House Tours The Block

Josh & Charlotte win last night’s Block living/dining reveals

I’ve got to say, they were all pretty impressive room reveals last night, don’t you think? There was a fair amount of controversy though with changes to architect’s plans, and Dee and Darren not presenting finished rooms. I was really happy for Charlotte and Josh to win though as they definitely needed a cash injection! I much preferred this week’s reveals to last week’s. I just couldn’t get excited about those utilitarian rooms! Give me soft furnishings any day!

Onto the judging…

Charlotte & Josh: WINNERS for the first time!

The Block in Melbourne

It was a great first impression in the dining room with the smell of the real timber floor and the leather. Darren said the floor gave an extra level of rarity. Neale said it had a beautiful sense of simplicity. Shaynna said the dining room isn’t dead and this could be used for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They all loved the dining chairs and when Neale took a seat he said it passed his dinner party test (i.e. was comfortable!).  Eagle eye Darren was first to spot the dodgy paintwork but none of the judges could let it slide. Overall, they thought the dining room was great though; understated but luxurious.

The Block in Melbourne

In the living room, they loved the easy-to-use automation from the iPad and the movie mode and surround sound in particular. Neale said the room lacked a bit of personality though. While he liked the furniture he felt it needed another layer. Darren said it was missing a wow factor but Shaynna disagreed. She loved the simplicity and harmony. She loved the zen, sanctuary feel. Neale was still just slightly underwhelmed though. Ultimately, all three loved it but wanted a little bit more to push it to the next level.


Our pick to buy: Dining table.

Tim & Anastasia: third place.


The Block in Melbourne

That bulkhead for the air con did NOT go down well in the dining room. Neale said the room felt small and wrong. Shaynna wanted to walk out straight away, Neale didn’t want to be there. Darren said it needed a big mirror. Neale loved the brass pendants and said he’d take them with him. But without them, he said the rest felt a little generic. Shaynna didn’t like the fabric chairs or the styling. Neale said they were working with a style that wasn’t their own. Ouch!

Onto the living room and Neale said it also looked like a showroom and lacked soul. He said the matching art was a mistake. Shaynna said it made Megan Weston’s work, which she loves, look pedestrian. She also spotted that there was nowhere for the DVD player etc and there’d be wires everywhere. She sad she couldn’t picture how you’d actually live in and use the room. Darren didn’t like the pink in the art, cushions and curtains and said it needed another colour to break it all up. Shaynna said it was too matchy-matchy with everything in pairs (like Noah’s ark, said Neale!).

Our pick to buy: Prism credenza.

Ayden & Jess: second place.

The Block in Melbourne

Neale liked the dining room and thought it worked beautifully. Darren said the chairs perfectly complemented the table. Shaynna said it had a lot of character in a simple way and Neale loved the pendants. Shaynna loved the LED ceiling treatment. Neale said it felt very well finessed and gelled together well. Shaynna and Neale said time would tell if moving the plans around had been a good call. Darren said he was crossing his fingers!

The Block in Melbourne

Onto the living room, Neale and Shaynna loved the light. Shaynna thought there was far too much going on and it made the room feel smaller. Neale agreed it needed to lose a few elements. Darren was relieved there was no couch facing the TV and said it was a more friendly, conversational layout than the one Jess originally planned. He would have preferred a lounge room flowing onto the terrace though. Neale agreed, you change the architect’s plans at your peril. Much as he liked what they’d done, he thinks it would have been better with a different room layout.

Our pick to buy: Mark Tuckey zinc dining table.

Dee & Daz: Last place.


Shaynna was first to criticise their decision to change the plans around. They all agreed the kitchen should have stayed where it was. Darren said it was a very avoidable issue and the architect knew best. The more they saw, the more unimpressed they were.  Shaynna said nobody needed a kitchen that big and Neale called it a total tragedy, because what had been delivered was beautiful. Shaynna said the couple thought they knew better and Neale agreed, saying they were now falling on their own sword. On the plus side, Shaynna said the artwork, furniture and styling were perfect.

The Block in Melbourne

In the lounge room, Darren loved the floorboards and the fireplace. Neale said it was exactly what he expected to see and he loved it, that the minimalism was clever. Shaynna said the styling was great but would have liked a window treatment. Neale said it appealed to a certain type of buyer that liked simple sophistication. He wasn’t convinced they’d made the right choices and thought Dee had been hotheaded and thought she knew better than the architect. Shaynna concluded she wasn’t wowed and the apartment didn’t currently comply with building codes. The judges hoped it was all part of a master plan that would work in the future.

Our pick to buy: Photographic prints by Trevor Mein and Susan Knight from Otomys.

So, did you agree with the judges?

Next week: en suites!

Bathrooms House Tours RENO ADDICT The Block

Triple room reveal on last night’s Block

I really couldn’t get TOO excited about last night’s room reveals because they were so utilitarian. I’ve never renovated and although I love wine, I currently can’t drink it because I’m pregnant, so maybe that’s why! Or the fact that a wine cellar is something so South Yarra is it outside most people’s reality, but a great feature for what will be luxury homes, nonetheless!


I was not surprised Dee and Daz won but I think they all did pretty well. Although I’m a little worried my favourite couple (personality wise) Ayden & Jess are losing their touch and I hated those brown mosaic tiles! Tim & Anastasia seem to be seriously lifting their game while Charlotte & Josh, bless them, but I just can’t get too excited. Here’s what the judges had to say…

Charlotte & Josh

The judges said their powder room was simple and elegant. Darren said it was just the right balance and liked the finish on the taps. Neale loved the tiny basin and Shaynna loved the touches of texture and personality. They all agreed it was almost perfect but they needed to be careful with attention to detail. And Shaynna thought the tap was too long for the basin.

Our pick to buy: Timber vanity shelf.


Shaynna said the laundry was like an oasis in a battlefield and a good size. Neale said it wasn’t a show pony but it had everything you’d want in a laundry. They were disappointed not to see a laundry chute but thought the speakers were a nice touch.


Then to the cellar. They loved the recycled timber wine rack. Neale said it was a serious cellar, beautifully done. And they all loved the storage area too. Then they cracked open a bottle and discovered it was full of coloured water! And were impressed by their money-saving ingenuity!


Tim & Anastasia: came a close second

All the judges were impressed by the size of the powder room. Neale said it had a feel of luxury and grandeur similar to last week’s bedroom. Shaynna was worried they were spending a bit too much money too soon, like on underfloor heating in the powder room. But Darren said why not in chilly Melbourne? Neale loved the styling. Darren said the execution and finishes were up to their usual standard.

Our pick to buy: Unika pendant light.


It was compliments all round for the laundry too. Darren said it felt well finished, resolved and really beautiful but needed better paintwork. Shaynna said a laundry chute would have been nice. Darren said he was very confident that they were on the right path now.


They all agreed the cellar was a serious cellar and they had put a lot of time and money into the wine collection. Neale said it was impressive in its simplicity. Shaynna preferred a moodier cellar and said that there were too many lights. It was all going so well until they realised how dangerous the glass door with no stopper was against a concrete bulkhead…


Ayden & Jess

Neale and Darren and Shaynna loved the light and bright powder room and the restraint in only putting hex tiles on one wall! They thought the sliding door was a smart move.

Our pick to buy: Sigma mirror.


Onto the laundry. Neale loved it and said they had their confidence and mojo back. Shaynna liked the overall functionality but noted there was nowhere for an ironing board.

H3_R4_AJ_laundry007 (1)

And in the cellar it got controversial! (Come on, all those compliments and agreements were getting kind of dull!). Darren thought the idea of drinking down there at a couple of stools facing the wall was ridiculous and reeked of a lonely afternoon! Neale really liked the idea of it though. Darren said it was a step back into the mid-nineties. Shaynna said it didn’t convey the same feeling of luxury as the laundry and power room. Darren hated the paint colour on the walls and Shaynna said they weren’t romancing the buyer and it was like a basic storage cabinet. Neale argued again, saying he felt very comfortable in there. They all agreed the painting was a mess.


Darren & Dea: WINNERS by half a point!

They all loved the powder room on first glance and Darren said Dea had a really refined eye for detailed design. Shaynna said the styling was beautiful and details gorgeous but the painting was bad quality. Neale said poor finishing was particularly inexcusable for the Double Ds because they’d been there and done it before.


Shaynna thought the laundry was beautiful, especially the benchtop. And when she finally found her first laundry chute she was over the moon! Neale said it was simple but oozed luxury. They loved the storage room too.

Our pick to buy: Planet Luxe laundry products.


Of course they couldn’t fail to be completely blown away by that amazing cellar! Shaynna realised it was the same storage system Ayden and Jess used but because it was full of wine and painted the same colour as the wall it looked much better. She said it was beautiful. Neale said they’d now seen three great cellars and one amazing one! Shaynna said it was too warm for keeping wine but visually absolutely stunning.


 What did you think about the triple reveal? Did the right couple win?

Bedrooms The Block

The Block Triple Threat controversial second bedroom judging!

Hoorah for all three judges ‘proper’ this week: Neale, Shaynna and Darren! And definitely the most entertaining judging of the series so far. Loved it! Didn’t those Jimmy Possum challenge beds (I wasn’t a fan!) cause trouble?! There was also much talk about just how much inspiration Tim and Anastasia had taken from Darren’s mentoring session (perhaps too much?) and then there was the Neale and Shaynna fallout over Dea and Darren’s room. And to top it all off, Darren pointed out that many of the things in Dea and Darren’s room were exactly the same as those he had used in Jennifer Hawkins’ home, which is featured in his book, prompting Shaynna to ask who was the copycat now?


But ultimately, Tim & Anastasia came first, beating their besties Dea and Darren by half a point despite them having taken a point off them due to winning the bed challenge. Here’s a recap of the judging…

Charlotte & Josh: 3rd place


Shaynna’s first impressions were “very crisp” and Neale said it had a beautiful colonial feel. Darren agreed it was a lot better than their first bedroom.

That bed was dividing though. Shaynna found it too messy. Darren loved the unmade look. But then Shaynna talked him round! And Neale said in South Yarra people make their beds! But he loved the colour palette and called it absolutely beautiful.


Controversially, they didn’t use their Jimmy Possum bed from the challenge because it didn’t work with everything else. Not that the judges knew anything about the challenge. The show left us thinking this is something they’re going to regret later! Big time. Eek!

Neale found the styling a little twee but Darren dug it! Shaynna said the lighting plan was perfect. It was all going so well until Shaynna pointed out the bad finish on the windows (whoops, Charlotte!).

Shaynna said they had their confidence back but Neale said it still lacked some of the energy and oomph he saw in the elimination rounds.

Our pick to buy: Hessian blue velvet cushion

Tim & Anastasia: WINNERS by half a point!


“They have come on quite a journey since the cat,” noted Neale! Darren couldn’t get the smile off his face and was amused by the use of seagrass wallpaper… again! But was it a happy smile? Hmmm… He wasn’t sure how he felt about the replication of ‘his’ mentor room. He also thought the cushions were a little expensive for a guest room!

They loved the built-in dressing table and the carpet. Darren said the linen was better and not cheap and nasty like the first bedroom. Neale said they’d taken much more than the grasscloth from Darren’s mentoring sessions. But they all loved the black windows and the window treatments, including electric blinds.


Sadly, the switch hidden behind the bed (due to using the challenge bed rather than the one they had already bought) wasn’t missed! Neale said the style was suited to an older buyer but they needed to run with it now for the rest of the apartment.

Our pick to buy: Elliot pendant light

Ayden & Jess: last place


Despite a mentoring and shopping session with Neale this week, it wasn’t a great week for these two. The judges found the lights were hung too high and there was no focal point. When they removed the cushions hiding the Jimmy Possum bedhead, they actually liked it! Eek! Darren thought the wardrobe was too small even though the room was designed for guests, as you might want to change its use later on.


Neale said the custom bedsides were oversized to compensate for the wardrobe. And he found everything styled on them way too small, saying he could see no evidence of the things he and Jess had discussed on their shopping trip in Sydney. It left him saying the room was lacking personality despite having a good finish and not being a bad room. And it didn’t say South Yarra.

Our pick to buy: Berber zig zag rug

Dea & Darren : 2nd place


“Welcome to The Block Grasscloth,” quipped Neale. “What have I done?” asked Darren. Shaynna didn’t see all the fuss, declaring that Dea didn’t invent grasscloth wallpaper! Darren said it was executed beautifully but didn’t like the powerpoint below the art.

Neale found the whole room very appealing and if he had to check into a boutique hotel room in South Yarra this was what he’d expect. Darren loved the colour palette and the execution.


[contextly_sidebar id=”g83yqkS54nVYEXKAf4CVNTGafLoe0gmO”]But then Shaynna made a face and called the bedhead (the challenge-winning one) HORRENDOUS and so over the top it was ridiculous! She also thought the wall sconce lights didn’t work and were too industrial.

Neale however, said he bloody loved it, including the leopard print, and found it sexy. And then began an argument between Shaynna and Neale that did make me chuckle! Darren was left somewhat awkward and amused in the middle! I loved how they both stood by their opinions. Neale called it genius and Shaynna called it gaudy.

Darren then went on to list everything he had used in Jennifer Hawkins’ bedroom, seen in his book, which had also been used in the room. Say no more.

Our pick to buy: Hale Mercantile Co. Crush linen throw

Most entertaining judging of the series so far if you ask me! What did you think? I’m pretty much in agreement with the judges this week. There wasn’t much between the top two rooms, Josh and Charlotte’s was definitely next best and my favourites, Ayden and Jess, just didn’t come up with the goods this week, I’m sad to say.

All our Block posts in one place.


How to stay cool at an auction: by The Block buyer’s advocate Nicole Jacobs

The Block Triple Threat buyer’s advocate Nicole Jacobs, shares her five top tips to buying at auction…


Even as a seasoned professional, an auction brings butterflies to my stomach, and I love that feeling. It keeps me alert and ready for the auction. Harnessing this energy positively is one of your keys to a successful outcome.

1. Pre-auction homework 

Before the auction, you will need to have had the Contract of Sale looked at by a solicitor or conveyancer to make sure all questions have been answered. You will have your finance sorted (know your limit) and you will have done your homework on the area (recent sales of similar properties) and attended several auctions so you know the process.

2. Is it a referral or non-referral auction?

Know the difference, know the signs and ask the question. This is something you need to know.

A non-referral auction means the auctioneer will not break for a ‘quick chat with my vendors’. Once he/she has reached the vendor’s reserve price they will keep going until the last bid is offered, count it down three times and sell it under the hammer. If you were waiting for the half-time during this auction, you could be leaving without even putting your hand up.

A referral auction can play out two ways. The auctioneer will break when the bidding slows to a halt and ‘refer to their vendor/s’, come back and either declare the property ‘on the market’ or say ‘we are very close’ or something to that effect. They will continue and hope that the reserve price is met and keep going while the bidding keeps coming. Often, one of the agents assisting will go inside and come back out and give a nod of  ‘it’s on the market’ to the auctioneer and they will knock it down three times when the bidding has stopped.

If throughout either of these processes you are confused, don’t be afraid to ask the question ‘Is the property on the market?’. If nothing else, it will slow proceedings and allow you to think if the pace has been faster than you can calculate!

3. Stand in a prominent position where you can see the whole crowd and the auctioneer

Positioning yourself well at an auction is crucial. You need to see where the bids are coming from so you can watch their body language and you also need to be in clear view of the auctioneer.

Body language is an amazing human trait, especially at an auction. A couple that start to shake their heads or discuss whether they can go up another $1,000 has clearly not come to the auction with a firm limit and an auction strategy.

4. Bid and bid with confidence

An auction where no one bids is crazy. If the property passes in on a vendor bid, then a ‘behind the doors’ auction goes on and then you have no idea if there is actually another bidder at all.

If it is going to pass in, then let it pass in to you. You will then have the right to hear the vendor’s reserve price that you will either be happy to pay, or be able to negotiate for a good 15 minutes while everyone else is outside wishing they were you.

Every auction is different. Whether you come in at the start, halfway through or at the end, you need to bid with confidence. If you know your prices, then a strong first bid can often knock out half the competition right there and then. While many auctions have been won on a bid of just $1,000, it is often not the strongest tactic to employ, going up in $1,000 lots.

5. Don’t end on a round number

Try not to have a finish limit that is a round number. Sometimes this is because the bank or finance broker has said ‘you can go to $1,200,000’. If you have a limit of, for example $1,205,000, you may just be able to put in your additional $5,000 strong bid at the end and win the auction.

–Nicole Jacobs is a member of the buyers’ jury on The Block Triple Threat and director of Jacobs Buyers Advocates in Brighton, Melbourne. She has worked in real estate for more than 15 years.


The Block

New woman on The Block: buyer’s advocate Nicole Jacobs

Meet Nicole Jacobs, the professional buyer’s advocate with over 15 years’ real estate experience who we first got to meet on last night’s episode of The Block Triple Threat.


This season, a buyer’s jury consisting of Nicole, Greville Pabst and Frank Valentic will provide strategic recommendations from a buyer’s perspective regarding layout, finishes and market expectations.

“Our role on the show this season is vital for contestants,” says Nicole. “Throughout the 12 weeks, we are there to review each room from a commercial perspective and provide insight into market expectations in high-end South Yarra.” Nicole’s job is to look beyond the styling and décor choices deliberated over by judges Shaynna Blaze, Neale Whitaker and Darren Palmer. “If you take the furniture out, what are you left with? Hopefully a well laid out apartment finished to such a high standard that you could place any furniture in it and it will look amazing,” Nicole says.

The buyers advocates’ first judging session last night was interesting, with their views very different to those of the ‘real’ judges, particularly on the subject of Ayden and Jess’s separate toilet, which they raved about!

What Nicole thought of the bathrooms last night:

  • Charlotte and Josh: Liked the tiles. Not enough lighting for female buyers to do makeup. Finish really good. On track for a South Yarra buyer.
  • Tim and Anastasia: Floor tiles look rushed and not lined up. Quality of fixtures and fittings below par.
  • Ayden and Jess: Underfloor heating.  Separate toilet a very clever move, makes it like 1.5 bathrooms and opens up their market, setting them apart from the other apartments.
  • Dee and Darren: Feels high-end and luxury. Could have separated the toilet from the main bathroom.

[contextly_sidebar id=”PdF9EbnIu4K3yuLRwX0tqpd0IfmqBSis”]Channel Nine have been strategic in selecting buyers advocates who are specialists within their niche, so each brings a broad representation of investors to the auction. Nicole captures the higher end of the market and represents clients who often have very discreet transactions. “We have had a lot of fun throughout the series, but we found out early on that we all look for different attributes and as a consequence, we don’t always agree. One thing we do all agree on though is that the completed apartments are definitely not out of place in the South Yarra market.”

Her company, Jacobs Buyers Advocates in Brighton, has already taken VIP clients through The Block at 27 Darling Street and they’ve all provided positive feedback for contestants. “Our clients are predominantly owner occupiers, however the position, along with strong depreciation schedules and rental yields, have attracted many of our local (and international) investors.”

–Last night’s episode also saw the fellow contestants and buyers advocates rate the bathrooms with Dee and Darren coming out on top with 49 points and winning $5,000. Ayden and Jess came second, Charlotte and Josh third and Tim and Anastasia last.

Bathrooms The Block

Last night’s Block bathroom reveals

The TVCs all week left us with no doubt that Ayden and Jess – my current favourites – made an expensive mistake with their gorgeous (if overdone) hexagonal marble tiles so it was little surprise they came last in last night’s bathroom reveals. And as much as Dee got my goat last week with the whole accusing Darren Palmer of copying thing, I have to admit the double Ds’ bathroom was far and away the best. Then again, they have had the practice. But credit where credit’s due, it was a slick effort, even making me change my mind on their black mosaic tile choice which I initially thought to be on the tacky side of bling. It worked and the contrast was great.

dd bath closeup

I do love a good bathroom reveal. Today’s bathrooms are not the flat, sterile, functional spaces they used to be. There are so many options these days to add interest, warmth, texture and a real sanctuary feel. As a huge bath fan, I spend a lot of time in my bathroom, and in particular, the tub. I just hope pregnancy doesn’t render me too big to get out one day…

Back to the judging!

Josh & Charlotte – came 3rd


Shaynna Blaze loved its simplicity and Neale Whitaker was happy to see them back to the sophisticated aesthetic they showed at the start. Shaynna loved the tapware and lighting but John McGrath (standing in for Darren Palmer this week) thought the colours might date. Shaynna pointed out there wasn’t enough lighting and the task lighting was in the wrong places, like over the toilet! The lack of benchtop space also bothered her. Overall, Neale said it was a case of good taste but bad planning.

Our pick to buy: round mirror in the style of Josh & Charlotte’s.

Tim & Anastasia – came 2nd


Coming last last week definitely shook this pair’s confidence, not to mention Dee’s copying accusations, leaving Anastasia crying in the bathroom showroom earlier in the week. Their bathroom week seemed pretty disastrous, losing a builder and a toilet cistern, but they definitely pulled themselves back from the brink and I loved their finished room. John and Neale agreed they’d responded well to last week’s criticism and Darren’s advice and lifted their game. Neale said they had their mojo back and it was a 100 percent improvement from their bedroom reveal. John said it was a 200 percent improvement! Touches like ample storage and heated flooring impressed them all but Shaynna didn’t like the inconsistency of three different styles of powerpoints.

Our pick to buy: Tom Dixon candle.

Ayden & Jess — came last


[contextly_sidebar id=”zzOqMn0njD6AOYa7B3B25yCdUwORfMde”]Ah, those tiles! Neale’s first impression was “busy” and Shaynna’s “overwhelming”. She went one further to say they were amazing, beautiful tiles, but the look has been cheapened by using them wall to wall. Neale said their impact had been lost and that the vanity/sink combo was completely impractical with nowhere to shave. It didn’t get much better with Shaynna saying the blonde timber was all wrong. The lighting, Neale’s favourite element, was brilliant, he said, and John loved the timber floor in the shower. Another thing none of them liked was the creation of a separate toilet, which they said was old fashioned and unnecessary. Shaynna said if you’re going to take space away from the bedroom, you need to at least put a bath in and make it a real luxury. And she also spotted there was no way of opening the shutter on the window. Whoops. Neale said the room was frustrating because they were talented; there was lot to like but they needed to calm down and choose their hero, not make everything the hero!

To make matters worse, it seems they don’t yet realise quite how much they spent on those tiles. Eek!

Our pick to buy: Saba pendants.

Darren & Dee – came first by half a point (after Ayden & Jess took one off them, part of last week’s prize)

Dee was, as ever, super confident from the start. Darren of course, was sick and admitted to hospital with pneumonia.



The judges had very little other than positives to say about this room. “Glamour, glamour, glamour,” began Neale. Shyanna said it was instantly different from all the other rooms. Neale said it had oomph. Practical Shaynna wasn’t sure the double shower with short shower screen was practical. John loved it for its aesthetics. Shaynna said there was nowhere to put a hairdryer etc on the vanity, which made it dangerous. But nobody could knock the storage!

Our pick to buy: Scent of Home candle.

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Bedrooms House Tours The Block

The results of the first REAL Block Triple Threat room reveals

What excellent viewing last night was! A return to my favourite Sunday night Block room reveals and not three but SIX with three by the newbies and three by the returning all-star couples. Plenty of emotion (mainly from a tearful Bec, bless her) and some honest judging that spanned from downright harsh through to glowing. This is what reality TV’s all about!

Darren and Dee won the all stars' contest
Controversial Darren and Dee won the all stars’ contest

Judges Darren Palmer (we love his new specs!) and Neale Whitaker were joined by real estate guru John McGrath for the big task this week. The winners of the newbie round were my current faves Ayden & Jess and Bec & George and Matt & Kim went home, despite producing great rooms, while Darren & Dee got to stay and become the fourth couple.

Ayden and  Jess were judged best out of the newcomers
Ayden and Jess were judged best out of the newcomers


First, to the newbies. The judges didn’t think any of their rooms were really good enough. The judging was pretty harsh but, in my opinion, warranted. It’s early days though!

Charlotte & Josh (second place)

Charlotte spent up big at Coco Republic but expensive furniture was not enough. Darren said there was a lot of stuff in the room and loved the wall finish, the simple linen and smart choice of flooring. The bedside is one of his favourite pieces out there at the moment but he felt it too big for the room. Neale had an issue with the art, even though it referenced the neighbourhood (too young and poppy to go with the furniture). The art jarred with the neutral look and feel. John agreed the decor didn’t quite work. Darren and John hated the built-in doors and handles (a bit dated). No more Mr Nice Guy with Darren tonight who said the window dressing was a bit asylum-y. Eek! Neale said their elimination challenge rooms were better and he was disappointed. John said it seemed they hadn’t realised the competition had started. Ouch all round!


Our pick to buy: The go-with-everything Azure bedhead from Forty Winks.

Tim & Anastasia (third place)

The automatic blind impressed Darren and John who said it was what buyers in this market were looking for. Not surprisingly, the judges spotted the hideous toy cat on the windowsill (why?!) and they were NOT impressed. Neale said he felt he’d seen everything in the room many times over and called it generic. John said it felt decorated out of a seaside gift store. Cringe! Neale was again disappointed. John found the crosses theme “annoying” and said the room was not all things to all people and rather nothing to no one. At this point, Darren declared himself definitely cranky Daz! Distinctly awkward!


Our pick to buy: Karpenter bedside table by Curious Grace.

Ayden & Jess (first place — by half a point)

Ayden and Jess’ dynamic continued to make me giggle this week. They’re definitely my favourites to watch. Darren said the room was off to a good start. Neale said it had soul to it and personality. They all liked the wing-backed bedhead and even Darren said there were too many cushions on the bed (nine!) and he didn’t love the pendants. Darren said the flooring was a little plasticky. Neale concluded it wasn’t perfect but had a sense of creativity and flair. Darren said they had shown a fighting spirit and tried to up the ante.


Our pick to buy: Shibori hand dyed throw.


Then onto the all-stars… The judges were not told who did each room or even which all-stars they were judging. It seemed so mean that two of the three had to go home when they all did so so well and in a class above the newbies (and let’s face it, they’ve had a lot more experience). I picked the winners straight off though: Dee and Darren. But wow, they were all good! Painful!

Bec & George

Darren immediately said “we’ve stepped into a whole different level of the game. There is no comparison to the rooms we’ve just been in”. John said it proved a great idea was all about execution not budget. Neale said the room said experience and it was in a different league. The flooring was amazing. Neale said the artwork was stunning. Darren loved the warmth of the timber and the lights. Neale said it said modern luxury. John said it spoke to the market. All the judges like the custom gold leaf plant holder.  Bec was so wowed by the positive comments that she cried, saying even if they didn’t stay they’d achieved everything they wanted to. Which was just as well as sadly, they did end up going home.


Our pick to buy: Chunky knitt cushion from The Home Journal and Creativity is Limitless cushion from Created By Boys.

Matt & Kim

This pair really seemed to take the opportunity seriously too, making brave choices. I loved their paneling and elegant choices. The judges were wowed by the different aesthetic and approach. Neale thought it felt very romantic and elegant. He said the detailing was very special. Darren liked the timber floor on a diagonal. They said it was a room that would appeal to anyone with design savvy. Darren said it felt like a jewellery box to him and that when the newbies walked through these all-star apartments they would freak out! Darren said whoever went home, it was a big shame.


Our pick to buy: Limited edition photographs by Sarah Stockman.

Dee & Darren (winners by one point!)

Darren said the apartment was beautiful and he loved the grasscloth wallpaper. Neale said it was seamless, calm and relaxing and this was the room he felt like unpacking his bag in. Darren said it was the first bedhead he’d seen that he really wanted to sleep in. John said it was neither harsh contemporary nor classical and steered a nice road down the middle. Darren loved the dropped ceiling and the shadow line (Daz’s choice, which wasn’t popular with Dee!) and said they looked expensive. Less is more definitely won!


Our pick to buy: Boyd Blue grass weave wallpaperDome pendant lights by Mud Australia and photographic print by Chris Warnes from Otomys. 


I have to say I agreed with pretty much all of the judges’ comments this week. All three all-star couples did brilliantly. I was most surprised and impressed by Matt and Kim in a way, taking into account their attention to detail, effort and the huge difference to anything of theirs we have seen before. The paneling was fab and the lighting was perfect. Winners Dee and Darren had my favourite room but Bec and George’s was also great (that floor worked much better then I predicted).

[contextly_sidebar id=”LLyvoP3LOeooSBEuodjPlUTbe7JzgC62″]It seems pretty unfair that the newbies’ work had to be compared to the more experienced former contestants’ this week as they were never ever going to match up! I really didn’t vibe Tim and Anastasia’s room at all and the soft toy dog they left on the windowsill killed me (I don’t care if it was your neighbours’ kid’s! What were you thinking?!). A tacky toy on the windowsill of what is supposed to be a high-end apartment is never going to go unnoticed or go down well. I found the colour scheme a bit jarring and the styling uninspired. As the judges said, Josh and Charlotte’s room was a bit too much about the art, which I didn’t love, and I hated the opaque glass built-in doors. I still have high hopes for this pair though. And Ayden and Jess, my favourites at this point, did the best in my view. Their room looked less embarrassing compared to the all-star couples’ slick efforts. The floor was a bit wrong though.

And before I go, can I just say, once again, how disappointing and ridiculous I find the huge amounts of bitching on The Block Facebook page and elsewhere (Darren and Dee’s page too) about the result and the show supposedly being rigged. And people being massively over the top about winners being announced on social media before all states have had a chance to see the outcome? Calm down, people, it’s just a TV show! I personally couldn’t watch the show last night because I was having dinner with my in laws. So I recorded it and then deliberately stayed off Twitter and Facebook until after I’d watched it a few hours later (in order to write this post and for my own enjoyment). Had I accidentally found out before I watched, well do you know what? It’s really not that big of a deal. Sigh. I just wish people would put as much effort and passion into fighting some of life’s real injustices rather than spouting venom about a reality TV show and its contestants.

So, what did you think? I’m sure the all stars’ winner decision will be controversial being that Dee and Daz are a bit love ’em or hate ’em! And simply because all three couples made top efforts. Poor judges, that was hard! But that’s reality TV for you! Roll on this week!

House Tours The Block

Last night’s Block living room reveals

Last night’s was an altogether calmer episode of The Block and we got to the room reveal action quickly, which is always good! The poor remaining contestants were so worn out, they tried to get away with sitting down for judging but Scotty was having none of it! Luke and Ebony reckon they’d only had about six hours’ sleep in more than 50 hours. Ouch. Onto the judging…

Tim and Anastasia. Came 4th and stayed in by the skin of their teeth.


Shaynna Blaze, who was absent from last week’s judging, said it was beautiful, a knockout and an incredible start. Seriously, will the judges stop being so damn nice?! Neale Whitaker was wowed at what had been achieved in 48 hours and both judges said the attention to detail was great. Neale said we’d never seen anything like this in an elimination round and it felt really lovely.


There was criticism though: using a nest of occasional tables as the main coffee table, a wonky pelmet and no TV. The paper pendant light was a hit but Shaynna said there wasn’t enough lighting for the evening overall.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Kooper pedants.

Ayden and Jess. Came 2nd.


Cabinet maker Ayden took a risk making his own table in limited time but it paid off. Neale said the couple had a great sense of fun, a bit of edge and cool. Both judges thought the styling was simple and fun. The couch was a good size, the lighting choices were spot on and it had a Miami feeling. In fact, they struggled to find anything wrong.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Meridian console mirror (so handy!).

Aimee and Brooke came last and were sent home.


I really liked this ditsy pair last week, but this week found them a bit too cocky and didn’t like the snide comments they made about Ebony and Luke’s pink wall. Neale said their look was consistent with last week’s bedroom and he liked the couch and artwork. Shaynna had a good first impression but on closer inspection thought the furniture’s proportions were all wrong with the too-chunky entertainment unit and too-small lounge. I’d have to agree.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Solid oak round coffee table (similar to theirs).

Ebony and Luke. Came 3rd.


This brother and sister are growing on me all the time. They just seem like decent people who aren’t too full of themselves, even though they do seem to have a really good idea and more of a clue than some of the others. They came fourth last time so this was an improvement! Their calamine lotion pink wall was a risky move but personally I loved the overall look and how it worked with the Katie McKinnon art (which they also used in their bedroom).  Shaynna said it was a very dividing colour but they more than pulled it off. Neale added: “The return of pink. Wow.” There were tiny criticisms like a few drips of paint on the wall and the underneath of the pelmet being unfinished.

OUR PICK TO BUY: Katie McKinnon artwork (of course!).

Charlotte and Josh. Came 1st, second reveal in a row!


Again, another risk that paid off, these two decided to exposed their brick wall. Even though it was a weird mustard colour, they recovered from it by painting it white and still making a real impact. You know Neale really likes something when you see a big grin rather than his more usual half-smile and this is what we saw last night. “Wow. Unbelievable. Stunning,” he said. I think we knew they were going to win! Shaynna said it was a whole different look to the other rooms and  Neale agreed they’d taken a box of a room and given it soul, a “stroke of genius”. I didn’t like their artwork or the rug at an angle, which of course Shaynna couldn’t go past either!

OUR PICK TO BUY: Bone inlay coffee table.

So, what did you think? Love or hate the pink wall? Agree with the cousins going home? Who is your favourite couple at this early stage? 

The Block

What do we do about Block spoilers?

It’s very rare I encounter criticism on the internet, which makes a me a lot luckier than many bloggers. But what does happen, and it winds me up a bit I must admit, is people complaining about seeing Block “spoilers” on our social media accounts.

Earlier this month, for example, we published an interview with last series’ Glasshouse winners Shannon and Simon Vos. It seemed nice timing with the new series about to start. What I hadn’t even considered, being that they won back in October, was that I would get a whole host of sad faces and “thanks for ruining it for me” comments on Instagram when I shared the interview. These were from our New Zealand readers who are, incredibly, still only part-way though The Block Glasshouse. Sigh.  Is it really reasonable for an Australian blog to be expected to be careful about revealing the winner of a show more than three months ago?

I totally get that it would be annoying to find out early, but the comments, the real despair, anger and sad faces which people articulate is a little over the top. It’s just a TV show!

But maybe I am being unreasonable? What do you think?

I cannot tell you quite how much our readers love the The Block and our traffic goes through the roof when it’s on (which is excellent news for us bloggers!). So we really want to bring the fans all the latest news, opinions, interviews and any exclusives we might get, as quickly as we can.

I’m really happy we have readers from NZ and all over the world, but I do think it’s a bit much to hold off for a quarter of a year to ever mention who won the episode while another country catches up? Seeing spoilers on social media is just part of life these days isn’t it? And if you really don’t want to know, it is probably wise to unfollow media outlets who write about TV shows relevant to their genre in real-time?

We get the same with those in different states who have to wait an hour or two to watch what we’re watching here in New South Wales and I have more sympathy for that. This is why we will always endeavour to bear all the Australian timezones in mind before posting about winners of room reveals or series. But again, if you really care about not finding out, just stay off Facebook for an hour or two? It’s what my husband does if (God forbid) he has to miss a Formula One race and wants to watch it later without already knowing what happened. Because I can’t promise the rest of the social media-using world will be as careful as we will. Why should they? If you don’t want to know, isn’t it your responsibility to avoid the place where everyone is likely to be talking about something?

Or maybe all our social shares of Block posts should carry a #SPOILERALERT? Would that help perhaps?

I did find this article on CNET which explains how you can avoid social media spoilers if you use Google Chrome. I haven’t tried it myself but it might be worth checking out.

I don’t really understand how people get their knickers in such a twist about TV shows anyway. The sheer venom I see posted by viewers (and directed towards contestants and judges) on The Block Facebook Page never fails to shock me. If you don’t like it, just change channel!

Like this guy, for example, who sent me a private message on Facebook last week:

Screen Shot 2015-01-29 at 3.05.43 PMUm, it’s not advertising (that’s paid for), it’s writing about what my readers are interested in and I can pretty much write about whatever I like, thanks very much!

Love to hear your views below but please, no sad faces?!

House Tours The Block

The Block Glasshouse: Apartment six final reveals

Once again, I think the judges made the right call on picking Michael and Carlene’s laundry as the winner last night. The fact that a laundry is such a hard room to impress with made their gorgeous space even more worthy, don’t you think? And yes, Max and Karstan’s terrace was fabulous, but let’s be fair, they paid the experts to pull that off for them. While it’s not against the rules, there would have been some serious bad feeling if they’d won, right?!

Here’s that lovely laundry (and powder room) from Michael and Carlene. Pretty and practical:

The Block in Melbourne

(Read our tips on how to turn your laundry into a beautiful, multi-purpose hub)

The Block in Melbourne

Chris and Jenna’s living room: I didn’t like this one. Sorry guys! Too much TV, too much black, and I’m not a massive fan of yellow.

Apt 6 R2 CJ LivingDining EA 06

Dee and Darren’s kitchen: This was not a patch on the kitchen in their own apartment but still very nice. Couldn’t really knock anything about it but thought it lacked a bit of personality. Loved the timber pendants.

Apt 6 R2 DD Kitchen EA 11

Max and Karstan’s terrace: Gorgeous! And works so well with the inside I think. But, as mentioned before, the pair can’t take much credit for this one. Maybe we should be applauding their smart decision to outsource though?

The Block in Melbourne

Shannon and Simon’s terrace: LOVED the fire pit and thought this space really worked well in general. Nice and neutral with timber for warmth. A cosy space I’d love to curl up and have a drink in!

The Block in Melbourne

Buy what you loved from these rooms in The Block Shop.

Auctions on Sunday! Eeeek! Who do you think is going to win?!

Read all our Block coverage.


The design industry’s biggest names help turn the spotlight on bathroom furniture

Judging for this year’s Reece Bathroom Innovation Award (BIA) is an international and multi-disciplinary affair, with the impressive panel being the biggest in BIA history.


Tapping into the expertise of some of the industry’s leading furniture, product and interior designers, the panelists will unite in the search for Australia’s most innovative bathroom product designer. This year, the BIA has turned its focus to bathroom furniture, asking budding and established designers to reinvent the vanity unit.

The judging panel consists of:

Zahava Elenberg – designer and architect at Move-in

Roberto Palomba – global architect and designer

Justin Wagemakers – designer and two-time BIA winner at Blue Sky Design

Shaynna Blaze – interior designer at Blank Canvas Design and The Block

Wilhelmina McCarroll and Fleur Sibbel – design and managing directors at Zuster Furniture

Josep Congost – design manager at Roca

Suzie Dyson – general manager at Omvivo

Mark Tuckey – furniture designer and owner at Mark Tuckey.

BIA 2014 judges

Now in its ninth year, the BIA has firmly secured its place as one of Australia’s most respected product design competitions, encouraging innovative bathroom design on an international platform.

More information.

The Block

Alisa and Lysandra win the coveted kitchen reveal on last night’s Block

I don’t always agree with the judges, much as I like and respect all three of them, but last night I sure did. It would have been just wrong if the twins hadn’t won the kitchen room reveal. I thought their room was outstanding: brave, well thought out and expertly finished.

alisa lysandra kitchen 1

It scored points for both style and practicality with all the judges. If you didn’t watch the show, make sure you catch up this week, because the photos don’t really do it justice. I loved the sophisticated look and mix of textures.

alisa lysandra kitchen 2

As for the judges, they loved it. Shaynna said it was a chef’s kitchen and despite the fact the girls had been driving her mad with some of their rooms, they had really proven themselves this week. Darren was impressed with their foresight in putting the kitchen somewhere else entirely to the rest of the contestants and loved the void and ceiling height. Neale said it made sense of the whole space and he can’t wait to see what they do with their living and dining areas. He also said it was modern but not too trendy and would date well.

GET THEIR LOOK: Untitled landscape artwork by Sue Quinn | benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys Kitchens | Gus Stanley stools.

Kyal and Kara

kyal kara kitchen 1

I loved this kitchen too but really wish it had a table or some better options for sitting and eating. That said, it is hard to judge without seeing it in the context of the living and dining area. The judges loved the huge pantry and storage with timber doors. Neale said it was his favourite thing this week. Darren loved the glass over exposed brick splashback (so did I!) and said he had never seen it done before. Shaynna commented on the great use of texture but said it was lacking in colour and felt a little too masculine.

kyal kara kitchen 2

GET THEIR LOOK: Benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys Kitchens.

Chantelle and Steve

chantelle steve kitchen 2

I wasn’t crazy about this one. I’m not even sure why. There was a lot right with it and Chantelle and Steve certainly felt confident about their effort. It’s a little too industrial and quirky for me and I think it may polarise potential buyers.

The judges loved the lightbox-style poster art and Darren thought the island benchtop was great. Neale said it was a quirky and contemporary kitchen but Shaynna said it was too cluttered. Darren was also worried about how the lounge and dining areas will work with it but I guess that all remains to be seen!

chantelle steve kitchen 1

GET THIER LOOK: Manor Barn light shade | Saint Tropez stool | Custom orange juice art | Benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys Kitchens.

Brad and Dale

brad and dale kitchen 2

The judges really weren’t too keen on this kitchen but I thought it was great. I agreed with Neale about the LED lighting being a bit over the top but I certainly didn’t think it felt 90s, like he did. I loved that curved bench, the lights, the brick wall and the floor. The bar stools made me cringe but on the whole I really liked it. And that artwork! Wow!

brad and dale kitchen 1

The judges described the art as both epic and divine! Neale said the floor was breathtaking but the room as a whole was really dated. While he loved some things about it, he said it reminded him of the 1990s when ice white kitchens were in. Darren said it felt too much like a showroom. And Shaynna said it didn’t feel warm. Try as she might to see what it looked like without the blue LED lighting, she couldn’t find the right switch, and there were a LOT of switches! Personally, I think this kitchen needs a few tweaks, different lighting (love the pendants though) and new tools and it’ll be HOT.

There’s no doubt about it, if it was the twins’ turn to feel hard done by last week, it was the boys’ turn this week.

GET THEIR LOOK: Droplet pendant lights | Brussels stools (please don’t!) | Benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys kitchens.

Read all our other Block coverage.

Bathrooms The Block

Get the look: last night’s Block main bathroom reveals

I must admit I didn’t watch The Block room reveals last night as I’m “overseas” in New Zealand for a friend’s wedding. When I got these photos through, there was a clear favourite for me: Kyal and Kara. So I was delighted they not only won, but won with a perfect 30 out of 30 from the judges — the first this season. Well deserved! Here’s why…

Kyal and Kara

Kyal and Kara 3

Those tiles! And that tub! You all know I’m a bath over a shower girl any day so this one won me over. I also loved the added warmth from the timber (and the use of it across part of the ceiling) and thought the basin was perfect and elegant and the styling, just right.

Kyal and Kara 4

I love absolutely everything about this bathroom!

Kyl and Kara 2

BUY WHAT THEY USED: Clearwater Formoso feeestanding bath

GET THE LOOK WITH SIMILAR PRODUCTS: Todao Point Top concrete pendant | Milli Axon floor mounted bath outlet | Alape counter basin

Brad and Dale

I loved the tile choices in this room, and the use of timber. Seems this is becoming a trend this season. The lack of bath was disappointing of course, but the boys revealed they had plans for another bath elsewhere in the house. It sounds like this room got mixed reviews from the judges.

Brad Dale bathroom 1

I loved this useful little storage nook with the mosaic tiles. I really hate those hanging shower caddies so eliminating the need for them is a big win!

Brad and Dale mosaic

Another great basin but I find the assorted towels a bit too much and the large gold Uashama bag a bit random.

Brad and Dale 2

BUY WHAT THEY USED: Malmo wooden pendant | Reece Mizu Bliss extended basin mixer | Reece Mizu Drift overhead shower 300mm |

GET THE LOOK WITH SIMILAR PRODUCTS: Planet Luxe handwash | Ziporah Flamingo hand towel 

Alisa & Lysandra

The twins weren’t happy with their low scores so I’m definitely going to have to watch a rerun when I get back to Australia to what drama went down. Shaynna Blaze called it try-hard, Darren Palmer wasn’t keen on the moss feature and Neale said the room was uncomfortable, with Shaynna adding it was too harsh with too many straight lines and no curves.

Alisa Lysandra 1

I have to say the rectangular bath didn’t appeal to me and I didn’t like the moss either, but I thought a lot of the bathroom looked sleek and expensive.

Alisa Lysandra detail

Alisa Lysandra basin

And how good is that bath tap?

Alisa Lysandra bath

BUY WHAT THEY USED: A&L Collections set of towels | Milli Glance shower mixer | Milli Glance wall basin and mixer set | Kado Lux freestanding bath

GET THE LOOK WITH SIMILAR PRODUCTS: Cityforest Greenwall Pockets

Chantelle & Steve

The fans weren’t too impressed with their lower than expected judges’ scores this week either, especially as they got some great comments. Neale said their tiles were the most beautiful he’d ever seen on The Block and Darren said the planning was great.

Chantelle steve 3

Neale thought the tub though, was an old-fashioned choice and wasn’t crazy for the black sink.

Chantelle Steve 2

I’m just not quite sure about this room and whether I like it or not. I’ll reserve judgement until I can watch the episode myself.

Chantelle Steve 1

BUY WHAT THEY USED: Milli Axon Rove Hook | Milli Axon wall mounted soap dispenser | Milli Axon loop toilet roll holder | Milli Axon towel bar | Mizu Soaker bath


If you’d like to know where to get your hands on something not referenced above, please drop me a line in the comments and I’ll do my best to find out for you!


Bedrooms The Block

Get the look: Last night’s Block guest bedroom reveals

How impressive were last night’s guest bedroom reveals on The Block?! I actually really liked all the rooms and wouldn’t have liked to have had to pick the winner. But Kyal and Kara were the chosen couple and I did think their room was fantastic.

kyal and kara 3 guest bedroom the block

After slamming their water feature last week, the judges couldn’t believe they were seeing the same couple’s styling this week. Neale Whitaker said it felt clean and modern, in keeping with the loft environment and that the colour palette was perfectly restrained. Darren Palmer said the pair were at their best this week and that all the little things were done beautifully and that he was proud of their styling progress following his masterclass as they’d taken on board all his tips.

kyal and kara guest bedroom the block 1

Get Kyal and Kara’s look: From a Great Height limited edition artwork by Lindsay Blamey, $420 | Circa Home candles | Like Paper pendants lights from Dua collection

kyal and kara guest bedroom 2

I think my own favourite this week was Chantelle and Steve’s room. It was certainly a strong week for those fans! I loved their brave parquetry wall feature, as did the judges. Neale said it was incredible and Darren said the room had real style to it. Shaynna loved the storage and the way the Art Deco features had been brought up to date. Their only real negative was about the antlers, which Neale called clichéd. I have to agree. I’m a bit over antlers!

chantelle and steve 1

I love rooms which are more than just a white box when you remove the furniture, yet still clean looking enough to work with different kinds of furniture. On that front, I thought these couples, and Alisa and Lysandra with their exposed brick, really delivered.

chantelle and steve 2

Get Chantelle and Steve’s look: Navajo jute fringed cushion, $189 | faux stag head, $149 | large leather ottoman, $449 | Lumina large bell pendant, $129 | Lock Bunting rocking bird, $45.95 | Home Republic tripod white table from Adairs, $99.95.

Now onto my favourite twins, Alisa and Lysandra. I loved their room too, and the fact they experimented with colour this week. The girls had the most mixed judges’ comments of everyone. Neale really loved their new design direction and their light sconces, while Shaynna Blaze — who the girls say judge them the harshest — said the look was too ‘in your face’ and would alienate some buyers.

alisa lysandra guest bedroom the block 1

Darren loved the lighting and the look but pointed out the position of the artwork wasn’t practical for sitting up in bed. And what did you think of that artwork (Portrait of Amy Winehouse After Klimt by Sue Quinn)? I loved it.

alisa and lysandra guest bedroom the block 2

Get Lisa & Lysandra’s look: pair of stick sconces by Alisa & Lysandra Collections, $299, Bindi bright throw by Alisa & Lysandra Collections, $49.95.

Last but not least, Brad and Dale impressed the judges by being in touch with their feminine side this week, although Neale didn’t like the colour palette and found it too primary and clichéd. Shaynna loved the storage but said the colour was too dark and the hanging rail was impractically high. Darren said the look was soft and beautiful.

brand and dale 2

Get Brad and Dale’s look: Gatsby cushion in teal, $49.95 | Colourful Life artwork by Maurice Golotta, $300 | Splash floor cushion, $179 | Faux stag head in platinum, $149 | Aura yellow Chevron Grande linen.

brad and dale 2

Which was your favourite room? Was there anything you spotted not listed above which you’d like to know where to buy? Let me known in the comments and I’ll see if I can find out for you.

The Block

Shop their looks: the first Block bathroom reveals

Brad and Dale won by a long shot in last night’s first bathroom reveals on The Block and I thought they did a gorgeous job. Personally, I found it hard to choose a favourite between their work and Alisa and Lysandra’s. If you want to get the look of any of the four couples, read on.

The Block in Melbourne
Brad and Dale’s bathroom

The Block in Melbourne

Get Brad & Dale’s look