Competitions Styling

6 reasons you won’t participate in 7 Vignettes. And why they’re nonsense!

I’ve been pondering this post for a really long time. I am completely in love with our 7 Vignettes community on Instagram and it gives me so much joy to see what people get out of the experience and how supportive everyone is of each other. I’m also blown away by the beautiful images but that almost comes second! It genuinely makes me feel sad and frustrated when I hear people saying they’re too intimidated to take part because the standard is so high, or that they don’t have time, or the right props. I wanted to debunk all these myths and encourage you to give it a go, just once, then come back and tell me you didn’t love it! Please read on for my roundup of the most common excuses and why they’re nonsense!

1. I don’t have enough cool stuff. Pft! Nonsense! Some of our best images contain seashells, hairy string, flowers from the garden, a corner of a textured rug, pieces of fruit, a cuppa or a chubby baby’s hand! It’s not about owning lots of designer homewares, it’s about how you put the stuff together, the natural light, the composition, even the Instagram filter. And sometimes (often) simple is best. As they say, it’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with it that counts!

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By @milburt
By @milburt

2. I’m intimidated by how good everyone else is. This is probably the biggest issue people have. I draw your attention to these recent comments…

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I totally get it though. We have some super talented participants. It blows me away every month! But the absolute BEST thing about the 7 Vignettes community — even better than the beautiful feed of images — is the sense of community and all the lovely encouraging and friendly words for each other’s efforts. Take part and get to know them. You might even make a few new friends. I can promise you I have never ever heard of an incidence of anyone telling someone else theirs wasn’t up to scratch! And think what you can learn from these clever and inspiring people! Any doubts are in your own head only.

3. I’m a newbie and have no chance of winning when up against everyone else who has been doing it for two years. Ask @mintandfizz about that. She won the December 2014 round on her very first attempt!


4. My home isn’t stylish enough. Again, 7 Vignettes isn’t about showcasing cool or expensive stuff or even your home. Interiors Addict’s motto is, after all, style without the snobbery! You don’t even have to show us any of your home if you don’t want to. Most people don’t. It’s less about interiors and more about creativity, fun and enjoyment.

5. I feel guilty taking part in something so self-indulgent when I should be hanging out with my kids. Enough with the mother guilt already (let’s face it, the overwhelming majority of participants are female, this is not me being sexist)! I’ve heard comments to this effect a few times and it really bothers me. Why not take a little time out for yourself to do something creative for a few minutes for seven days of the month? It doesn’t have to be every month. If you’re stuck in a job that you don’t love, this could be one of your only creative outlets. Your kids may want to join in too and be inspired by watching your creativity in action. This happens all the time and sometimes we get to see the little ones’ vignette attempts too (super cute)! We love seeing little hands in parents’ vignettes too. And we laugh when we hear the stories of husbands who just don’t get it. Share the outtakes and the funny stories with us. Most of all, keep it real!

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Vignette by school girl @indiakitty
Vignette by school girl @indiakitty

Screen Shot 2015-01-02 at 7.00.09 PMAnd, if you truly believe 7 Vignettes is too self-indulgent a pastime for a mother that’s fine, but please keep it to yourself and don’t make others feel guilty, okay? Thanks!

6. I just don’t have time. My biggest advice here is not to over think it. And I hear time and time again that the most spontaneous vignettes can be the best. You can even set yourself a timer to make it more fun and challenging! Don’t just take it from me though…

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So, I really hope that hearing from readers who may have felt you once upon a time and are now hooked on 7 Vignettes and loving it, will encourage you to have a go yourself! I dare you to come and join Instagram’s friendliest community! We even have events throughout the year where you can meet each other.

The next 7 Vignettes challenge starts on 1 February 2015. To be first to receive the themes list, make sure you sign up to our newsletter. For step by step instructions, go here and please ask any questions in the comments below.

Competitions Styling

The best 7 Vignettes photos of 2014

7 Vignettes is always one of my highlights of each month and I’m still so proud to have started it. Now about to start its third year, I thought it would be remiss to let 2014 pass without showcasing some of our readers’ best efforts.

Here are my favourites from each monthly winner’s collections:

January 2014: Picturedthoughts


February 2014: @mozsas

heart february 2014 mozsas

March 2014: @themastersfoodandstyling

march vignettes

April 2014: @lauren.storey

austrahlee april vignettes

May 2014: @vintagefox_


June 2014: @kraig_at_the_warehouse (our first male winner!)


July 2014: @angelasteynandco

july vignettes angela steyne

August 2014: @brownpaperlemon (now featured in the 7 Vignettes Gather Journal from Rainy Sunday)

brownpaperlemon august vignettes

September 2014: @overgrown_garden

overgrown garden vignettes september

October 2014: @_fridays_child_

ocotber 7 vignettes

November 2014: @mozsas (second win of the year!)

mozsas november vignettes

December 2014: @mintandfizz

mint and fizz december vignettes

A huge thank you to all our participants, sponsors and guest judges!

Seeing all these together makes me think, as I have been all year, that it would be fantastic to take some of these images and turn them into something tangible and, at the same time, raise money for charity. I’d love that to be a project for 2015 and I’d really welcome your thoughts and ideas on what we could do and the best way to do it. Please comment below. Thanks! Jen.

Ready to take part in next month’s challenge, starting on New Year’s Day? You could win a $500 Kip and Co voucher! More info.

Competitions Styling

7 Vignettes, starts New Year’s Day! Win a $500 voucher from Kip and Co

I can’t think of a better New Year’s creative resolution than to have a go at your first 7 Vignettes challenge! Or if you’re a regular already, there’s no better way to kick off 1 January than by getting your stylist on via Instagram, right? If you needed further incentive, I’m hoping the chance to win a $500 Kip and Co voucher and completely make over your bedroom for 2015 might be good enough!

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Kip and Co linen

To keep things simple, as we hope lots of newbies will take part, the themes are all colour-based. Sparkle and rainbow are of course legitimate colours!

7 vignettes january 2015 interiors addict
Feel free to share this list with your networks

We’re also throwing in a 7 Vignettes Gather Journal for the winner and two runners up.

Photo: Nikki Hernan
Photo: Nikki Hernan

The challenge starts on 1 January 2015 and you must tag @interiorsaddict and @kipandco and use the hashtag #7vignettes. All the instructions can be found here if you’re new to it, and if you have questions, please pop them in the comments below and we will get back to you straight away!

Good luck and, more importantly, have fun!

Interiors Addict

Introducing the 7 Vignettes Gather Journal from Rainy Sunday

I am so excited to reveal to you an exciting collaboration that has been in the pipeline for months: Rainy Sunday’s 7 Vignettes Gather Journal. For the hundreds of you who take part in our monthly Instagram challenge, here’s somewhere gorgeous for you to keep all your styling inspiration together and you can buy it in time for Christmas (as a gift) or the January round of the competition (for yourself!).

7 vignettes gather journal rainy sunday interiors addict
Don’t you love that copper foil?!

The gather journals are the brainchild of Frith Hucks from Rainy Sunday and I leapt at the chance to get Interiors Addict involved. Rainy Sunday has evolved from a home enterprise making drinking jars (on a rainy Sunday) into a fully fledged homewares design business. Their products are often a modern take on old school ideas, so creating a series of journals with this in mind seemed quite natural.

Photo: Nikki Hernan
Photo: Nikki Hernan

“Having dabbled with the 7 Vignettes Instagram challenge myself, I realised how much thought and planning goes in to each theme,” Frith says. “Why not create a journal that both inspired and helped participants create their best vignettes each month for the challenge? Rather than just a journal with blank pages, the Gather Journal gives you the background to 7 Vignettes, fantastic tips from previous challenge winner Nikki Hernan (aka Brown Paper Lemon) to help improve your compositions and ideas on where you can get more inspiration. It’s not just a regular journal – it really is a place for gathering.”

Photo: Nikki Hernan
Photo: Nikki Hernan

From my point of view, the journal was a brilliant opportunity to showcase some of the work of one our very talented participants and blog readers, Nikki, who could not have been more excited to have her photos featured on its pages! “7 Vignettes gives you the freedom to be as expressive as you like, drawing from life experiences and connecting trinkets and heirlooms to tell tales and acknowledge loved ones,” Nikki says. “The old saying ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ rings true within vignettes. Exhibiting not only inanimate objects but also the mood that the artist is feeling. My style has has been enriched by this learning process which I look forward to continuing to explore.”

Photo: Nikki Hernan
Photo: Nikki Hernan

The 7 Vignettes Gather Journal is the first in a series of journals Rainy Sunday will release next year including editions for green juices and flower arranging. “Hopefully there will be lots of feedback from this Gather Journal that we’ll use to help us enhance the design and inspiration we include in our next ones,” adds Frith.

You can get your hands on the first Gather Journals ($23 each) at Finders Keepers Sydney tonight (Friday 12 December 2014) or online from today.

Interiors Addict

The winner of December 7 Vignettes with Domayne

Oh, what a week!  So many of you took part in the last 7 Vignettes of the year sponsored by Domayne. A huge congratulations to our winner @mintandfizz, we loved your festive images!

Domayne were a great sponsor, really getting involved, judging the winners, coming up with fab themes and generously giving us $50 daily voucher prizes as well as a $200 voucher for our overall winner. Now if that isn’t getting into the festive spirit, I don’t know what is!

I really enjoyed checking in from Dubai and seeing all your images from home!

If you didn’t get around to joining in this time, make it your New Year resolution to start next month, eh?!

Competitions Styling

Styling tips from Domayne for tomorrow’s 7 Vignettes

Have I mentioned 7 Vignettes starts tomorrow, that it’s the last of the year or that it’s a Christmas special so extra exciting? Yes, well, sorry, but it is!

This month’s sponsor, Domayne, have put together some easy to follow tips which may inspire you! Whether you’re taking part or not, check out this video for stylist Danielle Kelly’s tips for styling your Christmas tree!

Day 1’s theme for 7 Vignettes does just happen to be TREE though!

Day 5’s theme is WRAP IT UP, so their wrapping tips may be useful there. But who doesn’t need gift wrapping pointers anyway? I always have the best intentions to try something special and then leave it last minute AGAIN and go so basic! Shame on me!


And last but not least, you can check out Domayne’s tips for styling a Christmas vignette.


You’re welcome! Happy vignetting and Christmas decorating!

Not sure how 7 Vignettes works? Find all the info here.

Designers The Block

Photos: Our Easy Luxury event with Darren Palmer at West Elm

Photography by Alex Jackson

We had a lovely time at our latest reader event with Darren Palmer at West Elm Bondi last week. Please click on the below images to see them larger.

There was a large queue of people getting The Block judge’s book, Easy Luxury, signed by the author himself. Some kept theirs while others put them aside for Christmas presents! We then had our usual vignette styling challenge, with one reader, Jess, winning a box of goodies from West Elm.

Huge thanks to Darren and Murdoch Books, the team at West Elm, Williams-Sonoma for the catering (especially the legendary peppermint bark and chilled mulled wine!) and all the readers who attended.

To be first to know about our next event, please make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter. The next 7 Vignettes Instagram challenge starts on Monday 1 December. We’re giving away a $50 voucher every day for seven days, as well as one overall winner prize of $250, thanks to our sponsor Domayne.

Competitions Styling

Christmas 7 Vignettes with Domayne starts a week today

Who else is excited about Christmas?! Love it. This year, I’m going all out with a real tree and everything. Bring it on! So it’s just a week until our last 7 Vignettes for the year starts and I’m delighted to announce our sponsor, Domayne, who have come up with some fab festive themes. There’s also, in a first, going to be a prize every day so there’s an incentive to try consistently hard across the whole week! Oh, and an overall winner and prize too.

7 vignettes domayne interiors addict christmas december themes 2014
Feel free to share this list on Instagram or any other social media!

So you have a whole week to prepare now. You can take these themes as literally as you like. They don’t have to have a festive feel as well; that’s totally up to you. Each day, one winner, chosen by Domayne, will win a $50 Domayne voucher. And at the end of the week, one overall winner will be crowned and they’ll receive a $200 voucher.


If you haven’t played before, this is the perfect time to give it a go, even if just for fun and Christmas cheer! Experience our friendly Insta-community for yourself, it’s a warm and fuzzy place to be! Find out how it all works hereThis month, make sure you tag @domayne_australia and @interiorsaddict and use the hashtag #7vignettes.


If you have any questions, please comment below. Check out Domayne online.

Coming soon: News of an exciting new beautiful product to help you get organised with your vignette inspiration. Stay tuned!

Interiors Addict

Photos: Reader event with Greg Natale at BoConcept

We had a great night at our Interiors Addict reader event with award-winning interior designer Greg Natale last week.

The crowd was captivated by Greg

The event was hosted by our friends at BoConcept in their new store at Supa Centa Moore Park. Guests enjoyed my live Q&A with Greg about his new book, The Tailored Interior, then patiently queued up to get their copy signed as he took the time to chat with each person.




We also had a live 7 Vignettes challenge with everyone allowed to arrange and rearrange whatever they liked in the store for their chance to win a side table from BoConcept. Lucky winner Lucy Lee was thrilled to take home the prize!

Vignette challenge winner Lucy Lee
Greg and I
Greg and I

BoConcept marketing manager Eliza Williams said: “We were thrilled to have the opportunity to host our third event with Interiors Addict, and excited to discover the guest host would be Greg Natale, a designer whom we have enjoyed working with and whose style and impact on the interior design industry we really admire. The best thing about these events is the relaxed atmosphere and the opportunity for guests to meet and chat with Greg and Jen and amongst each other, and for us to witness some pretty amazing styling talent from the guests in our showroom with the mini #7Vignettes competition!”





Huge thanks must go to Greg and BoConcept and our event partners The Wooden Whisk (we can’t get enough of their catering!), First Creek Wines, Bang & Olufsen and Supa Centa Moore Park for their support. Thanks also to our gift bag sponsors My Little Photo BookFeast Watson, Murchison Hume, White Glo, Belle  and Real Living magazines, Pukka tea and Babe Scrub.




There are a few spaces left at our next event with The Block’s Darren Palmer at West Elm next Wednesday. Read more and register here.



The winner of November 7 Vignettes with The Wedding Nest

It’s @mozsas, otherwise known as Heidi O’Rourke. This is Heidi’s second win this year (she also won in February) which just goes to show that previous winners have just as much chance as anyone else. We feel the best person should win regardless!

It was a tough call as ever though, with Jacqui Scruby from The Wedding Nest describing the process as both fun and  torture! So much so, she has decided to also award a runner-up prize of a Mud Australia Nest bowl in Milk to @katherinedorrington from Perth.

“Thanks Jen and the #7vignettes community for embracing me as judge for such a fantastic competition. I knew I’d be judging some pretty great styling but I wasn’t expecting to be blown away by the romance of the stories behind some of the vignettes or the heartwarming support everyone gives each other.

“I unintentionally set challenging themes but I love that I did, as I couldn’t have wished for better entries! Such a tough decision but I have to award the prize to @mozsas for the most beautiful montage of vignettes that represented all that I loved about everyone’s entries — some vintage and romance, some abstract and literal and of course some flowers and glamour.”

Heidi wins two of these gorgeous lights thanks to The Wedding Nest. Heidi and Katherine, please contact me with your mailing address to claim your prize.


I’m already excited about next month and the Christmas edition, where we will have prizes every DAY as well as an overall winner. Look forward to revealing more soon!

If you want to be the first to know the themes list, sign up for our newsletter.

Designers The Block

Meet The Block’s Darren Palmer at our next reader event

I’m delighted to announce that we have one more Sydney reader event before Christmas with Block judge, interior designer and most recently author, our friend Darren Palmer. The event will take place on the evening of  Wednesday 19 November at West Elm Bondi Junction.

Darren at home, as seen on Interiors Addict

Register quick for this one as places are limited and we expect it to be popular!

I’ll be interviewing Darren about his book, Easy Luxury, The Block, and his design work. Then we’ll set you loose on the store to style, arrange and rearrange to your heart’s content. You can photograph and share your vignettes on Instagram with one person taking home a prize on the night.

There’ll also be refreshments by Williams-Sonoma, drinks, a chance to meet fellow interiors addicts and, if you’re interested, yours truly! And you can buy and get your copy of Easy Luxury signed by Darren too.


We respectfully ask that you’re sure you can attend before you register as last minute cancellations result in wasted spaces which could have been offered to someone else. Sadly, people often let us know when it is too late to offer their place to someone on the wait list.

When: 7-9pm, Wednesday 19 November 2014

Where: West Elm, The Exchange Building, 472 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction, Sydney 2022.


Designers Expert Tips Styling

7 Vignettes inspiration from Greg Natale as his book launches

Greg Natale’s wonderful book, The Tailored Interior, launches today, and we couldn’t be more excited! I’m a long time fan of Greg’s and he was one of the first interior designers I interviewed for this blog more than three years ago. I have come to know Greg and his award-winning work well so I was very honoured last year, when he asked if I’d help him with his first (of many, I’m sure) book. As a writer and an interiors addict, it was a bit of a dream come true, and to finally see this book in all its hard cover glory is such a thrill (it just wasn’t the same in Word doc and PDF format)! It’s out today and call me biased, but I thoroughly recommend you buy a copy!


It’s a given that this book is full of stunning imagery (by renowned interiors photographer, Anson Smart) but what’s really exciting is that almost all of it has never been published or seen anywhere before. I know keeping this work, which he is extremely proud of, under wraps, was a big challenge for Greg, but I think he made the right call. I expect people will be surprised and impressed by the way in which Greg’s work has evolved. While it’s still clearly his style, it really has moved on and I think it’s exciting and a real treat for readers.

It’s not just pretty pictures either, although we all love them! Having worked on the words with Greg, I learned so much, which I am now constantly applying to my own home! Whether it’s contrast, scale, colour and pattern, cohesion or even just the starting point that has you baffled, you can learn from Greg’s easy to follow advice, tips and tricks. There’s also a great directory of places to shop, both here in Australia, overseas and online. The foreword is by the fabulous Jonathan Adler.

To celebrate the book launch today (published by Hardie Grant and available in all good book shops), Greg has exclusively shared with us these seven images (above) from the book featuring styled vignettes, which he hopes will give you some inspiration for this month’s Instagram challenge, which also starts today. Thanks, Greg!

Some places you can buy The Tailored Interior online now: Angus & Robertson, Book Depository and Booktopia.

Interiors Addict

November 7 Vignettes with The Wedding Nest

Hooray, hooray, it’s almost time! 7 Vignettes starts again on Saturday and our guest judge this month is Jacqui Scruby from The Wedding Nest. The lucky winner will get two of these gorgeous lights!


Next month’s themes, chosen by Jacqui, are spring racing themed! Nice huh?! I fully expect you to embrace them, as you always seem to! Remember, don’t take them too literally! Unless, of course, you want to!

We'd love you to share this list!
We’d love you to share this list!

The fun starts on Saturday 1 November. Newbies, find all the details of how to take part here.

The Wedding Nest is an online wedding registry which Damian and I happened to use for our wedding last year. Our home has many stylish new things because of it!

Interiors Addict

The winner of 7 Vignettes October with Resident GP

I don’t normally post on a Saturday but you can’t have something as important as the winner of 7 Vignettes just sitting there in your inbox over the weekend, right?! I’m delighted to announce that that person, as picked by this month’s sponsor and guest judge, is @_fridays_child_ Well done, Anne from WA!

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Gabi from Resident GP Homewares, said: “I thought her vignettes were really well thought out, beautifully presented, consistent and loved the interpretation of all the themes.”

Here are my favourites from Anne’s week:


Anne wins a $250 voucher to spend at Resident GP Homewares. Please contact us with your details to claim your prize. Happy weekend, everyone!

Competitions Styling

7 Vignettes October with Resident GP Homewares

Hooray! 7 Vignettes starts a week today and we have a great sponsor and guest judge on board in the form of stylish new online store, Resident GP Homewares. You could win a $200 voucher to spend with them. The hardest thing will be deciding what to spend it on! I’ve shared a few of my favourites.

resident gp 3

Resident GP is run by young Melbourne couple Gabi and Pawel. It’s fuelled by their love of design and craftsmanship and wanting to share their discoveries with anyone who is intrigued by unique and special goods for the home. Pawel is an engineer who has a high regard for all things practical and functional. Gabi studied architecture and has worked within the furniture and homewares industry for many years. She’s not so practical and tends to get carried away with the creative side of things!

“The name Resident GP was established as a union of our desire to help resolve your home décor and styling ailments along with the brains and brawn (Pawel’s also good at lifting boxes) behind this adventure,” Gabi says.

Here are the themes for next week, based on the sections of Resident GP’s online store. They’re a little broader than usual but very much open to interpretation. Will this make your task easier or harder, I wonder?!

We’d love you to save this to your desktop/phone and share it with your networks!

Please make sure you tag all your entries with #7vignettes and tag myself @interiorsaddict and Gabi @residentgp_homewares

Newbies, please read all about how to take part in our monthly Instagram challenge here and if you have any questions, please pop them in the comments below and we’ll get back to you!

Interiors Addict

The winner of September 7 Vignettes with Mr Jason Grant

I really enjoyed this month’s 7 Vignettes and felt there was a lot of feeling and love behind all the images. With themes like nostalgia, family and four-legged friend, chosen by our guest judge Mr Jason Grant, it was perhaps no surprise. I sometimes like the stories behind the images as much, if not more than, the images themselves!

I won’t keep you dangling any longer. The winner, as chosen by stylist Jason, was Helen Hamilton, aka @overgrown_garden. Congratulations, Helen! “I love the thought that has gone into these images and that they have been shot as a series,” Jason said. “I love the timber background, the simple and relaxed styling and of course the pop of yellow — beautiful!”

Helen wins a signed copy of Jason’s just launched second book, Holiday at Home. Here’s Jason and I at his book signing at West Elm in Melbourne at the weekend.

Helen, please contact us to claim your prize.


September 7 Vignettes starts today!

Not only it is the first day of Spring, it’s also day 1 of September 7 Vignettes and there’s plenty of time to get involved. If you’ve been thinking about doing your first one, jump on board and experience our friendly and supportive Instagram community for yourself. You won’t regret it. It’s full of the warm and fuzzies over there, I’m telling you!

7v sept

So there’s your list and the guest judge is stylist Mr Jason Grant, who is giving a signed copy of his new book, Holiday at Home, to the winner.

Holiday at Home, out in September, published by Hardie Grant
Holiday at Home, out in September, published by Hardie Grant

More details for newbies here. Have fun!

Interiors Addict

7 Vignettes September with Mr Jason Grant

Goodness me, in my jet lagged haze this week, I almost forgot that 7 Vignettes starts on Monday and I hadn’t announced the themes yet! Apologies to all of you who like lots of time to get prepared! Here are the themes, chosen by stylist Jason Grant, in celebration of his second book, Holiday at Home. Jason will also be the guest judge next week and the winner gets a signed copy of his book.

7v sept

Please tag @interiorsaddict and @mr_jason_grant and use the hashtag #7vignettes, as usual. New people, feel free to ask questions in the comments below. Please do share the themes above with all your social networks!

Holiday at Home, out in September, published by Hardie Grant
Holiday at Home, out in September, published by Hardie Grant

Sydneysiders are very welcome to join us at the new West Elm in Chatswood Chase tomorrow (Saturday), from 12 noon until 2pm, where I’ll be doing a Q&A with Jason and he’ll be signing copies of the book. See you there!

Photography by Lauren Bamford.