
Illustrated art by Morgan Connoley of Colour & Skulls

I spotted this talented young illustrator’s work on Instagram recently. Morgan’s 28 and a graphic designer living on Victoria’s South Coast. Her work, under the banner Colour & Skulls, features a mixture of pencil, watercolour and digital media.

colour and skulls

For the day job, Morgan works as a graphic designer.

Check out her work and buy online at her website.


The winner of May 7 Vignettes

The winner of 7 Vignettes May 2014, as chosen by guest judge and our editorial assistant, Olivia Shead, is @vintagefox_, who took part for the full week for the first time. Beginner’s luck? Beautiful photos and a great choice by Olivia, don’t you agree?

7 vignettes may 2014

Olivia said: “Teneille’s collection was extremely impressive, especially considering it was her first time completing a full 7 Vignettes. I loved the vintage feel and how she wasn’t afraid to use some colour. Simple but beautiful.”

Teneille (Eldering) admitted on instagram she found the challenge quite daunting but loved the support from the community. She wins a Silk Express e-styling service from Silk Home Staging & Styling for a room in her home. Please contact us to claim your prize.

Interiors Addict

And the winner of our 3rd birthday $2,000 homewares giveaway is…

We knew there’d be hundreds of entries for our biggest competition yet and the chance to win a combined $2000 to spend with some of our favourite homewares brands. Heck, Olivia and I wish we could win!


But the very lucky winner is Maria Angus, whose entry really made us giggle! We thought we’d let you read her winning answer for yourself. To enter, you had to say why you were the ultimate interiors addict…

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Congratulations, Maria. I’ll be emailing you your prize details this week. I’m so envious of your imminent online shopping spree and hope you’ll share your purchases with us!

Thanks to everyone else who entered and wished us a happy blog birthday! The biggest thank you must go to our generous prize sponsors Dinosaur Designs, Temple & Webster, Kate & Kate, Lumiere Art + Co, Billy Heckenberg, Urban Road, I Love Linen, Alisa & Lysandra Collections, The Block Shop and Bonnie and Neil.


The winner of April 7 Vignettes is…

… Sydney graphic designer Lauren Storey, aka austrahlee, as picked by this month’s guest judge Laura Wortlock from Once Was Lost. Congratulations, Lauren!

Laura said: “”Wow — what a phenomenal week it has been, am I right or am I right!? I have been so blown away by not only the quality of styling and vignettes that have been presented but mostly by the generosity, openness and authenticity that you have all shared over this brief but exciting journey. I am so humbled and grateful for the opportunity to have judged this round of 7 Vignettes , what a true privilege it has been to view the outpouring of your beautiful vignettes every day and get a snapshot into each of your lives.

“Lauren, your sensibility for styling is impeccable and I love your use of natural hues, timber, pale concrete greys and lush greens — simply sublime.  What a joy to have watched each of your vignettes come through each day!”

Because the standard was as stupidly high as ever, Laura’s generously decided to send pebble bracelets to three runners-up: @katherinedorrington@the_vintage_palace and @erikarax (who won in July 2013). Excellent choices if you ask me!

Her entry for 'Wise Words'
Her entry for ‘Wise Words’
Her entry for 'Handmade'
Her entry for ‘Handmade’

Lauren wins a fab prize pack from Once Was Lost worth $300. Can everyone please contact us with their shipping address.

Huge thanks to Laura for being a great judge and really getting involved. It is always appreciated by the participants, who raved about the themes she chose.

once was lost 7 vignettes prize
The prize

Come and join the 7 Vignettes fun next month on 1 May.

Interiors Addict

7 Vignettes April starts today

Fancy getting your hands on this $300 prize pack from Once Was Lost? Then you’d better join in with this month’s Instagram challenge, starting today!

once was lost 7 vignettes prize

Find all the details here. Good luck!

Competitions Styling

April 7 Vignettes with Once Was Lost

The next round of 7 Vignettes starts a week today on April 1 and we have a fabulous prize from Aussie lifestyle brand Once Was Lost, who specialise in ethically handmade goods. I love their simple aesthetic and am delighted founder Laura Wortlock is not only guest judging but has also come up with the themes for this challenge (so don’t blame me when it’s too hard, okay?!)

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This month’s themes

If you can’t read the handwriting, the themes are as follows:

1.Natural | 2. Simple things | 3. Adventure | 4. Handmade | 5. Wise words | 6. Found | 7. Thankful

I think we may have had a couple of these before but I just love how they work together as a collective and didn’t want to mess with them!

Please make sure you tag @interiorsaddict and @ONCEWASLOST_ and use hashtag #7vignettes.

And here’s the beautiful prize, appropriately arranged in its own little vignette, from Queensland-based Once Was Lost, worth almost $300:

once was lost 7 vignettes prize

It comprises  a Once Was Lost Studio limited edition silk screen print, a Kebo Scarf in Ash, a Once Was Lost Signature Bag and Once Was Lost Essentials Pouch.

The fun starts on Instagram on Tuesday 1 April 2014. Find out how to play (including video interview with The Block judge Darren Palmer) here.

Competitions Styling

The winner of 7 Vignettes March

It’s Lou Masters! I could have sworn Lou was a previous winner but maybe she just should have won by now! Guest judge Jacinta Preston said: “Lou’s vignettes are like beautiful watercolours, fluid and very painterly, and it’s this painterly quality that makes her vignettes truly unique. It’s fabulous and creative storytelling.”

Lucky Lou wins an amazing framed Hermes scarf from Provincial Styles. Little bit jealous about that… Thanks to Fi Longmire for donating this generous prize. I loved this month, even though I was a bit absent online, attending a wedding in New Zealand where I was MC. Luckily I had the wonderful Jacinta — a second time guest judge for good reason — getting amongst it and being super involved.

Jacinta found the final decision really tough and wanted to give a special mention to Rachael Honner, whose pictures she also loved.

I crowdsourced the themes for this month, asking you all for your suggestions. My favourite had to be your interpretations of haft seen. So cool! This is my last 7 Vignettes in Australia for 6 months as Damian and I start our travel adventures this Thursday. This will be an excellent way for me to keep in touch with you while I’m away though. I’ll be sharing pix from Europe on Instagram of course, with the hashtag #addictabroad.

lou masters 7 vignettes

Follow Lou on Instagram. Find out how to take part in the next 7 Vignettes, including my short video interview with Block judge Darren Palmer about why he LOVES it, here. Lou, please contact us with your address.

Designers Styling The Block

VIDEO: What The Block’s Darren Palmer thinks of 7 Vignettes

We asked The Block judge and interior designer Darren Palmer what he thinks of our monthly Instagram styling challenge 7 Vignettes. Watch what he had to say in this short video…

If you’ve been thinking about getting on board and joining in the fun, find out more here.

Love The Block? Read all our Block posts here.

Competitions Styling

Win a framed Hermès scarf in March 7 Vignettes

This month we have a very unique and lovely prize for the winner: a framed Hermès scarf from Provincial Styles worth $560. Our guest judge, stylist Jacinta Preston, is back for a second turn as she can’t get enough of 7 Vignettes! And who can blame her?

This month's guest judge Jacinta Preston is back for more
This month’s guest judge Jacinta Preston is back for more

Fiona Longmire, from Provincial Styles, loves all things French, and started making beautiful homewares from vintage and new Hermès scarves as part of her French-inspired online homewares business. Her framed scarves are divine. This hot pink one up for grabs is called Printemps Ete 69, and was first issued in 2010 . It represents women’s fashion over the past few decades.

hermes framed scarf

One of the unique features of these scarves are the hand rolled edges. The framer hand stitches the scarf onto a board and then puts a second matt around the scarf, still leaving the edges of the scarf visible.

Here are the themes…

This month, I decided to crowdsource them and more than half of these are from you, the readers and participants. The most interesting is probably haft-seen, which is a traditional table setting of the Iranian spring celebration where seven items beginning with S are displayed. For our purposes, you can use ANY seven items beginning with S. Mixing it up a little and learning a little about other cultures in the meantime! Women is for International Womens Day in March and fashion is for the Hermès scarf prize. And Italian because Tuscany is the first stop on my big European adventure, starting this month.

Good luck to everyone taking part. 7 Vignettes starts on Saturday 1 March. Excuse me if I’m quiet but I’ll be in New Zealand being MC at my friend Amanda’s wedding!

Next month, I’ll be in Milan for the furniture fair halfway through 7 Vignettes. Eek. That’s going to be one exciting week!

Interiors Addict

Global interiors weekend reading list: 15.02.12

It seems all my favourite international bloggers are doing exciting things right now (I’m okay with it because I’m going to Europe for 6 months very soon!).

My favourite (fellow) Pommy interiors blogger Mr Bright Bazaar Will Taylor has a BOOK out. How exciting and what a huge achievement. You can pre-order online from Amazon UK or Amazon US (they’re slightly different versions). With the subtitle Embracing Colour for Make-You-Smile-Style you can tell it’s going to be a goodie!

bright bazaar book

And the lovely Holly Becker from Decor8 just had her first baby, a boy called Aidan, who she introduced via Instagram (how else would a blogger do it?). Congratulations, Holly!


The winner of 7 Vignettes February 2014

Congratulations, Heidi O’Rourke (otherwise known — on Instagram — as @mozsas)! Her vignettes were judged as the best by Williams Sonoma Inc’s director of visual merchandising, Paul Giannangeli.

Day 7: hearts
Day 7: hearts

He said: “I really enjoyed the vignettes by @mozsas – each photo was able to stand on its own and was strongly tied in to each day’s theme, and yet they all evoked the same warmth.”

My personal favourite of hers was the day 7 entry for ‘hearts’ (above) which looks like it belongs on the pages of a recipe book, don’t you think?


7 Vignettes February starts on Saturday: win treats from Williams Sonoma and Pottery Barn

It’s 7 Vignettes time again this Saturday and here’s the themes list. Our prize is a basket of Valentines-themed treats from Williams Sonoma, Pottery Barn and Pottery Kids to spoil yourself or the special person in your life!

7 vignettes february

The themes (above) are love (for obvious, valentines, reasons!), purple (because February’s birthstone is amethyst and birth flower is violet), water (for February’s water signs Pisces and Aquarius), handwritten (like a love letter perhaps), American (like our prize sponsor), local (at the suggestion of a 7 Vignettes fan, Bonnie, in the UK) and heart (need I say more?).

The Block

Two reader events in Melbourne and Sydney with The Block’s Darren Palmer

I’m delighted to announce two free reader events in Melbourne (our first!) and Sydney next month with guest of honour, The Block judge and interior designer Darren Palmer.

Jen and Darren
Jen and Darren

The 7 Vignettes evening events will be open to more than 100 readers in each state, thanks to Interiors Addict’s sponsors Haymes Paint (in Melbourne) and BoConcept (in Sydney). I’ll be interviewing Darren live as he shares his top decorating and design tips and takes audience questions. Then attendees will be encouraged to create their own vignettes around the venues with prizes for the best ones. There’ll also be food and drink, goodie bags and the chance to meet fellow readers, interiors addicts and Instagram buddies, and of course, Darren and I! All Interiors Addict readers are welcome to apply for a spot.

The last Interiors Addict reader event at BoConcept
The last Interiors Addict reader event at BoConcept

Where and when

Interiors Addict

And the first 7 Vignettes winner for 2014 is…

The winner of the January 2014 first anniversary 7 Vignettes is…

pctured thoughts jan 14

Picturedthoughts! Congratulations, Dee!

The Block

7 Vignettes’ first birthday with guest judges Alisa & Lysandra from The Block

Well, I can’t quite believe it’s been a full year since I came up with idea for 7 Vignettes or that our Instagram community has been participating and making it bigger and better each month this entire time. We’ve shared almost 30,ooo images on the hashtag and it really blows my mind!

7 vignettes january

The January birthday edition starts on New Year’s Day and you can find the themes list above. Our guest judges next month are The Block twins Alisa and Lysandra Fraser, who will be appearing on the next Fans vs. Favourites series, rumoured to be starting at the end of January. The former Interiors Addict guest bloggers have generously offered a $250 voucher for their new online homewares store, Alisa & Lysandra Collections, as the prize.


Interiors Addict

Changes to Facebook Pages and others ways to follow my blog

It’s come to my attention over the last few weeks that, due to the latest round of Facebook changes, many of you who would usually follow the latest blog posts via my Facebook Page just aren’t seeing them in your feed anymore. There was me thinking people were just busy with Christmas!

Now I don’t have the time, and this isn’t the place, to go into a big debate about what Facebook should or shouldn’t be doing (on the one hand I understand they’re a business, not a charity, but on the other, it’s just NOT FAIR!) so here are some other ways you can keep up with the latest posts if you choose to:


Get down to James Gordon’s popup for paper art gifts which will make you very popular

I thoroughly recommend you get down to THE Sydney Christmas popup tomorrow and for the rest of the week.

mixed business 1

It’s my Instagram friend James Gordon’s MIXED BUSINESS and I can promise you you’ll find treasures there like nowhere else. Divine and clever paper sculptures which will take your breath away, illustrations, watercolours, jewellery. If there’s a theme, it’s that everything is beautiful! The things this man creates from paper blow my mind!

Interiors Addict

And the winner of December 7 Vignettes is…

It was my first time judging for a long time (let’s face it, having a guest judge is just copping out of what is always a very hard decision!) but this month, despite the many amazing entries, I felt Michelle Cann (thecinnamonfox) really did stand out.

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The sandcastles and smashed pomegranate really did it for me!