Expert Tips Homewares RENO ADDICT

Interiors Addict reno: choosing carpet

Sponsored by CarpetCall

In our new house, we decided we would in fact like carpet in our bedrooms. While we are long time fans of hard flooring and had an oak-look floating floor through our last home, there’s just something about stepping out of bed in the morning onto lovely soft carpet! We always slightly regretted not having the bedrooms carpeted last time, so this time we did it, and the playroom too (did I mention we have a playroom? BEST EVER!).

Our playroom. Of course it isn’t usually this tidy but rest assured I will never STYLE this room for you because it’s meant to be fun and practical and somewhere to shut the door on the mess, so it doesn’t need to look good to grown ups!

The playroom was previously cork floor! When was the last time you saw that, eh?! And while it is probably the perfect flooring for kids to play (and spill) on, it doesn’t exactly look beautiful!

So with a toddler in mind, we obviously wanted a carpet that was super forgiving and stain resistant. But it had to look and feel nice too.

We chose the Lasting Impressions carpet in Cloud (a mid grey) and we’re really happy with it. Everyone who has been to visit has commented on it too. It feels lovely when you step out of bed onto it, Seb just loves lying on it playing cars and any spills or sticky marks in the playroom have been very easily removed. In fact, this has probably made me a little too relaxed about what food I let him wander in there with!

A representative from CarpetCall came out to see us and measure up with a boot full of samples (this is a free service) and I thought I’d share a few things I learnt about choosing carpet:

  • It sounds simple but you need to select carpet in the rooms where it will be laid. You can’t do this in store or online. It’s a bit like the rule about getting a tester pot before you commit to painting a whole room (oh, I’ve made this mistake now and I’ll be blogging about it soon!). That’s why it’s great if the carpet store comes out to you. Lighting and your interior colour scheme and style will all impact how the carpet looks in your home which could be completely different to how it looks in the showroom.
  • Before this step, you can start to get an idea of what’s available by using an online tool like CarpetCall’s Room Visualiser. This may help you choose samples you’d like to see in your home.
  • There’s a lot of lingo involved with carpets! They’re manufactured in different ways to give different looks and feels. The main types are level loop pile, multi-level loop pile, cut pile (the most commonly used in Australian homes), tip sheared pile, cut and loop and Axminster and Winton Wool (the latter being the creme de la creme of the carpet world).
  • You have two main choices of material: wool or synthetic (or a combo of the two). Wool is more expensive, many would say looks and feels better and of course it’s a natural material. It does shed though, and it’s not as forgiving as a synthetic carpet. I’ve owned a large cream rug so I know. And yeah, won’t be doing that again with a toddler…
  • Synthetic (nylon/polypropolene) carpets are water-resistant, stain-resistant and durable. Some say nylon carpets can look just as good as wool.
  • Using a good quality vacuum cleaner with the correct attachment designed for carpet will make a different to how your flooring looks and lasts.
  • You should have your carpet steam cleaned no less than once every two years (CarpetCall recommend using professionals rather than DIY-ing).

Book your free in-home measure and quote with CarpetCall today.


20 things I learned from my first bathroom reno

I recently shared the pictures of our beautiful finished bathroom and WC with you. And while we’re delighted with it, you know I like to keep things real, and we all know that renos are rarely smooth-running and stress-free! So while there were some hiccups behind the scenes, I thought sharing what we learned from these might be useful information for anyone about to embark on their first reno too. So, read on for my top learnings from the experience, warts and all!


  • There is SO MUCH involved in a bathroom reno. From the amount of decisions to make (starting with who will do the work and ending with things like grout colour and whether or not you want a robe hook!). It is totally overwhelming. And by their very nature, bathrooms are pretty permanent so you want to get it right. Don’t rush anything!
  • The more planning you can do the better (see above!) to help you finalise your style, the practicalities and your fixtures and fittings. Plan, plan and plan some more to minimise the chances of things going wrong. Use Pinterest, rip things you like out of magazines, make lists, whatever works for you. The more you get down on paper, the better. Make sure you look carefully at any 3D renders or builders’ drawings you’re provided with where you can see it all come together in a more finalised way. Don’t be afraid to ask for changes (and more changes) to get what you want.
  • Get everything in writing. Make sure you have a contract, a scope of work, a cost, your builder’s licence details, every decision/change you make, all in black and white. This not only saves confusion but covers you if something goes wrong. Likewise, at the end, make sure you get the all-important waterproofing certificate and a certificate of completion (your statutory guarantee period starts from the date of this).
  • No matter how much you love interiors, you need expert advice with a bathroom. Listen to your trades, engage an interior designer (or be lucky enough to have them as friends!) and be open to their advice because they know what they’re talking about. I’m an interiors blogger, not an interior designer, and I know it, so I was always asking for a second opinion from someone who really knew their stuff.
  • Don’t choose fixtures and fittings online without seeing them in real life. We nearly did this with taps. When we saw them in the store, we changed our mind. If you’re getting a bath tub, actually get in it at a showroom to make sure it is big/comfortable enough. Things like the angle to lie back and read against are important!
  • Not all trades are created equally. Make sure you get three quotes (I think we got five!). Ask your friends for recommendations, use online services like HiPages and make sure you check licences. The company we went with were extremely professional in terms of the paperwork and managing our expectations which was important to us. Likewise, when you see a plumber spend hours making the plumbing fit in your tiny WC vanity you will have a new found respect for what they do. Seriously, it’s a work of art in there!
  • If, like us, you haven’t done a reno before and you don’t know any trades, it is a great idea to find a company who can manage the entire job for you. We wouldn’t have known where to start and I’m sure I would have had a nervous breakdown had we not gone down this route.
  • Try not to be too trend-driven. While there’s always something new and exciting out there, remember bathrooms are with you for years! I looked at so many great tiles, but when I kept coming back to to the white subway tile and marble penny round combo I’ve loved for years, I knew there was a reason for that. And I’m not sure I wouldn’t use the same tiles in my next bathroom too! The same goes for furniture; if you love something for years, you won’t regret investing in it.
  • Renos rarely finish on time. We were quoted four or five weeks and ours took eight. And even then there were a few outstanding things. Everyone (and their wife!) will say things to you like “Four weeks?! Really?!” and “We did in ours in three days and did it all ourselves,” and “But why does it take so long?!” and it wears really, really thin! Every reno is different but what they all involve, if done properly, is a lot of different tradespeople and processes, some of which need literally days of time (like waterproofing). Add to this the fact that everyone else’s jobs are also running over time and you’ll find the chances of your plumber, waterproofer and tiler all lining up perfectly are seriously unlikely, no matter how good the planning or project management.
  • You may well have to move out. We did, for four weeks, then lived through the last four weeks with a half-finished bathroom and WC. Be realistic about this from the outset. Can you live with your in-laws? Can you afford to rent an AirBnB? Even if you have a second bathroom, if you have small children, is it practical and safe for you to continue to live in your home during the reno (I work from home so the answer is no, definitely not during the noisy bit!).
  • You need to consider your neighbours. Renos are really noisy, messy things. There’s no getting around it. But you can’t never renovate because you’re worried about annoying the neighbours. It’s just one of those things. What you can do is make sure you, and your trades, are as considerate as possible. We put a note through every mailbox in our apartment building informing people when the renos were starting, when they were expected to end and a contact number to call if they had any concerns. You then need to make sure your trades (and there will likely be contractors involved so you might want to leave this information printed out in your home) know any building rules, where they can and can’t park, etc, etc.
  • In addition to the above, if you live in a strata building, like us, you will likely need to get a bylaw before you can commence work. Effectively, this means asking permission from the owners’ corporation. It is really just a piece of paper, but you have to have it. If you don’t, you could get in a lot of trouble, especially if, for example, your trades damage common property or, for example, there’s a leak into the apartment below you. You’ll need a strata lawyer and it costs around $1,000. Make sure you leave enough time for this to go through strata; I’d advise at least two months before you intend to start work.
  • Bathrooms renos are not pretty in the between stages, they’re actually quite brutal! As a total neat freak, I hated looking at our bathroom during demolition stage. Stripped back to bare brick, you soon realise there’s no going back and think: “God, I hope these guys know how to put it all back together again!”
  • Make sure what you ordered for your bathroom is actually delivered. Open boxes, check, check and check again. We learned this the hard way. Our bath arrived without a waste, we ordered one of our taps wrong and we didn’t realise our rain shower wouldn’t come with an arm to attach it to the ceiling. These were all small mistakes which led to delays. They all add up.
  • Think practically, not just about what will look nice. I wish, for example, we had not centred our bathroom basin. This would have given a large space to one side for hair straightener, hand soap etc, rather then two smaller benchtop spaces either side.


  •  Make sure you consider the basin/vanity relationship. We slipped up twice here. Firstly, we left it to the last minute (because we were busy with other things and it seemed like it was a simple job) to source our WC basin and it proved to be pretty stressful because hardly any basins were small enough to fit it! We love the extra storage we have in the WC vanity (12 toilet rolls and counting, Toilet Duck and air freshener, compared to no storage at all before!) but finding the right basin? A nightmare! The one we got in the end is beautiful but let’s just say I wasn’t planning on having a $700 tiny basin in a room which is pretty much just a toilet! And did I mention we ordered the wrong tap so it wasn’t tall enough? Gah! Amateurs! When it came to the main bathroom vanity (also custom timber from Ingrain Designs), when it came to installing the original countertop basin it would have meant cutting so big a hole out of the top it would have damaged the integrity of this beautiful (and expensive) piece of furniture. Was it worth the risk? No way! So off we went (last minute again) to source a more suitable basin. Sigh.


  • There are some things you just can’t plan until the very end, like exactly where to put your towel hook. But that’s okay!
  • Sometimes you have to compromise on your dream bathroom as a sensible financial decision for the longer term. In our case, we knew we planned to sell our apartment in the next year, so I couldn’t have the brass tapware I wanted. I love our bathroom, don’t get me wrong, but I would have made some less safe choices if this was our forever home. And I don’t regret it. Bathrooms are expensive things and if they’re going to help you sell your home for the best price, you have to be smart about it.
  • Styling will make all the difference. A plant, great towels (a new bathroom demands brand new towels!), fancy soap (even my husband invested in new American Crew body wash, shampoo and conditioner!) and the odd brass crab (in my case) are the things which finish it all off nicely; the icing on the cake!
  • Communication is everything. With your trades, or whoever is managing your project. The fact that I could pick up the phone and speak to one really helpful and articulate person, kept me sane and calm (ok, most of the time!). It’s also smart, and just good life advice, to be friendly and respectful to your trades.
  • It will all be worth it in the end. Even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time!

I know I’ll feel a lot more confident going into our next bathroom reno thanks to taking on board all the learnings from this experience.

–Our bathroom and WC were renovated by Integriti Bathrooms. Their MD, Andrew Stenos, regularly shares his bathroom advice on our sister site Reno Addict. You can see the finished rooms here.

Covet my coffee table House Tours Styling

Covet My Coffee Table: Interiors Addict’s Amy Collins-Walker

Photography by Penny Lane

Meet Amy Collins-Walker, Interiors Addict features writer, interior stylist and mum of two. This week we’re bringing back Covet My Coffee Table with a look inside her Perth home.


That’s a cool statement coffee table! Why did you pick it, where did you buy it, how long have you had it? I bought the coffee table almost four years ago from Empire Homewares. It’s made from a tree root and no two are ever the same. It’s a special piece and I love its organic aesthetic. There’s even a piece of limestone wedged between a couple of the branches — I’m a big fan of bringing the outdoors in. I also love a design statement and it certainly ticks that box.



How important do you think a coffee table is as a piece of furniture? As furniture items go, the coffee table is pretty integral. Aside from its obvious functionality it can really tie a space together and act as the hero piece in the room. I would always favour a statement coffee table for that reason.

How much difference to your room do you think styling your coffee table can make? Styling up your coffee table can make a huge difference to your lounge room. Aside from the design aspect, coffee table styling is a great way to reveal your passions and interests. It’s also a space that can be ever-changing, depending on what you’re into at any given time.


Why do you have what you have on your table and do you change it up often? I always have a large vase with a bunch of blooms or even just some green foliage. The yellow bird is from my favourite shop in the Blue Mountains, Inner Space, and it used to have a stand until my toddler broke it! It now rests on a copper jug given to me by a dear friend. The metallic gold and white jar is from that shop too — I love a metallic splash and particularly as a contrast to the natural wood of the coffee table. The heart is a piece of Mexican folk art — it’s hand-carved and covered in good luck charms. The books are a random selection of some of my favourites in the design, art and photography spheres. I used to change up my coffee table a bit more regularly but mostly now I change the vase and blooms as, with two small children, my free time is minimal.


So, do the children influence what’s on your coffee table? Having two small children certainly does influence what I place on my coffee table. Ironically, I could never leave a coffee there! Most of the items are unbreakable but if they aren’t, they’re too heavy to move like a large vase. Obviously I’ve had some casualties though — the bird for one!


As a stylist, what are your top tips for our readers on how to style their coffee table if they don’t know where to start? Firstly, the things on your coffee table should always have meaning; they should be things you love and enjoy. Second, I think fresh flowers or foliage are a must and that can be as simple as some greenery plucked from your garden. You don’t need to spend a lot of money. You should also make sure to include pieces of varying height and texture too — both key to any styled vignette!


You can find out more about Amy, or engage her to help you style your home (in person or online) via her website or follow her on Instagram.


Foodie Friday: Chocolate and orange olive oil cake

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Photography by Jacqui Turk

What’s your go-to chocolate cake recipe? Food fanatic Charlotte Ree stopped by the Williams-Sonoma cooking school to share hers. It’s made with super-lush ingredients like Dutch cocoa powder, hazelnut meal, extra virgin olive oil and orange zest for a hint of citrus. Word of warning: you’ll never want to make any other cake EVER again! Whip one up for a special occasion, or enjoy a slice as a decadent afternoon treat.

Charlotte Ree

Serves: 8 to 10 | Prep time: 20 minutes | Cooking time: 45 minutes



  • 50gm Dutch cocoa powder + extra, to serve
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 150gm hazelnut meal (or almond meal)
  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 orange, finely zested + extra, to serve
  • Pinch of salt
  • 150ml extra-virgin olive oil
  • 200gm caster sugar
  • 3 large free-range eggs
  • Crème fraiche or mascarpone, to serve


1. Preheat oven to 170°C (150°C fan-forced). Grease a 20cm springform pan, such as the Williams-Sonoma GoldtouchŽ Springform Pan, with olive oil and line the base with baking paper.

2. Sift cocoa powder into a bowl and whisk in 125ml (1/2 cup) boiling water until smooth. Whisk in the vanilla extract and set aside to cool slightly.

3. In a separate bowl, combine the hazelnut meal, bicarbonate of soda, orange zest and salt.

4. Place the olive oil, sugar and eggs in a large bowl and beat with an electric hand blender on high for 3 minutes or until mixture is pale and resembles thickened cream.

5. Reduce the speed to medium-low and pour in the cocoa mixture, beating continuously. Once combined, add the hazelnut mixture and stir gently with a spatula.

6. Pour batter into prepared tin and bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until sides are set but centre still looks slightly damp.

7. Cool cake in tin for 10 minutes on a wire rack, such as the commercial-quality Williams-Sonoma GoldtouchÂŽ Nonstick Cooling Rack, then remove cake from tin and set aside to cool.

8. To serve, dust with cocoa powder and sprinkle over extra orange zest. Serve with crème fraiche or mascarpone.

– Recipe by Charlotte Ree for Williams-Sonoma (@charlottereepr). If you’d like to brush up on your kitchen skills, head to the Williams-Sonoma Sydney Cooking School to learn the tricks of the trade. 


Interiors Addict

The winner of 7 Vignettes August with Pottery Barn

This month’s very deserving winner is @_fridays_child_ for her very chic series of images! She wins the beautiful bar car from our sponsor, Pottery Barn. I know I’m jealous!

By @_fridays_child_
By @_fridays_child_

Chantal Jesson, social media manager for Williams-Sonoma Australia, said: “Fast, fun and furious, the scope of shots that came through from this month’s #7vignettes were original and bang on trend. We loved playing along.

“Like Oliver Twist, we kept coming back for more from @_fridays_child – we’re hooked on her artfully curated flatlays, visually rich and we loved her natural riff off the daily themes.”

By @_fridays_child_
By @_fridays_child_

The overall runner up is @mozsas, who wins a $50 Pottery Barn giftcard.

By @mozsas
By @mozsas
The Tristan bar cart
The Tristan bar cart

If you’d like to get your hands on the Tristan bar cart, you can see more online or in store at Pottery Barn. A huge thanks to them for the great themes and prizes this month.

See you next month!

Winners should contact us with their mailing address and telephone number to claim their prizes.

Interiors Addict

Discover the latest in bathroom trends & tips at our event

Would you like to learn about the latest in bathroom trends and the realities of renovation, meet The Living Room’s James Treble and head home with a gift bag, all for free?! Of course you would. Then join us at our next reader event with Integriti Bathrooms at Di Lorenzo’s Willoughby showroom in Sydney.

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I’ll be hosting a chat with some of Sydney’s best bathroom experts from Integriti, Di Lorenzo and Candana, not to mention James who, as an interior designer and regular at international design fairs, is at the forefront of everything that’s fresh and new. We’d love you to join us for a glass of wine or two and refreshments for a fun and informative evening on Thursday 18 August from 6.30 to 8pm.

James Treble
Our special guest James Treble
Di Lorenzo’s Willoughby showroom

It’s also a great chance to see the latest in Di Lorenzo’s beautiful market-leading range and meet fellow interiors addicts.

pietre 3 8

Bathroom 1 949
A recent Integriti Bathrooms project

Places are limited so sign up now to get on the guest list. I hope to meet you there!

When: Thursday 18 August 2016, 6.30-8pm

Where: Di Lorenzo, 65 Penshurst Street, Willoughby (parking at rear), NSW 2068.

Find more information on Integriti Bathrooms.


Foodie Friday: Roasted pears with honey and yoghurt

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This dessert recipe from Williams-Sonoma celebrates winter in a way that’s not too decadent. It’s just right. In season now, pears roasted and served with toasted almonds and a dollop of tart Greek-style yoghurt make a great finish for this weekend’s dinner party. Fresh bay leaves lend aromas of pine and white pepper, adding an exciting twist to this simple dessert. If you’re stuck, dried bay leaves will work too.

Roasted Pears with Honey and Yoghurt


  • 3 ripe-but-firm pears
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 3 tbsp unsalted butter, cut into 6 pieces
  • 2 tbsp amaretto
  • 1½ cups Greek-style plain yoghurt
  • 1/3 cup sliced almonds, toasted


Preheat an oven to 190°C. Halve the pears lengthwise. Cut out the stems and scoop out the cores.

In a deep, wide saute pan over medium-high heat, combine the honey and bay leaves and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to medium and continue to simmer, stirring occasionally, until the honey is fragrant and turns a rich amber colour, about 3 minutes. Remove from the heat.

Place the butter pieces in the pan, spacing them evenly. Using tongs, place a pear half, cut side down, on top of each piece of butter. Cover the pan, transfer to the oven and cook for 10 minutes, then gently turn the pears over and baste with the honey mixture. Drizzle the pears with the amaretto. Return the pan, uncovered, to the oven and continue to cook until the pears are golden brown and tender, 6 to 8 minutes. Remove from the oven and let the pears cool slightly in the honey mixture, about 30 minutes.

In a bowl, whisk the yoghurt until smooth. Place the pear halves in bowls, top with the yoghurt and sprinkle with the almonds. Drizzle some of the honey syrup over the pears and serve. Serves 6.

–Adapted from Williams-Sonoma’s Dessert of the Day, by Kim Laidlaw (Weldon Owen, 2013).

Read all our recipes.

Bedrooms Competitions Styling

My bedroom makeover + win a $1,000 west elm voucher for yours!

Sponsored by west elm


We recently bought our first home in Sydney and have been slowly but surely adding our touches to it. The biggest job is a full bathroom reno and we’ve just locked that down so you can follow its progress in the new few months! Onto less involved projects, and I was keen to make the most of our beautiful master bedroom. It’s spacious and light-filled with two windows, and is definitely the largest bedroom Damian and I have ever had.


When we moved from our last place, I got ruthless at chucking out what I didn’t need or love. Bed, drawers and desk aside, it was a pretty blank canvas in the bedroom. We had it painted (Resene’s Black White) before we moved in, and installed new floors (natural oak laminate from Darren Palmer’s Provincial Lane range for Carpet Court) and it was just crying out for those extra layers of warmth, texture, colour and interest. I couldn’t think of a store I’d rather team up with to transform it than west elm as I pretty much love everything they do, so when they asked me, I leapt at the chance to work with them to turn my bedroom into a grown-up sanctuary (and the one place we try and keep the baby’s toys out of)! I’ve also recently moved a secretaire desk into the bedroom and when our part-time nanny starts, I plan on sometimes hiding in there to work!


Their Design Services stylist, Brendan Nash, asked me what sort of look I was after before providing a mood board. I immediately loved almost everything on it, so after making a few tweaks, I left it all in his capable hands until makeover day! It was so exciting to have a professional style my bedroom; what a treat!

Regular readers will know my favourite colour is navy, which is convenient for a couple’s room because it’s nice and unisex! I also love gold accents and have them throughout our home, from my sofa legs to cabinet handles, accessories and so on. I wanted the room to feel calm and cosy, conducive to both relaxing and sleeping and focusing to write at my desk.


I think you’ll agree, he nailed it! I absolutely love our new room and have found myself going to bed early a lot because I’m so keen to hang out in there! I also swear my bed is more confortable thanks to its new linen, although I’m not sure if this is in my head or the reality?! I’m also a definite convert to the top sheet, something I have never seen the point of having before with a doona! With winter drawing in, it was the perfect time to transform this space into a warm and inviting boudoir!


I love the layered rug look (something I wouldn’t have been brave enough to try myself) and while I don’t think I’d have picked the bedsides myself, they’re a surprise hit! I love the texture and warmth added by the reclaimed timber, but the white lacquer is modern and light and easily wipe clean. I love the roomy drawer to hide away all those essentials, and the space underneath for books and mags.

It was a real luxury to have my bed made to look like one out of a magazine spread and I watched Brendan and his colleague Naomi Young carefully, making mental notes. I absolutely love the feel and laid back luxe look of linen but had never thought of choosing it in navy before, always playing it safe with white. I really love the colour injection in this room. Cleverly, the only touches of pink are in the one cushion and the flowers, so if I want to change the pink to a different accent colour down the track it’ll be really easy (and let’s face it, everything goes with navy!).

If you have a little bedroom envy (and frankly, I couldn’t blame you!), then listen up, because west elm are giving you the chance to win a $1,000 voucher to spend on goodies for your own home. Simply enter using the form below by midnight Sydney time on 25 May 2016.

west elm stylist Brendan Nash and I
west elm stylist Brendan Nash and I


SHOP items from west elm: Reclaimed wood and lacquer bedside tables | Traced diamond kilim rug (layered on existing west elm jute rug) | Small pillar table lamps in antique brass | Telescoping floor lamp | Mongolian lamb cushion cover in Rosette | Belgian flax linen cushion cover in Midnight | Belgian flax linen quilt cover and pillowcases | Striped Belgian flax linen Euro pillowcases | Belgian flax linen border stripe sheet set | Belgian flax linen quilted coverlet | Cotton tassel throw in Ivory | Gallery frames in polished brass | Gallery frames in black | Glass hexagon shadow boxes | Woven tray | Metal framed round wall mirror in antique brass | Graphic printed basket | Basketweave ceramic vases | Faceted metal vase | Scissor spindle dining chair (at desk) | Glass decal scented candle tumbler.

All I want to change now is the blinds, but I can’t decide whether to go for curtains or blinds or to splash out on plantation shutters! What do you think?

Everything else pictured is my own. Please ask in the comments if you’d like to know where something is from!

Did you know west elm offer a free design service, in your local store, your home or via phone?

Full competition terms and conditions. Entry form below.

[gravityform id=”26″ title=”false” description=”false”]

Photography by Jacqui Turk



Hear Jen speak at the 2016 Home & Giving Fair in Sydney

Taking place this weekend, the Home & Giving Fair is the ideal trade event for retail buyers, store owners, interior designers, stylists and event planners.

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With over 350 exhibitors across the gift, home, fashion, jewellery, kitchen, outdoor and stationery categories, it promises to be an exciting event filled with the latest and greatest in interiors.

“As the only industry led gift and home trade event in Australia, retail buyers can expect the best buying environment possible to source new season ranges,” says Wayne Castle, CEO of the Australian Gift & Homewares Association, the company running the event.

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Popular in past years, visitors can expect to see the Design Life Sydney exhibition and the Fair Trade Zone where retail buyers can source handmade and artisan items from across the globe.

Plus, our very own Jen Bishop will be imparting her expertise with two sessions in the Retail Seminar Series tomorrow (Saturday) and Monday. Other presenters include stylist Megan Morton, Di Swinbourn of COLOURDOT and the Sydney Design School and Marketing Funnel Specialist Grace Lever.

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From PR to e-commerce, business growth funding, visual merchandising, trends, marketing, styling and customer service, the sessions are a great offering for small to medium businesses.

A trade only event, the Home & Giving Fair runs from tomorrow until Tuesday at Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park. You do not need a ticket for the seminar series. Click here for more.

Bedrooms Kids Rooms

Interiors Addict’s Lauren Ellis shares her beautiful nursery

Lauren Ellis, our fabulous Interiors Addict TV presenter, is eagerly awaiting the arrival of her first child later this month. In this post, she shares the nursery she has lovingly designed for him. 

lauren ellis nursery portrait

Designing a nursery for my first child, a baby boy I’m yet to meet, was always going to be the most magical and rewarding challenge. With each kick and every brush stroke, I thought of him sleeping in his cot or playing with the elephants that now adorn his room.


I’m a huge craft and DIY fan (my first ‘job’ was designing and selling gift cards to local businesses) so from the outset I knew the nursery would be full of homemade pieces. It also features pops of navy, my favourite colour, which being a minimalist I’ve paired with grey, tan and white.

The starting point for the nursery was the large inbuilt bookcase, which I lined with cardboard, covered in striking navy and grey material. It’s the first section of the room the eye is drawn to along with the sloped, high ceiling and window. I also considered painting the back of the bookcase or lining it with wallpaper but loved how easily the cardboard cutouts could be removed as my little boy grows and his room evolves.


On each shelf – along with white Ikea boxes with DIY tan leather handles – are books and trinkets that all have a story to tell. Most are gifts from family and friends (it’s incredible how generous people are when you’re pregnant) along with my husband’s and my first teddy bears, Peter Rabbit plates and a vase from our wedding.

The chest of draws on the opposite side of the nursery (a hand-me-down from my mother-in-law) was in desperate need of a makeover. I painted the timber drawers white, lined the inside with wallpaper and made the DIY leather handles with a touch of gold, to match the boxes in the bookcase. Above, Ikea wall hooks are spray-painted navy to balance the colour scheme. The cloud coat hangers (so adorable!) are from Talo Interiors, while the wall hanging is another DIY addition.



Given the room’s unusual shape, I knew the cot and rocking chair had to take centre stage. I fell in love with the white, Scandinavian cot with its rounded corners as soon as I saw it. The grey rocking chair and linen is from Adairs, the navy throw rugs from Pottery Barn Kids and my mum found the gorgeous giraffe in a little boutique store close to home.


The first items I purchased for the room were the stunning giraffe, elephant and zebra prints from The Animal Print shop, displayed above the change table. I found the prints on Instagram and had my eye on them long before I fell pregnant. To dress up the picture frames I sprayed little brackets gold and super glued them to each corner. The bunting is made from Christmas baubles, re-threaded with thin, gold rope.


To complete the room I added a white rug (which we already owned) to soften the timber floors. On its own, the cotton rug wasn’t quite enough so to balance the look I made a grey cloud to place in the corner.

Styling my little boy’s nursery has been a labor of love that’s brought me so much joy. I hope my son, who is due in two weeks’ time, loves the room as much as his mum. Now all it needs is him.


Thanks so much for sharing, Lauren. We wish you all the very best for your baby’s safe delivery and cannot not mention how gorgeous you look! Jen

Art Expert Tips Styling

Confetti Fair presents DIY Workshop Extravaganza

Whether you’re entertaining a bunch of raucous five year olds or a group of high tea-loving ladies, DIY Workshop Extravaganza will unlock the trade secrets to partying like a professional.


With 102 workshops in 19 hours being held at Legs on the Wall Studios, Lilyfield, Sydney (6 & 7 February) and Melbourne Showgrounds (5 & 6 March), take your pick from:

Styling With The Block 2015 winner Shay

Chalk Art Signage With graffiti artist Simon (Ashdown & Bee)

Creative Cupcakes Whip up a batch of breakfast cupcakes that look like bacon and eggs on toast with Katherine Sabbath

PiĂąatas Unleash your piĂąata-making skills with Fiona from Craft Hunter

Floral Backdrops With Cheryl from Rosehip Flowers

Professional Event Planning With industry guru Nicole from Penny Lane Studio

Raw Sweets Make your own mouth-watering (and healthy!) sweets with Aurora from Love


Drawing Fondant With Alisha from Sweet Bakes

Instagram Brand Take your Instagram feed to another level with Instagram star Wendy from Wedded Wonderland

Dessert Tables Style the ultimate kids party dessert table with Lina from Sweet Bambini

Magazine-Worthy Photography With Leanne from Sweet Style

Upcoming Styling Trends THE masterclass for 2016 trends with Oak & Linden


This workshop fiesta is presented by Confetti Fair founder Claire Cassey, a graphic designer, event manager and publisher all rolled into one.


Get your dose of DIY madness by booking online. Well worth the $50 if you ask me.


Interiors and exteriors glimmer at Brasshouse development

The rippling effect of Brasshouse’s new exteriors, integrated beautifully with its interior finishes, brings a grand industrial sheen to blue-chip Hawthorn East.


Sun-stroked metal ribbons designed by award-winning architecture and interiors firm Rothelowman form the outer shell of the new $12 million development. “There’s something timeless about brass, which is ideal for these homes because we’re designing contemporary living spaces in a very well established location,” said interior design associate Alicia Lynch.


The aesthetic of the brass ribbons that wrap around the entire building is continued throughout each apartment, with the kitchen splashbacks featuring fine brass trim and geometric bathrooms finished with warm brass tapware.

A unique feature of the development is the inclusion of furniture (desk, bench and television table) created by Rothelowman, which showcase the same brass trim and ceramic stone top to match the rest of the building design.


“Throughout the entire building there is a sense of seamless connection and a lustre which will create an address of distinction,” said Rothelowman senior designer Joshua Amsellem.

The project, at 771 Toorak Road Hawthorn East, is being sold through CBRE real estate agents and is a product of K7 Developments.

Appliances Bedrooms Designers Homewares

In a world of mass manufacture, Oh Mabel linen is a rarity

Sarah Power gives literal meaning to the term “personal touch”, with all pillowcases, cushions and throws in her brand Oh Mabel’s limited edition collection handmade by her! Very few Australian linen brands can say as much these days!


“I create Oh Mabel products to be used as a backdrop to the moments and memories that make up family life. All too often products are bought and discarded without a thought to how they were created for the time, effort and sacrifices that went into making them. I believe people are seeking a connection with items in their homes, and I hope to create that for families with my stories and my products,” says Sarah.


All designs are created from Sarah’s heritage-listed homestead in the bush heartland of Canberra. The Cowper Street quilted doona cover is named after the street her Nan lives on and is inspired by a cushion that has been in the living room since her earliest childhood memories.


The Oh Mabel range is all 100% organic cotton, made by certified organic producers using sustainable practices and employing workers under fair trade agreements, and includes sheets, pillowcases, and quilted doona covers, as well as the handmade linen range.

Shop online.

Designers Furniture Homewares

Sydney say HAY to your new Danish designer furniture retailer

Opening on 19 December in the heart of Surry Hills, the new HAY store will boast 250 square metres of contemporary furniture design spread over two floors.


HAY was founded in Denmark in 2002 with the ambition to create contemporary design, innovative technology and quality materials in combination with clean and straightforward aesthetics.


Much like its flagship store in Copenhagen, HAY Sydney will also include a permanent installation of the HAY Mini Market concept on ground floor, offering a wide selection of accessories, from lighting and textiles to stationery and glassware.

Interiors Addict

Our first Interiors Addict Christmas Gift Guide is here!

We’re very excited to share our very first Christmas Gift Guide! Did you know there’s only 26 days until Christmas? What do I mean only?! That’s nearly four whole weeks!


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If you’d prefer to view it online, magazine style, click here instead.


If, like me, you’ve barely started your gift-buying, relax! Come and have a browse through our guide for some inspiration. See anything you like, click on it, and you can buy it online and wait for it to arrive a few days later. This is shopping for the time poor! While I love a good old festive browse of the ‘real’ shops at this time of year, I know you don’t all have the time or the inclination.

We hope you love our guide. Feel free to buy yourself a pressie while you’re at it. “One for them, one for me. One for them, one for me…”


Art Designers Homewares

The Makers’ Nest – the newest market in Sydney

For all us Sydneysiders missing out on the Melbourne markets – fear not! The Makers’ Nest is Sydney’s freshest locally made design market.


The new kid on the block brings you a carefully selected line-up of local, independent artisans making contemporary fashion, jewellery, homewares, art, and illustration.


Discover unique pieces for Christmas, made by local skilled craftspeople passionate about what they create, and who love the art of making. This free event is on Saturday 28 November 2015 at Thrive360 above the beautiful Grounds Cafe in Alexandria.

Check out the boutique artisan line-up here.

Art Designers Furniture

Chairity Project: 20 creatives, 20 charities and 20 chairs

The second ever Cult Chairity Project (no, that’s not a typo) sees a bunch of talented Aussie and Kiwi artists reinvent an iconic chair design. Each artist is given complete freedom to reinvent the chair which is exhibited and auctioned off to a charity of the artist’s own choice.

Adam Goodrum

This year the chair in question is Arne Jacobsen’s Series 7, and the 2015 event ties in neatly with the 60th anniversary of the iconic chair.

Christopher Boots

Building on the success of last year’s event, Cult has added to the list of artists from a cross section of industrial design, architecture and art, as well as floral and jewellery design. Included in the list are local talents such as Dinosaur Designs, Akira Isogawa and David Trubridge.

Fiona Lynch

The project will be shown off nationwide via guided tours, starting in Sydney this week, then making its way down to Melbourne (12-14 November) and finishing off in Brisbane (19-21 November).

The online auction is live and closes 22 November.

Designers Dining Homewares

Handmade tableware by Gourmet Traveller and Robert Gordon

With this unpredictable spring weather leaving you wondering whether outdoor lunches are a go ahead, why not invite some friends over and enjoy some afternoon tea with Australian Gourmet Traveller’s new tableware collection?


Designed in collaboration with Robert Gordon, the 8-piece collection is handmade in Australia by one of the last remaining production potteries and includes creamers, cake stands, platters and plates.

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The pieces feature a unique lace-patterned embossing and display a unique matte finish, bleeding out in parts to make way for contrasting high-gloss highlights. Colours include vanilla, shortbread (taste buds are tingling), charcoal and sage.

GT French Cakes 01_0835_LR

“I believe the range will really resonate with our readers’ passion for entertaining; they can virtually recreate the pages of Gourmet Traveller on their dining table,” said editor Anthea Loucas.

The range is available exclusively at Domayne, with pieces starting from $30.