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Transform your bedroom with stylist Lucy Glade-Wright’s design secrets

Interior stylist and director of Hunting for George, Lucy Glade-Wright has partnered with Dulux to demonstrate how colour and styling can transform your bedroom, taking your space to the next level.

When it comes to redesigning your home, there aren’t many spaces as versatile as the bedroom. Whether it’s soothing colour schemes, luxurious bedding, or interesting decor pieces, there are countless ways to refresh your room.

Lucy transformed her own bedroom, from an 80’s timber shack into a cosy bedroom sanctuary using Dulux colour New Penny.

Here are Lucy’s top styling secrets to transform your bedroom.

Embrace colour – Colour is an incredible tool, so don’t be afraid to use it. The Restore palette (2022 Dulux Colour Forecast) features colours that are strong yet soothing, providing the perfect base to style your room.

Artwork left – The Best of Days by Steph Wallace – Bungalow Trading CO; Artwork right – Small Surprise by Min Pin Designs – Pepite / Min Pin Designs.

Simplicity is key– Keep your styling elements and décor to a minimum, allowing the colour within the space to breathe. You want your furnishings to complement the space, not compete with them.

Ignite your senses – When styling your bedroom, choose elements, objects, textures and tones that warm your soul. Layer textural elements to create an inviting interior. Choose objects and materials that have an organic, natural feel to them. A great way to do this is through bedlinen and curtains, woven rugs and upholstered furniture, or handmade ceramics and artwork.

Artwork – Something New Something Different by Nick Olsen – Studio Gallery.

Check before you paint – Make sure to view your desired paint colour in the room first before painting. Colour can vary depending on its environment, lighting and other primary elements in the room so it’s important to make an educated decision based on this. Pick up some A4 samples or sample pots from your local Bunnings store to accurately test the colours around the room at different times of the day. That way, you’ll feel assured you’ve selected a colour(s) you’ll love.

Establish a colour palette – When selecting colours for your additional furnishings and decor, stay within a similar colour palette and tone to create a cohesive, sophisticated look.

Artwork left – The Best of Days by Steph Wallace – Bungalow Trading CO; Artwork right – Small Surprise by Min Pin Designs – Pepite / Min Pin Designs.

Start your bedroom makeover.

Final 3 images: Dulux Summer forecast 2022 Wonder palette | Styling by Bree Leech and photos by Mike Baker

House Tours Interviews

Real home: Hunting for George’s divine Art Deco flat

I’m sure many of you will remember the iconic Aussie drama The Secret Life Of Us and the fabulous Art Deco apartment building location where much of the filming took place. Well Hunting For George’s Lucy Glade-Wright loved it so much that it factored into her first real estate purchase – a beautiful two bedroom Art Deco apartment in the Melbourne suburb of Armadale that she renovated recently.

Lucy's gorgeous Art Deco apartment building
Lucy’s gorgeous Art Deco apartment building was recently restored externally

“My favourite thing about this apartment and also the main reason why I bought it, is its epic rooftop. As you can imagine, being a 20-something obsessed with The Secret Life Of Us, I thought that I had clearly found real estate jackpot! I used to hang out on the rooftop a lot, it is so peaceful up there and you get incredible views of the city. Whilst I thought I’d be having a ton of parties up there it was more often than not just me and a good book in the sun,” says Lucy of the heritage listed 1940 Art Deco building.

Lounge room
Lounge room leading to the courtyard

And with such great original features, Lucy didn’t need to do much to freshen up the home. “I kept styling to a minimum to allow the unique layout of the apartment to speak for itself but also on a practical level, to fully maximise the smaller spaces. To reflect the exterior Palm Springs aesthetic I decided to carry out a modern coastal theme internally,” says Lucy.

Lucy Glade-Wright
Lucy Glade-Wright

“This apartment had great bones and there was little I needed to do to improve it structurally. I focused more recently on cosmetic changes, namely new window furnishings to accentuate the gorgeous curves of the building and then in order to enhance the light I painted all the internal walls and replaced the light fixtures,” says Lucy who was active in the transformation of the stunning exterior of the building too.


“We were very keen to restore the building to its former glory, we’ve since painted and updated its colour scheme to be more in line with its original light colour. We also just completed the landscaping with a Palm Springs inspired garden at the entrance to complement the Art Deco nature of the building,” says Lucy.


“It is a very much loved building in Armadale and known by many of the locals, it was so wonderful hearing such positive feedback about the cosmetic restoration of the building from those that lived in the area. People seem to feel an attachment to this building, even those who don’t live here. It’s quite special in that way,” says Lucy.

The apartment is filled with gorgeous Hunting For George wares
The apartment is filled with gorgeous Hunting For George wares

A delve into the history of the building reveals a really interesting story that perhaps explains where the Australian affection for the Art Deco apartment block first began. “The properties that surround my building were once part of the extensive grounds of a mansion that was built in 1880 for C.J. Ham. Following his death in 1909 the estate was progressively subdivided into suburban allotments. As the demand for housing became greater, the development of flats increased, but there was fear that these residential flats were going to ruin the character of the suburb. So to counter the criticism, leading architects were employed to design these apartment blocks so as not to upset the local residents or ruin the charm of the area,” says Lucy.

The view from the rooftop
The view from the building’s rooftop

Regrettably, after 10 years in the home, Lucy is selling. “I have so much love for this apartment block and I really hope that it finds itself a new owner who loves and respects it as much as I do. So if there’s any Art Deco fans out there that would love a piece of architectural history, this is it!”

Photography: Nikole Ramsay | Styling: Lucy Glade-Wright

The property’s real estate listing | A beautiful Art Deco hotel in Sydney

Designers House Tours

Hunting For George couple treat their rental like their own

When Lucy Glade-Wright showed up at a rental inspection five years ago, the first thing she saw was a queue of eager potential tenants lining out the door. Not swayed, she – and what seemed like the rest of Melbourne – fell in love with the Art Deco apartment and its show-stopping arch windows. She knew she had to have it. And lucky for Lucy, and partner Jonno Rodd, they got it!

Lucy and Jonno

As two of the masterminds behind homewares juggernaut Hunting For George – Lucy is the co-founder and Jonno the marketing manager – it’s no surprise that their Elwood home is beautifully decorated. With a style that is constantly evolving, their look is modern, with the addition of some nostalgic pieces to complement the building’s heritage. “We have taken our time to invest in key pieces around the home as we have not been able to afford to decorate in one big swoop,” explains Lucy. “In terms of decor, I like to switch up my cushions and bedlinen as I’m often taking samples from work to trial.”

While it’s a constant challenge not to bring everything home from the Hunting For George warehouse, the products Lucy designs do make their way into the apartment… for work purposes of course! “I always take the wares I design home so that I can live with them, test them out and get a better understanding of them.”

Having lived in the two-bedroom apartment for five years, it was important from the get-go that it felt like theirs, despite it being a rental. They’ve changed the lighting: “It’s lifted the entire look of our home and really helped to modernise the space,” plus painted the kitchen, both bedrooms and the sunroom.

“Not everyone is willing to invest in a rental but we think it’s important to treat your rental as you would your home,” says Lucy. “Although it’s always important to have respect for the owner by improving aesthetics, rather than completely changing them.”

With a look that is relaxed, practical and cosy; the palette is monochromatic with a touch of blue. Their favourite spaces include the living room, home to their much loved sound system, and their garden, a luxury for apartment living. “We do a lot of barbecuing so we’re often outside cooking up dinner. We mainly use it to grow herbs and Jonno has a pretty mean chilli plant collection and makes chilli sambal every year.”

A self-confessed homebody, Lucy loves nothing more than spending her weekends at home. And if my home looked like that, I would feel the same!

More on Hunting For George | Homes we love

Art Designers Furniture Homewares Interviews Styling The Block

Our 10 best interviews from the heartfelt to the hilarious

After two years and over 1,000 articles(!), my time at Interiors Addict has come to end. It truly is bittersweet. To think I started as the editorial assistant, still at uni, working one day a week and feeling very out of my comfort zone… and now I’m here, the outgoing features editor, off to tackle the big bad world as a news producer at Sky News. Goodbye cushions, hello current affairs, business and politics (wish me luck!). 

So to mark my departure, I thought I’d do one more list post. Below, I’ve put together my favourite interviews, from the motivational and heartfelt to the hilarious and oh so juicy.

Maisie Callcott is one inspiring teenager. Starting her business at the mere age of 12, the now 16-year-old runs Maypole Design, an online business selling wall hangings, rope-based jewellery and accessories and clay bowls. They’re beautiful and crazy affordable.


Now this was one interview I was quite nervous about. I made Jen read it and then re-read it again. After all, you can’t have any grammatical errors in an article about the editor-in-chief of Vogue Living, Neale Whitaker! He talked all things The Block, life in magazine-world and his many varied inspirations.


I had the fortune of interviewing Shaynna Blaze on more than one occasion, but this interview was certainly my favourite. As a Block judge, resident designer on Selling Houses Australia, author and so much more, Shaynna got very honest as she opened up about her favourite contestants, copping flak and how she juggles it all.

Shaynna Blaze Blank Canvas

What a life Jeff Leatham has led! As the go-to florist to the stars, he’s designed floral arrangements for some of Hollywood’s biggest celebrities and his stories, unsurprisingly, are juicy!

Jeff Leatham Fleurology_Lifestyle 1

There’s nothing quite like a story where someone loses it all but bounces back stronger and better than ever. It makes for some good motivational reading and the story of Claire Falkiner, founder of Merci Perci, is just that. Losing her job just days before Christmas and two weeks before her husband lost his, she decided to change paths and is now a successful artist doing what she loves.

Claire Falkiner

With so many homewares businesses out there it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. But one small business which has been able to do so is Hunting For George, who recently celebrated their fifth birthday. So it seemed only natural we ask: how do sisters Jo Harris and Lucy Glade-Wright do it?!


While I’ve interviewed many interior designers it’s hard to compete with the impressiveness of Jeff Copolov, interior design director at Bates Smart. With the firm having a 162-year-old history (now 163!) the projects Jeff has been involved in are absolutely jaw-dropping.

Jeff Copolov

Demian Carey Gibbins has a story many will envy. Feeling like his corporate career was ruling his life, he decided to hand in his resignation and return to his childhood love of painting. Having been a finalist in a range of renowned awards, his most interesting venture has been coordinating a successful exhibition of Bali 9 ringleader Myuran Sukumaran’s paintings.

Demian Carey Gibbins

The making of Incy Interiors is quite the fairytale. Starting with humble ambitions, founder Kristy Withers began the business when after a fruitless search for a bed for her son she decided to design one herself. Now, she’s runs a business of 13 people, has a new flagship store in Sydney’s Chatswood Chase and sells both kids and adult furniture.


No one likes to talk cleaning, but for Murchison-Hume we will make an exception! What started as a local Sydney business has now well and truly gone international, but founder Max Kater’s mission has remained the same: for her products to be the trifecta of safe and green, looking and smelling great and performing well.


We hope you liked this list. 

Designers Furniture Homewares Interviews

Hunting For George on surviving the first 5 years in business

Last month, Hunting For George celebrated their fifth birthday, no mean feat for a small business that started in co-owner Jo Harris’ spare bedroom!

Jo and Lucy
Jo and Lucy

An online homewares business specialising in everything from pure cotton bed linen to handmade clocks, Hunting For George entered the eCommerce market in a time very different from today. “Five years ago, online retail was dominated primarily by larger companies,” explains Jo. “The challenge for us in the early days was working out how to be relevant next to the big players. This forced us to find our own point of difference, zero in on our key strengths and present our own voice in the industry.”

hunting for george 6

hunting for george 5

[contextly_sidebar id=”sRrcUGyFwQsWhHlA8QWsLXKh4LGw4w0o”]So present their own voice they did, harnessing Jo’s skills in management and her sister/co-owner Lucy Glade-Wright’s in graphic design. Initially selling brands they liked, they later started designing themselves, however all the products shared the same commonality: a realness, an energy and a quintessential Hunting For George feel. We wanted to transfer so much of our own personality and energy into the site that when people found us online they felt like they practically knew us,” says Lucy. “The shopping experience ultimately comes down to how we like to shop, the things we like to buy and the way we like to be treated. And it’s that realness that we have created that our customers have responded to the most.”

hunting for george 1

hunting for george

As a small business, in the early days, nobody knew who they were. As a result, they had to work a lot harder, so the support from one another was never more important. “Whilst we love what we do, running your own business is really hard,” explains Jo. “I think the reason why we are still here though and still relatively sane, is due to the support we give one another and the support we now receive from the team around us. There are always times that cause you to doubt yourself and doubt is a dangerous thing. When it creeps up on you, you’ve just got to tell it to get the fuck back and keep moving forward. Pardon my French!”

hunting for george 2

It’s that attitude that’s seen the sisters reach so many milestones, one of the biggest being the success of their debut bedding collection, that not only gave them an incredible amount of confidence as designers, but also as entrepreneurs. “That was overwhelming,” says Jo. “We had styles sell out within weeks and we found ourselves scrambling to arrange reprints. At the time, it was a huge gamble as we put everything on the line with that collection. Luckily though, it paid off!”

hunting for george 3

However, their latest highlight — which they’re still beaming over — was being nominated as a finalist for the ORIA Best Small Online Retailer 2015. “We are so proud of this achievement,” explains Lucy. “Our team is a small one and we all work so hard to make Hunting For George the best it can be. To receive that level of recognition from the industry at such an early stage is a huge hats off to our team and the terrific work they put in.”

hunting for george 7

While the sisters are proving small businesses can thrive in today’s homewares industry, there’s no doubt many others are struggling. So what’s their secret? Turns out they have three. “Firstly, we worked out at the beginning who we were and what made us different. Create, don’t imitate! Secondly, we have the right people on board and surround ourselves with people smarter than us. For example, we’ve hired a good bookkeeper! And thirdly, we always keep a healthy supply of wine at the ready!”

For more information.

Bedrooms Homewares

Hunting for George’s new winter bedding range

Maybe it’s because I spend so much time working from bed (I probably shouldn’t admit to that, right?!) that I absolutely adore bedding. And Hunting for George’s winter release, Moody Blues, is no exception.


A more masculine tone than they’re use to, it features dark colours and simplified graphics. “We always design for a unisex audience however this season does have a more masculine overtone,” explains co-founder Lucy Glade-Wright. “Our focus was pulled towards creating an emotive, nostalgic collection that was confident in its simplicity and character.”


Key pieces of the range include the new Colonel Mustard quilt set: ‘The dashing clean-cut gentleman, dignified and dangerous with a penchant for drama’. The Bodhi quilt set: ‘Where handsome rebels choose to sleep’ and the Chubby Checker quilt set: ‘Because sometimes the nice guy is the right guy, who may even love snuggling as much as you do’. You’ve got to love their descriptions!


The Moody Blues collection also introduces a new range of textures to accompany their popular pure cotton sateen bed linen; such as 100% Australian Merino Wool blankets, buffalo leather cushion covers and hand poured concrete clocks. “We wanted to experiment with new textures this season,” says co-founder Jo Harris. “Winter is all about layering, the inclusion of these new elements help to enhance the character of a space. The wool blankets and buffalo leather cushions are some of our favourite new additions to the range. These designs are all about luxury and we hope they will be cherished for many years to come.”


Moody Blues is the third textile release from Hunting for George and accompanies their recently released Australian made furniture collection. Now in their fifth year, Hunting for George are set to expand on their popular designs and explore new territories in homewares. Watch this space!

Shop online.

Interiors Addict

New timber and laser cut acrylic clocks

Fun Melbourne brand Hunting for George have added colourful veneer clocks to their collection.

hunting for george clocks 2

They’re crafted with cleverness, painted with awesome and ready to make your wall all sorts of legendary!” says Lucy Glade-Wright.

Homewares Interviews

Hunting for George release their own prints

Hunting for George is an online boutique by Melbourne sisters Lucy Glade-Wright and Jo Harris. They just released their own range of black and white prints and you know how I like typography and affordable art!

Oh the places you'll go print

Judging by the number of weddings I’ve been to where an excerpt from Dr Zeuss’ Oh, The Places You’ll Go is chosen as a reading, I’m guessing the above will be a big seller!

Sisters Lucy and Jo
Sisters Lucy and Jo