House Tours RENO ADDICT Styling

Diary of a Reno, the complete video series

Watch all five episodes of our Diary of a Reno video series as we take you through a real life renovation, from purchase to sale and $25,000 profit six weeks later! Our expert Naomi Findlay, an experienced property developer (and busy mum of four!) owns successful business SILK Home Staging & Styling and teaches others how to stage for sale and set up their own styling businesses through her International Institute of Home Staging. Former Block winners Alisa and Lysandra are just some of her students!

Watch videos 1 through to 5 to follow the whole story of this project in Newcastle, NSW.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

We hope our warts and all, keeping it real advice has inspired and helped you. If you have any questions for Naomi, please put them in the comments below.

Happy renovating!

Competitions The Block

Win a consultation with The Block twins Alisa and Lysandra

Would you like some personal interiors advice for your home from the Block’s popular Alisa and Lysandra? You could win this great prize in our exclusive competition! Having won The Block Sky High and taken home a tidy profit on Fans vs. Faves, these girls have proven they know their stuff.


The lucky winner gets a moodboard for a room in their home created by Alisa and a 30-minute video Skype consultation with her. She’ll talk them through the moodboard and how to implement her design suggestions in their home. They’re also throwing in a 20% discount off anything from their store.


To enter, use the form below and describe how you would dress a room using five products from their online store, Alisa & Lysandra Collections. To complete your entry, make sure you’re signed up to their newsletter. Lysandra will select the best entry.


 Read all our Block coverage. You can apply to be a contestant on the next series of The Block until 6 July 2014.

You have until midnight this Sunday 15 June 2014 to enter this competition. Good luck!

[gravityform id=”13″ name=”Interiors Addict Competition Entry 2″ title=”false” description=”false”]

Interiors Addict

And the winner of our 3rd birthday $2,000 homewares giveaway is…

We knew there’d be hundreds of entries for our biggest competition yet and the chance to win a combined $2000 to spend with some of our favourite homewares brands. Heck, Olivia and I wish we could win!


But the very lucky winner is Maria Angus, whose entry really made us giggle! We thought we’d let you read her winning answer for yourself. To enter, you had to say why you were the ultimate interiors addict…

photo 4

Congratulations, Maria. I’ll be emailing you your prize details this week. I’m so envious of your imminent online shopping spree and hope you’ll share your purchases with us!

Thanks to everyone else who entered and wished us a happy blog birthday! The biggest thank you must go to our generous prize sponsors Dinosaur Designs, Temple & Webster, Kate & Kate, Lumiere Art + Co, Billy Heckenberg, Urban Road, I Love Linen, Alisa & Lysandra Collections, The Block Shop and Bonnie and Neil.

The Block

Alisa Fraser on life after The Block for the twins

Now their second reality TV experience is over, it’s time for the twins to embark on their new careers as interior designers after quitting the police. One half of The Block’s love-them-or-hate-them (we love them!) duo, Alisa Fraser, writes for us about the experience from start to finish and their plans for the future.

By Alisa Fraser

After winning The Block Sky High and being crowned the bathroom and kitchen queens, we were asked to come back to film another series of The Block. We just assumed it was going to be another All Stars season, even to the point where we had convinced ourselves that we knew who all the other contestants were going to be. It was surely going to be, Gav and Waz, Tanya and Rod, and Brad and Lara.

The Block in Melbourne

As we drove up to The Block, we realised that we did not recognise two of the couples. There were two tall guys standing with their backs towards us, and at that point I could see it was Brad and Dale. My eyes then moved to a female and male who I now know as Chantelle and Steve and on the end was a young couple, Kyal and Kara. My head was spinning. Was this a joke? What is going on?! Scotty soon explained that they were the new contestants and that it was a competition between the old favourites and the new fans. Talk about throwing a spanner in the works (and every other tool you can think of)!


It took a couple weeks to work out everyone’s personalities, design styles and skills. It was obvious that Kyal and Kara were the experienced couple, whilst Chantelle and Steve were the most inexperienced. We formed great relationships with both of the ‘fan’ couples and took on the bigger sister role, offering advice and help where we could. When we were introduced to our new project, Dux House, we were in absolute awe of the building. I thought how lucky we were to have been given this opportunity to renovate this piece of history.

It was so different to the old biz motel. It was an opportunity for Lysandra and I to show Australia a different side to our design and to reinforce that we have what it takes to make a career in this industry. We were handed the plans and immediately our brains went into overdrive. How could we make our apartment different to the others? We had to think beyond our game-changing move from Sky High (which included adding an elevated bath in the walk-in robe). We had to think bigger and better. How about taking a massive chance and completely changing the layout of entire apartment? We were all given the same basic plans that included the positions of each room. We took one look at the downstairs layout and our first thought was how could we create a dining room that was completely separate from the kitchen and living space?

L-R Alisa and Lysandra

The only way we could achieve this was by repositioning the kitchen. It was a big risk, but it was the kind of risk that was going to separate our apartment from the others. Then our next thought was, what are the key features that represent loft living? Height! How can we create light and a true sense of grandeur? A void! When I envisage loft living, I picture walkovers and openings to the upper levels, and most importantly, a sense of space. The next move was to meet with the architect, Julian Brenchley, to make sure we could turn our vision into a reality, and luckily for us it was possible.

As we completed each room, our vision remained strong. There were moments we doubted our decisions and it was challenging to stay true to the direction we were heading. We could see the overall picture in our heads, but the challenge was to convince the judges that our choices were eventually going to make sense. As we completed each room, our overall vision became clearer to the judges (big sigh). Lysandra and I could not be happier with the apartment we created. We were given a concrete slab and some very basic plans to work off. From there, we designed and created a beautiful loft-style apartment that was true to the building and unique.

Our Dux House apartment was so different to our apartment on Sky High, and I really feel like we pushed the boundaries and took huge risks. Since finishing Fans vs Favs, we have taken on another interior design project. It is another warehouse conversion located in Melbourne between the biz motel and Dux House. It is like another Block, just without the cameras. Watch this space for more updates and pics!

Lysandra and I have also launched our very own online homewares store, Alisa and Lysandra Collections. We have selected homewares that we love and have provided a place for our customers to purchase beautiful products online. We are working really hard to constantly offer new and exciting products, and are always looking at new ways to grow and improve our business. The Block has certainly allowed us to dream big. We want to thank all the amazing people we have met through this process and for giving us the inspiration to believe anything is possible.  

Alisa x

You can still keep up to date with the twins on Facebook. Read all our previous Block content here.

Interiors Addict

Scott Cam picks up Gold Logie for The Block Sky High + dress photos!

It was a night of glamour for the Block Sky High contestants and judges last night, but the biggest winner of the night was the show’s host, Scott Cam, who went home with the best presenter gong and the coveted Gold Logie.

The twins wearing designer Liza Emanuele
The twins wearing designer Liza Emanuele
Alisa and Lysandra with Shelley Craft and fellow Sky High contestant and newlywed, Kim
Alisa and Lysandra with Shelley Craft and fellow Sky High contestant and newlywed, Kim
The twins with Danni Minogue
The twins with Danni Minogue

Those following the frocks (that’d be me) would have noticed Shaynna Blaze and twins Alisa and Lysandra’s dresses, not to mention judges Neale Whitaker and Darren Palmer looking very sharp. My favourite Blockhead outfit was definitely Shelley Craft’s. I thought she looked lovely.

Block judge Shaynna with her Selling Houses Australia co-hosts Andrew Winter and Charlie Albone
Block judge Shaynna with her Selling Houses Australia co-hosts Andrew Winter and Charlie Albone
Neale Whitaker and Darren Palmer
Neale Whitaker and Darren Palmer

What did you think of the dresses?

Read all our previous Block coverage.

Interiors Addict

Win a $2,000 homewares shopping spree!

As I wrote yesterday, last week Interiors Addict turned three, and if that isn’t an excuse for a celebration, I don’t know what is! I wouldn’t be here without my readers, so I want to give one of you the chance to go on a MAJOR spending spree with some of my favourite homewares brands. Interested?


1. Head on over to Instagram and regram (or screen grab and re-post, depending on your apps and technical know-how!) this image from our feed:

2. Use the hashtag #interiorsaddict3rdbirthday and in your caption/comment, tell us why YOU are the ultimate interiors addict!

3. To complete your entry, if you’re not already, make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter (the winning entry will be checked against our database so if your full name isn’t in your insta profile, make sure it’s in your caption/comment).

4. You have a week to enter, until midnight on Tuesday 29 April 2014. The winner (the answer Jen finds most creative, convincing and/or amusing) will be announced the following week).


One lucky winner will receive $200 credit for each and every one of the 10 brands pictured to spend online, a massive total of $2,000 worth of gorgeous new things for your home! Thanks to our prize sponsors Bonnie and Neil, I Love Linen, Temple & Webster, Dinosaur Designs, Urban Road, Billy Heckenberg, Alisa & Lysandra Collections, The Block Shop, Kate & Kate and Lumiere Art + Co.

What are you waiting for? If you’re not on Instagram yet, it’s time you joined up!

The Block

The Block Auctions: TV’s biggest plot twist ever?

(Otherwise known as the one where editorial assistant Olivia Shead watches the Block finale and narrowly avoids having a heart attack. — Jen)

In a result I think it’s fair to say absolutely no-one saw coming, Steve and Chantelle took out The Block Fans vs Faves last night and to be honest, I’m not ready to accept it. Scott Cam says: “It’s the craziest night of television I’ve ever done.” For me, it’s the craziest night of television I’ve ever watched.

Steve and Chantelle
Steve and Chantelle

Okay, deep breath, let’s start at the beginning: the reserves. Kyal and Kara’s comes out highest at $1,900,000, minus the money from their challenge win and their final reserve is $1,872,750. Steve and Chantelle follow suit with a reserve of $1,850,000, down to $1,834,000. Brad and Dale’s goes from $1,830,000 to $1,802,750. And Alisa and Lysandra’s shrinks from $1,775,000 to $1,759,000.

At this point, I’m feeling good; my favourites the twins have a solid reserve, substantially lower than their competitors. Naively I’m thinking, let’s make it two wins for the girls.

Now we’re up to auction order and in the first surprise of many it goes shockingly well. The order is worked out amongst the teams in a total of 30 seconds: the boys first, followed by the Super Ks, the twins and lastly, Steve and Chantelle.

Brad and Dale's winning master bedroom and ensuite
Brad and Dale’s winning master bedroom and ensuite

With that done, the auctions are ready to start and the boys are up. Down in the auction room (in other words the kitchen) the first person I spot is Frank. For committed Block fans (like me) you’ll remember him from Sky High, where he bid unsuccessfully for four out of the five apartments before finally securing Matt and Kim’s. He was certainly one to watch during last year’s auctions and the same can be said for these, but more on that later.

The boys’ auction goes fantastically well, they sell their apartment for $2,310,000 and break the record for the most money ever won on the show, going home with a sweet profit of $507,250. It seemed like no-one could dream of beating them, but that was definitely not the case.

Kyal and Kara's winning main bathroom
Kyal and Kara’s winning main bathroom

Kyal and Kara are next and they shoot past the boys profit, selling their apartment for $2,440,000, taking a profit of $567,250. Ok, so surely no one could beat that? Wrong again!

Next are the twins and I feel my stomach drop. Like those that have gone before them, the bids go thick and fast. The girls are crying, I’m squealing and then it’s over. The twins sell their apartment for $2,375,000 and take home a mammoth profit of $616,000.

Alisa and Lysandra's winning kitchen
Alisa and Lysandra’s winning kitchen

Now, only one couple stood in the way of the twins’ second Block win. Enter Steve and Chantelle. How could these underdogs possibly beat $616,000? The auction starts and once again it’s quick and this is where Frank comes into play. He’s now been bidding and unsuccessfully at that, for the last three apartments, so the question is, how desperate is he for the last one? Unfortunately for my dear twins, a lot! He’s going hard at it, and the profit margin between Steve and Chantelle and the twins is shrinking fast. They’re ten grand off the girls. First call. Come on, sell! Second call. Ad break.

Expletives may have been heard. The longest ad break of my life and we’re back.

Steve and Chantelle's winning living and dining
Steve and Chantelle’s winning living and dining

A tiresome recap and then it’s down to the ten grand margin again. I’m praying it will sell, but alas it’s not meant to be. They pass the girls. Steve and Chantelle are in shock (I’m not surprised, even they must appreciate this is the biggest plot twist ever) and their apartment is sold for $2,470,000. A profit of $636,000 plus the $100,000 for winning and they go home with a tidy $736,000. Goodness gracious.

I don’t want to be a naysayer but I’m saying it anyway, being last was the victory move here. I think infamous Frank and all the other bidders were so desperate to get one of the apartments that they went a little crazy on the last one and for Steve and Chantelle, that meant winning. Congratulations to them and now, I need a cuppa and a lie down after reliving it!


 For more information. 

House Tours The Block

Video tour of the whole apartment with The Block’s Alisa and Lysandra

Editorial assistant Olivia Shead did a little detective work last month and found this video by the agent selling the twins’ apartment. We decided not to share it with you and spoil any surprises until the full reveals of the apartments.

Watch the twins take you around and talk about the apartment’s features. Olivia and I have made no secret of the girls being our favourites. We wish them all the best for auction next week!


Bathrooms House Tours The Block

Brad and Dale win the Block master bedroom suite reveal

Well I never, Brad and Dale, with their brave bath in the bedroom, won last night’s (delayed!) room reveal. I’m a massive bath lover so it does appeal to me, although I have to say I don’t like the idea of the dust, and cleaning it, but hey, it’s rather unique and luxurious! I think a master suite should be a bit different and special like this, even if it’s not a 100% practical or a safe choice! What did you think?

brad and dale 2

Great bathroom too, in my opinion.

brad and dale 4

Get the look: Reece Pol shower mixer, Posh Domain round overhead shower, Nikles Pure Rail shower.

brad and dale 1

Get the look: Ziporah towels, Scala floor mounted spout, Sealy Posturepedic bed.

brad and dale 3

Chantelle and Steve were just half a point behind them this week and I really liked their effort too. I really liked the darker feature wall with built in bedhead and side tables.

steve chantelle 1

Get the look: Design by Boys cushion, mini macrame hanger, Cockatoo cushion, Enzo desk lamp, Chair Candy chair, Yvette pendant, Mark Douglas jelly light, watercolour artwork cushion.

steve chantelle 2

And how good are these basins?!

Get the look: Mark Douglas jewel light, Milli Axon chrome and black tap set.

steve chantelle 3

Next up my favourites, Alisa and Lysandra, although hand on heart theirs wasn’t my favourite this week. That said, how amazing is the void and the difference it makes to upstairs too? That was a brilliant decision, girls!

alisa lysandra 2

Get the look: Clouds artwork by Marija Basic, gumball pouffe, ripple throw.

alisa lysandra 1

Get the look: Concrete pendant, San Sebastian dining chair, butterfly cushion, Scoop pendant (in ensuite), Alisa & Lysandra Collections towels, Reece Milli black basin mixers, Teknobili ceiling mounted shower.

alisa lysandra 3

And last but not least, Kyal and Kara.

kyal kara 1

Get the look: Bill Sampson artwork, Zuster bedside tables, grey tweed bathroom towels, herringbone towels, Mizu Bloc overhead shower.

Absolutely stunning bathroom!

kyal kara 2

If something you like that’s not mentioned here, you can find full supplier lists for all the couples’ rooms on Nine’s Block website.

Read all our previous Block coverage.

Appliances House Tours Kitchens The Block

Editorial assistant Olivia Shead gets to look inside The Block

Up front there are two things I’ve got to disclose. First, I’m a massive twins fan and though all my university studies have taught me being a journalist means being balanced, when push comes to shove it’s hard to put into practice. Second, this was kind of the best day of my life, so please humour this rather indulgently long post. Now that’s sorted, let us begin.


The day began at 1pm, when I flew from Sydney to Melbourne. Staying at The Blackman (one of the Art Series Hotels and a favourite of Jen’s) on St Kilda Road, I had a suite on the 17th floor. The room was rather excessive for a single person, including two separate sleeping areas, a bathroom, kitchenette, dining area and balcony, but who am I to complain?!


After staying at the hotel for a couple of hours, in a rather jittery excitement, the time had come. I was off to see The Block!

The Block is situated on a quiet street in Albert Park. All the neighbouring houses are cute single story terraces, which juxtapose rather dramatically against the massive structure that is The Block, or as the building is actually called, Dux House.


Once in, the common area and pool is immediately on your right. Everyone who was attending the media preview got ushered into there, where, with some drinks and canapés, we waited for the proceedings to begin. This is also where some very disappointing news was broken to me: we were only allowed on the first floor of the apartments, not upstairs. They even had Channel 9 personnel guarding each staircase so no over eager Blockheads like me could sneak up! However, in perfect timing, I was handed the menu for the five-course dinner and suddenly I no longer felt as gloomy.


From then on we went through each apartment and, in each kitchen, we were talked through the appliances, ate our next course and then had some time to walk around the entire ground floors. The first stop was Brad and Dale’s apartment. In one of their wisest moves, we discovered they had changed their dining table from the tiny four-seater to a more reasonable six-seater.


What however was very obvious was how small the apartment’s entertaining space was. In fact, apart from the twins (I’m not biased, others agreed with me!) and even Steve and Chantelle’s, the others felt surprisingly tiny in comparison. That being said, we were a group of 40 or so people and how often are you going to have that many people in your apartment?

The boys’ guest bathroom was a knockout and their feature artwork in the kitchen was as amazing in real life as it had been on screen.


Next up were Steve and Chantelle, who were probably my surprise of the night. Their kitchen, which I must admit I thought was a bit of a disaster when I saw it on TV (who puts a stove top in the middle of their soon to be living space?) worked really well and meshed nicely into the living and dining sections. They also had managed to separate their dining area somewhat from the living, which both the boys and Kyal and Kara didn’t do.


The Super Ks’ apartment was our third visit and the timberwork was truly magnificent. Their guest bedroom was gorgeous and so spacious, which then made their living and dining area seem even smaller in comparison.

I couldn’t help agreeing with the judges on this one; it was such a grand entrance to the apartment — a real standout foyer and hallway — that you just expected the area that awaited you on the other side to be on the same level of grandeur. That said, I loved all their furniture and styling, and in terms of personal aesthetic, they definitely match mine the most.


Our last stop was Alisa and Lysandra’s apartment and what a different it makes switching the kitchen and the dining. It truly made the space seem so much bigger. If you hadn’t had known that all the apartments were the same size, you wouldn’t have believed it.

You also got to see the light well in action, which made the ceilings seem huge. Unfortunately, it was dark when we arrived at their apartment but I’m sure it would have also added a lot of light to the space.

I’m trying to think of something critical to say about them but I honestly can’t. If I’m scraping the barrel I think a mirror as a splashback in the kitchen would be a nightmare to clean… but that’s all!


The night ended after that and I got to take home the most incredible goodie bags (plural), a big box I later found out had a pot and pan in it and literally the biggest piece of parmesan cheese I’ve ever seen! You can imagine what I looked like flying this all back to Sydney as carry on!

The night was incredible and a big thank you to The Good Guys Kitchens for getting me there. Come auction day, may the best twins (I mean team) win!


The evening’s sponsors: Samsung, Fisher & Paykel, Electrolux, Bosch and Smeg.

House Tours The Block

All the rooms from The Block living/dining reveals

The thing about being out of Australia now is that I can’t watch The Block for the rest of the series! But before you all start shouting “first world problems!” at me, don’t worry, I’m relying on my sources to continue to bring you the weekly Monday wrap-up of every room reveal. It’s probably about time I admitted I was lucky enough to have a tour of The Block a few weeks back. And editorial assistant Olivia Shead gets to check it out tomorrow night, so look out for her social media pictures and a blog post to come later this week.

So here we go. Last night’s winners were, for the first time, Steve and Chantelle. At the time of writing, I’d not had a chance to catch up on the reaction to their win. What did you think? If I’d been judging though, I’d definitely have picked Alisa and Lysandra. But I wasn’t, so hey…

I’ve made no secret of my twins favouritism but I defy anyone not to see what I’m talking about after last night’s living/dining reveal. Their apartment is HOT. I want to move right in. Not that the other couples aren’t doing some great things too (I like Brad and Dale’s kitchen more than most and Kyal and Kara’s bathroom was brilliant) but Alisa and Lysandra, in my opinion, have the most consistently strong look, week after week (hanging bathroom moss aside). And their living/dining area is not only stylish and texture-tastic, but so practical and functional with its separate dining, desk nook and generous living area. Top marks from me!


alisa lysandra 5

alisa lysandra 2

Browse furniture, including the above, in Alisa and Lysandra’s online store.

alisa lysandra 4

BUY: Unearth butterly cushion, $129

alisa lysandra 6

alisa lysandra 3

BUY: Lisbon stool (desk area), $169


brad and dale 3

BUY: Unearth butterfly cushion, $129, Design by Boys cushion, $88, Megan Weston artwork, from $330, Nest pendant in living room from $695

brad and dale

BUY: Droplet pendant from kitchen, $1250, Brussels kitchen stools, $69 each, Wetlands cushion by Lindsay Blamey, $130

brad and dale 2

BUY: Habitat pendant (in hallway), from $69, Oslo dining chairs, $179 each


kyal and kara 1

BUY: Johansen side chair, $179, Lumiere Art + Co linen throw, $220,

kyal and kara 3

BUY: Malmo dining table, $899,

kyal and kara 2

BUY: Ali McNabney Stevens art, from $170

And the winners… CHANTELLE & STEVE

Congrats on your first room win, guys!

chantelle steve 3

BUY: Poster, from $150, Malmo coffee table, $449

chantelle steve 1

BUY: Bradford modular sofa, $3497, Malmo entertainment unit, $999

chantelle steve 2

BUY: Ibiza dining chairs, $149 each, Factory pendant, $625.

You can find all our Block coverage and previous room reveals here.

The Block

Alisa and Lysandra win the coveted kitchen reveal on last night’s Block

I don’t always agree with the judges, much as I like and respect all three of them, but last night I sure did. It would have been just wrong if the twins hadn’t won the kitchen room reveal. I thought their room was outstanding: brave, well thought out and expertly finished.

alisa lysandra kitchen 1

It scored points for both style and practicality with all the judges. If you didn’t watch the show, make sure you catch up this week, because the photos don’t really do it justice. I loved the sophisticated look and mix of textures.

alisa lysandra kitchen 2

As for the judges, they loved it. Shaynna said it was a chef’s kitchen and despite the fact the girls had been driving her mad with some of their rooms, they had really proven themselves this week. Darren was impressed with their foresight in putting the kitchen somewhere else entirely to the rest of the contestants and loved the void and ceiling height. Neale said it made sense of the whole space and he can’t wait to see what they do with their living and dining areas. He also said it was modern but not too trendy and would date well.

GET THEIR LOOK: Untitled landscape artwork by Sue Quinn | benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys Kitchens | Gus Stanley stools.

Kyal and Kara

kyal kara kitchen 1

I loved this kitchen too but really wish it had a table or some better options for sitting and eating. That said, it is hard to judge without seeing it in the context of the living and dining area. The judges loved the huge pantry and storage with timber doors. Neale said it was his favourite thing this week. Darren loved the glass over exposed brick splashback (so did I!) and said he had never seen it done before. Shaynna commented on the great use of texture but said it was lacking in colour and felt a little too masculine.

kyal kara kitchen 2

GET THEIR LOOK: Benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys Kitchens.

Chantelle and Steve

chantelle steve kitchen 2

I wasn’t crazy about this one. I’m not even sure why. There was a lot right with it and Chantelle and Steve certainly felt confident about their effort. It’s a little too industrial and quirky for me and I think it may polarise potential buyers.

The judges loved the lightbox-style poster art and Darren thought the island benchtop was great. Neale said it was a quirky and contemporary kitchen but Shaynna said it was too cluttered. Darren was also worried about how the lounge and dining areas will work with it but I guess that all remains to be seen!

chantelle steve kitchen 1

GET THIER LOOK: Manor Barn light shade | Saint Tropez stool | Custom orange juice art | Benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys Kitchens.

Brad and Dale

brad and dale kitchen 2

The judges really weren’t too keen on this kitchen but I thought it was great. I agreed with Neale about the LED lighting being a bit over the top but I certainly didn’t think it felt 90s, like he did. I loved that curved bench, the lights, the brick wall and the floor. The bar stools made me cringe but on the whole I really liked it. And that artwork! Wow!

brad and dale kitchen 1

The judges described the art as both epic and divine! Neale said the floor was breathtaking but the room as a whole was really dated. While he loved some things about it, he said it reminded him of the 1990s when ice white kitchens were in. Darren said it felt too much like a showroom. And Shaynna said it didn’t feel warm. Try as she might to see what it looked like without the blue LED lighting, she couldn’t find the right switch, and there were a LOT of switches! Personally, I think this kitchen needs a few tweaks, different lighting (love the pendants though) and new tools and it’ll be HOT.

There’s no doubt about it, if it was the twins’ turn to feel hard done by last week, it was the boys’ turn this week.

GET THEIR LOOK: Droplet pendant lights | Brussels stools (please don’t!) | Benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys kitchens.

Read all our other Block coverage.

Bathrooms The Block

Get the look: last night’s Block main bathroom reveals

I must admit I didn’t watch The Block room reveals last night as I’m “overseas” in New Zealand for a friend’s wedding. When I got these photos through, there was a clear favourite for me: Kyal and Kara. So I was delighted they not only won, but won with a perfect 30 out of 30 from the judges — the first this season. Well deserved! Here’s why…

Kyal and Kara

Kyal and Kara 3

Those tiles! And that tub! You all know I’m a bath over a shower girl any day so this one won me over. I also loved the added warmth from the timber (and the use of it across part of the ceiling) and thought the basin was perfect and elegant and the styling, just right.

Kyal and Kara 4

I love absolutely everything about this bathroom!

Kyl and Kara 2

BUY WHAT THEY USED: Clearwater Formoso feeestanding bath

GET THE LOOK WITH SIMILAR PRODUCTS: Todao Point Top concrete pendant | Milli Axon floor mounted bath outlet | Alape counter basin

Brad and Dale

I loved the tile choices in this room, and the use of timber. Seems this is becoming a trend this season. The lack of bath was disappointing of course, but the boys revealed they had plans for another bath elsewhere in the house. It sounds like this room got mixed reviews from the judges.

Brad Dale bathroom 1

I loved this useful little storage nook with the mosaic tiles. I really hate those hanging shower caddies so eliminating the need for them is a big win!

Brad and Dale mosaic

Another great basin but I find the assorted towels a bit too much and the large gold Uashama bag a bit random.

Brad and Dale 2

BUY WHAT THEY USED: Malmo wooden pendant | Reece Mizu Bliss extended basin mixer | Reece Mizu Drift overhead shower 300mm |

GET THE LOOK WITH SIMILAR PRODUCTS: Planet Luxe handwash | Ziporah Flamingo hand towel 

Alisa & Lysandra

The twins weren’t happy with their low scores so I’m definitely going to have to watch a rerun when I get back to Australia to what drama went down. Shaynna Blaze called it try-hard, Darren Palmer wasn’t keen on the moss feature and Neale said the room was uncomfortable, with Shaynna adding it was too harsh with too many straight lines and no curves.

Alisa Lysandra 1

I have to say the rectangular bath didn’t appeal to me and I didn’t like the moss either, but I thought a lot of the bathroom looked sleek and expensive.

Alisa Lysandra detail

Alisa Lysandra basin

And how good is that bath tap?

Alisa Lysandra bath

BUY WHAT THEY USED: A&L Collections set of towels | Milli Glance shower mixer | Milli Glance wall basin and mixer set | Kado Lux freestanding bath

GET THE LOOK WITH SIMILAR PRODUCTS: Cityforest Greenwall Pockets

Chantelle & Steve

The fans weren’t too impressed with their lower than expected judges’ scores this week either, especially as they got some great comments. Neale said their tiles were the most beautiful he’d ever seen on The Block and Darren said the planning was great.

Chantelle steve 3

Neale thought the tub though, was an old-fashioned choice and wasn’t crazy for the black sink.

Chantelle Steve 2

I’m just not quite sure about this room and whether I like it or not. I’ll reserve judgement until I can watch the episode myself.

Chantelle Steve 1

BUY WHAT THEY USED: Milli Axon Rove Hook | Milli Axon wall mounted soap dispenser | Milli Axon loop toilet roll holder | Milli Axon towel bar | Mizu Soaker bath


If you’d like to know where to get your hands on something not referenced above, please drop me a line in the comments and I’ll do my best to find out for you!


Bedrooms The Block

Get the look: Last night’s Block guest bedroom reveals

How impressive were last night’s guest bedroom reveals on The Block?! I actually really liked all the rooms and wouldn’t have liked to have had to pick the winner. But Kyal and Kara were the chosen couple and I did think their room was fantastic.

kyal and kara 3 guest bedroom the block

After slamming their water feature last week, the judges couldn’t believe they were seeing the same couple’s styling this week. Neale Whitaker said it felt clean and modern, in keeping with the loft environment and that the colour palette was perfectly restrained. Darren Palmer said the pair were at their best this week and that all the little things were done beautifully and that he was proud of their styling progress following his masterclass as they’d taken on board all his tips.

kyal and kara guest bedroom the block 1

Get Kyal and Kara’s look: From a Great Height limited edition artwork by Lindsay Blamey, $420 | Circa Home candles | Like Paper pendants lights from Dua collection

kyal and kara guest bedroom 2

I think my own favourite this week was Chantelle and Steve’s room. It was certainly a strong week for those fans! I loved their brave parquetry wall feature, as did the judges. Neale said it was incredible and Darren said the room had real style to it. Shaynna loved the storage and the way the Art Deco features had been brought up to date. Their only real negative was about the antlers, which Neale called clichéd. I have to agree. I’m a bit over antlers!

chantelle and steve 1

I love rooms which are more than just a white box when you remove the furniture, yet still clean looking enough to work with different kinds of furniture. On that front, I thought these couples, and Alisa and Lysandra with their exposed brick, really delivered.

chantelle and steve 2

Get Chantelle and Steve’s look: Navajo jute fringed cushion, $189 | faux stag head, $149 | large leather ottoman, $449 | Lumina large bell pendant, $129 | Lock Bunting rocking bird, $45.95 | Home Republic tripod white table from Adairs, $99.95.

Now onto my favourite twins, Alisa and Lysandra. I loved their room too, and the fact they experimented with colour this week. The girls had the most mixed judges’ comments of everyone. Neale really loved their new design direction and their light sconces, while Shaynna Blaze — who the girls say judge them the harshest — said the look was too ‘in your face’ and would alienate some buyers.

alisa lysandra guest bedroom the block 1

Darren loved the lighting and the look but pointed out the position of the artwork wasn’t practical for sitting up in bed. And what did you think of that artwork (Portrait of Amy Winehouse After Klimt by Sue Quinn)? I loved it.

alisa and lysandra guest bedroom the block 2

Get Lisa & Lysandra’s look: pair of stick sconces by Alisa & Lysandra Collections, $299, Bindi bright throw by Alisa & Lysandra Collections, $49.95.

Last but not least, Brad and Dale impressed the judges by being in touch with their feminine side this week, although Neale didn’t like the colour palette and found it too primary and clichéd. Shaynna loved the storage but said the colour was too dark and the hanging rail was impractically high. Darren said the look was soft and beautiful.

brand and dale 2

Get Brad and Dale’s look: Gatsby cushion in teal, $49.95 | Colourful Life artwork by Maurice Golotta, $300 | Splash floor cushion, $179 | Faux stag head in platinum, $149 | Aura yellow Chevron Grande linen.

brad and dale 2

Which was your favourite room? Was there anything you spotted not listed above which you’d like to know where to buy? Let me known in the comments and I’ll see if I can find out for you.

Styling The Block

Photos: Interiors Addict Melbourne event with Darren Palmer

As we gear up for our next event in Sydney on Friday, I thought I’d share some pictures from this month’s hugely successful event with Darren Palmer at Haymes Paint’s gorgeous new Southbank showroom in Melbourne.

Guest of honour Darren and I, with Alisa and Lysandra
Guest of honour Darren and I, with Alisa and Lysandra

It was an absolutely packed house with readers and keen vignetters queuing to get in! I enjoyed interviewing Block judge and interior designer Darren live on stage, sharing his know-how with the audience, and having plenty of laughs too. We later surprised them with a visit from The Block twins Alisa and Lysandra Fraser, who stuck around to talk to delighted fans.

The Block

Shop their looks: the first Block bathroom reveals

Brad and Dale won by a long shot in last night’s first bathroom reveals on The Block and I thought they did a gorgeous job. Personally, I found it hard to choose a favourite between their work and Alisa and Lysandra’s. If you want to get the look of any of the four couples, read on.

The Block in Melbourne
Brad and Dale’s bathroom

The Block in Melbourne

Get Brad & Dale’s look


Get the look from last night’s Block room reveals

Did you enjoy last night’s first room reveal? Alisa & Lysandra won and I think rightly so. Having finally met the girls at my event in Melbourne on Thursday, I may be a little biased, but I like their attitude, think they know their stuff and have great taste. So I’m putting it out there now: I’m on Team Twins (editorial assistant Olivia is a big fan too)!

The Block in Melbourne
The twins’ winning room

If you’d like to get the look from any of the four rooms, I’ve rounded up some of the products available to buy online from The Block Shop. From Alisa and Lysandra’s (above), check out the Forty Winks Gap bed and the Urban Road deer canvas.

I absolutely LOVED the Zuster copper mirror (I NEED it!) in Kyal and Kara’s room (below) and the Christopher Pennings artwork from Otomys Arthouse. This was my second favourite room. Loved the soft colour palette.

The Block in Melbourne
Kyal and Kara’s room

Interiors Addict

The 7 Vignettes Melbourne event

I had a great time at my first Melbourne event with Haymes Paint on Thursday night. Darren Palmer was a fantastic guest of honour and I loved being able to surprise attendees with a visit from The Block twins Alisa & Lysandra.


The Sydney event on 21 February is sold out but you can get yourself on the wait list by sending me a private message via the Facebook page. I’ll share professional photos and video from the event soon.

Find out everything you need to know about 7 Vignettes here and make sure you never miss out on future events by being signed up to my newsletter.