Bedrooms The Block

The Block 2019: guest bedroom 2 All Stars reveals

We’re currently experiencing a cable outage at Interiors Addict HQ! In short, some live wires came crashing down across the road outside in Friday night’s storms and although we’re nearly back to normal, we couldn’t tune into The Block last night! So, today’s write-up comes courtesy of our friends at The Block Shop! And as I still haven’t watched, I’d love you to tell me what the rooms were really like and which you thought should have won!

Mitch and Mark / Alisa and Lysandra: LAST PLACE
Score: 27/30

Mitch and Mark – with the help of Block all stars Alisa and Lysandra, managed to create a simply stunning room this week, despite the fact they flipped the architect’s plans again, changing the space to become a huge master suite, complete with walk-in robe and ensuite, connected via a private corridor.

“This room is the grand statement of what we’ve done. The master bedroom is the owner’s sanctuary,” Mitch said ahead of reveal.

The judges loved what they did – especially their statement ceiling, complete with that amazing pendant light.

Tess and Luke / Josh and Elyse: JOINT THIRD PLACE
Score: 28.5

Queenslanders Tess and Luke paired with previous Block champs Josh and Elyse, whose understated and chic fingerprints were all over this stunning, pared back “Scan-deco” guest bedroom.

The hero of the room was undoubtedly that beautiful wooden feature wall, which worked beautifully with the dressed bed in blush pinks and greys, the dark grey walls, light grey fitted robes, study nook with wire-framed chair, and the beautiful suede ottoman at the foot of the bed.

Deb and Andy / Josh and Jenna: FIRST PLACE
Score: 29.5

Deb and Andy – with help from Block mega-champs Josh and Jenna – went all out this week to present a stunning guest bedroom. And they were rewarded with a win! Courtesy of that controversial bonus point.

As Deb explained, this week the couple from country New South Wales were attempting to “not just create a look, but also a feeling.” And they certainly did that – the judges fell in love with their simple yet sophisticated guest bedroom space.

El’ise and Matt / Ronnie and Georgia: SECOND PLACE
Score: 29

The addition of Perth super champs Ronnie and Georgia really spurred this year’s Western Australian contestants on this week, and they stepped up their game to reveal a simply stunning guest bedroom. This week the couple effectively created a second master, choosing to add AM and PM wardrobes and a connecting ensuite, giving their house the option of a second main bedroom space.

And it was a master stroke – almost winning them the week, if Andy and Deb hadn’t used their pesky bonus point!

The judges loved their room, which featured that bold, art-inspired Graffico feature wall, blush pink walls, a burgundy bed styled in greys and greens, marble side bench, soft, grey occasional chair and circular side tables. A black grid-formation mirror, black wardrobes and black details on the furniture tied everything together, making a dramatic, opulent and sumptuous guest bedroom that the judges liked a great deal.

Jesse and Mel / Deanne and Darren: JOINT THIRD PLACE
Score: 28.5

Jesse and Mel, along with their all star teamsters Dee and Daz, presented a beautiful guest bedroom, which, as Jesse explained, was all about “effortless luxury.” They included a recessed slate-grey velvet bedhead, which complimented the blush pink linen, the dark-coloured wardrobes, that large circular floor rug, the round side tables, and simple brass wall sconces.

The judges liked what they had done.


All our Block coverage

Shop last night’s room in The Block Shop

Bathrooms The Block

The Block 2019: main bathroom reveals

So, last week I asked if you thought it was okay to share when I didn’t like stuff in The Block room reveals (because it makes me feel mean and negative!) and you overwhelmingly said yes! But to take the emotion out of it, I’m just listing what I do and don’t like for each room at the end of each recap. Compromise!

So, last night was main bathroom reveals! Read on!

Mitch and Mark, 24.5/30, THIRD PLACE

The first thing the judges noticed was of course the laundry they’d decided to create (alongside another en suite rather than a main bathroom). They’re at it again, messing around with the floorplan!

Darren liked the layout and the fact it was on the same level as the bedrooms, which made good sense. Neale said the boys were running their own race. “The laundry is delivered with their characteristic attention to detail. There’s an emphasis on quality. These guys are really interesting because with every week that goes by I’m more convinced they’re designing it for a couple (cashed up empty nesters) rather than a family.” Shaynna was in two minds. She said there could have been a lot more laundry space if they hadn’t put doors on.

Into the ensuite bathroom and they liked the luxe feel and thought it was just the right size. They weren’t sure if it would be enough to go up against the other four main bathrooms and win though. Darren pointed out that changing the floorpan would sometimes work in their favour and sometimes not.

I liked: the laundry doors and handles, cabinetry and finer details inside, the gold tapware and the shelf across the length of the shower.

I didn’t like: The chevron tiles, the lack of rail shower.

Picks to buy: Mizu Drift Mk2 mixers | Hideaway gold flush plate


Tess and Luke, 28/30, FIRST PLACE

The judges loved the tiles. Neale said they were stunning. Shaynna said “I love this and I’m excited. They’ve done the floorplan justice.” She was even more excited by the huge amount of storage. Darren said: “Maybe what they’ve given us is the perfect main bathroom.” He then got in the bath to look up at the raked ceiling and skylight above. Neale liked the brushed steel tapware that felt modern and different. They said the lighting layout was excellent. Shaynna and Neale thought the styling, which has been questionable in the past, was spot on. “This is next level,” said Shaynna. Darren loved the luxury of space and the separate, private, concealed toilet, and storage for days. He called it one of the best bathrooms he’d seen on the Block. Not putting the powerpoint inside the mirror cabinet was about the only thing that let them down.

I liked: The tiles, the double shaving cabinets with rounded corners, the overall modern and sophisticated aesthetic and the way the colour palette was moody without being dark, the spacious feel and great layout, and of course, the skylight over the tub.

I didn’t like: The chrome (but it was really hard to pick something!)

Picks to buy: Nood Co concrete sinks | Terrazzo Tooth Stump stool by Fenton & Fenton


Andy and Deb, 22.5/30, LAST PLACE

The judges loved how consistent and “beautiful” it was. Darren loved the custom made timber vanity. Neale thought it was timeless. And then they saw how Alexa could be told to switch on the bath tap (amazing!). The lighting however was all wrong, practically speaking. Neale liked the styling, but he thought the toilet should have been left within the main bathroom. Tess and luke’s floorpan was superior. Shaynna didn’t like the nib wall (which didn’t serve a purpose), which made it feel smaller again. They also noted it only had one rain shower. “It isn’t really feeling like a main bathroom, it’s feeling like an en suite,” said Neale. Neale said it felt like the two sides of the bathroom had been done by different people and he was a bit disappointed.

I liked: The tiles, the gold tapware and the timber vanity, the round mirror and the smart Alexa-controlled features.

I disliked: The cluttered styling, and the way the room was cut up with no real benefit.

Picks to buy: Tanami vanity | Abby 1 solid brass pendant from Beacon Lighting 


El’ise and Matt, 26.5, SECOND PLACE

Instead of a master bathroom, these two decided to create a second en suite, for what they’d call a second master bedroom.

The judges loved the tile choices (the chevron one had already been seen in Mitch and Mark’s) and the styling. The lighting though was all wrong. Shaynna loved the double shower with the huge windows and the skylights above. She loved the flexibility they’d created by tweaking the floorplan. She could see that the master suite upstairs could become a space for the grandparents or the au pair, for example. The judges said Mitch and Mark should watch out because they were playing them at their floorplan-changing game and perhaps even doing it better!

I liked: The lilac tile, the round shaving cabinets with storage, the bath.

I disliked: The chevron tile and the super glossy floor tile, the chandalier.

Picks to buy: Fazeek terrazzo soap| Set of two round trays by Zakkia


Jesse and Mel, 24/30, FOURTH PLACE

On first impressions, Shaynna said there was a lot to love. Her and Neale loved the cabinetry. Shaynna said it felt light and bright compared to the “tomb” they delivered with their last bathroom. The execution throughout got a big tick. Darren said it was beautiful, and the lighting was great. Neale didn’t like the chrome and thought it cheapened it. He was perplexed by the box seat in the shower. Neale said it was ugly and Darren thought it was redundant. Shaynna felt the styling didn’t feel expensive enough. Neale said he was continually disappointed by their styling because in week one it was so good but he had never seen it repeated. He didn’t like the toilet being separate either. “A main bathroom should have a loo in it.”

Their comments didn’t go down too well with Mel, who declared they had no idea about selling houses!

I liked: The vanity and mirror cabinet.

I disliked: The box seat, the chrome, the big glass doors, the styling and the pendant lights.

Picks to buy: Loom towels | ISSY Halo III vanity from Reece

What did YOU think?

All our Block coverage

Bedrooms The Block

The Block 2019: Master bedroom reveals

I gotta say, I wasn’t mad about any of the rooms this week. None were bad at all, I was just underwhelmed in general. And there were a lot of items in them that I out and out hated!

Thank goodness Mitch and Mark at least shook things up by being brave with the floorplan change. I suspect the other contestants will get a bit snippy about all that once they’ve had a chance to digest what it might mean for their own homes. An entertaining living room sandwiched between two master bedrooms doesn’t seem a recipe for a good night’s sleep!

Once again, I think the photos of these spaces seriously let them down and I’d suggest you watch the reveals on catchup if you missed them to get a better idea!

For now, here’s a recap of the scores and the judging…

House 1 Mitch & Mark 27/30 first place

The talk of the night was the guys deleting the master bedroom from the third floor altogether, effectively making their four-bedroom home a three-bedder. Controversial! Instead, they created an entertaining living space with a cathedral ceiling with skylights. And boy, did that ceiling look good!

The judges were stunned. Shaynna said she was confused but she loved it. Darren was speechless. “Holy cow,” he said. Shaynna thought it was probably the most exciting twist she’d ever seen on judging The Block. While Neale said Mitch and Mark were designing the house for themselves and he was confused at how to judge it.

Shaynna said it was all elegance and class. Neale added: “It’s Palm Springs, it’s the epitome of glamour. I think we’re meant to be sitting around the pool here (personally I’m not sure there’s any other excuse for that rug!). It’s a make believe pool house.”

They then started to discuss the reality of the floorplan change and the fact this entertaining room with veranda would be next to and on the same floor as the other homes’ master bedrooms. “There are deep ramifications,” noted Neale.

Was it a strategic masterstroke to devalue the others’ homes (I think not)?

Our picks to buy: Bamboo Lattice wallpaper by Grafico | Panama modular sofa by Freedom


House 2 Tess & Luke 24.5/30 joint third

First impressions were largely good for this one. Darren lay on the bed to look out of the skylight and he loved its position. He said the colours were spot on. “It’s edgy and cool and art driven, there’s interest, pattern and texture. I’m proud of their evolution from last week to this week.”

Shaynna adored the artwork which had set the colour palette for the whole room, while Darren said he didn’t see anything he didn’t like.

Neale said the mirror was wrong and in general, it was just too cluttered. He loved the shaker profile of the wardrobe doors and said it was his favourite walk-in so far. Darren said he thought they’d made the perfect (his and hers) walk-in robe.

Our picks to buy: Jess Marney Design art prints | Cubarita Wise framed art print


House 3 Andy & Deb 24.5/30 joint third

Neale said: “What a lovely calm room. They took on board that message that they needed to be grown up and they have run with it.” Darren was so happy to see more interest and more texture. “It feels fresh, contemporary and very liveable.”

Shaynna said the paint colour was divine, but she wasn’t a big fan of the bed and bedsides, saying they were a bit Nanna!

While they loved the aesthetics of the walk-in, practically speaking, the amount of storage was a bit of a letdown.

Our picks to buy: AURA Home linen


House 4 El’ise & Matt 26/30 second place

They all loved the gorgeous period ceiling, “I’m in love with that,” said Darren. “I feel like Tom Cruise jumping on the couch right now. The wallpaper is painterly. To sit this beautiful tone of green against all the blues and purples is a really really elegant colour palette. It’s gorgeous.”

Neale said it felt very wlemcing and real. “I think El’ise and Matt really understand the meaning of home and the emotion of what that means.”

Shaynna thought the paintwork was very well done and thought the art was breathtaking. Neale said if there was a negative it was that it was quite small.

Into the robe, Darren said he loved champagne metallic joinery but “it’s a bitch to clean!” Shaynna said it is was definitely glamorous and beautiful. “It has got my heart.”

Although they had sacrificed some bedroom to make the robe bigger, they hadn’t added extra storage, which Neale said was disappointing.

Our picks to buy: Undertow wallpaper by Grafico | Corbelle black pendant light by Beacon Lighting | Folded by Maria Radun art print by Art Lovers Australia


House 5 Jesse & Mel 22/30 last place

Shaynna said it was a great decision to have the bed face the veranda and Darren said there was a lot to love; the cornicing, lighting layout and the pelmet.

But it went downhill from there.

The judges were starting to see a pattern. Shaynna said: “They’re taking a real estate cookie cutter approach.” Neale added: “This room feels like it’s ticking boxes. I’ve seen it before.”

Darren said it was perhaps cowardly to repeat the upholstered wall behind the bed idea from last week’s bedroom and it felt like deja vu.

Shaynna didn’t like the desk or the big mirror opposite the bed, although she did love the “sexy” TV hidden within it.

Neale thought it felt ordinary. “I’m sorry, I’m completely underhwlemed. They really impressed me that first week but I’m not feeling that this week. Jesse and Mel are becoming the team who are constantly disappointing.” Ouch!

And Jesse’s rough, unfinished floor was of course criticised in the walk-in.

Our picks: Vertical leaner TV mirror | Buddy vases by Marble Basics

The more I look at these rooms, the more I personally dislike a lot about them but I’m not sure I’m ready to be that person that criticises when I wouldn’t have a hope in hell of pulling off what the couples do in such short timeframes. What do you think? Do you want to hear my opinion even if it’s not positive? I’m not a big fan of being a big meanie so I often think if it’s not something nice, don’t say anything at all!

Love to hear which room YOU loved?

See all our Block coverage.

The Block

The Block 2019: formal living room reveals

It was an important space on last night’s Block room reveals: the formal living. Up front, I have to say I don’t think the following images do the rooms justice as they certainly looked a lot better on TV than they do in the photographs. These things can be so hard to capture sometimes! But overall, it was another strong week so early in the competition and I agreed with the judges’ first place for El’ise and Matt.

House 1: Mitch and Mark

28.5 out of 30, second place

“Honey I’m home” were the first words out of Darren’s mouth. “Me too,” said Neale.

“I am loving these guys’ sense of colour,” said Shaynna. “These guys are Hollywood. It’s lush, it’s over the top and I love it.”

They loved the herringbone floor and the inset carpet with the brass detail. “It looks really finessed,” said Darren.

Neale said it felt like it had been there forever, which was a big compliment.

The only issue Shaynna had was that everything was directed around the fireplace and it shouldn’t have been flush to the floor. Darren didn’t like the marble-look shelving because it didn’t feel as authentic as everything else in the room.

But it was otherwise good news with the judges saying this was the standard they’d expect towards the end of the competition, not this early on. “They’ve made a masterpiece of it,” said Darren. “It’s amazing.”

They all hoped they had the stamina and budget to continue in the same vein.

Our picks to buy: The Danielle canvas print by Colour Clash Studio | Esther pendant in solid brass by Beacon Lighting | Cooper green velvet armchair from Freedom

House 2: Tess and Luke

22 out of 30, last place

First up, it was the first time this couple had finished a room!

“It’s another wow room,” said Neale, on first impression. Darren loved the flooring, the colourscheme and the lighting plan.

Neale said the art was hung much too high. Shaynna said structurally and in the major details , it was great. But they weren’t getting the sense of scale or style right. While the pendant light was incredible it was hung much too high. “Whoever is doing the styling is panicking. They don’t really know what they’re doing.”

Neale’s first instinct was that it was a very elegant but blank canvas. “As blank canvases go it’s a very good one. I want to come in here, roll my sleeves up and finish the room for them!”

Shaynna said the dark shelves were a mistake and felt too heavy. Darren said it was 80% there. “They need to add more.”

Neale said: “Give me some things that make it feel like a home. This certainly isn’t the room to pull back on.”

Our picks to buy: Empire chandelier in black by Beacon Lighting | Make Me Blush artwork by Hannah and Clint X Artist Lane

House 3: Andy and Deb

25.5 out of 30, third place

It was off to a great start again. The green wall was immediately popular with all three judges and the artwork choices were “genius”.

Darren said: “Everything in here feels like the right scale for the space. They’ve found a really nice balance to make these grand spaces feel personal.”

Neale said there was a sense of Colonial. “I love the fact they’ve introduced one small lamp. You could actually have some ambience at night.”

Shaynna however said it didn’t feel cosy enough. It was too white and bright and they should have used that green on all the walls. “They probably weren’t brave enough but maybe they should have been,” Neale added.

He thought the shelving was beautiful though, and the styling. They all agreed the LED lighting on the shelving wasn’t the right choice. They also questioned why they created a niche for the curtains when it wasn’t actually hiding what it should have!

Darren said: “I love that Andy and Deb have done everything that we said in the first two judgings.” Neale said they had hung on to their style but it had grown up.

Our picks to buy: Dreamer art print by Adele Naidoo | Sun Goes Down art print by Jonathan Gemmell

House 4: El’ise and Matt

29 out of 30, first place

Shaynna was gobsmacked. She loved that it was the first house to do all the detailing like cornicing and the ceiling rose. Neale said: “This is pretty spectacular. This is giving Mitch and Mark a serious run for their money.”

Darren loved the colour palette. “It feels like a modern take on what this building requires which is a kind of gentle understanding of heritage detailing,” he said, and added: “I’m fizzing out!”

Then they all lost it over the Venetian plaster on the walls. Shaynna loved that the fireplace was elevated to the right height and had a mantel.

“It seems like a real home,” said Neale. “Because they’re the sort of layers you build up over time.”

“This couple’s sense of romance and heritage excites me,” says Shaynna.

There weren’t many negatives. Neale said the hallway side of the room was a little under styled. But that was it!

Our pick to buy: Vittoria Curve sofa by GlobeWest

House 5: Jesse and Mel

23 out of 30, fourth place

The pair changed the floor plan, adding a hallway. And spending a lot of money on doors (and other things!) in the process.

“They’re incredible doors,” said Neale. “That’s a serious amount of work,” said Darren. “To put that amount of money and effort into a door is huge on week two. This looks super contemporary to me, right out of a luxury designer showroom.”

Neale said it didn’t feel as homely as some of the other rooms. Shaynna loved the ceiling rose and the light combo but hated the marble tile border around the edge of the floor. Darren agreed and said it jarred with the rest of the room.

While there were many beautiful things in the room, Shaynna said the mirror and fireplace didn’t work together. Neale said it felt a little forced: “I feel like I’m in some kind of corporate waiting room. It’s not feeling warm and fuzzy.”

Darren said Jesse had taken a very real estate approach to decorating. “It does present well but it doesn’t have the homeliness and the lived in story we’ve appreciated in some of the other houses.”

Shaynna said the accessories were bargain basement and didn’t elevate everything else in the room.

“To me this feels the least connected to St Kilda and the least connected to the heritage of the house,” said Neale. “This could be anywhere.”

On a positive note they agreed their project management skills were outstanding to have achieved that level of detail and on time.

Our picks to buy: Deeply Connected by Belinda Nadwie limited edition canvas print from Art Lovers Australia | Frost chandelier by Beacon Lighting

So, what did YOU think? We’d love to hear which room was your favourite!

All our Block coverage

Bathrooms The Block

The Block 2019: week 2 ensuite bathroom reveals

As someone who has just made all the final selections for my own (main) bathroom reno, starting soon, I watched these Block reveals extra closely and let’s just say I felt pretty good about my decisions after the judging!

I don’t want to be mean but boy, that real estate agent (and trained tiler) Jesse was cockier than ever this week, wasn’t he? And then he and Mel came… last! Just saying…

Overall though, I thought it was a really impressive week and I liked three out of five bathrooms a lot (a combo of Mitch and Mark’s and Andy Deb’s might even be my perfect bathroom!). I also agreed with the judges on most of their comments and scores. So, let’s recap!

Missed last week’s guest bedrooms? Play catch up.

House 1: Mitch and Mark, 27.5 out of 30, SECOND PLACE.

Mitch described it as: “The week from hell, the best week of my life and the week of achieving the unachievable.” And didn’t they do well?! I really loved their understated glamour bathroom; a vision in white and gold! And, just like last week, it scored them second place.

Shaynna said it was very impressive and she loved the styling. All the tiles were absolutely stunning

Darren said it was a really stunning palette and he liked the remote control toilet. Shaynna however said it was unnecessary in a guest en suite and they needed to measure where they spend their money.

Neale said he felt like he’d stepped into a 1940s film set with Hollywood glamour. “It totally demonstrates the power of the old cliche, less is more.”

The paintwork left a little to be desired. In fact, maybe two coats! But that was Darren’s only negative about the room.

Our picks to buy: The fanciest toilet flush ever | Grohe Euphoria massage rail shower | Kado Lux wall hung vanity

House 2: Tess and Luke, 20 out of 30, FOURTH PLACE.

It was this couple’s second week of not finishing and they were clearly disappointed. But the judges had some pretty good feedback regardless. And I thought they did a nice job, even if, like Neale, I feel it’s nothing I haven’t seen many times before.

Darren said he loved it though. “I think it’s really appropriate to the colour scheme next door. I really like the feature tile against something otherwise so fresh and white and clean.”

While Neale loved the height of the ceiling and the timber paneling, his first thought was that it was nothing new. Shaynna agreed and said the styling was undercooked. “They’d be better off spending less on the finishes in these rooms that aren’t important and more on the accessories to amp it up.” She wondered if the overall size of the room and things like the double vanity were a waste of money.

Darren added: “To do this size and spend this much money you’re running the risk of burning through your budget before you’re even halfway.”

There was no grout on the floor and the tiles were unfinished. Darren said they were literally hours away from being done. “Manage your project and get it finished!”

Neale said nonetheless it was a strong base to build on.

Our picks to buy: Woodrow Hourglass stump stool | LED dimmable wall bracket in black and teak by Beacon Lighting

House 3: Andy and Deb, 28 out of 30, FIRST PLACE.

Having tied equal last last week, Andy and Deb were over the moon to take out first place with their en suite, which the judges loved. Neale even said he wanted to pick it up and put it in his own home. High praise indeed!

Darren loved the feeling of the tiles and the simplicity of it.

Neale said it was a happy, feel good bathroom and showed a different reading of luxury. “It’s beautiful.”

Shaynna felt it showed they were making better choices than the others on where to spend and where to save. “They can do budget on a beautiful level which excites me.”

From the last judging to this one, they now have three judges completely confident in them both as a team in the competition.

Our picks to buy: Ivy Muse plant hanger | Neo slimline wall hung vanity by Reece

House 4: El’ise and Matt, 22 out of 30, THIRD PLACE.

While I loved the quirky vanity and sage green tiles, I hated the light and the floor tiles so this one didn’t quite cut it for me.

Darren also loved the “really cool vanity” and the green tiles.

Neale, while not a big fan of pendants in bathrooms, thought they’d done well with their choice. Shaynna was not convinced it was practical enough to do your makeup by. She also hated the floor tile, saying it looked like lino. I have to agree!

The longer the judges spent in there, the worse the comments got. “There are some things that are so lovely but they’re being cancelled out by things that bug me,” Shaynna added.

Neale felt they’d slightly lost the plot.

Darren didn’t agree. “This is successful in that they’ve space planned it really well, I love the black tapware and the vanity. 95% of the room I love.”

Our picks to buy: Alape Scopio washstand | ISSY Z1 oval mirror with shaving cabinet

House 5: Jesse and Mel, 14 out of 30, LAST PLACE.

Ever confident, before the judging, Jesse said: “Yes we didn’t finish but we have delivered an amazing room given the time restraints and we’re very proud of that.”

Sadly, the judges didn’t agree. Shaynna said it was really disappointing. Neale couldn’t believe it. He said even if it had been finished, he would feel as if he was standing in a bit of a grey tomb. Ouch! “There is no relief from grey. And how long have we been seeing marble for?”

Darren said it was an amazing vanity and a beautiful basin, but suggested they painted the rest of the walls white to lighten it up.

Neale continued: “I can’t find anything in here to get excited about. I felt so excited when I walked into their bedroom. I felt like I was seeing something new. I feel like this is truly old. It feels old hat. Where is that spark? Is it the same couple who delivered that amazing bedroom?!”

Shaynna agreed she didn’t see the glamour that she’d seen in the other bathrooms. “It’s a yawn.”

Our picks to buy: Roca Inspira round basin | ISSY Halo vanity unit

So, which was YOUR fave?

Next week: lounge rooms!

Last week’s guest bedroomsAll our Block coverage.

Bedrooms The Block

The Block 2019: week 1 guest bedroom reveals

I’m so excited for another season of The Block and to bring you our regular room reveal posts again! As usual, week one was a bit of a mess, with a lot of unfinished rooms, but those poor couples certainly got thrown in at the deep end! Read on to see what they managed in just a few days, what the judges thought, and our picks to buy from the products they used.

House 1: Mark and Mitch (24 out of 30 and second place)

The guys were proud of their first room with a Mid Century luxe edge, and said they could see Frank Sinatra in there! They were right to be happy as the judges were too and it was a great first room for them to start the competition with.

Shaynna was delighted to see some colour and loved the details. Neale said it was impressive and Darren couldn’t get over the scale of it.

Neale added to produce a room like this in week one, they must know what they’re doing! “The room really hits you between the eyes on so many levels.”

Darren said they obviously knew what was on trend. Shaynna said the pendant light was just beautiful, sexy and really hot! She added the colour of carpet was really bold.

Neale said it had an incredible sense of luxury and the only issue was that there were just too many heroes. Shaynna said while she loved that it was eclectic and fun, they would have to reel it in or risk running out of money very quickly.

The judges all loved the wardrobes with gold handles.

Our picks to buy: Glass chandelier by Beacon Lighting | Kristoffer Paulsen St Kilda prints 


House 2: Tess and Luke (17.5 out of 30 and joint fourth place)

Not surprisingly, the couple were disappointed not to have finished (by any stretch) and Tess was the first to say she hated their room! It was also no surprise when they came joint last.

Some of the judges were pretty forgiving if you ask me, with Darren  saying he could see where they were going with it, the carpet was spot on, the walnut on trend and he liked the colour palette and the layout.

Shaynna on the other hand felt underwhelmed and like she’d seen this styling before, for the past three years! “We want to see personality. Take some risks!” She also said they’d used lots of incorrect styles for the heritage of the building.

Luke’s workmanship got top marks however!

Neale thinks if it was finished it would be elegant and successful. “I’m seeing a respect for the heritage of the building.”

Our picks to buy: Black circular round mirror | Bodie walnut side table by Modern Furniture


House 3: Andy and Deb (17.5 out of 30, joint fourth place)

Darren said ignoring the unpainted walls, it was very fresh, he loved the palette and was in love with the bed.

Neale agreed but wasn’t as taken the with styling, saying it felt a little predictable.

Shaynna, looking for more oomph as ever, said the look they’re going for will work if they amp it up a bit!

Our picks to buy: Sophia four poster bed by House of Orange | Terrazzo side table by HK Living


House 4: El’ise and Matt (21 out of 30 and third place)

The judges all agreed it was a stunning pendant light, and they were so right! Darren said there was a lot of luxury in there, despite it not being overly accessorised.

Shaynna was very impressed with all the details they added like the picture rails. Neale enjoyed the unusual little touches. “They’ve got personality, it works.”

Darren felt it gave a nod to heritage but in a very contemporary way which was successful. And they all loved the wardrobe.

Our picks to buy: Large beaded mirror by Schots | Chandelier by Beacon Lighting 


House 5: Jesse and Mel (25.5 out of 30 and first place)

It really was a case of saving the best until last with this pair! “It’s finished!” exclaimed Shaynna!

Neale said it was beautiful and he had never seen a room delivered to this level in week one. “I just love it!”

Darren said it felt like a brand new build but with all the appropriate heritage details. “They’ve hit the nail on the head.”

Neale said there was little to fault but he hated the exposed lightbulbs of the bedside lamps which were searing his eyeballs!

You really couldn’t disagree with the judges’ choice of winner this week. Real estate agent Jesse and obviously stylish Mel are looking like the ones to watch!

Our picks to buy: Fabric wall panels by Nouveau Bisgrove | Navy linen duvet set by Eadie Lifestyle | All About You limited edition canvas by Liam Murphy 


Who was YOUR favourite?

All our Block coverage

Love renovating? Come along to my Real Renovation Tour with Naomi Findlay next month in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane! More info.

The Block

The Block 2019: Newlyweds & gay grandads to star!

Hitting screens on Sunday 4 August, for its 15th (wow!) season, The Block 2019 looks set to be an interesting one. The competition will play out at St Kilda’s Oslo Hotel, a former backpacker’s hostel and the oldest and largest Block ever since the show’s inception. Built from gold rush money in 1856, the site was once home to five massive stately homes but in recent days has been an $18 per night hostel — all of which is set to change with the arrival of this year’s contestants.

The rundown Oslo Hotel
The rundown Oslo Hotel

Double the size of last year’s Gatwick Hotel, it features five terrace houses hidden behind a facade that was added in the early 1900’s but has since been removed. This season will see five couples turn them into three-storey homes with the aim of leaving with $100,000 in prize money plus any profit from the sale of their project.

This year's contestants with Scott Cam
Most of this year’s contestants with host Scott Cam

According to Domain, Channel Nine paid almost $11 million dollars for the property but it’s suspected that each terrace will fetch at least $3 million dollars when finished. There is also a two-storey extension mooted for the back of the site which is likely the location for the challenge week.

Neale Whitaker, Shaynna Blaze and Darren Palmer will return as judges
Neale Whitaker, Shaynna Blaze and Darren Palmer will return as judges

Hosts Scott Cam and Shelley Craft are set to return alongside judges Neale Whitaker, Shaynna Blaze and Darren Palmer plus site foremen Keith and Dan.

NSW contestants Andy and Deb
NSW contestants Andy and Deb

The contestants are an interesting bunch that includes, from NSW, comedian and renovation enthusiast Andy alongside Deb, a fashion business owner. Also from NSW are experienced renovators and grandads, Mitch and Mark.

NSW contestants Mitch and Mark
NSW contestants Mitch and Mark

From WA come Elise and Matt, a brand fashion manager and carpenter respectively and from Victoria come real estate agent Jesse (that should be interesting!) and contracts coordinator Mel — a pair of St Kilda locals who have previously renovated together.

Contestants Elise and Matt
WA contestants Elise and Matt
Victorian contestants Jesse and Mel
VIC contestants Jesse and Mel

Hailing from far north Queensland is young couple and newlyweds Tess (a sales partner) and Luke (a carpenter). The stage is set for an interesting season…

QLD contestants Jess and Luke
QLD contestants Luke and Tess

All our Block coverage

Bathrooms Bedrooms Design Designers House Tours Interviews Real Renos RENO ADDICT The Block

Ex Blockheads Alisa & Lysandra’s latest super luxe reno

Former Block luminaries and twins Alisa and Lysandra have been busy of late working on a gorgeous renovation and extension in the Melbourne suburb of Albert Park. Set over three levels, this 1890 Victorian terrace straddles the line between old and new with aplomb.

Kitchen and living
Kitchen and living

“We wanted to pay homage to the era of the home whilst introducing a contemporary design to the home that had continuity throughout. We kept the original features in the first section of the house, which includes the hallway and master bedroom, with decorative cornicing, skirting and ceiling roses, and we opted for a more urban-contemporary style for the new section of the house. We used the same timber flooring throughout which definitely helped us achieve a seamless transition from old to new,” says Lysandra.

The front of the home
The front of the home

“As we wanted to preserve some of the heritage and history of the terrace we painstakingly restored the front of the house. Each brick was repointed and restored, and we rebuilt the front fence exactly how it would have originally been built,” says Lysandra.

Main bathroom
Main bathroom

The home’s ground level features an open plan living, dining and kitchen as well as a master bedroom, walk-in-robe and ensuite. And while the home has a fairly moody colour palette, it also boasts subtle brass details that elevate it to something quite special.

Master bedroom
Master bedroom

“We gave great consideration to every single design detail in each room. There is a fine line between overthinking and in turn overdoing design features. The key is to make each design feature subtle and let them blend into one another. If you look at each space individually, you will notice we have added a feature into each component,” says Lysandra.



The sumptuous master bedroom features plenty of thoughtful design. “The master bedroom features brass inlay where the carpet meets the timber flooring and in the walk-in-robe we added brass uprights for a touch of luxury. In the ensuite, we opted for large format slab tiles to make the room appear like it is cladded in stone,” says Lysandra.

Walk-in robe
Walk-in robe

“When it came to the kitchen, we played around with 100 different designs as we wanted to design something you had not seen before. Even though it is very subtle, we love the brass legs we added to the island bench to make it appear like it was floating,” says Lysandra.

Kitchen and dining
The bespoke mirror above the dining room banquette seating enlarges the space

The kitchen banquette seating and mirror are certainly a design highlight and mirrors have been used to great effect throughout the home. “Mirrors are definitely a dark horse when it comes to the styling of a room. They are so versatile as they come in many shapes and sizes and can fit with most colours and styles. Mirrors can also create the illusion of space, as well as play off natural light bringing warmth to the room. The mirror we featured in the dining area was custom designed by us as we really wanted to reflect the natural environment outside into the living and dining area,” says Lysandra.

The backyard

The upper level features a second living room, two bedrooms, main bathroom and terrace while the underground level is home to a fabulous cellar, cinema room and powder room.

Second living area
The upper level boasts a second living area that leads to a terrace
Upstairs terrace
The upstairs terrace
Second bedroom
Second bedroom
Third bedroom
Third bedroom

“The cellar is definitely a stand out in this project, and something that took a lot of time and energy, but it was all well worth it. The entire cellar had to be dug out and engineered, which required lots of planning, late nights and we couldn’t have done it without the right trades. We are really proud of this space as we think it really does highlight the attention to detail that has been put into this renovation and executed throughout the property,” says Lysandra.

The incredible cellar
Theatre room
Underground theatre room
Even the laundry is super luxe

The home is currently for sale

For more | Another real reno


DIY you should never try: 5 jobs tradies say to avoid

Spring is certainly the season to renovate and shows like The Block are inspiring many of us to change things up in our own homes. Even though there are lots of DIYs you can easily do yourself, there are certain things you should leave to the professionals to avoid a reno disaster.

We spoke to real life tradies Mark Menegatti and Adrian Franchina from Bostik, who helped glue together The Gatwick on the latest season of The Block. They gave us some advice regarding DIY tasks you should leave to the pros.

Bostik Boys, tradies Mark Menagatti (AKA Spaghetti) on the left and Adrian Franchina

Electrical work should always be carried out by a licensed electrician and upon the job being complete, they should provide you with a certificate of electrical safety and compliance.

Certain types of plumbing work, like the connection of gas appliances and hot water services as well as installing toilets, split system air conditioners and moving taps or drains, should be done by a licensed plumber, who should issue a certificate of compliance once the job is complete.

Another job that requires a certificate of compliance is waterproofing. If not completed correctly, issues that may arise from inexperienced waterproofing, may result in an unsealed permeable membrane application, with a potential repercussion of leaking/seepage into the below structures. This can cause rot and damage, which over time can progress to big structural issues that are expensive to fix.

As we know, asbestos is a highly dangerous material and removal should only be carried out by licensed asbestos removers under the strict rules and standards prescribed by that industry.

Last but not least is roofing. Adrian is an experienced roofer and has seen some daunting cases of people trying to attempt this themselves. Even if it’s only a repair to the roof, the roofer should hold a minimum of a DBL-K license.

By leaving the above to the professionals, you can make sure your renovation experience won’t be a daunting one and instead focus on things such as installing timber flooring, painting and grouting.

The Block

Buyer’s advocate dishes on The Block 2018 auctions

Buyer’s advocate Greville Pabst from PropertyDuo helped facilitate the purchase of four out of five apartments from last night’s Block auctions. Here he shares his thoughts on the auction results and the 2018 series overall.

What a transformation we have seen at the Gatwick Hotel this past few months. The famous hotel used to be dilapidated with its beautiful internal art deco features hidden away but thanks to The Block contestants, the Gatwick Hotel is now the crown jewel of St Kilda. The expensive revitalisation is kick starting the revival of the area’s former cool, edgy but elegant self.

Greville Pabst inside The Gatwick
Greville Pabst inside The Gatwick

It really is a fairy tale ending, and I felt quite emotional and proud to facilitate handing the keys over to three independent buyers who bought four of the five apartments – one buyer purchasing the two magnificent penthouses for what him and I agree was a bargain.

I was able to obtain four of the five Block apartments (something that has never been done in the show’s history), because of my deep understanding that selling and buying property is all about making the perfect match between the vendor and buyer. On behalf of buyers, I source and buy property that ticks all boxes for them – their functional needs and blue-sky dreams. For vendors, I advise on how to get a property ready for auction day by prepping and marketing the property to the right demographic, as I do for The Block contestants each season.

For example, the St Kilda buyer is a smart investor who knows St Kilda has a high rental yield, but is a cool yet elegant person so the furnishings and finishes needed to meet expectations. This year we also saw original owners wanting to retain a piece of their past. My job is to know who will fall in love with a property and help them secure their dream.

The two sisters for whom I bought apartment number two (Courtney and Hans’) took ownership from their mother in 1999, who had owned the hotel for 46 years. They worked at the hotel from the age of 14. They’re such strong women and what they’ve done for the community is outstanding. I am honoured to have represented them. We agreed that they had to have an apartment that faced Fitzroy Street, where all the action is in St Kilda and the original street address of the Gatwick Hotel. This was the one that was the real Gatwick for them which is why they didn’t want the penthouses, because they’re new.

Greville inside one of the apartment terraces
Greville inside the terrace designed by Hayden and Sara

Apartment one has the dream kitchen, a space that means there is no such thing as too many cooks in the kitchen. My client is in love with the large dining and living room and celebrated the purchase that will return exceptional capital growth.

And who doesn’t want to own not one but two penthouses. Congratulations to my buyer, those rare expansive terraces are going to host many fun and memorable moments and will always be extremely desirable and grow in value as the views are ‘unblockable’.

Defying the current market, contestant’s expectations were certainly exceeded. It’s great when we see everyone win. My buyers absolutely felt like winners too.

Greville is CEO and executive chairman of WBP Group and one of the buyer’s advocates on The Block. He is a regular commentator on Sky News and the daily papers such as Herald Sun, the AFR and The Australian, helping everyday Australians make better property decisions.

All our Block coverage

The Block

The Block auction results 2018: Sara & Hayden clean up

It was the night we’d all been waiting for: auction night! And The Block didn’t disappoint with the usual anticipation and stop-starting! And who would have thought it, Hayden and Sara, who ruffled so many feathers, ended up winning, adding the $100k prize money to their already impressive $545k profit! Not to be sniffed at! They sure had the last laugh!

Winners Hayden and Sara / Image credit: Nine

So, here’s how it all panned out…

First up were KERRIE & SPENCE. Emotions were high with Kerrie in tears before things even started on the auction couch! Their reserve was $2,435,000. $2.4m was the strong starting bid from buyer’s advocate Nicole Jacobs. Then it became a bidding war between her and fellow buyer’s advocate Greville Pabst. Then Frank Valentic joined in on the action. Things slowed down and sped up and suddenly they were sitting on a profit above the reserve of $415k. Wow. Frank eventually won for his client at $2.85m. Kerrie and Spence were clearly delighted and in total shock.

Second up were HAYDEN & SARA, certainly not clear viewers’ favourites this year! But like Scotty said, they sure made The Block more interesting with all that drama. Sara chose the auctions as the ideal time to announce her pregnancy and even did a gender reveal on TV! It’s a boy! Their reserve was $2,475,000. Bidding started at $2.5m but was quick to slow. It looked like they were only going to take home $25k! But you know how these things work! When it got to $200k above reserve, Sara was happy enough, but it eventually shot up to $3m and $525k profit. And then kept going!  $3,020,000 and $545k. Sara couldn’t contain her extreme excitement! Wow. Theirs was the only apartment to crack the three mill mark.

Image credit: Nine

Next up JESS & NORM with a reserve of $2,650,000. And it really looked like it was going nowhere (I know, I know, I should know how it works by now, right?!). It was a slow bidding war between Greville and Frank. At the end it was going up just a few grand at a time until Greville won at $2,859,000 and $209k winnings for the couple. They were so genuinely delighted. How can you not love these two?!

Then came BIANCA & CARLA with a reserve of $2,690,000 and things were going super quickly! No messing around from their auctioneer, Damien Cooley! Ooh, it was nail-biting stuff with Damien refusing to take anything less than $3m after bidding hit $2,900,000. But he then took $2,925,000 and ended up at  $2,991,000 to Greville and a profit of $301k for the girls. Going fourth didn’t do them too badly after all!

You couldn’t help but feel nervous for last up, HANS & COURTNEY. You could see they were too, with Courtney in tears. And to cut a long story short, it went to Greville (again!) for $2,770,000 and $410k profit. And the buyers were sisters Rose and Yvette who originally owned the hotel too. Nice touch to end on!

What did you think of the results? We’ll have auction commentary from Greville Pabst, who cleaned up for his clients, later today!

All our Block coverage.

Design Kitchens RENO ADDICT The Block

All the details from The Block 2018 challenge kitchen

It won them first place and major adulation from the judges during the final reveal on The Block last week and we suspect it may have piqued your interest too. The Block judge Neale Whitaker was particularly taken with Hans and Courtney’s kitchen calling it their best work on the series. “It’s sensational! It’s a kitchen that acknowledges this is where we now live life and I am suffering extreme kitchen envy. I want this badly!” he said.

Courtney & Hans' challenge kitchen

And while it’s not everyone’s cup of the proverbial, Hans and Courtney’s kitchen certainly made an impact so we thought we’d unpack its finer details.

The café-style design was a departure from the usual kitchen styles that we’ve come to expect from The Block – it’s most notable feature was the black framed shelving used extensively throughout. A Freedom Kitchens product, the ‘2020 Black Alumin’ frame shelving was a look that was seen previously at this year’s biggest kitchen tradeshow in Milan.

Courtney & Hans' kitchen

Not only does the anodised matte black framing and glass shelving pack a visual punch, they provide ample open overhead storage and styling opportunities too. The clear glass means the overhead shelving doesn’t block light either, which cements the kitchen’s overall light and airy vibe.

Courtney & Hans challenge kitchen shelving

Benchtop & splash back
The benchtop and splash backs are carved out of Caesarstone’s new ‘Excava’ finish – the man made material features an authentic industrial style patina. It’s a prominent feature of the kitchen given it features on the vast island bench top also but it’s a look that really complements the space.

Caesarstone 'Excava'
Caesarstone ‘Excava’

Again provided by Freedom Kitchens, the kitchen cabinetry features the brand’s popular ‘Sierra’ profile door in both ‘white matte’ and ‘black matte.’ Both colours help to neutralise the warm tones of the Ceasarstone ‘Excava.’

The kitchen also boasts multiple ovens, an induction cooktop and a teppanyaki hot plate from Siemens

Butler’s pantry
The butler’s pantry was my favourite part of the kitchen – spacious and stylish it features a series of integrated Subzero fridges and plenty of wine storage too.

Butler's pantry
Butler’s pantry
Butler's pantry
Butler’s pantry

For more | All our Block coverage

Design The Block

The Block 2018 last reveal: Challenge rooms

Last night saw the final reveal of The Block for 2018 and this time it was the challenge rooms. The standout space for me was Courtney and Hans’ kitchen. After walking through the butler’s pantry, Neale said he had “extreme kitchen envy” and I certainly did too!

Score: 29/30

Courtney & Hans challenge kitchen

Courtney and Hans created a black and white St Kilda inspired kitchen complete with stainless steel gantries, Caesarstone benchtops, a large butler’s pantry and neon ‘3182’ St Kilda sign. Shaynna loved it, Neale called it the “kitchen of his dreams” and Darren called it “absolutely spectacular.”

“It’s a kitchen that acknowledges that the kitchen is now where we live life,” said Neale. And Shaynna said although the couple’s styling had been hit and miss throughout the season but felt this space boasted precision styling. “I actually feel that not only does it feel like someone lives here but it’s styled beautifully too,” she said.

And while the fridge, tucked away in the amazing butler’s pantry, was some distance from the main event, the judges didn’t seem to mind. In fact, after stepping into the butler’s pantry Neale said he was suffering “extreme kitchen envy.”

Courtney & Hans challenge kitchen
The fabulous butler’s pantry

Courtney & Hans challenge kitchen

Courtney & Hans challenge kitchen

My picks to buy: Rialheim ceramic pig bowl and Carla O’Brien neon postcode light.

Score: 28.5/30Kerrie & Spence challenge terrace

With a projector screen, sofa, coffee table, bar, bespoke poster and Yamaha Smart Piano, Kerrie and Spence’s terrace was very well received by the judges. They loved the piano, large artwork and especially the way in which the bar facilitates people-watching over the street. Overall, the judges thought the room was fabulous.

Kerrie & Spence challenge terrace

Kerrie & Spence challenge terrace

My pick to buy: ‘Playbox, the Malthouse’ by Boris Bucan silkscreen print.

Score: 27/30

Hayden and Sara's challenge hallway
The judges loved the artwork in Hayden and Sara’s challenge hallway

Hayden and Sara had an epic four spaces to complete – the hall, powder room, laundry and study – and the judges acknowledged that it was quite an undertaking.

Shaynna loved the feature artwork in the hall and Neale did too. He called the mural “strong, engaging, cool and retro” but wasn’t a fan of the hall table styling. The judges loved the laundry (Darren called it “exceptional”) and felt it delivered on functionality and style. Shaynna thought the study was “fantastic” and Neale said it was the best thing they’d delivered all season.

Hayden & Sara challenge study
Hayden and Sara’s challenge study
Hayden and Sara's challenge laundry
Hayden and Sara’s challenge laundry
Hayden & Sara's challenge powder room
Hayden & Sara’s challenge powder room

My picks to buy: White Moose hippo head planter and west elm striped angle geometry bookend.

Score: 26.5/30
Norm & Jess challenge dining room

After their dull master bedroom from last week, Norm and Jess really upped their game for their challenge dining room. A hero of the space, the judges thought the large pink neon sign was “corny but oh so good.” The Christian Cole dining table was well received too with Neale calling it “stunning” while Darren liked the pendant lights above it. Overall the judges felt the room was a strong offering.

Norm and Jess' challenge dining room
Norm & Jess' challenge dining room

Norm & Jess' challenge dining room
My picks to buy: Tipi Interiors black and white bone inlay stripe stool and The Print Emporium Palm Springs Doorway 2 art print

Score: 21.5/30

Bianca and Carla's challenge living room
Neale called Bianca and Carla’s challenge lounge room vibe “weird” and thought that it felt really thrown together. Shaynna felt the room didn’t match the quality of the rest of the apartment and Darren agreed. “It’s too young and low-cost,” said Darren while Neale said it felt “cheap and that it was letting the whole apartment down.”

In particular, Shaynna thought the two rugs placed on top of one another were odd, she wondered where the bespoke cabinetry was and she finished by saying that she thought the girls “checked out of The Block a week ago.” By the looks of it, they did!

Bianca and Carla's challenge living room

Bianca and Carla's challenge living room
My picks to buy: Life Interiors Dala horse and Arro Home Rigby cushion.



Bathrooms The Block

The Block 2018 room reveals: Challenge apartment

With a “quirky St Kilda” theme, it was a real mixed bag this week on The Block and there were some absolute shockers in the mix – ahem Kerrie and Spence! Ugly wall murals aside, Sara and Hayden delivered a gorgeous monochrome bathroom while Courtney and Hans took a punt on a wallpaper selection that really paid off.

Score: 28.5/30

Courtney & Hans

Courtney and Hans chose a statement making wallpaper and the bold design was a gutsy choice that the judges adored. “I love it!” said Shaynna while Darren described it as a “colourful, eccentric and a really beautiful choice.” The judges also liked the Australiana-themed artwork and the way the bed was dressed.

Overall, the judges though the room was meticulously planned and were impressed with the styling. Shaynna called the room’s styling “kitsch…but as a compliment” and finished by saying “the room has a real sense of calm which is bizarre when you’ve got so much going on!”

Courtney & Hans

Courtney & Hans

My picks to buy: Hackney Empire stripe wallpaper and Grotti Lotti ‘Don’t fence me in’ art print

Score: 27.5/30

Hayden & Sarah

Sara and Hayden’s gorgeous monochromatic bathroom was described as “magic” by Neale and all three judges agreed it was a beautiful space. There’s no doubt the hero of the space is the Zuster vanity and the judges loved it. “That subtle hint of terrazzo is so beautiful,” said Neale.

Shaynna and Neale liked the textured tile while Darren didn’t and Shaynna also acknowledged the toilet’s discreet placement behind the door and quirky styling pieces. Overall, the judges thought the bathroom showed an incredible improvement in planning, detail and style compared to the couple’s first bathroom. “They’re at their absolute best here!” said Neale.

Hayden & Sarah
That Zuster vanity is beyond beautiful

Hayden & Sara

My picks to buy: Zuster Halo vanity unit and Kazari bronze crocodile

Score: 23.5/30

Bianca & CarlaBianca and Carla nailed the “quirky St Kilda” brief – their fun and functional bathroom featured pink palm tree wallpaper paired with simple black. Neale and Shyanna loved the wallpaper calling it fun, quirky and pretty and Darren admitted to having something similar in his house. Shaynna loved the positioning of the bath under the window, the hidden toilet (again!) and the double shower. She called the walk-through glass “really sexy.”

Darren was critical of the unbalanced vanity lighting and Shaynna noted the apparent time management issues reflected in the workmanship but overall the judges really like this room. “This bathroom fits that boutique St Kilda hotel apartment vibe. It’s got style, quirk and a connection with the urban given you can see the trams passing by through the window from the bath,” said Darren.

Bianca & Carla

Bianca & Carla
The double walk-through shower was well received

My picks to buy: Wallpaper Trader Palm Leaves wallpaper and Reece round mirror cabinets

Score: 20.5/30

Kerrie & SpenceYou could read the disappointment on the judges faces before the lights were even on in Kerrie and Spence’s room. “I feel like I’m falling down a psychedelic rabbit hole, it’s giving me vertigo and really messing with my head. It couldn’t be more abrasive!” said Darren of the room’s graffiti laneway mural. “It gives this weird sensation of being in bed in the street,” said Neale. Not exactly relaxing!

Kerrie & Spence

Shaynna gave Kerrie and Spence credit for pushing the envelope when normally they play it safe but Darren called it an “explosion of the envelope and if the mural doesn’t give you a headache then the bedhead certainly will!”

He called the bedhead a “disaster” and the judges all agreed that a shelf sticking out of the wall just above the pillows is one of the strangest design decisions they’d ever encountered in a bedroom. It wasn’t all bad though as they liked the wardrobe (particularly the fine black strip detailing) and Darren liked the art choices. Overall though, this room was a bit of a train (or tram!) wreck.

Kerrie & Spence
These Grotti Lotti artworks were the highlight of the room for me

My picks to buy: Grotti Lotti Amanda and Stevie art prints

Score: 20/30

Norm & JessNorm and Jess’ “ultimate master bedroom” was a huge space that Darren called “dull” and Neale called a “weird mismatch.” Shaynna thought the scale was off and took points off for the tiny rug, tiny couch and tiny bedside tables – the judges were particularly unimpressed by the lack of storage.

When it came to the bed styling, Darren called it a “car crash” – particularly the cushion situation. “It’s as if they just went and got all the cushions they could find and dumped them on the bed!” he said.

Shaynna wasn’t a fan of the cement board feature wall and didn’t hold back. “I hate it!” she said. The only thing she liked was the gallery wall at the entrance to the room and the room’s artwork, despite its placement. In fact, all of the judges liked the artwork but thought it badly placed given it was hung in the walk-in robe. So odd! “Norm and Jess have lost the plot!” said Neale while Shaynna called the room “Norm and Jess at their worst.” Ouch.

The room’s lovely yet tiny sofa was admonished by the judges

Norm & JessMy pick to buy: Iconiko Seaside Combi framed print and Iconiko Seaside Stripes framed


Outdoor & Exteriors The Block

The Block 2018 room reveals: terrace week

I actually really enjoyed last night’s Block terrace reveals. They were a really mixed bag and the spaces themselves were very different too. No doubt there’ll be a lot of chatter about how they couldn’t be judged fairly because of this. Personally, Sara and Hayden’s was my favourite but the judges put them third, so what do I know?! Love to know who you rated! Here’s a recap from first to last place (and I definitely did agree on last place!)!

Score: 30/30

A room win at last! Full marks at that! Norm and Jess continually referred to themselves as the underdogs this week. But boy did they prove everyone wrong, scoring themselves their first win of the season! AND the cover of Domain!

The space came complete with architectural steel sculptural feature, concrete planters, a marble-topped BBQ, outdoor lounge, custom table, water feature – and even a faux grass area suitable for animals.

Clearly the judges were fans! “Wow, wow, wow, wow,” said Neale. Shaynna loved the dining table/hanging plant/pergola combo and said the details said luxury. Neale said everything said luxury! Shaynna said everywhere you turned there was another beautiful thing to look at. “If it feels this good on a cold wet day, can you imagine how good it’s going to feel on a good day?!” said Neale.

Shaynna’s only question was the placement of the sculpture and the seat. Neale thought they were deliberately trying to hide the seat! Darren loved the free space which he said could be the dancing zone! “When you’re out here you realise what a prime piece of Melbourne real estate this is,” said Neale. Darren was pretty much reaching for his chequebook!

I really didn’t like that bird screen and the pond was a bit of a child safety hazard, but overall, it was a great terrace, and I was happy to see them have a win. Not my fave though! And I wouldn’t have given it a perfect score myself.

My picks to buy: Raw Earth plant stand by Angus & Celeste and custom round dining table.


Score: 29/30

Bianca and Carla called on the services of Dave Franklin, Block garden designer extraordinaire, who delivered a stunning, sophisticated space, featuring a custom-made five-metre long table made from recycled timber, BBQ at the end, those 50 year-old Zycads – and a fireplace, which utilised the original chimney from the old Gatwick. But, arguably the hero was that skyline.

Darren said the view was spectacular and they all loved the fireplace and the huge table. Neale said it was classic, modern traditional and sexy all at once. The couch was badly placed though, out in the elements.

My picks to buy: Thermastrip outdoor heater and charcoal bar stools.


Score: 28.5/30

All three judges were unanimous in their praise, particularly Neale, who said he thought The Gatwick had never looked more elegant in its 80-year history. Keeping it super chic with a wraparound bar, they featured a sitting and dining area with custom outdoor kitchen, complete with concrete bench, green marble splashback, teppanyaki BBQ and twin tubular exhaust fans.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” said Darren. Neale said it was “hashtag enough” and Shaynna said it had wow factor. I’m so surprised they didn’t come first or second! This was my personal favourite.

“This is what I call selling the lifestyle,” said Neale. It was the most sophisticated and resolved he’d ever seen the couple and they’d saved the best for last. “This is exactly what the terrace needs to be in terms of luxury.” Darren said they’d really showed how you could live in the outdoor space in all weathers.

Neale said buyers would remember this terrace above everything else in their apartment.

My picks to buy: Velletri indoor outdoor dining table and Lepaar Harden hose.


Score: 25/30

Kerrie and Spence kept it cosy and comforting on their terrace, which featured an L-shaped white and timber lounge, light grey tiles, a dark grey table with eight stools (designed to match their piece inside), dark grey circular rug, a hanging chair and lots of greenery.

Neale said he thought it was really lovely and felt like a proper room. Shaynna said it was a casual version of the lounge room inside. Neale was surprised about the lack of barbecue (the quintessential Aussie accessory for a terrace or deck?). Darren thought it could have been easily incorporated. Shaynna loved the tiered planting and hanging sculpture they created in their challenge. Darren wondered if they’d done enough though. “You have so much expense in the kitchen. I love everything about it but the styling in it is really …” Shaynna thought the bar had been set so high inside, that outside let it down a bit. Darren liked the tile and fan choices. He said the space was full of life. “Kerrie and Spence should be really proud of the job they’ve done.”

My picks to buy: Alfresco bar table and nest of tables.


Score: 23.5/30

As well as furnishing the area with plenty of green – think giant fiddle figs, Monsteras and palms – Hans and Courtney chose to dress their terrace with simple white and grey furniture with timber accents, a hanging chair and a large jute rug. They finished the space with a hero piece, a copper pot aged to showcase an oxidised light green. And let’s not forget the outdoor movie projector!

The judging didn’t go their way though, despite Darren being a fan. He thought it was fresh, light and bright and tropical. Shaynna however said it was boring as “bat”! She added she was sick of white walls. (Aren’t we all this season, Shaynna?!) She went one further to call it a white clinical box.

Neale didn’t agree with Darren either. He said it was Courtney and Hans at their worst, not understanding how to use the space, which wasn’t really an outdoor room. Darren defended them though, saying it was considered and the copper pot was a great statement piece. He thought it just needed a dining setting. Neale said it needed to be furnished differently because it was a good old fashioned sunroom, not a deck. Shaynna just got more and more annoyed, saying it was a missed opportunity.

I agree with the judges that this was the weakest room. Sara could learn a thing or two about gracious losing from Courtney though, eh?!

My picks to buy: Noosa hammock swing and Haiku black fan.


Bedrooms The Block

The Block room reveals 2018: second guest bedroom

These were probably never going to be that exciting! They’re not big rooms so we’re effectively judging bed styling, art and wardrobe choices. But I suppose by the same token, there’s no excuse for doing a bad job at this stage of the game! The scoring, equally, wasn’t particularly controversial. What did you think?



Darren said it was balanced and beautiful. Neale said the girls were so good at showing luxury through texture and tone. Shaynna loved the artwork and the wardrobes (with brass trim and timber insides). Darren said you’d be happy with that much storage in a master bedroom. Neale said guest rooms now needed to be more like hotel rooms because we all live through our laptops, so the study nook went down well. The bedside lamps seemed mean though, in comparison to their other great lighting elsewhere.

I personally liked the dark drapes and the tan leather bedhead and the simple and sophisticated colour palette. I think the judges picked the right winner.

Our pick to buy: Custom leather bedhead


Neale said the colour palette, height of ceiling and the styling felt so welcoming. Shaynna said she wanted them to replicate it in the master bedroom and she couldn’t get the smile off her face. Darren said it felt more sophisticated. Neale said it was a textbook example of taking many shades of grey and yet still keeping it warm and welcoming.

Shaynna said the Woollies flowers were daggy and Neale was cross that there were no bedside lights. But otherwise it was all good!

I loved those putty coloured Shaker style wardrobes, mirroring their kitchen cabinets, and the overall soft and relaxing look and feel.

Our picks to buy: Mirror and artwork

Joint third: HAYDEN AND SARA

Neale said they’d made the best of a small room. Darren and Shaynna loved the bed styling apart from that navy faux fur throw (yuck!). Shaynna loved the amount of storage but Neale thought the end cupboard was a little too tight.

Shaynna felt the room was trying too hard to be luxury and that they were caught between two target markets. She said the room was old fashioned and for more of an older clientele. Neale however liked it and found it glamorous and the right style for the rest of the apartment.

I wasn’t a huge fan of the dark wardrobes but found everything else perfectly pleasant if not all that memorable! The ceiling was great though!

Our pick to buy: Artwork


Neale said it was another small room but it felt bigger than Courtney and Hans’ because of the orientation of the bed. Darren loved the bedhead and couldn’t stop touching it! He thought the space was planned really well with a nice big wardrobe. Shaynna loved the storage too. Darren was very excited about the air con vent integrated into the joinery. Shaynna thought there were too many woodland creatures! Neale found it hard to fault and liked the soft palette but thought it wasn’t particularly exciting or memorable. Shaynna agreed. Darren said at the end of the day, a simplified room with a simple palette was difficult.

I personally was not a fan of the cute animal prints (better for a kid’s room) and thought they were hung a bit too high.

Then they saw the bonus study space down the hall and were very impressed. Neale said it could only be an advantage to them.

Our pick to buy: Artwork


Darren said the room was very vibrant. Neale said it was one of the nicest rooms they’d delivered. But he also felt claustrophobic. Shaynna agreed and thought the bed should have been placed differently. It could also feel softer and grander if they’d done sheers across the wall like they did in the master. Darren loved the concrete look wardrobe doors with the colour palette. They all liked the whimsical art choices but ultimately Neale felt that at opens, buyers might think the bedrooms were disappointing compared to the living areas.

Our picks to buy: Velvet cushion

The rest of our Block coverage

The master bedrooms

Art Interviews The Block

Meet teacher turned abstract artist Celeste Wrona

A former high school teacher, it took the birth of her first child for Sydney-based artist Celeste Wrona to really pursue her artistic aspirations. “Five years ago my first son Hugo was born, which meant stepping away from teaching to raise him. Living on very little sleep and with my new-found motherhood ‘superpowers,’ I decided it was time to start creating my own body of work and establish my career as an independent artist. Making this transition was challenging, not something every new mum might consider – in its own way symbolising my transition from the classical art tradition that formed my skills to the abstract beauty which is motherhood,” says Celeste.

Celeste Wrona's 'Bougainvillea Dreaming III'
‘Bougainvillea Dreaming III’

It’s a gamble that has paid off though given Celeste’s art career has really taken flight over the last four years. Her work has featured in major magazines, newspapers, blogs, galleries, art shows, retail stores and on television shows The Block and House Rules. You may have spotted her artwork in Bianca and Carla’s hallway on The Block last weekend.

Image via The Block Shop


“I’ve always believed that hard work pays off yet even I am amazed how in only four short years my art career has gone from strength to strength,” says Celeste.

'Ghostly Gum'
‘Ghostly Gum’

“My work has been awarded for excellence in national and international art exhibitions, sought out for numerous bespoke commercial and residential fit outs across Australia. I’ve been commissioned for large scale installations like a three-storey custom artwork I created within a glass elevator shaft, and I continually collaborate with leading home builders and designers to display my art in display homes across Sydney,” says Celeste who juggles all of this with two young sons in tow. “Some days are chaos, as any parent would know, but I suppose that’s all part of the fun!” says Celeste.

Celeste's work featured in Chris and Kim's master bedroom on The Block
Celeste’s work featured in Chris and Kim’s master bedroom on The Block
Celeste with Chris and Kim
Celeste with Kim and Chris

A formally trained artist, Celeste graduated from The University of New South Wales’ College of Fine Arts in 2004 where she majored in drawing. “Many people might not know this about my practice, but I actually majored in drawing, following quite traditional techniques. My practice has evolved quite distinctly since then but I still really love the delicate lines and expression of drawing, which subtly features in my new collection,” says Celeste who uses ink, acrylic paint and mixed media to create her works.

Celeste's elevator shaft art installation
Celeste with her elevator shaft art installation

“I would describe my work as an imagination’s playground! Curious, reflective and nostalgic. Full of colour, rich in textures and with a deep appreciation of organic form and tranquil line. Mostly abstract in nature, my works often reflect the beauty of nature,” says Celeste.

'Exhale VIII'
‘Exhale VIII’

“My artworks are often an abstract reflection and representation of the world around me, almost a celebration of life as it unfolds and the environment in which we live. I’m always drawn back to the raw beauty and complexity of nature and I find all the little subtle textures, colours and forms I come across have a profound impact on work. My artmaking is sometimes planned but often intuitive, a mindful sanctuary that facilitates a deeper level of personal awareness,” says Celeste.

Celeste at work
Celeste at work on her latest collection

Celeste’s latest collection ‘Awaken’ will launch this November. “It incorporates my signature ink paintings with mixed media collage, to create beautifully arranged organic forms and ethereal line work, quite reminiscent of mountains or seascapes. Expect to see muted palettes of dusty pinks and sage contrasted with deep, punchy hues of moody blues, mustards and burgundy.”

Part of the 'Awaken' collection
One of the pieces from the ‘Awaken’ collection


For more on Celeste

Buy Celeste’s work online via The Block Shop

How to commission an artwork

The Block

The Block reveals 2018: hallway, laundry & powder room

I’ll level with you, I didn’t watch last night’s Block room reveals so I’m not privy to what went down last week. But I wanted to get you the pictures, scores and products as soon as possible, so here they are! I’ll be playing catchup by watching today!


Kerrie and Spence are on a roll! Fresh off the back of their perfect score for last week’s kitchen, they produced a sensational hallway and powder room to take out the win. As soon as the judges entered their grand entrance space, they were blown away, especially with the way the couple had managed to display their artwork.

Our picks: Camilla Cicoria Imagine print or canvas | Limited edition framed Amanda Parsons protea print


Bianca and Carla not only wowed with their gorgeous hallway space, but they also impressed all three judges with their  laundry space, complete with timber benchtops, sky-high cabinetry, mirrors and those enormously high ceilings. They also thought the girls produced a “perfect” powder room, with statement sink, and simple, stylish styling.

Our picks: Mae framed bathers print | Recycled messmate hall table


Right from stepping inside Norm and Jess’s grand entrance area, all three judges were in love with the space. Darren, in particular, loved the use of marble, which also flowed through into their beautiful laundry and powder room spaces.

Our picks:  Round brass mirror | Strap pendant lights


Hans and Courtney went all out with their artwork and accessories in their hallway this week – and they certainly impressed the judges, who all agreed they had nailed the “quirky museum” feel to produce a space with plenty of “glamorous eccentricity”.

Our picks: Orion pendants from Beacon Lighting | Peacock buffet sideboard


Hayden and Sara had a tough week and were not able to properly finish their rooms. But regardless, they still managed to produce three glamorous spaces. For their hallway, the dramatic, warm lighting paired with those two statement backlit pieces of art, impressed the judges, and their laundry and powder room showed great promise.

Our picks: Parlour disc pendants | Deco collection interior doors


All our Block coverage