Design Designers Home Office Interiors Addict Living Room

A designer living room inspired by Fantales lollies

Woodgrain textures and bold colour combine in this stunning living room collaboration inspired by the classic Allen’s lollies. Laminex teamed up with YSG Studio on this project, which follows on from their Fantales-inspired kitchen last year.

The living space offers a reinterpretation of the traditional living room, creating a multifunctional space that is the ultimate inspiration for the modern home.

“Larger homes might have separate rooms that can be dedicated purely for office work,” says Yasmine Ghoniem, principal of YSG Studio. “But where space is at a premium, the challenge is how can we use each space in multiple ways? Everything you put in has to be really well considered.”

Laminex woodgrain joinery in Danish Walnut and Milkwood is teamed with a contrasting wave of soft Porcelain Blush. “You walk from this quite cocoon-like experience of the kitchen into a living space which is a lot brighter and just feels lighter,” explains Yasmine. Synonymous with YSG’s signature bold style, the living space also features bursts of daring Laminex Pillarbox red, found within the drawers, cupboards, handles, and even the coffee table.

One aspect of YSG’s design vital to the multifunctional performance of the space is the study nook. A highly practical area with ample desk space, drawer storage and shelving, the nook embodies ultimate flexibility. Featuring an operable screen system made from Laminex Danish Walnut laminate, the nook can be easily accessed through the sliding screen, which can be closed at the end of the day to conceal any office mess, and even more importantly, visually separate the work day from recreational time.

The study nook also features open shelving in Pillarbox, allowing the study nook to double as a display area for books and personal objects. Even when the screen is closed, its partial transparency creates a sense of visual interest and depth. This functional versatility allows for optimal personalisation.

Perhaps the most explicitly decorative element in the interior of the Fantales Living Space is the front surface of the tower cabinetry. Two units sit side by side, their doors featuring a captivating inlaid laminate design. Along the bottom edge, Milkwood is paired with Danish Walnut in alternating stripes of light and dark, almost like a piano keyboard. Above, sheets of Danish Walnut have been laid at angles to each other, creating a subtle geometrical pattern from the woodgrain texture.

From the woodgrain cabinetry to French-washed walls, texture is abundant. With each structural element harnessing the design flexibility of Laminex laminate, a harmonious relationship between curved and linear shapes is introduced in every corner. The screen and shelving elements are fabricated with a bullnose profile, highlighting a shapely consistency throughout the space.

“The Fantales Living Space marks a distinct change in the way we use our homes,” says Sacha Leagh-Murray, general manager sales & marketing at Laminex. “Expertly designed to be just fit for work as it is for rest and leisure, the living space is perfectly curated to suit modern living.

“Marrying Yasmine’s unique design perspective with the design flexibility of Laminex laminate, the Fantales Living Space encapsulates the notion of finding joy in the small things, emphasising vibrant details and textured finishes.”

For more on the Laminex x YSG collaboration

Bedrooms Design Kitchens Reno Products Shopping

Laminex add a whopping 17 new options in latest collection

Laminex have added 17 options to their expansive range in the new Living Pigments and Calm Character collections. They explore warm, earthy tones and rich greens that bring energy and optimism, and the subtle organic textures of stone and timber.

Wardrobe doors in charred red, Kalamata

They offer a world of possibility for those wanting to incorporate pops of organic earthy colours into their spaces, whether they be residential, commercial, or for work.

Morrocan Clay, reminiscent of the dusty North African terracotta

“With this new collection, we wanted to create a modern yet classic take on neutrals, offering a muted version of colours that had previously not been thought of as natural tones,” says Sacha Leagh-Murray, general manager at Laminex.

Pastel forest green with Hushed Pine

These include a warm, dusty red (Moroccan Clay), a dramatic blackened red (Kalamata) and a pastel forest green (Hushed Pine).

Conversely, the Calm Character range showcases two new woodgrains and eight new patterns that celebrate the textural beauty of marble, terrazzo and timber. These decors sit harmoniously with other existing materials and finishes.

Figured Limestone and Surf

The woodgrains include a cool walnut (Danish Walnut) and a worn charcoal (Shou Sugi) which emulates the glossy, cracked surface of  Japanese charred timber.

The sleek Shou Sugi

Check out the range or order a free sample

DIY Expert Tips RENO ADDICT Shopping

How to: choose the perfect flooring for every room

Sponsored by Quick-Step

Although my recent re-flooring project at home was aimed at creating consistency and flow throughout rooms, that’s not the case for everyone, as some homes require different flooring solutions for different areas.

So, here are a few things to consider when picking flooring for each room of your home.


Renovating your bathroom is a big, messy and expensive job and it’s almost guaranteed you will need (and of course want) to replace your floor. In the past, the choice was obvious: tiles. But these days, there are other options which suit this high-traffic and wet area while giving a very different look and feel. If I’ve seen one bathroom trend continue to rise, it’s the idea of this room as a sanctuary where we can enjoy a spa-like recharge at the end of the day. So we’ve become more interested in the look and feel of the bathroom as well as the many practicalities (you can’t get around the fact that not all materials mix well with water, especially when you want them to last a decade!).

So, what does a bathroom floor need to be? Waterproof, easy maintenance (hygiene is important!), good-looking, nice-feeling under bare feet and non-slip within reason. While tiles look beautiful, they are cold underfoot, so I love that there are other options out there now to avoid this on winter mornings.

Quick-Step’s best bathroom floor options: luxury click vinyl for a warm feel underfoot, and Impressive Ultra laminate (which I have in my home) with its water-repellent HydroSeal technology. When I finally renovate our bathrooms I’ll definitely have the latter at the top of my list.

Living room

Let’s face it, the living room is probably the room most visitors see in your house, so you want to make a good impression. We all tend to put a lot of effort into the look of this room and floors are a huge part of that. You also want it to feel warm and cosy (it’s amazing how much time we spend sitting on the floor despite being surrounded by comfy sofas and chairs!). It’s another high traffic area so durability is important too.

Because of the above, you may want to spend a little bit more money in here too. Timber floors are beautiful, but make sure to have one with a high quality lacquered finish (unlike many of the cheap Chinese products on the market today). The ideal is the look of an oiled floor (the softest, most natural look and feel) but with the protection of the most advanced lacquer that doesn’t compromise that.

If you have space in this often larger room, extra large boards are a great option too, like the Quick-Step Majestic Laminate.

Top tip: Did you know flooring is graded in classes? So a class 33 like Impressive Ultra is so strong it can even be used for commercial applications. A class 32 is more than enough for residential use, but do not go lower!

Quick-Step’s best living room floor options: everything from real timber to laminate and vinyl, depending on the look you’re going for. They all come with the peace of mind of at least 20-year warranties.


As a mum, I know little kids make mess. We’re talking sticky fingers, spills, “energetic” nappy changes and spilt milk! As soon as Sebastian started to crawl I became obsessed with hygiene and what he might put in his mouth! And there’s also the concerns about dust, pet hair and other allergens which can get stuck in carpets. A hardwearing, easy-to-clean (with non-toxic products) floor with a closed surface is a winner. Little ones spend a lot of time on the floor so it’s nice if it can feel warm, even though it’s not soft carpet. And I’ll say it again: easy to clean!

Quick-Step’s best nursery floor options: Luxury click vinyl, Eligna or Impressive Ultra laminates.


Kitchen floors get some serious wear and tear; back and forth from that sink to fridge to oven! A tired floor can really date and let down your kitchen, so replacing it can give this room a much-needed lift as well as taking advantage of today’s more advanced floor technology. Real timber will damage if things are dropped on it, whereas alternatives like laminate will not. They’ll also resist stains, from soy sauce and ketchup to kids’ drawing on the floor, much better.

Things get spilled and dropped and loads of feet do a lot of walking across these square metres! And if hygiene was important in the nursery, it’s really important here! And because most kitchens these days have a dishwasher, the last thing you want is a leak which sends your floor buckling out of shape and needing to be replaced. Non-water-resistant solutions like timber and cheap laminate might swell and stain. So, waterproof it is!

Impressive Ultra in classic oak beige in my own kitchen

The best thing about having a timber-look floor suitable for your kitchen is that you can have the same floor in your dining or living, creating a seamless flow in today’s increasingly open-plan homes.

Quick-Step’s best kitchen floor options: Majestic, Colonial Plus and Impressive Ultra laminate floors.

Find out more about all the Quick-Step flooring options and your local stockist.

Read why I chose Quick-Step’s Impressive Ultra for my own home.

Expert Tips Jen's reno RENO ADDICT

Why I chose Quick-Step Impressive Ultra for our new floors

Sponsored by Quick-Step

There has been a lot of interest in our new floors and as choosing which option to go with can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, I thought I’d share what we learned from the experience and how we came up with our final choice. I hope it helps others facing the same dilemma!

I always knew I wanted an engineered floor rather than solid timber for practical reasons: easy to clean and water and scratch resistant. Although I love real timber and it looks beautiful, it doesn’t mix well with water and I knew I wanted this flooring in our kitchen (and potentially our future renovated bathrooms too). I also know, with a small and boisterous child riding trikes and goodness knows what else around the house, I couldn’t be precious about our new floors so they needed to be able to cop a lot of wear (not to mention any potential dishwasher leaks, dropped drinks and toilet, well, accidents!).


The next big decision was whether to go for premium vinyl plank (which seemed to be increasingly on my radar) or quality laminate. What’s the difference you may ask? I’ll try and explain it in layman’s terms!

From a look perspective, there is not a huge difference and if you’re comparing quality examples of each, you may not find one. You’ll also find lots of design and colour options which convincingly resemble real timber. Both are easy to clean (yay!). On price, there’s not a big difference between good quality versions of both.

Laminate is typically more scratch-resistant and made from HFD or high-density fiberboard (made up of recycled hardwood, which for obvious reasons, doesn’t tend to be waterproof). Vinyl is a flexible, waterproof material. However, the new generation of quality laminate floors (like Quick-Step’s Impressive Ultra which we chose, and their latest, Majestic) come with a waterproof surface and are therefore suitable for use even in bathrooms.

Laminate is harder and noisier to walk on, but with the right underlay, you get a quieter and more cushioned feel. And you may prefer a harder feel underfoot, more like the real thing.

Impressive Ultra floors are extra durable and have a superior authentic colour, design and structure – including a super realistic bevel that mimics a genuine timber floor finish.

For me, a lot of the choice came down to aesthetics, as well as quality and brand confidence. I am across all the major flooring brands and suppliers as part of my job and had always heard great things about Quick-Step and been impressed with their innovation. I also loved the samples I saw in showrooms and was hugely reassured by the 25-year guarantee. There is no way I’m going to live in this house that long, but it’s great to know the floors are covered for that period, as well as 10 years for water resistance.

I borrowed multiple samples from the local showroom and I’d advise you to do the same as they’ll look really different under normal residential lighting and in natural light, as well as in different parts of your home. At the end of the day, the look of Impressive Ultra in Classic Oak Beige was just perfect for us. I had no hesitation in picking it, even though it is a really big decision and one you don’t want to get wrong and regret later!

On that note, all flooring is not created equal, and having had other brands’ samples in my home for comparison, I would just say that this in one area in your home where you should spend as much as you can afford. Having floors laid is a major hassle. You have to move everything and there’s a certain amount of upheaval. It’s also an investment, and you really don’t want to have to make it twice if you buy something which doesn’t wear well. And nothing gets wear and tear like floors!

We absolutely wanted something light to brighten up our home, which doesn’t have great natural light everywhere. We did consider Quick-Step’s Majestic product too, which has the same waterproof qualities and some amazing designs, but we felt the extra-long planks were just too long for some of the smaller rooms in our place.

Although you can DIY the click system, we fully admit we are not handy, and because our subfloor needed a lot of levelling, we used the professionals recommended by Floating Floors Direct in Hornsby. Owner Bill Grogan was also great for expert advice, with many years’ experience, and he helped us decide Majestic wouldn’t work for us.

We are over the moon with our floors! I mean, just look at these picture! The floors and the kitchen have changed our home so much and I’m still pinching myself it’s the same “Nanna house” to be honest! Months of trike-riding later and it’s as good as new.

If you have any other questions about choosing your floor, please write them in the comments and I’ll try and help!

For more information about Quick-Step and to find your nearest stockist.

Photography by Jacqui Turk

Jen's reno

Jen’s new floor before and after

In partnership with Latitude Financial Services

As regular readers will know, we have been doing up our “nanna house” (so named after the lady who lived here for 30 years before us and whose decor was decidedly, well, nanna!) since April. While this house was well loved and looked after, it was added to over the years, many times, and this left it with a look which was often more patchwork quilt than consistent!

The best (worst) example of this was the flooring. We had dark (red-toned) parquetry in the entry, living room and front bedroom, cork in the playroom and dining room and pine boards in the hallway and other three bedrooms. And then of course tiles in the bathrooms. Not only did it ruin the flow of the house aesthetically but it really made it clear where the first of two extensions had happened. I was desperate for the house to feel like one consistent home.

AFTER living room

BEFORE living room

I’m not against parquetry per se, it can be beautiful. And this wasn’t exactly offensive, but it had been faded by light over the years, and it was really obvious where a huge rug had been because of a change in colour. Not to mention dull patches and scratches. If we’d had the same parquetry throughout I’m sure I would have attempted to have it sanded back and re-stained lighter if possible. But as we were really only talking about a quarter of the house, and it still wouldn’t match the rest, it wasn’t really going to achieve our goal.

BEFORE Here is the worst example of the different flooring cutting our long house in two. Note the brown scotia against the yellow pine boards and the gold bar just making the two floors even more obvious!

AFTER Can you hear angels singing?!

BEFORE Dining cork floor meets kitchen pine floorboards

AFTER dining and kitchen

We carpeted three of the bedrooms (the fourth is my office and has a door to the garden so I didn’t want to carpet that) and the playroom as soon as we moved in.

So, I had to decide what kind of flooring and then which brand and colour, and it is a big decision which really affects the look of your home massively. No pressure!

Once we painted the living room, added shutters and wall-mounted shelving, new lighting and our own furniture, and replaced the doors between it and the playroom, it was one of the easiest rooms to finish. But the floor just never quite worked with everything else and really dated the room. It’s not the brightest room (the best light is in the kitchen and dining room) and the dark floor really didn’t help. We knew we needed something lighter and more modern.

Another thing that really bugged me was the lack of proper skirting in most of the house. There was a mismatch of scotias of different colours. Oh, how I longed for plain white skirting boards!

So, it was time to decide on what kind of floor, which brand and which colour; decisions not to be taken lightly. In this house, I was choosing between laminate and vinyl plank flooring. I must admit, I found the differences between the two quite confusing, and I kept hearing that the difference in quality and price wasn’t that big these days, and it was more a case of what kind of floor you wanted/needed.

Laminate flooring is a layered floor built around a watertight, glued High Density Fibre (HDF) board. Luxury vinyl flooring consists of several layers. This not only results in a waterproof floor with sound-reducing properties, it also gives your feet a very warm and soft surface to walk on.

But there is a new generation of laminate flooring that is super durable, and as a mum of a toddler who rides a trike around the house, this appealed! I landed on the Quickstep Impressive Ultra product for several reasons. The first was the look (no surprises there!) because it is so like timber, it feels like timber and it has a great matte finish (Because everyone assumes they now have to take their shoes off on our new floors, our friends have all been commenting on how nice and timber-like it feels underfoot!). I also knew the brand by reputation as high quality and I believe in doing things well and doing them once! I think this is an important point because there are much cheaper products out there but they are not going to last you. Replacing a floor is a major hassle so I don’t want to do it again in a few years. This flooring comes with a very reassuring 25-year warranty!

I liked several of the colours but I loved classic oak beige. It was perfect! Secondly, it’s waterproof, which means it can even be used in bathrooms. And it means if the dishwasher leaks, no drama! Likewise should Seb have the odd accident when we get to toilet training…

I love solid timber floors too but the durability and water resistance of this kind of laminate really made it the winner for me. It’s also cheaper than solid timber, easier to clean and less likely to scratch. And, if you’re interested, it’s compatible with underfloor heating.

I could not be more thrilled with or proud of our new floors. I keep saying I don’t need a Christmas present this year because these floors and my new kitchen have been such a dream to get finished!

Actually getting the floors in was no mean feat and it took four days because there were so many different levels in the house, caused by not only the differences between the different original floorings (which we went over the top of) but also the fact the house shifted many years ago (it’s ok, the structural engineer says it’s sound!). The hallway in particular had a quite obvious slope to it. And even in the living room, which we thought was quite level, some parts were 2.5cm lower than others! This called for a lot of Ardit levelling compound. That stuff ended up having to go everywhere and I did question my decision to not move out during the process! But we managed! After the Ardit, a Quickstep underlay went down and let me tell you, these floors are so much quieter then the old ones and feel solid underfoot.

DURING Cement city!

So, while you can click these floors together yourself, if you have a wonky house like mine or you aren’t confident, I’d recommend you call in the professional flooring experts. Your local Quickstep stockist would be able to help you. Despite the utter chaos of furniture being piled up in unaffected rooms and having to live around the install, it wasn’t actually stressful because the guys doing the job knew exactly what they were doing and had a solution for every curve ball my wonky house threw at them. And there were many!

The house looks so much fresher, brighter and lighter and the best thing about the new floors (and our new white skirting) is they’ve pulled the house together and made it feel like one cohesive whole! This was exactly what I wanted to achieve and I’m not exaggerating when I say the results have actually exceeded my expectations.

AFTER kitchen

In summary, I think laminate has come a really long way. It’s no longer the shiny-looking, cheaper option you may have known in the past. For families, its durability and water resistance are perfect and as appealing as the lower cost (compared to timber).

Next job: new doors!

For more information about Quick-Step.

All posts about Jen’s reno

More on why I chose Quick-Step Impressive Ultra.

Want to get your own reno plans happening? Speak to our partners at Latitude Financial Services about your finance options.

Considered sales finance for your reno? Find out more in this video with Jess Aloi from Latitude Financial Services and I:

After photos by Jacqui Turk


Spend on hard flooring and get a free rug to zone your space

Sponsored by Choices Flooring

I’m a huge fan of hard flooring, especially with a youngster who drops food and makes all manner of mess, and the combination of hard floor with a beautiful rug is the ideal in my book! Hard flooring is durable, easy to clean, hygienic and looks great, then you simply add a rug for an extra layer (literally) of decor, texture, colour, pattern (or all of the above) with the added bonus of being able to create zones in open plan areas, and something soft under foot when you get out of bed or to sit on in the living room.

Genero Euro in Sandpaper Oak
Genero Euro in Sandpaper Oak

The latest special offer from Choices Flooring allows you to do just this: spend $2,000 on their Plantino hard flooring (engineered timber, laminate or bamboo) or Genero Euro (luxury vinyl exclusive to Choices Flooring) ranges and get a rug of your choice for free! That will certainly help take the sting out of paying for home improvements!

Plantino Laminate in Saw Marked Oak
Plantino Laminate in Saw Marked Oak

While using the same type of flooring in your entire home is a sure fire way to make it look bigger and feel more cohesive (ripping up the daggy carpet and replacing it with laminate flooring throughout was the first thing we did when we purchased our new home recently), it’s still important to zone your different areas for different uses, especially if your home is open plan, as is increasingly the trend. Zoning defines a space and stops furniture look like it is ‘floating’. It’s an age old interiors trick that always works! A rug is key to pulling together your furniture and homewares in any room.

Watch for more on the Plantino engineered timber flooring:

From the timeless beauty of timber to the contemporary textures of bamboo, decorate from the floor up with Choices Flooring’s exclusive Plantino or Genero Collections and zone it with a free rug of your choice! With more than 100 timber, bamboo, laminate and luxury vinyl designs to select from, visit a showroom today to see which will suit you and your home.

Choices Flooring has over 140 stores across the country. They understand that purchasing flooring is a big decision based on lifestyle, budget, and individual style and that is why their in-store and online experience is second to none. They now offer digital technology in-store to help you find the floor you’ve been searching for.

Plantino Bamboo in Driftwood
Plantino Bamboo in Driftwood

Watch for more on Genero Euro luxury vinyl plank flooring:

For more information on this offer.


Get your hands on 100+ pages of FREE interior inspiration!

Sponsored by Choices Flooring

Choices Flooring’s annual Inspiring Choices magazine is now available – and it’s FREE, including delivery to your door.

IC (1)

Order your free magazine now

Australia’s leading flooring retailer wants to inspire you with expert advice (from the likes of The Block favourite Amity Dry) and aspirational imagery, whether you’re renovating, building or decorating your home. The mag’s even organised by room to make it easy for you to visualise different spaces and the impact different kinds of flooring can make in them. They’ll even forgive you for ripping out the odd page for your moodboard!


Flooring can make such an impact but it’s also a bit of a commitment and you want to make the right choice which will see you through a few years. Whether it’s family-friendly and practical, luxurious and comfortable, the healthiest choice for your child with asthma, something which can withstand dogs racing around on it or the affordable and neutral choice for a rental property, the options can sometimes seem a little overwhelming. Rather than put off making a decision yet again, this magazine is here to help inspire and guide you!

In my opinion, getting a new floor in your home or getting it painted are two of the most exciting and impactful updates for adding wow factor. Whether you’re a fan of timber, laminate, bamboo, luxury vinyl, carpet, tiles or rugs, Choices Flooring are sure to have what you’ve been searching for!


From entrances right through to the outdoors, Inspiring Choices 2016 features over 100 pages of the latest flooring trends, as well as decorating advice from your favourite interior writers and stylists, to help you discover, create and live your style.

You’ll enjoy case studies showing you which flooring real families have chosen for their homes and why. Plus advice on decorating and homewares from the writers and editors at Real Living, Australian House & Garden and homes+. There’s even floor cleaning tips!

Plantino Engineered Oak Sienna_Chez Moi Blanc

We all love a good glossy read, but if you prefer to get your inspiration online, you can download the viewa app from the App Store or Google Play to gain access to additional exciting content throughout the mag and really bring it to life.

Order your free magazine now

Choices Flooring is Australia’s leading flooring retailer, boasting over 140 stores. They understand that purchasing flooring is a big decision based on lifestyle, budget, and individual style and that’s why their in-store and online experience is second to none. Their flooring range is on trend, with the latest designs and colours and their digital technology in-store helps customers find the floor they’ve been searching for.

Appliances RENO ADDICT

Your guide to the latest laundry trends

With contestants on The Block teasing us with stylish yet functional laundries, it’s not surprising to learn that kitchens aren’t the only rooms enjoying a few tasteful remakes. The Good Guys Kitchens designer, Julie Hanover, shares the latest trends making waves in laundries.


Custom built cabinetry It is becoming increasingly popular to renovate laundries in conjunction with kitchens, and built-in cabinetry is at the top of the trend to maximise space. Using your kitchen company to also design your laundry means you’ll enjoy complementing joinery, as well as saving time and money.

Concealed storage Tall utility cupboards for ironing boards and built-in solutions like baskets and hampers mean you can enjoy a stylish and clutter-free laundry.

Fisher & Paykel 8.5kg Front Load Washer

Benchtops Gone are the days of the freestanding steel tub. Sleek Silestone benchtops dominate with their seamless built-in sinks, providing plenty of space for sorting and folding. Laminate benchtops will also do the trick (and be softer on your wallet).

Details It’s the little things that count, right? Although you don’t generally show off your laundry, you might have a reason to with the abundance of feature tiles and smooth, shiny handles on offer. Decorative and under cabinet lighting would help show off those stylish features as well as provide some much needed lighting to a generally dim room.

Appliances The main reason for the existence of your laundry is, of course, to house your washing machine and dryer. These come in many different shapes and sizes, and feature plenty of different functions, so it’s important to find the ones that best suit the needs of your household.

Samsung 8kg Heat Pump Dryer
Samsung 8kg Heat Pump Dryer

Washing machines To front load or to top load? That is the question. To save space, front loaders can be stacked on top of one another. A stacking kit can help save space not only by stacking your washer and dryer, but also by incorporating a handy pull-out shelf to hold your laundry items. With modern technology comes a hoard of available features, from steam eco washes to live Twitter streams (ok, I may have made that one up). Don’t get too carried away with all the extra features – focus on the functions that will best suit your lifestyle, such as size and water efficiency.

Dryers Dryers are expensive to run, so keep an eye on those little energy star ratings stickers when buying. The capacity of your dryer is determined by how much you want to fit in each load, with a larger drum size suiting larger households. Obviously, you don’t want anything that impedes on the functionality of the rest of your laundry, so keep in mind the space you have set aside for your dryer. If you’re not much of an ironer like me, a smaller but faster dryer will result in fewer creases (as well as a smaller energy bill).


The look and feel of timber flooring but with more durability

Here in Australia we love timber flooring! Be it for the kitchen, dining room, bedroom, lounge area or even the bathroom, timber is perfect for creating interiors right on-trend.

Formica Flooring image 2 inteirors addict

However, while wood may look and feel great, it’s not always the most cost efficient or durable option, so Formica’s eight new laminate flooring decors, in the latest colours and finishes, may just be the best option!

“Designed specifically for Australian interiors, homeowners can create modern living areas with Formica Flooring at a fraction of the price of most solid timber floors,” explains Formica marketing manager, Vivienne Rosta. “The same warmth, character and richness of traditional timber are achievable with these new, relevant colours and finishes. Formica flooring is an easy, quick and cost-effective flooring solution that can be installed by DIYers or by flooring installation professionals.”

Formica Flooring_Modena Oak interiors addict

New to the range are eight Formica Laminate flooring colours: the pure tones of Tasmanian Blackwood, Queensland Walnut and Spotted Gum reflect the natural beauty of timber, while the earthy colours of Dijon Oak, Modena Oak and Smoked Oak are perfect for creating intimate spaces and the lighter colours of Whitewashed Oak and Blackbutt will create the appearance of more space.

Available in both matt and gloss finishes, all flooring is easy to clean and maintain, a microfibre mop or appropriate laminate floor cleaner is all you need to remove stains, dust and mites.

Made in Europe and sold with a 30-year residential warranty, Formica Flooring ensures your floor will look great, year after year. For more information.

Interiors Addict

Darren Palmer’s flooring range for Carpet Court

After dishing out style and design advice as a judge on The Block All Stars and The Block Sky High last year, Darren Palmer has collaborated with Carpet Court to create his own affordable designer flooring range, Provincial Lane.

Provincial Lane heathered loop

In a first for the interior designer, his product range will include durable and hard-wearing laminate, a European vinyl plank and bamboo hard flooring, as well as luxurious 100% wool carpet from Cavalier Bremworth and the latest generation solution dyed nylon.

Darren believes the range is both on trend, affordable and retains the beauty of natural elements. “I’ve always been fascinated with the power and beauty of nature so I love to find ways to bring nature’s colours and textures indoors,” he said.

Interiors Addict

Top 10 feature wall ideas

By Kristie Castagna

There has been some debate lately about the use of ‘feature walls’ and if we should be considering treating the entire room to the feature and not just one lonely wall. A bit of a designer “go hard or go home” type attitude or what I like to call full design commitment.

Personally, as a designer I have always used features as a way of giving clients a little bit of a gentle shove into those design ideas they never thought they would have previously considered. So I am not sure I could let go of the single feature wall for my clients’ sake, as many of them, like many of you, are still to dip their toes in the wallpaper, bright colour or alternative wall covering type options.

With all that being said, I thought I would bring to you my top 10 favorite feature wall ideas:


A quick & cheap kitchen makeover with new tile & laminate paint & no need for primer

Impatient for a new kitchen but just can’t afford it right now? Check out these new tile and laminate paints for a fuss-free makeover with no need for a primer.

tile laminate paint 1

One of the easiest ways of saving on the cost of renovation is to retain existing cabinetry and splashback tiles while spending on new appliances. The latest Tile and Laminate Paint from Flood, restores the appearance of laminate or melamine cupboards to new while the same paint can bring a fresh, glossy finish to dated tiles. Unlike other paints of this kind, it requires no primer, making it faster and less expensive.