Art Interviews

Artist’s unique work: inspired by travel and starting as photography

It took artist Anastasia Parmson many years to realise that when it came to her life’s two greatest passions – art and travel – she could never choose just one. Born in Estonia, studying in France and now living in Australia, her upcoming body of work was created in none of these places, but rather, Fiji.


“In 2013, I tried settling down in my hometown of Tallinn (Estonia’s capital) to work on my art full-time,” explains Anastasia. “But after nine months of being in one place I became restless and miserable. I had to find a way to do both art and travel, so I embarked on a voyage to Fiji to create my first cohesive body of work that would be consciously informed by my travel experiences.”


Spending five months travelling and sailing around the tropical islands of Fiji, the encounters and experiences reimagined themselves into a series of drawings entitled Glimpses of Fiji, which will be launched online on 2 April. “A majority of the “glimpses” are portraits of local children from small villages all over the islands. It wasn’t an intentional choice, I just really enjoyed photographing them because they were always so curious and happy to see foreigners and they absolutely love posing for the camera. In hindsight, I think it’s a great way to tell a story about Fiji and the South Pacific region because the earnest expression in a child’s eyes is so disarming, it strips us of any prejudice and political bias, leaving only empathy and a feeling of true human connection.”


While Anastasia’s artworks begin as photographs, the final pieces are far from it. “I bring my camera wherever I go to capture my adventures and to gather material for future drawings. Then, once I’ve taken all my photos, I select one and use it as a template. I start by tracing the black outlines with the help of a graphic tablet and stylus. I create the drawing in several layers, separating people, buildings and backgrounds. Then I add the colors, picking them from the photograph or by intuition.”


The end product is then printed using archival quality ink on acid-free paper and face-mounted onto a sheet of acrylic glass with a hidden aluminum hanging system, creating a stunning, frameless, glossy artwork. The artworks are unique and contemporary, a style Anastasia discovered in a contemporary art lecture at university. “During high school we had only been taught boring art history, nothing less than a century old. Then at university I discovered that there was a whole big world of contemporary art out there, created by living artists! With breathtaking clarity I knew then and there that I wanted to be part of that.”


Since then, Anastasia hasn’t looked back, holding exhibitions in France, Estonia and Tasmania, as well as having one of her travel sketchbooks in the permanent collection of the Brooklyn Art Gallery. Creating art that aims to inspire others to take the time to live their own adventures, you can keep up with her art and travel via her website.


Original and affordable art from Temple & Webster

If you love original, high quality and affordable art (and really who doesn’t?!) you’ll love Temple & Webster’s Australian Art Series, launched this week.

Emily Besser

Responding to the ever-growing demands, Temple & Webster have pulled together a program of limited time sale events featuring works from a diverse range of Australian artists. With the first sale launched earlier this week, featuring Sydney-based painter Emily Besser, the likes of Belynda Henry, Lisa Madigan and Lindsay Blamey will follow suit in the coming months.

Emily Besser interiors addict

With the sale events featuring a carefully curated blend of mediums including original paintings, limited edition prints, photography and assemblages, all art will be offered at a range of price points.

Emily Besser interiors addict 1

Accompanying each sale will be a unique insight into each artist’s story, the development of their work, their inspiration, their technique and how they bring their works to life, all told through Temple & Webster’s blog.

Shop online.

Competitions Styling

The winner of February 7 Vignettes with OZ Design Furniture

Congratulations to this month’s overall winner Lauren Storey, as chosen by our sponsor and guest judge OZ Design Furniture! You win a $500 voucher and we can see why.

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Group marketing manager Iarni Harvey says: “Congratulations to the February 7 Vignettes overall winner. We selected Lauren as her daily vignettes were styled to perfection with a fresh take on each day’s theme. Here at OZ Design Furniture, we have throughly enjoyed reviewing all the creative entries and sponsoring such a fabulous initiative.”

Lauren's entry for 'living'
Lauren’s entry for ‘living’

Our seven daily winners, who each get $100 vouchers were:








All well worth a follow!

Lauren's entry for 'neutral'
Lauren’s entry for ‘neutral’

Keep in the loop with all that is happening at OZ Design Furniture at or on Instagram.

Want to be first to know about next month’s themes? Make sure you sign up to our newsletter (and get our free eBook as a bonus!).

Interiors Addict

The winner of 7 Vignettes October with Resident GP

I don’t normally post on a Saturday but you can’t have something as important as the winner of 7 Vignettes just sitting there in your inbox over the weekend, right?! I’m delighted to announce that that person, as picked by this month’s sponsor and guest judge, is @_fridays_child_ Well done, Anne from WA!

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Gabi from Resident GP Homewares, said: “I thought her vignettes were really well thought out, beautifully presented, consistent and loved the interpretation of all the themes.”

Here are my favourites from Anne’s week:


Anne wins a $250 voucher to spend at Resident GP Homewares. Please contact us with your details to claim your prize. Happy weekend, everyone!

Competitions Styling

7 Vignettes October with Resident GP Homewares

Hooray! 7 Vignettes starts a week today and we have a great sponsor and guest judge on board in the form of stylish new online store, Resident GP Homewares. You could win a $200 voucher to spend with them. The hardest thing will be deciding what to spend it on! I’ve shared a few of my favourites.

resident gp 3

Resident GP is run by young Melbourne couple Gabi and Pawel. It’s fuelled by their love of design and craftsmanship and wanting to share their discoveries with anyone who is intrigued by unique and special goods for the home. Pawel is an engineer who has a high regard for all things practical and functional. Gabi studied architecture and has worked within the furniture and homewares industry for many years. She’s not so practical and tends to get carried away with the creative side of things!

“The name Resident GP was established as a union of our desire to help resolve your home décor and styling ailments along with the brains and brawn (Pawel’s also good at lifting boxes) behind this adventure,” Gabi says.

Here are the themes for next week, based on the sections of Resident GP’s online store. They’re a little broader than usual but very much open to interpretation. Will this make your task easier or harder, I wonder?!

We’d love you to save this to your desktop/phone and share it with your networks!

Please make sure you tag all your entries with #7vignettes and tag myself @interiorsaddict and Gabi @residentgp_homewares

Newbies, please read all about how to take part in our monthly Instagram challenge here and if you have any questions, please pop them in the comments below and we’ll get back to you!

Interiors Addict

7 Vignettes September with Mr Jason Grant

Goodness me, in my jet lagged haze this week, I almost forgot that 7 Vignettes starts on Monday and I hadn’t announced the themes yet! Apologies to all of you who like lots of time to get prepared! Here are the themes, chosen by stylist Jason Grant, in celebration of his second book, Holiday at Home. Jason will also be the guest judge next week and the winner gets a signed copy of his book.

7v sept

Please tag @interiorsaddict and @mr_jason_grant and use the hashtag #7vignettes, as usual. New people, feel free to ask questions in the comments below. Please do share the themes above with all your social networks!

Holiday at Home, out in September, published by Hardie Grant
Holiday at Home, out in September, published by Hardie Grant

Sydneysiders are very welcome to join us at the new West Elm in Chatswood Chase tomorrow (Saturday), from 12 noon until 2pm, where I’ll be doing a Q&A with Jason and he’ll be signing copies of the book. See you there!

Photography by Lauren Bamford.

Designers Interviews The Block

Interview: Darren Palmer on his new book, Easy Luxury

Darren Palmer’s first book is out on Monday. I got my hands on a preview copy of Easy Luxury and let me tell you, I am seriously impressed. I asked Darren about the story and inspiration behind the book and how on earth he managed to juggle writing it with being a judge on The Block, a dad and an interior designer! Keeping it real as ever, he reveals how he lost it when he got his hands on the first copy, how some of his best ideas came to him in the shower and how his hectic diary looks a little like a game of Tetris…


The title seems a good place to start. Does luxury have to mean expensive? “No way! It has nothing to do with spending a lot of money. Luxury to me is about having something that fits me perfectly — something that suits me better than anything else would because it’s been created in response to my particular needs and desires,” he says. “The other luxuries for me are choice and time. Time with family, time to unwind and time to see new and inspiring things. Money does buy you more choices but you need to understand how to filter those choices so that the things you choose work for you.”

Jennifer Hawkins' home, from Easy Luxury
Jennifer Hawkins’ home, from Easy Luxury

Darren has spent the last couple of years contributing to magazines like GQ and Grand Designs Australia and words have always come quite easily to him. “I started to feel like I had a good tone and something of worth to say. As my experience has grown, so too has my desire to share some of my knowledge. I started checking with publishers early last year and was grateful to have Murdoch pick up the book.”

I believe he has achieved his desire to write a comprehensive book that demystifies the design process, explaining things in easy terms that everyone can understand, while also sharing some advanced ideas and concepts. “I don’t use jargon or over-complicate things and there is no single correct answer given to design and decoration challenges in the book. I wanted to deliver foundations and fundamentals to anyone who would like to understand why good design is good, so they can create beautiful and functional spaces for themselves, to suit their own lives and families.”


Understanding these principles can help everyone have the luxury of good design. “When you understand the principles behind great design, you can interpret how it can fit and assist you in the creation of your perfect home. Living in a beautiful space has an effect on your mental and physical wellbeing, and your sense of prosperity increases when you consider your own home as a prosperous space. It’s not based on how much you spend, it’s based on how considered and appropriate and consistent your result it. How well it suits you and what the finished result looks like is the focus and Easy Luxury gives as much straightforward information as I could contain in one book.”


Darren, who has big plans to renovate his own Sydney home if he ever gets the time, says the book came easily as he was simply talking from experience. “The words weren’t always there, and they don’t always come in the most convenient places. I had bursts of creativity in the shower, on the plane or sitting at home with my laptop on my lap with no other distractions. But I also found when I’d earmarked time to write I didn’t have much to say! It’s a funny thing but it was very enjoyable writing the book. I probably rewrote it four times in the process, changing the structure and organising things in response to conversations with Murdoch and the brilliant editorial team working with me. But proudly, every word in the book is my own and I loved almost every minute of producing it.”

When it came to getting his hands on the first hard copy from his manager, he was way too excited to play it cool: “I was beside myself. I was trying to keep a lid on it but pretty much had to leave and take it to my car and just let the excitement out. It’s an amazing feeling. I immediately called a few people who would get my excitement but not one of them answered! So I was sat in my car on my own looking like a kid in a candy store. Must’ve been quite some sight!”

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Being as busy as he is calls for some serious organisation and Darren’s diary is colour-coded and separated into different calendars. “I tend to just organise and slot in time for everything like a Tetris game. The diary looks like a Rubik’s Cube from day to day with so many things layered on top of each other but it works and I’m really grateful to be working on what I love.”

So, after a couple of crazy years and impressive success, what’s next for Mr Palmer? “You called it years ago. I recall you mentioning in our first interview you thought I was the next big thing! (Well yes, and I was right! Jen). I don’t feel that’s the case but it is a really amazing place to be, to have a lot of the things that I’d always desired and been working really hard towards finally come to fruition. It’s funny though as the more I work and the more things I’m able to tick off the list, the more things get added to that list. It’s harder to stop and celebrate those victories as the next thing is underway and takes a lot of energy and focus but it’s a really brilliant place to be.


“There’s so many wonderful opportunities that are in front of me and I’m truly grateful for all of the things that have so far come to pass. It’s more important for me now to spend time with the people I love and prioritise the most important as well as beneficial things in my life. I’m learning I can’t do everything so I need to choose wisely and keep my feet on the ground. My family won’t ever let it be any other way though so I’m a very lucky man.”

All photography of Darren’s work shot by Felix Forest, from the book Easy Luxury, published by Murdoch. Available in all good book stores from Monday 1 September.

I’ll be writing a proper review of Easy Luxury when I’ve had more of a chance to read it.

Covet my coffee table Designers House Tours

Covet my coffee table: with interior designer Diane Bergeron

Diane Bergeron is a renowned interior designer based in Melbourne and founder of the new Mercer School of Interior Design. Today, she shares the contents of her eBay find coffee table with us!


“I have a huge assortment of books because I love to have my inspiration at my fingertips,” Diane says. “One of my most cherished books is the special edition of Windows at Bergdorf Goodman because it’s aspirational and it chronicles the amazing work of one of my oldest friends, David Hoey.

“My coffee table is covered in books of my favourite photographers and artists such as Slim Aarons, Alex Katz and Elizabeth Peyton. I took the names for my Arthur G furniture line from inspirational women and that’s how the Peyton sofa got its name.


“The coffee table itself was one of my happiest finds on eBay. We had to get it delivered from Sydney but it was worth it. The ceramic impression of Roy Lichtenstein’s Girl with Hair Ribbon was handmade by my daughter Coco. I found both the vintage brass ram’s head bust on a lucite plinth and the gorgeous marble obelisks at antique stores while I was still living in America but you can find like items at Graham Geddes for those shopping locally.

Diane Bergeron

“I’m obsessed with my natural and gold agate coasters ($125) from Jonathan Adler because they add a unique touch and texture to the whole setting. The decorative gold bone inlay box is another one-off from America but you can find like items at Safade in Melbourne.

Find out more about the Mercer School of Interior Design and its courses.

See all our previous featured coffee tables.

Competitions Styling

The winner of August 2014 7 Vignettes

Oh my giddy aunt, what a week! More gorgeousness than you could shake a stick at! And it was all the more overwhelming because I was in Berlin with the most pitiful wifi for four days (think standing on one leg in the corner of a bedroom that wasn’t mine at the right time of day and I might get lucky enough to refresh my Instagram feed)! When I got back to London, I caught up on the visual feast and seeing it all there in one place made me realise just how talented and amazing you all are!

Bronwpaperlemon: Vintage
Bronwpaperlemon: Vintage

Anyway, there must be a winner, and this month Chantal Brady, social media manager for Williams Sonoma Australia, did the honours. Hand on heart, I would have chosen exactly the same person this time around: brownpaperlemon. Nikki wins the $300 West Elm voucher. Aren’t these images just stunning? They’re so beautiful they make me feel a bit emotional!

Brownpaperlemon: craft
Brownpaperlemon: Unique

Chantal said: “This collection of vignettes really stood out for me because of the way it captured movement. Each vignette appears as if it’s been caught in motion – just beautiful!”

Brownpaperlemon: craft
Brownpaperlemon: Craft

West Elm sponsored this month’s challenge to celebrate the upcoming opening of their second Sydney store in Chatswood Chase. They were generous enough to also offer two $100 vouchers for runners-up and those lucky people are madebyciel (“I loved the simplicity of these vignettes and the confident use of negative space.”) and sarahjanehenry (“At West Elm, we’re all suckers for furry friends, so these vignettes definitely caught my attention – not just the cute face but the consistency in tone and texture across each photo.”).

Brownpaperlemon: Organic
Brownpaperlemon: Organic
Brownpaperlemon: Collector
Brownpaperlemon: Collector
Brownpaperlemon: Nurture
Brownpaperlemon: Nurture

Well done everyone! Winners should contact us with their mailing address to claim their vouchers.

Interviews Styling

One to watch: stylist Adam Powell

From working as a circus artist and stunt performer to an account manager at an advertising agency, Adam Powell has had a very diverse career. Yet it was only after enrolling in a BA in Design Styling and Creative Direction at The Whitehouse Institute of Design, that he finally found his calling: styling. And thank goodness he did because here at Interiors Addict, we believe he is a talent to watch!

Photo credit: Maya Vidulich

“I had left the course hungry to sink my teeth into working in the interiors world,” explains Adam. “So when Chris Deal and Jessica Bellef, who were two of my teachers at The Whitehouse, offered me some assisting work with them at a new company that had just started called Temple & Webster, I jumped on it. Three years on, the brand is Australia’s largest online homewares retailer and I am lucky to have a regular gig there as their senior stylist.”

Temple & Webster, Easter Dining. Photo credit: Denise Braki
Temple & Webster, Easter Dining. Photo credit: Denise Braki

Working there two days a week, Adam spends the rest of his days freelancing, undertaking a mix of advertising and editorial work for brands such as Real Living, Inside Out and Freedom, a process he finds both challenging and rewarding. “It’s a hard slog being a freelancer and after three years I am only just getting into a good routine with my finances and erratic work schedule. I do love being a freelancer; I love the variety of work and exposure to working with lots of different and talented people who I am constantly learning from.”

Temple & Webster. Photo credit: Denise Braki
Temple & Webster. Photo credit: Denise Braki

While his assisting days are now over (as well as assisting for Temple & Webster he was lucky enough to be taken under the wing of both Jason Grant and Sarah Ellison), Adam is quick to dismiss the rumour that being a senior stylist is glamorous. Aren’t all stylists?!

“The biggest misconception about styling is that it’s a glamorous job. Yes we get to play with beautiful things most days but it’s tough work. A typical shoot day will often start with an early morning trip to the flower market or bakery to pick up consumables, then there is the running around doing pick ups, making furniture, painting walls, building sets, getting the perfect shot, tweaking the perfect shot to make it just right, dismantling furniture, repackaging furniture, doing returns, typing up crediting information and then heading home to work on creative concepts for other jobs.”

Real Living Magazine, June 2014. Photo credit: Nick Scott
Real Living Magazine, June 2014. Photo credit: Nick Scott

But all that tiring work aside, Adam loves his job, his favourite aspect being the ability to tell stories through images, loving that he can pull together products, lighting, paints, colours and props to visually portray a story. It’s something he has always been drawn to, having been a huge collector of props, even from his early childhood. “As a boy, it was all about frogs! My room was a tropical jungle and at the peak of the obsession I had over 500 ornamental frogs,” he admits. “These days, the collecting still happens but on a much smaller scale. Shells, feathers, sea urchins, vintage fishing floats and small clocks all make up my studio space and act as an easy prop department when pulling things together for a shoot.”

A corner of my sunroom/ studio in Bondi. Photography Maya Vidulich
Adam’s studio. Photo credit: Maya Vidulich

While it is no doubt a challenging industry to get into, Adam is proof that it is possible, that if you’re not afraid to put yourself out there, experiment and even work for free, you can turn your dream into reality. “What I’d say to budding stylists is try anything and everything. From here it will be a process of elimination in discovering what you love and what you don’t like doing. Work for free — we have all done it before — it shows you are hungry and enthusiastic.”

Temple & Webster. Photo credit: Natalie Hunfalvay
Temple & Webster. Photo credit: Natalie Hunfalvay

Having followed his own advice and been a fully fledged stylist for the last three years, Adam has achieved countless milestones and undertaken many amazing projects. But his biggest styling triumph is something much more modest: “I guess my biggest milestone would be that turning point when my styling went from a hobby to a career that I could make a living from. It’s something that makes me smile often; the realisation of finding that passion.”

Follow Adam on Instagram.


Otomys Arthouse’s first Sydney exhibition

Otomys claim to have taken the concept of gallery art to the next level, aiming to bridge the gap between quality archival gallery art and high-end homeware retail. Co-directors Megan Dicks and Nikki Finch have overseen the steady growth of the business over four years with offices in Melbourne, Singapore, Malaysia and Sydney. They’re developing strong relationships with Sydney interior designers and decorators such as Darren Palmer and Hare & Klein.

grounded insitu

Otomys’ art is of a museum standard; exceptional in quality, colour and composition. “Our vision is to see quality art in homes and work spaces — art which offers longevity and adds a stylish depth to a room, giving it a refined finish.” The benefit of the online art gallery is that it offers a personal service. Otomys’ Sydney art consultant, Renate Drysdale, is able to assist with frame and artwork size selection to compliment and enhance your interior space.

Otomys is currently holding its first exhibition in Sydney, featuring the work of Melbourne based artist, ballerina, printmaker and photographer, Sophia Szilagyi, at CULT’s showroom in Chippendale from now until 30 August.


To find out more about Otomys or Sophia’s fine art photographic works and exhibition at CULT, contact Renate at [email protected] or visit



Interiors Addict

7 Vignettes August with West Elm starts a week today

Just one week today, it will be time for another round of our fun Instagram styling challenge 7 Vignettes and this month, West Elm are on board to celebrate the upcoming opening of their new Chatswood Chase store in Sydney. As a north-of-the-bridge girl, I’m pretty excited about this! Here are the themes for those of you who like to get prepared in advance! This round, the winner gets a $300 West Elm voucher to be spent in store or online.

august 7 vignettes

Our guest judge is Williams Sonoma Australia’s social media manager, Chantal Brady. Make sure you tag her @westelmaus and us @interiorsaddict and use the hashtag #7vignettes. All the basics on how to take part can be found here.

In other exciting news, we are so close to reaching 40,000 images shared on the hastag that I’m confident it could happen this round. Exciting!

Read all about 7 Vignettes on the West Elm blog, Front and Main. Shop West Elm online.

Art Homewares

Affordable, unique artworks from New Henry Design

After a diverse life filled with varied jobs, study, creative ventures and motherhood, Brisbane-based Jade Goulding has finally found her calling: New Henry Design. Primarily offering a range of artwork and photography prints from her online shop, Jade also offers artwork commissions, interior design services and product styling.

Big Heart Context

“New Henry is an outlet where my ideas and ability to create connect with people who desire and appreciate beautiful and interesting spaces,” explains Jade. “My artworks have evolved over time to become an eclectic mix of styles. Whatever is taking my fancy at the time is what I experiment with, from ink, watercolour and acrylic, to photography, digital and graphic design.”

With three collections featured in her online shop, my favourite has to be the Bowerbird Vintage Style Collection, an artwork series which had been an idea of Jade’s for quite some time. “I have this collection of encyclopaedias that I have wanted to do something with, plus ink paintings, plus some graphic design, plus finding files and images that I love. It just all come together to create this lovely tangible culmination of ideas that have been rattling around in my heart for a while.”

Jade photo

Scandi Lounge w Circles
Circle Series

The Word Series is a highlight for Jade: “Words are powerful, and if you have something stated on your wall, it will influence mood and atmosphere and relationships.”

Word Series

Jade also stages homes for sale as well as doing product styling. “I really enjoy styling because I love putting stuff together to create beautiful scenes, functional spaces, and visual harmony. I also love to help people find their own style and organise their lives better to make sure their space is comfortable and inspiring. It’s my dream job, and I just want to work on things all the time!”

Shop online.

Competitions Styling

The winner of 7 Vignettes July 2014

I am never (I repeat never) judging 7 Vignettes again. It is too hard and I get too emotionally involved! I want everyone to win. Well, not everyone, but several very worthy participants! Trying to pick a winner this week has been making me so anxious and it’s time to rip off the bandaid. The winner is…

Angela Steyn (@angelasteynandco). Some might find it easy to look past the subtlety of Angela’s pics, but it’s their softness and simplicity which appeals to me, month after month, but especially this month.

Angela's entry for Canada

Canada was not an easy theme but I loved Angela’s entry (above).

This is a woman who knows how to make things — any things — look good. Great, in fact. There’s often some lovely personal stories behind her images too. Like her Grandma’s lipstick (top) and this entry for the ‘home’ theme.

For me, these pictures are the perfect compromise between styled and real. Effortlessly. Or so it appears!

Angela's entry for coffee
Angela’s entry for coffee

There’s no runner-up prize this month, but I have to give notable mentions to…





… because you ladies made it so hard to pick! There were more I loved, but I have to stop somewhere right?!

Go follow these creative types if you know what’s good for you!

I really loved judging, hard as it was when it came to the choosing part. It was even more special because it was my birthday week and I self indulgently made the themes all about the things I love, like lipstick, coffee and bathtime. Why not, eh?! It was so fun looking through the feed and I felt like you were all celebrating with me. Talk about feel good factor!

On the subject of the warm and fuzzies, I must say again just how heartwarming it is, when looking through the pictures, to see all your supportive, encouraging, kind (and sometimes downright funny) comments on each other’s efforts. This lovely, positive community, doesn’t get old and it doesn’t lose its sparkle; if anything, it gets better with age! I am so grateful that this little monthly Instagram challenge still brings so much joy. Thank you to Shani (aka @rarepearstudio) for blogging about it this month. If you blog about your 7 Vignettes experience, please send me the link so I don’t miss it!

I would say that it is really helpful when everyone puts their week’s efforts together in collage format when it comes to judging. I looked at everyone’s entries, whether they did or not, but I’d suggest you all do to give yourself the best chance of standing out to the guest judges.

Until next month (when we are likely to hit 40k images on the hashtag!),



Transform your Facebook and Instagram snaps into unique and personal artworks

I’m arguably too obsessed with my pets, so when I got the opportunity to review PosterCandy, which takes your Facebook, Instagram and hard drive snaps and turns them into prints, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to create a montage of my cats and dog. I’m not crazy, I promise!

PosterCandy interiors bedroom

The final result is beautiful and with PosterCandy’s easy to use website, affordable pricing and poster sizes that are designed to fit frames readily available at IKEA (that’s where I got mine from) and photography and discount stores, it is the perfect low-cost option for creating unique, personal art.

poster candy
Olivia’s creation

Coming in portrait, landscape or square sizes, you can create anything from a small poster with six images to a huge A0 size poster with up to 368 photos! PosterCandy also makes single prints, a perfect way to create a beautiful keepsake for a loved one far away or as an imaginative invite.

PosterCandy Interiors Fireplace

The website though, is what makes the experience so easy, with the application uploading your chosen images direct from your device or social media sites. The simple drag and drop system allows easy placement where you want, or you can jumble or randomise. You can even add text, crop images or save projects to return to at a later date.

Once you’ve finished your artwork, the PosterCandy team will take care of the rest, using the highest quality production materials and printing processes, before the poster is shipped  to your doorstep.

In this digital age, treasured photos more often than not never come off your device, and in fact before receiving this poster I can’t remember the last time I held my photos in my hands! But with prices starting from 65 cents for single image prints or $15 for a poster, PosterCandy is making the switch to hard copy easy.

Shop Online.

Designers Styling The Block

VIDEO: What The Block’s Darren Palmer thinks of 7 Vignettes

We asked The Block judge and interior designer Darren Palmer what he thinks of our monthly Instagram styling challenge 7 Vignettes. Watch what he had to say in this short video…

If you’ve been thinking about getting on board and joining in the fun, find out more here.

Love The Block? Read all our Block posts here.

Interiors Addict

How to get your interior project featured in magazines like Belle and Real Living

It’s every designer and stylist’s dream: seeing one of your jobs showcased on the pages of a glossy magazine. But trying to achieve it can often feel like hitting your head against a brick wall. I asked the editors of Real Living and Belle – two magazines with very different aesthetics – for their top tips on how to give yourself the best chance of being featured.

Real Living's Deb Bibby
Real Living’s Deb Bibby

Funnily enough, their advice wasn’t that different. Deb Bibby, editor in chief of Real Living, said: “It’s not hard at all if you pitch the right story for the right demographic. Sometimes, for example, the style of photography isn’t suitable for Real Living but sadly the home is perfect. Or it might not be styled the way we like to reflect a home. So your team is crucial and each magazine is different.”

Interiors Addict

10 things I learned from planning our wedding

1. A wedding planner or on-the-day co-ordinator can be a lifesaver! We used the lovely Katie Moore from Piccadilly Events. I was all over every detail of our wedding. I had spreadsheets and lists; LOTS of lists. So I wasn’t sure I really needed someone to help on the day (as well as my many generous friends who got stuck in) because I thought I’d already organised everything. Wrong! When there’s a wedding there is ALWAYS something else that needs doing! Katie was our wedding angel. So many guests commented on how fabulous she was.

That's Katie behind the flowers!
That’s Katie behind the flowers!

As well as the million things she probably did that I knew nothing about, she took the flowers from the church to the reception, made sure everyone knew where they should be and when and made sure my dad had a torch to read his speech with (he was seriously nervous that his eyesight was going to let him down, although I was of course oblivious!). When I arrived at the church, she produced a small tin of M&Ms, offered them to me and said: “Sugar hit?” Brilliant! Katie came to our rehearsal too so she knew the plan for the day as well as I did (we merged our respective run sheets!) and who all the key players were. I thoroughly recommend having someone like Katie as a go-to girl on the day. I told everyone that if they had any issues at all they should go and speak to the girl in the yellow dress (yes, she even told me what she’d be wearing in advance).

And she did all of this IN HEELS.

2. While we’re on the subject of extra pairs of hands, the next thing I learned (after a while) is that it’s okay to ask for help.