Interiors Addict

Luxury Home Design and Belle magazines see circulations leap

It has been an excellent year for many magazines in the homes category with Luxury Home Design’s circulation rising a whopping 36.7% and Belle’s by 29.4%. Well done to LHD managing editor Kate St James and Belle editor-in-chief Neale Whitaker. Who said print was dead?!

The latest Roy Morgan research also shows circulation increases for Home Beautiful (19.9%), Country Style (17.4%) House & Garden (11.9%), Real Living (3.1%) and Better Homes & Gardens (0.4%). Inside Out, which recently got a new editor, dropped 9.2% and Vogue Living dropped 18.1%.

Interiors Addict

Folded Corners: this month’s Real Living

Welcome to a new feature on Interiors Addict called Folded Corners. What is she on about now, you ask? Well, every time I buy a new magazine, I end up folding over the corners of each page I find something I want to buy. It’s an expensive business. Clearly I don’t buy all of them or I’d never have any money, but it’s a fun passtime.

So I thought why not share my favourites with you each time a new issue hits my mailbox? Today I am starting with Real Living September 2012. That’s this one:

Subscribers already have theirs but I don’t think it’s on shelves until Monday. It has a fab neon cover and a $100,ooo giveaway with some awesome prizes up for grabs. There’s also a fab feature where you can see inside the homes of some of the country’s top stylists, including belle’s interior design editor Steve Cordony. I should also mention my interior designer friend Darren Palmer has his first project in Real Living this month (page 136), and it’s a very nice one indeed!

Here’s what I’m coveting from the current issue and where you can find it online…

Page 56: Origami crease vase from Have You Met Miss Jones

… and Copa lamp from Domayne (that was a good page!)

Page 59: Faceture Tall Vase in pink from The Minimalist (whose products are scattered throughout the entire magazine!)

Page 62: Apple tree scientific botanical wall print from Vintage & Nostalgia Co. 

Page 133: Alexandra von Furstenburg “Fearless” acrylic tray from Peters of Kensington

What did you like in this issue? Will you be getting your wallet out come pay day?


Exclusive: Greg Natale meets Kelly Wearstler

What an interior designer dream! One of my favourite Australian designers Greg Natale, has just returned from a trip to LA where he met the legendary Kelly Wearstler, who I just happen to think is the coolest woman EVER.

It was a dream come true for Greg, who is a huge fan. He has been doing business with Kelly’s Melrose store for years and was keen to finally meet her in person. “She is beautiful, tiny and sweet,” he said. “She was exactly how I expected. Casual, cool, approachable and down to earth.”

Interiors Addict

Can you spot Interiors Addict in the new belle?

There are not one but two photos of Interiors Addict Jen in the latest issue of belle. Can you spot her?! It’s another stunning issue but then again, when is it ever not?

Designers Interviews

David Hicks says there’s no right or wrong in design, own what you like and be the best at it

Melbourne interior designer David Hicks is living the dream right now. Last month alone he opened an LA office and was a finalist in the Belle | Coco Republic Interior Design Awards.

Incorporating beautiful vintage pieces has always been a feature of Hicks’ work and while importing many of these from the States, one thing led to another and the company now has a permanent base there. “For the past five years our office has had a love affair with vintage furniture,” says Hicks. “We incorporate select collector quality pieces in most of our work. Due to our relationships with suppliers in the US we decided to have a member of staff on the ground there to help with sourcing. From that came a couple of projects and now an office!” It was officially launched during the Legends of the La Cienega design event which they took part in.

David, who has already been to LA twice this year, has an architect over there managing projects so the logistics are surprisingly easy and the international exposure has been fantastic. “We are suddenly seen as an international design company and are receiving some amazing job enquiries that we would probably not get if we were just based in Australia.”


Becker Minty celebrates five years of bringing us unique and beautiful homewares and fashion

Becker Minty is a not a shop, it’s a lifestyle concept, and one very much wrapped up in the personal taste of its owner. The Potts Point institution turns five this month and at a time when eCommerce is robbing many independent shops of their livelihoods, Becker Minty is bucking the trend by constantly offering something new, getting the un-gettable and providing much more than just a shopping destination.

We wanted to create a place that was more of a retail and design experience,” says founder Jason Minty. “When people walk through the front door I want them to completely leave the outside world behind and immerse themselves into our world. We are a destination store that provides an entire experience. There are products to tantalise every sense and customers are seduced by the beauty around them.”


What Steve Cordony’s loving right now…

Steve Cordony is interior design editor for belle magazine and event stylist for some of the flashiest parties in town. Right now he’s loving…

  • The Apollo restaurant and the Roosevelt bar in Sydney’s Potts Point
  • The colour mint
  • PAD Interiors in Sydney’s Waterloo and Japanese design studio Nendo
  • The trend for black, dark, sexy glamour
  • Flannelette sheets in winter
  • The smell of a burning log fire
  • Watching Revenge and Homeland on TV
  • Eating stewed rhubarb and ice cream
  • Working on getting his website up and running
  • The saying: “We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”

And he just joined Twitter. Find him here.


Interiors porn with Greg Natale

I’m a huge fan of Greg Natale‘s work, you probably all know that by now. And I’ve interviewed Greg and know him well, but I was still keen to attend his session at Coco Republic Design School, especially when I heard he’d be sharing photos of never-before-seen projects. What a treat. And I wasn’t disappointed. Friday morning was, for me, three hours of interiors porn! Loved it! Greg shared photos of some of his most beautiful work, talked about his inspiration, where he sources things, how he runs his business and what’s important in creating interiors that work.

Starting at the very beginning, Greg told he us he was “one of those freaky kids” who knew what they wanted to be from a really early age. Dressing himself and having a very strong sense of personal style from the age of 10, he spent the summer of 1986 ripping down all his parents’ seventies wallpaper. Can you imagine mini Greg doing this? I so can!


What a year for Greg Natale!

Tonight a new Belle | Coco Republic interior Designer of the Year will be crowned at the industry’s night of night’s in Sydney (I’ll be there and I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow, of course). This means current winner Greg Natale will be, so to speak, handing over his well deserved design crown.

It’s been a fantastic year for Greg who tells me he recently had one of his best months ever business wise. This year has seen him celebrate a decade of running his own practice, Greg Natale Design, collaborate with Designer Rugs and move into bigger office premises.

Greg has been a generous supporter of this blog and I’d to say a big well done on a fantastic year of beautiful design work. I’m looking forward to picking up some great advice and inspiration at his sold out session at Coco Republic Design School on Friday.

Who do you think will win designer of the year tonight? You can find a list of finalists here.

Interiors Addict

Countdown to Wednesday’s Belle Awards

What do you think of this Toorak residence by David Hicks, a finalist in the Best Residential Interior Category of the Belle | Coco Republic Interior Design Awards, being announced this week?Click on the image for a larger version.

Interiors Addict

Belle/Coco Republic Interior Design Award finalists announced

I can’t wait to attend the prestigious Belle/Coco Republic Interior Design Awards 2012 next week.

Initiated in 2011, when the top title was won by Greg Natale, the awards celebrate and acknowledge excellence, creativity, innovation and integrity and the extraordinary individuals who make the local interior design scene the envy of the world.

Belle Editor-­in-­Chief Neale Whitaker said the judges were truly inspired by this year’s entries. “‘Tough call’ is probably an understatement, but after many hours of deliberation and discussion we chose the finalists on the basis of originality, innovation, quality of execution and response to the brief.”

(Above: Port Melbourne apartment by finalist David Hicks)

Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict in Luxury Home Design

It really has been a fantastic week for press coverage and I’m so grateful. It doesn’t matter that I put magazines together for a living, seeing little ‘ole me and my passion (this blog) on the pages of my favourite magazines, that’s different. That’s not everyday, it’s quite the thrill! On Monday belle came out, with a mention of yours truly, and today Luxury Home Design magazine hit the shelves containing a full page profile. Thank you editors, for your support. Make sure you pick up copies of both!

I chose some fab homewares from Coco Republic, Dinosaur Designs, Dunlin Home and Orson & Blake to talk about.

Interiors Addict

Belle is out and Interiors Addict is in it!

The new issue of belle is in shops today and it’s a great one, not JUST because Interiors Addict gets a mention on page 28 and because it has a fab fucshia cover, but it also has the finalists of the belle Coco Republic Interior Design Awards, being announced later this month.

Interiors Addict

A great week to look forward to!

Half the reason I’ve been hibernating on the couch this weekend trying to kick my long-running cold and wisdom tooth infection is because I NEED to be better for this coming week! I’ve been invited to so many fun events and  I’m going to be on the pages of two of my favoutite mags.

Tomorrow I’m going to the Camilla show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia thanks to HP, who look after the event’s technology.

Then on Tuesday, I’m excited to be attending the launch of Ilsa Crawford’s stunning new homewares collection for Georg Jensen at an event co-hosted by Vogue Living. It can’t fail to be fabulous really, can it? Check out some of the Ilse range below…

Then on Thursday I’m off to Koskela for the launch of the book Shibori Recreated. Can’t wait. Love the Shibori girls’ work!

And then the Hong Kong Style event at Fashion Week to round it all off on Friday. The big question is, of course, what’s a girl to wear?!

And to top it all off, the new issues of belle and Luxury Home Design, both of which I’m lucky enough to be featured in (oh, the honour!) are both out this week. Make sure you pick up a copy!

Of course, I’ll be telling you all about it here and sharing photos, so come back soon.


On the eve of the new series of The Block, I speak to new judge Shaynna Blaze

Best known as the popular co-host and interior designer on Lifestyle Channel’s hit show Selling House Australia, Shaynna Blaze is joining belle magazine’s Neale Whitaker and real estate king John McGrath as the new judge on The Block. I spoke to her on the eve of the much anticipated new series, in which she’ll be adding a female perspective.
Interiors Addict

Entries closing soon for the Belle/Coco Republic Interior Design Awards!

What do you mean you haven’t entered yet?! Don’t panic! You still have three days to work on that application. Entries close this Friday 30 March.

Celebrating and rewarding excellence in Australian interior design and decoration by individuals, partnerships and design practices at residential, commercial and corporate levels, these prestigious awards are committed to supporting the creativity and innovation of the Australian interior design industry.

For more details and an entry form, email [email protected]

Interiors Addict

Steve Cordony at Coco Design School

I was so excited to attend Steve Cordony’s session at Coco Republic Design School last week and he didn’t disappoint.

Steve is interior design editor at belle magazine and responsible for the styling behind those incredible, dramatic, often fantastical photos we devour on its pages each issue. He’s also in great demand as an event stylist, working with glamorous fashion brands, on private parties and more. It’s hard to believe someone so young (28) has such a stunning portfolio of work already. He’s also an incredibly nice guy (don’t you hate it when someone you admire turns out to be well, less than nice?!)

I learned a few interesting things about Steve last week. First, when he was a kid, he used to play a game (on his own!) which he called Renovation Rescue. He’d empty a room, taking all his parents’ furniture outside, then put it all back again and rearrange it. Cue often confused parents when they got home. One two three—Naaaaaw! These days the more sophisticated grown-up Steve is very influenced by fashion and I think it’s fair to say a little bit obsessed with Tom Ford. And candles!

His session was great because not only did he share tips, tricks and shopping destinations, he also gave hands-on demos, like bringing everything from his coffee table at home and arranging it in front of us to show us how it’s done. If you’re interested the contents of a super stylist’s coffee table include a Tom Ford candle, Becker Minty bowl, framed butterfly, Tom Ford (I did warn you!) book and, interestingly, a bonsai! I reckon he’s one of the only people who could make bonsais cool, but there we go. What I liked most was how down to earth Steve was. He gave realistic, affordable suggestions of things to buy and do in our own homes.

We were also let loose (ever heard the expression kid in a candy store?) in the Coco Republic showroom where he showed us a few different ways to make a bed. I do love that practical stuff!

He also told us something about bringing out our inner stylists, starting with the stylist’s toolkit:

  • Staple gun
  •  Tape
  •  Pins
  •  Sharpies
  •  Camera
  •  Sketchbook
  •  Laptop.

Then he advises building up your database. Where to start?

  • Break it up into categories (linen, floral, events, surfaces etc)
  • Go through the address books/stockists pages of homes magazines and start Googling
  •   Jump online and search websites and design blogs
  •  Visit shops, pick the product up and really get to know it.

Some of Steve’s favourite stores are:

  • Coco Republic
  •  Becker Minty
  • The Country Trader
  • Seasonal concepts
  • Drawing Room Theory
  • Your Display Gallery
  • Mitchell Road Auction House
  • Les Interieurs
  • Rust
  • MCM House
  • Ici et La
  • Orson & Blake
  • PAD Interiors
  • Quintessential DuckeggBLUE
  • Nicholas and Alistair
  • Scout House
  • Izzi and Popo

That’s enough to whet your styling appetite for one day. I’ll be back with more tomorrow…

Find out more about Coco Republic Design School and its courses here.

Interiors Addict

Belle’s Steve Cordony at Coco Republic Design School last night

I had the best time at Steve’s session at Coco Republic Design School last night. I’ve got so much to share with you over the new few days but for now, here’s a photo of us in the Coco showroom. For those of you who don’t know, Steve is the uber talented interior design editor for belle

Here’s Steve’s top ten styling essentials:

  • flowers
  • ornaments
  • found objects
  • throws
  • cushions
  • books
  • rugs
  • candles
  • vases/bowls/ceramics.

And you can read my interview with Steve from last year here.