Kitchens Travel

The world’s tallest hotel in Dubai: The JW Marriott Marquis

dubai getaway

dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events

This Bloggerati Getaway is proudly sponsored by Dubai Tourism

Of course, in Dubai, of all places, you get used to hearing things are the biggest, best or most expensive, but I can’t deny I was excited to stay at the world’s tallest hotel accommodation (marketer’s dream that I am). From the outside, once you get far enough back to appreciate it, the two towers sparkling in the sunshine are seriously impressive. But inside is where it really gets my interiors vote.


The JW Marriott Marquis impresses on so many levels, including level 43 (indulge the pun), where I stayed, and had a water view. On arrival, after 14 hours on a plane with little sleep, my heart leapt when I saw the amazing tub. I’m a hardcore bath lover, so often disappointed with new hotels who don’t see the need for baths anymore, so I always approach the bathroom with a little trepidation! But no, this bath was one of the best and just what my aching back needed!

Nawwara restaurant
Nawwara restaurant

The room and its adjoining bathroom with separate WC (and shower perhaps big enough for three!) were all huge with plenty of floorspace and not a hint of being cramped. I had two twin beds all to myself and enjoyed the generously long desk and bathroom vanity. Room for everything! Built in plug sockets (to suit all countries’ plugs) were super useful to keep me working and everything could be controlled at the touch of a button from the tablet by my bed, from lights to ‘do not disturb’ to air con temperature. There was a great selection of TV channels and the wi-fi (20 dirhams a day) was extremely reliable.

The décor was understated and not too themed, as is the downfall of many hotels which are then quick to date. It was all about comfort, high-end finishes and plenty of space. It had everything you’d expect from a five-star hotel room including luxury Aromatherapy Associates toiletries, twice-daily housekeeping, tea and coffee-making facilities, a min bar, safe, wardrobe and fluffy bath robes. Bliss! The hotel is two years old but feels brand new.

The staff really make a difference at this place. Nothing is too much bother, everything is done with a smile, tips do not seem to be expected but are always very gratefully received, and everyone seems to know what they’re doing. It’s a slick operation leaving no room for complaint or frustration.

Tthe pool is a relaxing place for a drink or a spot of work on your laptop
Tthe pool is a relaxing place for a drink or a spot of work on your laptop

The buffet breakfast is a sight to behold. I was always seated quickly and with a smile, with no irritating wait for coffee, as can be the case in other equally busy establishments. There’s so much choice it floored me. In fact, it took me until day three to realise there was a whole separate room dedicated to bread and pastries. Amazing!

And, on the subject of food, the choices are endless so, if you don’t want to, you have no need to leave the building. There are 14 restaurants in total. As well as Kitchen 6 for breakfast each day, I sampled the food at Positano (Italian), Rang Mahal by Atul Kochhar (Indian) and Prime68 (steakhouse). All were exceptional and each a stunning and unique interior design achievement.

The view at Vault bar on levels 71 and 72 is not to be missed! More casual drinks can be taken poolside at Aqua. Without being too cliché about it, the options are endless, with Japanese, Thai and French among the other dining choices. I tried the club sandwich from the room service menu (a benchmark by which I like to judge hotels around the globe!) and it defeated me, with its generous french fries and chips, condiments and garnish. Phew! Top marks!

Loved these booths at Prime68, not your average steakhouse!
Loved these booths at Prime68, not your average steakhouse!

Before I stop raving about the food, I have one more delight to share. While we were there last week, the La Farine cafe and bakery in the hotel lobby was transformed into a walk-in gingerbread house for the festive season, where we enjoyed the latest high tea menu, featuring mince pies, stollen and mulled wine, among the usual sandwiches, scones and tiny pastries. It was delicious, exceedingly generous and such a cosy Christmas atmosphere, smelling of spices and baking! And just in case I didn’t make it obvious, the walls are covered in real gingerbread; 11,000 slabs of it to be precise! I know, I know!

It's a whole new world inside the moody Indian restaurant where I tried prawns bigger than any I've seen in Australia!
It’s a whole new world inside the moody Indian restaurant where I tried prawns bigger than any I’ve seen in Australia!

Not surprisingly, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this hotel. Having been lucky enough to stay in many 4 and 5-star hotels in Europe and America earlier this year, I can confidently say this is one of the best. In a place jam packed with luxury hotels (several of which our group visited), there’s no place for complacency in Dubai, and the JW Marriott Marquis is definitely a standout.

Disclaimer: I stayed as a guest of the hotel and did not pay for my acommodation or breakfast.

PS. You can see that bath in this bump selfie I took in the bathroom mirror…

dubai getaway

dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events

An unforgettable safari in the Dubai desert

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dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events

This Bloggerati Getaway is proudly sponsored by Dubai Tourism

You can’t go to Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower, New York without seeing The Empire State, London without seeing Buckingham Palace or Dubai without going on a desert safari, as I was lucky enough to this week. A luxury desert safari, no less. Without a doubt, this was one special experience and the highlight of our trip so far.

Photo thanks to Be A Fun Mum. Click for details.
Photo thanks to Be A Fun Mum. Click for details.

I must admit I was a little anxious, understandably, at the idea of dune bashing while pregnant, but the lovely people at Platinum Heritage agreed to take me in a slow car which would take it very easy over any bumpy bits, and they did. I was so grateful for this as I would have hated to have missed out on such a great afternoon and evening. It started with donning headscarves, then into our vintage Land Rovers (they really look the part!) for a drive around the dunes. It truly was spectacular to be out in the middle of nowhere and what seemed like nothing but sand, sky and setting sun as far as the eye could see. It was so surreal and peaceful. We even saw a gazelle! I had to keep pinching myself.

Me sitting up front. Photo thanks to Melbourne Girl. Click for details
Me sitting up front. Photo thanks to Melbourne Girl. Click for details

We stopped for a falconry display where we sat on floor cushions, drank sparking apple juice and watched the sun go down and the moon rise. Again, you have to keep asking yourself is this for real?!

Photo thanks to Learn with Play at Home. Click for details.
Photo thanks to Learn with Play at Home. Click for details.

But it wasn’t over there. We continued, after dark, to a traditional Bedouin style camp lit with torches, for dinner and camel rides. We were welcomed with a sprinkling of rose water on our hands to wash them, and aromatic Arabic coffee. I avoided the camels. They have always freaked me out. Shudder. But the others sure had fun and the photo opportunities were great!

Photo thanks to Be a Fun Mum. Click for details.
Photo thanks to Be a Fun Mum. Click for details.

We dined on all kinds of traditional food on cushions inside tents, starting with lentil soup and bread, which we had watched being made, followed by an array of entrees which would have been sufficient on their own, then all sorts of meat, curries, rice and vegetables, including a traditional camel meat dish (no, I don’t want to eat camels either, so declined!). Later, I managed to squeeze in one deep fried doughnut dipped in date syrup. Delicious!

Trying to look the part, lippie and all...
Trying to look the part, lippie and all…

There was plenty of entertainment too: henna tattoos, shisha pipes to smoke (off limits for pregnant ladies too!) and traditional dancing. It was just lovely and all we could keep saying was “how amazing is this?” And then it was back in our Land Rovers in the pitch black, then onto our coach. It’s only about 45 minutes drive from Dubai city to the desert.

This was definitely a very Dubai experience and one I will remember for many years to come. Feeling very grateful indeed!

–Being pregnant overseas makes me more aware than ever of the need to take out proper travel insurance. I also brought with me a letter from my obstetrician saying I was safe to fly as this can often be an issue with airlines. Thanks to Bupa for providing my travel insurance for this trip (make sure you are covered for obstetrics care if you’re pregnant and traveling and ask as many questions as you feel you need to) and check your airline’s rules on how many weeks pregnant you can be to fly. It is usually different if you are carrying more than one baby. Get a free worldwide adaptor kit when you get your travel insurance through Bupa before December 31 2014 using this link or by calling 1300 555 240. Conditions apply.

dubai getaway

dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events

When 21 bloggers go to Dubai…

dubai getaway

dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events

This Bloggerati Getaway is proudly sponsored by Dubai Tourism

We’ve been in Dubai for 48 hours and already we have seen so much. I knew this was a place of many contrasts but you really do have to see it for yourself. The weather is perfect mid-20s and not horridly humid and stormy like the Sydney I left behind! And it has been nice to put right some slightly skewed preconceptions I may have had.

dubai old town interiors addict

Our first day started, appropriately, with a delicious lunch at the not-for-profit Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding where their motto is ‘open doors, open minds’. We sat round on floor cushions and shared a traditional meal, complete with deep-fried dough balls and date syrup, and Arabic coffee with cardamom. So far, Dubai food is not disappointing my love for spice! It was a chance to openly ask questions about Emirati and Muslim culture. Our host Sheik Nasif welcomed us to ask questions without fear of causing offence and was keen to highlight that Arabic men are not misogynists and a little about why women (not their husbands!) choose to wear abayas. Although I think it is a small minority of uneducated or ignorant Australians who might believe all Muslims are terrorists, I do feel for this religion and culture which sometimes suffers such misunderstanding, especially in the light of recent world events. If you’re visiting Dubai, I thoroughly recommend this informative and entertaining experience. It certainly made me feel Dubai is more forward-thinking than I had thought.

The top of the Burj Khalifa. It is pretty much impossible to fit it all in one shot!
The top of the Burj Khalifa. It is pretty much impossible to fit it all in one shot!

After our lunch, we discovered the Old Town, not that there’s a huge amount of it, but it was charming nonetheless. Of course I got lost in the maze of side streets in the historic district of Bastakiya, which all looked alarmingly similar (that’s my excuse anyway!). We crowded around the windows at the gold souk and checked out colourful beaded textiles and silks and sacks upon sacks of aromatic spices (if only Australian Customs would let us bring those home!). To get home, we had to take an abra (water taxi) to cross the water. This is a normal form of public transport, not just something for tourists like us. In the evening, we had dinner at the super swish new China Grill restaurant at the impressive Westin Dubai Mina Seyahi. I’ve eaten at my fair share of fabulous Sydney restaurants and this gave them a run for their money in décor, food and service. Delicious!

dubai interiors addict

Day two was all about the flash, new and modern! We started with a trip to the top of the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa. It’s kinda tall. As in so tall you can’t really get your head around it and it’s best not to over think it as you take the 60-second elevator ride to the 142nd floor, ears popping! Great view from the top, but I personally prefer this impressive piece of architecture from the outside. It really is quite something and you can see it from everywhere it seems! Wowsers.

At the top of the Burj Khalifa with Sonia from Life Love and Hiccups blog
At the top of the Burj Khalifa with Sonia from Life Love and Hiccups blog

We spent hours (and really you could spend days) checking out The Dubai Mall (world’s largest, of course, this is Dubai!). There’s not just shops but the aquarium, indoor zoo (complete with Aussie croc), KidZania and SegaRepublic.

dubai aquarium interiors addict

My experience of Dubai so far has been great, the people friendly and my hotel (more on that in a future post) amazing. I’m having a ball!

Anyway, plenty more great experiences coming up which I’ll be sharing with you soon, including a food tour, desert safari, afternoon tea, the Jumeirah Mosque and the pearl museum. What an adventure I’m having with the baby bump!

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Appliances Travel

The $50 life-changing appliance: the Kambrook handheld garment steamer

I’m heading to Dubai next week and it reminded me I lost my trusty garment steamer on our big Europe trip. I have just ordered another because I simply cannot travel without it and it’s worth every dollar!

It’s a big statement, I know, but the Kambrook Swift Steam Garment Steamer is a bit of a life changer. OMG I am in love with it. And the good news is, it’s less than $50!

Kambrook Swift Steam Garment Steamer (KSS20)

I’ve ALWAYS wanted one of those garment steamers but they tend to be bulky and pricey. I really hate ironing. And anything laundry-related in fact. In the division of labour at our house, laundry is Damian’s domain (he may not thank me for revealing that) but that doesn’t (sadly) include ironing. Where possible, I’ll avoid it. This includes ignoring plenty of lovely clean clothes in favour of others, made more appealing by the fact they either don’t need ironing (or I can get away with it). It makes for a limited wardrobe but luckily I work from home and wear a lot of jeans.


Addict Abroad: The Molitor Paris by MGallery and THAT pool

Amazing hotel alert! I mean it this time! I spent the week reminiscing about our most recent stay in Paris, without doubt one of my favourite cities in the world. I think I have chalked up 16 trips there now (admittedly it was a lot easier when I lived in London!). Our last visit was short but very sweet. We stayed at the amazing Molitor Paris by MGallery which had just opened. This hotel is all about the pool, which you may recognise from the movie The Life of Pi. It’s also where the bikini was launched in 1946. Oh, the history and stories of this refurbished twenties beauty!



We also enjoyed a rooftop drink then dinner with our friend Marie (it pays to know a local) at the achingly cool Le Perchoir, where the menu is a surprise. Amazing. Rooftop bars are few and far between in the city and this one has amazing views. It will stay in my mind for a long time.

On the roof of Le Perchoir, Paris, with Damian
On the roof of Le Perchoir, Paris, with Damian

You can read all about the hotel in my review for Expedia.


The countdown is on to Dubai!

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dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events

This Bloggerati Getaway is proudly sponsored by Dubai Tourism

With a week to go until I head to Dubai with 20 other bloggers, I’m getting pretty damn excited but I’m also as woefully unprepared as ever. You’d think, after spending six months traveling earlier in the year, I’d be a whizz at packing but no, I have something approaching a phobia when it comes to deciding what to take and fitting it all in the suitcase. I think it stems from the fear of making the wrong choices and arriving only to find I am under/over/impractically dressed for every occasion. This is, of course, a little easier in Dubai, where I believe it is important to be sensitive to the ways and customs of a largely Muslim country and dress respectfully and accordingly. No, not everyone does, but I really think you should. So for me, this means many a maxi dress to keep cool with a light shawl to cover my shoulders. And of course, plenty of statement jewels. Done! And while I know flat sandals would be sensible, I prefer a wedge heel…

Old wooden shutters Arab

Enough of my wardrobe choices! Here’s what I’m looking forward to most. While Dubai is known, more recently, for its amazing, super modern, super tall, super expensive architecture, I’m much more intrigued by The Old Town, the gold souks and the traditional food and crafts. I love spicy food so bring on the Emirati cuisine! I’m dreaming of dishes packed with saffron, turmeric and cardamon and sweets drizzled with date syrup and sprinkled with sesame seeds! On our itinerary is a meal at the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding.


Of course, my first love being interiors, checking out local examples of these will be top of my list, from the impressive accommodation at the five-star JW Marriott Marquis where I’m very excited to be staying, to the more traditional Arabian and Persian-inspired homes. There’s nothing like getting a little off the tourist track and seeing how locals really live. This fascinates me most about travel so it is always nice to meet and talk with residents, not just fellow tourists. I’ll be meeting up with an old school friend from England who has now lived in Abu Dhabi and Dubai for many years.

Interior IBN Battuta Mall store. Each hall is decorated in the style of different countries.

Much of this year’s travels with my husband were spent in Europe and the USA and although I loved every minute,  I’m ready for a culture shock in Dubai! It’s a place where you really can experience so many different things. We just got our itinerary and it is so varied and exciting, including a Sundown Desert Safari (squeal!), shopping at The Dubai Mall, penguin encounters at Ski Dubai and the Underwater Zoo & Aquarium!

I’m really looking forward to spending so much time with some of Australia’s finest bloggers too. What a unique opportunity to swap ideas, learn from each other and even just discuss the weird and wonderful world (for many of us) of blogging as an actual job! I’m sure to come home full of inspiration from Dubai and my new travel buddies!

If you’ve been to Dubai, I’d love to hear your tips and recommendations. Please share them in the comments below. Thanks!

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dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events

My stay at the Karl Lagerfeld designed Sofitel So Singapore

Right at the very end of our recent six-month trip, we were lucky enough to stay at the new Sofitel So Singapore to break our journey from London for a few nights. It is most famous for being designed, in part, by fashion legend Karl Lagerfeld.

Sofitel So Singapore - Standard room

Not only are the interiors very cool (despite the rather small size of the rooms) –a nice mix of classic and modern– there are all manner of great free inclusions like wi-fi, mini bar snacks and soft drinks and a golden (yes, you read right) rooftop pool! It’s very high-tech too with pretty much everything in the room controlled via Apple technology. I never got tired of opening the blinds from my bedside iPad!

Here’s the lobby bar, which was often full of cool young things! I loved the design.

Sofitel So Singapore (Bar at Lobby)

Read my full review and my top five places for design lovers to visit in Singapore on the Expedia blog.


Olivia tells us about her Copenhagen trip so far

As I write this, I’m sitting in Copenhagen’s cat cafe, with a real life cat on my right and some rather intricate coffee cat art on my left. So it’s safe to say I’m having a good time!

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Having now lived in Copenhagen for three full months (where did the time go?) I’ve well and truly converted to the Danish way of life. Undertaking my final semester of university here, I’ve definitely been busy! There’s been studying (or lack thereof), working for Interiors Addict (how nice is Jen for letting me work from half way across the world?!) and of course, exploring my new hometown (well until December at least). During this time, I’ve learnt a lot, about myself and this beautiful country. So I thought it’d only be fair for me to share a little of that with you!

First, there’s the bike riding, which at rush hour becomes like a formula one race! Stick to the far right or risk being flattened. Bikes are truly the kings of the Copenhagen streets and if you want to get anywhere in a timely, cost-efficient manner, they’re the go-to form of transport.

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Second, there’s the whole brunch thing. Sure we do brunch in Australia, but not to this extent. Think yoghurt, muesli, cold cuts, eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes, cheese, bread and a smoothie all in the one glorious platter! And you’re not even judged for eating this ridiculous amount of food; if anything it’s the norm.

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Third, the untranslatable word: hygge. So this word can’t really be converted to English, but for the Danes it’s everything. In essence it means creating a cosy, warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with the people you love. Cafes can be hygge, friends can be hygge, picnics can be hygge. Drinking mulled wine with blankets and oversized scarves? That can definitely be hygge! Basically, it just explains why the Danes are considered the happiest people in the world!

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Fourth, the most beautiful homewares I ever did see. You can’t comprehend the amount of times I go into homewares stores and curse the fact that I only have one suitcase with me. So many gorgeous things but no way to take them home. Woe is me! My favourite place has to be the premier centre, Illums Bolighus, a must-visit for anyone who loves Danish and Scandinavian design. Selling everything from potato peelers to statement furniture, you’ll want one of every single thing.

My local homewares store
My local homewares store!

Fifth and finally, the fact that Copenhagen’s in Europe. As much as I adore Australia, we are just so far away from everything! Since being in Copenhagen, I’ve been able to travel with such ease, be it a two-hour trip to Edinburgh, a three-hour trip to Reykjavik or this weekend’s one-hour trip to Berlin. Being so close to so many different countries, with so many different cultures and people, has made for some of the most amazing trips. I feel so unbelievably fortunate to be having this experience and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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Feeding Scottish Highland Cows (hairy coos!) in Scotland
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
In front of a geyser in Iceland

Follow Olivia’s journey on Instagram: @oliviashead.

All photography is Olivia’s own (apart from those where she’s in the photo, obviously…).

Competitions Travel

I’m off to Dubai and one of you could come too!

dubai getaway

dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events

This Bloggerati Getaway is proudly sponsored by Dubai Tourism 

Yes, you heard it right, I’m going to Dubai in early December and one of my readers, and a plus-one, could win the chance to come along for the ride. Amazing, huh?!

In Australia’s largest international social tourism campaign, myself and 20 other bloggers are partnering with Dubai Tourism to capture the excitement and diversity of Dubai. We’re all members of Bloggerati, the talent group of Australia’s largest blogging community, Nuffnang, with a combined reach of some 8 million people between us.

I’ve always been intrigued by Dubai so I’m really excited to have the opportunity to visit for the first time and share all it has to offer with my readers. I’m thinking souqs (I cut my teeth in Marrakesh earlier in the year!), Bedouin tents, camel rides in the desert, impressive shopping malls (there are almost 100 including the 12 million plus square foot Dubai Mall!), some of the world’s best hotels and exciting food (I love a bit of spice!). Despite all the glitz and glam on offer, I’m particularly looking forward to exploring Old Dubai and hoping we’ll get to go on a desert safari!

Home to over 200 nationalities, I’m sure Dubai will provide a glimpse into so many cultures and this really fascinates me. And as for architecture and interiors, there will be plenty to explore and I hope to share a variety of inspiration with you. Camera at the ready!

“Dubai Tourism is delighted to partner with Nuffnang on their annual Bloggerati Getaway, to showcase Dubai’s diverse attractions and experiences to the various audiences that their top bloggers attract. The bloggers will be visiting Dubai’s iconic attractions as well as uncovering some of the unexpected experiences Dubai offers to our region,” said  Julie King, director of Dubai Tourism Australia and New Zealand. “The Dubai Blogger Getaway will be supported by our partners The Address Hotels & Resorts – Palace Downtown Dubai, The Address Downtown Dubai, The Address Dubai Mall, and Vida Downtown Dubai, JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Dubai and Shangri-La Hotel Dubai.”

We will be leveraging the #MyDubai initiative, created by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Executive Council, who encourages residents and visitors to join him in sharing photos, videos and stories on social media and show their experiences of Dubai. The intention is to celebrate the everyday lives of the people and communities of the Emirate and show the city that is beneath the landmarks, headlines and superlatives. The Australia #MyDubai initiative will provide the opportunity to showcase and uncover some of Dubai’s hidden gems and lesser-known highlights to the Australian market.

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“This is the first time Australia has seen an international tourism board commit to an impressive blogger getaway of this size. Nuffnang is proud to be part of this industry first and our bloggers are ecstatic to be working with Dubai,” said Nuffnang managing director, Felicity Grey.


One blog reader (hopefully an Interiors Addict reader!) and their plus-one, will receive return flights from their nearest capital city, accommodation and activities in Dubai. You’ll be traveling in part with the Bloggerati group but not included in all our activities. In other words, you will have time to yourselves.


Simply answer the question “What do you dream of in Dubai?” on social media with the hashtags #NNDubaiDreams and #mydubai

In order for your entry to be valid:

  • You must use both hashtags above
  • You are allowed to upload an image, text or video
  • You must share to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
  • Your post must be publicly visible
  • In short, entries can be any format so long as they’re publicly visible on social media and contain the two hashtags.

Closes 5pm AEDST on Wednesday 12 November 2014.

More info about the competition. For full terms and conditions.

Have you been to Dubai? What MUST I see/do?

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dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events

Addict Abroad: A road trip and my love affair with Scotland

The thing about going off on your travels for a whole half a year is that you have plenty to write about your trip and it’s a great way to reminisce now we’re home! This weekend I was reliving our five-day road trip around the Scottish Highlands. Despite some of the most miserable and wet weather I’ve ever encountered, it still managed to be one of the best parts of our trip!

Scotland is just stunning. The scenery is vast, craggy, misty and just awe-inspiring. Wow. We travelled from Edinburgh through Loch Ness, Inverness and on to the Isle of Skye then back on ourselves again. There was rain, there was haggis and there were sheep. It was very Scottish.


You can read all about it (including my favourite hotel of the entire six-month trip!) and see more of our pictures on the Expedia blog.


Addict Abroad: it’s all white at the Boscolo Exedra, Nice

It’s been three weeks since we returned from our six-month trip and while I’m surrounded by boxes having moved house last week, and the reality of home and routine is kicking in (mostly in a good way!), it’s nice to reflect on some of our adventures from back in Australia. One of the most ‘designy’ hotels we stayed at in Europe was the five-star Boscolo Exedra in Nice, France. Have you been to Nice? Gosh, the water is so beautiful and blue. You see why they call it the Cote d’Azur because azure is the word for it!


The Boscolo was definitely a memorable hotel. You walk in and the first impression is pretty wow. It’s white, white and more white, with striking huge horse sculptures and more fresh flowers than you could shake a stick at. Oh, and an amazing cloud-like pendant light.

The white theme continued upstairs in our very nice room. It’s not for those who prefer a cosy vibe but on a summer’s day, it’s light, bright and breezy, and refreshingly different from other, more traditional European hotels.


Here are a few holiday snaps from our time in Nice and nearby Monaco…




Read more about the Boscolo Exedra and see more pix on the Expedia blog.



Addict Abroad: The Thompson, Chicago

We’ve been back from our trip for two weeks now and it’s good to be home, and to have moved into our own place at the weekend. But I’m still dreaming about some of the amazing hotels we were lucky enough to stay in while we were away. One of my favourites was The Thompson in Chicago. This hotel’s comfortable, luxurious, stylish decor made us not want to leave!


It’s gorgeous, don’t you agree?


Nothing about it felt like that cookie cutter kind of hotel decor. While the lobby was amazing, our room didn’t disappoint at all, showing that the same care  had been taken with the guest rooms as the communal areas.


Read my full review of the Thompson, and other posts about our trip, on the Expedia blog.


Six things I’ve learned from six months of travel

Hi readers, I’m ho-ome!

Our almost six-month travel adventure around Europe and America is over and we arrived back in Sydney yesterday (the less said about the jet lag, the better!). We have been to so many places (in no particular order): Tuscany, Rome, Milan, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris, London, Oxford, Bath, Geneva, Nice, Monaco, Marrakech, Edinburgh, Skye, Berlin, New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Vancouver and Singapore. I know we will talk about and share stories from this trip for the rest of our lives. It has been amazing, but we were more than ready to come home to reality, routine and our friends and family in Australia.

Damian and I on the Brookyln Bridge in New York
Damian and I on the Brookyln Bridge in New York

As with most travels and holidays, they give you the opportunity to take stock and put everything in perspective, so I thought I’d share a few of my key learnings from six months on the road, seeing the world while running my business!

1. I am a massive homebody. I already knew this but nothing could have prepared me for how much I would miss normality and routine and the simple pleasures of home. Top of my list now (as we move in with my excellent in-laws) is finding us a new nest. I can’t wait to have all our things around me again, to not live out of a suitcase and to only have to consider one timezone. I feel like I don’t want to travel or see an airport again for years (although I’m sure my travel bug will be back before then!). But it has made me realise that I am a simple soul, easily pleased by a lot of the little things in life. Just being in my home, with my stuff and my husband, will be amazing! Yay!

2. Although I always try to pick the ones with great design, the things I actually value most in a hotel are good WiFi, a bath and tea and coffee-making facilities! You would not believe the number of top hotels we stayed in (I know, shut up!) that didn’t have a kettle or a coffee maker in the room. This would make my blood pressure rise, even if everything else was perfect. Is it just me that can’t do anything before the first coffee of the day (therefore going out of a hotel to get it is not an option!) and needs a nice cup of tea or herbal tea last thing at night (you don’t need to know how many hot drinks happen in between but suffice to say I am English!)? And tubs! Again, largely influenced by growing up in England, I am a huge bath lover and it upsets me that so many hotels rip them out these days in favour of shower cubicles big enough for about six people! When we came across a hotel with a bath I’d be in my element, especially after the huge amount of exploring we’d do on foot each day. And I have vowed not to move into a new place unless it has a bath. Our last home didn’t have one and even though it was perfect in almost every other way, the lack of bath still pained me. Taking baths is key to my mental health!

In one of my new favourite cities: Amsterdam
In one of my new favourite cities: Amsterdam

3. Technology is brilliant! Despite the fact that for most of the 5.5-month trip I’ve been running this blog with a massive nine-hour time difference and from various hotel rooms and my aunt’s coffee table, it has all gone remarkably well. Some people didn’t even realise I’d gone! Thanks to hotel WiFi, Skype, my trusty (and now quite battered MacBook Pro) and WordPress’ scheduling function, I have been able to do almost everything I needed to on the go, juggling work with sightseeing and family and friend time. I couldn’t have done it without my trusty editorial assistant Olivia back at home on the ground in Sydney (as well as the people I outsource my ad sales and tech support to and trust implicitly). She has been a lifesaver, attending events I obviously couldn’t, writing and being an all round organised superstar. You know what though? I can’t wait to work full-time again and to not have to consider time zones! Being at my own desk is going to make me feel so much more organised and calm! The blog has continued to grow while I’ve been traveling and this is more than I could have hoped for.

With Mr Francis in Barcelona
With Mr Francis in Barcelona

4. The people in your life are the most important thing. Of course, I already knew this, but this trip just reinforced that. I feel so incredibly lucky to have friends and family who love me on both sides of the world, in the UK (where I lived until I was 26) and here in Sydney. It really is overwhelming. I left England last week with such mixed feelings of sadness to leave and happiness to be coming back to my Australian friends and in-laws, knowing I’ll return before too long.  You couldn’t really ask for more. An absolute highlight was getting my “little” sister (who is not a fan of flying) on a plane for the first time in years for a family trip to Berlin.

5. I have so much more to see in my own home country. We planned to see loads of the UK but ran out of time after spending a month in the States and taking countless side trips to Europe. Our last trip was to Scotland, where we visited Edinburgh, Inverness, Loch Ness, the Isle of Skye and a few other places in between. Exotic it was not. Sunny, it was not either! But it was beautiful and rugged and vast and I loved it! I really want to see more of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales and share that with my Aussie husband, so on future trips “home” we intend to do just that. You know what they say about not appreciating what’s on your doorstep!

6. My marriage is pretty great. Spending 5.5 months 24/7 with any one person is never going to be easy, but we managed not to kill each other. In fact, we did much better than that. What a great first year of marriage we are having. Before you know it, it will be October and our first wedding anniversary!

Thanks to everyone who has taken an interest in our trip for your kind words on Instagram in particular. I hope you have enjoyed sharing our once-in-a-lifetime adventure!

Damian and I in the middle of nowhere in Scotland. A rare moment without rain!
Damian and I in the middle of nowhere in Scotland. A rare moment without rain!

It is great to be back. I’d love to see some of you at the events I’m taking part in with Jason Grant at the new West Elm Chatswood this Saturday and West Elm Chapel Street in Melbourne, next Saturday 6 September. Please RSVP on the stores’ Facebook pages (Chatswood and Chapel Street) if you’d like to attend. Hope to see you there!

You can read some of my travel pieces and hotel reviews from the trip over on the Expedia blog.

Designers Travel

A restaurant designed to be Instagrammed!

I’m a big fan of Din Tai Fung, they are actually one of the few places that do real vegetarian dumpling soup (all you vegetarians out there will be nodding your heads in agreement. Seriously, why does Asian food always have to have a secret meat in it!?). But I digress; this post is not about Din Tai Fung’s food but rather about the interior of their latest Sydney restaurant.


Designed by the award-winning Design Clarity, the latest Central Park location draws inspiration from the restaurant’s origins of Taipei. Drawing on the simple street markets that are famous throughout Asia, the space features a theatrical display kitchen in the form of vendors’ carts, which showcases the scientific precision and culinary skills that create the edible artwork of each dumpling.

The dining space has a back lane feel, reminiscent of the tourist experience you get when you discover an unexpected food haven beyond the main strip of a foreign city. The restaurant is further brought to life through the hanging planters at the entrance (a nod to Patrick Blanc’s vertical gardens at One Central Park) graffiti-esque twisted Chinese proverbs that wrap exposed brick columns and the sporadic placement of reclaimed objects.


Chippendale’s Central Park is in the centre of Sydney’s student district, having five universities within walking distance. As a result, the design works to target a younger demographic, something that was a pivotal design choice early on. “Through interior design we are able to make Din Tai Fung’s world class food accessible and tempting to a new, younger demographic,” says Kristina Hetherington, managing director of Design Clarity.“Keeping in mind the younger generation is led by social media, the space has been designed to be highly Instagram-able with supergraphic branding and an authentic hawker street bike cart which local and international Din Tai Fung fans alike can share via their social channels.”


Din Tai Fung has attracted high praise since it was listed as one of the New York Times’ top 10 restaurants in the world in 1993. Since then, the accolades have kept coming with Michelin star status awarded and most recently being voted Good Food’s number one dumpling destination in Sydney.

Bedrooms Expert Tips Travel

8 interiors ideas to steal from hotel rooms

I’ve done a fair bit of traveling lately, as you may have noticed (I know, I know, understatement!).

We’ve been lucky enough to stay in some amazing hotels recently. Here are just a few of them.

It has got me thinking about what makes a great hotel room design and how many of these features can be replicated at home to create that hotel or sanctuary feel, or even just a touch of everyday luxury.

I’ve shared my top eight ideas to steal from hotel rooms on the Haymes Paint blog this week.


All the above hotels can be booked through Expedia.

Homewares Travel

Vancouver: the unlikely homewares shopping mecca

I absolutely loved our recent trip to Vancouver. It’s my husband’s favourite city in the world (high praise indeed) so I couldn’t wait to see what he was on about and Damian couldn’t have been keener for a return visit. Well, it’s beautiful. It really is. We had a great time. It’s such an easy place to hang out and feels so relaxed and totally different from America, where we’d spent the preceding three weeks. What I didn’t expect though, was just how many great homewares and furniture shops I would find, and the majority of them independent and just brimming with stylish and colourful finds.

The Cross Decor & Design in Yaletown
The Cross Decor & Design in Yaletown

The Cross Decor & Design in Yaletown topped my list but there were many more to tell you about.

The Cross Decor & Design in Yaletown
The Cross Decor & Design in Yaletown

Read my definitive guide to homewares shopping in Vancouver on the Expedia blog.

Here are a few more shots from our trip. We were there for my birthday, which just happens to be Canada Day, so there were fireworks and even a surprise seaplane ride courtesy of Mr Francis. Memories to treasure!

vancouver harbour

vancouver seaplane

vancouver grouse mountainThanks to reader and Vancouverite-turned-Sydneysider Donna Vercoe for her shopping tips!

Bedrooms Travel

Olivia discovers “cool” Canberra at Hotel Hotel

So, this weekend I learnt a very valuable lesson: Canberra is no longer the boring old country town I remember from my Year 6 school trip! It’s actually become (dare I say…) quite cool, with a flurry of cafes, shops and hotels having opened up that look more suited to the streets of Sydney’s Surry Hills than Australia’s capital city.


Leading Canberra into the next phase of its stylish new life is NewActon, the arts and culture precinct. Home to some of the best hotels, restaurants and bars in the city, as well as having an active arts scene thanks to festivals, exhibitions and a cinema, NewActon is a grand feat of architecture and design. It has won more awards (local and national) across architecture, property development and urban design than any other in Canberra’s history, and that’s no surprise.


But the pinnacle of New Acton has to be Hotel Hotel, which prides itself on being not just another boutique art hotel, but an ‘intense collaboration of 56 (and counting) artists, designers, and makers’. Having visited just last weekend, I can honestly say that it is wonderful! The detail is superb, from the grand staircase made from salvaged local timber, all the way down to the glassware and ceramics, absolutely everything in this hotel is carefully considered. Walking around you’re in a constant state of awe and that’s before you’ve even hit the bedrooms and bathrooms. And my my when you do, get ready to be amazed!



I stayed in The Meandering Room, their most spacious, but with four room sizes, plus multiple types of apartments, there’s plenty of choice. My room was on the first floor and only had the one smallish window that looked into an internal atrium populated with ferns from a Tasmanian forest destined for clearance (they’re big on sustainability). While the lack of light would have normally been something that would have annoyed me, this time it didn’t, with the raw materiality of the room: the clay rendered walls, natural fibre wallpaper and salvaged oak beds actually making it feel cosy and warm.



The rooms, which have all been furnished in their own unique way, are filled with salvaged and re-upholstered mid-twentieth century furniture, one-off designs made by local artisans and curious and beautiful objects collected over ten years. However, it is the bathrooms that take them to the next level: think a deep polished concrete bathtub, double rain showers, double vanities and a heated floor!



And while it is easy to see why you may want to stay in your room all day, if you do dare to venture outside, you won’t be short of things to do. There’s Monster, the kitchen and bar on the ground floor, serving delicious food from 6.30am to 1am, the most gorgeous little library where you can enjoy a cocktail and a read, and some super stylish Goodspeed bikes you can rent for free and cycle the 10-to-15 minutes to Parliament House if you’re so inclined.



While Canberra has never been top of my places to revisit, I can honestly say that my stay at Hotel Hotel has changed my mind. It may still be a bit of a sleepy town but with hotels this good, I’ll be trying to think of an excuse to return ASAP!

Disclosure: I was a guest of Hotel Hotel and did not pay for my accommodation or meals. Positive coverage was not guaranteed.


Addict Abroad: my quintessentially English trip to historic Bath

You may have seen me raving about my recent trip to Bath on social media. I have been to this English city many times on account of growing up just down the road. And because of that, I’ve never actually spent a weekend there. This city has a special place in my heart and it’s where Damian and I chose to have our second wedding reception for my English family and friends last year. It is probably my favourite place in the UK.

Exterior 4

Earlier this month however, we were lucky enough to stay at the amazing Royal Crescent Hotel. As the name suggests, this five-star slice of heaven is slap bang in the middle of one of the most famous street addresses in the world. Will you just look at it?! No wonder Jane Austen used to stroll up and down as it was the place to be and to be seen!

Hotel Front

With an exterior like this, it would be easy for the interior to be a letdown, but I’m happy to report this was not the case. Our room was beautiful, and probably the biggest surprise was the English country garden that lay on the other side of this building.

Garden 1

Read my full review and see all the pictures, including the bedrooms, on the Expedia blog.