and Neale said it was also really well thought through. Shaynna criticised the shallow desk when there was so much empty space, but at the end of the day, Neale, who wrongly guessed it might be Andy and Whitney’s, said it was a credit to whoever did it.

Once into the powder room, Neale was sure it was Caro and Kingi’s, Shaynna liked the colour palette and Neale said it was simple, functional and just right; at this final stage it was great they were still giving them new things and not recycling what they’d done before.

The laundry was less successful with Shaynna saying it didn’t connect with the powder room or study and Neale saying it felt the least interesting. Darren however complimented the sink, tap and styling.

Shay & Dean’s full marks living room

shay dean 1

shay dean 2

I really liked this room and it was definitely my favourite. Darren loved the black alcoves either side of the TV; a smart move indeed. Neale liked the gallery-styled grouping of artworks and Shaynna said it suggested confidence which made her correctly guess it was Shay and Dean.

Neale said it was the perfect rug, the perfect size, and had been put together by someone with a very very sophisticated eye and good sense of colour. Shaynna said the execution was pretty perfect and Neale added it was the best living room he’d seen this series.

Andy & Whitney’s dining room

andy whitney 1

andy whitney 2

It was a good night for compliments for Andy and Whitney, with Andy commenting afterwards it was a shame they’d hit their stride right as the competition was ending! All the judges said it was hard to believe another couple had created the space because it absolutely went with the living room and felt seamless.

Darren loved the table and chairs  and Neale, the cabinet and artworks. Neale wanted to believe it was Andy and Whitney’s, stating he couldn’t believe the couple who delivered “the worst room I’ve ever seen” at the start of the series, could deliver this.

Ebony & Luke’s kitchen 

luke ebony 1

The butler's pantry
The butler’s pantry

This kitchen and its “pantry plus” as Neale called it, got plenty of positive comments. Darren thought the amount of storage was phenomenal. Shaynna loved the light and dark coloured Silestone surfaces and the long cupboard handles.

Neale said the butler’s pantry was really special while Shaynna called it fantastic.

What did you think?

Read all our Block coverage

The grand finale is Wednesday at 7.30pm and plenty of drama is promised! Be sure to check in for Olivia’s writeup on Thursday!


House Tours The Block

The Block week 10 challenge apartment room reveals

I really enjoyed last night’s room reveals. I’d almost go as far as to say it was worth the wait until after the cricket (wow, that upset a few people, didn’t it?!). It just made for refreshing viewing to see all the contestants working on the same apartment for a change, with varying degrees of success. And I also agreed with the order the judges scored the rooms in, with Shay and Dean’s en suite an out and out winner for me too. That brass hardware and the feature herringbone tile alcove! Loved it! So much wow in a tiny space!

Shay and Dean, Caro and Kingi and Luke Ebony were the winners, getting 15, 10 and 5k respectively to either spend on their apartments or take off their reserves (to be revealed next week). Poor Suzi and Vonni and Andy and Whitney got nothing.

So, onto the judging…

Kingi and Caro: second place

caro kingi 1

These two had the massive bonus of winning a professional painter for this week in the karaoke challenge. It gave them more time to concentrate on their render feature wall and styling! Shaynna said it felt peaceful and serene. Darren liked the stepladder in the wardrobe and said there wasn’t much to pick on, save for a few exposed screws. He even described the styling of the bed as stunning. Shaynna would have preferred storage in the bedside table but let it go on account of it being a guest room. All the judges, not knowing about the challenge win, commented on the excellent paintwork!

caro kingi 2

Our pick to buy: Round leather cushion | Blue bedhead | Timber wall lights


Dean and Shay: first place

shay dean1

Gosh I loved this room, the en suite of Kingi and Caro’s bedroom. The shower with its herringbone recess, the timber vanity, brass tapware and pennyround tiles on the floor. Sigh…

Shaynna said it was beautiful, Darren loved the hardware and said the room was ‘so cool’. Neale guessed it was Shay and Dean’s work due to its luxury touches. Darren thought the tiles were expertly put together. Save for the lack of a proper towel rail, rather a double hook on the wall, the judges praised the underfloor heating, storage and lighting plan. Neale said he’d be a very happy guest staying there.

shay dean 2

Our pick to buy: Timber and brass taps | Marble soap dish | Brass spout with timber


Suzi and Vonni: last place


[contextly_sidebar id=”zi5w6hYOFyhFiIF0tElKyi9lsZT8A2vU”]Gosh, it was one disaster and setback after another for these two, so the main bathroom ended up pretty good considering! At one point it didn’t look like it would even be half finished! First the lighting was hung wrong, then the blinds didn’t fit, then they ran out of tiles. Need I go on?!

The judges were reasonably impressed though and Darren quickly realised it was the girls’ work. Neale loved the herringbone tiles, while Darren noted there was lots of storage and the general layout was very good. Shaynna thought the pendants weren’t special enough and Darren thought you could bash your head on them getting out of the bath! Shaynna was really impressed though by the shower space and its built in seat. But the fact the doors didn’t shut and other finishes, like cracked tiles, let it down. Neale was kind and said it had a good feel and broad appeal but Darren said all the little things chipped away at the feeling of glamour.


Our pick to buy: Endota Spa handwash


Ebony and Luke: third place

luke ebony 1

The siblings’ bedroom scoring certainly won the prize for most awkward! First Neale guessed the room was Whitney and Andy’s (and Whitney and Andy at their best, at that). Then Darren said they’d obviously copied Caro and Kingi’s wardrobe styling but done so with far less sophistication!

Neale liked the pendant lights but thought they were hung too high. Otherwise though, the execution was good. They would have been happy with their third place after the mixed reviews!

luke ebony 2

Our pick to buy: Copper and mint pendants


Andy and Whitney: fourth place

andy whitney 1

These two squared off an internal wall in their en suite but the judges didn’t really seem to notice! Shaynna thought the colour palette worked really well and loved the black and rose gold taps. It ticked a lot of boxes with good lighting, storage and under floor heating.

But it all went wrong when they noticed the walls and the floor didn’t meet the glass properly. Neale said it didn’t feel as high end or expensive as Shay and Dean’s en suite and had a lack of sophistication with styling that felt a bit last minute.

On the up side, Neale said the hex tile with its nod to the shape of the building, was a thoughtful choice. And Darren thought the wall and floor tiles were a great format and texture.

andy whitney 2

What did you think of last night’s rooms?

Appliances House Tours The Block

The Block’s week 7 kitchen reveals

I always love kitchen week on The Block! I’ve got to say I didn’t fall in love with any of the kitchens overall, rather I liked elements of each of them. I’m sure I’ve been much more impressed in previous series. Do you agree?

Winning by half a point were the eminently likeable Caro and Kingi with 29. Yay! Shay and Dean were clearly disappointed to have taken a gamble on swapping their floorplan and overcoming so many hurdles and not taken home the prize with 28.5. Last week’s winners Luke and Ebony continued to up their game, coming third with 27. Then it was fourth place and 25.5 for Whitney and Andy and a disappointing last place and 25 for Suzi and Vonni. Looks like Whitney and Andy being rather unhelpful to the Gold Coast girls during the week may have just worked out for them!

Kingi & Caro


Their touchscreen splashback certainly impressed with Romy Alwill (replacing Darren Palmer this week) saying she’d love one and Shaynna agreeing “that’s hot.”

When the second dishwasher and sink were revealed in the butler’s pantry, Neale declared they really had thought of everything.


Shaynna and Neale disagreed over the popup powerpoint on the benchtop, but overall it was good news, with Romy calling it the perfect modern apartment kitchen and Neale saying it felt like the hero of the apartment.

Shaynna sealed the deal, saying it was hot, sexy, sophisticated and very hard to beat. And, as it turns out, she was right, eh?!

Our pick to buy: marble pinch pots | marble serving board | touchscreen splashback

Whitney & Andy


There were positives and negatives for this one. It started well with the judges loving its fresh look and Shaynna saying it had the sophistication level they were going for in the master bedroom. Neale thought the exposed brick behind glass looked great. After that however, it all went a bit downhill.

Romy picked up the inconsistency with details, like the retro stove jarring with the other more modern appliances. Shaynna didn’t like the dead space “dancefloor” and Romy was perplexed by the dead spaces either side of the bench.


Neale agreed it was visually quite negative and felt like it was waiting for something to be installed. And Shaynna found the herb garden a bit something and nothing. Neale did conclude however that it was their strongest room to date and if they brought the others up to this standard they would do really well.

Our pick to buy: Velletri stools | pendant lights

Suzi & Vonni


These two were clearly very confident about their kitchen but ended up coming last. Their statement teppanyaki bench however got mixed reviews from the judges. Their tight budget saw them swap Christian Cole stools for replica Tolix from Aldi but nobody seemed too bothered!

First impressions were good. Shaynna loved it and said it was a great entertainer’s kitchen. She loved the idea of cooking in the centre with people sitting around. Romy agreed and said it had better proportions than the other kitchens.


Romy didn’t like the two rangehoods though and Neale started to realise he wasn’t a fan of all the black. “A lot of people will walk in and think this is an amazing kitchen, but for me it’s about the connect emotionally and I don’t want to sit in this one. It’s not warm and appealing, it’s relentlessly black. Nothing makes me feel particularly good about being in here.”

Our pick to buy: Aspar handwashcandle

Luke & Ebony


After their first win last week, things were looking up for the second chance siblings and this week brought more positive comments. Shaynna said the kitchen felt bright, light and good. Neale said the brother and sister had really hit their stride and he liked it a lot.

Romy said the detail was beautiful, giving it the soul missing in Suzi and Vonni’s kitchen.


Shaynna was “disturbed” by the sink and thought it took up valuable bench space. And nobody really got the second small sink and its disproportionately huge tap!

Neale did say thought that it was going to be the most liveable and luxurious space.

Our pick to buy: Brass flowerpot | wooden butter knife

Shay & Dean


After their huge gamble of swapping the living room and kitchen, you couldn’t help but feel bad for these two when they came second by just half a point! The view from the window was indeed a showstopper and all the judges loved it and agreed they’d made a great decision, especially when they saw the pantry they had achieved by cutting into their study space.

Shaynna called it a knockout and said the bench seating against the window was the star. Neale said it really deserved the term wow factor. “I actually really love it in this position,” Shaynna said. “People will instantly see themselves living in this space.” Neale said people were sure to fall in love with it and that the styling was superb.

shay dean 2

It wasn’t all praise though and Shaynna thought the massive dead space could have been filled with a much bigger bench. Shockingly, the storage queen also said the overhead cupboard were surplus to requirements and she would have brought the mirrored splashback up to the ceiling instead.

Our pick to buy: brass plant mister | vertical garden | large copper pitcher

Which was your favourite?








House Tours RENO ADDICT The Block

The Block room reveals week 2: guest bedroom and en suite

I loved the variety in last night’s room reveals. Whether good, bad or ugly, they were all pretty unique. There wasn’t much shock factor in the judging though, with the same couples coming first and last as last week! While Dean and Shay took home a sweet 10 grand again (got to pay for that 40 grand bathroom somehow!), poor Luke and Ebony were in fifth place yet again. I’m really feeling for the second chance siblings and really hope they can  get some confidence in their ability and personal style and take things up a notch next week. Fingers crossed.

Kingi and Caro: 26.5, 2nd place

I think these two are really likeable, don’t you? They’re doing so well and must be frustrating (if encouraging!) to be so close behind Dean and Shay and their $10,000 wins!


This pair stayed consistent with last week’s room, using a vinyl wrap on the en suite door like they did on last week’s showstopping bath tub. And there was more of Kingi’s lovely rendering on the bedroom feature wall and in the en suite vanity top, to great effect. Their raw industrial aesthetic is very obvious and they seem confident of their personal style.


The judges, as hoped, all touched the rendered wall as soon as they came in and all loved the dark, rich colour. Neale loved the bedside table and light combination and Darren said he could really see the vibe they were going for: edgy, urban and a little bit industrial. He said the bedhead was the right choice as it softened the texture of render and the tram graphic on the en suite door worked a treat. Shaynna said it was sensational and that the door handle spelled luxury and money.

Shaynna also complimented the labour and the way they had worked with angles of the room. Neale said they’d made the most of the space and it felt big. They all slammed the styling though and said the cushions were ordinary.


The en suite got positive feedback too with Shaynna noting it felt a lot bigger than it was and she loved the custom concrete top, the taps, basin and bench space. Darren said they’d squeezed more storage into the tiny bathroom than they’d seen in many main bathrooms and that it was a very successful room.

–Our pick to buy: Basic Habitat slate tray | Beacon Lighting adjustable floor lamp | Linen & Moore grey throw | Bedsides

Whitney & Andy: 18.5, 4th place

I loved the exposed whitewashed brick and the copper pendants in this room. The less said about the rest of it the better but I can’t not mention that rug?! Gah!



On entering, Neale said “wow” and Shaynna said “oooh” but not necessarily for the right reasons! Darren immediately said it was a guest bedroom because there was no way there was enough hanging space for a ‘real’ bedroom. Shaynna went so far as to say the choice to install a hanging stick rather than a wardrobe was ludicrous and while that would usually seem over the top, I have to agree! Neale said it was a big mistake and Darren said he wouldn’t try to sell the place without a wardrobe.

On the plus side, the room felt very spacious (that’ll be the lack of wardrobe!) and Shaynna liked the bulkhead all the way round, saying it showed the thought process was great. Darren liked the bedhead but said the rug was very wrong. Again, agreed! Neale said it was a very confused room. “I don’t know if I’m in an old motel or  a luxury apartment.” Shaynna went one further and called it a mishmash.


When it came to the en suite they were pleasantly surprised although the lack of doors would surely lead to flooding the first time the shower was used. Darren said it felt a little eighties.

Overall, the judges’ advice was to put this week’s rooms behind them and refocus. Owch.

–Our pick to buy: Curious Grace bedside tables | artwork | navy quilt cover set

Suzi & Vonni: 23, 3rd place

Despite all manner of tradie troubles, the Gold Coast girls finished their room as they’d hoped this week, with its polarising glass panels covered in a photographic park scene. It was a brave move which was never going to be popular with everyone! I wasn’t a fan myself but you know what, at least it was original!


First up with his view was Neale, who said the other half of the room was 10 out of 10 but the glass panels freaked him out. Shaynna said the provincial look of the room didn’t go with the glass mural at all, likening it to a corporate mural in a reception centre. Eek! She also hated the plastic timber on the wall, the carpet and the mismatched handles.


Darren however really loved all of it. “I think it’s cool, as a guest bedroom it’s interesting.” He said the girls’ apartment would definitely be the Palazzo Versace of the building!

Neale said the en suite was lacking in impact but he was relieved! Darren said it was very understated and they all loved the tapware and the layout. Darren was really surprised and disappointed about the unflattering lighting.


Shaynna, to be fair, said she enjoyed how brave this pair are but they they needed to really rein it in a bit.

–Our pick to buy: The Monocle Guide to Better Living book | studded bedhead | round black concrete tray

Luke and Ebony: 18, last place

Last place last week and last place again this week. My interview with Ebony from before the series started is now starting to make a lot of sense. Despite reining in her plans for an entire feature wall of plum coloured pressed tin (what was she thinking?!) to two small panels, it still didn’t quite work out. Ok, that’s an understatement. I felt so sad for Ebony at the end after the scores were revealed. She’s so nice!


Shaynna’s face! said it all. Darren simply said: “I don’t like it,” while Neale commented: “Pressed tin: haven’t seen that for a while!” Oh dear…


Neale said he couldn’t imagine why anyone would choose to use that material and while he loved the reading corner in the room, it didn’t go with anything else. Shaynna loved the bedside tables but I fear she may have been grasping at straws.

It didn’t get all that much better in the en suite. It started well with Shaynna praising the layout and Darren, the lighting, underfloor heating and storage. Neale loved the black tapware and said the execution was excellent.


But they all agreed the tile choices felt dated (I happened to love that floor if not the wall tiles!). Shaynna said the siblings were not bringing out their best at the moment and Neale didn’t hold back, saying he didn’t think the room would appeal to anyone.

–Our pick to buy: Oui and Non cushion covers | Hugo armchair | Single drawer black bedside table

Dean & Shay: 27.5, first place

These two lived up to their penthouse again this week, winning $10,000 for the second time in a row! It must be really hard for the other couples to keep liking them at this point, even though they do genuinely all seem quite friendly!


Despite their plan for a Megan Morton x Incy Interiors black four-poster bed bein replaced with a backup ensemble, they still killed it! Neale said it felt really fresh and Darren loved it, pointing out the bed dressing, saying it wasn’t easy and they’d got it perfect. Neale said the colour palette was beautiful; a young style delivered in grown up way.

deanshay other side

The only issue was the large (tick!) wardrobe which was hard to open.


The en suite got plenty of ticks too, for the storage, spacious feeling, attention to detail and consistency with last week’s bathroom. Shaynna said they were proving they were the right couple to get the penthouse.


–Our pick to buy: Rainy Sunday flower jars | Curious Grace bedsides | Scent of Home brass candle | Lumiere Art + Co Jessa print (last two bought from Cranmore Home)


Did you agree with the judges this week? Which was your favourite?

Last week’s bathroom reveals.





House Tours The Block

The Block master reveals, ‘winegate’ and a disqualification!

Well well well, what a night of room reveals it was! Some great rooms and all very different, which impressed the judges. As Neale said: “All four have a very distinct personality and stand out for different reasons. It’s the most memorable master bedroom week I’ve experienced on The Block.”

That wasn’t all though; the results of the wine audit were in and a very smug Dee and Daz (fair enough) were shown to be NOT guilty! Then, at the end of the show, we saw Charlotte and Josh, after receiving the series’ first 30/30 from the judges, being disqualified from the scoring because they’d broken the rules by not using their Jimmy Possum bed from the recent challenge. Those bloody beds! As I keep saying on Twitter, never have I seen more of a PR fail for a brand on the show. I feel really bad for them! Couples either did their best to disguise their beds or didn’t want to use them at all. Eep!

Onto the judging…

Charlotte and Josh (30 out of 30, first place, had they not been disqualified)

The Block in Melbourne

I really liked this room and its lounge area but didn’t feel it quite warranted the perfect score it got from the judges, much preferring Dee and Daz’s overall. It was all a little too white for my liking and felt like it needed another layer or too. But not wanting to take away from the young couple’s glory, it has some great points.

“Yes, yes, yes yes!” was Shaynna’s initial reaction. Neale said the exposed beams gave a raw, contemporary quality that he loved and called it terrific.

They all loved the automated blinds and lights, especially tech-savvy Darren. Neale said it felt like Josh and Charlotte at their absolute best and they had created something like a self contained apartment or suite.

The Block in Melbourne

Shaynna closely inspected Charlotte’s paint job on the windows and was super impressed, saying they’d really worked hard. “This is their shining star, the pinnacle, what will have buyers in a bidding war.”

The massive walk-in wardrobe almost made Shaynna hyperventilate and generally went down really well, aside from the pendant light, which Darren said was a bit too Silence of the Lambs for his liking! Charlotte, born in the 90s, had never heard of the film. Bless!

The Block in Melbourne

Our pick to buy: Ingrain floating entertainment unit (by the same people who supplied their bathroom vanity last week).

Tim and Anastasia (24.5 out of 30, tying second place with Ayden and Jess)

The Block in Melbourne

I agreed with pretty much everything the judges said about this one. It was, on the face of it, a gorgeous, luxurious, cosy room.

Shaynna said it was beautiful and she loved the colours. Neale said he’s never been convinced they had confidence in their own style but this room maybe proved him wrong. He called it a gentle room with nothing in it that anyone would dislike, with a colour palette just enough to keep it modern.

Darren, perhaps diplomatically, said it was appropriate and saleable but didn’t seem overly excited and was intrigued that they hadn’t carried on the grasscloth wallpaper theme. He was concerned it was too similar to their first bedroom.

The Block in Melbourne

Shaynna kept it real though, pointing out that the curtains, while beautiful, needed channelling into ceiling and that the artwork above the bed too heavy (I totally agree, especially with those black frames).

The two-way doors to the walk-in were praised by all three as being clever. But while it was a good use of space and cabinetry, Neale said it felt a bit too much like a shop and he wasn’t sure about laminate, finding it grey and depressing. “It doesn’t feel luxurious. I’m underwhelmed.”

The Block in Melbourne

Darren also spotted a gaping hole near the window. Oops.

Ayden and Jess (24.5 out of 30, joint second with Tim & Anastasia)

The Block in Melbourne

This room drew mixed comments from the judges, with Neale being a bigger fan than the others. He said they were getting bolder with each passing week. Shaynna said it was like a younger version of Tim and Anastasia’s apartment.

Darren wasn’t exactly doing cartwheels and said he didn’t love it and it felt like a great second bedroom, not a master. He went one further to say it seemed “kind of juvenile” and unsophisticated. I totally agreed that the drum bedsides with no storage weren’t right. And I also agreed with him wanting to throw the artwork above the bed out the window. It looked too cheap and generic. top marks for personality, texture and layering though, I’d say!


Darren loved the wardrobe however, saying it dragged (interesting choice of word!) the bedroom up a level! I’m starting to see what he meant in our recent interview when he said he was going to be less Mr Nice Guy this series and more “cranky Daz”!


Neale finished off on some nice positives though, saying they’d got over their initial fears and misgivings and he wouldn’t change a thing.

Dee and Darren (27 out of 30 and first place after Charlotte and Josh’s disqualification)


Pow! This really was on another level to the others and I’m not sure why they scored less than Charlotte and Josh. So, at the end of the day, in my opinion, the most deserving couple won the 10 grand. The dark , moody grasscloth, the grand but contemporary four-poster, the perfect styling. Dodgy finishes aside, it was a cracker!

The Block in Melbourne

Darren was pretty much dancing around and trying to hang off the bed, he was so excited! “Woah, I love it! This is my all time favourite colour of grasscloth.” He loved the scale of the bed too.

Neale simply said: “Nailed it.” He added that it walked the line between really contemporary and classic, which is what Dee and Darren do again and again, and that it was finessed to a different level. Shaynna agreed it was gorgeous and felt like it enveloped you.

The Block in Melbourne

First impressions of the robe were great, with Darren loving the LED lighting and Neale, the choice of pendant light. They all noted a few finishing issues though, with Neale saying it was a little rough around the edges. Shaynna said the lack of blockout blinds and privacy were letting down a near perfect room.

Our pick to buy: Hale Mercantile Co doona cover and pillowcases.

With kitchen week now upon us, I’m excited! Which was your favourite this week? Did Charlotte and Josh deserve a perfect 30? Was their disqualification too harsh?

House Tours The Block

Josh & Charlotte win last night’s Block living/dining reveals

I’ve got to say, they were all pretty impressive room reveals last night, don’t you think? There was a fair amount of controversy though with changes to architect’s plans, and Dee and Darren not presenting finished rooms. I was really happy for Charlotte and Josh to win though as they definitely needed a cash injection! I much preferred this week’s reveals to last week’s. I just couldn’t get excited about those utilitarian rooms! Give me soft furnishings any day!

Onto the judging…

Charlotte & Josh: WINNERS for the first time!

The Block in Melbourne

It was a great first impression in the dining room with the smell of the real timber floor and the leather. Darren said the floor gave an extra level of rarity. Neale said it had a beautiful sense of simplicity. Shaynna said the dining room isn’t dead and this could be used for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They all loved the dining chairs and when Neale took a seat he said it passed his dinner party test (i.e. was comfortable!).  Eagle eye Darren was first to spot the dodgy paintwork but none of the judges could let it slide. Overall, they thought the dining room was great though; understated but luxurious.

The Block in Melbourne

In the living room, they loved the easy-to-use automation from the iPad and the movie mode and surround sound in particular. Neale said the room lacked a bit of personality though. While he liked the furniture he felt it needed another layer. Darren said it was missing a wow factor but Shaynna disagreed. She loved the simplicity and harmony. She loved the zen, sanctuary feel. Neale was still just slightly underwhelmed though. Ultimately, all three loved it but wanted a little bit more to push it to the next level.


Our pick to buy: Dining table.

Tim & Anastasia: third place.


The Block in Melbourne

That bulkhead for the air con did NOT go down well in the dining room. Neale said the room felt small and wrong. Shaynna wanted to walk out straight away, Neale didn’t want to be there. Darren said it needed a big mirror. Neale loved the brass pendants and said he’d take them with him. But without them, he said the rest felt a little generic. Shaynna didn’t like the fabric chairs or the styling. Neale said they were working with a style that wasn’t their own. Ouch!

Onto the living room and Neale said it also looked like a showroom and lacked soul. He said the matching art was a mistake. Shaynna said it made Megan Weston’s work, which she loves, look pedestrian. She also spotted that there was nowhere for the DVD player etc and there’d be wires everywhere. She sad she couldn’t picture how you’d actually live in and use the room. Darren didn’t like the pink in the art, cushions and curtains and said it needed another colour to break it all up. Shaynna said it was too matchy-matchy with everything in pairs (like Noah’s ark, said Neale!).

Our pick to buy: Prism credenza.

Ayden & Jess: second place.

The Block in Melbourne

Neale liked the dining room and thought it worked beautifully. Darren said the chairs perfectly complemented the table. Shaynna said it had a lot of character in a simple way and Neale loved the pendants. Shaynna loved the LED ceiling treatment. Neale said it felt very well finessed and gelled together well. Shaynna and Neale said time would tell if moving the plans around had been a good call. Darren said he was crossing his fingers!

The Block in Melbourne

Onto the living room, Neale and Shaynna loved the light. Shaynna thought there was far too much going on and it made the room feel smaller. Neale agreed it needed to lose a few elements. Darren was relieved there was no couch facing the TV and said it was a more friendly, conversational layout than the one Jess originally planned. He would have preferred a lounge room flowing onto the terrace though. Neale agreed, you change the architect’s plans at your peril. Much as he liked what they’d done, he thinks it would have been better with a different room layout.

Our pick to buy: Mark Tuckey zinc dining table.

Dee & Daz: Last place.


Shaynna was first to criticise their decision to change the plans around. They all agreed the kitchen should have stayed where it was. Darren said it was a very avoidable issue and the architect knew best. The more they saw, the more unimpressed they were.  Shaynna said nobody needed a kitchen that big and Neale called it a total tragedy, because what had been delivered was beautiful. Shaynna said the couple thought they knew better and Neale agreed, saying they were now falling on their own sword. On the plus side, Shaynna said the artwork, furniture and styling were perfect.

The Block in Melbourne

In the lounge room, Darren loved the floorboards and the fireplace. Neale said it was exactly what he expected to see and he loved it, that the minimalism was clever. Shaynna said the styling was great but would have liked a window treatment. Neale said it appealed to a certain type of buyer that liked simple sophistication. He wasn’t convinced they’d made the right choices and thought Dee had been hotheaded and thought she knew better than the architect. Shaynna concluded she wasn’t wowed and the apartment didn’t currently comply with building codes. The judges hoped it was all part of a master plan that would work in the future.

Our pick to buy: Photographic prints by Trevor Mein and Susan Knight from Otomys.

So, did you agree with the judges?

Next week: en suites!

House Tours The Block

Last night’s Block living room reveals

Last night’s was an altogether calmer episode of The Block and we got to the room reveal action quickly, which is always good! The poor remaining contestants were so worn out, they tried to get away with sitting down for judging but Scotty was having none of it! Luke and Ebony reckon they’d only had about six hours’ sleep in more than 50 hours. Ouch. Onto the judging…

Tim and Anastasia. Came 4th and stayed in by the skin of their teeth.


Shaynna Blaze, who was absent from last week’s judging, said it was beautiful, a knockout and an incredible start. Seriously, will the judges stop being so damn nice?! Neale Whitaker was wowed at what had been achieved in 48 hours and both judges said the attention to detail was great. Neale said we’d never seen anything like this in an elimination round and it felt really lovely.


There was criticism though: using a nest of occasional tables as the main coffee table, a wonky pelmet and no TV. The paper pendant light was a hit but Shaynna said there wasn’t enough lighting for the evening overall.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Kooper pedants.

Ayden and Jess. Came 2nd.


Cabinet maker Ayden took a risk making his own table in limited time but it paid off. Neale said the couple had a great sense of fun, a bit of edge and cool. Both judges thought the styling was simple and fun. The couch was a good size, the lighting choices were spot on and it had a Miami feeling. In fact, they struggled to find anything wrong.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Meridian console mirror (so handy!).

Aimee and Brooke came last and were sent home.


I really liked this ditsy pair last week, but this week found them a bit too cocky and didn’t like the snide comments they made about Ebony and Luke’s pink wall. Neale said their look was consistent with last week’s bedroom and he liked the couch and artwork. Shaynna had a good first impression but on closer inspection thought the furniture’s proportions were all wrong with the too-chunky entertainment unit and too-small lounge. I’d have to agree.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Solid oak round coffee table (similar to theirs).

Ebony and Luke. Came 3rd.


This brother and sister are growing on me all the time. They just seem like decent people who aren’t too full of themselves, even though they do seem to have a really good idea and more of a clue than some of the others. They came fourth last time so this was an improvement! Their calamine lotion pink wall was a risky move but personally I loved the overall look and how it worked with the Katie McKinnon art (which they also used in their bedroom).  Shaynna said it was a very dividing colour but they more than pulled it off. Neale added: “The return of pink. Wow.” There were tiny criticisms like a few drips of paint on the wall and the underneath of the pelmet being unfinished.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Katie McKinnon artwork (of course!).

Charlotte and Josh. Came 1st, second reveal in a row!


Again, another risk that paid off, these two decided to exposed their brick wall. Even though it was a weird mustard colour, they recovered from it by painting it white and still making a real impact. You know Neale really likes something when you see a big grin rather than his more usual half-smile and this is what we saw last night. “Wow. Unbelievable. Stunning,” he said. I think we knew they were going to win! Shaynna said it was a whole different look to the other rooms and  Neale agreed they’d taken a box of a room and given it soul, a “stroke of genius”. I didn’t like their artwork or the rug at an angle, which of course Shaynna couldn’t go past either!

OUR PICK TO BUY: Bone inlay coffee table.

So, what did you think? Love or hate the pink wall? Agree with the cousins going home? Who is your favourite couple at this early stage?