Competitions Styling

The winner of August 2014 7 Vignettes

Oh my giddy aunt, what a week! More gorgeousness than you could shake a stick at! And it was all the more overwhelming because I was in Berlin with the most pitiful wifi for four days (think standing on one leg in the corner of a bedroom that wasn’t mine at the right time of day and I might get lucky enough to refresh my Instagram feed)! When I got back to London, I caught up on the visual feast and seeing it all there in one place made me realise just how talented and amazing you all are!

Bronwpaperlemon: Vintage
Bronwpaperlemon: Vintage

Anyway, there must be a winner, and this month Chantal Brady, social media manager for Williams Sonoma Australia, did the honours. Hand on heart, I would have chosen exactly the same person this time around: brownpaperlemon. Nikki wins the $300 West Elm voucher. Aren’t these images just stunning? They’re so beautiful they make me feel a bit emotional!

Brownpaperlemon: craft
Brownpaperlemon: Unique

Chantal said: “This collection of vignettes really stood out for me because of the way it captured movement. Each vignette appears as if it’s been caught in motion – just beautiful!”

Brownpaperlemon: craft
Brownpaperlemon: Craft

West Elm sponsored this month’s challenge to celebrate the upcoming opening of their second Sydney store in Chatswood Chase. They were generous enough to also offer two $100 vouchers for runners-up and those lucky people are madebyciel (“I loved the simplicity of these vignettes and the confident use of negative space.”) and sarahjanehenry (“At West Elm, we’re all suckers for furry friends, so these vignettes definitely caught my attention – not just the cute face but the consistency in tone and texture across each photo.”).

Brownpaperlemon: Organic
Brownpaperlemon: Organic
Brownpaperlemon: Collector
Brownpaperlemon: Collector
Brownpaperlemon: Nurture
Brownpaperlemon: Nurture

Well done everyone! Winners should contact us with their mailing address to claim their vouchers.

Interiors Addict

7 Vignettes August with West Elm starts a week today

Just one week today, it will be time for another round of our fun Instagram styling challenge 7 Vignettes and this month, West Elm are on board to celebrate the upcoming opening of their new Chatswood Chase store in Sydney. As a north-of-the-bridge girl, I’m pretty excited about this! Here are the themes for those of you who like to get prepared in advance! This round, the winner gets a $300 West Elm voucher to be spent in store or online.

august 7 vignettes

Our guest judge is Williams Sonoma Australia’s social media manager, Chantal Brady. Make sure you tag her @westelmaus and us @interiorsaddict and use the hashtag #7vignettes. All the basics on how to take part can be found here.

In other exciting news, we are so close to reaching 40,000 images shared on the hastag that I’m confident it could happen this round. Exciting!

Read all about 7 Vignettes on the West Elm blog, Front and Main. Shop West Elm online.

Competitions Styling

The winner of 7 Vignettes July 2014

I am never (I repeat never) judging 7 Vignettes again. It is too hard and I get too emotionally involved! I want everyone to win. Well, not everyone, but several very worthy participants! Trying to pick a winner this week has been making me so anxious and it’s time to rip off the bandaid. The winner is…

Angela Steyn (@angelasteynandco). Some might find it easy to look past the subtlety of Angela’s pics, but it’s their softness and simplicity which appeals to me, month after month, but especially this month.

Angela's entry for Canada

Canada was not an easy theme but I loved Angela’s entry (above).

This is a woman who knows how to make things — any things — look good. Great, in fact. There’s often some lovely personal stories behind her images too. Like her Grandma’s lipstick (top) and this entry for the ‘home’ theme.

For me, these pictures are the perfect compromise between styled and real. Effortlessly. Or so it appears!

Angela's entry for coffee
Angela’s entry for coffee

There’s no runner-up prize this month, but I have to give notable mentions to…





… because you ladies made it so hard to pick! There were more I loved, but I have to stop somewhere right?!

Go follow these creative types if you know what’s good for you!

I really loved judging, hard as it was when it came to the choosing part. It was even more special because it was my birthday week and I self indulgently made the themes all about the things I love, like lipstick, coffee and bathtime. Why not, eh?! It was so fun looking through the feed and I felt like you were all celebrating with me. Talk about feel good factor!

On the subject of the warm and fuzzies, I must say again just how heartwarming it is, when looking through the pictures, to see all your supportive, encouraging, kind (and sometimes downright funny) comments on each other’s efforts. This lovely, positive community, doesn’t get old and it doesn’t lose its sparkle; if anything, it gets better with age! I am so grateful that this little monthly Instagram challenge still brings so much joy. Thank you to Shani (aka @rarepearstudio) for blogging about it this month. If you blog about your 7 Vignettes experience, please send me the link so I don’t miss it!

I would say that it is really helpful when everyone puts their week’s efforts together in collage format when it comes to judging. I looked at everyone’s entries, whether they did or not, but I’d suggest you all do to give yourself the best chance of standing out to the guest judges.

Until next month (when we are likely to hit 40k images on the hashtag!),


Competitions Styling

7 Vignettes July 2014 themes

This month, 7 Vignettes starts on my birthday (1 July) so forgive me for the self indulgence, but I’ve made it all about me and I’m the judge! I’m also choosing and giving the prize, which is totally random but (in my opinion) a lovely thing to receive in the mail: a massive box of fresh cherries, myself!

So, here is the list and the reasoning behind what may seem like some pretty random themes (let’s face it, I’m pretty random myself!). I hope you enjoy them! I’ll be away from home for my birthday this year but I’m excited because it happens to fall on Canada Day and we’ll be in Vancouver on the last day of our US and Canada trip. There’ll be fireworks, a great sense of occasion and celebration (those Canadians like a party) and, hopefully, some treats from the husband! LOVE birthdays!


Here’s the thinking behind these Jen themes…

Threes: Because I’m turning 33!

Writing: Because it’s what I do, and have always done, for work.

Lipstick: Have you ever seen a photo of me without it?! If you seriously don’t own a lipstick (why not?!) I will accept any cosmetics-focused entry!

Bathtime and coffee: Because they’re two of my absolute favourite things. If you don’t have a bath, anything bathroom-themed will suffice.

Home: Because I’m totally missing it right now, See you in August, Australia!

Canadian: Because my birthday is on Canada Day.

As usual, the prize is only up for grabs for Australian entrants, but as ever, we welcome participation from all over the world, just for fun! Please feel free to share this graphic with your social networks. Don’t forget to tag me (@interiorsaddict) and use the hashtag #7vignettes. All the details for first timers can be found here.

Competitions Designers Styling

You’ll never guess who won June 7 Vignettes…

A man, that’s who! I am so delighted to announce that, for the first time ever, a man has won 7 Vignettes. And not because he’s a man either. This isn’t one of those positive discrimination situations. @kraig_at_the_warehouse, from SA, won because his striking images really stood out for guest judge Greg Natale and I, and many others as well.

kraig 2

Greg picked Craig, whose wife Sarah is also a regular in 7 Vignettes, because he loved his images and the way they worked together so well as a series. Being an interior designer, Greg’s big on cohesion, you see!

Those dirty hands really stood out amongst all the much prettier vignettes, but Craig’s were no less creative or well put together.

kraig 7 vignettes

Craig wins a signed copy of Greg’s book, The Tailored Interior (that’s the first time I’ve been allowed to share the title with you!), which will be published by Hardie Grant later this year. You’ll be first to know when it’s available, readers!

Greg also decided to kindly give a second book to @brownpaperlemon as a runner up prize.

Brownpaperlemon's entries
Brownpaperlemon’s entries

A huge thanks to Greg, who spent a lot of time commenting on people’s entries and really getting involved. Until next month…

Competitions Designers

June 7 Vignettes with 2014 interior designer of the year Greg Natale

In celebration of Greg Natale being crowned Belle Coco Republic Interior Designer of the Year this month, I asked him if he’d be so kind as to judge June’s 7 Vignettes and he said yes, hoorah! Even better, the prize is one of the very first signed copies of his book*, due out later this year and published by Hardie Grant (in time for you to put it on your Christmas list, in fact!). I’ve seen it, because I was lucky enough to help him with the words part, and it’s divine!

greg natale

So, here’s your themes list. The fun starts this Sunday, 1 June. Please use the hashtag #7vignettes and hashtag @interiorsaddict and @gregnatale. It’s a great idea to follow him anyway if you want to be first to know about the book and for sneak peeks at his beautiful ongoing design work.

7 vig june

Some reasons behind the June themes are Republic Day (Festa della Repubblica) in Italy (and Greg’s also of Italian descent), the Queen’s official birthday, end of financial year, and the star sign Gemini (matching pair), which all fall this coming month. The others are just because!

All you need to know about 7 Vignettes and taking part can be found here. See you on Instagram on Sunday! We’ll be holding a 7 Vignettes event with Greg in Sydney towards the end of the year. Make sure you’re signed up to the newsletter to be first to know.

*You’ll receive the book as soon as it is comes out. Only Australian residents are eligible to win but we welcome entries, as ever, from across the world, just for fun!



Competitions Styling

The rise of the ‘shelfie’

Looks like we were ahead of the trends with 7 Vignettes, readers! Recently, I’ve read a lot of articles about the rise of the ‘shelfie’ (a photo of your favourite decor items, on a shelf, so to speak, posted to Instagram). Sounds familiar, huh?


A more literature-oriented version has been taking off in the UK, but that hasn’t stopped people styling up their book shaleves with their favourite bits and pieces!

Check out these articles on the topic from:

If you’d like to take part in next month’s 7 Vignettes, it starts on 1 June. follow the #7vignettes hashtag on Instagram.



The winner of May 7 Vignettes

The winner of 7 Vignettes May 2014, as chosen by guest judge and our editorial assistant, Olivia Shead, is @vintagefox_, who took part for the full week for the first time. Beginner’s luck? Beautiful photos and a great choice by Olivia, don’t you agree?

7 vignettes may 2014

Olivia said: “Teneille’s collection was extremely impressive, especially considering it was her first time completing a full 7 Vignettes. I loved the vintage feel and how she wasn’t afraid to use some colour. Simple but beautiful.”

Teneille (Eldering) admitted on instagram she found the challenge quite daunting but loved the support from the community. She wins a Silk Express e-styling service from Silk Home Staging & Styling for a room in her home. Please contact us to claim your prize.

Competitions Styling

Win an online interior styling service for a room in your home with May 7 Vignettes

Wow, it’s amazing how quick the beginning of the month comes around at the best of times, but even more so when you’re traveling and multi-tasking, it seems! May 7 Vignettes starts this Thursday 1 May. The winner this month will get the chance to have a room in their home styled by the experts at Silk Home Staging & Styling, worth up to $450.

silk express e styling
A Silk Express moodboard

If you win the Silk Express Online Styling Service, you’ll receive a moodboard containing furniture and homewares suggestions, info on where to buy, a floor plan and more.

Here’s the themes list…

1. White

2. Hidden

3. Escape

4. Treasure

5. Home

6. Sunshine

7. Autumn

This month, I’ve asked editorial assistant Olivia Shead to judge as she did such a great job of her first attempt at 7 Vignettes last month. So, make sure to tag @interiorsaddict and @oliviashead in your entries, and of course use the hashtag #7vignettes. You know the drill! But if you’re new, everything you need to know can be found here.

Editorial assistant Olivia Shead is this month's 7 Vignettes judge
Editorial assistant Olivia Shead is this month’s 7 Vignettes judge

Learn how to make vignettes with Kara Rosenlund

For anyone who’s missed out on taking a vignette class with interior stylist and one time 7 Vignettes judge, Kara Rosenlund, this could be your golden opportunity.

vignette the school

Held at Megan Morton’s The School in Brisbane, Adelaide and Sydney across May and June, the class will give you all the confidence you need to identify the best conditions to shoot in, construct your vignette arrangements and generally make beautiful images.

The class is a mix of practical and theory and promises to tackle your ‘inner Instagram demons,’ so when it comes to 7 Vignettes time, you’ll have no reason to be afraid!

Classes run for 2.5 hours and cost $120. For more information. 


The winner of April 7 Vignettes is…

… Sydney graphic designer Lauren Storey, aka austrahlee, as picked by this month’s guest judge Laura Wortlock from Once Was Lost. Congratulations, Lauren!

Laura said: “”Wow — what a phenomenal week it has been, am I right or am I right!? I have been so blown away by not only the quality of styling and vignettes that have been presented but mostly by the generosity, openness and authenticity that you have all shared over this brief but exciting journey. I am so humbled and grateful for the opportunity to have judged this round of 7 Vignettes , what a true privilege it has been to view the outpouring of your beautiful vignettes every day and get a snapshot into each of your lives.

“Lauren, your sensibility for styling is impeccable and I love your use of natural hues, timber, pale concrete greys and lush greens — simply sublime.  What a joy to have watched each of your vignettes come through each day!”

Because the standard was as stupidly high as ever, Laura’s generously decided to send pebble bracelets to three runners-up: @katherinedorrington@the_vintage_palace and @erikarax (who won in July 2013). Excellent choices if you ask me!

Her entry for 'Wise Words'
Her entry for ‘Wise Words’
Her entry for 'Handmade'
Her entry for ‘Handmade’

Lauren wins a fab prize pack from Once Was Lost worth $300. Can everyone please contact us with their shipping address.

Huge thanks to Laura for being a great judge and really getting involved. It is always appreciated by the participants, who raved about the themes she chose.

once was lost 7 vignettes prize
The prize

Come and join the 7 Vignettes fun next month on 1 May.

Interiors Addict

7 Vignettes April starts today

Fancy getting your hands on this $300 prize pack from Once Was Lost? Then you’d better join in with this month’s Instagram challenge, starting today!

once was lost 7 vignettes prize

Find all the details here. Good luck!

Competitions Styling

April 7 Vignettes with Once Was Lost

The next round of 7 Vignettes starts a week today on April 1 and we have a fabulous prize from Aussie lifestyle brand Once Was Lost, who specialise in ethically handmade goods. I love their simple aesthetic and am delighted founder Laura Wortlock is not only guest judging but has also come up with the themes for this challenge (so don’t blame me when it’s too hard, okay?!)

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This month’s themes

If you can’t read the handwriting, the themes are as follows:

1.Natural | 2. Simple things | 3. Adventure | 4. Handmade | 5. Wise words | 6. Found | 7. Thankful

I think we may have had a couple of these before but I just love how they work together as a collective and didn’t want to mess with them!

Please make sure you tag @interiorsaddict and @ONCEWASLOST_ and use hashtag #7vignettes.

And here’s the beautiful prize, appropriately arranged in its own little vignette, from Queensland-based Once Was Lost, worth almost $300:

once was lost 7 vignettes prize

It comprises  a Once Was Lost Studio limited edition silk screen print, a Kebo Scarf in Ash, a Once Was Lost Signature Bag and Once Was Lost Essentials Pouch.

The fun starts on Instagram on Tuesday 1 April 2014. Find out how to play (including video interview with The Block judge Darren Palmer) here.

Competitions Styling

The winner of 7 Vignettes March

It’s Lou Masters! I could have sworn Lou was a previous winner but maybe she just should have won by now! Guest judge Jacinta Preston said: “Lou’s vignettes are like beautiful watercolours, fluid and very painterly, and it’s this painterly quality that makes her vignettes truly unique. It’s fabulous and creative storytelling.”

Lucky Lou wins an amazing framed Hermes scarf from Provincial Styles. Little bit jealous about that… Thanks to Fi Longmire for donating this generous prize. I loved this month, even though I was a bit absent online, attending a wedding in New Zealand where I was MC. Luckily I had the wonderful Jacinta — a second time guest judge for good reason — getting amongst it and being super involved.

Jacinta found the final decision really tough and wanted to give a special mention to Rachael Honner, whose pictures she also loved.

I crowdsourced the themes for this month, asking you all for your suggestions. My favourite had to be your interpretations of haft seen. So cool! This is my last 7 Vignettes in Australia for 6 months as Damian and I start our travel adventures this Thursday. This will be an excellent way for me to keep in touch with you while I’m away though. I’ll be sharing pix from Europe on Instagram of course, with the hashtag #addictabroad.

lou masters 7 vignettes

Follow Lou on Instagram. Find out how to take part in the next 7 Vignettes, including my short video interview with Block judge Darren Palmer about why he LOVES it, here. Lou, please contact us with your address.

Designers Styling The Block

VIDEO: What The Block’s Darren Palmer thinks of 7 Vignettes

We asked The Block judge and interior designer Darren Palmer what he thinks of our monthly Instagram styling challenge 7 Vignettes. Watch what he had to say in this short video…

If you’ve been thinking about getting on board and joining in the fun, find out more here.

Love The Block? Read all our Block posts here.

Competitions Styling

Win a framed Hermès scarf in March 7 Vignettes

This month we have a very unique and lovely prize for the winner: a framed Hermès scarf from Provincial Styles worth $560. Our guest judge, stylist Jacinta Preston, is back for a second turn as she can’t get enough of 7 Vignettes! And who can blame her?

This month's guest judge Jacinta Preston is back for more
This month’s guest judge Jacinta Preston is back for more

Fiona Longmire, from Provincial Styles, loves all things French, and started making beautiful homewares from vintage and new Hermès scarves as part of her French-inspired online homewares business. Her framed scarves are divine. This hot pink one up for grabs is called Printemps Ete 69, and was first issued in 2010 . It represents women’s fashion over the past few decades.

hermes framed scarf

One of the unique features of these scarves are the hand rolled edges. The framer hand stitches the scarf onto a board and then puts a second matt around the scarf, still leaving the edges of the scarf visible.

Here are the themes…

This month, I decided to crowdsource them and more than half of these are from you, the readers and participants. The most interesting is probably haft-seen, which is a traditional table setting of the Iranian spring celebration where seven items beginning with S are displayed. For our purposes, you can use ANY seven items beginning with S. Mixing it up a little and learning a little about other cultures in the meantime! Women is for International Womens Day in March and fashion is for the Hermès scarf prize. And Italian because Tuscany is the first stop on my big European adventure, starting this month.

Good luck to everyone taking part. 7 Vignettes starts on Saturday 1 March. Excuse me if I’m quiet but I’ll be in New Zealand being MC at my friend Amanda’s wedding!

Next month, I’ll be in Milan for the furniture fair halfway through 7 Vignettes. Eek. That’s going to be one exciting week!

Styling The Block

Photos: Friday night’s Sydney 7 vignettes event

We had another wonderful reader event with The Block’s Darren Palmer in Sydney on Friday, at BoConcept in Crows Nest.

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Double act: Darren Palmer and I
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It was great to have such a big crowd
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We pride ourselves on a good spread at our events!

A crowd of more than 100 people came along to listen to me interviewing Darren and sharing his insider take on The Block as well as insight on how he got to be where he is today, tips on decor and getting into the interiors industry. He was a popular guest of honour with plenty of people queuing up to have their photo taken with him and ask him questions.

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Interviewing Darren for his fans


Later in the evening, the crowd were let loose on the BoConcept showroom to move anything they liked and create their own vignettes, uploading them to Instagram for the chance to win a fabulous BoConcept stool worth almost $500. The lucky winner was Tessa White.


It was great to meet so many readers in person


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Darren delighted our guests, having lots of chats and photos with them
Our youngest guest, Annabel with her mum, Emma
Our youngest guest, Annabel with her mum, Emma

Guests mingled and met each other, having got to know each other first through the monthly 7 Vignettes challenge on Instagram. I loved meeting so many of you. It is always a pleasure and I swear I have the nicest (and most creative) blog readers in Australia!

Setting up vignettes
Tom Ryan arranges his vignette. Yes, men come to our events too!
Emma Blomfield snapping her vignette for Instagram
Emma Blomfield snapping her vignette for Instagram

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More happy guests
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Guest of honour Darren Palmer and I

Delicious food was provided by The Wooden Whisk and drinks by First Creek Wines and Santa Vittoria water.

A huge thank you to Darren and our event partner BoConcept. There’ll be more events in Sydney and interstate before the end of 2014, but first my 6-month overseas trip!

Thanks also to our gift bag sponsors: Byron Bay Cookies, Temple & Webster, Taubmans, The Wooden Whisk, Ultraceuticals, Babe Scrub, BoConcept and Silk Home Staging & Styling.


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Interiors Addict’s editorial assistant, Olivia Shead
Previous 7 Vignettes winner Galina Dixon
Guests enjoyed wines from First Creek
Guests enjoyed wines from First Creek
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Guests took home packed gift bags
Styling The Block

Photos: Interiors Addict Melbourne event with Darren Palmer

As we gear up for our next event in Sydney on Friday, I thought I’d share some pictures from this month’s hugely successful event with Darren Palmer at Haymes Paint’s gorgeous new Southbank showroom in Melbourne.

Guest of honour Darren and I, with Alisa and Lysandra
Guest of honour Darren and I, with Alisa and Lysandra

It was an absolutely packed house with readers and keen vignetters queuing to get in! I enjoyed interviewing Block judge and interior designer Darren live on stage, sharing his know-how with the audience, and having plenty of laughs too. We later surprised them with a visit from The Block twins Alisa and Lysandra Fraser, who stuck around to talk to delighted fans.